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Quarter: 1st Module: 1


“Lord, thank you for all the blessing that you have given to me and to my family.
Thank you for making me feel the love of my parents, friends, and teachers in order to
make me do my best in everything that I do. Lord, we praise you for your wisdom,
power, and strength; there is none like it in the entire world. Thank you for supplying us
with what we need to complete our projects and tasks. Help us to remember to seek
you for guidance, strength, and restoration when we get tired and frustrated. In Jesus’
name, we pray. Amen!”


Like fraction, decimal, and percentage, we use ratios and proportion in our daily lives. When we
wish to get twice the amount of servings from a recipe, we increases the amount of each ingredients
proportionately. When we wish to apportion food or other goods to several groups of people so that
each person gets the same share of the whole, we apply the appropriate type of proportion.

In this lesson, we will strengthen your skills in ratio and proportion, and how these numbers
can be used to solve different types of problems, particularly those that involve business and
financial matters and problems that you may encounter in your day-to-day activities. So have
patience and be more determined in finishing your tasks because surely, you’ll make it. Good
luck and GOD BLESS!

Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC’s)

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

 Compare and differentiate ratio and rate;

 Write proportions illustrating real-life situations;
 Identify the different kinds of proportion and give examples for each; and
 Solve problems involving direct, inverse and partitive proportion.

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

1. Compare and differentiate ratio and rate;

2. Write proportions illustrating real-life situations;
3. Identify, describe and give example of the different types of proportion; and
4. Solve problems involving direct, inverse and partitive proportion.

The learners will utilize the following in this module:
 Textbooks
 Laptop/tablet/mobile phones
 Online resources
 Coloring materials


Quarter: 1st Module: 1


What is up? Are you ready for another

learning ride this week? What are you waiting for? Let
us get prepared and break a leg!

Ratio can be written as a:b and also in a

fraction form as 𝑏 , which means that for every a units
of the first number, there correspond b units of the
second number.

INSTRUCTION: Write the ratio in three different ways


Cats to dogs Fraction:


Avocados to apples Fraction:

Pepperonis to
pizzas Ratio:


Men to Words:


Based on your activity, explain briefly, what is ratio?

It is a good thing that you were able to define ratio. This skill will help you unlock the next challenging task.
You can do it! 😊


Quarter: 1st Module: 1


The notion of ratio is the same as the use of

fraction in business that we have discussed in
lesson 1. Read and analyze the difference
Learning task 2 between rate and ratio or watch the video from
vqI by scanning the QR code at the left side. After
watching, just follow the instruction and do the
rest. Good luck!

We’d like to buy a soda for each student in the
In a class, there are 10 boys and 5 girls. The ratio of
classroom. The local pizza place offers a group
boys to girls is 10:5 or 2:1. Thus, there are 2 boys in
discount on soda purchase: ₱200 for 20 sodas. If
the room for every 1 girl. 20𝑠𝑜𝑑𝑎𝑠 1𝑠𝑜𝑑𝑎
, then (Cross multiply x=10). Thus, the
₱200 𝑥
discounted rate for the sodas is ₱10: 1𝑠𝑜𝑑𝑎

Instruction: Identify whether the given statement is a ratio by putting check () on the box after each statement
while circle ( ) if the statement is an example of rate.

A car travels at an average speed of 60 kilometers per hour.

Liezel, Maricel, and Snooky are partners. Their capital balances are₱10,000, ₱20,000, and ₱30,000,
A bat beats its wings 170 times in 10 seconds.
A painter consumes at the rate of one gallon of paint for every 50 square feet of surface.
A poll taken in a certain subdivision on the operation of the Bataan nuclear power plant showed 235
citizens voting “No” and 47 citizens voting “yes”.

Based on your activity, compare and contrast exhaustively rate

from ratio.

Now you knew already the difference between

rate and ratio. Ratio sometimes can be written in
Learning task 3
a form of percentage, decimal or fraction.
Analyze the example below. Afterwards, see
next page for instruction. 😊

12.5 10 125 25 5
× = ÷ = = 5: 32
80 10 800 25 32


Quarter: 1st Module: 1

Instruction: Express the indicated ratios in colon form and in simplest form. You can write your answers at the
back page of this module
3 39.2% 4.62
2 c. 1.46 f. f. 12.4
a. 3
4 12.48
36.4% g.
8 d. 5 16
b. ̅
15 8
0.56 1.24
e. 96%

Was it easy? Yahoo, you are doing great! Time to step up! This time, let us have another task in expressing
ratio in its colon form. Find out how by analyzing the given example then, answer task 4. Best of luck!

Learning task 4

4 yards to 9 feet = , 1 yard=3 feet
4𝑦𝑎𝑟𝑑𝑠 = 4 × 3𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑡 = 12 𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑡
4𝑦𝑎𝑟𝑑𝑠 12𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑡 12 ÷ 3 4
= = =
9𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑡 9𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑡 9÷3 3
Thus, the ratio is 3 𝑜𝑟 4: 3

Express the following ratios in colon form and fraction form. You can write your answers at the back page of this

1. 210 centimeters to 2 meter
2. 16 pieces to 2.5 dozens
3. 240 milliliters to 1.25 liters
4. 12 pounds to 2.6 kilograms, if 1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds
5. 12 decimeters to 4.8 meters
6. 36 centimeters to 10 inches, if 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters
7. 150 minutes to 3.6 hours
8. 24 square feet to 9 square yards.
Now you are ready for the next challenging task about ratio. Just keep in mind what you have learned
and you will surely make it. 😊

Learning task 5
You are done with the basic concept of ratio. Let us
come to proportion. Still familiar? If not, take a quick
pick. Watch the video from by
scanning the QR code at the lower right side of this
page. Then, start your learning task by following the
instruction at the next page.

5: 9 and 135: 405

(Simplify first the ratio that can be express in its simplest form)
135÷135 1 5 1
= ∴ =
405÷135 3 9 3

Since the simplest form of the two ratios are not the same, hence not form a proportion.


Quarter: 1st Module: 1

Determine if the ratios form a proportion. You can use the back page for your solutions.
1. 5: 12 and 7: 15 6. 2.5: 3.5 and 15%: 22%
1 1
2. 1: 1 2 and 3: 4 2 7. 2.25: 1.44 and 15: 14
1 1 2 1
3. 2 2 : 3 4 and 21.5: 28 8. 3 3 : 5 2 and 50%:75%
1 1
4. 2 3 : 3 2 and 2: 3

Learning task 6

Let us have another learning task in proportion. Find the value of the unknown quantity in each of the
following proportions by completing the puzzle.

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9
1 6
𝑎 960 10 11 12
= (𝐶𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑠 𝑚𝑢𝑙𝑡𝑖𝑝𝑙𝑦)
17 1,020

1,020𝑎 = (960)(17) 13 14 15

1,020𝑎 = 16,320
16 17 18 19
𝑎= = 16
20 21 22 23

32 16 𝑗 29
1. = 292 , 𝑚 = 1. = ,𝑗 =
𝑚 14 7

14 28 12 12
4. = 56 , 𝑏 = 3. = 41 , 𝑘 =
𝑏 𝑘

𝑎 960 𝑛 817
7. = 1,020 , 𝑎 = 16 5. = ,𝑛 =
17 2 2

8 6 30 15
11. = ,𝑝 = 10. = ,𝑢 =
36 𝑝 𝑢 42

32 15
72 𝑒
= 16 , 𝑒 = 11. = ,𝑑 =
48 544 𝑑

14 17
,𝑓 = 13. = ,𝑞 =
5 7 238 𝑞

ℎ 15 4 12
21. = ,ℎ = 17. = 69 , 𝑟 =
7 3 𝑟

𝑔 15 28 16
23. = 20 , 𝑔 = 18. = 15 , 𝑠 =
12 𝑚


Quarter: 1st Module: 1

Learning task 7: Ratio

I know you have built up your skill in performing the basic concept of ratio and proportion, after all those
activities that you have performed. Now, read and analyze the following word problems carefully and give what
is asked. Show your solutions and final answers at the back page

Albert and William are candidates. Albert received 52,000 votes while William received
28,000 votes. What is the ratio of Albert’s vote against William’s?

Solution: Albert:William = 28,000:52,00 = 26:52 = 7: 13

To check: Albert’s votes + William’s votes = 80, 000

7 13
(80,000) + (80,000) = 80,000 7 + 13 = 20, the denominator
20 20

28,000 + 52,000 = 80,000

80,000 = 80,000

Merriam is a cashier. She can ring up 12 customers in 9

minutes. At this rate, how many minutes does it take her SOLUTION: 12 customers in 9 minutes
to ring up 4 customers ÷ 12 ÷ 12

1 customer in 0.75 minutes

×4 ×4

4 customer in 3 minutes

Now. It’s your turn. Read and analyze the problem and give what is asked.
1. If a recipe which uses 1 cups of flour makes a dozen cupcakes. How many cupcakes can be made if
3 4 cups of flour are used?
2. Christian has five times as many as red marbles as his black marbles. If he has a total of 216 marbles, how
many are red and how many are black?

I hope you analyzed the problem and solved what is really asked. Keep up the good work till the last five
learning tasks that you will have.

Learning task 8: Proportion

300 𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑡𝑠 125𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑡𝑠

You already knew the basic in finding the unknown quantity in =
₱480 𝑥
proportion. Let us look at it in a different way by analyzing the
given example. Afterwards, answer the problems at the next 300𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑡𝑠(𝑥) = 125 𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑡𝑠(₱480)
300𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑡𝑠(𝑥) 125 𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑡𝑠(₱480)
300 𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑡𝑠 300 𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑡𝑠
A box containing 300 tablets of
vitamins C sells for ₱480. How much ₱60000
𝑥= = ₱200
would 125 tablets of vitamins C cost? 300


Quarter: 1st Module: 1

1. If 450 out of 1,200 voters surveyed said that they would vote for a congressional representative seeking
re-election, how many votes can the congressional representative expect to get if his district has
96,000 voters?
2. Mika can eat 21 hot dogs in 6 minutes. She wants to know how many minutes (m)left parenthesis, m,
right parenthesis it would take her to eat 35 hot dogs if she can keep up the same pace. How many
minutes would Mika need to eat 35 hot dogs?
3. During one quarter, a store’s gross profit was 7 of the net sales, while the net income was two-fifths of
the gross profit. If the store’s net income for the quarter was ₱136,000, find the gross profit and net
sales for the given quarter.

Did you manage to answer the learning task? Like what I have said before, all you have to do is to analyze
the situation carefully and determine what it’s asking for, and then what comes next will be easy.

Take a deep breath first did you

know that it decreases stress, increases
calm. When you become stressed or
anxious, your brain releases cortisol, the
“stress hormone.” By taking deep
breaths, your heart rate slows, more
oxygen enters our blood stream and
ultimately communicates with the brain
There are three different types of to relax. Deep breathing also ups your
endorphins, the “feel good” chemical.
proportion the direct, inverse and partitive
proportion. Thorough analyze the given
example and surely it will be as easy as 1,2
,3. Let’s GO!

Learning task 9: Direct Proportion Watch the video for Direct proportion from
qmKg by scanning the QR code below

Definition The variable y is said to be directly proportional to x if

there is a nonzero constant k for which 𝑦 = 𝑘𝑥.

The constant k is called the constant of proportionality

1. Let k be the constant
The number of cars c produced by a plant in proportionality. Then, we can write
a month is directly proportional to the number the equation relating m and c as
of machines m that are deployed in the plant. 𝑐 = 𝑘𝑚. Since 𝑚 = 3 when 𝑐 − 12,
Suppose that the plant produces 12 cars in a we have 12 = 𝑘(3) ,
𝑘= 3 =4
month when there are three machines.
substituting this value to our
1. Express the relationship between c equation, we obtain that c and m
and m as an equation. What is the are related by the equation 𝑐 = 4𝑚
constant of proportionality 2. In the case, we need the value
2. How many cars will be produced if of c when 𝑚 = 4. Substituting to our
there are four machines? equation in (1) gives 𝑐 = 4(4) = 16
3. How many machines will be needed 3. We need the value of m when
to produce 20 cars per month? 𝑐 = 20. 20 = 4𝑚, 𝑚 = 5

Is it a big help in answering your next task? I hope it is. Let’s proceed to your next task where all you have to
do is analyze the problems, identify what is given and solve what is ask. Show your solution at the back page.


Quarter: 1st Module: 1

1. The total salary S Marina receives in a month is directly proportional to the number of days d he works.
Suppose that he earns ₱10, 400.00 after working 20 days.
a. Express the relationship between S and d as an equation, and find the constant of proportionality
b. How much will be earn if he works for 15 days?
c. How many days does he need to work to earn ₱12,480.00
2. If y is proportional to x, and 𝑦 = 150 when 𝑥 = 2.4, what is the value of y when 𝑥 = 3.5?

Learning task 10: Inverse Proportion

Woah! Are you done? Easy, isn’t it? Let’s level up by completing task 10.

Definition The variable y is said to be inversely proportional to x if

there is a nonzero constant k for which 𝑦 = .

The constant k is called the constant of proportionality.

The price per square meter p of land zoned for 1. Since p and d are inversely
business is inversely proportional to its distance proportional, we have 𝑝 = 𝑑 ,
d to the center of town. Suppose that a piece where l is the constant of
of land 1.5 km from the center of town costs proportionality. Because 𝑝 =
₱30,000.00 per square meter. 30,000 when 𝑑 = 1.5, substituting
1. Write an equation relating p and d. gives
What is the constant of 30,000 =
proportionality? 𝑘 = 45,000
2. How much per square meter would a 2. We need the value p when 𝑑 =
piece of land 2.5 km from the center of 2.5. Simply substitute 𝑑 = 2.5 and
town cost? 𝑘 = 45,000
Thus, 𝑝 = 2.5 = 18,000

1. For a constant area, the length l of a rectangle is inversely proportional to its width w. the length of a
rectangle is 24 meters when its width is 18 meters.
a. Write an equation relating l and w. What is the constant of proportionality
b. How wide would such a rectangle be if its width is 48 meters?
2. If y is inversely proportional to x and 𝑦 = 10 when 𝑥 = 6, what is y when 𝑥 = 8?

Learning task 11: Partitive Proportion

Hmm, you are doing well. That’s pretty impressive. You are now a step closer in finishing this lesson.
Answer this activity below and you are getting nearer to the final task. Best of luck!

The sum of the term is 2 + 3 + 4 = 9.

Lucilyn had to divide the Thus, the three other child will receive
₱4,000,000 inheritance of her 2 3 4
, 9 , and 9 of the inheritance,
mother among her mother’s
respectively. These are equivalent to
three other children in the ratio 2
of 2: 3: 4 . How much should (4,000,000) = ₱888,888.89
each nephew receive? 3
(4,000,000) = 1,333,333.33
(4,000,000) = 1,777,777.78


Quarter: 1st Module: 1

1. The sum of the interior angles of any quadrilateral is 360°. If the angles are in the ratio of 1: 2: 2: 3, find the
measure of each interior angle.
2. Divide 256 into three parts in the ratio 3: 5: 8.

Learning task 12

For your final task, there are physical quantities that are related to each other by a formula in your science
subjects, such as physics and chemistry. For example, the force F applied to an object is equal to the product of
the mass I of the object and its acceleration a, or F=ma. Look for at least five of these formulas. For each of these
formulas, identify the quantities that vary, determine the type of proportion (direct, inverse or partitive), and
discuss briefly the relationship of that type of proportion to the formulas you identified. Write your output in
document format and send it to my messenger account or email address


A big congratulation! You have finally completed all the learning task required
for this week. I hope that you have acquired the skills needed in this module through
the different learning tasks that you have accomplished. The next section will be an
assessment that aims to assess how far you have learned from this module and in order
to achieve that goal, you are hereby requested to solve the problems on your own.
Remember nothing is impossible with hard work and dedication. Just keep on doing
your best and God will do the rest and also you are a Michaelian and a Michaelian is
an independent learner. You can do it!



I have looked on many sites but I still cannot find out who discovered ratios or when
they were discovered.

Ratios are one of those ideas that go too far back to be sure where they
originated. The discussion of the topic in D. E. Smith's History of Mathematics begins
this way:

It is rather profitless to speculate as to the domain in which the concept of ratio first
appeared. The idea that one tribe is twice as large as another and the idea that one
leather strap is only half as long as another both involve the notion of ratio. Both are
such as would develop early in the history of the race, and yet one has to do with ratio
of numbers and the other with the ratio of geometric magnitudes. Indeed, when we
come to the Greek writers we find Nicomachus including ratio in his arithmetic,
Eudoxus in his geometry, and Theon of Smyrna in his chapter on music.

So we can't say who discovered the idea, or what problems first suggested
it; the best we can say is that the people he lists (and probably many others, perhaps
before the Greeks) developed the theory of ratios beyond the basics.
- Doctor Peterson


Quarter: 1st Module: 1


Now that you have accomplished all the learning tasks prepared for you, it is time to measure how far
you have learned from the different activities that you have triumphed. So solve the following problems and
kindly do it on your own. Box your final answer.

Instruction: Read and analyze the following word problem. Show your SOLUTIONS at the back page.
2 3
1. Hannah, Jane, Marie, and Jocelyn divided a pineapple pie in such a way that Hannah got 7; jane got 14,
1 5
Marie got 2 and Jocelyn got 14. Find the ratio in which the four divided the pineapple pie.
2. A car uses seven liters of gasoline to travel a distance of 84 kilometers. How many liters of gasoline would
the same car consume to travel 504 kilometers?
3. Six men can paint a wall48 hours. How many additional men would be needed to finish the job in 36
1 1
4. Divide ₱3,420.00 into two parts in the ratio 2 : 3.
5. Of the total students in a certain town, the ratio of elementary students, high school students, and college
students is 4:3:1. If there is 540 students, how many are elementary students? High school students?
College students?
6. A recipe uses 12 cups of water for every 5 cups of chocolate. If one wants to make recipe using 8 cups
of water. How much chocolate does one need?
7. The insurance cost for a building is allocated proportionally to its tenants according to the floor area of
the units that they occupy. Suppose that three of the tenants occupy units with floor areas of 100 square
meters, 150 square meters, and 250 square meters, respectively. If the combined cost of insurance they
paid ₱76,000, how much insurance was paid by each?
8. According to Hooke’s law, the force F required to stretch a spring x units beyond its natural length is
directly proportional to x.
a. Write an equation that expresses the relationship between F and x.
b. Suppose that it takes a force of 8 pounds to stretch a spring 8 centimeters long to a new length of
10.5 centimeters. Find the value of the constant of proportionality k, which is known as the spring
c. How much weight is needed to stretch the spring described in (ii) to a length of 10.8 centimeters?

Lord, thank you for your never-ending love and support. Thank you for guiding me as
I continue working on my task in my modules and may You continue to inspire me to do more
and do better in my upcoming learning tasks. Glory be to the father, and the son, and to the
Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning is now and will be forever. Amen.


Quarter: 1st Module: 1


 Yvette Lim, PHD et. al. Business Mathematics. Sibs Publishing House, 2016
 Chan Shio, Christian Paul, Ph.D, et. al. Business Mathematics for Filipinos. Phoenix Publishing
House, 2017
 Norma d. Lopez-Mariano, Ph.D. Business Mathematics. Rex Bookstore Inc., April 2016



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