Asian History Questions and Answers

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Who led the first European expedition around the Cape of Good Hope, opening a sea
route to Asia via the Atlantic and Indian oceans?
•Bartolomeu Dias
2. What religion that originated in India was divided into the “White-Robed” and the “Sky-
Clad” sects in a 5th-century schism?
• Jainism
3. Which type of aircraft was used to bomb Hiroshima, Japan, in World War II?
• B-29 Superfortress
4. Who restored democratic rule to the Philippines after the long dictatorship of Ferdinand
• Corazon Aquino
5. Which two Asian countries are divided by the 38th parallel?
• North and South Korea
6. In which year did Pakistan launch “Operation Grandslam” against India?
• 1965
7. Of the three kingdoms that constituted ancient Korea until 668, which was the largest?
• Koguryŏ
8. Which failed revolt against British rule led to major changes in colonial administration
and society?
• Indian Mutiny
9. Which famous monument did Shah Jahān build to immortalize his wife?
• Taj Mahal
10. What religious movement was responsible for a nerve gas attack on a Tokyo subway in
• AUM Shinrikyo
11. Which ancient ruler’s reign, from 336 to 323 BCE, marked a decisive moment in the
history of Europe and Asia?
• Alexander the Great
12. Which temple complex in Asia symbolically represents Mount Meru and was built during
a golden age of Cambodian history?
• Angkor Wat
13. Who launched the Cultural Revolution in China?
• Mao Zedong
14. What South Asian country emerged in 1971 as the result of civil war and foreign
• Bangladesh
15. What is Aṣṭchāp?
• A group of 16th-century Hindi poets
16. Which communist leader’s economic strategy was called the Great Leap Forward?
• Mao Zedong
17. Who was the first president of Indonesia?
• Sukarno
18. What name was given to the surprise attack launched by the North Vietnamese army
against U.S. and South Vietnamese forces during the Lunar New Year festival of 1968?
• Tet Offensive
19. Who was the world’s first woman prime minister?
• Sirimavo Bandaranaike
20. Who was the first president of the independent Republic of the Philippines?
• Manuel Roxas
21. Japan’s First treaty with a Western Nation, that led to the opening of Japan to the outside
• Treaty of Kanagawa
22. Japans pre-emptive attack on the USA that brought the US into WWII.
• Pearl Harbor
23. Dynasty created by Sui Wendi in 618
• Tang dynasty
24. What are the tributary states?
• Vietnam, Tibet, & Korea
25. What are the Countries comprises Indochina that is formerly associated by France?
• Vietnam, Laos & Cambodia
26. He is an Italian Explorer who visited China under the rule of Kublai Khan, wrote a book
about the advancements of Chinese culture which opened up trade with the west.
• Marco polo
27. Chinese dynasties remembered for porcelain, printing, gunpowder, compass and
advancements in art and poetry.
• Tang and Song
28. Within the universe: universal principle. Within human society: moral principle and
potentially good human nature.
• Qi
29. The first major conflict of the Cold War, lasting from 1950 to 1953 in Eastern Asia.
• Korean War
30. Is a word of Japanese origin. It comes from the name the Japanese gave to a typhoon that
destroyed the Mongol ships in the 13th century and saved the country from invasion. Also,
a fighter plane used for suicide missions by Japanese pilots in World War II.
• kamikaze
31. A powerful empire that lasted roughly from the 9th to the 15th centuries in what is now
• Khmer Empire
32. Asian trading bloc that aims to encourage free trade between its 10 member nations –
Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Myanmar (Burma),
Cambodia, Laos, Brunei
33. Composed in Vedic Sanskrit, the texts constitute the oldest layer of Sanskrit literature and
the oldest scriptures of Hinduism.
• Vedas
34. Do good things and good things will happen to you. Contradicts jati because it enables
social mobility.
• Karma
35. Horse warriors who invited South Asia through the Khyber Pass and ended Harrappan
• Aryans
36. Indian leader began nonviolent movement . A protest against Britain.
• Mohandas Ghandi
37. Aryan system of social classes.
• Caste system
38. A form of writing developed by the Sumerians using a wedge shaped stylus and clay
• Cuneiform
39. It means Believing in many gods.
• Polytheistic
40. Birthplace of the Sumerian civilization among many others.
• Mesopotamia

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