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Lesson plan: Mini Pictures Duration Theme Subject focus Age group

10 – 20 minutes Nature Art Key Stage 1/2

Learning objective: To recreate a theme/view using natural materials in a mini picture

Resources required
 Cardboard.
 Double sided Sellotape. Brief of the game
Give each pupil a piece of cardboard (the frame) with a strip of double sided tape in the
middle (the picture).
Top tips
Find an area with natural material – or non-natural depending on theme. Introduce why
 Ideally prepare before you should not using living materials.
starting by putting
double sided tape on Introduce a theme or leave it open for interpretation depending on group. Could be to
pieces of card. recreate the view in miniature or to make cards to represent a theme they are learning
 Be open to some pupils about, or to take home. Examples of themes include conservational threat in this area,
interpreting it their biggest worry for animals living here etc.
own way – or being
uncooperative. I once Choose whether pupils share with others or be kept private if they want to .
had a pupil take off the
tape backing and drop
it into the stones, pick
it up and say it was a Differentiation/Extension
beach!! Very funny and
to be fair kind of Pupils can set a theme for each other, or come up with a message told through pictures
creative! that another pupil must interpret
 If really wet the
materials won’t stick to How to review
tape very well, can use
rubbish to create view Share what new things they found whilst completing picture; what resources they could
e.g. green wrappers as use to represent different things e.g. bit of crisp packet found to represent water.
hills etc.

Links to other
 For a full
environmental art
lesson why not try this
Natural Mandalas
 Colour Palettes - A
focus on colours


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