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Parent's dream is to give the education their children need no matter what circumstances

they go through in life. They believe that the best gift they can give to their children is the education

that they can bring for the rest of their life. This passion can also be view in our constitution- All

students regardless of their circumstances have the right to participate in the education system

according to their potential and ability.

The extreme changes in education due to pandemic brings to the students with additional

needs deep challenges to cope in the new learning process and it is not easy for them to adjust.

And in this time of the pandemic, there is a need for more support for students with additional

needs to ensure that children with additional needs don’t lose time in their education.

McGaw (as quoted by Townsend (1994:27)) states that an effective school achieves greater

student learning that might have been predicted from the context it works. Schools become more

effective if there are sufficient support services. According to Van Schalkwyk (1995:20), support

services such as textbooks, writing materials, and educational researches exist for the sake of and

in aid of education. Every support service accomplishes a specific task in the interest of education

and that will create an effective school.

According to research done by Wallace and Pocklington (1998:238), an effective school's

major focus would be on teaching and learning with the valuable but less influential area of

creating conditions for effective teaching and learning in a supporting role. While support services

attempt to minimize and remove barriers to learning-teaching development, they also focus on the

prevention of barriers and the development of a supportive learning environment for all learners

(Lazarus, 1997:2).


This study aims to determine the support services for pupils at the intermediate level with

additional needs in Joaquin G. Hernandez Elementary School this pandemic time. This study seeks

to answer the following questions:

1. What are the support services given to pupils at the intermediate level in Joaquin G.

Hernandez Elementary School to perform well in their academics?

2. What are the influences of support services in the academic performance of pupils at the

intermediate level in Juaquin G. Hernandez Elementary School?


Null Hypothesis

1. There is no significant relationship existing between the support services to the academic

performance of the pupils at the intermediate level in Juaquin G. Hernandez Elementary


Alternative Hypothesis

1. There is a significant relationship existing between the support services to the academic

performance of the pupils at the intermediate level in Juaquin G. Hernandez Elementary



This study was conducted during the school year 2020- 2021 in Quaquin G. Hernandez

Elementary School. There were fifty-six (56) students in intermediate-level with additional needs

who comprised the respondents of the study.

This study is focused on determining the support services to intermediate pupils with

additional needs in Joaquin G. Hernandez Elementary school in this pandemic time.


The purpose of this study is to determine the support services to pupils in intermediate level

with additional needs in Joaquin G. Hernandez Elementary School in barangay Sta. Isabel Naujan.

This study is beneficial to the following group of people:

To the researcher. This will help them to be prepared for their future profession to improve

strategies and approaches in managing children with additional needs when it comes to the


To the parents of the students with additional needs. This will serve as a tool for them to be

patient as well as to collaborate with the teacher in monitoring the improvement of their child.

To the teacher. This will help them to be ready to provide alternative learning materials that will

make more interested to children with additional needs to learn at home in this kind of situation.

To the students with additional needs. The findings of this will help in improving their skills in

learning at home.

To the future researcher. This will provide knowledge about the support services to students with

additional needs in this pandemic. This will serve as their guide and basis in conducting future studies

related to this research.


Pandemic – is defined as “an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing

international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people”. The classical definition

includes nothing about population immunity, virology, or disease severity

Additional Needs - describes individuals who require assistance for disabilities that may be

medical, mental, or psychological.

Learning activities - are activities designed or deployed by the teacher to bring about, or create

the conditions for learning.


This study is affixed to the socio-cultural theory of Vygotsky.According to Vygotsky

(1978), much important learning by the child occurs through social interaction with a skillful tutor.

The tutor may model behaviors and/or provide verbal instructions for the child. Vygotsky refers

to this as cooperative or collaborative dialogue. The child seeks to understand the actions or

instructions provided by the tutor (often the parent or teacher) then internalizes the information,

using it to guide or regulate their performance.

Shaffer (1996) gives the example of a young girl who is given her first jigsaw. Alone, she

performs poorly in attempting to solve the puzzle. The father then sits with her and describes or

demonstrates some basic strategies, such as finding all the corner/edge pieces and provides a

couple of pieces for the child to put together herself, and offers encouragement when she does so.

Vygotsky's sociocultural theory suggested that parents, caregivers, peers, and the culture

at a large were responsible for developing higher-order functions.

The child development theory also introduces the concepts of the zone of proximal

development, which is the gap between what a person can do with help and what they can do on

their own. It is with the help of more knowledgeable others that people can understand.

The significance of this study is to show off the support services and assistance needed by

the child to improve his academic skills and cope up in his learning environment.

This theory supports this study because it explains the support services needed of a child

with additional needs.


Support Services in Juaquin SERVICES:

G. Hernandez Elementary  Consulting services

School  Instructional Learning
School Year 2020-2021 Materials
 Interpreter Services
 Health Services

The conceptual framework is composed of support services such as consulting services,

instructional learning materials, interpreter services, and health services for pupils in Juaquin G.

Hernandez Elementary School to perform well academically.



This chapter discusses the related legal bases, literature, and studies about the support

services for children with additional needs.

Foreign Literature

Students Support Services are a group of services and accomplishments that create the

pursuit of education more labor-intensive and more attractive to students. They work as an edge

among the students and the university. The excellence of higher education is based openly on the

support services available for students. It is just the supply of degrees, if universities are lacking

in giving support to their students, it is not the resolution of education. There is a lot of evidence

that there is an optimistic link between students' academic performance and the active use of the

support system (Kaur,2016).

Rashid (1998) stated support services for students as a term and resources that deliver

surplus support to the pupil. Simpson (2000) stated support services for students are the

presentation of activities as well as the conveyance of course materials that expedite student study

development. These include educational assistance, which deals with student support, academic,

intellectual, and educational difficulties for explicit intellects or arrangements of courses. Students

also have help in the effective and organizational aspects of the study. SSS can be improved

through systematic and comprehensive services as students learn skills, provide free education,

facilitate the development of study groups, provide online, face-to-face lessons and accessible web

systems and it also increases the intensity of content and educational services(Zuhairi,2007).

Supportive services perform special tasks that are not typically education systemic. Steyn

(2014) says that support services have been organized in a structure to support individual institutes

to make their learning further effectual. Supporting services such as fractional and parcel education

embrace entirely human and other means that support individual students in other phases of the

system (Steyn, 2014).

Support services are provided to meet the needs of the students. This includes, among other

things, tips for study skills, professional choices, accommodation, and part-time jobs, and

individual growth, health problems, benefits, and economic adversities. Services are available to

discourse essentials or problems that may permit scholars to focus on education (Choudhry,

Gujjar&Haffez, 2008).

The literature above is related to this study because it discusses the importance of support

services in the academic performance of students.

Foreign Study

According to research done by Wallace and Pocklington (1998:238), an effective school's

major focus would be on teaching and learning, with the valuable but less influential area of

creating conditions for effective teaching and learning in a supporting role. While support services

attempt to minimize and remove barriers to learning-teaching development, they also focus on the

prevention of barriers and the development of a supportive learning environment for all learners

(Lazarus, 1997:2).

The learner support system of any distance education institution varies from institution to

institution. In general, the support services broadly address the following needs of the learners:

1. Information support: Learners should provide all necessary information before

admission to their course so that they can make appropriate decisions about their studies and also

have access to all resources and support services. This includes information about various

programs, admission criteria, eligibility, fees structure, study material, evaluation system, and

other support services provided by the institution during the study.

2. Institutional support: Information about the academic support, who are the academic

counselors, where the counseling sessions both theory and practice would be held, provisions of

assignments, provision of practical for practical based programs, use of audiovisual aids,

teleconferencing, interactive radio counseling facilities, etc.

3. Learning centers: Where the students will have the access to the library facility,

counseling facilities, submission and evaluation of assignments, term-end examinations, and other

general support.

4. Feedback: Provide feedback to course material developers and to the students on

assignment responses

The success of the students depends on academic support services offered to the students

of the institution.

McGaw (as quoted by Townsend (1994:27)) states that an effective school achieves greater

student learning that might have been predicted from the context it works. Schools become more

effective if there are sufficient support services. According to Van Schalkwyk (1995:20), support

services such as textbooks, writing materials, and educational researches exist for the sake of and

in aid of education. Every support service accomplishes a specific task in the interest of education

and that will create an effective school. Townsend (1994:4) states that from the internal point of

view schools are being asked to do more with less.

The studies presented above support this study which shows the importance of support

services to the students. It shows how an institution can be effective to the learners. Also, it

discusses how students can become successful when they are giving all the support they needed in

their learning, it depends on the support that they receive.



Research Design

The researcher used purposive sampling in selecting respondents. Purposeful sampling is

a technique widely used in qualitative research for the identification and selection of information-

rich cases for the most effective use of limited resources (Patton, 2002). This involves identifying

and selecting individuals or groups of individuals that are especially knowledgeable about or

experienced with a phenomenon of interest (Cresswell & Plano Clark, 2011). According to

Arikunto (2010:183), purposive sampling is the process of selecting a sample by taking a subject

that is not based on the level of the area but is taken based on the specific purpose.

The researcher also used a set of questionnaires for students with additional needs. The

questionnaire was consist of a set of questions related to the study.


The respondents of this study were all the fifty-six (56) students with additional needs in

intermediate level who are currently enrolled in Joaquin G. Hernandez Elementary School in

barangay Sta. Isabel Naujan.


The main instrument in this study was the questionnaire. It was based on the support

services to the pupils from grade IV to grade VI students of Juaquin G. Hernandez Elementary

School who have additional needs in this pandemic time.

The table below was used to quantify the data gathered.

Table A. Scaling and Quantification of data.


5 4.5 - 5 Almost Always Agree

4 3.5 – 4 Almost Agree

3 2.5 – 3 Sometimes Agree

2 1.5 – 2 Seldom Disagree

1 1 – 1.4 Almost Always Disagree


The researcher prepared the questionnaire used by the respondents to ensure the validity of

the instrument; the researcher made a draft of the questionnaire and passed it to the research adviser

to inspect the questionnaires. Comments and suggestions were considered in making the final draft

of the instrument. The copy of the inspected questionnaire was then finalized for printing.


A request letter signed by the researcher and the research adviser/professor was forwarded

to the school principal and asked for permission to conduct research based on the support services

for students with additional needs who are enrolled in Juaquin G. Hernandez Elementary School

at barangay Sta. Isabel Naujan. Upon receiving the approval of the letter, the researcher personally

administered the questionnaire to the eligible guardians/parents of the respondents over the time

of the distribution of the modules. The directions and objectives of the study were explained to the

teachers and parents of the respondents before the distribution of the questionnaire. After the

administration, the questionnaires were collected for the tabulation, analysis, and interpretation of



Descriptive statistics and mean were used to describe the variable and indicators of the


Mn = ∑fx



Mn = mean

∑= (fx) – the summation of the product

∑f = the total no. of frequencies



This chapter presents the discussion of data gathered through questionnaires. This also

presents the analysis and interpretation of data.

1. Support Services to Students with Additional Needs in Juaquin G. Hernandez Elementary


1.1 Consulting Services

Table 1.1A computed mean on the support services for children with additional needs in

Juaquin G. Hernandez Elementary School.

Support services for children with additional needs ( grade IV)

in Juaquin G. Hernandez Elementary School

Consulting services MEAN RANK DESCRIPTION

1. My teacher helps me accomplish my academic task. 4.28 2 Almost agree

2. My adviser help me to feel better 4 4 Always almost agree

3. I am able to express myself 4.14 3 Almost agree

4. My adviser assists me in making decisions. 3.14 6 Almost agree

5. My teacher helps me improve my academic 4.14 3 Almost agree


6. I consult my teachers when I have academics problems. 4.42 1 Almost agree

7. My adviser informs me how to do my home activities. 4 4 Almost agree

8. My teachers encourage me to use my time wisely. 3.71 5 Almost agree

9. My teacher listens to me. 3.71 5 Almost agree

Total mean 3.94 Almost Agree

Table 1.1A presents the mean of the grade IV pupil’s answers on the consulting services.

The respondents perceived the consulting services as almost agree with the overall mean of 3.94.

The respondents show the agreement for item no. 6 which is I consult my teacher when I

have academics problems with the highest mean of 4.42 interpreted as almost agree.

Moreover, item no. 4 which is my teacher assists me in making decisions rank last with a

total mean of 4.14 interpreted as almost agree.

Table 1.1 B computed mean of support services for children with additional needs in Juaquin

G. Hernandez Elementary School.

Support services for children with additional

needs ( grade V) in Juaquin G. Hernandez

Elementary School

Consulting services MEAN RANK DESCRIPTION

1. My teacher helps me accomplish my 4.33 2 Almost agree

academic task.

2. My adviser help me to feel better 4.16 4 Almost agree

3. I am able to express myself 4.08 5 Almost agree

4. My adviser assists me in making 3.41 7 Almost agree


5. My teacher helps me improve my 4.25 3 Almost agree

academic performance.

6. I consult my teachers when I have 4.75 1 Almost always agree

academics problems.

7. My adviser informs me how to do my 4.33 2 Almost agree

home activities.

8. My teachers encourage me to use my time 3.58 6 Almost always agree


9. My teacher listens to me. 4.33 2 Almost agree

Total mean 4.14 Almost agree

Table 1.1 B presents the mean of the grade V pupil’s answers on the consulting services.

The respondents perceived the consulting services almost always agreed with the overall mean of


The respondents show the agreement for item no. 6 which is I consult my teacher when I

have academic problems with the highest mean of 4.75 interpreted as almost always agree.

Table 1.1 C computed mean of support services for children with additional needs in Juaquin

G. Hernandez Elementary School.

Support services for children with additional needs

( grade VI) in Juaquin G. Hernandez Elementary School

Consulting services MEAN RANK DESCRIPTION

1. My teacher helps me accomplish my academic 4.55 3 Almost agree


2. My adviser help me to feel better 4.33 4 almost agree

3. I am able to express myself 4.22 5 Almost agree

4. My adviser assists me in making decisions. 3.94 7 Almost agree

5. My teacher helps me improve my academic 4.72 1 Almost agree


6. I consult my teachers when I have academics 4.66 5 Almost agree


7. My adviser informs me how to do my home 4 2 Almost agree


8. My teachers encourage me to use my time 3.6 4 Almost agree


9. My teacher listens to me. 3.7 6 Almost agree

Total mean 4.33 Almost agree

Table 1.1 C presents the mean of the grade VI pupil’s answers on the consulting services.

The respondents perceived the consulting services as almost agree with the overall mean of 4.33.

The respondents show the agreement for item no.5 which is my teacher help me improve my

academic performance with the highest mean of 4.3 interpreted as almost agree. However, item no.

4 which is my adviser assists me in making a decision rank last with the mean of 3.94 interpreted

as almost agree.

Table 1.1 D computed the overall mean of support services for children with additional needs

in Juaquin G. Hernandez Elementary School.

Support Services to children with additional MEAN RANK DESCRIPTION

needs in Juaquin G. Hernandez Elementary


Consulting services

1. My teacher helps me accomplish my 4.4 2 Almost agree

academic tasks.

2. My adviser help me to feel better. 4.2 3 Almost agree

3. I am able to express myself. 4.2 3 Almost agree

4. My adviser assists me in making 3.8 4 Almost agree


5. My teacher helps me improve my 4.4 2 Almost agree

academic performance.

6. I consult my teachers when I have 4.5 1 Almost always agree

academic problems.

7. My adviser informs me how to do my 4.4 2 Almost agree

homework activities.

8. My teachers encourage me to use my time 3.9 4 Almost agree


9. My teachers listen to me. 4.2 3 Almost agree

Total mean 4.2 3 Almost agree

Table 1.1 D presents the overall results of the mean of the gathered data for children with

additional needs in Juaquin G. Hernandez Elementary School. The respondents aware that the

consulting services were almost agree with the total mean of 4.2

The respondents show perceived for item no. 6 which is I consult my teachers when I have

academic problems as rank 1 with the highest mean of 4.5 interpreted as almost always agree.

Moreover, item no. 4 which is my adviser assists me in making decisions ranks as last with

the overall total mean of 3.8 interpreted as almost agree.

1.2 Instructional Learning Support

Table 1.2 present the mean of the respondent’s answers to the instructional learning support.
The respondents perceive that the instructional learning support was almost agreed with the overall
mean of 3.92.

Table1.2A computed the mean on the support services for children with additional needs in

Juaquin G. Hernandez Elementary School (grade IV).

Support services for children with additional needs in

Juaquin G. Hernandez Elementary School (grade IV). Mean Rank DESCRIPTION
Instructional learning support
1. The module outline is clear. 3.71 4 almost always
2. I can access the internet to download all my learning 2.71 9 sometimes agree

3. All contents in the module outline are well 3.71 4 Almost agree
4. I can ask questions to my teacher when I do not 3.57 5 Almost agree
5. The teachers are responsive to my questions. 4.28 1 Almost agree
6. I am comfortable communicating electronically. 3.00 8 Almost agree
7. I can use reading materials. 3.28 7 Almost agree
8. The teachers provide a reading list of electronic 3.71 4 Almost agree
resources for modules.
9. The visual includes font size, spacing, and the color 3.43 6 Almost agree
is organized.
10. The teacher uses multimedia in activities to 3.71 4 Almost agree
improve emotional intelligence.
11. The instructional videos the teacher presents 4.00 2 Almost agree
engage the students in learning.
12. The teacher provides instructional videos for 3.00 8 Almost agree
modeling our activity.
13. I can connect personally to my teacher and share 3.00 8 Almost agree
14. The teacher uses audio records for our discussions. 1.85 10 Seldom disagree
3.92 Almost agree

Table 1.2A presents the mean of the grade IV pupil’s answers on the instructional learning

support. The respondents perceived item no. 5 which is the teachers are responsive to my questions

rank as 1 with the total mean of 4.75 interpreted as almost agree. However, item no. 14 which is

the teacher uses audio records for our discussions with the lowest mean of 1.85 interpreted as

seldom disagree rank as last.

Table 1.2B computed the mean on the support services for children with additional needs in

Juaquin G. Hernandez Elementary School (grade V).

Support services for children with additional needs in Mean Rank DESCRIPTION
Juaquin G. Hernandez Elementary School.
Instructional Learning Support
1. The module outline is clear. 4.75 1 Almost always agree
2. I can access the internet to download all my learning 3.16 10 Almost agree
3. All contents in the module outline are well understood. 4.33 5 Almost agree
4. I can ask questions to my teacher when I do not 4.08 7 Almost agree
5. The teachers are responsive to my questions. 4.75 1 Almost always agree
6. I am comfortable communicating electronically. 4.5 9 Almost always agree
7. I can use reading materials. 4.33 4 Almost agree
8. The teachers provide a reading list of electronic 4.58 4 Almost always agree
resources for modules.
9. The visual includes font size, spacing and the color is 4.41 7 Almost agree
10. The teacher uses multimedia in activities to improve 3.91 8 Almost agree
emotional intelligence.
11. The instructional videos the teacher presents engage 4.66 3 Almost always agree
the students in learning.
12. The teacher provides instructional videos for modeling 4.08 5 Almost agree
our activity.
13. I can connect personally to my teacher and share 3.41 2 Almost agree
14. The teacher uses audio records for our discussions. 1.83 11 Seldom disagree
3.92 Almost agree

Table1.2B presents the mean of the grade V pupil’s answers on the instructional learning support.

The respondents perceived item no. 1 which is the module outline is clear rank as 1 with the total

mean of 4.75 interpreted as almost agree. However, item no. 14 which is the teacher uses audio

records for our discussions with the lowest mean of 1.83 interpreted as seldom disagree rank as


Table 1.2C computed mean on the support services for children with additional needs in

Juaquin G. Hernandez Elementary School (grade VI).

Support services for children with additional needs in Mean Rank DESCRIPTION
Juaquin G. Hernandez Elementary School.
Instructional Learning Support
1. The module outline is clear. 4.27 6 Almost agree
2. I can access the internet to download all my learning 3.55 10 Sometimes agree
3. All contents in the module outline are well understood. 4.33 5 Almost agree
4. I can ask questions to my teacher when I do not 4.22 7 Almost agree
5. The teachers are responsive to my questions. 4.61 1 Sometimes agree
6. I am comfortable communicating electronically. 4.00 9 Almost agree
7. I can use reading materials. 4.38 4 Almost agree
8. The teachers provide a reading list of electronic 4.38 4 Almost agree
resources for modules.
9. The visual includes font size, spacing, and the color is 4.22 7 Almost agree
10. The teacher uses multimedia in activities to improve 4.16 8 Almost agree
emotional intelligence.
11. The instructional videos the teacher presents engage 4.44 3 Almost agree
the students in learning.

12. The teacher provides instructional videos for modeling 4.55 2 Almost always agree
our activity.
13. I can connect personally to my teacher and share 3.3 11 Almost agree
14. The teacher uses audio records for our discussions. 3.7 7 Almost agree
4.1 Almost agree

Table 1.2C presents the mean of the grade VI pupil’s answers on the instructional learning

support. The respondents perceived item no. 5 which is responsive to my questions rank as 1 with

the total mean of 4.75 interpreted as almost always agree. However item no. the teacher uses audio

records for our discussions with the lowest mean of 3.33 interpreted as sometimes agree rank as


In the overall total mean of the gathered data, the respondents' apparent item no. 5 which
is the teacher are responsive to my questions as rank 1 with the overall total mean of 4.6 interpreted
as almost agree. On the other hand, item no. 2 which is I can access the internet to download all
my learning materials ranks as last with the mean total of 3.1 interpreted as sometimes agree.

Table 1.2D computed the overall mean on the support services for children with additional

Support services to children with additional needs Mean Rank DESCRIPTION

in Juaquin G. Hernandez Elementary School.
Instructional Learning Support
1. The module outline is clear. 4.2 2 almost always agree
2. I can access the internet to download all my 3.1 8 sometimes agree
learning materials.
3. All contents on the module outline are well 3.6 6 Almost agree
4. I can ask questions to my teacher when I do not 4.2 2 Almost agree
5. The teachers are responsive to my questions. 4.6 1 Almost agree
6. I am comfortable communicating electronically. 3.9 4 Almost agree

7. I can use reading materials. 4.1 3 Almost agree
8. The teachers provide a reading list of electronic 4.2 2 Almost agree
resources for the modules.
9. The visual includes font size, spacing, and the 4.2 2 Almost agree
color is organized.
10. The teacher uses multimedia in activities to 4.1 3 Almost agree
improve emotional intelligence.
11. The instructional videos the teacher presents 4.2 2 Almost agree
engage the students in learning.
12. The teacher provides instructional videos for 3.8 5 Almost agree
modeling our activity.
13. I can connect personally to my teacher and 3.9 4 Almost agree
share information.
14. The teacher uses audio records for discussion. 3.5 7 Almost agree
Total mean 4 Almost agree

1.2 Interpreter Services

Table 1.3 shows the mean of the pupil’s answer on the interpreter services. The

respondents perceive that the interpreter services was almost always agree with the overall

mean of 3.32.

Table 1.3A computed mean on the support services for children with additional needs (grade


Support services for children with additional needs Mean Rank Description

Interpreter services

1. The school provides an interpreter as needed. 3 2 Sometimes agree

2. The interpreter is competent and fluent. 3.43 1 Almost agree

3. The interpreter understands the terms or concepts 1

that will be used during the conversation. 3.43 Almost agree

4. The interpreter is neutral and should

communicate everything said during the 3.43 1 Almost agree


Total mean 3.32 Almost agree

Table 1.3A presents the mean of the grade IV pupil’s answers on the interpreter services.

The respondents perceived the items 2, 3, and 4 ranks as 1 with the total mean of 3.43 interpreted

as almost agree. However, item no. 1 rank as last with the mean of 3 interpreted almost agree

Table 1.3B computed mean on the support services for children with additional needs (grade


Support services for children with additional

needs in Juaquin G. Hernandez Elementary Mean Rank DESCRIPTION


Interpreter services

1. The school provides an interpreter as needed. 4.5 2 Almost always agree

2. The interpreter is competent and fluent. 4.5 2 Almost always agree

3. The interpreter understands the terms or

concepts that will be used during the 4.92 1 Almost agree


4. The interpreter is neutral and should

communicate everything said during the 4.5 2 Almost agree


4.92 Almost always agree

Table 1.3B presents the mean of the grade V pupil’s answers on the interpreter services.

The respondents perceived item no. 3 rank as 1 with the total mean of 4.92 interpreted as almost

always agree. However, items no.1,2, and 4 with the mean of 4.5 were interpreted as almost agree

and rank as last.

Table 1.3C computed mean on the support services for children with additional needs (grade


Support services for children with additional

needs in Juaquin G. Hernandez Elementary Mean Rank DESCRIPTION


Interpreter services

1. The school provides an interpreter as needed. 4.05 1 Almost always agree

2. The interpreter is competent and fluent. 3.94 3 Almost always agree

3. The interpreter understands the terms or

concepts that will be used during the 4.05 1 Almost agree


4. The interpreter is neutral and should

communicate everything said during the 4.00 2 Almost agree


4.01 Almost always agree

Table 1.3C presents the mean of the grade V pupil’s answers on the interpreter services.

The respondents perceived the item no. 1 and 3 rank as 1 with the total mean of 4.05 interpreted

as almost agree. However item no. 2 lowest mean of 4.2 interpreted as almost agree and rank as


Table 1.3D computed the overall mean on the support services for children with additional


Support services for children with additional

needs in Juaquin G. Hernandez Elementary Mean Rank DESCRIPTION


Interpreter services

1. The school provides an interpreter as needed. 3.9 3 Almost agree

2. The interpreter is competent and fluent. 4 2 Almost agree

3. The interpreter understands the terms or Almost agree

concepts that will be used during the 3.8 4


4. The interpreter is neutral and should Almost agree

communicate everything said during the 4.1 1


Total mean 3.9 Almost agree

1.3 Health Support Services

Table 1.4A computed the mean on the support services for children with additional needs

(grade IV).

Support services for children with additional needs

(grade IV) Mean Rank Description

Health Services

1. Inform the children regarding health protocol. 3.85 5 Almost agree

2. The school provides updated health protocol. 4.43 3 Almost agree

3. Suggest possible public distribution of medication. 4.28 4 Almost agree

4. Provide a possible referral for a health condition. 4.43 2 Almost agree

5. Engage the family to be aware of health services. 4.57 1 Almost agree

4.31 Almost agree

Table 1.4A presents the mean of the grade IV pupil’s answers on the health

services. The respondents perceived the health services was almost agree with the total

mean of 4.31.

The respondents show the apparent for item no. 5 with the highest mean of 4.57

interpreted as almost always agree. Moreover, item no. 1 with the lowest mean of 3.85

interpreted as almost agree and rank as last.

Table 1.4B computed the mean on the support services for children with additional needs

(grade V).

Support services for children with additional

needs (grade V). Mean Rank Description

Health Services

1. Inform the children regarding health 5 1 Almost always agree


2. The school provides updated health protocol. 4.92 2 Almost always agree

3. Suggest possible public distribution of 4.66 4 Almost always agree


4. Provide a possible referral for a health 4.42 5 Almost agree


5. Engage the family to be aware of health 4.75 3 Almost always agree


Total Mean 4.75 Almost always agree

Table 1.4B presents the mean of the grade V pupil’s answers on the health services. The

respondents perceived item no. 1 which is to inform the children regarding health protocols rank

as 1 with the total mean of 5 interpreted as almost always agree. However, item no. 4 which

provides possible referral for health conditions with the lowest mean of 4.42 interpreted as almost

agree and rank as last.

Table 1.4C computed the mean on the support services for children with additional needs

(grade V).

Support services for children with additional needs (grade

VI). Mean Rank Description

Health Services

1. Inform the children regarding health protocol. 4.83 1 Almost always agree

2. The school provides updated health protocol. 4.83 1 Almost always agree

3. Suggest possible public distribution of medication. 4.11 4 Almost agree

4. Provide a possible referral for a health condition. 4.16 3 Almost agree

5. Engage the family to be aware of health services. 4.55 2 Almost always agree

Total mean 4.49 Almost agree

Table 1.4C presents the mean of the grade VI pupil’s answers on the health services. The

respondents perceived item no. 1 which is to inform the children regarding health protocols rank

as 1 with the total mean of 4.83 interpreted as almost always agree. However, item no. with the

total mean of 4.11 interpreted as almost agree and rank as last.

Table 1.4D shows that the institution meets the support that the students in

intermediate level are needed in this time of the pandemic.

Table 1.4D computed the overall mean on the support services for children with additional


Support services for children with additional Mean Rank DESCRIPTION

needs in Juaquin G. Hernandez Elementary
Health services
1. Inform the children regarding health protocol. 4.7 Almost always agree

2. The school provides updated health protocol. 4.8 Almost always agree
3. Suggest possible public distribution of 4.4 Almost agree
4. Provide a possible referral for a health 4.2 Almost agree
5. Engage the family to be aware of health 4.6 Almost always agree
Total mean 4.5 Almost always agree

Table 1.4 shows the mean of the pupil’s answer on the health services. The

respondents perceive that the health services was almost always agree with the overall

mean of 4.5.

Chapter V

Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations

This chapter presents the findings, conclusions, and recommendations made from the data which

were analyzed and interpreted.


The findings of the study will answer the statement of the problems; 1. What are the support

services given to the intermediate level of Joaquin G. Hernandez Elementary School? 2. What are

the influence of support services on the intermediate level pupils of Juaquin G. Hernandez

Elementary School?

1. In Joaquin G. Hernandez Elementary School, the teachers provided all the needs of their

students in their learning. They all give support in consulting services where all the pupils

in intermediate level are free to consult their respective advisers when the students have

any questions and problems in their learnings.

2. Joaquin G. Hernandez Elementary teachers also provide instructional learning support to

the students at the intermediate level with adequate support so that, the students can meet

the requirements they need to do. The teachers also give all the materials that the pupils

can be used in their homework and as reference sources of their ideas on how they will do

their activities at home during this time of the pandemic. Yet, the researcher found that

some students have difficulty with the learning supports provided by the school teachers

due to they do not have any gadgets that they can use and internet connection.

3. Joaquin G. Hernandez Elementary Teachers in intermediate level provided health services

and interpreter services that can give to their intermediate pupils a big help to understand

their lessons. The teachers give the pupils a piece of advice regarding health protocols on

how they can protect the students from the covid-19 disease during this pandemic time.


Based on the result, grade IV and VI pupils with additional needs have experienced a

problem in terms of the use of audio records that the teacher provided. This problem exists because

they have no gadgets to use and also no internet connection in their place.

Moreover above the results revealed that intermediate pupils with additional needs received

the services they need in their learning in this pandemic time.

The results also show that the support services in Joaquin G. Hernandez Elementary School

have a big influence on the academic performance of the pupils on how they can perform and

comply with their activities. The tools that the teachers used in teaching are appreciated by the

students and useful.


To the teacher of Joaquin G. Hernandez Elementary School. Based on the findings and results

of the study, the researcher recommends knowing the status of the place of the students before

implementing the learning tools they are going to provide. The teacher must know if the place is

accessible with the internet connection and if the students have any gadgets that can be used. The

researcher also recommended making an alternative learning material to be used for those who

have no internet connections and gadgets to be used so that, they can have access to the discussion

through audio records.

To the parents. Based on the findings, the students have problems with access to audio records.

The researcher recommended making action on this kind of problem. The parents can ask the

teacher for the alternative tools or materials to be used by his child so that the student can have

access to the discussion that the teacher recorded in the audio.

To the students. Based on the results of the study, some of them are having problems with the use

of audio records. The researcher recommended asking their teachers to send a hard copy of the

discussion that was in the audio records.

Strategic Intervention Plan


A strategic intervention plan can help the students to engage in their learning activities to

have access and learn at home during this pandemic time.


The researcher come up with this strategic intervention plan which is generally intended to

help students with a struggle in their learning at home this pandemic time as it is based on the



Specific goals


The person responsible for each part of the intervention

Target Problem

The use of audio records for discussion. Audio record is a way to personalize the message you

are sending out. You can add audio or video to a new assignment or edit an existing assignment.

You can also use the audio/video recording feature in other areas including updates, discussion,

test questions, and messages.

Specific Goal

At the end of the intervention plan, the students with additional needs who have no

gadgets to be use and internet connection will be able to:

 Have access to all the learning materials that he needed as possible to be used for their

learning at home this pandemic time.

Target Problems Specific problem/description Strategies/intervention

Uses of audio records for Have no access to the uses of  Make a hard copy of

discussion audio records for discussion the discussion to be

distributed to the


 Try to discover a way

on how can all the

students can access the

discussion through

audio records.

 Try to know the

availability of the

internet connection of

the students.

 Ensure that all children

have all the gadgets

they are needed for the

audio records for

discussion. If not, find

a way on how to

convey to the child

what you want to

discuss regarding the


Person Involve: Strategic intervention plan can be successful with the effective collaboration of

the teachers and the parents as well as the students. Participation and cooperation on its

implementation and understanding will give great help.





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