Parametri Stroja Masine TN 315

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You are on page 1of 15 Q005 KONSTANTE STROSA 10.2. OPEN LIST OF MACHINE CONSTANTS cNc3530/s00 + MC nuaber(N) Mc Value(C) —Descriptiun 10.2.1. CNC Hardvare configuration 000 001 002 005 009 petnes Nenber of 1/o-cards KB. Nuaber of measuring system inputs «PB256 Raa aenory size eae Language Graphics module 10.2.2. Machine tool configuration 010 01s 022 023 036 ost ost seabeeee () 0 Munber of axes (without Mei Jones Inch, 8 initialisation or Nuaber of sparetouls ar0) Tool radius offset input value Bas Tool-edit when avt in aanual-node Wr. of turretpos. Nuaber of tools in tool-vffset menory Neaber of tools ia external toolmagazine Tool life-tiae control Jog-buttons axis & direction assignaent Anatog spindle “Output Main 8CD-code : Output MI in BCD-ccde exc 3530/400 Installation Dimension O=1 T/o-card 12 L/o-cards 23" = 1m.s. input 2= 2m.3. inputs xl Kbyte ram semory 0 = German 1 = English 2 = French 3 = Dutch 0 = a0 graphics 1 = 2-plane graphics spindle) 70 * Inch TL = Metric 0= radius absolute I= diam, absolute 2e radius i 3= diam. incr, tal acal O= disabled 1s enabled O= Funct. aot active I= prog. stop after life-time exp 2= spare tool af life-time expires 3+ option 1 + edit de option 2 + edit 3 ar Jogbutton assigatent for X+, X-, 2+, O= No 1s Yes O#No output 1=tsD Osty output 1etsD MC number(N) MC Value(C) Description 063 Output T in BCD-code 065 ‘ Output Hin BCd-code 070 . Paritychack I/O-card on f aes 1/o-card 072 . ee ae 1/0-card 073 a Patitycheck 1/O-card a i Paritycheck 1/O-card 075, Cer Parieyehesk 1/o-card 076 Paritycheck 1/O-card 077 . odes ‘ ie 1Wo-card Installation rs Dinensiva O=No out put 1sts0 22450 3#LsDeNSD Ost output 1sLsD 2=MsD 3=LSD+MSD O=No check, no display Ischeck, no display 2*No check, display eCheck, display sto check, no. display Ischeck, no display 2sNo check, display 3sCheck, display O=No check, no display IsCheck, nu display 2*No check, display 3ec display =o check, no display Ischesk, a0 display 2eNo check, display 3echeck, display O=No check, no display IsCheck, a0 display 2eNo check, display 3echeck, display O=No check, Ischeck, no display 2eso check, display Becheck, display Q=%o check, * no display InCheck, no display 2eNu check, display eCheck, display O=No check, no display IsCheck, no display eso check, display heck, display aro303 MC aumber (14) 10.2.3. MC Value(C) Description CNC Software configuration 080 081 083 084 2nd. axis 105 108 Selection Demo-CxC Display mode Ne. of E-param, 1D-DIR Display Number of programs + subprograms Locking selected program Time log function Activation of Techavlogy merory Function ASCLI-code for idvatification ASCII-code for identification ASCII-code for identification lnstaliation Dincasion Demy mode Ordistance to gv I=Foll distance QeMode 0 + no REF JeMode 1 + av RPF G=screen-display in Carthesian coord. instead of polar; G181-plane atC-axis fe Q=ID-DIR with text ASLD-DIR with info (Part.P mem, size) We of ID's in Piss: O= lock ; I= av lock 1 son ; 0 = off O = not a Ls act Ostet in u I=Close Loop 2eOpen loop ASCII coded X = 88 Oetot in use I-Close loop pen loop ASCLI coded 2 = 90 OrNot in-use - IsClose loop 2sOpea loop ASCLI coded C * 67 Sectiva 10 MC number(N) MC Value(C) 10.2.4. Ist. Axis parameter block Measuring system 200 Roatan Drive card connection O*Nut connected Number (1 up to 8) lsDrive card 1,plug 2eOrive card 1,plug 3=rive card 2,plug 4aDrive card 2,plug SeDrive card 3,plug 62Drive card 3,plug J=Drive card! 4,plug B=Drive card 4,plug (Linear/rotary) 4s tl = Pos. 1 Count direction 1 = Neg. 203 paseo Resolution rotary Omxl, L=x2, 2=x4 measuring system Rapid velocity 100 Incr./min. Jog velocity at 100 Incr./min. *jog continue” Following dist. 1 Increnvats at 9¥ Node point Increments Following dist. 2 Increments at 9V Accel/decelleration mode |O=No acc/dec ace/d 2eDouble acc/d 3*Siaghe ace/d with feed 4=Double ace/dec ” with feed 219 Accel /decelleratioa msec Time constant 220 Accel/decelleration 100 Inzrements/mia. threshold velocity 221 Inpod delay time x15 asec. 222 In-position viadow Increments 223 7 -'Standstill window Increments 226 Backlash compensation Increments RPF direction #1 * pos. direction cL = eg. direction RPF Feed 100 incr./mia RPF creep speed 100 incr./mia. RPF zero offset Increments 236 een Area switch Iesvitch ¢ marker Onusing marker oats 13 €NC3530/ 400 Instat lation Section 10 8703 MC number(N) MC Value(C) — Descriptiva Offsets to 235 295 200 Software endswitch owo positive = 236 MG6CE software endswitch , negat ive 240 e806 Position fixed probe in X¢ direction 241 econ Position fixed probe in X- direction 10.2.5. 2nd. Axis paraneter block Measuring system 250 Rete Drive card conaection Nunber (1 up to 8) 252 ES (Linear /rotary)¥S 2 * count direction 253 eee Resolution rotary - measuring systea y. 3 [00 000 _ PI TIOO RIOT eA Rapid velocity Jog velocity at “jog continue’ _ Following dist. 1 Node point Following dist. 2 Accel /decel leration mode Ldecellerat ion - ° “eime constant” Accel/ducel leration threshold velocity 259 E 270 . eos Inpod delay tine In-positiva window Scandstill window Backlash compensation Tastatt Dineasion Increments Inzremeats Increments Increments O=Not connected I=Drive card 1,plug 2eDrive card 1, plug 3=Drive card 2, plug 4=Drive card 2,plug SeDrive card 3, plug 6=Drive card 3,plug TaDrive card 4,plug 2drive card 4,ptug +l Pos. d iva O=xt, Lax2, 2#x4 100 Incr./min. 100 Incr./ain. Increments at 9¥ Increment s Increments at 9¥ O=No acz/dee AsSingte ac: 2eDoudle ac 3Singte acc with feed Double acc/ with feed msec. Inzrenents/aia MC number(N) MC Value(C) Description 10.2.6. Reference potat 280 RF directtoa 281 RPF feed 282 RPF creep speed 233 RPF zero of fset 284 Area switch Offsets 285 Software endswitch positive 286 Softuare endswitch negative 290 eee see Position ftxed probe i. in 2+ direction 291 Rineseste Position fixed probe in Z- direct{on 3rd. Axis pacaneter block Measuring systen 300 Drive card connection Nuaber (1 up to 8) sou eeeecte Resolution C-axis spindle transducer 302 a + (itnear/rotary) MS Count direction 303 eer Resolution rotary Measuring systea 305 Rapld velocity 306 Jog veloctty at "Jog contiaue” 307 oe * Jog directfon w+ Following dist. 1 Node potat Followtag disc. 2 Installation 8 Dinension +1 = Pos. vl = Neg. 100 tner./ain. 100 incr. /min. i Incresents = 1 = switch + aarker 0 = Using aarker only Incresents Incresents Incresents Incr. seats OrNot connected LsDrive card 1,plug 1 2eDrive card L,plug 2 3edeive card 2,plug 1 GeDrive card 2,plug 2 SeDrive card 3,plug 1 6-Drive card 3,plug 2 Tedrive card 4,plag t B-Drive card 4,plug 2 pulses/360° after sule{pl feat ton(4C303) +1 = Pos. directioa wl = Neg. direction Oexl, Lex2, 3=x4 100 tner./ata. 100 Incr./atn. L = pos. 3 2 = neg. Increseats at 9V Increseats Increseats at 9V iva 10 MC number(N) MC Value(C) — Deszriptiva . 318 foes Accel/decel lation mode n9 Accel/decelleration tine constant 320 eee) Accel/decelleration threshold velocity Inpod delay time In-position window Standstill window Backlash compensation RPF direction RPF feed RPF creep speed RPF zero offset Area Sui 335 gacoo30n Software endswitch Positive "336 eeeeety Software endswitch Negative 340 eee Position fixed probe in C+ direction 341 eeeeeee Position fixed probe in C- direction 10.2.7. Is. ndle_parameter’ block Measuring system SE 500 Drive card connection Number (1 up co 8) sot 1024, Resotutiva rocary transducer 379303 x3530/400 Installation Section 10 Dinension O=No ace/del LeSingle acc/dee 2eDouble acc/des i {des G=Double ace/dec with feed msec. 100 Increment s/aia x15 msec. ! Increments Increments Increments +1 = Pos. -1 = neg. 100 incr./mia. 100 incr./mia. Increments I= switch + marker O* Using marker on Increments Increments Increments Increments OeNot connectud Isbrive card tL, plug 2=Drive card Lalug 3=Drive card 2 4adcive card 2 S=Drive card 6-Drive card T=Drive card B=Drive cacd Pulses/rev MC nuaber(N) MC Value(C) De. iption 502 10, Rotary MS count SePositive = = Neg direction Valuesinpos vindow 503 we ecee resolution O= xl, l= x2, 29 x4 measuring system 3 Spindle Jog speed Rev/ain Tuning range 1 ‘ sis 1000... Following dist. 1 Increments at 9V 516 Node point Increments 517 Following dist. 2 sIncremeats at 9V 518 MI9 Standstill wiadow Increments range 1 Following dist. 1 Increnents at 9V Node point Increments Following dist. 2 Increaents at 9V M19 Standstill window Increments “range 2 Tuning range 3 335 Following dist. 1 Increments at 9V 535 Node point Increneats 937 Following dist. 2 Increments at 9V 538 MI9 Standstill window Increments range 3 Increseats at 9V Increments Increments at 9V Following dist. 548 MI9 Standstill window — Increments range & 22 exe 3580/420 Installation MC quaber(N) MC Value(C) —-Descriptiva oa Dimension Orivated spindle stop (M19) 360 KO. M19 operation mode O= No Mi9 NX Ls M19 BCD-out put 2= M19 wich tranducee a . 32 M19 with transd.+ BCD-out put, 561 M19 speed build-off (Rev/aia)/15 msec. slope 362 M19 Inpod delay-tine x 15 msec. 563 Ist. search speed Rev.faia (oNcS65!!) 564 2nd. search speed Rev./mia (34C565!!) sou DL Marker search speed frum | Rev./mia M5 (close loop) + = M3 direction 5 = 9 M4 direction 366 Offset to marker device 1/1000 dearve Automatic range O=No auto range Selection Open loop . Irauto range Open loop 2#No auto range Closed Loop Ss 3eAuto cange Closed Loop Maxiaum spindle speed Rev/mia & siga range 1 Maximum spindle speed Rev/aia & sign range 2 Maxinum spindle speed Rev/mia & sign range 3 Maxisum spindle speed Rev/mia & sign range & 530 10.200, Maxinua analog output av. - voltage 531 2@BO —— wingaum analog output av. voltage 332° + Gear chunge output av. voltage 870103 ¢N¢3530/400 Instal MC quabee(N) MC Value(C) —Descriptiva +. Dinensioa 10.2.8. 2nd. Spindle parmeter block (for option “Power Driven Tools") Measuring syst 600 ae Drive card connection O=Not connected Number (1 up to 8) IsDrive card L,plug 2eDrive card 1,plug rae BA cate BeDrive card 2,plug hadrive card 2,plug S*drive card 3,plug 6=Drive card 3,plug J=Orive card 4,plug . B=drive card 4,plug 60L rec eee Resolution rotary Pulses/rev transducer 602 Rotary MS count ‘xPositive - = Neg. 5 direction Value*inpos window 603 Aha resolution O= xl, = «2, 2= x4 measuring systea Velucities 605 pea Spindle Jog speed Rev/aia Range specification 670 eer Automatic range eX auto range Selection Open Loop Isauco range Open loop en Saeeneee Maximum spindle speed Rev/ain & sign range 1 672 Maximum spindle speed = Rev/ain & sign range 2 673 ‘ Maxinum spindle speed Rev/ain & sign range 3 674 an Maximum spindle speed Rev/ain & sign range & 680 pete Maximum analog output = aV. voltage 631 seetecta °* 7Minimum analog -out put voltage 632 eee Gear change output voltage Installation Section 10 €N¢2530/490 MC number(N) MC Value(C) Description . Dinension 10.2.9. General parameters Prograsning format 705 * Place deciaal point 3 = 000.000 disensiva words 4 = 000.0000 706 Place decimal poiat 3 = 000.000 feed 4% = 000.0000 707 Inch/aetric initiali- 70 = Inch sation 71 = Metric 708 Maxinua value too Increments for 18K 0 fine corrections in tool-offset men. 709 BeOeee Radius/dianeter prog. | 0 = Radius ‘1 » Diameter Geometries 710 0 Not used mL 180, Intersection angle Degrees. 2 e endpoint Increments window Threadcut min.depeh Insrements Threadcut retract Increments Activation of 0 = avt activat external error inputs 1 # activated Functioning open-loop 0 inputs aot active inputs 1 sinputs active 740 . Maxiaua feed 100 inzrements/aia 74 G52KO test “feed 100 increment s/mia 742 Rapid retract 683 100 inceemeats/ain 165 Maxinun feed-override of commanted feed 748 Miniaua feed-overcide % of commanded feed 7 Maxinun speed-override % vf commanded speed 1% Minjaua speed-override % of commanted speed 870303 xc 3530/400 Installation Sectiva 10 25 752 753 754 770 TTL v2.4 772 v2 173 775 v2: 776 v2! 17 782 VII 785 vil 736 iL MC Valve(c) 30/390 Description Feed Ist. handvheel Drive card connection Ist Handvheel Resolution encoder 2ad Handveel Drive card connection 2nd Handvheel Resolution encoder Serial 1/0 configuration Data carrier coding Automatic code recognition Start-stop reader Stopbits wart Baudrate receive (frum reader) Baudrate transmit (to puncher) Data carrier coding Stopbits*uart Baudrate recording and transmission Installation Section 10 + Dimeasion 100 increments/mia. OsNot connected IsDrive card 1,plug 2sDrive card L,plug 3edrive card 2,plug 4adrive card 2,plug S=Drive card 3,plug 6-Drive card 3,plug Omxl, 1x2, 2x4 OeNot connected IsDrive card 1,plug 24Drive card 1,plug 3Drive card 2,plug 4=Drive card 2,plug S=Drive card 3,plug 6-Drive card 3,plug Oaxl, 1ax2, 224 OsLucal ¥24, NO D: IsLocal VIL, NO ONC 2eLocal ¥24, DNC VII Jetozal Vil, DNC V2 ASCIL I=130 261A OrAuto off 1sauto on 2eKon/XoE Ej auto off 3eXon/Xoffjauto on No.of characters after stop Ol / 192 stopbir Baud Baud 0 = ASCII 1s 150 = 1 stopbic = 2 stopbits ‘eo Baud 879393 MC nunber(N) MC Value(C) Description Dineasion 10.2.10. DNC-operation 790 Block check OeNo check 1=No message check 2eMessage echo . : JeMessage to monitor 791 Maximum Length of DNC Bytes message 792 Time-out for answer DNC Sec. 793 Accepted oessage Number of repeats repeats 794 Initialisation DATA 1/0 O=Data 1/0 I=tocal DNC 2sRemote DNC DNC-delay time + msec Block auaber check 0 = on 5 1 = off 840 arr Drive card conlection O*Meas.probe not Nunber (1 up to 8) ive InDrive card 2adrive card etc.. see MC 841 + Probe type O=Iaduct letnfra red 842 Blow time for cleaning msec. surfaces at G43 843 eaten Measuring feed 100 Increment s/ 844 pre-measuring distan Increments 845 post-neasuring dista Increments 849 Rapid for measuring cyt. 100 Increments/nia 850 Measuring probe 0 = always collision guarding 1 = always but Gl . , with delay 2/* always but meas, retract with delay ast eae ee meas. probe collision — x15as - trigger delay-tiae 1O.2.11. C-axis aad 870 C-axis engagement Increment s/ain speed 879303 3530/4090 Tastallation Section 10 2 suaber(N) 10.2.12. Techaulogy 920 921 102.13, Toot and turret 955 956 957 964 965 966 967 papel 2 eee MC Value(c) Description one ) Node point range 1 Rev/aia Max. apeed range 1 Rev/aia Node point range 2 Rev/ain Max. speed range 2 Rev/ain | Node point range 3 Rev/ain Max. speed range 3 Rev/ain Node point range & Rev/ain Max. speed range & Rev/ain Max. speed limitation — Rev/aia Max. spindle power wate Spindle drive efficiency % (percent) | Max. spindle power for Watt - | threadcutting/ finishing Max. feed for thread- — om/2 cutting Radial safety distance Inc Axial safety distance — Inc Safety distance for Ince G83 drilling bee OQ ‘Inch/netric selecticr 0 = Metric 1 = nek Codeword Techno memory 0 = No cody, , Toolpust offset 1 X-dir. Increment Toolpost offset 1 Z-dir. Increnen Turret positions invhich toulpost offset 1 active Toolpost offset 2 X-dir. Increments Toulpost offset 2 Z-dir Increments Turret positions ia which toolpost offset 2 is active Toolpost’ offset 3 X-dir. Increments Toolpust offset 3 2-dir. Incronents Turret positions inwhich toolpost offset 3 is active Checksua Technology 0 * Mot active menocy 1 = active 00 Installation

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