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The Limestone Cycle

● Quicklime (Calcium oxide) and slaked lime (Ca(OH)2) can be produced from
limestone (Calcium carbonate)
*These reactions make up the limestone cycle, Which happens to be
important in the process of how cement is applied and how it sets.
● The formation of quicklime from limestone uses THERMAL
DECOMPOSITION- Which means heat is used to breakdown calcium carbonate
into calcium oxide and Carbon dioxide.
*Calcium carbonate + heat ⟶ Calcium oxide + Carbon dioxide
*CaCO3(s) ⟶ CaO(s) + CO2(g)
This process is carried out in lime kilns.
● Once all the calcium carbonate has been converted into calcium oxide, The
calcium oxide reacts with water and forms slaked lime.
*CaO(s) + H2O(l) ⟶ Ca(OH)2(s)
● Limestone is used in the manufacturing of iron and cement
● Quicklime and slaked lime can be used for:
*Treating acidic soil
*Neutralising acidic industrial waste product
Cement is made with clay and limestone.
Mortar is made from cement, sand and water.
Concrete is made from sand water and rock.

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