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For First Year Students

Topics Covered
Language of Mathematics & Elementary Logic: Connectives, Variables, Quantifiers, and Negation

Objectives: At the end of this lessons, students should be able to:

a) classify the characteristics of mathematical language;

b) differentiate expressions from sentences;
c) identify convention in the mathematical language;
d) define sets and relations;
e) perform operations on mathematical expressions correctly;
f) define simple statement and compound statement;
g) write compound statements using connectives;
h) express simple and compound statements symbolically;
i) write the negation of quantified statement.

Lecture Proper:
Comprehending a message is better understood once a person understand how things are said
and may know why it is said. The use of language in mathematics is far from ordinary speech. It can be learned
but needs a lot of efforts like learning a new dialect or language. The following are characteristics of the
language of mathematics: precise, concise, and powerful.

Lesson 1 & 2 Language of Mathematics, Elementary Logic: Connectives, Variables, Quantifiers, and Negation

Find a group and discuss the characteristics of the language of mathematics and give an example to
supplement your explanation.

1. The Language of Mathematics is Precise:

Answer: Precision in mathematics is like a culture of being correct all the time. In order for us to acquire that
precision, our statement must be correct all the time

Example: x+6=7. In order for this statement to be precise, the value of x must be equal to 1 because if the
value of x is 1 then we have 1 + 6 = 7

2. The Language of Mathematics is Concise:

Answer: It is concise because it can create long expositions or sentences briefly using the mathematical

Example: Instead of writing “a number decrease by nine” we can write n- 9

3. The Language of Mathematics is Powerful:

Answer: Mathematics language is powerful because it is able to express complex thoughts by just using
equations and formula

Example: Work is an activity that involves mental or effort done in order to achieve a purpose or a result. Now
what if we want to measure work so that it could be useful in different industries this is possible when you use
the formula W=FD
Expression vs. Sentences
You learned in your English subject that expressions do not state a complete thought, but sentences
do. Same with Mathematical sentences state a compete thought. On the other hand, mathematical
expressions do not.
Mathematical Expression Mathematical Sentences
26.14 -11 + 7 = 4
5+2 1 – 4 = -3
X+√ 2 1.x=x

Analysis (Communication)
Classify each given equation as a mathematical expression(E) or a mathematical sentence(S).

1. a + 9 - Mathematical Expression (E)

2. b + 0 = b - Mathematical Sentence (S)
3. t/100 - Mathematical Expression_(E)
4. 3.1416 - Mathematical Expression E)
5. x + y = y + x - Mathematical Sentence (S)

Conventions in Mathematical Language

The common symbol for multiplication is x but it can be mistaken as the variable x. There are instances
when the centered dot (٠) is a shorthand to be used for multiplication especially when variables are involved.
If there will be no confusion, the symbol may be dropped.

8٠y = 8y
a٠b٠c = abc
t٠s٠9 = 9st

It is conventional to write the number first before the letters. If in case the letters are more than one,
you have to arrange the letters alphabetically.
Sets are usually represented by the uppercase letters like S. The symbol R and N represent the set of
real numbers and the set of natural numbers, respectively. A lowercase letter near the end of the alphabet like
x, y or z represents an element of the set of real numbers. A lowercase letter near the middle of the alphabet
particularly from i to n may represent an element of the set of integers.

Abstraction (Critical Thinking)

I. For each of the following expressions, write each in the most conventional way.

1. √ 3٠x
Answer: 3x

2. z٠y٠5
Answer: 5yz

3. 8٠y٠x
Answer: 8xy

4. c2٠a4٠b2٠3
Answer: 3a^4 b^2 c^2

5. 11٠ z10٠t٠y6
Answer: 11t y^6 z^10
II. What is the most conventional way to write 5٠11? Justify your answer.
Answer: The most conventional way to write 5∙11 was simply write 5x 11. You will just use the center dot (.)
when variables are involved to prevent (x) to be taken as variable. Since they are both number and there is
no variable, just use the sign of multiplication (x)

Sets, Functions, Relations, and Binary Operations

As discussed previously, uppercase letters represent sets. For example, the set of integers is
represented by the symbol Z. A set is a collection of any object. It is a mathematical expression in which a
name is given to some collection of objects. Elements or members refer to the objects in a set. If the
numbers of elements in a set can be enumerated, then it is called a finite set. Otherwise, infinite set. A set
that has no members is called the empty set which is denoted using { } or Ø.
List method is a way of describing the set in which the members are separated by commas and
enclosed in braces like set S = {4, 8, 12}. The set has 3 elements which are 4, 8, and 12. Below are some
symbols used to represent the relationship of an element to a set.
Symbol Read as
Є "is in"/"is an element of"/"is a member of"
∉ "is not in"/"is not an element of"/"is not a member of"

To say that 4 is an element of set S, it is represented as 4 e S. If the members of the set are infinite or
cannot be easily described using the list method, then the set-builder notation can be used.
Let us go back to our given set S. The sets {4}, {8}, {12}, {4, 8}, {4, 12}, {8, 12), {4, 8, 12}, and { } are
called subsets of the given set S. A set is a subset of a given set if any one of the following three conditions
holds: it is the given set, it is the empty set, or each member of the set is also an element of the given set.

Functions and Relations

You learned in your General Mathematics class the difference between a function and a relation. A
relation is a set of ordered pairs. A function is a relation in which the element of the first set (domain)
corresponds to only one element of the second set (range). A function may also be many to one

Function Function Relation

x 1 x 1 x 1
y 2 y 2 y 2
z 3 z 3

Application (Creativity)
Below are examples of a function. Each item is labeled as a function or mere relation. Represent each
item correctly depending on the labels by either drawing arrows or writing ordered pairs.
{(W,-2), (O,-1), (R,0), (L,1), (D,2)} -Function
Letter Numbers
W  -2
O  -1
R  0
L  1 W -2

D  2 O -1
R 0

L 1

D 2

Letter Numbers -Function
W -2
O -1
R 0 W
L 1
D 2

Letter Numbers DOMAIN RANGE
W -2
O -1
R 0
L 1
D 2 W -2

-Function O -1

R 0

L 1

D 2

Letter Numbers - DOMAIN RANGE
W -2
O -1
R 0
L 1 -2

D 2 O -1

R 0
More relation
L 1

D 2

For numbers 4 to 6, use the same set of letters and set of numbers from the previous items.
4. {(W, -2 ), (O, -1), (R, 0), (L, 1 ), (D, 2)} - Function
5. {( W ,-2), ( O , -1), ( R ,0), ( L ,1), (D ,2)} - Mere relation
6. {( W , -2 ),( O , -1 ) ( R, 0 ), (L, 1), (D , 2 )} - Mere relation

Binary Operations
A unary operation is for a single number and assigns another number to it. Addition (+), subtraction
(-), multiplication (), and division (+-) are examples of binary operations. The word "binary" means
composition of two pieces. A binary operation refers to joining two values to create a new one.
Study the following properties of addition and multiplication, as binary operations, on the set of real

I. Closure Property
Addition: The sum of any two real numbers is also a real number.
Example: 12 + 34 = 46
Multiplication: The product of any two real numbers is also a real number.
Example: 7 x 20 = 140

II. Commutative Property

Addition: For any two real numbers x and y, x + y = y + x
Example: 1.5 + 7.8 = 7.8 + 1.5
9.3 = 9.3
Multiplication: The product of any two real numbers is also a real number.
Example: 8 x 5 = 5 x 8
40 = 40

Applying the commutative property of addition, we may write the equivalent expression of 8m + 7n
as 8m + 7n = 7n + 8m. What do you think is the equivalent expression of (12a). (17b)?

III. Associative Property

Addition: For any two real numbers x, y and z, x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z.
Example: 3 + (10 + 9) = (3 + 10) +9
3 + 19 = 13 + 9
22 = 22

Multiplication: For any two real numbers x, y and z, X. (y z) = (xy). z.

Example: 3 · (9 · 6) = (3·9) · 6
3 · (54) = (27) · 6
162 = 162
Using the associative property of multiplication, we may write the equivalent expression of (420) .
(16a²b5) as (42cº) · (16a2b5) = (16a_b5) . (42cº).

IV. Identity Property

Addition: For any real number x, x + 0 = x. The number “0” is called the additive identity
Example: 78 + 0 = 78
Multiplication: For any real number x, x 1 = x. The number "1" is called the multiplicative identity.
Example: 98 · 1 = 98
Using the identity property, we may write an equivalent expression of a mathematical expression by
substituting an expression that is equal to the additive identity or multiplicative identity. Study the examples
3c 7
Example 1. Write an equivalent expression of by multiplying instead of 1
5 7

3c 3c
5 = 5 ·1

3c 7
=5 ·

21 c
= 35

21 c 3c
Therefore, and are equivalent expressions.
35 5
Example 2. Write an equivalent expression of 9j 2 - 5 by adding (2m - 2m) instead of 0.
9j2 - 5 = 9j2 - 5 + 0
= 9j2 - 5 + (2m - 2m)
= 9j2 + 2m - 5 - 2m
Therefore, 9j2 - 5 and 9j2 + 2m - 5 - 2m are equivalent expressions.

V. Distributive Property of Multiplication Over Addition

For any two real numbers x, y and z, x(y + z) = xy + xz.
Using the distributive property, write the equivalent expressions of the following
1. a(-x + y - z)
Answer: -ax + ay - az

2. -5(7l + 8m + 9n)
Answer: = -5 · 7l +( -5) · 8m + (-5) · 9n
= -35l – 40m – 45n

3. m(vi, -vf)
Answer: = m x vi – m x vf
= mvi - mv

VI. Inverses of Binary Operations

Addition: For any real number x, x + (-x) = 0.
Example: 100 + (-100) = 0
Multiplication: For any real number x, x · 1 = 1.
Example: 98 · =1


 The following are the characteristics of the language of mathematics: precise, concise, and powerful.
 Mathematical sentences state a complete thought.
 Centered dot (5) is a shorthand to be used for multiplication especially when variables are involved.
 A set is a collection of any object.
 Finite set has definite number of elements. Otherwise, it is infinite set.
 A set is a subset of a given set if any one of the following three conditions holds:
 It is the given set.
 It is the empty set, or
 Each member of the set is also an element of the given set.
 A set that has no members is called the empty set.
 A relation is a set of ordered pairs.
 A function maybe a one-to-one correspondence or many-to-one correspondence.
 A binary operation refers to joining two values to create a new one.
 Properties of addition and multiplication, as binary operations, on the set of real numbers:
 Closure Property
 Commutative Property
 Associative Property
 Identity Property
 Distributive Property of Multiplication Over Addition
 Inverses of Binary Operation


Logic is the study of the methods and principles used to discriminate correct from incorrect
reasoning. As tertiary students, you must know how to reason out logically and test the validity of an
argument about any matter. You will learn about connectives, quantifiers, negations, and variables which
are essentials to modern logic and its symbolic language. There is a separate chapter for other topics under

A declarative sentence is a sentence whose main verb is indicative. A statement is a declarative
sentence that is either true or false but cannot be both. A statement can be simple or compound. Below are
examples of simple and compound statements,

Simple Statement Compound Statement

The highest mountain in the Philippines is Mt. Apo. The highest mountain in the Philippines
is Mt. Apo, and the second highest
mountain is Mt. Pulag.
Cebu is the oldest City in the We will go to Camiguin island or we will go to
Philippines Mactan island.

To create a compound statement, connectives like and, or, if...then, and if and only if are used. The
symbols p, q, r, and s represent simple statements. Below are the symbols used for connectives

Connective Symbols Type of Statement

and ^ Conjunction
or v Disjunction
If…then  Conditional
If and only if  Biconditional

The first example of compound statement which is “The highest mountain in the Philippines is Mt.
Apo, and the second highest mountain is Mt. Pulag." may be written using the following symbols.

Statement Symbol
The highest mountain in the Philippines is Mt. Apo. p
The second highest mountain is Mt. Pulag. q
The highest mountain in the Philippines is Mt. Apo, and the second p^q
highest mountain is Mt. Pulag.

Write the second example of compound statement which is "We will go to Camiguin island or we will
go to Mactan island." using symbols.

Statement Symbol
We will go to Camiguin island

We will go to Mactan island

We will go to Camiguin island or we will go to Mactan island

Activity (Collaboration) and Analysis (Communication)

By group, write five examples of simple statements and five examples of compound statements
about the Philippines. These can be trivia or recent news. Present your work to the class.

Simple Statement Compound Statement

Leni Robredo will run for president Leni Robredo will run for president if and only if
Bongbong Marcos run

Robredo files certificate of candidacy as independent Robredo files certificate of candidacy as independent
candidate candidate and distances herself from the dilawan

Front liners in our country worked a lot to battle the Front liners in our country worked a lot to battle the
virus virus, and we did our part to stay persevere during
these challenging times

Filipinos must strictly follow COVID safety protocols Filipinos must strictly follow COVID safety protocols
and make use of the technology that we have in our

Filipinos should stop wasting their time with Filipinos should stop wasting their time with
"popular" incompetent candidates "popular" incompetent candidates and start voting
for real politicians who can bring a positive change in
our country

Abstraction (Critical Thinking)

Write the compound statements on the activity using the correct symbols.
Compound Statement Symbols
Leni Robredo will run for president if and only if p↔q
Bongbong Marcos run

Robredo files certificate of candidacy as independent p^q

candidate and distances herself from the dilawan

Front liners in our country worked a lot to battle the p^q

virus, and we did our part to stay persevere during
these challenging times

Filipinos must strictly follow COVID safety protocols p^q

and make use of the technology that we have in our

Filipinos should stop wasting their time with p^q

"popular" incompetent candidates and start voting
for real politicians who can bring a positive change in
our country

Quantifiers and Negation

"All freshmen students are graduates of the K-12 curriculum." is a quantified statement which is a
statement containing quantifiers. The words like "all", there exists" and "at least one" are used to
emphasize the existence of something. Words like "none" and "no" deny the existence of something, and
words like "all" and "every stress out that every element satisfies a condition. These words are called
universal quantifiers.
Every variable in a mathematical statement has a corresponding quantifier. The quantifiers are "for
all" and "there exists”. The phrases like "for all x in R" or "for every x in R" is written as Ɐx ∈ R in symbols.
The phrases "for some x in R" or "there exist an x in R such that" is written as ꓱx ∈ R.
The negation of the statement "All freshmen students are graduates of the K-12 curriculum" is "Some
freshmen students are not graduates of the K-12 curriculum."

Quantified Statement Negation

No Y are Z. Some Y are Z.
Some Y are Z. No Y are Z.
Some Y are not Z. All Y are Z.
All Y are Z. Some Y are not Z.

Write the negation of each of the following statements.

1. All school gates are open.
Negation:_Some gates are not open

2. Some drinks in the school canteen are espresso-based.

Negation:__No drinks in the school canteen are epresso-based

3. No students are wearing their uniforms.

Negation: Some students are wearing their uniforms

Application (Creativity)
Write 5 quantified statements together with its negation regarding the latest news/ issue/trends in
our countries.
Quantified Statement Negation
All Filipinos are willing to get the COVID-19 vaccine Some Filipinos are not willing to get the COVID-
19 vaccine

All Ilocanos are convinced Marcos is a good Some ilocanos are not convinced Marcos is a
candidate good candidate

No hospitals are at full of capacity Some hospitals are at full of capacity

Some students are not affected by the COVID-19 All students are affected by the COVID-19
pandemic pandemic

All Filipinos are completely certain that Toni Some Filipinos are not completely certain that
Gonzaga is an enabler of historical revisionism Toni Gonzaga is an enbaler of historical

A variable is sometimes thought of as a mathematical “John Doe” because you can use it as a
placeholder when you want to talk about something but either (1) you imagine that it has one or more
values but you don’t know what they are, or (2) you want whatever you say about it to be equally true for all
elements in a given set, and so you don’t want to be restricted to considering only a particular, concrete
value for it. To illustrate the first use , consider asking

Is there a number with the following property: doubling it and adding 3 gives the
Same result as squaring it?

In this sentence you can introduce a variable to replace the potentially ambiguous word “it”:

Is there a number x with the property that 2x + 3 = x 2?

The advantage of using a variable is that it allows you to give a temporary name to what you are
seeking so that you can perform concrete computations with it to help discover its possible value. To
emphasize the role of the variable as a placeholder, you might write the following:

Is there a number with the property that 2 ٠ +3 = 2


The emptiness of the box can help you imagine filling it in with a variety of different values, some of
which might make the two sides equal and others of which might not.

EXAMAPLE: Writing Sentences Using Variables

Use the variable to rewrite the following sentences more formally.
a. Are there numbers with the property that the sum of their squares equals the square of their sum?
b. Given any real number, its square is nonnegative.

a. Are there numbers a and b with the property that a 2 + b2 = (a + b)2 ?
Or: Are there numbers a and b such that a 2 + b2 = (a + b)2 ?
Or: Do there exist any numbers a and b such that a 2 + b2 = (a + b)2 ?
b. Given any real number r,r 2 is nonnegative.
Or: For any real number r,r 2 ≥ 0.
Or: For all real numbers r,r 2 ≥ 0.

Some Important Kinds of Mathematical Statements

Three of the most important kinds of sentences in mathematics are universal statements, conditional
statements, and existential statements:
A universal statement says that’s certain property is true for all elements in a set.
(For example: All positive numbers are greater than zero.)

A conditional statement says that if one thing is true then some other thing also has to be true.
(For example: If 378 is divisible by 18, the 378 is divisible by 6.)

Given a property that may or may not be true, an existential statement says that there is at least
one thing for which the property is true.
(For example: There is a prime number that is even.)

In later sections we will define each kind of statement carefully and discuss all of them in detail. The aim
here is for you to realize that combinations of these statements can be expressed in a variety of different
ways. One way uses ordinary language and another expresses the statement using one or more variables.
The exercises are designed to help you start becoming comfortable in translating from one way to another.

Universal Conditional Statements

Universal Statements contain some variation of the words “for all” and conditional statements contain
versions of the words “if then.” A universal conditional statement is a statement that is both universal and
conditional. Here is an example:
For all animals a, if a is a dog, then a is a mammal.

One of the most important facts about universal conditional statements is that they can be rewritten in
ways that make them appear to be purely conditional. For example the previous statement can be
rewritten in a way that makes its conditional nature explicit but its universal nature implicit:
If a is dog, then a is a mammal,
Or: If an animal is a dog, then the animal is a mammal.

The statement can also be expressed so as to make its universal nature explicit and its conditional nature
For all dogs a, a is a mammal.
Or: All dogs are mammals.

The crucial point is that the ability to translate among various ways of expressing universal conditional
statements is enormously useful for doing mathematics and many parts of computer science.

EXAMPLE: Rewriting a Universal Conditional Statement

Fill in the blanks to rewrite the following statement:

For all real numbers x, if x is nonzero then x 2 is positive.

a. If a real number is nonzero, then its square _is positive______

b. For all nonzero real number x, ___x^2 is positive____
c. If x __is a nonzero real number_____, then __x^2 is positive___
d. The square of any nonzero real number is __positive_____
e. All nonzero real numbers have __positive squares (or: squares that are positive)_____


a. is positive
b. x2 is positive
c. is a nonzero real number, x2 is positive
d. positive
e. positive squares ( or: squares that are positive)

Universal Existential Statements

A universal existential statement is a statement that is universal because its first part says that a certain
property is true for all objects of a given type, and it is existential because its second part asserts the
existence of something. For example:
Every real number has an additive inverse.

In this statement the property “has an additive inverse” applies universally to all real numbers. : Has an
additive inverse” asserts the existence of something – an additive inverse – for each real number; different
real numbers have different additive inverses. Knowing that an additive inverse is a real number, you can
rewrite this statement in several ways, some less formal and some more formal:
All real numbers have additive inverses
Or. For all real numbers r, there is an additive inverse for r.
Or. For all real numbers r, there is a real number s such that s is an additive inverse for.

Introducing names for the variables simplifies references in further discussion. For instance, after the
third version of the statement you might go on to write: When r is positive, s is negative, when r is negative ,
s is positive, and when r is zero, s is also zero.
One of the most important reasons for using variables in mathematics is that it gives you the ability
to refer to quantities unambiguously throughout a lengthy mathematical argument, while not restricting yu
to consider only specific values for them.

EXAMPLE: Rewriting a Universal Existential Statement

Fill in the blanks to rewrite the following statement: Every pot has a lid.

a. All pots ___have lids____.

b. For all pots P, there is __a lid for P_____.
c. For all pots P, there is a lid L such that __L is a lid for P_____.


a. have lids
b. a lid for P
c. L is a lid for P

Existential Universal Statements

An existential universal statement is a statement that is existential because its first part asserts that a
certain object exists and is universal because its second part says that the object satisfies a certain property
for all things of a certain kind. For example:

There is a positive integer that is less than or equal to every positive integer:

This statement is true because the number one is a positive integer, and it satisfies the property of being
less than or equal to every positive integer. We can rewrite the statement in several ways, some less formal
and some more formal:

Some positive integer is less than or equal to every positive integer.

Or. There is a positive integer m that is less than or equal to every positive integer.

Or. There is a positive integer, such that every positive integer is greater than or equal to m.

Or. There is a positive integer m with the property that for all positive integers

EXAMPLE: Rewriting an Existential Universal Statement

Fill in the blanks to rewrite the following statement in three different ways:
There is a person in my class who is at least as old as every person in my class.

a. Some ___person in my class__ is at least as old as ____every person in my class___.

b. There is a person p in my class such that p is __at least as old as every person in my class_____.
c. There is a person p in my class with the property that for every person q in my class, p is at least as old as

a. person in my class ; every person in my class

b. at least as old as every person in my class
c. at least as old as q

 The study of the methods and principles used to discriminate correct from incorrect reasoning is called
 Compound statements have connectives like and, or, if...then, and if and only if.
Connective Symbols Type of Statement
and ^ Conjunction
or V Disjunction
If…then  Conditional
If and only if  Biconditional
 To emphasize the existence of something, existential quantifiers like "there exists" and "at least one" are
used. Universal quantifiers are Words like "none" and "no" which deny the existence of something, and
words like "all" and "every” point out that every element satisfies a condition.
Quantified Statement Negation
No Y are Z. Some Y are Z.
Some Y are Z. No Y are Z.
Some Y are not Z. All Y are Z.
All Y are Z. Some Y are not Z.
 The quantifier "for all" or "for every" is represented by the symbol "V", and "for some x" or "there exist"
is expressed as 3.

Chapter Summary
 Precise, concise, and powerful are characteristics of the language of mathematics: precise, concise, and
 The collection of any object is called set.
 A set is a subset of a given set if any one of the following three conditions holds:
o It is the given set.
o It is the empty set, or
o Each member of the set is also an element of the given set.
 A relation is a set of ordered pairs. A function is a relation in which the element of the first set (domain)
corresponds to only one element of the second set (range)
 A binary operation is used to merge two values to generate a new one.

Chapter Assessment
Write the letter of your choice on the blank provided before each number.
__C___1. It refers to a well-defined collection of objects.
A. Element C. Set
B. Member D. Universe
__A___2. A set whose elements are limited and the last element can be identified as set.
A. a finite C. a universal
B. a unit D. an empty
__A___3. What do you call a set with no elements?
A. Empty C. Unit
B. Finite D. Universal
For numbers 4 to 10, identify the property involved on each equation.
A. Associative Property C. Identity Property
B. Closure Property D. Inverse Property
__B__4. 3 + 2 = 5
__A___5. √2(2) = 2√2
__A__6. 3+ (x + y) = (3 + x) + y
1 1
+ 0 = 2
__D__8. -5 + 5 = 0
__C__9. 0 + 58.7 = 58.7
3 5
__D___10. - x - = 1
5 3

For numbers 11 to 25, write the correct symbol.

Word/Phrase Symbol
11. and ^
12. for all ∀
13. the set of real numbers ℝ
14. an element of the set of integers Z
15. a member of the set of real numbers Є
16. or v
17. If...then →
18. for some ꓱ
19. If and only if ↔
20. the set of irrational numbers Q
21. for every ∀
22. the set of natural numbers N
23. an element of set A = {..., -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3,...} Z
24. a simple statement p,q,r, s
3 1 ❑ Z
25. an element of set H = {-12.356, - 4 , 1, 2 , √ 144 ,987.5)

Learning Activity
1-5. Put the following set of expression and mathematical sentences inside the right box.
ax + by a2 +b2 = c2 -3 x 5 = -15 9x + 3y AO=πr2

Expression Mathematical Sentences

ax + by A^2 +b^2 = c^2

9x + 3y -3 x 5 = -15

6-10 Write the following expression in its most conventional form.

6. 3 · z4 · y2 · x3
Answer: 3x^3y^2z^4

7. √ 3٠2
Answer: 2.449

8. 5c · a · 3 · b2
Answer: 15ab^2c

x 7x
9. ·
3 5
Answer: 7x^2/ 15

10. 2y · 4x · 5z
Answer: 40xyz
11-15 Classify the following sets of ordered pair if it is a function(F) or a relation(R).

11. {(x,-1), (y,-2), (z,0)}


x -1

z 0

12. {(x,1), (x,2), (y,2)}


x 1

x 2

13. {(a,x), (b,x), (c,y)}


a x

b y

14. {(a,1), (b,-1), (c,2)}


a 1

b -1

c 2

15. {(a,-2), (b,-1), (c,0)}


a -2

b -1

c 0

16-21. Enumerate the different binary function and write one(1) example for each.
 Addition
Example: 3+7=10

 Subtraction
Example: 21-11=10

 Multiplication
Example: (12)(5) + 60

 Division
Example: 100 ÷ 4 =25

22-25. Identify what type of statement the following are and write its corresponding symbol.

22. If the statement is wrong then change it to its correct form.

= Conditional →
23. Physics is a branch of science and mathematics is its language.
= Conjunction ^
24. She will only take the exam if and only if her friends take it too.
= Biconditional ↔
25. Will they celebrate her birthday at the beach or enjoy the breeze in their rest house.
= Disjunction v
26-30. Fill in the blanks to rewrite the following statement:

For all real numbers x, if x is greater than 2, then x 2 is greater than 4.

26. If a real number is greater than 2, then its square is ______greater than 4_____________.
27. For all real numbers greater than 2, _then x^2 is greater than 4______________.
28. If x _______ is greater than 2______, then ______x² is greater than 4________
29. The square of any real number greater than 2 is X² is greater than 4
30. All real numbers greater than 2 have _____x__________


Aufmann, R., Lockwood, J., Nation, R., Daniel K., & Clegg., D. (2014). Mathematical Excursions (3rd ed.).
Boston, MA: Cengage.
Jamison, R. E. (2000). "Learning the language of mathematics". Language and Learning across the
Disciplines, 4(1), 45-54. Retrieved from
Burns, C. (2008). The Language of Mathematics. One Mathematical Cat, Please! 1-10. Retrieved from files/LANG1.pdf
Sobecki, D., (2019). Math in Our World (4th ed.) New York, NY: McGraw-Hill .pdf .com/definitions/number-

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