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From the Office of the Principal

November 27, 2021

Dear Parents/Guardians and Friends,

Greetings of peace, love and joy!

This year is a significant event in our faith lives as we celebrate the 500 years of
Christianity in our country. As we enter the Advent season this coming Sunday, let us
look at it as a time also to recommit ourselves to the gift of faith and to prepare
ourselves for the coming of the Lord into hearts.
I hope we all stay strong even in the face of adversity this pandemic time, energized
by our Catholic faith. Let us continue to support one another even through a simple
prayer or word of encouragement.
And in this light, let us take the Advent season as an opportunity to reflect. It is a time
that asks us to ponder things in our hearts. God is telling us something, and hopefully
with some introspection and reflection we hear what He is trying to say to us. Let us
make the 500 years of Christianity alive among us especially this Advent. Let us not
get tired of sharing our time, effort, and resources in helping others, most especially
to those who are in most need. Afterall, this is the true essence of the theme for this
year’s celebration “Gifted to Give.”
As one Canossian Family, we wish you a meaningful Season of Advent as we prepare
for the birth of Jesus. May the good Lord bless and keep you!
Here are the upcoming events of the Canossa Educative Community for the months of
December 2021 and January 2022:
Dec 3 Voters Education for Senior High School students
Dec 8 Institutional mass Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception (no classes)
Dec 9 GS SAP (Student Activity Program) 3:30-4:30
Dec 9-11 Graduation Pictorial SK, Gr 6,10,12 (see schedule)
Dec 11 Advent Recollection of all PTA Presidents
Dec 16-18 Second Quarterly Test
Dec 18 Pamaskong Handog (send your donations - cash or in kind)
Dec 20- Class Virtual Christmas Party
Dec 21-Jan 3 Christmas break
Jan 4 Regular class
Jan 4 to 7 Performance Task (PT) Submission
Jan 7 Inter Canossa Youth Camp of the 4 Canossian Schools (Gr 3-10 & Gr 12)
Jan 7 International Canossian Gathering (Grade 11)
Jan 15 San Pablo City Fiesta (No classes)
Jan 22 Second Card Showing (Settle your accounts)
Jan 29 Seminar on the Sacrament of Confirmation (Grades 9-12)

In St. Magdalene of Canossa,

Sr. Arlen V. Aragones, FdCC

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