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Australian Dental Journal

The official journal of the Australian Dental Association

Australian Dental Journal 2012; 57:(1 Suppl): 33–39

doi: 10.1111/j.1834-7819.2011.01656.x

The basic principles of radiological interpretation

B Koong*
*Envision Medical Imaging, Subiaco, Western Australia.

Radiologic interpretation is a complex process which involves the application of an appropriate algorithm in the study of
radiologic images and the ability to understand the meaning and to weight the various findings, ultimately contributing to
diagnosis. Prerequisites include the knowledge of orofacial radiologic anatomy and the various pathoses which may arise or
manifest in this region of the body. An understanding of the strengths and limitations of the modality employed is also
essential. The process of interrogating radiologic images for abnormalities varies, depending on the modality. This paper
outlines the basic steps involved in the radiologic examination of abnormalities which affect the jaws, primarily in relation
to plain 2-D imaging.
Keywords: Cone beam, radiography, radiology, computed tomography.

appreciation of anatomy three-dimensionally and how

these structures appear radiologically, depending on the
Radiologic interpretation involves the detailed study of imaging modality employed. Knowledge of normal
radiologic images, ultimately contributing to diagnosis. anatomic variants and their radiological appearances is
It requires the application of an algorithm which also vital.
demands a certain knowledge base and skill set. This In plain 2-D radiographs, awareness of the angle of
is, in part, dependent on the imaging modality projection and associated geometry is crucial. For exam-
employed and the region examined. Several essential ple, the temporomandibular joint is poorly examined
prerequisites allow accurate identification of the normal with the panoramic radiograph,1–3 related to the obliq-
structures and abnormalities. The ability to understand uity of projection and the limitations of tomography.
the features of an abnormality and to weight these Obviously, larger field of view 2-D images will
findings is also crucial. include more structures, requiring a broader knowledge
A thorough discussion of all these points is not within base. It is also important to understand the differences
the scope of this paper and acceptable interpretive in the appearance of anatomic structures in plain 2-D
standards can only be achieved with clinically based projections (e.g. intraoral periapical view) compared to
programmes. This paper will focus on identifying some a panoramic radiograph, which is essentially a curvi-
of the key prerequisites and introducing the key steps in linear tomogram.
the radiologic interpretation of plain 2-D radiographic The radiologic anatomy as depicted in plain 2-D
images of the dental and orofacial structures, such as images differs from that seen in volumetric radiologic
the intraoral and panoramic radiographic images. studies, such as multislice CT and cone beam imaging.
It is essential that the clinician responsible for the
Prerequsites interpretation is able to identify all the anatomic structures
which are depicted in the images. The ability to identify
Radiologic anatomy the presence of an abnormality is severely compromised if
The detailed knowledge of anatomy is an obvious the clinician is not completely familiar with the appear-
prerequisite for all clinicians. A similar understanding ances of all anatomic structures and normal morphologic
of the appearance of anatomic structures in radiologic variants. It must be emphasized that not all abnormalities
images is also crucial. This requires a thorough present as obvious opacities or lucencies.
ª 2012 Australian Dental Association 33
B Koong

structures, including intraoral and other plain 2-D

views, the panoramic tomograph, multislice CT, cone
It is obvious that the clinician carrying out the interpre- beam imaging, MRI, ultrasound and nuclear medicine.
tation must be aware of the pathoses which may arise or While modern dentistry can no longer rely on intraoral
manifest in the region included in the radiologic study. and panoramic radiography alone, relatively new
Many imaging techniques in dentistry capture a large modalities such as cone beam imaging must be applied
proportion of the orofacial structures. Examples include judiciously. Importantly, there are other advanced
panoramic and cephalometric projections. To varying techniques which may be more appropriate and should
extents, cone beam scans include the paranasal sinuses, also be considered. The radiations dose levels delivered
pharyngeal air spaces, skull base, cervical spine and vary substantially between cone beam machines, some
upper neck. It is imperative that clinicians responsible for of which can be higher than multislice CT (when
the interpretation are familiar with the diseases which are appropriate protocols are employed).4
potentially associated with these structures. The significant differences of the strengths and
As an example, in order to interpret an image or scan limitations of all these modalities are not within the
of a temporomandibular joint, the clinician must be scope of this paper. However, of note are the
familiar with the possible diseases which can affect this substantial limitations of the commonly used pano-
joint, ranging from internal derangement and degener- ramic radiograph. The orofacial structures depicted in
ative disease to the erosive arthropathies, synovial this view are not necessarily sufficiently well demon-
chondromatosis, chondrocalcinosis, vascular lesions strated and can lead to erroneous interpretations. Cone
and various tumours. The radiologic presentations of beam imaging has been a relatively new technique
these conditions differ and can often be differentiated which is increasingly employed. Persons engaged in the
radiologically. The application of the correct modality interpretation of these scans must be thoroughly
is also critical and it is worth pointing out that cone familiar with the limitations of this modality, including
beam imaging is often not necessarily the optimal beam hardening, noise, low signal, metal artefact and
technique for these joints. Lack of knowledge of the poor soft tissue contrast resolution and the effect of
potential diseases which can affect this joint, especially motion artefact.4 The effects of the various protocols
when the optimal modality is not employed, can lead to using the same equipment must also be understood.
suboptimal outcomes (Fig. 1).
Viewing conditions
Imaging modality
Optimal viewing conditions are necessary to allow
There are numerous imaging techniques which can be identification of all the key features in an image,
applied in the radiologic examination of the orofacial including normal anatomy. The subtle absence of a
normal structure can be a key finding leading to
identification of a significant abnormality. Ambient
light must be kept to a minimum and extraneous light
from a viewing box should be obscured.
The ability to optimally view every aspect of an
image is crucial. Digital images viewed on a computer
monitor can be easily manipulated, including magnifi-
cation and windowing. The quality of the monitor is
crucial and is not infrequently the weakest link in the
dental practice. For traditional analogue images, optical
magnification and using a brighter light source for
darker regions can be critical.
The interpretation of plain 2-D radiographic digital
images printed on paper can be problematic. The
quality of the printer and paper are crucial. Even
high quality photographic paper generated from a high
quality printer does not demonstrate the same optical
range as film or high quality monitors. The interpreta-
tion of 2-D digital images is optimally performed on
high quality monitors or on high quality film. When
images are transferred electronically, the level of
Fig 1. Opacities associated with the right TMJ typical of chondro- compression of images must be minimized or avoided
calcinosis. so that crucial data is not lost. Volumetric data such as
34 ª 2012 Australian Dental Association
Basic principles of radiological intepretation

multislice CT is ideally interpreted by interrogating all

the data with a computer.
Ultimately, a lesion must be entirely included in a
field of view or scan. If this is not the case initially (e.g.
in a periapical or panoramic view) preliminary inter-
pretation should still be carried out, which can be
useful in deciding which modality is optimal in further
Optimal imaging is assumed and the technical aspects
of imaging are well discussed in many texts.

Radiologic intepretation
Radiologic interpretation is essentially based upon the
understanding of disease processes and the behaviour of
diseases in a specific anatomic region. By carefully
applying a series of steps, the key features of a lesion Fig 2. Cone beam corrected sagittal image demonstrating the cortical
erosions typical of an infiltrative lesion such as lymphoma.
can be identified. Combined with knowledge of the
specific radiologic characteristics of various lesions, this
can contribute substantially to diagnosis.
multislice CT and cone beam techniques, differ to that
It is desirable that the diagnostic imaging and
which is employed for intraoral and panoramic images.
interpretation is completed prior to biopsy. Appropri-
Volumetric data should be evaluated in multiple
ate interpretation can be useful in identifying the
appropriate planes and windows, depending on the
optimal and ⁄ or safe site(s) for biopsy. It is also critical
structures involved and potential associated diseases.
that some lesions are excluded prior to biopsy or
Evaluation of volumetric data in one plane can result in
surgical intervention. Of note are the vascular malfor-
misinterpretation and non-identification of the presence
mations. In addition, surgical procedures and biopsies
of disease.
can substantially alter the radiological appearances of a
In addition, there are commonly known specific
lesion, usually by introducing inflammatory changes,
radiologic features which suggest the presence of
potentially compromising diagnosis and management.
disease. For example, a wide stylo-mandibular notch
The ability to perform morphologic analyses and
is a feature which suggests presence of a mass related to
plan surgical procedures with a specific imaging
the deep lobe of the parotid salivary gland.
technique is different to the skill set required to evaluate
the same data set for the presence of disease and the
interpretation of the radiologic features of a lesion. Radiologic evaluation of a lesion
The following describes a series of steps which assists in
Recognizing the presence of an abnormality the identification of the important radiologic features,
highlighting the behaviour and nature of a lesion. These
The practitioner is responsible for the entire volume of
features identified are also important from a surgical
information of a scan and all structures in the field of
view, not just for the primary focus of the study.
The process of interrogating radiologic images for
1. Location
abnormalities varies, depending on the modality. While
the actual sequence in which the evaluation of an image Before focusing on the precise location of a lesion, the
is carried out may vary, the entire image must be entire field of view or scan should be evaluated for
methodically and thoroughly studied. Every normal other possible related lesions. That is, the disease may
anatomical structure that should be within the field of be multifocal or generalized. If there is more than one
view must be specifically identified and evaluated, lesion, it is important to note if the lesions are
including its normal boundaries and internal appear- monostotic or polyostotic and unilateral or bilateral.
ances. This is critical since not all lesions are obvious. For example, Gorlin-Goltz syndrome (nevoid basal cell
For example the absence of a cortical boundary of a carcinoma syndrome) needs to be considered if multiple
structure in a panoramic radiograph, cone beam or cystic lesions are identified.
multislice CT can reflect the presence of significant A key point of this step is to attempt to identify the
disease (Fig. 2). point at which the lesion originated. This is often the
The algorithm and skill set required to thoroughly anatomic centre of a lesion (e.g. the centre of a spherical
evaluate volumetric data, including those captured with lesion). However, the origin of a lesion is not always at
ª 2012 Australian Dental Association 35
B Koong

the anatomic centre. A lesion arising from the maxillary defined lesions generally appear less defined in the
alveolar process expanding into maxillary sinus is an maxilla than the mandible, especially in plain 2-D
example. Being filled with air, the maxillary sinus views. This is related to the trabecular architecture and
allows for much easier expansion than the alveolar also the thickness of the bone.
bone. Hence, most of the volume of this lesion is within If a lesion is well defined, this border has to be further
the sinus. In these cases, the anatomic centre is not the examined and subcategorized. Most well-defined bor-
origin. This highlights the importance of understanding ders fall into one of the following descriptions:
the involved anatomy. (1) A sharp demarcation between normal and abnor-
The location and extent of the lesion can provide mal with no other features. This is often referred to as
useful information about the likely tissues involved. For ‘punched out’. Multiple myeloma is a classical example.
example, a lesion in the posterior body of the mandible (2) A corticated border. This describes a sharp
which arises from below the mandibular canal is opaque usually curved line (Fig. 4).
unlikely odontogenic. Detailed information regarding (3) A sclerotic border. This refers to an opaque
the location and extent of a lesion is also critical in border which is thicker and less uniform than a
relation to surgical planning and biopsy. corticated border. Most chronic inflammatory bony
lesions demonstrate sclerotic margins, which reflect the
2. Shape and contour reaction of the surrounding trabecular bone to the
inflammatory lesion (Fig. 5). However, other lesions
The shape of the lesion can provide useful information
including cement-osseous dysplasia and some malig-
on the lesion. True cysts such as the dentigerous cyst are
nant lesions can also demonstrate sclerotic margins.
generally spherical or ovoid. In contrast, an odonto-
(4) A surrounding lucent margin. This usually refers
genic cyst often demonstrates a scalloped peripheral
to opaque and mixed-density lesions where the lucent
morphology. An osteoma usually presents as a smooth
margin reflects presence of soft tissue surrounding the
convex bony prominence while an osteochondroma
lesion (Fig. 6).
tends to present with a more irregular surface. A bone
If a lesion has an ill-defined border, further analysis is
island typically demonstrates an irregular outline
necessary to decide which of the following two best
(Fig. 3).
describes it:
(1) A gradual change from abnormal to normal.
3. Border
Inflammatory lesions, unless extremely chronic, dem-
The first part of this step is to identify if the border of a onstrate these borders (Fig. 5).
lesion is well defined or poorly defined. Generally, a (2) An aggressive margin. Malignant lesions classi-
well-defined border suggests that the lesion is likely cally demonstrate these borders. Aggressive and infil-
slower growing. It should be noted that similarly well- trative margins include the appearance of extension

Fig 4. A cropped panoramic radiograph depicting the corticated

border of a radicular cyst and associated inferior deflection of the
Fig 3. Periapical radiograph depicting a bone island. mandibular canal.

36 ª 2012 Australian Dental Association

Basic principles of radiological intepretation

into the adjacent bone and enlargement of adjacent

4. Internal appearances
marrow spaces. Irregular widening of the periodontal
ligament space with focal destruction of the lamina The internal appearance of a lesion provides important
dura is also another example of the leading edge of an clues as to the likely nature of the lesion. Initially, it is
infiltrative lesion spreading around tooth roots. useful to identify if the lesion is completely opaque or
complete lucent.
For completely opaque lesions, the density and
degree of homogeneity or heterogeneity should be
identified together with any consistent pattern. A
classical fibrous dysplasia is internally homogenous
with ground glass appearances (Fig. 7). A bone island is
usually internally homogenous and isodense with
cortical bone. Osteomyelitis can demonstrate heterog-
enous internal appearances with focal areas of rarefac-
tion and sclerotic regions.
A complete lucent lesion seen in plain 2-D imaging
could reflect presence of air ⁄ gas, fluid or soft tissue.
Typically, air ⁄ gas and fat will appear more lucent than
fluid and soft tissue in plain 2-D radiography. It is
important that this is understood in relative terms. For
example, in a panoramic radiograph, a fluid-filled cyst
within the maxillary sinus will appear relatively opaque
Fig 5. A periapical radiographic image depicting a periapical inflam- while a fluid-filled cyst with the mandible will appear
matory lesion. lucent. Cone beam imaging can clearly differentiate
between air and soft tissue but cannot differentiate
between fluid and soft tissue and different types of soft
tissue. Multislice CT has far superior soft tissue
contrast resolution and can demonstrate density differ-
ences between different types of soft tissues. Multislice
CT is often able to differentiate between soft tissue and
fluid, although the effects of beam hardening need to be
considered when evaluating the internal attenuation
characteristics of intrabony lucent lesions. It is impor-
tant to note that soft tissues are best evaluated with
There are also lesions which demonstrate both lucent
and opaque internal appearances. In these cases, it is
important to try to identify the nature of the opacities
e.g. bony, odontoid or dystrophic calcification. In
addition, the pattern of the opacities is also important
as many lesions often demonstrate a certain pattern.
Fig 6. A cropped panoramic view depicting an odontome. For example, an ameloblastoma classically demon-

Fig 7. Fibrous dysplasia of the right posterior maxillary alveolar process, better visualized in the axial multislice CT image than in the cropped
panoramic radiograph.

ª 2012 Australian Dental Association 37

B Koong

Fig 9. An axial multislice CT image depicting periosteal response

related to an inflammatory lesion.

inflammatory lesions affecting the jaws, such as oste-

omyelitis (Fig. 9).

Fig 8. A periapical view depicting the superior aspect of a keratocystic

odontogenic tumour. Note the right angle appearance of the superior Interpretation of the findings
border in relation to the tooth roots, which is not usually seen with
radicular cysts. Many lesions can demonstrate similar features. In
addition, many lesions do not always present classically
and demonstrate only a few or even just one of its
strates coarse curvilinear internal septae while giant cell typical features. Therefore, the next critical step is for
lesions often reveal much finer septae. the observer to weight the various features identified.
This requires knowledge of the classical radiologic
features of the possible pathoses and experience in the
5. Adjacent anatomic structures
application of this information.
The way in which the normal anatomic structures For example, fibrous dysplasia does not always
influence the pattern growth and spread of a lesion and present with classical ground glass internal appearance
the effects that a lesion has on these adjacent anatomic and can appear quite heterogenous internally. How-
structures as the lesion enlarges are both important ever, in these cases, the nature of the expansion often
features which require detailed analysis. remains typical which assists the observer in differen-
For example, a radicular cyst would displace the tiating it from other lesions which can otherwise appear
mandibular canals while an inflammatory lesion does similar, such as the cement-ossifying fibroma.
not usually display this characteristic (Fig. 4). Tooth A lucent lesion located at the apex of a tooth root is
displacement is a characteristic of a lesion with mass often inflammatory in nature. However, malignant
effect, usually benign in nature. The way in which the lesions at root apices are also lucent. Furthermore,
periapical bone is effaced provides important clues as to some can indeed demonstrate adjacent sclerosis which
the likely nature of the lesion (Fig. 8). Some lesions, can appear similar to the reactive sclerosis often seen in
such as an ameloblastoma and a giant cell lesion inflammatory lesions. In these cases, the invasive nature
demonstrate a propensity to resorp tooth roots. The of margins and the irregular way in which the adjacent
resorption of roots require time, which is not a typical lamina dura and periodontal ligament spaces are
feature with malignant lesions. Malignant lesions tend destroyed are critical features.
to destroy the bone surrounding the tooth. While
destruction of cortical boundaries can occur with a
variety of lesions, including inflammatory lesions, it
requires special attention as malignant lesions often One of the final steps in radiologic interpretation
demonstrate this characteristic (Fig. 2). Periosteal involves the classification of the lesion. While it is
new bone formation is often seen in more extensive tempting to rush to provide a specific diagnosis, it is
38 ª 2012 Australian Dental Association
Basic principles of radiological intepretation

important that the thought process focuses initially on experience is critical in the development of competent
classifying the lesion into a broad category, e.g. radiological interpretive skills. The author hopes that
inflammatory, fibro-osseous, cyst, benign or malignant this paper has been effective in introducing an algo-
tumour, vascular etc. This step allows the observer to rithm for radiologic interpretation and raising associ-
finally re-evaluate all key features identified and reduces ated pertinent issues. Equally important, it is also hoped
the likelihood that a key feature is not considered, e.g. that this paper inspires those involved in radiologic
the serpiginous appearance of the mandibular canal interpretation to continue development of their indi-
typical of a vascular malformation. It is often useful to vidual skills and to be cautious where the imaging is
also consider the patient’s age and ethnicity (if known) beyond their interpretive skill set.
at this stage. Once the lesion has been classified into the
broader categories, the observer will then be able to
decide upon the most likely nature of the lesion. REFERENCES
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a methodical approach to radiologic interpretation. temporomandibular joint: an experimental study using cadaveric
Sole reliance upon a classical appearance of a lesion and skulls. Oral Maxillofac Surg 2006;64:223–229.
use of the ‘Aunt Minnie’ style of interpretation (looks 3. Schmitter M, Gabbert O, Ohlmann B, et al. Assessment of the
like the lesion the observer last encountered or saw in a reliability and validity of panoramic imaging for assessment of
mandibular condyle morphology using both MRI and clinical
book) is insufficient and can lead to erroneous inter- examination as the gold standard. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pa-
pretation and misdiagnosis. thol Oral Radiol Endod 2006;102:220–224.
In dentistry, the observer is often also the clinician. In 4. Koong B. Cone beam imaging: is this the ultimate imaging
these instances, the observer can easily develop a modality? Clin Oral Implants Res 2010;21:1201–1208.
preconception as to the likely diagnosis and thorough
evaluation of the radiologic study is not performed. An
example is when there is a clinically suspicious
Address for correspondence:
periapical inflammatory lesion where radiologic inter-
Professor Bernard Koong
pretation ends as soon as a lucent appearance is noted
Envision Medical Imaging
periapically. A thorough radiologic evaluation to
Suite 5
identify the features of an inflammatory lesion is then
178 Cambridge Street
not performed, which can contribute to misdiagnosis.
Subiaco WA 6014
Like other facets of dentistry and diagnosis, knowl-
edge combined with appropriate training and guided

ª 2012 Australian Dental Association 39

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