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approaches in philosophy
date @September 10, 2021

lesson 3

status complete


1. critical/analytical philosophy

2. speculative/metaphysical philosophy

charlie dunbar broad (1887-1971)

— in his article entitled, The Main Tasks of Philosophy

analysis and definition of fundamental concepts

clear +resolute criticism beliefs

come up with clear belief and criticism

has solid evidence


based on the idea that philosophical problems can be solved through an analysis
of their terms, and pure, systematic logic


approaches in philosophy 1
it finds the underlying explanation or general principle that could explain reality in its

is an attempt to think synoptically of all the facts, to abstract and extract a unifying

attempts to abstract and extract a unifying explanation in order to give a coherent

explanation of the nature of reality

founded upon intuitive insight

no solid evidence

based on your own insight

your own opinion or speculation on something

💡 basta ur just assuming something without actually knowing the facts

(situation, person, etc etc) #assumera HAHAHA

these are contrasting approaches

the difference between the two contrasting approaches stems from their fundamental
differences in focus

— article by Willy Ostreng

reductionism - the focus are the parts; the totality; properties of its parts
holism - the relationship between these parts

it refers to understanding complex ideas by reducing them to their parts or
individual constituents

approaches in philosophy 2
iniisa-isa lahat


we can understand how a virus (complex idea) works when we break it down into
pieces (parts)

René Descartes
first introduced the concept of reductionism (17th century)

“Discourse on the Method”

“The world is like a machine with pieces working like a clockwork mechanism. It can
only be understood if an individual would take its pieces apart and study its individual
components before putting it back together to understand the bigger picture.”

kabuoan ng bagay na yun

assumption that all properties in a given system cannot be broken down by its
component parts alone but as a whole entity

came from the Greek word "holos" = all, whole, or total

for Aristotle: “the whole is more than the sum of its parts.”

the fundamental assumption underpinning the holistic perspective is that the

properties of the parts contribute to the understanding of the whole

the properties of the parts can only be fully understood through the dynamics
of the whole. thus, the primary focus of holism is the relationship between the
parts or its interconnectedness and interactions.

the parts of the system. may connection sa isa't isa. may contribution ang bawat

approaches in philosophy 3

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