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Thoughts upon Reading Marko Rodin's on his unusual coil


by Alastair Couper


The curious writings of Marko Rodin are examined for some lines of
continuity with established theory. The ancient science of numerology is
the basis on which this work is founded, but there is little in modern
thought with which to link these old mathematical techniques. It is
speculated that research into fractals will lead to some new connections
with Rodin's theories. It is shown in detail that the Fibonacci sequence,
archetype of growth, form, and the golden mean spiral, contains an explicit
periodicity of 24 when analyzed with numerological techniques. This result
duplicates essential features of Rodin's assertions. The intent is to point
to the possibilities of tapping the apparently random zero point
fluctuations that are theorized in modern physics, by showing the potential
for structure in chaos.

The following is a philosophical tour through some of the concepts which I
have been considering, which may help show a way through Marko Rodin's
ideas in his book Aerodynamics to a link with more established theories and
concepts. And hopefully go beyond them. Like most visionaries, Marko's
peculiar but compelling message is hard to understand and set in a very
personal language. The life work of the seer is to make the translation
accessible to others, lest what was valid in the original perception is
lost to humanity. So I hereby offer my small effort toward the process of
distillation of the essence, which could lead to an experimental test of
these ideas. Lest one be dubious of such "visionary" material that does not
contain an established flow of logical continuity with previous theories,
let it be pointed out that in history, exceptional minds have been able to
perceive directly new concepts and ideas; this is old hat for many of the
most creative in all walks of life. At the same time distortion and
garbling is inevitable, and the process of creation then involves
discernment of the essence, a process which has been called "1 percent
inspiration, 99 percent perspiration".

Marko's original vision was essentially a perception of a four dimensional

sphere, which becomes a complicated toroidal structure when projected into
three dimensions. He also perceived a mapping of an energy flow on the
surface of this projected toroid. The Rodin coil is the best guess at this
stage as to how this original insight could be made in physical form. He
conceives of a coil of very specific geometry which may or may not be a
conventional copper conductor, he has no clear indication of how the
winding is to be energized. The details of the flow of energy are encoded
in his Sunflower Map, which is an elaborate numerological scheme rendered
on the surface of the toroidal form. He expects strong gravitational
effects from a properly executed and powered winding. Throughout his book
he freely uses conventional terms in unusual ways: fractal, hologram,
monopole, phased array, synchronized electricity, polarity, etc.; the
effect being more like poetry than anything else. Rather than reject the
work as being unschooled, I felt that these terms merit further scrutiny in
the spirit of his writing.

The foundation for the whole book lies in the numerological tradition,
which is ancient, probably
something handed down from the Sumerians. As a modern, the whole of
numerology seems trivial at most; and with various cultural overlays,
downright superstitious. The science of the Ancients made much use of
numerology along with astrology and sacred geometry, and one would guess
these were branches of a central tradition. The assertion is made in this
tradition that the base ten system is the most natural number scheme, as it
mirrors some potent aspect of exisence. As an example, DNA molecules have
ten rungs per complete turn of the helix. The key numerological operation
is cross addition, wherein a given number's digits are added to each other
horizontally and reduced to a single digit 1-9. Thus, 5682 becomes 21
becomes 3. This tradition would be trying to teach that in forming a
physical quantity, single units carry as much weight as units of ten or
units of a thousand. Elaborating on the DNA model, it is as if each power
of ten denotes an additional dimension of spiraling. Thus the horizontal
sum denotes a totalizing of positions on the spirals, the meaning being
strictly geometrical in nature, as when a higher dimensional object is
projected onto a lower dimensional surface.
Thus Marko begins with the sequence of powers of two: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32,
64... .and turns this into a repeating pattern: 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5, 1, 2, 4,
8, 7, 5. The claim is that this doubling sequence is seen in all life
processes and throughout nature. (Refer to figure 1.). It is this sequence,
joined by its reverse, which form the bifilar doubling circuits layered
around the torus. The quandary is, what energy conditions could these
numbers refer to ? The remaining numbers form a gap space pattern: 3, 9, 6,
6, 9, 3, 3, 9, 6, 6, 9, 3... which separates the previous circuits. It is
presumed that this sequence is associated with a vorticity of the vacuum or
electromagnetic field between the conductors. It is shown that when these
sequences are laid out in a grid, and various groupings are made using the
horizontal addition, a fractal effect occurs where the same sequence of
numbers appears at higher and higher levels of groupings. One is
immediately reminded of the various examples of period doubling leading to
chaos that are seen in all sciences these days. These bifurcation maps,
such as that produced by the much studied logistics equation, show a
repeating pattern at all levels of magnification, much as does the
Sunflower map.

A very curious correspodance to the Sunflower Map is provided by a

technique pioneered by physicist Roger Penrose called quasitiling. This is
a technique for covering a surface with so called tiles of non-equal
shapes. An on-line application, called Quasitiler, uses a technique to
achieve this tiling similar to that mentioned earlier, whereby a higher
dimensional object is projected down to two dimensions. A typical output
from the program show distinct similarity to Marko's work, especially as
the initial dimensionality is increased to 13, its maximum capabilitry.

Many physical systems display fractal properties, and it is not known to
what level the bifurcations of a nonlinear dynamical system extend to. They
may extend all the way to the quantum level, and that fractals provide a
means for the ever troublesome "collapse" of the wave function. All that is
required to generate fractal behavior is two things: nonlinearity and
iteration; which is to say take a nonlinear process and feed back some form
of its output to its input. The numerological binary doubling sequence as
used by Marko is indeed nonlinear and iterative, so it should be no
surprise when he shows us the repeating fractal patterns of the Sunflower
Map. And yet it is compelling at the same time. The question I ask at this
point is: What can the study of fractals say about the possible extension
of our theories of electromagnetism and gravity?
Conventional engineering uses Maxwell's equations as its guide to field
effects. These equations were developed through the use of experiments
measuring the physical forces exerted by extended bodies, in effect
glossing over the finer details which may be present in the fields. In the
use of calculus and surface integrals, there is always a blur caused by
allowing one component to become infinitesimal while another becomes
infinite. The flavor of this blurring occurs in the following infinite
series expansion:

1/x-1 = 1/(x-1) - 1/x + 1/x**2 + 1/x**3 +.... 1/x**n

For any finite number of elements on the right hand side, the series is
undefined at x-O. But if the series is allowed to go to infinity, then the
left hand side results, which is undefined at x= + 1. Problems with
infinities pop up like mushrooms in the lawn order of physics. (Peat, 1988,
p. 260-1). Not withstanding the various extensions to EM theory which have
been proposed, one needs to ask if linear continuous math be trusted for
all purposes. Another case in point is shown in figure 2. Everyone has seen
what happens when iron filings are used to show the shape of the field
around a magnet. This is misleading in that each iron filing becomes a
magnet itself, and what is shown is actually the force interaction between
the two magnets. When the field is scanned by electrons, the picture is
radically altered, and a complicated, apparently fractal pattern emerges.
(Bearden, 1988, p. 44). My guess is that with a new technique, a similar,
fractal result could be obtained for the static electric case as well,
since we presently use electrons to sense the field created by electrons.
As with the magnetic case, this only gives a force interaction, and doesn't
indicate finer details. I feel that the "internal structure" which Bearden
uses in his writings to describe the vacuum state is not random in any
sense, but perfectly chaotic or infinitely structured. Marko has said
"there is no chaos", which I take to be in the sense of no disorder. (The
Koran states: Not an atom moves, which He does not know.) So white noise is
the signature of infinite information, rather than zero information. And
the fractal road of bifurcations is a map (perhaps one of many) of the
territory. It is the virtue of the fractal approach to ungainly systems
that high orders of complexity can often be collapsed to a very simple
model which mimics the overall characteristics, not in the sense of a
linearized approximation, but in the manner in which noise and order (or
information) are transmitted by the system. Richard Feynman has remar ked,
in relation to the &quotbutterfly effect" or &quotsensitivity to initial
conditions", which renders nonlinear systems like the atmosphere
fundamentally unpredictable, that &quotthere seems to be an infinity of
calculation going on in a very small cube of air". Marko's mathematics
purports to be a sort of Rosetta stone for modeling the ultimate order on
the level of the quantum. He uses the term 'number crunching' to denote the
leveling of the computational problem to a simple form.

Dan Winter's writings have many points of contact here, particularly in

the use of fractals, of toroids of specific geometry, and the notion that
form and ratio are primary. With great poetry, he shows how spin and shape
of a Unified Field conspire to effect the cascade of wavelengths from long
into short, and vice versa, by sacred stone architecture and biological
systems; and thereby allowing the translation of energy from one frequency
to another. Note what a slippery concept "energy" is. We all seem to want
it, and yet we don"t really know what it is. Here is Dan's version of the
story of the One

"When you have only one kind of flowing material to work with, it is like
the universe is one giant flowing ocean. Then the only shape you can make
is the vortex.., which makes donuts. Hydrogen as the basic building block
of all the atoms, is really a wave shaped into a donut or torus." (Winter,
1994a, p. 130)

"The fractal nature of the waveform creates gravity. The relationship of

the electron shell to the nucleus is fractal, as both have Platonic
symmetry, and this permits the cascade for the wave to fall into shorter
and shorter wavelengths. We call that one way wind gravity.
Hydrodynamically it is a flow between frequencies, lower to higher, into a
center, induced because the symmetry is fractal. It is the nature of
recursion itself that creates gravity. It is that recursion or self-
imbeddedness that creates the attractiveness in waveforms that draws them
back to center, recursively making them nest in more and more self-imbedded
patterns." (Winter, 1 994b)

It is this vortex mechanics which Marko is endeavoring to construct at the

center "nozzle" of his torus form, or the "Primal Point of Unity". The
swirling and spiraling of the Sunflower Map as it topologically distorts in
the center gives the impression, artistically anyway, of the cascade
between frequencies. It is as if Marko is attempting to construct a
macroscopic electron. Is it possible that the flow of electrons in wire
could be used to orchestrate this vortex flow of energy? We need to
conceive of the energy as distinct from the moving electrons, as Bearden
points out. (Bearden, 1993, p.6) After all, the drift of electrons in a
conventional wire is only millimeters per second, whereas the energy
involved in that flow, or ON that flow, travels at close to the speed of
light. The work of David Bohm provides an additional insight here.

Bohm has developed an alternative form of quantum theory which provides

for a very different interpretation of what happens at the subatomic level,
although it gives the same numeric results as the standard theory. (Bohm,
1980, p. 67-9). This is proper, as quantum physics to its credit can boast
very precise levels of agreement between theory and experiment, although
that is possibly a case of finding what is looked for. I will quote here
from the book Turbulent Mirror, by Briggs and

"Bohm's 'causal interpretation' is a proposal that introduces nonlinearity
into the quantum theory. He realized that it's possible to write down
Schrodinger's equation in a new way, essentially by splitting it into two
parts. The first part describes a sort of 'classical electron'. The second
equation describes a bizarre 'potential' in which the electron moves, a
kind of infinite sensitivity possessed by the electron (or other particle)
to its surroundings. Bohm calls this sensitivity the 'quantum

The quantum potential that dictates the way an electron moves is nonlinear
and is determined, in an unimaginable way, by all the . . .particles that
surround the electron in question. The quantum potential controls the
movement of an electron inside an atom, or as it travels inside a piece of
experimental apparatus.

Because of the extreme sensitivity of the quantum potential, an electron is

constantly pushed into bifurcation points along its path, regions where it
may be flung in one direction or the other. So complex is this nesting of
bifurcations and wildly fluctuating regions that the result is the
indeterminism and unpredictability that characterize the movement of an
individual quantum such as an electron, 'quantum chaos' as it's sometimes
called. But as far as Bohm is concerned, the quantum electron's movement is
not one of chance and uncertainty; rather, it is totally determined- but by
a potential of such endless complexity and subtlety that any attempt at
prediction is out of the question.

For Bohm the quantum potential- which every particle possesses-is an

infinitely sensitive feedback with the whole. Picture the electron as an
airplane controlled, by an automatic pilot. The quantum potential
associated with the particle is analogous to a radar signal informing the
automatic pilot about everything in the plane's environment. The signal
doesn't actually power the plane but can influence its course profoundly "
(Briggs and Peat, 1989, p. 183)

This idea of an information signal telling a particle where to go is also

found in Bearden's writings, where he describes a scalar electric potential
as being like a patterning of the chaotic vacuum, and that a spinning
particle (spinning IS charge) "hooks" into the potential, somewhat like
gears meshing. The particle is not pushed by the ESP, but moves from its
own energy source. (Bearden, 1983, part IV, p, 17) The ESP only provides
the pattern or information of where to move. I begin to get the image of
the electric field as having a quality of complexity and baroque curliness
as does the Mandelbrot set. Our notions of requiring work to move charge in
a wire comes from the fact that our circuits discharge the electron
potential in 'random' (a better word would be unsynchronized) collisions,
delivering the depotentized electron back to the source where it must be
pumped back up. Thus the original source potential is discharged. (Bearden,
1993, p. 11).

Moray King has made a similar point in noting that electrons are not
useful for polarizing the vacuum, due to the ease with which they are
buffeted about by the quantum chaos. This is part of why electrons are
conceived of as a &quotsmear". He states that one must coherently move
masses of nuclei to achieve a stable vacuum polarization, and the heavier
the nuclei, the better. However, he further states that energy effects are
also reported from the use of coils which cancel their magnetic fields,
such as caduceus or bifilar wound coils. All the instances cited require a
sudden, abrupt change of current, such as occurred in Tesla's apparatus
when ball lightning was produced. This would be a case of electron flow
alone generating some sort of self-organization in the fields around the
coil. (King, 1989, p.77-88). The annals of energy research contain a
bewildering array of reports and folk lore regarding the effects associated
with these flux canceling coils. Dr. Hooper, who coined the term motional E
field to describe his research on flux cancellation, has stated that
increase of the speed of the charge flow would vastly increase the effects
he measured. (Hooper, 1971, p. 4). Now increasing the speed of conduction
sounds like superconductivity, in that it would require the orchestrated
movement of all the charge carriers in synchronism to minimize jostling.
This story is seen in Marko's writings as well, where he says that his
geometry ensures the longest possible collision free path, allowing the
flow of synchronized electricity, which he also refers to as accelerated
electricity. (Could cooperating electrons be referred to as a smear
campaign?) He claims that superconductivity is a result of form and
proportion, and not of material content. Bill Ramsay has measured the flux
characteristics of an initial prototype of Marko's coil, finding that it
lies in between the open radiation of a solenoid and the enclosed flux of a
usual toroid, with partial flux cancellation due to the bifilar
configuration. (Ramsay, 1995, p. 10). Perhaps his toroid geometry could
create a synergy of the separate quantum potentials, each telling all to
move in such a way as to eliminate resistance. The use of 'gear teeth,
mesh, number crunching, entrainment and transmission' throughout Marko's
glossary seems to me to point to this idea. A very strong intuition that I
have at this point is that if indeed this synergistic flow of energy is to
be orchestrated in a wire coil, the driving or inducing signal will not be
a simple sine wave or square wave, but must itself partake of the fractal
and vortexian natures. It will have to reference in some way a
transcendental condition, as does the transcendental number PHI which can
not be contained in a number system, but can be invoked by simple geometry.

Only a small "leg up" on the natural quantum chaos would be required for
large results to be obtained. At present, chaos theory and Fibonacci
sequences are making a big stir in investment methods on the stock
exchange. There is presently an artificial intelligence program using these
concepts to learn and adapt to the fluctuations of the stock market index,
and to then make predictions. The program shows results which consistently
give an advantage of a fraction of a percent over the usual odds. This is
not impressive at first sight, but when one moves around large sums daily
with an assured gain, the advantage quickly accumulates. This is similar to
the presumed immensity of the background jitterbug' energy. A special
geometry would give a return based on how well it accorded with a preferred
path of least resistance.

The I Ching
Further impetus in this direction comes from the work of Terence McKenna
and his Time Wave theory. While this theory is as intuitive and elaborate
as Marko's, it is also implemented in software which allows for some sort
of testing. The theory states that the nature of time is not one of simple
linear flow, but has a fractal quality with the usual attribute of
repetition of self similar pattern at various levels of duration. The
quality which is charted by his software is referred to as novelty (in the
sense of A. N. Whitehead), and which he interprets in the historical
perspective as the flow of new ideas and epoch making events into the life
of earth. While it is arguable as to what Terence has actually
accomplished, the process he used is potentially relevant to energy

He began with the King Wen sequence of the 64 I Ching hexagrams, which he
calls a "profoundly artificial arrangement", as a model for the way in
which time's changes could be mapped. He then took the first order
difference. between each hexagram, a sort of first derivative of the
changing number of lines in the sequence. This generated a random appearing
series having values of 1,2,3,4, and 6 (no changes of 5). It was then
noticed that if this "waveform" were turned around in time and inverted, it
would overlay the original at each end. This impressed Terence at the time
as there were several interesting numerical relations that came out of
this. What I thought of when reading this for the first time was that he
was constructing something like a forward moving particle/ backward moving
anti-particle pair. (Figure 3.) (Note the similarity to Marko's use of the
forward and reverse binary doubling sequence.) He took this pair of wave
forms through a series of mappings, all intuitively guided, to finally
produce a sequence of 384 numbers which are the "seed" of his time wave.

This seed is then used as the basis in what is called a fractal

transformation. If the 384 numbers are considered as elements of a discreet
function v(n), then the function f(n) is the fractal transform given by:

f(n) = sum( v(n*(a**i)) / a**i ) for i = -infinity to + infinity

This function is constructed of an infinite number of versions of the
original function which are stretched or compressed, and added together. In
practice the number of additions need only go as far as required for
numeric accuracy. The Time Wave Zero program uses this function as a way to
calculate backwards in time from a given date. When Terence chose Dec.21,
2012 as the end date, he found that there was a very compelling coincidence
between the sudden changes in the time wave and historically significant
events on Earth, be it the appearance of mammals eons ago, or the sudden
change of consciousness in the mid 60s. The function can be interpolated to
any length of time. What is of interest to me in this is some notion as to
how one could proceed in creating other nonperiodic wave forms of a fractal
nature. See Terence's pages for more details on this fascinating creation.
(And this one. And also this one.).

A complementary analysis of relevance is given by Lama Govinda, shown in

figure 4. (Govinda, 1981, p. 152). Here we see the result of taking the
same King Wen sequence used by McKenna, a temporal arrangement, through
various transformations to give an abstract arrangement which is able to be
shown most succinctly by this geometric mandala. While I do not want to
push any analogies too hard, what McKenna's time wave and this form
represent to me is a particle and wave duality; one an unfolding in time,
the other a sort of Platonic solid existing in some timeless dimension,
much like the vibrating plate patterns produced by Chladni and Hans Jenny
which show a geometry resulting from a waveform in time. Or perhaps like a
flowing liquid solution and a crystallized solid. (As Whitehead says, the
sole appeal is to intuition.) This seems to define the essence of sacred
geometry, which is to construct a shape or form, be it toroid or pyramid or
whatever, that is the crystallization of a temporal wave form. The toroid
which Marko and others favor is clearly a primary form. What can be said
about the doubling sequence?

Glimpses of Universality
As pointed out by Lawlor in Sacred Geometry, (1982, p.28- 31), the division
of the primordial unity into two is symbolized by the square, and the
diagonal. It is the essence of cellular growth and

expansion. Doubling is a motion which makes no reference to anything but

itself, and when out of control it causes cancer or explosion. So doubling
requires a form in order to be useful. Marko maintains that the doubling
sequence is fundamental to all energy processes. On the other hand, the
Golden Mean spiral would appear to denote the rather different process of
cascading between frequencies, as mentioned earlier. However, Marko shows
that there is a relation in his math between these two energy archetypes
which is a numerological transform not having any parallels in conventional
math that I am aware of. But it does seem to me to be significant.

It is clear that the Binary doubling sequence and the Fibonacci sequence
are related by the following construction called the Pascal triangle, of
Chinese origins:





Each number is obtained by adding together the numbers diagonally above. If

one adds the rows across, the binary sequence is obtained. If the numbers
are added on a diagonal path, the Fibonacci sequence is obtained. (As: 1=1,
1=1, 1+1=2, 1+2=3, 1+3+1=5, 1+4+3=8, 1+5+6+1=13, etc.'

The mood of numerology is to view numbers as geometric forms or process

rather than simple quantity, so it is very difficult to see how these ideas
could link with our normal scientific notions. Marko contends that the
digits 1-9 represent an essential, perfect, and complete system. In
reference to the Kabbalah, it is said that the Hebrews thought in terms of
twelve, even though they counted in the decimal system. The Chinese thought
in powers of two, especially 8 and 64. In figure 5,

we see these systems combined in a mandala of Tibetan origin. (The magic

square at the center is one which is also used by John Searl, of levitating
disc fame,in his design process.) (Govinda, 1981, p. 54). The
transcendental numbers like PHI and root two do not have a simple numeric
representation; they seem to point to another dimension than Earth bound
integers. But again there is a mysterious connection between these various
numbers that caught my attention.

I became intrigued with the idea of attempting to create a wave form which
would invoke in some way the golden mean spiral vortex. Moray King has
suggested using a "chirp" or logarithmic swept sine wave as an excitation
for energy devices, in order to stimulate the cascade of energy between
frequencies. But is there a signal which would partake of the fractal
nature in a direct way? I began by examining the elements of the Fibonacci
sequence, which gives an arbitrarily close approximatior to PHI by taking
the ratio of adjacent values. If one takes the horizontal sum of each value
of the series, the result will be as shown in figure 7. It is seen that,
regardless of the numbers used to start, the sequence of numbers will
always have a period of 24, with a significant symmetry between the first
12 entries and the second. There is also symmetry in the first order
difference. My immediate question was, "Why 24, or twice 12 ?" We have 12
months, 12 inches, 24 hours, etc. In figure 8 I show further the symmetries
which come from this sequence of numbers. In fact, one can start with any
two ascending numbers, and following this Fibonacci process, end up with a
very similar pattern There are only four different patterns which are
possib le using this process, and these groupings again showing a natural
symmetry. Finally, in figure 9, the sequence of figure 7 is detailed to
show the magical appearance of Marko's two opposing binary doubling
sequences along with the gap space sequence from this process, which points
to some deep image of Universality. This was an unexpected result and lends
weight Marko's assertion that the doubling sequence is indeed a fundamental
construct. But the quandary remains as to what entities are performing this
'number crunching'. To a neo-Platonist, these glimpses of an unchanging
form which lies behind the ever swirling transience of energy in motion are
very appealing and encouraging. They have the same feeling as a conserved
quantity in normal physics which is unaffected by transformations.

I can't say any further at this stage. How does numerology relate to energy
states in electrical circuit?

Hopefully experiment will follow from all this. I must leave these
speculations for now, and do something toward the next step. I hope that,
if nothing else, I have stimulated thought and expanded a few minds.


Bearden, T.E., 1983. Toward A New Electromagnetics. Tesla Book Co., Chula
Vista, Ca.

Bearden, T.E., 1988. Excalibur Briefing. Strawberry Hill Press, San

Francisco, Ca.

Bearden, T.E., 1993. The Final Secret Of Free Energy. Self published.

Bohm, David, 1980. Wholeness and the Implicate Order. ARK, London Briggs,.
J. and Peat, F. D.,

1989. Turbulent Mirror. Harper & Row, New York.

Govinda, Lama, 1981. The Inner Structure of the I Ching. Wheelwright Press,
San Francisco.

Hooper, W.J.,Oct. 5, 1971, "All Electric Motional Electric Field

Generator", U.S. Patent 3,610,971.

King, M.B., 1989. Tapping The Zero Point Energy. Paraclete Publishing,
Provo, UT.

Lawlor, R., 1982. Sacred Geometry. Thames and Hudson, London.

Peat, F.D., 1988. Superstrings, Contemporary Books, Chicago.

Ramsay, Bill, 1995. "Rodin Coil Design"; New Energy News, Dec., p.10-12.
Rodin, Marko. 1994. Aerodynamics, P.O. Box 950, Waimanalo, HI. 96795. ($30

Winter, Dan, 1994. Alphabet Of The Heart. Crystal Hill Farm, Eden, NY.

Jean Naudin website Location

A possible Curl Free-A Transceiver

The Time Energy Pump project

The following is from the Jean Louis Naudin website I suggest ou have a
look at the vast array of information and experiements he has constructed
and of the information provided at his website

created on 09/28/97 - JLN Labs - last update on 09/28/97

Notes from Jean-Louis Naudin This device uses the "possible" emission of a
curl-free-A potential which radiates from the Rodin coil both to its inside
or center space and outside and beyond into space. The device is being
under tests and I can't confirm this fact today. Also I give you this
electronic diagram for your information and I take no responsiblity
concerning the supposed characteristics (Faster Than Light (FTL)
transmissions, E.T. communications

Obviously if you hold all the B-Field inside the coils of the torus, and
then put something else in the center region outside the coils, you can get
some additional potential and field energy there in the center of works.
You can also get similar propagation outside the coil, with effects on
distant objects.

Rodin is apparently going by elementary electricity concepts but augmented

by excellent native intuition. What he really is doing is attempting to
separate the A-potential (i.e., the magnetic vector potential A) from the
B-Field, and utilize the curl-free A-potential as an independent field of
nature in the central "crossover" region. It is know that it is possible,
the well known Aharonov-Bohm effect depends upon precisely this

In the Rodin's document about the coil design:

A winding pattern for a torus which creates Synchronized Electricity. By

winding in this manner, you orient the electrons moving through the
windings and thereby minimize random collision of electrons, as well as
heat, friction and reluctance. The right and left doubling circuits
(beginning and ending at position 1; and, beginning and ending at position
2) conduct the flow of electrons in opposite, parallel diagonal directions.
The dotted lines (beginning and ending on numbers which are multiples of 3)
represent the gap spaces, the equal potential major grooves, which separate
the winding.

Today, according to my first series of test, I can say that this coil have
some interesting spec:

Obviously the center crossover region is active ,.. .A long ferrite rod
placed through the center of the Rodin style coil change the value of the
inductance.... So, the center region in Rodin style coil is quite

I can confirm experimentaly this fact now, also more tests are planned

Rodin Coil Experiment

You may see also some patents about EM transmission using the curl free A

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