Case 1

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DUO 1: women 16-18 heavy users Castle

1. Introduction (5’/5’)

2. Fundamental understanding of the experience of eating salty and tasty

snacks (10’/15’)

2.1. Eliciting emotions around salty and tasty snacks

First thing that comes to mind are chips; mainly chips

Makes me feel like eating some
Lots of ads on TV
On the couch, in front of the TV
When I go to the cinema, there’s always crisps

2.2. Cultural meaning of salty and tasty snacks

 What are salty and tasty snacks?

Everything you can nibble on

Crisps, chips, nuts, there’s not really one name

I think of the exotic ones, with herbs, really spicy ones

There are some wholewheat crisps too; wholegrain, less calories

I think of the Castle brand

I love it when they have a lot of taste; then it is really fun

 When does it happen that we eat this snack?

Depends on what’s in the cupboard

Sometimes I accompany my mum to the store and then I get to choose, but most of the time
I just eat what’s there

 Where do we eat salty and tasty snacks?

Mostly in the evening; which is really bad; in front of the TV

During weekends; parties, like family gatherings
Friday, Saturday, Sunday, mainly in the evening; in front of the TV, when I’m reading a book

 Which brands do we know?

Supermarket brands

I like exotic and pringles because they have a lot of seasoning

Most of the time I eat the same, but once in a while we try something new

I love Castle in general, and the Crunchy Carnivale ones

I’m always open to try something new

 How do people look at salty and tasty snacks here in our country?

It’s not nutritious
I link it to obesitas, too much fat; very typical for our society; and then there is the beauty

What are positive elements of nuts and crisps?

They’re for veggies

And negative elements?

You never have enough
They make you fat
No nutritional value at all

 How is it different from other snacks that we eat?

They’re so good…
A cookie is more like an afternoon snack; crisps and nuts are more for in the evening; in front
of the TV
After a hard day, I can really crave for them

3. Exploration of the meaning and relevance of the different brands: Castle,

Crunchy, Fiesta, Kiwi, Croky and PL brands (25’/40’)


 What can we tell him about this brand?

Castle, good quality
Known by most people
More expensive, but worth it; better taste, more variety; more new things

 What are its attractive aspects? Less attractive aspects?

Very taste, Castle, good seasoning, good quality

 Did we ever try this brand?

 When did we eat these varieties?

After a heavy week I can really look forward to it; like when i’m babysitting, watching a good

 What can we say about the packaging?

You can see they’ve paid attention to it; more beautiful and more solid; they won’t just tear
open like PL sometimes do
It tells you the crisps will be good

 Which image do we have of the brand? And of the products offered by the brand?

I think it is a hugely popular brand

For A-brands only:

 And in what respect is this brand different/similar from PL brands?

 What mood, atmosphere does it evoke to us?

 What kind of people like this brand?

Regular people, like us
Perhaps more a woman (they eat more chips)
Age, anything from 12 to 45
Works during the day, crawls up on the couch in the evening to relax


 What can we tell him about this brand?

It can be nice, but i don’t find them well-baked enough
I do like the paprika variant

Mainly for parties; with a jar of sauce

Or those little baggies to take along

Typical triangle shape

 What are its attractive aspects? Less attractive aspects?

- Not always well-baked

Sometimes lacking flavor (eg the original variant)
- natuur weinig smaak

 Did we ever try this brand?

 When did we eat these varieties?

 Parties
 Outing; when on a trip for the day
 Cinema

 What can we say about the packaging?

Sturdy, good quality

 Which image do we have of the brand? And of the products offered by the brand?

Must be eaten with a dip sauce

Also in the cinema they have this; with cheese or peppers

For A-brands only:

 And in what respect is this brand different/similar from PL brands?

 What mood, atmosphere does it evoke to us?

 What kind of people like this brand?

For people who like to dip

People who love spicy things, more men
Could be a teenager but also an adult
A bit more macho

 What kind of people do not like this brand?

People who don’t like spicy things


 What can we tell him about this brand?

They have some basic products, and the Carnivale ones

Also fries like things and all

 What are its attractive aspects? Less attractive aspects?

A lot of variety
I just love the Carnivale

 Did we ever try this brand?

 When did we eat these varieties?

In front of the TV

 What can we say about the packaging?

 Which image do we have of the brand? And of the products offered by the brand?
Not so sure
I just think of crisps when you hear Crunchy

For A-brands only:

 And in what respect is this brand different/similar from PL brands?

 What mood, atmosphere does it evoke to us?

 What kind of people like this brand?

The same ones who love Castle

But Castle is better known
For kids and adults, but I’m not sure really; don’t have a very specific image

 What kind of people do not like this brand?


 What can we tell him about this brand?

All nuts
You get those anywhere, parties, in restaurants
Most of the time when you are in group, not so much alone like crisps
You can’t eat as much from them

 What are its attractive aspects? Less attractive aspects?

THey are small; easier to stop eating from
I like to combine crisps and nuts; all Castle; and a great taste

 Did we ever try this brand?

 When did we eat these varieties?

For A-brands only:

 And in what respect is this brand different/similar from PL brands?

 What mood, atmosphere does it evoke to us?

 What kind of people like this brand?

Everyone, but not too young; perhaps somewhat older; is also more for parties, restaurants


 What can we tell him about this brand?

Nice rigs
The parrot draws attention; they look different
Lekkere ribbels; really tasty

 What are its attractive aspects? Less attractive aspects?

They also have a lot of different flavors
But not very special ones

 Did we ever try this brand?

 When did we eat these varieties?

 What can we say about the packaging?

Beautiful, eyecatching, for drawing kid’s attention

For A-brands only:

 And in what respect is this brand different/similar from PL brands?

 What mood, atmosphere does it evoke to us?

 What kind of people like this brand?

Kids; people who love rigs

 What kind of people do not like this brand?

Older people


 What can we tell him about this brand?

They suck: not well baked; no taste; just no good
Flat taste
Also the nuts have less taste

I’d rather buy the good stuff

Perhaps when you really have a big party and you want to watch out you buy something like

Both crisps and nuts are bad, but the crisps are most of the time even worse

 What are its attractive aspects? Less attractive aspects?

 Did we ever try this brand?

 When did we eat these varieties?

 What can we say about the packaging?

Not appealing; nothing special or different

Not conveying good quality

 Which image do we have of the brand? And of the products offered by the brand?

For people who have no money but still want to indulgence sometimes

For A-brands only:

 And in what respect is this brand different/similar from PL brands?

 What mood, atmosphere does it evoke to us?

4. Mental mind map (40’/80’)

4.1. Natural grouping

I would separate the nuts and the crisps

And then put Castle apart because it is more expensive
The more special tastes, like with cheese and all would go apart
And then the Fiesta separate as well

4.1.1. Per product group

GROUP 1: CASTLE (all Castle products)

 What
Well known; their name is everywhere
Worthwhile trying; big variety
 Lover
A bit expensive though; so not for everyone always
 Satisfaction
Good taste; no waste of money
 Occasion
Evening; in front of the TV
 Out of stock
Dried fruit like banana; not exactly the same but I can eat that in front of the TV
Deep-fried snacks

 What
Different, a bit weird taste
A different categorie, because you serve it differently; with dip sauce
Typical for it: the taste
 Lover
People who dare to take a risk; men; most of the time boys
Looking for a sensation
 Satisfaction

 Occasion
 Out of stock
Peppers and olives

GROUP 3: SPECIAL flavor (smoked chips, bbq, wholegrain)

 What
Onion etc; not for everyone
You have to learn to eat them; acquired taste
I do like the smoked ones
 Lover
Someone who likes to experiment with flavors
Who wants to taste new things
 Satisfaction
 Occasion
 Out of stock
Change to big packs with a mix of different salty cookies

 What
All nuts; something different compared to crisps
You can reseal the tins
 Lover
People who like to have an aperitif
A bit older; not really youth or kids
+/- 30
 Satisfaction
 Occasion
 Out of stock
Dried fruit
Salty cookies

 What
Lots of cheese
Not everyone likes that
Longlasting taste, quite penetrating

Could be anyone
But not babies

 Satisfaction
Once you start, you can’t stop; the taste sticks
 Occasion
 Out of stock

4.1.2. BIRDS

CASTLE: Ducks: family

FIESTA: Eagle: special, more rare
SPECIAL FLAVORS: parrot: exotic, different
NUTS: TOUCAN, hard, Castle

CHEESE: flamingo you love it or you hate it; also a bit elegant. Also the peacock because of
the elegance, the pride

I think it is important to keep nuts, Castle and Fiesta apart; and then also the cheese apart
because they are quite different

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