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Assaluamualaikum, Hello, Vannakkum, Ni Hao and Hajimemashite

everyone. Thank you for being with me today. My name is Nur Ariena Sofea Binti
Mohamad Aznan, and I’m going to speak to you today about benefits of foreign
language. Before we begin, let me quote from Rita Mae Brown,” Language is the
road map of culture. It tells you where it’s people come from and where they are

Within the world is evolving to the modern technologies, communication

within the whole world is open for everyone to communicate. People around the
world are grabbing the opportunity within this global market. With many reasons,
it can be either for the solely reason of work, education, social and many more
roles. The ability to talk in many languages other than our mother language really
gives us a big advantage in our daily life, no matter in communication, work,
study, and others.

The first benefits of learning foreign language is it say to be able to

improved memory, problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, enhanced
concentration, ability to multitask, and better listening skills. Thus, we are able to
implement and master up many skills in one way. We got to prove it is useful for
a social skill within the community.

The advantage of learning a foreign language, first is that we are able to

meet new people. It is one of the most incredible advantages of learning a new
language. Since, you learn a new language, you get the opportunity to engage
with new people. If you study in a group environment, you will quickly make new
friends with whom to share your new language. With the skill to understand and
better as are we able to reply will surely score us the contact of a new
acquaintance. We also able to adapt ourselves to their mother language and
they will feel comfortable to communicate with us more. As the key to build a
bridge between ourselves and a stranger are communication. Thus, it helps us
with communicating with them, which will make them feel welcome and
relieved as they are people who they can communicate and reach out.

Lastly, it helps boost and builds your confidence. Why? Let say that when
you meet a native speaker of the language you are learning, you will surely want
to try to communicate with them with the knowledge that you had learn. Using
an excuse like you want to practice your linguistic skill can help boost your
confidence thus making a new friend. As you feel comfortable within the
language itself, it boosts up your confidence within to communicate with people
of the native speaker. Confidence itself, is a key to build a better self, by learning
and ready to implement it physically is a step ahead for what we had work hard
to achieve. This will lead us, to speak more within that foreign language and able
to master in way of communication better. It will surely boost out confidence
and help build our character to take on new challenge anytime.

Learning new language will surely take a lot of our time and dedication in
order to master it. It is up to the individual to fully ready and had strong mind-
set in order to start learning a foreign language. It will be hard in the first phase
of learning it, but surely it will come handy and rewarding to ourselves and the
community. In conclusion, within the skill we develop indirectly did not just help
us physically but also mentally as our brain on both sides is being stimulated
while learning a foreign language. Thus, making our brain able to do multi-
tasking work and able to think creative and smart. We able to extract the use of
both of our brains to it full capacity. A study also suggested that learning a
second language can slow brain ageing, and can lead to higher mental function
in the brain. As more part of our brain is involved in learning the better our brain
can store the new information we learn.

Take on challenge and opportunity when it comes and present itself

towards you. Learn new things, build up yourself and evolve. We can make a
better future for ourself and everyone in the world.

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