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What is a Conductor?

"A person who, principally by means of gestures of the hands and arms, leads
the performance of a musical ensemble."  This is how the Harvard dictionary
of music defines a conductor.  However, there is much more that goes into
being a conductor.  To name a few, a conductor must also be a motivator,
interpreter, role model, organizer, and disciplinarian.
One of the many roles a conductor plays is that of motivator.  This is a very
important skill for a conductor to possess.  They must be able to make their
ensemble want to become better, to make them stretch their limits.  They
must inspire their musicians to want to run to the practice rooms after
Next, a conductor is an interpreter.  They take the music that is written on the
page and bring it to life.  They are the ones who decide whether or not Bach
wanted a forte to be as loud as a train or as loud as the hum of a refrigerator.
They set the scale for dynamics, articulation and quality of sound.  They are
responsible for knowing the differences of elements of music between the
Baroque and Romantic periods of music.  The conductor is in a sense a
mediator between composer and performer.
A conductor is also a role model.  In a group of older musicians this is true to
an extent, but in younger groups it is a very important element.  If a group has
a conductor in front of them whom they don't approve of, they will be less
likely to take all they gesture to the group less seriously.  They need to be
able to trust the conductor and a good part of that comes from the conductor's
personality not only in rehearsals, but also out.  If the conductor is winning
awards and bettering themselves out side of rehearsal, they are more credible
to their ensemble.  However, if the conductor has had a bad reputation
conducting other ensembles or even as a performer, the ensemble will
question their interpretation of the score more often.
The conductor must also be an organizer.  They must decide who plays what
part and when.  They must set up times for regular rehearsals and call extra
ones when needed.  They organize concert dates and decide the appropriate
literature to play during them.  A conductor organizes tours and where to go
during them.  They also, especially in younger groups, are representative of
the group and usually take responsibility for actions of ensemble members.
Lastly, a role of a conductor is disciplinarian.  A conductor is the person who
decides when a section sounds horrible enough to need a sectional.  They
control the chatter in a group, even if it should not be necessary to do so.  The
conductor also plays a role in firing as well as hiring in professional groups.
In conclusion, a conductor has many duties and roles.  A good balance of
their duties and roles makes a good conductor.  The conductor is not just
standing in front of the ensemble waving their arms; they are also doing ten
times more.
Relationship with Religion and Music

One of the most talked about religion is the Rastafarian religion.  If you don't
know about the religion I will give you the definition and the rules and
regulation that you must follow as a Rastafarian.
Rastafarianism is a politico-religious movement among elements of the black
population of Jamaica and several other countries.  The followers of this
religion do not believe in God, instead they worship Haile Selassie, the former
emperor of Ethiopia.  The word Rastafarian was originated from his name Ras
(Prince) Tafari.   They believe that the Ethiopian emperor to have been a
divine being, the Messiah, and the champion of the black race.  Some
Rastafarians believe that blacks are the Israelites reincarnated and have been
subjected to the evil and inferior white race in divine punishment for their sins;
they will eventually be redeemed by repatriation to Africa, their true home and
The various groups that make up the Rastafarians rejected Jamaican-
European-oriented culture and Christianity revivalist religion and develop their
own identity while awaiting the exodus.  Since the early 1950's the Rastafarian
movement has grown in numbers and complexity.  The identification with the
Africa remained, but the repatriation concept received less emphasis and the
Rastafarians mysticism supported by the Old Testament and incorporating
African forms.  
The lifestyles of Rastafarians are very different from other religions over the
world.  Rastafarians dietary mainly vegetarianism.  Their hair must be worn as
uncombed locks and dreads.  The most important part of the religion is the
smoking of ganja (marijuana).   The reason why the smoking of ganja is so
important to the religion is because; it is used for medication and to keep the
body pure.   They believe that everything they eat or use must be natural.
Even though the Rastafarian religion as been around since 1953 a lot of
people didn't know about it.  Some people did not know the requirements of
this religion until the 1970s and 1980s.  The person who spread the word
about the religion was Robert Nester Marley or Bob Marley.  Bob Marley was
born in St. Ann, Jamaica and he was born under a Christian religion. In 1961
he started is own group that was called The Rudeboys.  This same group later
went on to become one of the most famous reggae groups known as The
Wailers. Bob Marley later went on and converted from Christianity to
Rastafarianism, this was a religion that has had a profound influence on
reggae music.  
Marley and the Wailers music contain elements of spiritualism and mysticism.
Some of their songs called for personal freedom through revolution, while
others embrace carefree attitudes toward life or convey stories of love.  Their
music also focused a lot on their religion; most of their songs and title is
always related to their Rastafarian religion in one way or another. Bob Marley
and the Wailers went on to produce a lot of music albums.   Most of the title
were named after the Rastafarian religion or there believes.   Some people
also think that there music came close to been associated with movement
toward black political independence.
As mention above Bob Marley and his band has made a lot of songs that talks
about their religion.   There is a lot but there are two that reflects these believe
more than the others do.  These two focuses only on there God Haile Selassie
and their believes in what a Rastafarian should do to be faithful to there
The name of one of these songs is Forever Loving Jah.  In this song Bob
Marley and his band was focusing on their religious leader.  In this song Bob
Marley is trying to say that he found the correct path in life and it a thanks to
Jah.  Bob Marley is telling everyone that he is loved and that no matter what
he or she says won't affect him.  The reason behind this is that he knows that
Jah protects him.  In Bob Marley words he knows that Haile Selassie created
him on earth for a specific reason and when his time is right he will be called
forth by jah.
One of the verses in the songs sings;
Cause just like a tree planted by the river of water
That bringeth forth, fruits in

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