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Correctional Administration

Institutional and Non-Institutional Corrections

(100 Questions )

INSTRUCTIONS: Read carefully and analyze the questions, select the best answer for each of
the following questions. Choose only one answer in each item corresponding
to the letter of your choice.

1. To convert or induce another to change his religious belief, sect or the like to another.
A. Converion
B. Inducement
C. Changing
D. Proselytizing

2. Who is the Albuera, Leyte Mayor that was killed in a “firefight” after allegedly resisting arrest at
Brgy. Hipusngo, Baybay City, Leyte Sub-Provincial Jail.
A. Kerwin Espinosa
B. Raul Yap
C. Amado Espino Jr.
D. Rolando Espinosa

3. Operation conducted by the BJMP and Bureau of Corrections wherein a prisoner maybe checked at
any time. His beddings, lockers and personal belongings may also be opened at any time, in his
presence, whenever possible. This practice is known as:
A. Raid operation
B. Operation inspection
C. Head count practice
D. Operation Greyhound

4. Any article, item, or thing prohibited by law and/or forbidden by jail rules that would pose as security
hazards or endanger the lives of inmates.
A. Jewerly
B. Illegal item
C. Nuisance article

5. The detention of a person by lawful authority.

A. Detention prisoner/ detainee
B. Illegal detention
C. Arbitrary detention
D. Custody

6. The escape from jail by more than two (2) inmates by the use of force, threat, violence or deceit or by
breaching security barriers such as by scaling the perimeter fence, by tunnelling and/or by other
similar means.
A. Escapee
B. Fugitive of law
C. Group escape
D. Jailbreak

7. This pillar/component of our criminal justice system is responsible in the confinement, rehabilitation
and reformation of convicted offenders.
A. Prosecution
B. Prison
C. Court
D. Correction

8. The prison system called the “Congregate System”. The prisoners are confined in their own cells
during the night and congregate work in shops during the day, complete silence was enforced. The
system advocated by the Americans because it is cheaper to maintain.
A. Congregate Prison C. Pennsylvania Prison System
B. Solitary System D. Auburn Prison System

9. The prison system called “Solitary System “. Prisoners are confined in single cells day and night
where they lived, they slept, and they ate and received religious instructions. They are required to read
Bible. . Its unique features of incarceration were adopted by most European countries.
A. Congregate system C. Pennsylvania Prison System
B. Prison system D. Auburn Prison System

10. The classification of sentenced prisoner who are penalized to suffer imprisonment of 3 years and 1
day to life imprisonment.
A. Insular/National Prisoners C. Provincial prisoners
B. Detention prisoners D. Municipal prisoners

11. He founded the San Ramon Prison and penal farm located in Zamboanga City which served as
Place for confinement of Political Offenders during the Spanish regime with estimated land area of
1, 546 hectares.
A. Teodolo C. Natividad C. Capt. Ramon Blanco
B. Ramon Magsaysay D. San Ramon Revilla

12. The process whereby all parties with a stake in a particular offense come together to resolve
collectively how to deal with the aftermath of the offense and its implications for the future. It is an
approach in administering justice that focuses on repairing the harm done to the victim and the
A. Due Process C. Restorative Justice
B. Reparation D. Retributive Justice

13. This are old sea vessels used by the Americans to house prisoners. This are used as temporary
places of confinement stationed near to the major docks and ports of the country and by day the
prisoners would be escorted off the ships to undertake hard labor on the docks and by night they
would return to be locked up. This is a warship that is no longer functioning. It is abandoned sea
vessel converted into prison as means of relieving congestion of prisoners. Also known as FLOATING
A. Galleys C. Gaols
B. Hulks D. Detention prison

14. These are long, low, narrow, single decked ships propelled by sails, usually rowed by criminals.
This ship is used in transportation of criminals in the 16th century.
A. Galleys C. Gaols
B. Hulks D. Boat

15. Who is the high profile inmate with luxury kubol in New Bilibid Prison that has entertainment area
where a punching bag and a bed where found?
A. Rolando Espinosa C. Rolando Asuncion
B. Raul Yap D. Jaybee Sebastian

16. A person who is confined in a jail subject for investigation, preliminary hearing, or awaiting trial.
A. Sentenced prisoners C. Detention prisoners/ Detainee
B. Inmate D. Prisoners who are on safekeeping

17. The classification of inmates as to security status which includes those who cannot be trusted in
less secured areas and those whose behavior require minimum supervision like those prisoner who
are sentenced to suffer a minimum imprisonment of less than twenty years and those who are
eighteen years of age regardless of case or sentence.
A. Minimum security prisoner C. Maximum security prisoner
B. Millennium security prisoner D. Medium security prisoner

18. This is a place of locking-up of persons who are convicted of minor offenses or felonies who are to
serve a short sentences of not more than 3 years of imprisonment imposed upon them by a competent
court, or for confinement of persons who are awaiting trial or investigations of their cases.
A. Prison C. Cells
B. lock-up jail D. Jail

19. It is a security facility, common to police stations, used for temporary confinement of an individual
held for investigation.
A. Lock-up jails C. Jail
B. Prison D. Detention cell

20. The prison in the Philippines that is regarded as one of the finest open penal institution in the
A. Iwahig Prison and Penal Colony
B. Davao Penal Colony
C. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm
D. Sablayan Prison and Farm

21. Close confinement in cells shall not exceed ____ days in any calendar month
A. 5 days C. 10
B. 7 days D. 15

22. In mess hall and dining area for purposes of precaution the prescribe utensil for
inmate shall be made of;
A. Wood C. Paper
B. Plastic D. Carton

23. The Bureau of Correction therapeutic community program was adopted as part of the Bureau's
holistic approach towards inmate rehabilitation primarily implemented for prisoners who were
convicted because of using dangerous drugs. Who are the inmates that have psychological craving for
habituation to and abuse of or physiologic reliance on a chemical/drug substance?
A. Habitual Offenders C. Drug pushers
B. Recidivist D. Drug dependents

24. It is a penalty wherein a convicted person shall not be permitted to enter the place designated in
the sentence or within the radius therein specified, which shall not be more than 250 and not less than
25 kilometers from the place designated.
A. Banishment C. Replacement
B. Excile D. Destierro

25. A justification of punishment provided by the state whose sanction is violated, to afford the society
or the individual the opportunity of imposing upon the offender suitable punishment as might be
enforced a primitive punishment on the transgressor is carried out through personal vengeance
resulted in retaliation and unending vendetta between the offender and the victim.
A. Retribution C. Expiation or Atonement
B. Deterrence D. Rehabilitation

26. An offense committed by a member against another member arouses the condemnation of the
whole group against the offender. The punishment in the form of group vengeance where the purpose
is to appease the offended group or public.
A. Retribution C. Expiation or Atonement
B. Deterrence D. Rehabilitation

27. A justification of punishment where it gives lesson to the offender by showing to others what
would happen to them if they violate the law. Punishment is imposed to warn potential offenders that
they cannot afford to follow what a criminal has done. It believes that punishment gives lesson to the
offender, and that it holds crime commission in check.
A. Retribution C. Expiation or Atonement
B. Deterrence D. Rehabilitation

28. A form of punishment where the offender is incarcerated for the purpose of protecting the public
against criminal activities and at the same time rehabilitating the prisoners by requiring them to
undergo institutional treatment programs.
A. Incapacitation and protection C. Corporal punishment
B. Non-institutional correction D. Imprisonment

29. The suffering inflicted by the state against an offending member for the transgression of law.
A. Penalty
B. Pain
C. Shame
D. Imprisonment

30. This refers to any person detained / confined in jail or prison for the commission of a criminal
offense or convicted and serving in a penal institution.
A. Prisoner C. Accused
B. Suspect D. Prison

31. What is the law that abolished Death penalty in the Philippines?
A. R.A 6975 C. R.A 7438
B. R.A 8294 D. R.A 9346

32. It is a privilege granted to a prisoner that shall entitle him to a deduction of his term of
imprisonment for manifesting upright character.
A. Good Privilege C. Special Time Allowance
B. Commutation D. Good Conduct Time Allowance

33. The institutional record of inmates which consists of mittimus, commitment order, prosecutors
information and the decision of the trial court including the Appellate court.
A. Mittimus C. Carpeta
B. Commitment order D. Prison record

34. The information concerning an inmate’s personal circumstances offense committed, sentenced
imposed, criminal case number in the trial, and appellate courts, the date when the service of their
sentenced commenced, the date when the inmate received mittimus, commitment order for
confinement, the place of confinement, the date of the expiration of sentence, the number of previous
convictions, and the behavior or conduct while in prison.
A. Mittimus C. Carpeta
B. Commitment order D. Prison record

35. A warrant issued by a court bearing its seal and the signature of the judge, directing the jail or
prison authorities to receive inmates for the service of sentence.
A. Mittimus C. Carpeta
B. Commitment order D. Prison record

36. A written order of the court, or any other agency authorized by law to issue, entrusting an inmate to
a jail for the purpose of safekeeping during the pendency of his/her case.
A. Mittimus C. Carpeta
B. Commitment order D. Prison record

37. A device, contrivance, tool or instrument used to hold back, keep in, check or control an offender
like handcuff and leg iron.
A. Deadly weapon C. Whistle
B. Firearm D. Instrument of restraint

38. A state often referred to as prison neurosis where the prisoner suffer from guilt, shame, suicidal
tendencies and fear of becoming homosexual.
A. Psychotic C. Chronophobia
B. Neurotic D. Dementia praecox

39. This agency has general supervision and control of all National Penitentiaries. It is charged with the
safekeeping of all Insular or National prisoners confined therein or committed to the custody of the
A. Bureau of Correction C. National Prison
B. BJMP D. Jail Bureau

40. The agency which oversees city and municipal jails; provincial jails and the Bureau of Correction
and their institution in terms of their structures, management, standards, programs and services.
A. DILG C. Bureau of Correction
B. BJMP D. Provincial Jail

41. A target the enemy commander requires for the successful completion of the mission. The loss of
these targets would be expected to seriously degrade important enemy functions throughout the
friendly commander
A. Maximum security inmates C. High Risk Inmates
B. High value target ( HVT ) D. High profile inmates

42. This are inmates who are considered as highly dangerous or with high probability of escaping or
being rescued because of the gravity of the crimes they are accused,high degree of control and
supervision is required. These also include those who have a record of escaping from jails, recidivists,
habitual delinquents, and those with severe personality or emotional disorders that make them
dangerous to their fellow inmates or the jail personnel.
A. Infirmed inmates C. High Risk Inmates
B. High value target D. High profile inmates
43. This are inmates who are not necessarily charged with heinous crimes but are prominent figures in
society or public figures whose cases have drawn public interest.
A. Maximum security inmates C. High Risk Inmates
B. High value target D. High profile inmates

44. The inmates who are physically or mentally weak for a prolonged period of time specifically caused
by age or illness.
A. Infirmed inmates C. High Risk Inmates
B. High value target D. High profile inmates

45. Duration of viewing privilege of a deceased relative is limited to __ hours.

A. 3 C. 9
B. 6 D. 12

46.There shall be 3 shifts for guards with each guard having a duty of 8 hours. ______ of the guards in
each shift shall be detailed on reverse duty for a period of 8 hours prior to entrance duty.
A. ½ C. 1/4
B. 1/3 D. 1/5

47. When a riot or escape alarm is sounded, either by siren bell or gun fire, all inmates are ordered to;
A. Lie flat on the ground C. Arms and legs spread out
B. Face ground D. All of these

48. This is a division of criminology that deals with the study of punishment for crime and criminals
involving crime prevention and control. It includes prison management and the treatment of offenders,
also known as penal science.
A. Penology C. Penal Management
B. Correction D. Penal Administration

49. The Correctional Institution for Women was created in November 27, 1929 under what law?
A. Act No. 3579 C. Proclamation No. 72
B. Act. No. 3732 D. Act No. 3815

50. This helps the prisoner/detainee in the resolution of his problems.

A. Counseling C. Recreation
B. Meeting D. Proselytizing

51. During the primitive days, this punishment was given to criminal offenders by means of flogging,
mutilation, maiming, disfiguration:
A. Corporal Punishment C. Public Humiliation
B. Capital Punishment D. Shaming

52. It is regarded as the most important program that aide in the rehabilitation of prisoners.
A. Recreational program C. Educational Program
B. Religious program D. Employment of Prisoners

53. This represented the earliest codification of Roman Law incorporated into the Justinian Code. It is
the foundation of all public and private law of the Romans until the time of Justinian. It is also a
collection of legal principles engraved on metal tablets.
A. Burgundian Code C. Greek Code of Draco
B. Justinian Code D. The Twelve Tables ( XII TABULAE )

54. This is located in London, built for the employment and housing of English prisoners. This is the
first workhouse in England (1557-1576)
A. Walnut Street Jail C. Mamertime Prison
B. May Halique Estate D. Bridewell

55. The place in Muntinlupa City where the minimum security prisoners are placed.
A. Camp Bukang Liwayway C. Camp Crame
B. Camp Sampaguita D. Old Bilibid Prison

56. What is the color of uniform as to security classification of a minimum security prisoner?
A. brown C. tangerine
B. blue D. gray

57. This is a penal colony for well behave and tractable prisoners located in Puerto Pricesa City in
Palawan.There is no walls, only mutual trust and confidence between the warden and prisons
authorities keep them together. This is one of the world open penal Institution having a land area of
45,000 hectares.
A. New Bilibid Prison C. Correctional Institution for Women
B. Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm D. San Ramon Colony and Penal Farm

58. The prison which serves as the main source of income of the Bureau of Correction from its
agriculture products. It was established on January 21, 1932 by Act. No.3732 and proclamation No. 414
series of 1931. It is located at Dujali, Davao Province Central Davao having 18, 000 hectares that is
mostly devoted to abaca plantation.
A. Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm C. Davao Prison and Penal Farm
B. Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm D. San Ramon Colony and Penal Farm

59. One who has passed as the 1st class inmate and has served one year immediately preceding the
completion of the period specified in the following qualification:Has served imprisonment with good
conduct for a period equivalent to 1/5 of the maximum term of his prison sentence. He was
recommended by classification board.
A. Prisoner C. Colonist
B. Inmate D. 2nd class inmate

60. The position in a jail or prison who is responsible for the direction, coordination, and control of the
Jail. This includes the security, safety, discipline and well being of the inmates.
A. Warden C. Assistant Warden
B. Regional Director D. Jail Guard

61. This is a special unit of prison where new prisoner undergo diagnostic examination, study and
observation for the purpose of determining the programs of treatment and training best suited to their
needs and the institution to which they should be transferred.
A. Diversification C. Quarantine cell or unit
B. Classification D. Reception Diagnostics Center/ Directorate for Reception and Diagnostic

62. It is part of the classification wherein the prisoners are examined and tests are administered to
check on the physical and mental condition of the prisoners.
A. Diagnosis C. Execution of treatment program
B. Treatment planning D. Re-classification

63. This is a section of the RDC where the prisoner is given a thorough physical/medical examination
including blood test, x-ray, vaccination and immunity to prevent physical contamination..
A. Diversification C. Quarantine cell or unit
B. Classification D. Reception and Diagnostic Center ( RDC )

64. This is a method by which diagnosis, treatment planning and execution of the treatment programs
are coordinated in the individual case study. It is the process of determining the needs and
requirements of prisoners for assigning them to programs according to their needs and existing
resources. It aims to determine the work assignment, type of supervision and custody which will be
applied to the prisoners.
A. Diversification C. Quarantine cell or unit
B. Classification D. Reception and Diagnostic Center ( RDC )

65. The director of the English Prison who opened the BORSTAL INSTITUTION for young offenders.
BORSTAL INSTITUTION – which was considered as one of the best reformatory institutions for young
A. Sir. Evelyn Ruggles Brise C. Domets of France
B. Sir. Walter Crofton D. Zebulon R. Brockway

66. The chairman of the director of Irish Prisons IN 1854, who introduce the Progressive System ( Irish
System that was modified from the Mocanochie’s mark system) which attempted to place the
responsibility for self-improvement on the prisoners himself through successive stages.
A. Manuel Montesimos C. Sir. Walter Crofton
B. Domets of France D. Zebulon R. Brockway

67. The director who introduce the Elmira Reformatory in New York ( 1876 ) having certain innovational
programs like the following: training school type, compulsory education of prisoners, casework
method, extensive use of Parole, indeterminate sentence. This system was based on parole and
indeterminate sentence and referred to as the forerunner of modern penology.
A. Manuel Montesimos C. Domets of France
B. Sir. Walter Crofton D. Zebulon R. Brockway

68. The greatest leader in the reform of English Criminal Law. He designed the ultimate PANOPTICON
PRISON – A prison that consist of a large circular building containing multi cells around the periphery.
Advocate HEDONISM.

69. The Superintendent of the Penal Colony at Norfolk Island in Australia ( 1840 ) who introduce the
MARK SYSTEM. A system in which a prisoner is required to earn a number of marks based on the
proper departments, labor and study in order to entitle him for a ticket for leave or conditional release
which is similar to parole. He was also known as the father of PAROLE.

70. It refers to the visit by the wife for a short period, usually an hour, more or less, to her incarcerated
husband during which they are allowed privacy and are generally understood to have sexual contact.
A. Visitation C. Sodomy
B. Masturbation D. Conjugal visitation

71. Personal items particularly electrical equipment such as a television, radio cassette, video players,
electrical fans is allowed in the prison facilities, provided that;
A. The prison personnel will use them
B. The warden permits it
C. They are intended for common use with other inmates
D. The inmate will pay the electric bill

72. A condition in which prison inmates kept together without any attempt to divide them the
involvement of crime, would transmit to each other means and techniques to commit further crimes
once outside of prison.
A. Prisonization
B. Rehabilitation
C. Criminalization
D. Contagion

73. It was known as the great escape at the Alcatraz Prison. Who among the following are considered
the escapees from the Rock but they were never found.
A. John Augustus and Mathew
B. Frank Sinatra and Alcatraz brothers
C. Matt and Jeff
D. Frank Morris and the Anglin Brothers

74. A person under eighteen (18) years old who is alleged as, accused of or adjudged as having
committed an offense under the Philippine laws also known as “Youth Offender”.
A. Juvenile Delinquent
B. Juvenile
C. Sentenced prisoner
D. Child or Children in Conflict with the Law


75. This are citizens of good repute and probity appointed to assist the Provincial or City Probation
Officers in the supervision of probationers but shall not receive any regular compensation for services
except for reasonable travel allowance. They shall hold office for such period as may be determined by
the Probation Administrator.
A. Probationer C. Probation Officer
B. Petitioner D. Probation aides

76. A convicted defendant who files an application for probation.
A. Petitioner
B. Probationer
C. Probation Officer
D. Criminal

77. A person who is place under probation.

A. Petitioner
B. Probationer
C. Probation Officer
D. Criminal

78. The person who investigates for the court a referral for probation or supervises a probationer or
A. Petitioner
B. Probationer
C. Probation Officer
D. Probation aide

79. A probationer who has not reported for initial supervision within the prescribed period and/or
whose whereabouts could not be found, located or determined despite best diligent efforts within
reasonable period of time.
A. Petioner
B. Probationer
C. Probation aid
D. Absconding probationer

80. The Probation Law of 1976.

A. Act No. 4103 C. P.D 603
B. P.D 968 D. Act No. 4221

81. How many days are given to the probation officer to submit the investigation report of a petitioner
to the court?
A. Not later than 30 days from the receipt of the order
B. Not more than 15 days
C. Not later than 60 days from the receipt of the order to conduct an investigation
D. Not later than 69 days from the receipt of the order to conduct an investigation

82. How many days are given to the court to resolve the application for probation?
A. 10 days
B. Not more than 30 days
C. Not later than 60 days from the receipt of the order to conduct an investigation
D. Not later than 15 days after receipt of the report

83. Is a general pardon granted to groups of law violators, usually those who committed political
crimes, with the concurrence of the law making body.
A. Parole C. Probation
B. Reprieve D. Amnesty

84. A method of selectively releasing an offender from an institution prior to completion of his
maximum sentence after serving the minimum sentence of his/her imprisonment, subject to
conditions, The form of release granted to a prisoner by the Board of Pardons and Parole in
accordance with the Indeterminate Sentence Law
A. Parole
B. Reprieve
C. Commutation of Sentence
D. Amnesty

A. ACT NO. 4221 C. ACT NO 3815
B. PD 968 D. ACT NO. 4103

86. It refers to the temporary delay in the imposition of the death penalty by the executive order of the
A. Commutation of sentence C. Amnesty
B. Reprieve D. Postponement

87. This shall refer to the reduction of the duration of a prison sentence of legal penalties. It is another
prerogative of the President. It is an act of clemency by which a heavier or longer sentence is reduced
to a lighter or shorter term. Death sentences or life imprisonment is reduced to a shorter sentence.
A. Good Conduct Time Allowance
B. Special Time Allowance
C. Commutation of Sentence
D. Sentence Reduction

88.This is a form of executive clemency granted by the President of the Philippines as a privilege
extended to convict as a discretionary act of grace. Neither the legislative nor the judiciary branch of
the government has the power to set conditions or establish procedures for the exercise of this
Presidential prerogative.
A. Executive Clemency
B. Amnesty
C. Pardon
D. Probation

89. It is a sentence imposed for a crime that isn't given a definite duration. The prison term does not
state a specific period of time or release date, but just a range of time, such as “10 to 12 years."
A. Determinate sentence
B. Imprisonment
C. Indeterminate Sentence
D. Commutation of Sentence

90. Under the law, the President has the power to grant pardons, commutations, reprieves, amnesty for
all offenses, except :
A. Rebellion
B. Robbery
C. Homicide
D. Impeachment cases

91. The power to grant amnesty is presidential discretion which must be with congressional
concurrence. It is usually granted to;
A. Convicted offenders
B. Suspected offenders
C. Political offenders
D. Detention Prisoners

92. An investigation conducted by the probation officer used by the court to determine the best
interest of the public as well as that the defendant will be served thereby.
A. Probation Investigation
B. Preliminary Investigation
C. Criminal Investigation
D. Post Sentence Investigation

93. For amnesty to be granted to a group of prisoners, there should be
A. Recommendation from the Board
B. Post Sentence Investigation
C. Concurrence of the congress
D. Application by the group of prisoners

94. Under Art. VII, section 10, paragraph (B) of the constitution, pardoning power is vested with the
A. Supreme Court
B. Board of Pardons and Parole
C. Chief Executive
D. Director of Bureau of Correction

95. It is one of the earliest devise for softening BRUTAL SEVERITY of punishment through a
compromise with the church (leader of a religion ) . It became one of the forerunners of modern
probation system.
A. Mark System
B. Judicial Reprieve
C. Benefit of the Clergy
D. Corporal punishment

96. The recipient of absolute pardon is __________ from civil liability impose upon him by the
A. Not exempted C. Partially exempted
B. Not free D. Exempted

97. Which one of the following is an accessory penalty which deprives the offender his rights of
parental authority, marital authority, guardianship over the ward ( minor ) and his right to mange his
A. Reclusion perpetua
B. Civil interdiction
C. Accessory penalty
D. Guardianship deprivation

98. In acting on petitions for Executive Clemency, the Board of Pardons and Parole shall recommend
to the president when any of the following extraordinary circumstances are present, except.
A. An inmate suffers from serious illness.
B. Evidence which the court failed to consider before conviction which would have justified an
acquittal of the accused.
C. When the inmate is a former President of the republic
D. The trial court or appellate court in its decision recommended the grant of executive clemency for
the inmate .

99 . It is the authority of the President of the Philippines to suspend the execution of penalty, reduce
the sentence and extinguish criminal liability.
A. Reprieve
B. Commutation
C. Executive Clemency
D. Amnesty

100. The following are examples of executive clemency,

A. Reprieve
B. Pardon
C. Probation
D. Amnesty


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