ErrorCodes & ErrorMsgs

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ErrorCode ErrorText

3018 RAR response is malformed.

0 **** ErrMsgs file as of 17:06:23 01/11/2008.

6036 The range is invalid.

7443 The length of argument is incorrect.

3956 Improper representation of hexadecimal GRAPHIC data.

5363 The default value must be in the repertoire of the character column.

5832 LOCKING modifier is not ANSI.

2814 Data size exceeds the maximum specified.

3752 Too many digits in exponent.

3283 Internal Error: No free context blocks are available.

6770 Invalid CCD value.

7708 Transaction previously asynchronously aborted. Now transaction aborted with RepPhase1Rsp

2610 Internal error: field maintenance error

5159 System test forced tpareset\n


5628 Column %FSTR not found in %VSTR.

7973 Invalid 'locspec' option specified for JAR file '%VSTR'.

3548 The user cannot run FastLoad and MLoad at the same time.

5424 A triggered action statement is the wrong kind.

6831 UDT '%VSTR' does not exist.

2875 Task Lock cannot be granted - resource busy

2671 Unable to find a source constant (in MoveRow).

5893 An invalid option for SELECT AND CONSUME TOP was supplied.

3140 Request has already been committed

3813 The positional assignment list has too many values.

7565 One or more rows found for table not in DBC.TVM. Deleted.

5689 LOBs are not allowed to be compared.

5016 The table header passed in memory is invalid.

6158 Recovery is still active, Reconfig will not run until recovery done
5485 MLinReg can have only one entry in the order specification list.

3609 Excessively complex set conditional.

8503 Invalid LOB ID

7830 The not protected mode UDF/XSP/UDM %DBID.%TVMID caused a floating point exception:

2936 No row was found for Bulk Load delete/update.

8299 Out of segments for partitions.

5954 Internal error: Inconsistency in the PPI descriptor of the table header.

2732 Warning: Skipping parent key validation in level 3 checking.

3405 Session %VSTR not found or does not have an in-doubt transaction.

5750 ADD RANGE level %VSTR is not in increasing order.

3874 No journaling options have been specified.

3201 Statement caused Dispatcher stack overflow.

3670 '%VSTR' is not a User.

5546 Sampleid cannot be nested inside Ordered Analytical and AGGREGATE Functions.

6688 No currently open batch.

2997 Requested field does not exist in row.

7626 %FSTR: Invalid (%VSTR) step.

6015 The host number is invalid.

5077 An invalid deltasectors was specified.

3935 Session and/or request number does not match an aborted task.

5342 Table option not allowed for temporary/volatile table.

6953 The authorization definition specified in the statement does not match with the actual definition.

2793 MLoad MARK DUPLICATE INSERT (dup row)

5138 An unexpected error has occurred in a UNIX service routine.

5811 MINUS of queries is not in Entry Level ANSI.

2589 Request block is not found.

3262 The LOCAL CHANGE option must have a value of Y,y,N,n,BLANK or NULL.

5607 Check output for possible warnings encountered in compiling and/or linking UDF/XSP/UDM/UDT.

3731 The user must use IS NULL or IS NOT NULL to test for NULL values.

3058 Unrecognized partition code in sesstrt3 thread context.

3527 Format string '%VSTR' has combination of numeric, character and GRAPHIC values.

7483 Warning: RI checks bypassed for Referential Constraints.

3996 Right truncation of string data.

5403 WITH TIME ZONE must follow either TIME or TIMESTAMP.

6810 The owner expression of the UDM invocation '%VSTR' is not a UDT

2854 Specified checkpoint row does not exist in Journal table %TVMID.

5199 An invalid WLSN value was specified for flush.

3323 The TWM Event is not defined.

8217 Maximum number of tables exceeded.

3792 Conflicting CASESPECIFIC options.

2650 Numeric processor operand error.

6137 The hash bucket arrays on an AMP are invalid.

3119 Continue request submitted but no response to return.

6606 Not enough space was provided to receive the data into

3588 A User may not be assigned a NULL password.

7544 Cannot logon utility session.

5933 Role being dropped is not an external role.

5464 Error in Join Index DDL, %VSTR.

3853 '%VSTR' is not a table.

2915 The journal for the updated table does not exist

6871 Invalid UDT specified for the UDM

8278 Restore/Copy Dictionary stopped because table's column definitions are inconsistent between
the backup and disk.

6667 Contents of RSG configuration file are incorrect

2711 Inconsistent AMP/PE Vproc count.

5056 An unfree (uninitialized) cylinder has been allocated.

5729 Primary index for the table is not partitioned.

2507 Out of spool space on disk.

3180 Service console programming fault detected.

5525 LOCKING modifier canot be specified with CALL SQL statement.

3649 Compressed NULL and NOT NULL cannot coexist for column %VSTR.
2976 Message with invalid kind has been received.

8543 LOT got an unexpected return code discarding a scratch segment

5321 Constraint, primary index, or secondary index with the same name '%VSTR' already exists in

5994 A QUERY_BAND name exceeds the maximum length.

5790 UPSERT on a table with an Identity Column primary index is illegal.

3914 ABORT request transaction ids do not match.

3241 MDS database does not exist.

6932 Multiple WITH definitions are not supported.

3710 Insufficient memory to parse this request, during %VSTR phase.

2772 NUSI row indexes non existent data row.

3975 Table '%VSTR' is an illegal referential constraint target.

5117 dbkmoddbs could not perform the block split indicated by dbkfit.

6993 The sample column %VSTR does not match the table's definition.

5586 Random not allowed in inserted PI column value.

7462 Operation not allowed: pending table copy operation on table %DBID.%TVMID.

3506 Internal error: Tree segment contains errors.

7931 The plan directive is invalid%VSTR.

5851 BEFORE triggers having data changing statements are not supported.

5382 The word APPLY is not spelled correctly in the Release Mload statement.

3302 TWM information is not available.

2833 Row already exists with different content.

3771 Illegal expression in WHEN clause of CASE expression.

5178 Unused

7523 Fallback LOB row is in wrong subtable.

2629 Internal error: bad data type for operation.

5443 The specified role of a replicated table is either missing or invalid.

5647 Internal erorr: Data dictionary table UDFInfo in inconsistent state.

2894 The cursor spool row specified is invalid.

3567 Deleting database 'DBC' is not allowed.

8257 Improperly formatted directed request.

3832 A 2PC parcel must not directly follow an Options parcel.

5708 Table header size exceeds limit.

6850 The UDT already has Ordering

3159 TWM internal error

2690 Zero table length in Unload.

3628 Only identical Aggregated Expressions can use the DISTINCT option.

7584 The secure mode processes are not running; cannot execute UDF.

6911 The body for Method '%FSTR', of UDT '%TVMID', is not defined.

5035 An unexpected FSG error has occurred.

5300 Foreign Key column '%VSTR' cannot reference itself.

8522 LOT could not allocate a PDE mailbox

2751 Data row out of order.

2955 Invalid before image on transient journal.

5769 The Locator is invalid due to an internal error.

5973 Error limit is out of range, valid range is 1 to 16,000,000.

3220 RCT program fault.

3689 END EXPORT statement is valid only if in FastExport Task.

7645 %FSTR: Error writing into file.

6707 Internal error: A move of overlapping strings was requested of the ISF subsystem.

8114 Update is illegal.

5096 Sort attempted to generate an invalid row uniq value.

5565 The UPDATE specified in the UPSERT statement is a complex update.

7441 The date does not correspond to an exiting era.

3016 Userid, password or account > 30 characters.

5361 The compress value must be in the repertoire of the character column.

6034 Incompatible operation with the Vproc type in current config map.

2812 Internal error: invalid record found on transient journal.

3954 Non-GRAPHIC data cannot be assigned to column %VSTR.

5830 ROLLBACK WORK cannot indicate a condition or return text to user in ANSI.

6768 Invalid numeric format.

3281 Internal Error: Inconsistent Monitor software condition detected.

7706 Multiple RepBegTrans received for the same transaction before RepPhase1.

3750 Illegal Kanji object name %VSTR.

5157 TID: %u %u %u First RID: %u %u %u %u %u Last Partition/Hash: %u %u %u\n

5626 An invalid role identifier is found in DBC.RoleGrants table.

2608 Bad argument involving %TVMID.%FLDID for LN function

3546 Default values may not be parameterized.

7502 A system trap was caused by UDF/XSP/UDM %DBID.%TVMID for %VSTR

5218 Some number of WDBs at the end of the log were lost.

7971 Jar '%VSTR' already exists

8236 Cross Platform Migration is currently not supported.

5422 A triggered action statement cannot update the subject table.

2669 Outrow reference to source is illegal case (in MoveRow).

2873 Pending operation on DBC.DBCInfoTbl prevented updates.

5687 REFERENTIAL INTEGRITY is not allowed on LOB columns.

5891 An invalid queue table creation or alter was supplied.

3138 Waiting to load in-doubt session information

3811 Column '%VSTR' is NOT NULL. Give the column a value.

5483 Illegal use of Ordered Analytical Function operation in an UPDATE statement.

6156 Encountered disk error, causing too many Amps down in cluster

8501 LOB end of data encountered.

3607 Too many values in a subquery.

2934 Input is in new row format -- expected old format.

7563 Source row is deleted while update is in progress.

5952 WITH DELETE specified without a DROP RANGE.

5014 A CI with no DBDs has been found.

3403 Request parcel contains fewer session ids than specified.

7828 Unexpected Java Exception SQLSTATE 38000: An %VSTR exception was thrown.

3872 Illegal use of an aggregate operation in an UPDATE statement.

8297 Selected partition restore error table %DBID.%TVMID.

7624 %FSTR: Invalid message class (%VSTR) encountered.

2730 Warning: RI is not valid on one or more AMPs.

5075 An invalid DBKOPERATION was specified.

5748 The number of partitions for level %VSTR is less than two.

5544 The OPTCOST GDO is uninitialized.

3668 A table listed in the Dictionary is not present.

2995 Duplicate field in into specification.

6013 Vproc Number is not defined in the Physical Configuration.

7420 An invalid hash bucket has been encountered.

3933 The Maximum Possible Row Length in the Table is too Large.

5340 Database name, if specified, must be the login user name for a volatile table.

6951 DDL is not supported in multi-statement request within a stored procedure.

2791 Primary and fallback data row checksums do not match.

5136 The CI was unlocked to avoid an undetectable deadlock.

5809 SET keyword in ANSI UPDATE is required.

2587 Segment overflow -- FastExport request is too complex to process.

3260 The LOGOFF SESSIONS option must have a value of Y,y,N,n,BLANK or NULL.

5605 A NEW_TABLE or OLD_TABLE reference is not allowed to be passed to a macro.

3729 Invalid use of non-SQL field definition(s) in ALTER TABLE.

3525 The user cannot create or drop a PRIMARY index.

3994 Alias name defined should be used instead of table name%VSTR.

3321 Monitor Subsystem Has Been Shut Down Due To Internal Error

7481 Operation with same utility Id and table Id already running.

3790 GRANT/REVOKE LOGON not allowed TO DBC.

5401 Number of fractional digits out of range.

6808 Ordering is not defined for UDT '%TVMID'.

2852 Inconsistent check point records found on Restored journal.

6604 A changed data row was received that whose contents are in error

5197 A WDBD that should exist could not be found.

5462 No DDL statements will be allowed until MDS is ready to accept them.
8215 ROLLBACK recovery stopped.

2913 A specific-AMP recovery was executed out of order.

2648 Internal error: could not find spool header.

7807 The Table Function %DBID.%TVMID called %VSTR incorrectly.

5666 LOBs are not allowed in indexes.

8276 Restore/Copy Dictionary stopped because a significant change has occurred to the table since
creation of the backup.

3117 The continue request contains invalid parcels.

5727 Missing the last range end.

6135 Reconfig is aborted at a reversible state.

3178 Queue Table Cache is full.

3586 Processor specification error(too many or invalid values).

3647 NULL may not be used as the argument for an aggregate function.

5931 Illegal operation on EXTUSER.

6665 RSG failed to locate the TD AMP Worker Task's well-known mailbox

3851 Macro is greater than %VSTR after name expansion.

3912 Invalid message kind received.

6869 Invalid name : %VSTR

6930 Overlapping recursive object aliases are not allowed.

2709 SSSWAIT has timed out.

5319 The specified DATABLOCKSIZE value is invalid

5054 An invalid SRD reference array index was detected.

2770 Data row id referenced by NUSI is on wrong AMP.

5523 Invalid MULTITSR parcel received.

5115 An attempt was made to generate an invalid row uniq.

8541 LOT send was passed conflicting values in the descriptor

5584 Data exception: numeric value out of range.

2974 Invalid backup message received.

3035 DBC.Sessiontbl is corrupted, session cannot be recovered.

5992 A syntax error was found in the QUERY_BAND.

6053 Unable to rebuild reference index, needs to be rebuilt.

5788 %VSTR currently do not support Identity Columns.

3504 Selected non-aggregate values must be part of the associated group.

3239 Cannot drop table that is being copied.

3973 Cannot specify multiple constraints in an Alter Table statement.

3708 Syntax error, %VSTR should be deleted.

3769 Checksum locking modifier must reference the same table as the SELECT statement that follows

2566 Processor nnnn failed to respond

7725 MDS received more DDL chunks than expected for a transaction.

6991 The password submitted must contain at least one lower case character and at least one upper
case character.

5176 The data block checksum is invalid.

7460 Cannot continue utility operation on %DBID.%TVMID because system configuration has changed.

2627 Internal error: invalid operand for UpCaseOp

7929 Another plan directive already exists, using the same category and the same SQL request.

7521 Primary LOB row is on wrong AMP.

5380 Internal error: Unexpected character Data type.

5441 Replicated table status cannot be INITIATED for Define Role statement.

2831 No row was found for the event in the Recovery Control Catalog.

2892 Null value eliminated in set function

5849 INSTEAD OF triggers are not supported.

5910 A table cannot be referenced more than once in a replication DDL statement.

3300 Invalid Scope.

8255 Internal error.

5645 The value of '%VSTR' supplied is out of range.

6175 The BackDownTo16BitBkts flag in DBSControl must be set to true in order to revert to 16-bit hash

6114 Message Kind is invalid in the message header.

3626 Internal error: WITH BY clause contains multiple tables.

3565 Database has tables without After Image Journaling.

5033 An invalid first sector number has been detected.

6848 The UDT already has a Transform group

2749 Primary and fallback USI counts do not match

2688 Numeric Processor Operand Error.

5767 The Locator is invalid because this request is in a different transaction.

5706 Cannot BEGIN QUERY LOGGING for user because ALL rule exists.

3687 Special characters may not be used in passwords.

3157 SQL request text logged after a Dispatcher fault.

8112 Secondary index is not unique.

7582 NULL input argument for UDM %DBID.%TVMID.

5563 The table specified in the UPSERT statement contains triggers that could be fired.

5502 The name specified as an argument does not match the corresponding parameter name '%VSTR'.

6032 Warning: The number of Amps in a cluster is less than one-half of the Default Cluster value

8520 LOT OK: this error code should not be returned or logged

3952 VarGraphic not permitted with current session character set.

2953 The transaction has been aborted.

6766 Syntax error in SDF.

5971 LOGGING ERRORS is not applicable to MERGE-INTO with unreasonable updates or inserts.

7704 The RepPhase1 message indicates fewer RepDDL than already received.

3891 Check text for check constraint (explicit or derived from partitioning expression) is greater than
8192 characters.

5155 An invalid dbkparam_t value was specified.

6705 An illegally formed character string was encountered during translation.

2606 Bad argument involving %TVMID.%FLDID for LOG function.

5094 An error occurred during file system initialization.

5624 The Branch offset is very long.

2545 Operation not allowed: %DBID.%TVMID was Rebuilt without fallback.

7969 Invalid external name string option specified for Java XSP '%FSTR' because %VSTR.

3014 The user name is blanks.

5420 No triggers exist for table '%VSTR'.

7439 Row references non-existent session.

5889 Problem encountered while sending messages to multiple AMPs during multi amp sampling.

7908 Cost profile name in user profile was not found; ignored.

3809 Column '%VSTR' is ambiguous.

5359 Not authorized on %VSTR.

6827 The deferred lob data sent was larger than specified.

2810 Internal error: permanent journal error found.

7561 Internal error from fast scan data dictionary ctbsctidf.

5828 PRIVILEGES keyword is required in ANSI.

5012 The position of a row must be recalculated.

3279 There are no more Monitor Sessions available.

5481 Ordered Analytical Functions not allowed in GROUP BY Clause.

3748 Parcel kind or ordering is invalid.

2932 No database defined with the name input.

3544 Partial string matching requires character operands.

7826 Java execution error SQLSTATE 46103: Unresolved class name.

7500 Right truncation of string data for UDF/XSP/UDM %DBID.%TVMID.

8295 Restore stopped because block optimization is disabled. Unable to rebuild secondary indexes.

2871 Missing table header for DBC.DBCInfoTbl, updates bypassed.

2728 Aborted due to a non-valid reference index on %DBID.%TVMID.

5216 WDB First WLSN: %.8X%.8X\n

5746 The partitioning expression for level %VSTR is not valid; partitioning expressions for multi-level
partitioning must be RANGE_N or CASE_N functions.

8234 Duplicate rows will not be restored to table

3666 This View has too many columns to Store or Retrieve comments.

2667 Left-over spool table found : transaction aborted.

8560 LOT could not unlink a PDE mailbox from a channel

5685 %VSTR is not supported on LOB columns.

3931 Journaling was declared with no declared or default Journal table.

3136 Internal Error: The request cannot be aborted, session is in-doubt.

6949 Unable to determine best cast from multiple cast definitions involving UDT type %TVMID.

6154 Encountered disk error on Table header, AMP needs to be rebuilt

7418 Invalid value used as an argument for HASHBUCKET function.

3605 Illegal multi-table UPDATE operation.

5338 More than 1,000 volatile tables in current session.

5950 ADD RANGE level %VSTR exceeds the current number of partitioning levels.

2789 Disk read error during checking process.

3401 Invalid function code in the request parcel.

7683 Invalid statement specified inside a dynamic declare cursor.

3870 Alias name cannot match another table/alias name in FROM clause.

5134 An invalid cylpackstyle has been specified.

5073 The DB returned by IdxUpgradeDB is not the original one.

2585 An I/O error on an MLOAD table caused a crash.

5542 Only Select, Insert, Delete or Update statements can be captured.

5603 Errors encountered in compiling UDF/XSP/UDM/UDT/JAR.

2993 Primary reference index row is on the wrong AMP.

3054 Logons accepted by external authentication only.

6011 Vproc Number is invalid.

3523 %FSTR does not have %VSTR access to %DBID.%TVMID.

5807 Empty INSERT list entry is not ANSI.

3992 Object table name is not specified for a DELETE statement.

3258 The specified User/Database Identifier does not exist.

6806 Constructor Functions Are Functional Representation of Constants and As Such They Must Not
Contain Any Table References.

3727 Data format length must match target character length for %VSTR.

2646 No more spool space in %DBID.

7479 Table %DBID.%TVMID is not a replicated table.

5460 This requested DDL statement is not allowed on a non-replicated table.

7948 A significant part of the password submitted contains a restricted word.

2911 A specific-AMP restore specified more than the maximum sessions.

5399 Bad argument type to UPPER or LOWER function.

3849 The ORDER BY clause does not follow the last SELECT.

2850 User %USERID Session #### logical host id #### caused a DBS crash
8274 TriggerCount field for table(s) is reset to zero.

3319 TDWM control command timed out.

5725 Data type of range size is incompatible for adding to the corresponding range value.

5195 An invalid WDBD reference array index has been detected.

3645 COLLATION option not supported at this level.

8213 Parcel flavor inconsistent w/ msg kind.

6928 Recursive queries must begin with at least one non-recursive SELECT.

5664 The user cannot perform aggregate operation on LOBs.

5317 Check constraint violation: Check error in field %TVMID.%FLDID.

3115 Response buffer size is insufficient to hold one record > 32KB.

2768 NUSI row out of order.

3584 '%VSTR' is not a database.

5786 Error analyzing the query %VSTR in the query capture database, %DBID.

6602 The batch is busy, it cannot execute the request

3237 Unknown DBS response received.

6867 The %VSTR routine has invalid number of parameters

5582 Invalid character format.

7805 The UDF %DBID.%TVMID called FNC_TblFirstParticipant incorrectly.

3033 Invalid partition with expired password.

2707 Invalid DBS config file path name.

6051 Cluster number is not found in the configuration map.

7601 Case not found for CASE statement.

3502 Internal error: A non-statement node was in a statement list.

5052 Some of the sectors being freed are already free.

3971 MLoad target table cannot be a referenced table or contain any referential constraint(s).

5521 The RANDOM function can not be used in Aggregates or Ordered Analytical Functions.

6989 The password submitted must contain at least one numeric character.

8539 LOT send was called with a null segment pointer

7723 MDS received a DDL message with no AffectedDBName.

2972 No table header exists for table.

5174 This is the last row of the table.

3910 MemGet from pool failed.

2625 Internal error: nested open parcel operations

3706 Syntax error: %VSTR.

5643 Invalid request in index validation mode. %VSTR

7662 The XSP caused a hardware fault. Please do not resubmit the last request.

7519 LOB row out of order.

5113 The row-id changed between rowupdin and rowupdfi.

7988 Internal Info: Assertion violated in Optimizer

7458 Checkpoint failed for replication copy/compare operation.

5439 RS Error table %VSTR already exists.

7927 Plan Directive Rule Count has become negative.

2890 Dictionary child count does not match header child count.

5378 User has no right to convert the table headers.

5908 Table does not belong to the replication group.

2829 Specified AMP does not exist.

3828 A commit is valid for in-doubt transactions only.

5847 The database '%VSTR' has tables with triggers defined on it.

7580 LOBs/Large UDTs cannot be used in a Transform Method in this context.

3298 PM/API SET SESSION ACCOUNT not allowed with TDWM workload class.

5031 An invalid drive number has been detected.

3767 Updatable cursor SELECT statement must follow FOR CHECKSUM locking modifier.

2951 Rebuilt table has a DDL change.

6112 Host Descriptor in a configuration map is invalid.

2747 Primary and fallback data counts do not match.

3563 Internal error: The access log rule was not located in the cache.

5765 The LOB datatpye is not allowed to be returned in the DatInfo parcel.

6846 LOCAL is allowed only on Internal Type. %VSTR

3685 The password submitted contains too many characters.

8253 Improperly formatted directed request.

3950 Improper parameter to Vargraphic function.

2686 NDP stack Underflow.

6968 Attempted to modify SQL.

5704 DBQL started for user, you must END QUERY LOGGING before BEGIN.

7437 Table header not found for a materialized temporary table.

3155 TDWM Application Mapping Not Found

2808 Internal error: a received message was of invalid type

3624 There are no statistics defined for the table.

7702 Insufficient memory to process new transaction message.

5500 The data size for output parameters exceeds the maximum allowable row length.

5153 An invalid Master Index has been discovered.

5969 The database '%VSTR' has tables with error tables defined in another database.

2604 Bad argument involving %TVMID.%FLDID for SQRT function.

3420 The macro DBC.TWOPCRULE does not exist.

5622 The user does not have the right to drop the specified role.

3889 Too many USING clauses in a request.

3542 Object database owns recipient database.

6907 Iterated request: USING field or parameter reference required.

5887 Internal error encountered in random amp sampling.

6703 Internal error: A move from, or to, an unknown string type was requested of the ISF subsystem.

3807 Object '%VSTR' does not exist.

5092 An error in the sort heap has occurred.

6825 The data parcel in a deferred lob transfer can't be larger than 1024000 bytes.

8110 Selects must specify an index.

7559 Memory (via malloc call) not freed before exiting UDF/XSP/UDM %DBID.%TVMID.

2543 Operation not allowed: %DBID.%TVMID is being Rebuilt.

5010 All DBs in a cylinder were not migrated.

5561 The primary index values are mismatched in the UPSERT statement.

5479 Ordered Analytical Functions not allowed in WHERE Clause.

3012 Entry missing from DBC.Session.

2930 Last session request caused the DBS to crash.

7906 Internal error: OCES fatal error.

5948 Cannot alter the protection mode of an UDF/XSP that specifies an external security clause.

5357 The old view/macro name cannot be found in the create/request text.

8293 Restore stopped because the error table is defined with too many columns.

3277 An informative event was logged.

5744 System-derived column '%VSTR' not allowed to be updated.

3746 Invalid class or kind for a Teradata SQL start request.

3664 Request number out of sequence.

6764 Illegal token in the SDF data.

6682 Replication group is terminating.

7498 The primary index values in the UPSERT statement match but other fields do not.

6947 Both UDT operands, in %VSTR operation, are not UDTs with the appropriate AS ASSIGNMENT cast

7967 '%VSTR' is not a Jar.

7416 Collation has not been installed

5418 Invalid database specified for this trigger.

5336 ON COMMIT option not allowed for permanent table.

2869 Requested lock cannot be granted.

2787 Table check bypassed due to pending

5214 The target WAL cylinder is bad.

3256 No such Session is currently logged on.

8232 Cannot build re-hashed table with AMP off-line

7681 Too many dynamic SQL statements are prepared in the stored procedure (%FSTR).

2665 Invalid date.

5601 Error creating UDF/XSP/UDM/UDT/JAR: problem with temporary compile directory.

5683 User has insufficient TEMPORARY space.

3052 Build error: Control GDO size mismatch.

3134 The request was aborted by an ABORT SESSION command.

3521 Table reference(s) detected where constants expected.

6152 Unable to rebuild Non-Unique Secondary Index, needs rebuilding

3990 Table %VSTR is not specified in the FROM clause or already aliased by another name.

3603 Concurrent change conflict on table -- try again.

6804 Trigger on DBC tables is not allowed.

3868 A table or view without alias appears more than once in FROM clause.

5193 The WAL data block checksum is invalid.

2726 Referential constraint violation: cannot delete/update the Parent Key value.

2644 No more room in database %DBID.

5071 An invalid CSA state has been specified.

3113 SQL request text logged after AMP step failure.

5540 Target name '%VSTR' not found.

5458 Access lock must be specified for the target table for select, join or abort with test.

8558 LOT could not link a PDE mailbox to a channel

2909 The restored journal already exists on the specified AMP

2991 Express request does not contain database id.

3847 Illegal use of a WITH clause.

6009 Vproc number is duplicate.

3643 Numeric operation on BYTE data is illegal.

5805 WITH option on SELECT is not ANSI.

6661 Incomplete connection processing to this Replication group

3725 Statement not allowed for an ANSI session.

5050 An invalid search criteria has been detected.

5132 The tabmrows work table already exists with restart FALSE.

5315 %FSTR does not have %VSTR access to %DBID.%TVMID.%FLDID.

2583 %VSTR is missing for %DBID.%TVMID during MLoad restart.

2766 Fallback USI row is missing.

7477 Primary key not present in table %DBID.%TVMID.

5784 Illegal usage of Identity Column %VSTR.

7946 Sampled statistics cannot be collected %VSTR.

3235 The specified replication group does not exist.

5397 User caused a Parser crash.

3704 '%FSTR' ('%VSTR'X) is not a valid Teradata SQL token.

2848 Invalid record type on transient journal.

8129 The table operation is invalid.

5866 Text is greater than %VSTR after name expansion.

3500 Parser does not recognize this SQL statement.

3317 TDWM rule name or owner invalid. %VSTR

3969 Referential integrity violation: data rows being deleted are referenced by some Foreign Key

3786 Range value incompatible with type of column %VSTR.

5172 The row size is not a multiple of 8.

8211 Improperly formatted Restore Parcel.

2623 Bad argument involving %TVMID.%FLDID for ** operator.

5662 Numeric operation on LOB data type is illegal.

5641 Conflicting QCD names specified in index validation mode.

6131 Reconfig-states are not the same on all AMPs.

6110 Two version numbers are not the same on the configuration map.

3582 There are no statistics defined for the specified column or index.

3561 Cannot DROP USER %VSTR while the user is logged on.

6600 Memory use to keep track of transactions has been exhausted.

7986 Diagnostic BYPASS ACCESSRIGHTS not allowed if logons are enabled.

6865 The %VSTR routine must be UDF or UDM.

5906 Concurrent change conflict on replication group -- try again.

7803 The UDF/XSP/UDM %DBID.%TVMID called %VSTR in an invalid context.

3826 A 2PC parcel is only valid when in a 2PC session.

2705 Invalid DBS config file format.

6844 A method/function already exists in the database with the same name and parameter data types.

3174 LOB offset/character positioning has a bad value.

7578 Amp Down during FastPath Delete.

8537 LOT could not close an endpoint because of its state

5029 An invalid DBD reference array index has been detected.

2970 Fatal error in lock procedures.

2949 Invalid index definition.

3908 Internal error: No in-doubt transactions for non-2PC sessions.

3418 Invalid logoff flag in the request parcel.

6926 WITH [RECURSIVE] clause or recursive view is not supported within WITH [RECURSIVE]
definitions, views, triggers or stored procedures.

3683 You have used this password, please generate a new one.

6722 An illegally formed character was encountered during translation of a dictionary object name or
text string.

6701 An unknown character string translation was requested.

7660 Stored Procedure execution caused stack overflow.

3948 Internal error: improper column length detected while building Ynet key.

5111 A bad DBD was found by sorfixtid.

6966 External Stored Procedure specified with SQL access must run in protected mode.

2562 MLoad not allowed: table %TVMID has been rebuilt.

7435 No more temporary space in %DBID.

5580 Target samples were overwritten at system level.

7904 Internal error: OCES startup error.

3031 Session is in-doubt and not logged on.

5355 The arguments of the CAST function must be of the same character data type.

7456 Invalid operands to OVERLAPS operator.

7700 MDS error range values start.

7925 Cannot specify a rule for a user because a rule for ALL users exists.

5151 An invalid Data Block has been discovered.

5376 _Kanji1 is not a valid qualifier for constant character strings.

2602 Internal error -- Stack Underflow.

2827 Request was aborted by user or due to statement error.

5620 Role '%VSTR' does not exist.

5845 Hexadecimal Graphic constants are not supported in ANSI.

3540 Number of tables in join exceeds Parser limit.

3296 PM/PC command processing timed out.

3805 Macro '%VSTR' already exists.

3765 Conflicting or duplicate JOURNAL options.

6823 UDT '%TVMID' does not have an attribute named:'%FSTR'.

7517 Data count does not match the LOB count.

5212 An error has been detected in the WAL logic.

5437 The specified table is already a replicated table.

2663 SUBSTR: string subscript out of bounds in %TVMID.%FLDID.

2888 Invalid reference index row.

7557 Maximum number of locators exceeded in UDF/XSP/UDM %DBID.%TVMID.

8251 Internal error.

5008 An internal parameter was incorrect.

2684 Invalid calculation: division by zero.

5477 SAMPLE clause not allowed with WITH clause.

5702 Bad kind for workload cache.

2928 The backup processor for a permanent journal is down

3153 TWM Workload violation: %VSTR

5946 Partition Statistics are not allowed on join indexes and hash indexes.

3622 The user cannot perform that operation on DATEs.

3866 The privilege is not applicable to a macro.

5967 The table being dropped has an error table.

8291 The PRIMARY DATA flag is not set.

3887 View being replaced cannot refer to itself.

3662 Concatenation between BYTE data and other types is illegal.

2745 Warning: USI flagged as invalid on one or more AMPs.

6680 Invalid table copy context.

7639 %FSTR: Error opening object code file (%VSTR).

5069 The CID and CI last table-id do not match.

5090 No DBs were migrated by this call to cylmigrate.

2520 A variable field offset exceeds the next variable offset or the row length.

5559 The stored procedure version is invalid.

6945 UDT argument, of type %TVMID, is not compatible with %VSTR function.
3010 Invalid value for start type on host start.

5334 Owner has insufficient TEMPORARY space.

6028 Addition, Deletion, and Moving of AMPs are mutually exclusive.

2785 Data row indexed by NUSI row with incorrect key.

5824 Constraint name is not in Entry Level ANSI.

5803 INTERSECT of queries is not in Entry Level ANSI.

3275 Warning: Session Data is incomplete because %VSTR.

3254 The specified Version is not supported.

3744 Database already contains a permanent journal table.

3723 The cursor UPDATE or DELETE statement references an invalid table.

6762 DateTime field overflow.

5599 Invalid field attribute specified for a UDF/XSP/UDM/UDT parameter.

7496 CheckTable utility aborted at %VSTR due to unexpected error <%d>.

3519 Two indexes with the same columns.

7965 JAR file '%VSTR' either is corrupted, has invalid format, or uses absolute paths for its classes.

3988 The non-existent referenced table must be in the same database as the referencing table.

5416 The trigger action time must be BEFORE or AFTER.

6802 Improperly Formed UDT Tree Encountered.

2867 AMP nnnn failed to recover permanent journal %DBID.%TVMID.

5191 The WAL cylinder index checksum is invalid.

5885 Invalid Random AMP Sampling express request.

8209 Invalid Archive/Recovery session.

8230 Tried to re-hash data when table header in wrong state

2642 AMP Down: the request against nonfallback %TVMID cannot be done.

5681 Stratified sampling not allowed in Fast exports/Multiload.

5660 Cannot create index on LOB columns.

3132 Access Logging step has failed. The transaction was aborted.

3111 The Dispatcher has timed out the transaction.

6150 Operator has Cancelled Reconfig due to AMPs down in configuration

5456 The requested DDL statement is not allowed on a replicated table.

3601 A crash dump has been saved.

2907 The recovery configuration has changed.

6884 Failed to compile the Constructor Function for UDT %FSTR

6863 Cast with specified source and target does not exist

2724 The two-phase commit transaction is in-doubt.

6659 RSG could not allocate a TIB for a transaction

5742 The UPDATE part of the UPSERT does not fully specify values for the partitioning columns.

7597 Operation not allowed: GROUP LOCK/ GROUP READ LOCK is not allowed on logging activated

7618 Stored procedure execution request for %DBID.%TVMID has timed out.

5048 An invalid row length has been detected.

5538 Internal error while cleaning up Session Level Cost Segment.

5517 The 2 arguments of binary aggregate function have incompatible data types.

8556 LOT was passed a null last-channel identifier

2968 Release call issued for blocked transaction.

2989 Table id is not present in express request.

5313 Referential integrity violation: cannot drop a referenced (Parent) table.

6007 All clusters must be size 2 to 16.

2764 Data row not indexed by USI.

3927 Response Parcel requested a max byte count less than 256.

5782 Non-Indexed statistics already exist on the specified set of indexed fields.

7679 The statement prepared returns data.

3233 Invalid message received.

5130 An FSU task lost track of its message list.

3702 Insufficient memory to parse this request.

2581 Processor reset via software reset simulation tool

6720 The dictionary object name or text string can not be translated using this session character set.

3050 Invalid value in Session Options Parcel.

3967 Improper currency symbol in Format.

7475 AMP Down: Table copy operation against nonfallback %DBID.%TVMID cannot be done.
6985 Non-deterministic UDFs, UDMs, RANDOM, SAMPLE are not allowed in a BEFORE ROW trigger
WHEN clause.

7944 PDRSpoil or PDSpoil timed out.

7454 DateTime field overflow.

5395 A ARCHIVE, RESTORE or COPY of selected partitions with LOBs is not supported.

5374 Internal error: The Comment must be a constant of Unicode character data type.

2846 Unrecoverable read error detected. Retry.

2825 No record of the last request was found after DBC restart.

5864 Problem due to improper %VSTR installation.

7719 MDS received a TD message with incorrect length.

3315 TDWM database version error. %VSTR

5170 The logical position for the DBD in the MI is invalid.

3784 The number of digits specified must be between 1 and 38.

2621 Bad character in format or data of %TVMID.%FLDID.

6129 The row being inserted already exists in the specified table.

5639 Request size exceeds Parser limit of 1048500 bytes.

3580 Illegal use of CHARACTERS, MCHARACTERS, or OCTET_LENGTH functions.

6108 New Config Maps are not the same across all AMPs.

7536 PPI Partition deletion list missing.

3559 Column %VSTR is not NULL and it has no default value.

8270 Trigger Dictionary Row discarded during copy.

5904 Replication group does not have the appropriate status for this RDDL statement.

2703 The DBS config file is empty.

3824 Macro '%VSTR' does not exist.

5721 BLOB and CLOB data not allowed in function arguments.

6842 Attribute type cannot be the type under creation or being altered.

3172 Cursor Positioning has a bad statement number.

2682 Precision loss during data conversion.

3641 BYTE data cannot be assigned to column %VSTR.

7576 Numeric overflow in UDF/XSP/UDM involving result argument for %TVMID.%FLDID.

8535 LOT was passed a record with an invalid operation code

5027 The cylinder being freed is already marked as free.

3906 Session is in wrong state to abort a request.

2947 Invalid control AMP selected.

6924 Illegal or unsupported set operation inside a recursive query/view.

3416 This request has been aborted.

7658 %FSTR:Translation failed %VSTR.

5761 The Merge-Into statement cannot be a triggered action.

5109 An invalid field-id was detected by sort.

3681 Table %DBID.%TVMID with column %VSTR cannot be used as a target.

8127 Table Server request completed.

6699 Transaction aborted due to replication transport outage.

2560 Mload table has not been initialized for MLoad.

6964 Only some of the statistics were copied to the target table.

5578 Statistics cannot be collected on table DBC.'%VSTR' .

7433 Invalid time.

3029 Associated LSN was not found.

7902 Internal error: Cost profile type name not in data dictionary.

7923 Plan Directive rule already exists for user.

5353 The internal form of Graphic, i.e., the XG form, is no longer supported.

5843 Value assigned is wrong type for entry level ANSI.

2804 Incompatible version in recovery status row.

3294 Invalid session/request indicator value for SET SESSION ACCOUNT.

5822 CREATE TABLE includes a non-ANSI Option.

3763 Conflicting NAMEs for this column.

3273 Warning: Resource Monitoring rate has been altered.

7515 Unable to create new DLL for the UDF/XSP/UDM.

5618 A role may not be granted to itself.

7984 Maximum number of Java XSPs referencing one Jar has been exceeded.

3538 A MultiLoad UPDATE Statement is Invalid.

5435 Invalid RS operation.

6821 Non-aggregate column is not part of group by.

2886 Reference index row has duplicate Foreign Key values.

5210 An inconsistency has been detected in a list compiled during Redo.

8249 Improperly formatted directed request.

2661 Invalid numeric value or bad string length.

5700 Invalid alternate parcel header sent by the host.

5679 Exceeded the limit of 64 stratum.

3151 TWM Workload violation: %VSTR

3130 Response limit exceeded.

3620 Cannot create nonfallback table '%VSTR' with AMP down.

7555 Context cannot be allocated in UDF/XSP/UDM %DBID.%TVMID.

3885 The column '%VSTR' has been referenced twice.

5475 SAMPLE clause not allowed in SET operations.

6903 The source data type of the User-defined Transform should be a %VSTR.

2926 No more room in journal table for %DBID.%TVMID.

7841 Java execution error SQLSTATE 46103: Unresolved method name.

5944 Partition Expression can't be altered due to partition statistics.

2743 Mismatch on the following table header components:

3864 A secondary index cannot be created on table DBC.'%VSTR' .

3212 The stored procedure returned one or more result sets.

5067 The CID and CI first tableid do not match.

5088 The MI was not found when it should exist.

2518 USI row indexes non existent data row.

8106 Database does not exist.

2987 Invalid lock types in express request.

3008 Invalid partition name.

5332 Temporary table '%VSTR' not allowed in statement.

6026 Some hosts are connected to more than 512 PEs.

2783 NUSI row incorrectly has continuation flag set. ***OBSOLETE***

3946 Too many objects listed in BEGIN/END LOGGING statement, maximum 20.
5801 Multiple statement is not ANSI.

6760 Invalid timestamp.

3252 Invalid Session Id/User Name pair. Name does not match SessionId.

5149 The Cylinder Index block code or version number is invalid.

3721 The cursor parcel sent by the host was missing or invalid.

2600 Stack overflow -- expression too complicated.

3986 The forward referenced table must be created by the same user who created the referencing

7494 <%NSTR> was aborted at %VSTR due to error <%d>.

7473 Requested sample is larger than table rows. All rows returned

7963 The statement is not eligible to return a result set.

2844 Journal image is longer than maximum.

5414 The trigger name must be unique within a database.

5189 The logical position for the WDBD in the WMI is invalid.

2865 Data corruption detected in %DBID.%TVMID.

8207 Invalid access intent.

5883 Random Amp Sampling timed out.

2640 Specified table does not exist in %DBID.

3803 Table '%VSTR' already exists.

5658 When Clause is not satified

8228 DBS software cannot convert this dictionary schema.

3109 Internal error detected by Dispatcher.

6148 Reconfig has encountered an invalid row in the DBC.Session Table

6127 Result from a float operation is abnormal.

3599 Cannot apply Japanese Date or Time markers to a column of type Kanji1.

3578 Scratch space overflow.

5006 The end of a locked hash code range has been reached.

3843 Table/View/Macro type specification does not match '%VSTR'.

6882 UDT has no methods

7595 Operation not allowed: an online archive logging is currently active on %VSTR.

7820 A UDF subsystem informative event was logged.

5046 An attempt to insert a row in the wrong location has occurred.

8289 ROLLFORWARD recovery stopped.

5515 Check constraints were not copied.

2722 Too many in-doubt 2PC transactions.

2966 Invalid configuration map version.

5740 Column %VSTR is a partitioning column and cannot be altered.

5984 Table structure or primary index may not be altered while its error table exists.

3191 Utility is not reading. DATA parcel ignored.

5780 The user cannot DROP a user that has DBQL Enabled.

3660 The Argument for parameter '%VSTR' must be a constant expression.

3231 Concurrent change conflict on replication group -- try again.

5536 Bad table definition for SystemFE.%VSTR.

3700 Internal error: An assertion failed.

8554 LOT has stopped a connection as requested by a caller

6718 Internal error: Character sets do not match for comparison.

6005 No PEs are in the configuration map.

7452 Invalid interval.

3456 Internal Error: The thread is not found.

7921 Cannot specify an account string with a user list.

3925 Internal error: Invalid statistics or a NUSI is almost a USI, for table %VSTR.

5372 Internal error: The StartupString must be a constant of Unicode character data type.

6943 Table '%VSTR' is not specified preceding table function in the FROM clause.

2823 Table id is inconsistent during restore operation.

7677 The stored procedure has too many open result set CALL statements.

3292 No such Account is currently logged on.

5128 The CI has been freed.

5168 An invalid reference pointer has been detected.

2579 System recovering from disk read error.

5637 Specified workload does not exist in '%DBID' database.

5597 Invalid definition for a Global Temporary Trace Table '%VSTR'.

3088 An informative event was logged

3048 There is no down PE/COP for this host.

6106 Logon is not disabled, or some sessions are logged on.

3517 A column can appear only once in an index.

3557 Column %VSTR is an index column and cannot be dropped.

7942 Cannot log a plan directive if access logging has been performed.

6840 Database '%VSTR' cannot be deleted: object(s) in other database depending on object(s) in this

5393 The Lower Expression character data type is invalid.

5229 An unexpected condition or inconsistency was detected when processing a sequence of WAL log

5862 C/C++ compiler is not installed.

2680 Numeric processor operand error.

3313 TDWM control logon error. %VSTR

3149 TWM Access violation: %VSTR

3782 Improper column reference in the search condition of a joined table.

7574 The utility does not support queue tables.

6800 UDT '%TVMID' supports NOT EQUAL/EQUAL ONLY comparitive operations.

5025 An invalid Cylinder Status Array has been detected.

7534 Data row partitioning is incorrect.

5494 '%VSTR' is not a stored procedure.

5454 No Restore functions are allowed on a table in a replication group.

3414 Invalid host character set.

2905 Status of NVRAM differs among AMPs.

3883 Invalid GROUP BY constant.

7799 MDS error range values end.

3679 Transaction ABORTed due to resource shortage.

8268 Error exists when converting Graphic.

6697 Fatal error in RSG.

2701 Unable to access the /tdsw/etc directory or the DBS config files.

5086 An invalid Kilroy code was specified.

5719 Both NO RANGE OR UNKNOWN and UNKNOWN clauses may not be specified.

7431 Insufficient space for GMO.

3170 System is busy. Object use count feature should be disabled. Use count for one or more objects
may not be captured in dictionary.

7900 Cost profile name not in data dictionary.

3639 Comparing BYTE data with other types is illegal.

5351 Explicit translation of Kanji1 type to other types is not allowed.

6657 RSG received invalid message type from RSI

2802 Duplicate row error in %DBID.%TVMID.

8533 LOT received too many segments to hold in its receive queue

5820 @ <name> is not ANSI.

3904 Session is in wrong state to be parsing.

3271 Data Unavailable: Resource Usage Sampling is not currently enabled.

6922 Illegal or unsupported use of subquery/derived table inside a recursive query/view.

3740 The user issued a diagnostic statement.

5311 The specified constraint is inconsistent. Submit ALTER TABLE DROP INCONSISTENT REFERENCES
statement instead.

3536 UPPERCASE or CASESPECIFIC specified for non-CHAR data.

2762 Fallback USI row is in wrong subtable.

5208 The WAL record has already been applied.

7656 %FSTR:Invalid parcel flavor %VSTR in cursor response.

8226 Missing checkpoint end row.

5107 Sort lost track of the blocks on the delete list.

2659 The DBS restarted between FastLoad or MLoad requests.

8125 Requested operation is not ReadOnly.

5677 %VSTR

2558 The Mload step was sent more than once.

3128 Transaction aborted due to exceeding the maximum consume statement limit.

5576 The requested replication DDL statement issued from an illegal source.

3597 Request requires too many SPOOL files.

3027 Invalid system message received.

5942 Maximum deadlock retries limit reached during multi amp sampling on a AMP.

3965 The GRAPHIC string literal is not supported for the current character set.

3862 The tables in BEGIN LOADING statement must be different.

5841 Non-Unique Indices are not supported in ANSI.

6880 Invalid UDT Cast. %VSTR.

3761 Nothing to be modified in ALTER TABLE.

6676 Command connection to this Vproc is invalid.

6779 File name not specified

5065 The block cannot be modified in place.

2619 Division by zero in an expression involving %TVMID.%FLDID.

2516 Error in calculating/updating disk space.

7513 Alignment error in parameters to EVL machine.

5534 SPOptions Parcel information is invalid.

7982 %VSTR operation is not allowed on a JAR.

2985 No unique prime key for express request.

5433 The update column list can only contain subject table columns.

3454 Internal Error: No threads were waiting for count to become zero.

2884 Primary reference index row is missing.

5799 Sorting Not Supported For UDT '%TVMID'.

5902 Replicated tables may not contain LOB/UDT data.

3250 User does not have the necessary Access Right for this request.

3822 Cannot resolve column '%VSTR'. Specify table or view.

3719 Join update of non-hashed table '%VSTR' is not allowed.

8247 Improperly formatted directed request.

3984 Internal error: Check count is zero.

5698 SysSecDefaults table has a zero value for PasswordMinChar/PasswordMaxChar.

7471 Restart replication copy on %DBID.%TVMID not allowed: DBS had been reconfigured.

3618 Expression not allowed in Fast Load Insert, column %VSTR.

7940 Exceeds the maximum number of cached plan directives allowed.

6901 Only LATIN and UNICODE are valid CLOB server character sets.
5391 Replicated table(s) detected in database.

2741 Table header not found.

2842 A utility lock was not reapplied by recovery due to conflict.

5759 The Merge-Into match condition cannot reference a table that is neither a target nor source

5187 The WCID and WCI first WLSN do not match.

3210 Using text logged after AMP step failure.

8205 LSN not found in the HUT controls segment.

8104 Out of data control blocks.

2638 No dump image found on system.

5555 Excessively complex qualify condition.

5656 Internal error in UDF/XSP/UDM/UDT/JAR compile task.

3006 Logons are disabled.

3107 Internal error: BytesMoved does not match MsgSize.

6024 Configuration map is inconsistent.

6125 Stack overflow occurs when a float operation is invoked.

3944 Data length is invalid for the data type.

3576 Data definition not valid unless solitary.

6962 Statistics cannot be copied.

3841 Diagnostic CONVERT not allowed if logons are enabled.

6758 Invalid time.

6859 Error Table changed

5147 A row with an invalid offset array has been detected.

2699 Inconsistent ROM pointer information in a crash dump ignored

2598 Discrepancy between CI DBD and data block.

7593 Error limit of %VSTR is reached; errors logged in %TVMID where ETC_dbql_qid = %FSTR.

5616 The user is not authorized to grant or revoke role '%VSTR'.

5044 The block has been packed.

7492 CheckTable utility aborted at %VSTR in initialization phase due to error <%d>.

8531 LOT got an unexpected operation code in the record

7961 A triggered stored procedure can not contain BT, ET or COMMIT statements.
2964 Duplicate processor cabinet ids.

5412 Invalid Interval Literal.

5982 Error table for LOGGING ERRORS cannot be part of a replication group.

2863 Data inconsistency detected - Data row not properly indexed

3902 Session is not logged on.

5881 CLOBs can only be converted to CHAR or VARCHAR.

3698 SysSecDefaults table has a negative value in an integer column.

3801 Database '%VSTR' already exists.

6716 Internal error: Expected collation input file could not be opened.

6146 Reconfig stopped, logged on sessions found in DBC.Session Table

5105 An inconsistent sort restart has been detected.

7553 Unable to obtain a External Routine Address for a UDF/UDM.

2556 Duplicate match tag found.

5004 The CI for a newly allocated cylinder is bad.

7450 Warning: Table is structurally okay but some delete, insert, or update was partially done on the

5473 SAMPLE clause has invalid set of arguments.

5370 Conversion between numeric values and Graphic data is not allowed.

2924 Checkpoint end row missing.

2821 Internal error: invalid message kind in message header.

8287 For a restore restart, the error table’s table header field 4 is inconsistent with expected restart

5839 Comparisons between numeric and text values not ANSI.

2720 Fast/MLoad or FastExport has already been terminated.

3290 The VIRTUAL CHANGE option must have a value of Y,y,N,n,BLANK or NULL.

5738 Invalid save table for an ALTER TABLE.

3759 Numeric illegal character error.

3189 Utility %VSTR does not exist.

5635 Workload is already being analyzed.

3658 ROLLBACK/ROLLFORWARD table specifications are invalid.

6104 A Reconfig participant has inconsistent status in Config Map.

8552 LOT receive has returned the last byte of data

3555 Only the last WITH clause can omit the BY information.

6003 Configuration Map is not properly initialized.

6838 '%VSTR' is not a Method.

3923 Primary index has NOT valid flag set.

5227 A locking protocol error occured in the WAL append buffer processing logic.

6941 '%VSTR' is not a user logon database.

8245 Internal error.

2781 Data row indexed by USI row with incorrect key.

2678 NDP stack underflow.

7675 Abort message seen while executing a statement from within stored procedure.

5696 Invalid AMP Vproc ID specified.

5126 The task cannot be run from the command line.

3147 Expected session cannot be located at dispatcher worker task.

5595 The privilege is not applicable to a function.

5492 The argument for an INOUT/OUT parameter '%VSTR' is invalid.

3046 The Unlocker does not own the lock.

2943 The lock blockers segment is full.

3515 Duplication of column %VSTR in creating a Table, View, Macro or Trigger.

5961 Error during unsupported request: %VSTR

5860 Values targeted at the Identity Column are replaced by system-generated numbers.

3412 The respond parcel flavor specified is invalid.

3311 Invalid TDWM control parameters

3881 The privilege is not applicable to a table.

3780 SysSecDefaults Row not found, Base Default values used.

6899 FallBackSetting is %VSTR - NO FALLBACK is not allowed on %FSTR.

7532 Data row references a LOB already referenced by another row.

6695 Message encryption is not enabled on this RSG vproc.

5452 No fastload operation is allowed on a replicated table.

5084 An error has been detected in the locking protocol.

2903 Cannot install CharSet: Exceeded max

5553 The startup string is longer than permitted.

5921 A SELECT AND CONSUME statement cannot be combined with a Update/Delete/UpSert/Merge

statement in a request.

3004 User identification is not authorized.

8266 Internal error: Occurred during conversion of dictionary object names or text strings to Unicode.

7429 Invalid GMO name specified.

5717 Ranges are not constant.

5349 Invalid export width value.

3168 Object use count for one or more objects could not be updated due to some error on AMPs.

2800 Aborted due to invalidated secondary index on %DBID.%TVMID.

3637 Invalid ORDER BY constant.

5818 Synonyms for Operators or Keywords are not ANSI.

6655 RSG received invalid message class

3269 Warning: An identified session is not currently Abortable.

9000 Operation not allowed: the target table is being online archived.

3738 String is longer than 31000 characters.

6920 A non-recursive WITH clause or view should not reference itself within its own definition.

6756 Null string is not allowed in %VSTR.

7858 Java XSP/UDF was calling a Blob/Clob method which is not supported in this release.

9101 Referencing violation; errors logged in %TVMID where ETC_dbql_qid = %FSTR.

5309 Invalid reference index number.

5410 Invalid TIME Literal.

2760 Primary USI row is on wrong AMP

2861 Data inconsistency detected - Fallback rowid already in use

5778 A response buffer of at least 65,000 bytes is needed for a high-performance transfer.

5206 Some of the sectors being placed on unfree list are already unfree.

3229 The specified replication group has already been defined.

8224 Build action stopped.

7654 %FSTR:Null SQL/Expression request string specified.

2657 FALLBACK cannot be added or removed when an AMP is down.

8123 Service disallowed when more select data is available.

5675 Keep Response must be set to return Locators to LOB values.

5574 Number of samples set exceeds the maximum samples limit at session level.

3126 Parser response to TDP has problem.

3025 Host quiesced by DBC operator. New activity not allowed.

6144 Reconfig aborted, DBS State was not proper, unable to proceed.

3494 Bad thread detected by application.

5940 Excessively complex expression.

3963 Bad argument type to Char2hexint function.

3860 Cannot switch between named and positional assignments.

6777 Invalid zone sign.

6878 %FSTR operation is not allowed on %VSTR type UDT

2148 Internal error detected while copying a string.

2718 FASTLOAD CHECKPOINT must be within the Data Loading transaction.

5166 Defragment of cylinder[s] occurred.

5063 The SRD and DB tableid.typeandindex do not match.

2617 Overflow occurred computing an expression involving %TVMID.%FLDID

2514 Operation not allowed: %DBID.%FSTR is being used to log ARC selected partition restore errors.

3086 The message received by the SesPTsk in invalid.

8550 LOT open is returning a record

7511 FLT Stack allocation error.

2983 Invalid current row.

7980 A JAVA method in the specified Jar which matches that in the EXTERNAL NAME clause was not
found because %VSTR.

6001 The Status field of an AMP descriptor contains invalid value.

5431 The update column list can only be used with UPDATE trigger event.

3452 Internal Error: Counter was already zero before call to ThdTicSignal.

2882 Data row is not indexed by reference index row.

5797 Hashing not supported for this UDT.

5900 A replication group already exists with that name.

3717 Too many users or databases listed in GRANT/REVOKE statement.

3820 The macro '%VSTR' requires parameters.

2575 Timed out waiting for lock on %DBID.%TVMID

3616 Wrong table referenced for INSERT during Fast Load.

7469 Requested fraction sample does not result in a row.

7572 Some object use counts were not updated because the corresponding Data Dictionary locks could
not be obtained on %VSTR.

7938 Plan directive category '%VSTR' does not exist.

5023 An invalid CID reference array index has been detected.

5389 The User Default Character Set cannot be GRAPHIC.

2739 Mload did not find an insert for insert missing update rows.

2840 Data rows discarded due to inconsistent hash codes

5757 The SELECT query from the table reference can only have a single table defined in the FROM

5858 The locator created and the locator referenced are of different data types.

3208 A Dispatcher fault was logged.

3309 Invalid TDWM request specified. %VSTR

3677 %VSTR referenced by %FSTR does not have implied GRANT access to %DBID.%TVMID.

8203 Too many concurrent Archive/Recovery users.

8102 Client does not own that handle.

5654 The value for PasswordMinChar exceeds that for PasswordMaxChar.

8571 Snapshot already exists.

3105 Dispatcher internal error: Please do not re-submit request.

5145 The user-requested Packdisk operation has completed.

6123 Not enough space to accommodate rows from AMPs to be deleted.

2596 Invalid parcel sequences in the FastExport Initiate request.

3574 Illegal clause or aggregation in a SELECT with no table accessed.

5614 The ALL option cannot be applied to a role.

6857 Table '%VSTR' in EXCEPT list not in database being RESTORED.

3534 Another index already exists, using the same columns and the same ordering.

2697 Release 3 to 4 conversion process not complete.

5879 Invalid Partition field.

5715 PARTITION BY CASE_N defines more than 65533 conditions.

3799 A RunUnit or Coordinator ID is larger than the max size.

5511 Reference to [external] stored procedure '%VSTR' is not allowed in this context.

6817 Invalid domain value passed to SQRT / FLOOR in DBS.

8529 LOT expected an open operation code in the record

7551 An EVL LOB instruction has a bad parameter (%VSTR).

2962 Configuration is not operational.

5002 A read error was detected.

5980 Error table does not exist.

5471 SampleId not permitted in HAVING/QUALIFY Clause.

3900 User error detected.

2922 AMP does not have a restored journal table.

6714 Internal error: Reference to undefined value in collation file.

8285 Restore restart stopped because there is an error table mismatch.

7652 %FSTR:fldfadd failed during USING row generation with return code (%VSTR).

5736 DROP RANGE for level %VSTR removes all ranges.

5103 Sort could not grow the index row.

3187 Utility terminated.

2554 Inconsistent situation occurs in restart MLoad - %VSTR

3656 Journal table specified no longer exists.

3023 UserId or Password string is malformed.

6674 RSG work queue storage exhausted.

7448 Mload table %TVMID cannot be restarted.

3921 Invalid parcel length.

5368 Name %VSTR is longer than 30 bytes when exported to KanjiEBCDIC.

6939 '%VSTR' is not an authorization.

2819 Internal error: unimplemented message received.

2779 USI row hash code is incorrect.

5837 Hexadecimal constants are not supported in ANSI.

7673 Unexpected error occured while executing a statement from within stored procedure.
3288 Warning: Response limit exceeded. Logoff and start over again.

5124 An invalid cylallocstyle_t was specified.

3757 Numeric stack overflow error.

5593 Cannot determine the best-fit function for '%VSTR'.

6102 RCONFIG restarts DBS.

3044 Session Lock Cache is corrupted.

3553 The user cannot RENAME to a new database.

3513 %VSTR.

7509 Result Exceeded maximum length for UDF/XSP/UDM %DBID.%TVMID.

3982 No other table options can be specified when a constraint is specified in the statement.

2880 Reference index row indexes non existent data row.

3778 SELECT statement must follow LOCK ROW modifier.

5225 The WDBD and WDB TJ record counts do not match.

5185 An invalid WAL Master Index has been discovered.

8243 Illegal use or invalid sequence of parcels.

2636 %TVMID must be empty for Fast Loading.

2676 Invalid calculation: division by zero

7530 LOB row references a non-existent data row.

5694 Database specified for function '%VSTR' is ambiguous.

5450 Invalid SET SESSION OVERRIDE option is specified. It can either be ON or OFF.

3145 The request was aborted by a ROLLFORWARD operation.

2901 Cannot install CharSet: Invalid ID

6163 Encountered disk error on Crucial System Table - AMP taken down

3839 A command intended only for NCR internal testing was incorrect.

3614 Statement permitted only during FastLoad or MLoad.

8264 A character string inserted into dictionary field DBC.%TVMID.%FLDID would not convert to
Unicode due to illformed characters.

5959 Statistics on system-derived column '%VSTR' is not allowed.

3635 Data Parcel too long in field mode response.

3410 The input buffer size specified in the response parcel is too short.

6653 Call to RsiServer failed in RSG

3879 This is not a journal table Id.

5042 The requested subtable was not found.

7631 Fetch/Close attempted on a closed cursor in the stored procedure (%FSTR).

6918 Illegal or unsupported use of an aggregation, ordered analytical, user-defined function or user-
defined method inside a recursive query/view.

5082 The current lock is incompatible with the request.

7856 Java XSP/UDF failed because available JVM heap memory has run out.

8100 Server not initialized.

5307 Inconsistent referential constraint(s) do not exist.

2533 Shut down DBS and rebuild the disk.

2758 USI row out of order.

5551 The compress value is longer than permitted.

5776 The GENERATED ALWAYS Identity Column %VSTR may not be updated.

3002 Invalid logon account.

3227 The specified table does not exist.

6020 The Vproc Number specified is not that of an AMP Vproc.

3696 The compress value contains characters that are not in the repertoire of the current session
character set.

5816 DISTINCT on SET operation must be on a column reference.

8121 Field does not exist

3267 No sessions meet the Abort criteria.

5572 Target samples not set at session level.

3736 FORMAT string is longer than 30 characters.

3492 The request context could not be located.

6754 Bad option with tdlocaledef utility.

3961 Numeric operation on GRAPHIC data is illegal.

7488 AMP failure information follows:

6775 Invalid currency.

5408 Invalid operands to OVERLAPS operator.

5164 Expected sync scan table entry not found for table ID %u %u %u.\n

5204 A WAL Log record could not be built.

2615 Precision loss calculating expression involving %TVMID.%FLDID.

8222 Roll stopped. Data table not copied

3084 There are not enough free internal blocking information nodes.

5673 A Locator to a LOB is not allowed to be returned in Field Mode.

7978 Can not execute XSP '%VSTR'. Java Language is not supported for non-protected execution mode
on the system.

3124 Internal error: FCF is not inside a user-generated transaction.

5429 A triggered action statement contained an invalid reference.

6142 RECONFIG aborted at an irreversible state.

5898 An updatable cursor is not allowed on select and consume.

3593 No DATA parcel sent and request uses a USING clause.

3818 The named parameter list has too many values.

6611 Stop sending change rows for transaction

6836 %FSTR does not have %VSTR access to SYSUDTLIB database.

6876 Duplicate attribute names in the attribute list. %VSTR

7570 Unable to execute UDT Transform UDF/UDM.

2716 Convert Date function failed

5021 Sectors could not be allocated from a cylinder.

3185 Utility name is too long. Command ignored.

5490 Fastload or multiload are not allowed on tables with triggers.

7610 Invalid Cursor state in the stored procedure (%FSTR).

2941 There is an AMP down prior to a table rebuild.

5061 The DBD and DB rowcounts do not match.

7835 The XSP %DBID.%TVMID ended before completing an outstanding SQL request. The returned

5530 Invalid operating environment for procedure execution.

2737 RI row has same row id as previous row.

8548 LOT could not stop the connection service

5755 The number of table reference and alias names do not correspond.

2981 Invalid unique primary index.

3206 Dispatcher has no more semaphores available.

3450 Internal error detected by Multi-Threaded Kernel.

3675 Bad internal value of repr format field.

3919 Table has too many columns.

6693 Invalid operation for table.

3715 Multinational collation cannot be used with current hash.

3940 A SQL command cannot contain both host variables and parameter tokens.

7671 The log file that saves the spoil information is bad under the directory %VSTR.

6958 LOGGING ONLINE ARCHIVE ON statement for database 'DBC' is not supported.

5122 An invalid cylparam_t value was specified.

7427 Invalid GMO lock operation specified.

2573 Invalid match tag found.

5347 Invalid default export table id.

7467 Operation not allowed: pending replication compare operation on table %DBID.%TVMID.

2798 MLoad: Prime Key mismatch on insert missing update.

7936 Plan directive syntax error, expected something like %VSTR.

5143 Mini-Cylinder Pack was not able to free any cylinders.

5387 One or more parameters are bad.

2594 One of the FastExport session has been logged off

2838 Table is unhashed; no data dumped.

5612 A user, database or role with the specified name already exists.

5856 Invalid index type in index validation mode.

3532 Conversion between BYTE data and other types is illegal.

3307 Invalid TDWM Rule specification. %VSTR

5877 Load utility version is incompatible with Identity Column load.

3776 Comment not terminated before end of request text.

3797 A PASSWORD must be specified when creating a user.

8201 TableId to be inserted already exists

6815 UDTs are currently not supported with SQL submitted.

6121 Add AMP, Delete AMP, and Move AMP are mutually exclusive.

2655 Invalid parcel sequences during Load

3572 Internal error: Illegal use of a WITH clause in a subquery.

5469 SAMPLE clause has invalid set of arguments.

5713 UNIQUE secondary index is not allowed.

2920 Delete journal and AMP down without dual.

3633 COMPRESS declaration allowed only in CREATE/ALTER TABLE.

5938 .ALL keyword in SELECT is not ANSI.

5509 Global temporary table cannot be created WITH DATA.

8283 Restore of selected partitions of a PPI table stopped because PPI information in the table header
is inconsistent between the backup and disk.

8527 LOT got an unexpected return code sending a PDE message

5734 ADD RANGE for level %VSTR overlaps existing ranges or partitions.

5978 Error table already exists for %VSTR.

3654 Corresponding select-list expressions are incompatible.

3898 Internal error: Cannot quiesce a session already quiesced.

6672 Invalid group identifier.

6916 TOP N Syntax error: %VSTR.

6937 Authorization '%VSTR' already exists.

6712 Internal error: Ocurred during ISF subsystem collation initialization.

5326 Operand of EXTRACT function is not a valid data type or value.

7650 %FSTR:Invalid bit position in presence bit vector.

2777 Data row is duplicate.

5101 A non-restartable sort was specified as restartable.

5795 The response step size required for this request exceeds 1 MB.

8119 An index field size is invalid.

5591 Invalid parameter list.

2552 BEGIN Mload executed without MLoad Init.

3042 At least one session lock is not released.

3021 GSN response is malformed.

3511 Internal error: Unknown Parser function.

3490 Bad thread event detected by application.

3980 Cannot drop the column when table check(s) exists that reference it.
5366 The resulting substring is larger than expected.

5183 An invalid WAL Data Block has been discovered.

5835 Type designation on expression is not ANSI.

2634 Existing ERROR table(s) or Incorrect use of %TVMID in Fast Load operation.

3286 Internal Error: No free segment pages are available.

5652 A profile already exists with that name.

3755 Numeric overflow error.

3103 WARNING: Non-zero membership count detected when a step group is released.

6773 Invalid radix.

7528 Primary and fallback LOB row checksums do not match.

7507 The UDF/XSP/UDM %DBID.%TVMID could not be found

5448 The table does not belong to any replicated group.

7976 Can not execute XSP '%VSTR'. Java Language is not supported on the system hardware platform.

2899 Reference index row contains non existent Foreign Key value.

5427 Trigger is greater than 20480 characters after name expansion.

3837 A 2PC Abort or Commit cannot be combined with other requests.

2878 Improper character set name %VSTR.

6651 RSI interface did not respond

5223 \n.................................................................\n" "Detected interrupted write pattern on the CI:\n"

"%s\n" "Alternate copy chosen\n" ".................................................................\n

7589 Unable to allocate aggregate cache of size specified in dbscontrol internal parameter

8241 Improperly formatted directed request.

5040 An invalid attempt to pack a block has occurred.

2674 Precision loss during data conversion.

2960 Invalid sequence of startup messages.

3143 Need more space for idented segid .

7854 Invalid lob persistent object reference in a Java XSP/UDF.

6161 Reconfig restarting system to recover remaining rows from disk error

5305 Foreign Key column '%VSTR' cannot be modified.

3612 Incorrect use of a subquery.

2756 Fallback data row is missing.

3877 NO FALLBACK specified and the table is FALLBACK.

5774 Invalid data type for Identity Column %VSTR.

2735 Primary and fallback RI counts do not match.

3225 The ReConnect message doesn't match the Connect message.

7629 Stored procedure %FSTR is called recursively.

6039 The total PE virtual processors count exceeded.

5080 An invalid combination of insertrow and lock has been detected.

3959 Comparing GRAPHIC data with numeric or date data is illegal.

2531 No task found for task ID/Transaction ID.

7446 Mload table %TVMID cannot be released because NUSI exists.

3000 Session is not logged on.

2817 Internal error: transaction not found in TIP table.

6018 The host number is not found in the configuration map.

7711 MDS received unexpected message after the RepPhase1 message.

3938 Abort was too late.

5162 Illegal SyncScanCheckInterval of %d in DBS Control GDO. Default of %d used.\n

5814 Operator used is not ANSI.

2613 Internal error: illegal datatype conversion

3734 Internal error: Unexpected result from FLT subsystem.

3082 There are not enough free request context nodes.

6752 Illegal format type specified : %VSTR must be of numeric or date format type.

6100 The status of an AMP is set to down by startup.

5141 Mini-Cylinder Pack freed cylinders in anticipation of their use.

3551 The user cannot DROP a database that has descendants.

2592 Select request has not been processed.

5896 Multiple SELECT AND CONSUME statements in a request is not allowed.

7486 The table is marked as being restructured.

3816 The positional parameter list has too few values.

5406 Invalid combination of Teradata and ANSI datetime value functions.

6834 Method '%VSTR' does not exist.

2857 Rollforward/Rollback: Not applicable on specified tables.

5019 A cylinder could not be allocated.

5875 Invalid usage of UDF/UDM in an SPL statement in stored procedure.

5488 SampleId not permitted in GROUP BY Clause.

3326 The session cannot be found.

2939 Maximum number of worker tasks exceeded.

3795 Internal error: Unimplemented type option specified.

3408 Unable to access session %VSTR with in-doubt transaction.

8220 An APPLY TO data table was not found.

7833 The protected mode server was terminated by UDF/XSP/UDM %DBID.%TVMID.

5671 LOBs can not be used in selects containing WITH.

5753 Numbering for Identity Column %VSTR is over its limit.

6140 RECONFIG aborted due to improper disk initialization procedure.

3204 SQL request completed ahead of Log request in the Dispatcher.

3591 END TRANSACTION must be the last statement in a request.

3673 Statement not permitted during MLoad.

6609 Close out Batch running out of resources

6691 No transaction with a lower sequence number.

6874 Constructor methodname and the typename should be the same.

6956 Column %VSTR has multi-column statistics and cannot be dropped or modified.

8281 PPI RANGE mismatch between the table header and the HUT control segment.

7425 Permission denied to GMO.

2714 Resusage discarded some monitoring information because of insufficient resources


5732 The DROP RANGE WHERE condition must not evaluate to unknown.

3265 Transaction has been Aborted by Administrator or Operations Staff.

3183 Unrecognized command keyword: %VSTR.

5610 Invalid usage of SAMPLEID.

5528 No DDL statements will be allowed in a replicated transaction.

3530 Invalid FORMAT string '%VSTR'.

8546 LOT was passed a null endpoint object pointer

3999 The select request violates a cursor restriction.

2979 Prime AMP is down and table is nonfallback.

6813 Numeric overflow in internal counters. The number of rows returned is actual number of rows
returned, modulo 2^32.

5997 SET QUERY_BAND for TRANSACTION must be the first statement in a multi-statement request.

5202 The WAL append buffer has already been flushed to disk.

3917 The request is aborted by an ABORT SESSION command.

2653 Fast Load not allowed: table %TVMID has been rebuilt.

6935 '%VSTR' is not an external stored procedure.

3122 AMP either sends invalid message or sends to wrong mailbox.

7669 Stored procedure %FSTR does not exist in %VSTR.

7547 Target row updated by multiple source rows.

5120 An invalid idxparam_t value was specified.

5467 Cannot drop, MLOAD, or RESTORE a table with join or hash indexes.

2571 Multiload task still running against table %TVMID

2918 Permanent Journal %DBID.%TVMID is invalid.

5589 Function '%VSTR' does not exist.

5936 External role '%VSTR' was not assigned to user.

3040 Session was not found in the session lock cache.

3856 Internal error: A TPC message was received for a non-2PC session.

7465 Mload table %TVMID cannot be released because permanent journals exist.

3652 Internal error: Illegal evlRepresent_t encountered.

7934 Assertion failed at %VSTR.

6670 An RSG informational event was logged.

5385 INTERNAL ERROR: Can''t write TLS value.

7608 Mismatch between the number of columns returned by the cursor specification and the fetch
target list.

2836 The specified index id was not found.

5059 The DBD and DB lengths do not match.

5854 The DBQL feature has not been installed.

5324 The referenced table %DBID.%VSTR does not have a Primary Key defined.

3305 The request cannot be found for this session.

2775 Data row hash code is incorrect.

3774 Internal error: Requested option is not yet implemented.

5793 Limit on the number of host variables in USING modifier exceeded

7526 Primary LOB row is missing.

3713 A call to change a memory segment size failed during parsing.

5446 Replicated table does not have the appropriate status for this DML statement.

6058 Reconfig stopped, active online archive table(s) found.

2897 Table header row for %DBID.%TVMID is too long.

3509 The request uses a join condition that Teradata is unable to perform.

8260 The header row of the table which is used for restoring archive in old release is missing.

3978 Invalid CHECK condition.

2693 The fieldids in field 5 are not contiguous.

5181 This version of the file system requires reversion.

5711 PARTITION BY is not allowed.

8199 Feature not yet supported.

3162 TWM Limit for this utility type was exceeded: %VSTR

2632 All AMPs own sessions for this Fast/Multi Load or FastExport.

3631 Column %VSTR is an index column and cannot be modified.

5650 Text size exceeds Parser limit.

8525 LOT was passed a length or size which was out of range

3101 External message received for an internal mailbox.

5976 The LOGGING ERRORS feature is disabled.

3570 Internal error processing query with aggregate functions.

3896 Statement caused parser stack overflow.

3835 A 2PC abort has occurred.

6914 SAMPLE clause not allowed with ROLLUP, CUBE, or GROUPING SETS.

6853 Too many partition ranges qualified

2754 Fallback data row is on wrong AMP.

7587 Compressed Spool File verification error.

7648 %FSTR:Data buffer overflow, exceeding maximum buffer size.

5038 A file system navigation error has occurred.

5099 An attempt was made to generate an invalid row hash.

5507 Referential integrity constraints are not allowed with a WITH [NO] DATA clause.

8117 Index or Row size is too big.

2958 Processor is looping in TOS initialization.

2550 MLoad error: bad internal status - %VSTR

3427 Internal error: RBM ran out of contexts.

5568 SQL statement is not supported within a stored procedure.

7852 Java Blob/Clob methods in a Java XSP/UDF failed while writing data into a lob.

3019 Old PE is this PE for switch.

5303 Error table '%VSTR' already exists.

6037 Listing configuration map option should be either Long or Short.

5772 Foreign Key is not allowed on UDT columns.

5833 ANSI INSERT statement requires INTO keyword.

3223 This is an acceptable error.

3284 Internal Error: Error message not found in table.

3692 Explain is not permitted in the FastExport mode.

3753 Too many digits in integer or decimal constant.

6710 Internal error: Occurred during ISF subsystem processing.

6771 Invalid exponent.

3957 Missing SO or SI characters in GRAPHIC string.


7444 The table has not been converted to run for the current release.

7974 The privilege is not applicable to a Jar.

5364 Internal error: The format string must be of type Unicode.

5425 An updatable cursor update or delete is not allowed upon which a trigger has been defined.

2815 Apparent invalid restart of a restore.

2876 AMP was not brought online.

5160 Module %s at insertion point %d\n

5894 The SELECT AND CONSUME statement is not referencing a queue table.

2611 Internal error: illegal comparison operation

8239 Restore/Copy detected invalid UDT condition: %VSTR.

3080 Internal error detected by SesPTsk.

5690 LOBs are not allowed to be hashed.

3549 MLoadTask is not running.

3141 An in-doubt session cannot be logged off

3814 Column '%VSTR' is referenced twice or cannot be matched.

6159 Configuration map has been changed since Reconfig was initiated

6832 UDT '%VSTR' already exists.

3610 Internal error: Please do not resubmit the last request. SubCode, CrashCode: %VSTR

5221 Cylmigrate freed a CI to the WABC rather than the free cylinder pool.

7831 %VSTR has NO SQL access.

2672 Output data kind is illegal kind (in MoveRow).

2733 Primary and fallback RI row checksums do not match.

7566 The protected mode user is not defined; cannot execute UDF/XSP/UDM.

5751 A table may not have more than one Identity Column.

5017 The AssignRowID value is incompatible with the table type.

3202 Plan directive logging step has failed. The transaction was aborted.

5486 Window size value is not acceptable.

7627 SELECT-INTO returned more than one row.

8504 LOB ID already exists

5547 Internal Error: %VSTR.

2937 A control AMP has not been selected.

2998 Requested field not found in row.

5955 Warning: Table headers have been revalidated but correct partitioning of the rows needs to be

6016 Host Type is invalid.

3406 The RBM session %VSTR does not exist.

3936 Some segments have not been dropped/discarded.

3875 '%VSTR' is not the name of the default Journal table.

6750 Invalid date.

3671 An invalid HostId has been specified.

5139 Start tableid and end tableid are different table types.

6689 RSG detects an existing connection to the replication group.

2590 Buffer size is too small for the response.

5078 An invalid FSGLOCK value was specified.

7484 Division by Zero occured while calculating the given OLAP function(s).

6954 Not authorized on %VSTR. Exceeded allowed attempts, the authorization statement has been

5404 Datetime field overflow.

7423 Object already locked and NOWAIT. Transaction Aborted.

2855 Specified checkpoint row already exists.

5343 This statement is not allowed when the target temporary table is already materialized.

5873 Extended Grouping not allowed with Teradata Specific Ordered Analytical Functions.

2794 MLoad MARK DUPLICATE INSERT (dup key)

3324 More data exists than was returned.

5812 Comparison of Lists is not ANSI.

3793 Conflicting NULL options.

3263 The LOGGING CHANGE option must have a value of Y,y,N,n,BLANK or NULL.

6138 You cannot invoke this operation before startup completes.

3732 The facility of %VSTR has not been implemented yet.

3589 Statement must be inside a user-generated transaction.

3528 FORMAT string '%VSTR' contains an unrecognizable character.

6607 Replication internal error (see traceback)

3997 The ESCAPE value for LIKE must be One Character.

7545 Numbering for Identity Column %TVMID.%FLDID is over its limit.

6811 UDT constructor function '%VSTR()' is not defined.

8279 Restore/Copy Dictionary stopped because table's primary index is inconsistent between the
backup and disk.
5200 An attempt was made to generate an invalid WLSN.

2712 Distributed DBS File (DDF) failure.

8218 Data table %DBID.%TVMID does not use the specified journal table.

5730 Invalid DROP RANGE WHERE partition condition for level %VSTR.

2651 Operation Error computing expression involving %TVMID.%FLDID.

3181 Session is not logged on.

5669 No restart information found for specified index anlaysis '%VSTR'.

3650 Internal error: Unexpected ParTreePtr@.Kind encountered.

3120 The request is aborted because of a DBS recovery.

8544 LOT got an unexpected return code discarding a scratch segment

5465 Error in Using Join Index, %VSTR.

5995 A QUERY_BAND value exceeds the maximum length.

2916 Restore of a permanent journal was not complete.

3915 Invalid source for received message.

5934 Role being dropped is an external role.

6933 External Stored Procedure '%VSTR' already exists.

3854 '%VSTR' is not a view.

5118 An unimplemented service has been requested.

6872 Distinct types cannot have constructor method.

5587 Reference to function '%VSTR' is not allowed in this context.

7606 Too many cursors are opened in the stored procedure (%FSTR).

6056 Moved AMPs must follow added AMPs

5057 A combination of ERRFILUNFREE and ERRFILLOWCYL.

3507 WITH clauses may not be specified in a SELECT DISTINCT request.

5526 %VSTR

7932 The plan directive does not match the generated plan%VSTR.

5322 The specified constraint name '%VSTR' does not exist.

3303 This is a load utility session.

2773 Data row not indexed by NUSI.

3772 You cannot DROP a journal that is the default for other databases.
5791 The INSTEAD OF trigger is not supported with Upsert or Merge-Into.

7524 Data row contains invalid LOB oid.

3242 MDS table does not exist.

5444 RS is down.

3711 Memory segment unavailable to parse this request, %VSTR phase.

2895 The current cursor row has already been deleted.

3976 Incorrect referential constraint definition.

8258 Orphan dictionary row discarded.

7463 Too many concurrent table copy operations running on system.

5709 Default value List is too long.

5383 CHARACTER SET specified for non-CHAR data.

3160 DBQL or TDWM Cache invalid or size exceeded

2834 Another user released the lock requested by the current operation.

3629 The ABORT request uses overly complex aggregate functions.

5179 An invalid partition number has been detected.

3894 Too many tables specified in BEGIN/RELEASE MLOAD.

2630 Internal error: null lower set bound

6912 A triggered stored procedure can not contain OUT or INOUT parameters or dynamic result sets.

5648 Too many parameters for a function.

5301 The referential constraint has already been defined.

3568 Cannot nest aggregate operations.

2752 Data row has same row id as previous row.

3833 A CHECKPOINT statement is not allowed in a 2PC session.

7646 %FSTR:Invalid variable index (%VSTR) specified.

6851 PARTITIONS WHERE clause only allowed with PPI tables

5097 An invalid sortby parameter was passed to sort.

2691 Reference to a deleted fieldid

8115 Delete is illegal.

7585 The authorization is not valid for secure UDF/XSP %DBID.%TVMID.

5566 Error in Hash Index DDL, %VSTR.

5036 Some of the heap space being freed is already free.

3017 There are no DBC tables. Is this disk initialized?

5505 Column data types cannot be specified with a WITH [NO] DATA clause.

6035 Warning: The Default Cluster size results in a cluster with multiple Amps on the same Clique.

8523 LOT could not allocate or did not receive a scratch segment

3955 Conversion between GRAPHIC data and other types is illegal.

2956 Secondary index does not contain data rowid.

3751 Expected a digit for the exponent.

5974 Multi-statement request with LOGGING ERRORS is not allowed.

6769 Error in initializing the TDIGDO.

3425 Internal error: Internal error detected by RBM.

7707 Multiple RepBegTrans received for the same transaction after RepPhase1.

5770 %VSTR is not allowed on UDT column.

5158 1st TID: %u %u %u RID: %u %u %u %u %u Last TID: %u %u %u Partition/Hash: %u %u %u\n

3221 Replication group does not exist.

2609 Internal error: improper field reference.

3690 The WITH clause is not permitted in the FastExport mode.

7503 The UDF server failed to execute UDF/XSP/UDM %DBID.%TVMID

6708 Internal error: Occurred while the ISF subsystem was installing character translation tables.

7972 Jar '%VSTR' does not exist.

7442 Invalid era.

5423 This trigger contains an invalid REFERENCING clause.

5362 Internal error: The default value must be a constant of Unicode character data type.

2874 A read error occurred in a permanent journal table.

2813 Internal error: bad InXaction flag in step header.

5892 An invalid statement was performed on a Queue Table.

3282 Internal Error: Unexpected thread event detected.

3812 The positional assignment list has too few values.

5627 Column '%VSTR' exceeds system limit for COMPRESS.

8237 Row on restore meets LOG WHERE condition.

3547 MLoad target table may not contain unique secondary indexes.

6157 Encountered disk error on Table which has Amp Down in cluster

6830 Mismatch with Method/Function Signature: %VSTR .

3608 Not enough values in a subquery.

5219 Cylmigrate ran out of cylinders trying to find a CI it could return to cylpack.

5015 An invalid dbkdelfcn_t has been specified.

2670 Source data kind is illegal kind (in MoveRow).

7829 Java subsystem error ( %VSTR ).

5688 Unwind the stack to the most outer logmark.

8298 Build statement error: HUTBLDCLR2 received out of sequence.

3139 The transaction is in-doubt

2731 Warning: Unable to access the parent table header.

7564 System supported maximum hash is reached.

5749 DROP RANGE level %VSTR is not in increasing order.

5484 No Ordered Analytical Function operation allowed in the search condition for a joined table.

3200 Fatal error in Dispatcher.

8502 LOB context record state is invalid

3669 More than one value was returned by a subquery.

2935 Table header format is invalid

5545 The TLE feature has not been enabled.

5953 WITH INSERT specified without a DROP RANGE.

6014 For a COP, host number must match a LAN HGID in the Physical Configuration.

3404 No more output to send for the continue request.

3934 Session is in wrong state for cleanup request.

3873 '%VSTR' is not a Journal table.

6952 Indexes cannot be created or dropped during random AMP sample emulation.

6687 Invalid batch identifier.

5137 An invalid initialization value has been specified.

7625 %FSTR: Invalid message kind (%VSTR) encountered.

2588 Invalid block number in the FastExport Initiate request.

5076 The last (only) SRD in the CI has been deleted.

5606 Statistical Functions not allowed in WITH clause.

2996 Array specification is too small.

3526 The specified index does not exist.

7421 Invalid size of the BitMap

5402 WITH TIME ZONE is incompatible with specified data type.

5341 Volatile table '%VSTR' not allowed in statement.

3322 TDWM internal error. %VSTR

2792 Primary and fallback USI row checksums do not match.

3791 A view in an Update or Delete statement can not have a joined table in its definition.

5810 ALL keyword in DELETE or UPDATE is not ANSI.

6605 A operation was attempted that made no sense given the current state

3261 The OVERRIDE option must have a value of Y,y,N,n,BLANK or NULL.

5463 Invalid coordinator for a RS coordinated transaction.

3730 The user used an obsolete syntax or feature in this request.

2914 A TIP/Task Matchup failure has occurred.

3995 Maximum number of subquery nesting levels has been exceeded.

7808 The default connection failed to establish a connection to the database.

7482 Cannot obtain lock on %DBID.%TVMID for error/difference row insert.

8277 Restore/Copy Dictionary stopped because DBC.DBCASSOCIATION is inconsistent between the

backup and disk.

2853 Restored Journal table %TVMID does not exist.

2710 Invalid channel state in SSSWAIT.

5198 An invalid WAL append buffer has been detected.

5728 Partitioning violation for table %DBID.%TVMID.

8216 Recovery action stopped.

3179 Select and Consume Request is obsolete.

2649 Internal error: illegal index type

3648 Expected subquery is missing.

3118 More than one outstanding request for a session.

6666 The RSG configuration file is not accessible (/rsg/bin/rsg_config_file)

6136 Restore DBS because reconfig aborted at an irreversible state.

8542 LOT write can accept more data from the client

3587 Host utilities cannot be processed in field mode.

9011 Table being Archived/Restored/Copied was dropped by some other transaction.

5932 EXTUSER logon may only be directory-based.

3913 The specified check does not exist.

3852 All expressions in a view must have an explicit name.

6931 WITH CHECK OPTION is not allowed for recursive views.

6870 Invalid UDT Ordering. %VSTR

5320 The specified FREESPACE value is not between 0 and 75 percent.

5055 An attempt was made to delete a non-empty SRD.

2771 Data row id referenced by fallback NUSI in wrong subtable.

5524 Invalid parcel received in a 2PC Session

5116 dbkfit could not determine how to split a block.

2975 Message with invalid class has been received.

2567 The system has no PE or PEs running

5993 The QUERY_BAND exceeds the maximum length.

5585 Invalid Input: numeric value within range only.

5789 Value for Identity Column is replaced by a system-generated number.

3505 Match Tag Parcel missing in Mload.

3240 Invalid security Token is provided.

3974 This table has too many referential constraints.

3709 Syntax error, replace %VSTR.

5850 BEFORE statement triggers are not supported.

6992 The password submitted cannot contain the user name.

3770 DEFAULT JOURNAL TABLE = tname is required for JOURNAL option.

7461 Invalid logon user name for utility.

2628 Internal error: creating fields out of order.

7930 Plan directive '%VSTR' does not exist.

7522 Fallback LOB row is on wrong AMP.

5381 Duplicate column names as result of rename column request.

5442 Replicated table does not have the appropriate status for this RDDL statement.

2832 Unique secondary index violation on table %DBID.%TVMID during restore.

2893 Right truncation of string data.

3301 Target WD is invalid or inactive.

3831 A 2PC parcel must be in a 2PC transaction.

5177 The cylinder index checksum is invalid.

8256 Improperly formatted directed request.

5646 User does not match user '%FSTR' who performed the index anlaysis.

5707 DBQL limits must be between 0 and 32,767.

6115 A specified Vproc does not exist in a specified Config Map.

6176 The current and new hash bucket size fields must not be changed during reconfig.

3566 Database does not have a PERMANENT journal.

3627 Illegal use of DISTINCT Aggregate Expressions.

6849 The UDT (%VSTR) does not have Transform, or does not have the specified Transform Group.

6910 UDT '%FSTR' is a Distinct type, which can not be initialized through a NEW specification.

2689 Field is null for column defined as NOT NULL.

2750 Data subtable count does not match NUSI count.

3158 TWM Event

5768 The Locator is invalid because it has been changed.

7583 The secure mode processes had a set up error.

8113 No more data rows available.

5034 An invalid pointer to heap space to free has been detected.

5564 The table specified in the UPSERT statement is a table that has a join/hash index.

5503 Too many nested procedure calls.

3015 The password is blanks.

8521 LOT received an unexpected error code from a PDE service call

6033 The Default Cluster size results in a cluster with one Amp.

2954 Invalid record type on transient journal.

3953 GRAPHIC data cannot be assigned to column %VSTR.

5972 LOGGING ERRORS is applicable to permanent data tables only.

6767 Invalid numeric data.

3688 This statement is not permitted in the FastExport Task.

7705 MDS received more DDL''s than expected for a transaction.

6706 The string contains an untranslatable character.

5156 Drive %d Cylinder %d Sector %d for %d bytes\n

7644 %FSTR: Error in RAR message; %VSTR.

2607 Bad argument for LN function.

5095 A UNIX memory request has failed.

5625 Column '%VSTR' has duplicate values for COMPRESS.

7440 Temporary statistics row referenced table not defined in DBC.TempTables.

7501 Result/OUT string too long for UDF/XSP/UDM %DBID.%TVMID.

5360 Internal error: The compress value must be a constant of Unicode character data type.

7970 Create/Replace Java stored procedure passed an unacceptable signature. Correct the signature.

2811 Data rowid is already indexed.

5421 Cannot drop or rename a column referenced by a trigger.

5829 A designated Privilege is not ANSI.

2872 Unexpected DBC.DBCInfoTbl format, updates bypassed.

3280 Request not allowed now. System is not online.

5890 An invalid user-defined QITS column was defined.

3749 Options Parcel information is invalid.

3810 Column/Parameter '%VSTR' does not exist.

3545 Only the user %VSTR can execute this statement.

6155 Encountered disk error on Table without Fallback, need to restore

5217 Error decoding WDBs during startup.

7562 Invalid operation on table %FSTR.

8235 Journal Data migration is not supported when Source and Target Systems have different Row

5013 An out of order row has been detected.

2668 Output row buffer size exceeded (in MoveRow).

2933 No table defined for input table name.

5686 %VSTR cannot be used on a LOB column.

7827 Java SQL Exception SQLSTATE 39001: Invalid SQL state (%VSTR).

3137 Internal Error: The request is already committed and cannot be aborted.

8296 Restore/Copy stopped because of inconsistent table header information.

3606 Two values were given for one field.

2729 Dictionary parent count does not match header parent count.

5482 NULL may not be used as the argument for an Ordered Analytical Function.

5747 The product of the number of partitions at each level exceeds 65535.

8500 Object not found.

3667 CHECKPOINT statement used incorrectly.

5951 Specified ADD RANGE level %VSTR is not the same as level %FSTR for the corresponding DROP

8561 LOT record did not belong to the endpoint

3402 Coordinator name is shorter than specified or the length is invalid.

6012 Cluster number is invalid.

3871 A subquery must reference a table.

3932 Only an ET or null statement is legal after a DDL Statement.

6685 Invalid number of table identifier pairs.

6950 Returning LOB inline in MultipartRecord mode is not supported for XSP.

5074 An invalid DB index has been detected.

7419 User 'DBC' almost out of space: resource logging disabled.

2525 Fatal read error encountered during Reconfig.

2790 NUSI row hash code is incorrect.

5543 There were NO costs enabled to turn off.

7684 Nested SPs are not allowed with dynamic result sets.

2994 Prime key field not present in row.

5135 The table-id is not valid for a permanent user table.

5339 Index name not allowed for volatile table.

2586 AMP has been marked as an MLOAD nonparticipant

5808 ANSI DELETE/UPDATE does not permit alias of Table.

5604 Correlated references to Ordered Analytical Functions not allowed in subqueries.

3259 The LIST SESSIONS option must have a value of Y,y,N,n,BLANK or NULL.

3055 Logons are only enabled for user DBC.

3728 A non-numeric column or expression cannot have range clause.

3524 %FSTR does not have %VSTR access to database %DBID.

3993 Illegal usage of alias name.

3320 Monitor Access Denied: Fatal Error Count Exceeded the Maximum

7480 Error table does not exist for table %DBID.%TVMID.

3789 Multiple '%VSTR' options.

5400 Number of leading digits out of range.

6807 Invalid relational operation involving %VSTR. Cast them to the same UDT data type.

2851 Internal error: inconsistent record found on Transient journal

5461 Invalid syntax of the Rep-Begin statement.

5196 The requested WDBD was not found.

2912 Permanent Journaling is inconsistent for a table being restored.

8214 ROLLFORWARD recovery stopped.

5930 External role '%VSTR' may not be granted in the database.

2647 Internal error: OneAMP operation found.

8275 Restore/Copy Dictionary stopped because table definition is inconsistent between the backup
and disk.

5665 Ordered Analytical functions can't sort by LOBs.

5726 A range value is an asterisk in other than the first range start or in the last range end.

3116 Response buffer size is insufficient to hold one record.

3177 Response buffer size is insufficient to hold one record > 64KB.

6134 RCONFIG is stopped by Operator.

6929 Objects referenced in a recursive query/view may not have aliases whose name match the
recursive name or its aliases.

3585 USING modifier NOT allowed with DDL.

2769 NUSI row has same row id as previous row.

6603 An operation was requested on a batch that does not exist

5787 READ OVERRIDE can only be specified for single table operation.

3850 View is greater than %VSTR after name expansion.

3238 Invalid replication group ID detected.

6868 The %FSTR routine contains invalid parameter data type. %VSTR

7663 The database can only execute %VSTR per session.

2708 DDF Leading/Trailing Version Number mismatch.

5583 Invalid Input: only Latin letters allowed.

7602 Illegal usage of variable/parameter/alias %VSTR.

3034 User Id is locked from further logon attempts.

5053 An invalid size was detected.

6052 Number of Vprocs moving from is not equal to number of Vprocs moving to.

2504 Bad Parameter passed to file system.

3503 Internal error: Statement list required but not found.

5522 The RANDOM function can not be used in more than one SELECT query clauses.

3972 This forward referenced table being created conflicts with the constraints defined by table

8540 LOT send was passed a null descriptor pointer

7724 The RepDDL message indicates fewer DDL chunks than already received.

2973 Invalid processor identifier.

5175 \n.................................................................\n" "FILABORT : Detected LSI interrupted write

pattern:\n" "%s\n" ".................................................................\n

5991 Error during plan generation - try again.

2626 Internal error: parcel closed prior to open

3911 Invalid message class received.

7520 LOB row has same row id as previous row.

3707 Syntax error, expected something like %VSTR.

5440 Replicated table status must be NOT Initiated, Not Suspended for a RS DROP statement.

5114 An internal logic error in the file system has been detected.

2891 %VSTR not found for %DBID.%TVMID.

2565 The operation does not honor Single Processor Recovery mode

5909 Replicated tables for change data apply may not contain identity columns.

6990 The password submitted must contain at least one special character.

3829 DDL is not allowed in a 2PC session.

7459 Table %DBID.%TVMID not allowed to be both the source and the destination of a replication

6174 Invalid Tasks Value Input.

7928 Plan directive '%VSTR' already exists.

3625 GROUP BY and WITH...BY clauses may not contain aggregate functions.

5379 Internal Error: Requested internal memory is more than the allowed maximum.

7581 LOBs/Large UDTs cannot be used in an Ordering Method in this context.

2830 Unique secondary index must be dropped before restoring table.

5032 An invalid function code has been detected.

5848 Maximum recursion level of triggers has exceeded.

2748 Data count does not match the USI count.

3299 Invalid PE Vproc Number.

5766 The Locator is invalid because the response spool has been dropped.

3768 The JOURNAL option is conflicting to the JOURNAL TABLE option.

3686 Digits may not be used in passwords.

5644 No match found for specified tables in the request.

8111 Specified index does not exist.

6113 AddressClass in a MsgArgs is invalid.

6765 Input SDF data contains characters that are not in the Unicode repetoire.

3564 Range constraint: Check error in field %TVMID.%FLDID.

7703 Insufficient memory to save new transaction message.

6847 The %FSTR routine must be LOCAL. %VSTR

5154 An invalid infiinfo array index was detected.

8254 Illegal use or invalid sequence of parcels.

2605 Bad argument for LOG function.

2687 The format or data contains a bad character.

5623 User or role '%VSTR' does not exist.

5705 Cannot BEGIN QUERY LOGGING ON ALL because a rule exists.

3543 Owner has insufficient SPOOL space.

3156 Request aborted by TDWM. Exception criteria exceeded: %VSTR.

7968 The recipient of the result set does not support dynamic result sets.
5501 Too many parameters for a stored procedure.

5888 Switching to default one amp sampling.

2952 Rebuilt table is used by other utilities.

3808 Database unspecified for '%VSTR'.

5970 Table function has too few/many output arguments.

6826 The lob length in the using clause is too small.

3421 RBM failed to insert a row to DBC.InDoubtResLog.

7560 Illegal call to FNC_LobAppend in UDF/XSP/UDM %DBID.%TVMID.

3890 Macro '%VSTR' cannot refer to itself.

5011 The file system has made a positioning error.

6908 Iterated request: Multi-statement requests not supported.

5480 Ordered Analytical Functions can not be nested.

6704 Internal error: The ISF subsystem was requested to export a string to the client which is too large.

2931 Table has failed the structure check.

5093 Sort attempted to generate an invalid row-id.

3400 Start request parcel does not contain all required fields.

2544 Operation not allowed: %DBID.%TVMID had an error when Rebuilt.


5562 The UPDATE part of the UPSERT statement is not a single-AMP operation.

8294 Restore stopped because the error table row size exceeded the maximum allowed.

3013 Host id in message header is invalid.

5745 PARTITION cannot be determined due to internal error. Please do not resubmit request.

7438 Temporary table row referenced non-existent base temporary table.


7907 Spool tables contained %VSTR rows with compressed values.

6683 RSG has detected an existing data connection to the Replication Group.

5358 Expected an argument of type character.

3930 The dictionary cache is full.

2809 Invalid recovery sequence detected

6948 UDT expression, of type %TVMID, needs an explicit cast to a compatible type before usage in
5827 ALL BUT as privilege designator is not ANSI.

7417 An invalid value was used as an argument to the HASHAMP function.

3278 Monitor Access Denied: No Monitor Session available

5337 Drop Table is not allowed due to materialized temporary tables.

3747 No startup string defined for this user.

2788 Table header not found for table.

7499 NULL input argument for UDF/XSP %DBID.%TVMID.

7682 OPEN/DEALLOCATE PREPARE attempted on a unprepared dynamic sql in the stored procedure

5419 Trigger '%VSTR' already exists.

5133 The table tabmrows is trying to modify is busy.

2870 Database lock on DBC.DBCInfoTbl prevented updates.

5602 Error creating UDF/XSP/UDM/UDT/JAR: problem accessing the external file '%VSTR '.

5215 A requested CID could not be found.

3053 External authentication feature disabled.

8233 Invalid table state for build sort request

3522 Internal error: A statement node does not represent an existing step.

2666 Invalid date supplied for %TVMID.%FLDID.

3991 A FROM clause is missing for a SELECT subquery or view used in join.

5684 A profile may not be assigned to user DBC.

3787 Illegal duplicate entry in a list.

3135 Internal Error: The abort request was not locked by the Monitor task.

6805 Invalid reference to ACCLOGTBL in MLoad.

6153 Unable to rebuild Unique Secondary Index, needs to be rebuilt

5194 The WDBD and WDB log record ranges do not match.

3604 Cannot place a null value in a NOT NULL field.

2645 Internal error: bad Response.Kind.

5949 DROP RANGE level %VSTR exceeds the current number of partitioning levels.

5459 Attempt to add a dictionary table as a replicated table.

3869 A system journal table cannot be accessed via Teradata SQL.

2910 The journal to restore does not match the one for
5072 CylSpace could not determine what form of migrate to perform.

3848 The ORDER BY clause must contain only integer constants.

5541 Local instance of temporary table '%VSTR' does not exist in current session.

3644 Numeric operation on BYTE data in column %VSTR is illegal.

8559 LOT could not signal on a PDE channel

5051 An invalid number of sectors to allocate/free has been detected.

2992 Invalid database id.

6927 Illegal or unsupported use of TOP N inside the recursive query/view.

6010 Some AMPs with a higher Vproc number have not been deleted

5316 The %VSTR data type is not allowed for non Kanji DBS.

5806 Empty INSERT list is not ANSI.

2767 Primary USI row is missing.

3257 The specified Table Identifier does not exist.

5785 Invalid value for Identity Column parameter %VSTR.

3726 Invalid FORMAT string.

3236 No RSG or Table entries is found in RCT GDO.

7478 Table %DBID.%TVMID is not a user table.

3705 Request executed in interpretive EVL mode.

7947 Only create/replace procedure allowed.

8130 Table server programming fault detected.

5398 SELECT/FETCH source list and INTO list do not match.

5581 Internal error while cleaning up SAMPLE Segment.

2849 Invalid before image on transient journal.

3501 Internal error: Statement or subquery expected and not found.

5867 Internal Error: %VSTR.

3970 Load table %TVMID cannot be a referenced table or contain any referential constraint(s).

3318 Response message size is too small.

6988 The password submitted must contain at least one alpha character.

8212 Improperly formatted Build Parcel.

5173 The sector count in DBD is wrong.

5663 Numeric operation on LOB data type in column %VSTR is illegal.

2624 Internal error: no format given for editing

3114 Dispatcher internal error during access log processing. Please do not re-submit request.

5642 Invalid diagnostic level.

6132 An AMP is specified as an PE in the new Config.

7987 Internal Error: Assertion violated in Optimizer

3583 Too many HostIDs and UserIDs listed in GRANT/REVOKE LOGON.

5438 The specified table does not have a prime key.

6601 There was a parameter error in the procedure call

5907 Table list may not be specified for the RDDL statement.

6866 The %VSTR routine must be deterministic.

3827 A 2PC Vote, Commit, or Vote & Terminate was received while in an inner transaction.

7804 The UDF %DBID.%TVMID called %VSTR in invalid mode/phase.

7579 %VSTR. Bad UDT access function arg in UDF/XSP/UDM %DBID.%TVMID.

2706 Invalid DBS config file address.

5030 An invalid migrate direction has been detected.

5724 Number of range sizes does not match the number of test values.

5499 The data size for input parameters exceeds the maximum allowable row length.

3175 Cursor Positioning not supported.

2950 Rebuilt table is dropped.

7600 Internal error in RTS subsystem.

2746 Warning: NUSI flagged as invalid on one or more AMPs.

8538 LOT was passed a null system message header pointer

5764 String functions like INDEX and TRIM are not allowed on LOBs.

2971 The AMP Lock table has overflowed.

3684 The password submitted contains too few characters.

3909 Internal error: This session was not marked as known.

6702 Translation from/to a character string with an invalid character set specification was requested of
the ISF subsystem.

6723 STATEMACHINE S80 is no longer supported.

3949 Concatenation between GRAPHIC data and numeric or date data is illegal.
5112 An invalid use of the dummy DBD was detected.

6967 '%VSTR' application package is not supported in this release.

2563 MLoad not allowed: DBS had been reconfigured.

7436 One or more rows found for a temporary table not in DBC.TempTables.

3032 User password has expired.

5356 One of the characters or code point does not exist within the specified repertoire.

7457 Warning: Mload had completed processing on the primary data subtable.

2807 Internal error: Invalid message source.

7926 Cannot DROP a user that has Plan Directive rules.

7701 Insufficient memory to process a new transaction.

5377 Internal error: Expected character strings of the same type.

5152 An invalid Cylinder Index has been discovered.

2828 Request was rolled back during system recovery.

2603 Bad argument for SQRT function.

3297 The session is not currently executing SQL.

5621 User has not been granted a specified role.

3766 Replace WITH by DEFAULT for the JOURNAL TABLE option.

3541 The request to assign new PERMANENT space is invalid.

3562 New column %VSTR has no data type.

5886 Invalid AMP Response received.

7518 Primary and fallback LOB counts do not match.

3806 Table/view/trigger name '%VSTR' is ambiguous.

2889 Table header has incorrect parent count or child count.

6824 A LOB can not be the only column in a derived table.

8252 Illegal use or invalid sequence of parcels.

2664 The requested aggregate operation is too complex to execute.

2685 NDP stack overflow.

7558 Result indicator value not valid for UDF/XSP/UDM %DBID.%TVMID.

5703 QCD schema or data modified.

5009 An internal parameter was incorrect.

3154 TDWM Workload Classes Not Enabled

5478 Aggregates are allowed only with Window Functions.

3623 The user cannot use COMPRESS on a primary index column or partitioning expression column.

2929 The journal to suspend is active

5968 Atomic UPSERTS are not allowed in Multiload.

5947 Authorization does not exist. Check output for possible warnings encountered in compiling

3419 Run Unit Id not found or does not have an in-doubt transaction.

8292 Change Journal row is outside restored partition ranges.

3888 A SELECT for a UNION,INTERSECT or MINUS must reference a table.

3663 Index of BYTE data with other types is illegal.

6906 Iterated request: Disallowed statement type (%VSTR).

6681 No data connection.

5091 The test subsystem attempted to free a non-test cylinder.

6946 UDT operand, of type %TVMID, in %VSTR operation does not have the appropriate AS
ASSIGNMENT cast defined

8109 Table structure modified during Open.

7415 Probable stale message (WorkID mismatch)

2542 Requested rebuild is already running.

5335 '%VSTR' is not a temporary table.

5560 Table names are mismatched in the UPSERT statement.

2786 NUSI data row ID out of order.

3011 Session control started in wrong partition.

5804 A FROM clause is required in ANSI Query Specification.

6029 Cluster Numbers are not consecutive.

3255 Invalid Rate: Must be from 0 to 3600, inclusive, or OFF.

7905 Internal error: OCES session initialization error.

5600 Error creating UDF/XSP/UDM/UDT: no compiler available.

5825 A declared Data Type is not ANSI.

3051 Can not change the Run Partition from DBC/SQL.

3276 Warning: Session Monitoring Rate has been altered.

3520 A constant value in a query is not valid for column %VSTR.

3745 Invalid message category for a Teradata SQL start request.

3989 The request resulted in a cursor conflict.

6763 File %VSTR does not exist.

6803 Invalid hardware architecture for procedure execution.

7497 The primary index values in the UPSERT statement hash the same, but are mismatched.

5192 The WAL Data Block block code or version number is invalid.

5417 The trigger event must be INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE.

2643 Internal error: inconsistent constraint code.

2868 This permanent journal table is damaged; no data dumped.

5661 Cannot collect statistics on LOB column.

5213 The target WAL cylinder has been freed.

3112 Error info logged after AMP step failure.

8231 Tried to re-hash journal/index block

5457 Replicated table does not have the appropriate status for this DDL statement.

5682 User has insufficient SPOOL space.

2908 Specified Cluster does not exist.

3133 Default Character Set is invalid.

3846 The Access Logging feature has not been installed.

6151 Remove Rules from DBC.LogonRuleTbl before running Reconfig

6660 RSG did not find the TIB information for this transaction

3602 A CLEAR DUMP statement was executed.

7598 Operation aborted due to maximum number of online archive active logs.

6885 Alter Method not supported on FastPath/Auto-generated UDM

5049 An invalid row pointer has been detected.

2725 Too many 2PC transactions for COLDWAIT restart

2969 Lock call parameter error.

3194 Failed to start utility %VSTR, Please try later.

5314 Referential integrity violation: cannot delete database '%VSTR'.

5070 An invalid free space percent was detected.

2765 Data row indexed multiple times by USI.

5539 Internal error while cleaning up IFP Level Cost Segment.

5783 DBQL Rule Count has become negative.

8557 LOT was passed a null link-channel identifier

3234 Insufficient memory to perform this operation in the specified Replication group.

2990 Table id in express request does not exist.

3703 '%FSTR' is a Teradata SQL keyword reserved for future use.

6008 Some AMPs are not in any cluster.

3968 Cannot drop an unique secondary index which is also a Parent Key.

3724 No more memory in cursor segment for cursor SELECT request.

6986 Failing query available in TSETQueryText table with row identifier %VSTR

7680 The result set is already allocated or procedure.

7455 Invalid Time Zone specified.

5131 An invalid message kind has been detected.

2826 Request completed but all output was lost due to DBC restart.

2582 Not an operational configuration for MLoad

5171 The logical position of the DBD in the CI is invalid.

7476 Replication utility not allowed on unhashed table %DBID.%TVMID.

2622 Bad argument for ** operator.

7945 Plan directive category has been dropped.

5640 The QCD version does not match the expected '%VSTR' version.

5396 An OLD_TABLE or NEW_TABLE alias was referenced without using a subquery.

6109 Current Config Maps are not the same on all AMPs.

2847 Internal error: Invalid record found on transient journal.

3560 Column %VSTR is modified more than once in this statement.

5865 Error opening %FSTR file: %VSTR.

5905 Invalid replication group ID specified.

3316 TDWM configuration is invalid. %VSTR

3825 Incomplete table.

3785 Expected ANY or ALL is missing.

6843 Invalid field attribute specified for a method parameter.

8210 Improperly formatted directed request.

7577 Illegal UDT access function call in UDM/UDF %DBID.%TVMID.

6130 The parameter passed into a procedure is invalid.

5028 An invalid Data Block count has been detected.

3581 Illegal use of BYTES function.

5497 CALL cannot be submitted in multi-statement request.

6864 The %VSTR routine must be UDF.

2948 Index used for retrieval is not unique.

7802 Call to %VSTR for UDF/XSP/UDM %DBID.%TVMID ran out of shared memory.

5966 Too many data records packed in one USING row.

2704 DBS config file I/O error.

3417 An unknown error code has been generated by the Resolver Base Module.

5722 Number of range values does not match the number of test values.

7842 Java stored procedure returned an invalid interval in format or data of %TVMID.%FLDID.

3173 Row cursor positioning has a bad row number.

3213 The stored procedure tried to return too many dynamic result sets.

3642 Non-BYTE data cannot be assigned to column %VSTR.

3682 Password has expired, please use MODIFY USER statement to generate a new password.

5518 The RANDOM function has invalid arguments.

6700 Internal error: A move between incompatible string types was requested of the ISF subsystem.

8536 LOT got an acknowledgement with a negative queue length

6965 The external stored procedure's SQL data access and application package are not compatible.

3907 Session in wrong state for logon state change.

7434 A non-replicated step was received for a replicated table.

6925 Unsupported use of DISTINCT inside a recursive query/view.

7903 Internal error: Cost profile type Id. not in data dictionary.

6721 Internal error: Occurred during translation of dictionary object names or text strings.

5354 Arguments must be of type Kanji1.

7659 A crash dump has been saved.

2805 Maximum row length exceeded in %TVMID.

5110 An SRD that should exist could not be found.

3274 Data Unavailable: Session Usage sampling is not currently enabled.

8128 The table argument is invalid.

5619 Role nesting exceeded single-level.

2561 MLoad related table %TVMID has bad usage field in table header

3539 Recipient %VSTR does not exist.

5579 Target samples were overwritten at session level.

6822 The DELETE triggers on the subject table were not fired.

3030 Associated session has pending threads.

5211 A requested WCID could not be found.

3499 GRANT cannot be used on views with set operators.

2662 SUBSTR: string subscript out of bounds.

7924 Cannot specify a rule for ALL users because a rule exists.

3131 The system time has been set.

5375 Internal error: The constant must be of Unicode character data type.

7556 Illegal LOB access function call in UDF/XSP/UDM %DBID.%TVMID.

5844 Corresponding columns of Set operators must have same type.

5007 No more rows exist in the requested range.

3295 Invalid session specified.

5476 SAMPLE clause not allowed in Embedded SELECTS.

3764 Use MODIFY DATABASE or MODIFY USER to drop the journal table.

2927 The permanent journal cache buffer is out of space

9127 Index violations detected; errors logged in %TVMID where ETC_dbql_qid = %FSTR.

5945 Partition Statistics are not allowed on Temporary Tables.

7516 Stale object identifier.

3865 The privilege is not applicable to a view.

7985 Diagnostic BYPASS ACCESSRIGHTS not allowed if multiple users logged on.

3661 CREATE text for the specified table is too long for SHOW TABLE.

5436 Table list is missing for the RDDL statement.

7617 Attempted to read or modify SQL.

2887 Primary and fallback reference index rows do not match.

5068 The CID and CI last hash code do not match.

8250 Improperly formatted directed request.

2519 Data row indexed multiple times by USI.

2683 Numeric overflow occurred during computation.

7413 Current of cursor row no longer exists.

5701 Insufficient memory for workload cache.

5333 NO LOG keywords not allowed for permanent table.

3152 TWM Access violation: %VSTR

2784 NUSI row incorrectly has continuation flag clear.

3621 Cannot load table %TVMID unless secondary indexes and join indexes are removed.

5802 Statement is not ANSI.

3886 Duplicate name '%VSTR' in a USING clause.

3253 Monitor Access Denied: User has no Monitor Privileges.

6904 The target data type of the User-defined Transform should be a %VSTR.

3722 Only a COMMIT WORK or null statement is legal after a DDL Statement.

2744 Dictionary version does not match header version.

3518 Too many columns in a composite index.

7638 %FSTR: Error allocating a segment; segget failed with return code (%VSTR).

3987 The object name has been reserved as a referenced table.

5089 A row with a NULL rowid has been detected.


8107 Table does not exist.

5190 WCI First WLSN: %.8X%.8X\n

5558 Query capture limits exceeded for %VSTR.

8208 Invalid user identification.

3009 Invalid scope on host start.

2641 %DBID.%TVMID was restructured. Resubmit.

6027 Some PEs are not connected to any host.

5659 Table has too many LOB columns.

3947 Monitor privileges cannot be logged

3110 The transaction was aborted by the user.

5823 This form of CREATE TABLE is not ANSI.

3579 Illegal use of NOT IN.

3743 DUMP/RESTORE DATABASE statements cannot appear in macros.

3844 Reference to AccLogTbl not valid unless solitary.

6761 Invalid timestamp format string.

6862 A CAST with specified source and target exists

5150 The Master Index block code or version number is invalid.

6658 RSG received an unexpected response to TD message

2601 Stack overflow calculating expression involving %TVMID.%FLDID.

7596 Operation not allowed: %DBID.%TVMID is being archived.

7495 <%NSTR> was skipped at %VSTR due to error <%d>. Run SCANDISK.

5047 An invalid row reference array index has been detected.

7964 Dynamic result sets can not be returned to the stored procedure and the caller.

5516 PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE column(s) must be NOT NULL.

2866 Table was Recovery Aborted; no data dumped.

2967 Invalid configuration map.

5884 Invalid Random AMP Sampling type found.

5312 Aborted due to a non-valid reference index on %DBID.%TVMID.

3804 View '%VSTR' already exists.

5781 You cannot collect statistics on more than 32 groups of non-indexed columns.

5680 Stratified sampling not allowed with triggers.

3232 The RCT GDO has reached the maximum size.

6149 Reconfig Cancelled, there is more than one AMP down in a cluster

3701 Internal error: An unknown error has occurred.

3600 The default value contains characters that are not in the repertoire of the current session
character set.

6719 The dictionary object name or text string can not be translated.
6883 Cannot specify both Protected and Compile options for UDT Ordering or Transform routine

3966 Index of GRAPHIC data with numeric or date is illegal.

7821 The not protected mode UDF/UDM %DBID.%TVMID caused an exception.

7453 Interval field overflow.

8290 ROLLBACK recovery stopped.

7922 Nothing to end.

2723 Too many Locks used by 2PC transactions.

5373 Internal error: The Title must be a constant of Unicode character data type.

5741 The partitioning column values are mismatched in the UPSERT statement.

2824 Database id is inconsistent during restore

3192 No utility partitions available. Try later.

5169 The passed buffer is too small.

5537 Internal error while cleaning up Request Level Cost Segment.

2620 The format or data contains a bad character.

8555 LOT was passed a null group identifier

5638 No match found for specified tables in the workload '%VSTR'.

2988 Invalid format for express request.

6107 Invalid Input command.

6006 Cluster size must not be greater than 16

3558 Cannot alter the specified attribute(s) for %VSTR.

3926 Parcel length exceed maximum using data size.

3823 VIEW '%VSTR' may not be used for Help Index/Constraint/Statistics, Update, Delete or Insert.

6944 UDT expression, of type %TVMID, is not compatible with %VSTR.

6841 Database should be SYSUDTLIB.

7678 No result set exists for procedure %VSTR

2681 Fast Load not allowed: DBS had been reconfigured.

5129 An invalid dbstomove was specified.

5026 An invalid cylinder number has been detected.

2580 MLoad not active on table %TVMID.

5495 Stored Procedure '%VSTR' does not exist.

5598 This request is not allowed on a Global Temporary Trace Table '%VSTR'.

3415 An active request exists for this session.

3049 There is no room in the session cache

3680 Too many collected statistics items for this COLLECT command.

7474 VProc cannot be started. The node may need a reboot.

6698 The Message Size in RSG exceeded the maximum limit.

7943 Cannot log a plan directive in a plan directive category that is being cached.

5087 A segment was found accessed when it should not exist.

5394 The dictionary cache has been spoiled and restored to a consistent state.

2538 A disk read error occurred in the tables area.

2845 Shut down DBS and rebuild the entire disk.

6963 Multi-column statistics that exceed the limit have not been copied.

5863 Problem encountered during %VSTR phase of %FSTR code.

7432 Invalid GMO size specified.

3314 TDWM database access error. %VSTR

7901 Cost profile Id value not in data dictionary.

7535 Operation not allowed: %DBID.%TVMID table header has invalid partitioning.

5352 Kanji1 data must be assigned to Kanji1 field.

5455 The DDL request text is greater than 8192 characters after name expansion.

2803 Secondary index uniqueness violation in %DBID.%TVMID.

2906 Multiple restores had mismatching RESTORE FALLBACK options.

5821 Built-in values DATE and TIME are not ANSI.

8269 Rehashing is required.

3272 Warning: Resource Data is incomplete because %VSTR.

2702 Missing DBS config file in /tdsw/etc.

3741 This request is too complex for the syntaxer.

5720 Both NO CASE OR UNKNOWN and UNKNOWN clauses may not be specified.

5617 Grantee is not a valid user or role.

3171 Object use count feature is disabled because a lock on dictionary row could not be obtained.

3537 A MultiLoad DELETE Statement is Invalid.

3640 Comparing BYTE data in column %VSTR with other types is illegal.

6820 The %FSTR statement cannot be %VSTR.

8534 LOT was passed a null record pointer

5209 One or more parameters supplied to the WAL recovery routines is invalid.

5985 ALTER TABLE is disallowed on error table %VSTR.

8227 Tables in the APPLY TO list were not copied

3905 Internal error: Cannot unquiesce an invalid session.

2660 Illegal INSERT detected after the END LOADING was started.

6923 Unsupported use of GROUP BY/extended grouping clause inside a recursive query/view.

5678 The user is not authorized to assign the default role '%VSTR'.

2763 USI row indexes non existent data row.

3129 Internal error: Invalid category in initiation.category.

5108 Sort could not perform a special one-block optimized sort.

5474 SAMPLE clause specifies more than 16 samples.

8126 That select is not allowed.

2925 Permanent journal modified during read.

2559 MLoad not allowed: %DBID.%FSTR is a permanent journal table.

5943 External user has the same name as a permanent user.

5577 Invalid data length in the Where clause of Update Statement for Upsert.

3863 Duplicate definition of '%VSTR' in NAMED phrase.

3028 No thread contexts available.

6881 Error: %VSTR.

5842 The LIKE operator uses an option not in entry level ANSI.

6677 Data connection to this Vproc is invalid.

3293 Fail to update session table with new Account.

5066 The CID and CI first row-id do not match.

3762 Lock object must be TABLE in FOR CHECKSUM locking modifier.

2517 Empty DataBaseSpace Table Header.

6780 Failure in accessing GDO

5535 No SPL source text available for stored procedure '%VSTR'.

7514 Type Mismatch Error %TGMSID

2986 Invalid field type for express request.

7983 XSP '%VSTR' does not exist in the SQLJ database.

5331 More than 2,000 temporary tables materialized in the current session.

5434 A syntax error occurred in a triggered action statement.

2782 Primary and fallback USI rows do not match.

2885 Reference index row hash code is incorrect.

5800 EXPLAIN option is not ANSI.

5903 Join or hash indexes defined on replicated tables will be invalidated by Change Data Capture.

3251 Required Input Data Parcel missing or wrong size for this request.

8248 Internal error.

3720 This view does not contain any complete index columns of the underlying table.

5699 Internal error: Could not convert a parse tree into text.

3985 COMMIT must be the last statement in a request

3150 TWM Resource violation: %VSTR

7472 Restart replication copy on %DBID.%TVMID not allowed: target table has been rebuilt.

3619 Only one level of data type conversion allowed, column %VSTR.

5392 No locking modifier on a subscriber table.

6902 User-defined %FSTR Transform is not defined for UDT '%TVMID' %VSTR.

2843 No more room in database.

7840 Java stored procedure primitive parameter passed a null value for %TVMID.%FLDID. Give the
parameter a value.

5188 The WCI read was not the one requested.

2742 Extraneous subtable

8206 No more sessions can be added

5760 The SELECT subquery from the table reference must fully specify either a UPI value or else a USI

2639 Too many simultaneous transactions.

3211 Expanded using text logged after a Dispatcher fault.

5657 Aggregates without Group By are not allowed in Trigger action body when there is a When
8105 Request already pending.

3108 Message class is bad.

5556 The comment string must be of type character.

6126 Stack underflow occurs when a float operation is invoked.

3007 Maximum number of sessions already on this PE.

3577 Row size or Sort Key size overflow.

6025 Some hosts are not connected to any PE.

3842 Diagnostic CONVERT not allowed if multiple users logged on.

3945 Invalid data length for VarChar, VarByte, or VARGRAPHIC.

6860 Response exceeds 64K bytes and alternate parcel header was not requested.

6759 Invalid time format string.

2700 Referential constraint violation: invalid Foreign Key value.

5148 The Data Block block code or version number is invalid.

7594 Errors logged in %TVMID where ETC_dbql_qid = %FSTR.

2599 One of the Foreign Key columns has a Null value.

5045 An invalid reference array index has been detected.

7493 CHECK command aborted at %VSTR due to error <%d>.

8532 LOT got an unexpected return code sending a PDE record

7962 Java XSP and UDF is disabled because %VSTR.

5983 LOGGING ERRORS option may not be used while error table %VSTR has secondary indexes.

5413 Invalid Time Zone Specified.

5779 OVERRIDING clause is required for Identity Column %VSTR.

2864 Data inconsistency detected - Data row already indexed

3230 The specified table has already been defined as a replicated table.

5882 Invalid SET statement in the triggered action.

3699 SysSecDefaults table has an invalid character value in a char column.

3802 Database '%VSTR' does not exist.

6717 Internal error: Unexpected character set for comparison.

6147 Reconfig has encountered an invalid header in the DBC.Session Table

2557 Too many target tables in the MLoad job.

3598 Concurrent change conflict on database -- try again.

7451 Invalid timestamp.

7554 Invalid %VSTR argument to LOB access function in UDF/XSP/UDM %DBID.%TVMID.

7920 The Plan Directive feature has not been installed.

5005 A duplicate row-id has been detected.

5371 Internal error: Cannot convert character of one type to character of a different type.

8288 The row uniqueness of a restored rowid was recalculated to a new value.

2822 Internal error: invalid message class in message header.

2721 Fast Load Utility fails to recognize error in previous request.

5840 UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY columns must be NOT NULL in ANSI.

5739 Column %VSTR is a partitioning column and cannot be dropped.

5636 No queries exist in workload ID %VSTR.

3190 Access to utility %VSTR denied.

6105 An on-line AMP is specified to be added in new Config Map.

3659 The view is not valid for this UPDATE operation.

3556 Too many columns defined for this table.

8553 LOT has timed out waiting for an out-of-order segment

6839 '%VSTR' operation on '%FSTR' not allowed: Referenced by other object(s).

6004 No AMPs are in the configuration map.

5228 There is insufficient space available to record the file system diagnostic\n" "information in the file

3455 Internal Error: The kernel received an odd message.

2679 The format or data contains a bad character.

3924 Internal error: Invalid memput attempted.

5697 Multi-statement request with USING clause inserting into tables with Identity Column is not

6942 '%VSTR' is not a table function.

3148 The transaction was aborted by the Replication Services.

7676 Insufficient memory in stored procedure cache.

5493 The privilege is not applicable to a stored procedure.

5127 The logical position changed as the result of a migrate.

5962 %VSTR

2578 Shutdown DBS and rebuild the DOWN amp in the cluster.

3413 A specified host does not exist.

5596 The mask string is greater than 256 characters long.

3882 '%VSTR' is a Journal table.

3047 The passed in Config map is bad.

6696 Unexpected response from RCT.

3516 More than one primary index or primary key specified.

5085 An invalid stop code was specified.

7941 Concurrent change conflict on plan directive category -- try again.

2536 Data lost while recovering from a read error.

5861 LOBs are not allowed to be part of a NOT IN expression.

3005 Host session number must be >= 1000.

3312 TDWM configuration is not running

7430 GMO does not exist.

3781 No aggregate operation allowed in the search condition for a joined table.

5350 Implicit translation of Kanji1 type to other types is not allowed.

7533 Numeric overflow: intermediate decimal expression exceeds 38 digits.

2801 Duplicate unique prime key error in %DBID.%TVMID.

5453 The replicated table does not have the appropriate status for this Rollback/Rollforward function.

5819 <name> = <expression> is not ANSI syntax in INSERT list.

2904 NVRAM is disabled in the system.

3270 Warning: DBC Recovery has occurred.

5718 Ranges overlap, are not increasing, or are NULL.

3739 The user must give a data type for %VSTR.

3169 Object Use Count internal event

2862 Data inconsistency detected - Fallback row not found

3638 SysSecDefaults table has a value for PasswordMinChar which exceeds PasswordMaxChar.

5207 An error occurred when taking a WAL checkpoint.

6656 RSG received invalid message kind

8225 Missing checkpoint begin row.

9001 Operation not allowed: the target table is being restored.

2658 Data type conversion is not supported in Fast Load.

3903 Session is in wrong state to be logged off.

3127 Transaction aborted due to lock conflict with Queue Table Manager.

6921 A recursive query/view definition should not contain more than one recursive relation reference
in each FROM clause.

6145 Reconfig stopped, is in an irreversible state with down AMPs.

7859 Java XSP/UDF called a Java Blob/Clob method with invalid parameters.

3596 Invalid restore of database DBC.

5310 Cannot validate referential constraint containing inconsistent information.

5941 Problem encountered while receiving messages from multiple AMPs during multi amp sampling.

2761 Fallback USI row is on wrong AMP.

3861 Follow table '%VSTR' with '.*' or '.columnname'.

7655 %FSTR:NULL target or column list %VSTR.

6879 The name %VSTR does not match an existing name.

5106 An incorrect number of sort runs has been detected.

7613 Internal error occurred while loading the stored procedure dll/so into memory.

8124 More rows are waiting to be selected.

5064 The SRD and DB tableid.uniq do not match.

5575 Number of samples set exceeds the maximum samples limit at system level.

5533 Too many MULTITSR Parcels.

3026 The user's right to log on has been revoked.

2984 Invalid row in express update request.

3964 The session character set is invalid.

6002 Command has syntax error.

3760 String not terminated before end of text.

3453 Internal Error: Buffer size too small in call to ThdInit or ThdWorkSize.

6778 Invalid file name

5798 No user-defined CAST%FSTR exists from %VSTR.

2149 Internal error detected while comparing two strings.

3718 Conversion from FLOAT type to CHARACTER type is illegal for column %VSTR.

5167 An invalid pointer has been detected.

7470 Invalid account for utility logon user.

2618 Invalid calculation: division by zero.

7939 Logging cannot be specified for a plan directive category that is cached.

7512 InterPreter Parcel Field allocation error.

5390 The Pad or Trim Expression character data type is invalid.

7981 Reference to JAR '%VSTR' is not allowed in this context.

2841 A Utility lock was reapplied by recovery.

5432 A trigger Order value must be within a range of 0 to 32767.

3310 TWM Control operation already in process

2883 Fallback reference index row is missing.

5186 The WAL Cylinder Index block code or version number is invalid.

5901 Replication Group '%VSTR' does not exist.

8204 Session segment is out of space

3821 The macro '%VSTR' does not allow parameters.

3106 Either AMPStepsLength or RespStepsLength is bad in DSPHdr.

8246 Improperly formatted directed request.

3575 Invalid character set in system message header.

6166 Other configurational changes pending, change cabinet not allowed.

6858 Table '%VSTR' is not in RESTORE state

3617 FORMAT '%VSTR' does not match the datatype.

2698 A disk read error has occurred in primitive dump area.

5024 An invalid reference array count has been detected.

3167 Object Use Count Cache invalid or size exceeded

6900 FallBackSetting is %VSTR - %FSTR is set to FALLBACK.

7592 Space accounting cache is full of non-purgeable entries.

2740 One or more rows found for table not in DBC.TVM.

5043 The number of free cylinders is below the threshold.

5758 The search condition must fully specify the Target table primary index and partition column(s)
and expression must match INSERT specfication primary index and partition column(s).
5512 Stored Procedure '%VSTR' already exists.

8103 Out of client context blocks.

8530 LOT got an unexpected return code receiving a PDE message

5554 The startup value must be a character string.

2963 Processor has changed types.

8572 Maximum snapshot log limit exceeded.

5981 Triggers, join indexes, and hash indexes may not be defined on error table %VSTR.

6023 Configuration type should be either Current or New.

3901 Session is already logged on.

6961 Statistics are not available in the source table.

3697 Attempt to translate Unicode/Graphic/KanjiSJIS data to another form has failed

6757 Output file %VSTR is not written completely.

6715 Collation memory limit exceeded. Install fewer character sets.

5146 The Packdisk operation has been aborted at user's request.

7653 %FSTR:fldlocat failed %VSTR.

2597 Table Rebuild procedures required to recover AMP.

5104 Sort detected a positioning error.

5615 The %VSTR right cannot be granted to a %FSTR.

2555 Table does not belong to the MLoad job.

3535 A character string failed conversion to a numeric value.

7449 Mload table %TVMID is not in the Application Phase.

7960 Role(s) cannot be revoked from user DBC.

5369 Name %VSTR is longer than 30 bytes when exported to KanjiEUC.

5411 Invalid TIMESTAMP Literal.

2820 Fallback reference index row is on the wrong AMP.

5880 Concurrent change conflict on stored procedure -- try again.

5838 The form used for delineating a comment is not ANSI.

3800 Datatype Mismatch in THEN/ELSE expression.

3289 Invalid Rate: the Logging Sample Rate must be an integral multiple of the Monitoring Sample

6818 Index Analysis is not allowed when access logging is enabled.

3758 Numeric stack underflow error.

7552 Unable to create UDT Instance %VSTR.

6103 A reconfiguration participant must be on-line.

5003 A deadlock has been detected.

3554 HAVING clause must be preceded by GROUP BY clause.

5472 SampleId reference invalid without a SAMPLE Clause.

6837 '%VSTR' is not a Type.

2923 Missing checkpoint begin row.

5226 An out of order WAL append buffer has been detected.

8286 Restore restart stopped because the error table was not found.

8244 Illegal use or invalid sequence of parcels.

2719 FASTLOAD END LOADING cannot be inside the Data Loading phase.

2677 NDP stack overflow.

5737 Triggers not disabled for %VSTR for an ALTER TABLE.

5695 '%VSTR' is not a global temporary trace table.

3188 The %VSTR command is not yet implemented.

3146 Config response was compromised due to unknown error.

3657 Non-integer submitted as EventNo.

3615 Statement not permitted during Fast Load.

6675 Exceeded maximum number of request-level aborts.

5491 The privilege is not applicable to a trigger.

8551 LOT receive is returning data

5960 Internal error: Invalid level number for an internal to PARTITION#Ln conversion.

3922 Invalid Repr in DataInfo Parcel.

3411 The request parcel flavor specified is invalid.

6940 The privilege is not applicable to an Authorization.

3880 The privilege is not applicable to a journal table.

2780 USI row has duplicate key.

6694 Transaction aborted due to disk space limit.

7674 Informational message.

7632 No rows returned/updated/deleted by the SQL statement.

5125 An invalid message was received by an FSU task.

5083 The exact row being searched for was not found.

2576 Number of Field IDs exceeds SysMaxFields

8101 The table handle is invalid.

5594 Invalid external file option specified for UDF/XSP/UDM/UDT '%VSTR'.

2534 System recovering from disk read error on spool file.

3045 An Invalid parameter is found.

5552 The default value is longer than permitted.

3514 User-generated transaction ABORT.

3003 Invalid password.

3983 A constraint violation was found caused by the new check.

5348 Invalid range for export width value.

5859 A triggered action statement or the WHEN clause cannot reference an Identity Column.

5817 IS [NOT] IN is not ANSI syntax.

3779 Fractional digits must be between 0 and total digit number.

3268 Command Disallowed: An identified session is not currently Abortable.

2637 BEGIN LOADING executed without Fast Load Init.

3737 Name is longer than 30 characters.

7531 Data row references a non-existent LOB row.

6755 Invalid data in SDF.

5451 No prime key update is allowed on a replicated table.

9100 Unique index violation; errors logged in %TVMID where ETC_dbql_qid = %FSTR.

2902 Cannot install CharSet: Non-unique ID

7489 AMP failure %d details follow:

5920 Select and consume: '%VSTR'.

5409 Invalid DATE Literal.

3840 Teradata has been restarted as requested by the user.

2860 Operation not allowed: %DBID.%TVMID was recovery aborted.

8265 A character string inserted into dictionary table DBC.%TVMID after conversion to Unicode
resulted in a prime key uniqueness violation.
5205 A WAL Log record contained unexpected information.

5716 PARTITION BY RANGE_N defines more than 65533 ranges.

8223 Table header is not for a Permanent Journal.

3636 Column %VSTR longer than permitted for COMPRESS.

2656 %TVMID Load error: bad internal status - %VSTR

6654 RSG could not send data to MDS

5674 LOBs are not allowed to be selected in Record or Indicator modes.

6919 A recursive reference cannot be part of an inner relation of a left/right/full outer join.

3125 Dispatcher fault isolation session threshold was exceeded.

7857 Java Blob/Clob methods in a Java XSP/UDF failed to open a lob for read and write.

6143 Config aborted, DBS State reflects ReConfig is active.

5308 No such referential constraint.

6612 Still unfinished transactions for batch

2759 USI row has same row id as previous row

3859 '%VSTR' is a macro.

5777 OVERRIDING clause is specified with no Identity Column SELECTed.

6877 Data type must be UDT. %VSTR

3228 The Copy ReConnect message does not match the Copy Connect message.

2717 Segget failure occured in sssrss

8122 Not enough room to move that field.

5062 The DBD and DB row-id ranges do not match.

5573 Target samples not set at system level.

2513 A data row is too long.

3024 There are already 20 utility sessions running.

5531 Named-list is not supported for arguments of a procedure.

3493 Bad thread timeout detected by application.

8549 LOT received or was passed a record with an invalid signature

3962 Numeric operation on GRAPHIC data in column %VSTR is illegal.

2982 No current row defined.

6776 Invalid sign.

6000 A programming fault has occurred.

2147 Internal error detected while comparing two strings.

3451 Internal Error: Multi-Threaded Kernel has run out of contexts.

5165 Expected sync scan task entry not found for table ID %u %u %u.\n

3920 Table needs EXECUTE MLoad.

2616 Numeric overflow occurred during computation.

5796 UPDATE on GENERATED ALWAYS Identity Column %VSTR is not allowed.

5634 The specified workoad is too complex for analysis.

3716 Column name list and Select list mismatched.

7510 Specified %VSTR does not exist in %DBID.

5123 An invalid targetcanmove value was specified.

7979 Can not execute XSP '%VSTR'. Java Language is not supported on this Operating System.

2574 Operation not allowed: %DBID.%FSTR is being MLoaded.

5430 The Trigger WHEN clause cannot contain an aggregate or table reference.

7468 Too many rows %VSTR.

2881 Foreign Key value is not found in any reference index row.

7937 No plan directive was generated.

5899 A queue table may not be referenced.

5388 The Pad Expression for TRIM has an incorrect data type or length.

3819 The parameter '%VSTR' must be given a value.

2839 Invalid attempt to operate on a fallback table.

6164 NewReady AMPs which are not in New Configuration need to be DOWN

5857 Indexed statistics already exist on the specified set of multi-columns.

7571 Unable to execute UDT Ordering UDF/UDM.

3308 Invalid TDWM Object specification. %VSTR

5022 An unknown block code has been detected.

8202 Session# to be inserted already exists

2942 Table does not have the fallback option.

5653 Profile '%VSTR' does not exist.

7836 The XSP %DBID.%TVMID submitted a request subsequent to receiving a trigger fail message.
6122 Reconfig state is invalid in the context block.

2738 %TVMID already has Fastload running

3573 Internal error: Illegal use of an ORDER BY clause in a subquery.

5756 The table reference must be a using descriptor list or SELECT statement.

6856 Restore error table has wrong structure.

3207 A Dispatcher fault was addressed by a local exception handler.

8263 A character string inserted into dictionary field DBC.%TVMID.%FLDID would not convert to
Unicode due to untranslatable characters.

3676 Default Journal for database '%VSTR' does not exist.

2696 Error in the Numeric Data Processor.

8570 Snapshot not found.

5714 Invalid partitioning expression for PARTITION BY.

6021 The Vproc Number specified is not that of an PE Vproc.

5510 Invalid session mode for procedure execution.

3941 A SQL command submitted via a PREPARE command cannot contain USING information.

8528 LOT was passed a zero or negative length

7428 NoWait flag set and could not grant GMO lock immediately.

2961 Processor must remain off-line.


5979 An error table may be defined for a permanent data table only.

5144 The user has requested a Packdisk operation.

3899 Internal error in the Teradata SQL Parser.

2595 The FastExport select request has been aborted.

6917 Illegal or unsupported use of negation inside a recursive query/view.

5613 GRANT OPTION cannot be granted to a role.

6713 Internal error: Collation input file ambiguous.

3533 A table cannot have more than 32 secondary indexes.

7651 %FSTR:Row header initialization failed %VSTR.

5878 Parser detected an abort.

5102 An invalid sort fcn parameter was specified.

3798 A column or character expression is larger than the max size.

2553 Exceed maximum (100) DML Step Limit.

6816 Correlated references in OVERLAPS operator are not allowed.

5571 Target samples not found.

7550 Hash join operation is aborted due to non availability of segments.

3022 Response Message is unsolicited or malformed.

5001 The file system context block is invalid.

7447 Mload table %TVMID cannot be released because fallback and NUSI exist.

5470 SampleId not permitted in WHERE/ON Clause.

5367 Character number %VSTR is invalid in name %FSTR.

2921 No saved subtable for journal %DBID.%TVMID.

2818 Invalid lock to dump table without after image journaling

5939 Invalid usage of SELECT INTO in a subquery.

5836 Token is not an entry level ANSI Identifier or Keyword.

8284 Restore restart stopped because there is mismatch in selected partitions.

3287 Internal Error: The Monitor session already exists.

5735 The primary index columns may not be altered for non-empty table.

3756 Numeric divided-by-zero error.

3655 DUMP of database DBC attempted with invalid option.

7508 Corrupt stack frame for UDF/XSP/UDM %DBID.%TVMID.

6673 Invalid security token.

5428 Table '%VSTR' has defined triggers.

6938 Authorization '%VSTR' does not exist.

2879 Cannot install Charset. DBS is not Kanji-enabled.

5327 ADD_MONTHS has been called with wrong data types or values.

5224 \n.................................................................\n" "Detected interrupted write pattern on both

copies of the FIB or CI:\n" "%s\n" "Neither copy could be chosen\n" ".................................................................\n

2778 Primary and fallback data rows do not match.

8242 Improperly formatted directed request.

7672 Unwind the stack to the most outer logmark.

2675 Numerical overflow occurred during computation.

5592 A function already exists in the database with the same function name and parameter data types.
5693 Too many roles listed in GRANT/REVOKE statement.

3043 Double Session Switch Lock.

3144 Dispatcher fault due to a fault injection test.

3512 Internal Error: Null Pointer in Parse Tree where not legal.

6162 Encountered disk error on Alternate copy of data during recovery

3981 The table has too many table checks.

3613 Dump/Restore, no hashed nonfallback tables found.

5184 No WAL cylinders exist.

3878 GROUP specified so table must have AFTER journaling.

2635 Error tables are invalid OR %TVMID is in an invalid state for Load - %VSTR

2736 RI row out of order.

3104 The request number of message received from host is invalid.

5081 An invalid find level has been detected.

7529 Missing a piece of the large object.

2532 Unrecoverable read error detected. Retry.

5449 Cross group transaction is not allowed.

5550 Comment string is longer than permitted.

2900 An informative event was logged.

3001 Session is already logged on.

3634 Compressed values illegal for variable length column %VSTR.

6019 The Vproc number is not found in the configuration map.

6652 Not currently in use

5815 Function is not ANSI.

7590 Warning: Skip Compress Value checking.

3266 Transaction has been Aborted and Session Logged Off by Operations Staff.

5041 The requested row was not found.

3735 Title string is longer than 60 characters.

7855 Invalid lob locator in a Java XSP/UDF.

6753 The date does not correspond to an existing era.

5306 Parent Key (Referenced) column '%VSTR' cannot be modified.

7487 AMP step failure: Please do not resubmit the last request. %VSTR

2757 Primary data row is missing.

5407 Invalid operation on an ANSI Datetime or Interval value.

3226 The requested session is not indoubt.

5876 Ordered Analytical Functions not allowed in HAVING Clause.

3695 A Single AMP Select statement has been issued in FastExport.

3327 A utility session in delay queue has been aborted by Administrator or Operations Staff.

8120 A field is null.

8221 Roll stopped. Copied table version mis-match

6040 The total virtual processors count exceeded.

5672 LOBs are not allowed in the GROUP BY clause.

3491 Bad TicId Count detected by application.

3123 More steps generated by parser after EDT step.

3960 Comparing GRAPHIC data in column %VSTR with numeric or date data is illegal.

6141 RECONFIG aborted due to inconsistent database tables.

6774 Invalid character in the numeric data.

3592 BEGIN TRANSACTION must be the first statement in a request.

7712 MDS received unexpected message before the RepPhase1 message.

6610 The commit sequence number is invalid

5163 Illegal SyncScanCacheThr of %d in DBS Control GDO. Default of %d used.\n

6875 Duplicate methods in method signatures. %VSTR

2614 Precision loss during expression evaluation.

2715 Convert Time function failed

5632 Index analysis log entry is bad.

5733 DROP RANGE specifies non-existing ranges or partitions.

3083 There are not enough free aborting session nodes.

3184 Missing utility name. Command ignored.

3552 Cannot DROP databases with tables, journal tables, views, or macros.

7609 Fetch statement is incompatible with current CURSOR definition.

7977 Can not execute UDF '%VSTR'. Java Language is not supported for UDF on the system.
8547 LOT was passed a invalid PDE message mailbox address

5897 The utility does not support queue tables.

2980 Duplicate prime key.

3817 The positional parameter list has too many values.

5998 Buffer for the QUERY_BAND is too small.

6835 Method '%VSTR' already exists.

3918 Internal error: Dictionary cache is inconsistent.

7569 The protected mode processes are not running; cannot execute UDF/XSP/UDM.

7670 Insufficient memory to process stored procedure request.

5020 Heap space could not be allocated from a block.

5121 An invalid ctxdb value was specified.

5489 Change Data Capture is not allowed on temporary table.

2572 MLoad table %TVMID can not be released.

2940 Invalid option on a case statement.

3041 A lock waiter for a switch session was found.

3409 The parcel length is invalid.

7466 Invalid utility Id.

7834 Invalid UDF/XSP/UDM environment file specification.

7935 Plan directive syntax error: %VSTR.

5754 No alias name can be derived/obtained.

5386 INTERNAL ERROR: Can''t read TLS value.

3205 Message received has an invalid message kind.

2837 Table being Fast/Multi Loaded; no data dumped.

3674 Bad internal value of the collation.

5855 Too many Users listed in QUERY LOGGING statement.

6692 Transaction is aborted by the Replication transport.

3306 The request cannot be released or aborted.

3939 There is a mismatch between the number of parameters specified and the number of parameters

3775 Invalid hexadecimal constant.

6957 Logging for online archive is not allowed on journal tables.

6120 Restarting DBS due to completion of reconfiguration.

7426 GMO already exists.

3571 Database 'DBC' cannot have a PERMANENT journal.

5346 This character set is not supported.

7527 Base row OID update tag does not match LOB row OID update tag.


8261 Checksum error in the restore data block.

5142 Mini-Cylinder Pack freed cylinders while tasks were waiting for them.

2694 The row is incorrectly formatted.

2593 The Select request is not completed yet.

5712 UNIQUE is not allowed.

5611 The user does not have %VSTR right.

3163 TWM Limit for all utilities has been exceeded: %VSTR

3531 A Non-Hashed table cannot be ALTERed.

3632 Compressed value incompatible with type of column %VSTR.

3796 The user must specify a value for PERMANENT space.

8526 LOT could not perform a function because of the endpoint state

5203 A write on the WAL append buffer is now scheduled.

5977 Invalid MERGE-INTO statement: %VSTR

2654 Operation not allowed: %DBID.%TVMID is being Restored.

3428 Internal error: RBM failed to resolve quiesced session %VSTR.

7548 %VSTR

3897 Request aborted due to Teradata system restart. Resubmit.

5468 Cannot delete database because either this database has a join or hash index in it or one of its
tables has a join or hash index defined on it.

6915 Invalid Top N Value: %VSTR.

2919 Requested table is not a journal table.

7649 %FSTR:Presence bit vector is NULL.

5937 An OUT parameter can not be used as source of data.

5100 A delete against a file system reserved table was detected.

3857 Cannot use value (or macro parameter) to match '%VSTR'.

8118 Index or Row size is too small.

8282 Restore of selected partitions of a PPI table stopped because the table header is inconsistent
between the backup and disk.

2551 MLoad has already been terminated.

3653 All select-lists do not contain the same number of expressions.

3020 An PE processing the HostStart must be last.

6671 Invalid protocol.

6038 The total AMP virtual processors count exceeded.

5060 The CI read was not the one requested.

5834 The use of OR in place of comma in a constant list is not ANSI.

2511 Bad locator parameter.

3285 Internal Error: The Monitor session entry does not exists.

6936 The privilege is not applicable to an external stored procedure.

3754 Precision error in FLOAT type constant or during implicit conversions.

5325 Length 0 is not allowed for a CHAR, VARCHAR, BYTE, VARBYTE column.

6772 Invalid digit in the numeric data.

2776 Data row has duplicate unique primary key.

7506 The library for UDF/XSP/UDM %DBID.%TVMID could not be found

5794 UDF used in a context not currently supported.

7975 Can not execute XSP '%VSTR'. Java Language is not supported on the system.

3714 Insufficient memory for a Concrete Step for this request.

5426 '%VSTR' is not a trigger.

5590 '%VSTR' is not a function.

2877 Table Rebuild procedures required to recover AMP.

3510 Too many END TRANSACTION statements.

5222 \n.................................................................\n" "Detected interrupted write pattern on the FIB:\n"

"%s\n" "Alternate copy chosen\n" ".................................................................\n

3979 Check already exists.

8240 Build cannot be restarted on a Multiset table.

5182 An invalid WAL Cylinder Index has been discovered.

5691 Invalid RowId field.

8200 LSN to be inserted already exists

6160 Recovery still has AMPs in Hold or Catchup. Reconfig aborted

2633 Too many load/unload tasks running: try again later

3611 A crash dump could not be saved.

3102 No more Ynet coordination channels available.

3876 '%VSTR' must be a hashed table.

5447 Invalid replicated table(s).

7832 XSP Application %DBID.%TVMID caused protocol error : %VSTR.

2898 Fallback reference index row is in the wrong subtable.

2734 Data row count is less than RI count.

5916 ALL, EXTERNAL, or NULL keyword in SET ROLE is non ANSI.

3203 Dispatcher fault isolation PE VPROC threshhold was exceeded.

3836 A 2PC parcel must be the last parcel in a request.

7628 Invalid statement specified inside a FOR cursor statement.

6854 Invalid WHERE clause.

5079 An error was detected in the expected function of an FSG service.

6650 RSG could not fork send or receive task

5548 Stored Procedure Compiled with Errors/Warnings.

5039 No bad sectors were found when they were expected.

2999 EOF when searching row for field.

5508 Column name list mismatched with columns from select list or table.

6017 Host Number is duplicate.

2959 Cannot install CharSet: With International Hash Function

3937 Abort missed request.

7853 Java Clob methods in a Java XSP/UDF failed because the character set is not supported.

3733 The SELECT has more than one %VSTR clause.

5304 Foreign Key column '%VSTR' cannot be dropped.

6751 Invalid date format.

2755 Fallback data row is in wrong subtable.

5140 Warning: The processed row is only one row in the table header and may not constitute the
entire header.
5773 The deferred LOB is used more than once by the steps generated.

2591 There is no response data for the specified statement in the FastExport request.

3224 Incorrect replication group or table status.

7485 The table is marked as being Fast/Multi loaded.

3693 Statements cannot be PreProcessed in FastExport.

5405 Interval field overflow.

6711 Internal error: Collation input file invalid.

2856 The journal table %TVMID is being restored.

7445 Mload table %TVMID cannot be released because fallback exists.

5874 Extended Grouping request is too large.

5365 The specified format for date is invalid.

3325 Invalid Threshold in MONITOR AWT RESOURCE.

2816 Auto CHECKTABLE mode found errors.

3794 The argument type for the HASHBUCKET function is invalid.

5161 Heap space could not be allocated from the Sync Scan segment.

8219 Data table %DBID.%TVMID was not copied

2612 Internal error: illegal opcode detected.

6139 An invalid table header information was returned.

5630 SAMPLEID must be specified with one or more non-SAMPLEID columns.

6608 Not all changed rows have been seen for Transaction

3081 Cannot find the segment to be discarded.

6873 Only user DBC can create Internal Types.

3550 Table named in MLOAD statement not in list from BEGIN MLOAD.

8280 Restore/Copy Dictionary stopped because an IDENTITY column is inconsistent between the
backup and disk.

5895 A function, operator, or expression involving the SELECT AND CONSUME statement is invalid.

2713 Problem creating DBS -> RSS shared memory segment

3815 All expressions must be given explicit names.

5731 DROP RANGE and ADD RANGE for level %VSTR are not allowed;partitioning expression,if any,at
that level is not a RANGE_N function.

6833 The privilege is not applicable to a UDT/UDM.

3182 No utility is running. Command ignored.

2673 The source parcel length does not match data that was defined.

3651 Internal error: Unexpected OTHERWISE on CASE statement.

7567 The Query Capture Database has reached its upper limit.

5527 %VSTR

5018 An informative message has been printed.

8545 LOT got an unexpected return code freeing a transient mailbox

5487 An invalid account has been specified.

5996 A duplicate name was found in the QUERY_BAND.

8505 LOB ID could not be generated

3916 Requested information not in dictionary.

2938 Request was aborted by the user.

6934 External Stored Procedure '%VSTR' does not exist.

3407 A specified RBM request does not exist.

5119 An uninitialized MI has been detected.

5752 Invalid column attribute, %VSTR, specified for an Identity Column.

2570 Operation not allowed: %DBID.%FSTR is a MLoad worktable.

3672 No logging to end.

5588 Function '%VSTR' already exists

6690 Invalid table identifier.

3508 Internal Plastic Step error.

2530 End Transaction Error after space accounting.

7933 Invalid key for plan directive '%VSTR'.

6955 The Create/Replace Authorization statement is disabled.

5384 INTERNAL ERROR: Out of TLS Indexes.

7424 Internal GMO error occurred.

5853 Cannot specify an account string with a user list

5344 Delete Database is not allowed due to materialized temporary tables.

3304 The logon specification is invalid.


3773 You cannot DROP a permanent journal table that is in use.

5813 COUNT without DISTINCT is restricted to COUNT (*).

7525 Fallback LOB row is missing.

3264 This error code is OBSOLETE.

5445 Change data apply operation must not be active for this DML statement.

3529 Invalid multiplier in FORMAT string '%VSTR'.

8259 Invalid table access.

3998 The Pattern String for LIKE has an invalid ESCAPE Sequence.

2692 Reference to a fieldid less than the base-id.

6812 TLE diagnostic statement is not allowed inside a user-generated transaction.

5710 Journal Row Length for Alter Table is too long.

5201 A new WAL append buffer is required.

3161 DBQL internal event

2652 Operation not allowed: %DBID.%TVMID is being Loaded.

3630 Default value incompatible with type of column %VSTR.

5670 LOBs are not allowed to be sorted.

8524 LOT was passed a null buffer pointer

3121 End of request encountered. Rewind to continue; cancel to delete.

3895 Internal error: Quiesce message preceded in-doubt session loading.

7546 Unable to discard UDT memory segments for this process.

6913 A triggered stored procedure can not contain DDL.

5466 Error in Secondary Index DDL, %VSTR.

5302 A column can appear only once in a Foreign Key/Parent Key.

2917 Permanent Journal %DBID.%TVMID has a bad header.

2753 Primary data row is on wrong AMP.

5935 External user has not been assigned a default database.

7647 %FSTR:Internal SQL failed with return code (%VSTR).

3855 '%VSTR' is not a macro.

5098 A migrate was pending when FILER was invoked.

7607 Referenced cursor is not positioned in a row.

8116 Insert is illegal.

5058 A sort work table did not look as expected.

2549 A read error occurred in a permanent journal table.

2509 AMP internal error (see traceback)

5567 Error in Using Hash Index, %VSTR.

2978 Table to be created already exists.

5323 The %FSTR column '%VSTR' must be NOT NULL.

2774 Data row indexed multiple times by NUSI.

5792 Invalid operation on table '%VSTR'.

3243 Maximum number of Replication Groups allowed has been reached.

3712 Insufficient memory for Plastic Steps for this request.

3977 The Parent Key is not unique or not valid.

7464 Compare difference table %DBID.%TVMID has incorrect definition.

2835 A unique index has been invalidated; resubmit request.

5180 The row partition specification is invalid.

2631 Transaction ABORTed due to %VSTR.

5649 The UDF/XSP '%VSTR' is invalid.

3100 Parser did not generate a response step for the statement.

3569 Improper use of an aggregate function in a WHERE Clause.

3834 The session has an in-doubt transaction, which must be resolved before new requests can be

6852 PARTITIONS WHERE clause needs to be simplified

7586 A system limit was reached. Could not execute UDF/XSP %DBID.%TVMID.

5037 The MI header is invalid.

5506 Column names must be specified when SELECT list contains an unnamed expression.

2957 Invalid abort step sent by dispatcher.

5975 Creator '%VSTR' of the stored procedure '%FSTR' does not exist.

3426 Internal error: An unknown thread state inside the RBM.

7851 Java Blob/Clob methods in a Java XSP/UDF failed while reading lob data.

5771 Index not supported by UDT '%TVMID'.

3222 The specified table does not belong to any replication groups.
3691 Specified Buffer Size is too small in FastExport.

6709 Internal error: No memory was available for the ISF subsystem to perform the move.

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