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System/Software Security

Author- Abhinav Bhardwaj

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose

1.2 Intended Audience

1.3 Intended Use

1.4 Scope

1.5 Definitions and Acronyms

2. Overall Description

2.1 User Needs

2.2 Assumptions and Dependencies

3. System Features and Requirements

3.1 Functional Requirements

3.2 External Interface Requirements

3.3System Features

3.4 Nonfunctional Requirements

1. Introduction

System/Software Security has been become serious concern these days. Computer
Hackers breaches into system and affect the software/system. Companies invest
their huge amount of money in making software but hackers find vulnerability
easily and install malicious software it to gain information.

Security is define as the “the state of being free from danger or threat”. So
System Security is the techniques that protect their system from creating malicious

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of system security is to protect the system from being a victim.
Security is necessary to provide Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability. These
are the 3 main components to make sure that your security is secure or not. Your
security will be depends on these 3 component.

1.2 Intended Audience

Intended Audience will always be big MNC’s. In Last year Cognizant (CTS) has
faced a Advance Threat on their system, CTS is a bug MNC, in which lots of their
employee data was stolen through ransomware attack. IT services major Cognizant
said it has become a victim of the 'Maze' ransomware attack that has caused
disruptions to some of its clients. ... A ransomware typically logs users out of their
own systems through forced encryption of data and asks them to pay a ransom if
they want to access the encrypted data.
1.3 Intended Use

Security refers to providing safety for computer system resources like software,
CPU, memory, disks, etc. It can protect against all threats, including viruses and
unauthorized access. It can be enforced by assuring the operating system's
integrity, confidentiality, and availability. System Security will protect user’s data
from being revealed.


The process of system security is to help you with protecting and recovering

networks, devices, and programs from any kind of cyber-attacks. With increasing
exposure to the internet, not just business data, but personal data is also at the risk
of being manipulated.

1.5 Definitions and Acronyms

Virus: - Virus stands for Vital Information Research Under Seize

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