FF Ins Report 24-08-2021

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Document NO.: FFSOO1 FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEM WEEKLY INSPECTION REPORT [REHABILITATION OF MARINE OL Project Title: TERMINAL JETTY #2 SEC-RPP- [Contract No. }1400012601 cocation; | RARIGH snel No. |Area/Location: Panel No. rer nara Inspector name: [ASHAFAQ ALT KHAN Date: 24-08-2021 ‘Mark "X" inside the box] OK Not NA ok 1 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM 1.1. | Check all components / devices are free from physical damage. 1.2. |Check all components / devices are protected from dust & water. ra Ca check FAC, Anan Pawar Supp a cabeet coor ar oparcin | 7 ae "3 | ith locks property working 14, |Checkallthe detection device are working satisfactory in Order. 2 FOAM WATER DELUGE SYSTEM 2.1. |Venty that the isolation valve on downstream side of deluge valve is lopen. Verify he inlet and outlet pressure gauges in deluge vaive is reading the 22. |line pressure. 123. |Vetify that there is no water passing through deluge valve, 25. verity the foam FCV is working freely. 2.6 |Check Manual Pull Station near the exit / entrance door are easily accessible. 72.7 |Vety the level of foam in foam bladder tank. ee a a 2.4. |Verty the level of foam solution in foam bladder tanks. Y nae a Do |Veniy the niet and outiet valves of foam Bladder tanks open, ‘Mark "X" inside the box! Yes NIA 3 WATER SPRAY DELUGE SYSTEM ‘2.1 Verty that the isolation valve on downstream side of deluge valve is open. 13.2. Netty the inlet and outlet pressure gauges in deluge vaive is keaging the line pressure. 3.3. }verity that there is no water passing through deluge valve. [Check Manual Pull Stalion near the exit/ entrance door are easily 34 facoessible 3B _ [Verily the solenoid coll is placed on SOV for auto release AINTAIS IA 4 FIRE WATER HYDRANT SYSTEM Verify that all the fire hydrant angle valves are easily and freely 44 Taccessible, ag. pry obstactes. jarly that all the fie hydrant hose cabinets are easily opening and free of ‘ag. |Vent that fie hose re! avaliable in al fre hydrant hose cabinets. ‘ag. |Netty that allnose reels are free fom any physical damage 145. [Vert that al hose reels ae rolled propery and place in cabinet for emergency use. SEAIST NIA Mark "X" inside the box] yes | no | NA 5 |Fwz0o system 5.1. [Please Check all the cyinders are in good pressure. Y 52 | Pease very that al cylinders pressure indicator pointers are pointing at | _/~ Jp [oheek SOVS are connected to cyinder head WG ‘Check all the plot hoses are free from bends and connected to each 54 | other ve 6 | Foam MONITOR HYDRANT SYSTEM 6.1. |Verty al!foam monitors are moving freely in their respective directions | ©2 | verity foam monitors are operating from their respective joysticks a 6.3. |Verty an water MOVs are powered up and free from any faut which are |“ connected to foam monitors. Ga [vety a foam monitors are operabe from their renpectve emote contol | 7 65. [Vent all water MOVs are in remote mode for auto-operation A 66. |Verty alfoam FCV are freely operating A [Remarks (ifanyy: Name: ASHAFAG ALI KHAN Names Stonature: Sa Signature: Date: 2000-Foh Date: [Company:- MARINE SERVICES COMPANY LIMITED [Gompany=

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