UTS Meteorology Ary 192411013

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Dept : Metrology/D3 Nama : Ary Fernando Purba

Mid Test : Selasa/ 19-10-2021 Nim: 192411013

Duration : 11.00-12.30 wib Lecturer : Parlindungan Purba

I. Directions: Identify an unacceptable english word or phrase written in italic. Make the
correction in the blank.
1. Us students would rather not attend night classes in rainy season, but we have to. (Us
students. Seharusnya we karena prounoun)
2. It is true that much people choose to talk rather than to write. (Many)
3. Buying engineering equipments are often a very time consuming because those
equipments are rarelly found. (Is)
4. Languange is a means of communication in which words are usualy expressing. (Mean)
5. English is spoken not only in england but also in the United States, Australia, and some
country in Africa. (Countries)
6. In English gramatical meaning is large determined by word . (Largerly)
7. After she had bought himself a new automobile, she sold her bicycle. (Herself)
8. These equipments are all too expensive for we to buy at this time. (Us)
9. We called yesterday our friends in Medan to tell them about the reunion. (Our friends
10. There are ten childs playing in the yeard near her house, but your child is not among
them. (Children)
11. Mery and her sister studied English last year, and so does Jean. (Did)
12. The manager has finished working on the report last night, and now she will begin to
write the other proposal. (Had)
13. It has been a long time since we have talked to John, isn’t it? (Hasn't)
14. Please give me a few coffe and some donuts if you have any left. (A little)
15. Peter and Tom plays tennis every afternoon with Mary and me. (Play)

II. Directions : Read the passage and then fill the number in the blank from the choices
provided in the box.

1. particular 6. studies 11. wonderfull

2. how 7. Further 12. itself
3. related 8. known 13. word
4. feeling 9. addition 14. and
5. surrounds 10. an 15. information

It is better known that meteorologist is a scientist who studies meteorology. The itself
meteorology word is the scientific study of the earth’s atmosphere related its changes. It
is especially further in forecasting the weather. To say simply, the board of meteorology
shares information publicly addition the weather will be like. Feeling to say, meteorolgy
covers the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth in terms of atmosphere. In how,
atmosphere may mean the word or mood you have in wonderfull place or situation: “I
have particular atmosphere with my girlfriend” as an example.

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