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Instructions: After reading Rizal’s essays, “The Philippines a Century Hence,” make a worksheet like
the one below and fill it out. Copy one Quotation heading. Under the Comments section, take into
consideration the following questions: (a) What does the quotation remind you of? (b) Do you agree or
disagree with the quotation `and why? (c) What are your reflections on the quotation? Under the
Questions, write down the questions that come to your mind while reading the quotation from Rizal’s

Quotation Comments Questions

The quotation reminds me of
how our ancestors fought for Some questions that came
“In order to read the density of our land during their time, and across my mind upon reading
a people, it is necessary to as a result, we now have the words or Rizal is that how
open the book of its part.” freedom and peace. I agree they even got to handle on
with the phrase because we fighting for their freedom with
must first understand our roots the fact that they were
before we can organize our oppressed by the Spanish
actions. I understood that it is Government. The fact that it
critical for us, particularly the was in the Spanish culture
youth, to understand what has before the Filipinos were not
happened in the past so that, if even given the chance to study.
history repeats itself, we would
be directed as to what we must
do to be successful in fighting
for what we deserve. These can
also be used to inform people
about what can happen and
what steps they should take to
ensure that we continue to live
in freedom and peace.

2. Discuss how the individual demands will benefit the native Filipinos. Cite one demand and
analyze if this is still applicable to the Philippine situation at present. Present one concrete
situation in the present time.

-One of the demands that I've read is that the country was asking to have one person to represent the
country and their rights as well. This demand is still applicable to the situation of our country today
because this pandemic exposed a lot of anomalies in the government. People were enlightened and
aware about what is happening and now everyone are asking for a person that will not take advantage
of power that will be given to him or her. People wanting our president to resign is one of the most
concrete examples in the present time because they are not asking for this for nothing. This is because
the people can see how our fellow countrymen suffer because of his decisions, people now are asking
for someone who truly cares for his people and passionate about his words and putting it into actions
to have a better country.

REFLECTION: Essay Writing

Write an essay with not less than 500 words on what you think will happen to the Philippines 50 years
from now. Organize your arguments clearly.

In 50 years, I see the Philippines have great potential for future growth. Our economy will move from
agriculture to become more dependent on services and production. We will have bulk goods through
the use of labor, industrial production and manufacturing such as manufactured goods, consumer goods
and automobiles; Manufacturing will encourage cross-industry and cross-sectoral connections,
technological development and innovation that require services with higher added value. The service
industries in our country will continue to be an important growth engine with trade and construction,
tourism, back office processing and other exports of our products. We can be capable of increase our
herbal assets in relation to metal minerals including copper, gold, silver, cobalt, salt and different
minerals. This will make a contribution closer to financial sales and income. Our agriculture will use
state-of-the-art technology including robots, temperature and moisture sensors, GPS era and aerial
images. This will permit profitable, efficient, secure and environmental friendly. We will be able to
produce massive scale of plants including rice, corn, wheat, jute, etc. This may also help each
agricultural export enterprise as properly us home call for and consumption. In regard to Education,
training can have an advanced curricular because of rising economies and technology. All college
students will use cellular getting to know gadgets in place of lugging round very heavy textbooks and
notebooks. By then we are able to enjoy a greater effective, environmentally friendly, present day and
interactive manner of getting to know via cellular getting to know gadgets and different electronics.
About the population, there could be a fast boom and could maintain to grow. Economic reforms also
are critical, including persisted funding in infrastructure to enhance transportation, easing the manner
of organizing agencies and inspiring humans to begin their very own ventures in all fields, reducing
boundaries to funding (especially foreign), strengthening and prioritizing our manufacturing, creative,
and generation sectors, and making our agricultural area greater competitive. There is likewise a want
for cultural reform, if now no longer revolution, amongst us Filipinos, including casting off our laid-
again mind-set towards life, proscribing the have an impact on of Catholicism and Islam on our mind-
set towards current thinking, being greater inclined to take dangers to enhance our possibilities in place
of being afraid to do so, valuing secular training and intellectualism, and being inclined to assist the
ones in want. But simplest if the Philippines is capable of put into effect such sociological and
administrative reforms at the same time as keeping its monetary overall performance thru monetary
reform and restructuring in the course of this period can I be positive that the Philippines could be
evolved kingdom through 2071.

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