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Chapter I >> Game Concept >> 02

Chapter II >> Card Analysis >> 02

Chapter III >> Things You Need

to Play >> 06

Chapter IV >> Field Layout >> 06

Chapter V >> Basic Game Setup >> 07

Chapter VI >> Game Modes >> 08

Chapter VII >> Terminology >> 36

Chapter VIII >> FAQ >> 37

News reports begin to come in, speaking of cannibalism

in the remote corners of the United States. Reports
indicate that people were attacked by a group of
roughly 10 people. The only evidence found were bits of
torn flesh and bone. The grisly incidents continue
to increase, with the epicenter being triangulated to an
isolated mansion just outside the city limits.
Upon approaching the Mansion, however, you come
under attack. Your aggressors seem unfazed by your
attacks, and you retreat into the mansion. Unable
to go back the way you came, will you be able to forge
ahead, find a way out and, most of all, escape with
your life? Welcome to the Survival Horror....

Chapter I. Game Concept \\ A
(3) Weapon Card
Welcome to the Resident Evil™ Deck Building Game. This is a game where you Weapon cards are used in battle to deal
build up a deck from meager beginnings. The deck you build represents your Damage to the Infected. Most Weapons have
Inventory, whether that includes Items , Weapons, or Ammunition. Your deck an Ammo Requirement that you need to
will be your lifeline to survival. fulfill in order to deal Damage. Weapons will be
your primary Resource used to deal Damage
to the Infected.
Chapter II. Card Analysis A Card Type
B Cost to Buy
B (1) Character Card
Character cards are used to battle against C C Weapon Name
the Infected you encounter throughout the D Weapon Type
game. Each Character has special effects that E F
E Ammo Requirement: This shows how much
could change the game when used.
Ammo is needed to use the Weapon.
All Characters have a base damage of 0.
(See Pg 14 for new Base Damage Rule)
F Damage: This shows how much Damage this Weapon deals when used.
G Weapon Effect: The special effect the Weapon provides, if any.
A Card Type Weapon effects are activated when the Weapon is used.
B Starting and Maximum Health: This shows
the starting Health of this Character.
D E This also represents the starting Maximum
Health of this Character.
C Character Name
D Levels & Decoration Requirements: This shows the Decorations required
to be the Level indicated. (See Pg 15 for Level Up and Decorations) A (4) Infected Card
E Effects: These are the special effects of this Character. Character effects which Infected cards are only in the Mansion
use the word “can” in them may only be used once during their noted timing. (See Pg 07 for Mansion). As Players Explore
the Mansion, they have a high chance
of encountering the Infected. When they
do, they must Battle and Defeat them
B (2) Ammunition Card using whatever Weapon cards they have,
Ammunition serves as the Basic Resource lest they be permanently incapacitated.
Players need to use their Weapons and to
gain Gold to Buy other Resources. A Card Type
B Infected Name
A Card Type B
C E F C Health
B Cost to Buy
D Effect: This shows the special effects
C Name
this Infected has, if any.
D D Effect
E Damage: This shows how much Damage it deals to the Exploring
C E Bonus Icons: These show any additional Character if it is not Defeated in battle.
bonuses the Ammunition gives. In the
example, this Ammunition gives +10 F Decoration Reward: This shows how many Decorations the Infected
Ammo and +10 Gold. provides once Defeated. The stronger the Infected is, the more
Decorations your Character earns.
02 03
Chapter II. Card Analysis <Cont.>
A (5) Item Card A (6) Action Card
Item cards have useful effects like healing Action cards have powerful effects that
or increasing the Maximum Health of provide bonuses that Players will need
Characters. Certain Items can only be found in their quest to defeat the Infected.
in the Mansion.
A Card Type
A Card Type B Cost to Buy
B Cost to Buy C Action Name
C Item Name D Effect: The special effect it gives to
C D Effect: The special effect it gives to C
the Player.
the Player. D E Bonus Icons: The extra bonuses you are
E getting during the turn the card is played.
Apply these Bonus Icons before applying
the effect.

04 05
Chapter III. Things you need to play \\
Basic Resource Piles:
o 1-4 Players
o Game counters (dice, loose change, etc) or a pen and paper to keep
track of the Health of the Characters.

Chapter IV. Field Layout \\


D Inventory Area C Discard Pile B Player Play Area

Each Player has their own Play Area B , Discard Pile C and Inventory Area D .

Whenever a Player plays a card from their Hand, it is placed in their Play Area
Play Area

face up. At the end of a Player’s turn, that Player discards all cards in their Play
Area that are not attached to their Character, and moves any cards left in their

Hand to their Discard Pile. Whenever a Player Buys or Gains a card, it is also

moved to their Discard Pile.

Another area called the Mansion Area E is added next to the Resource Area.

The Mansion includes powerful Weapons, Items, and various Events, along


Mansion with the vicious Infected.


Play Area


A Resource Area

B Player Play Area C Discard Pile D Inventory Area

The area in the center is referred to as the Resource Area INFECTED CARDS MANSION DECK
A and 18 different card piles (known as Resource Piles)
are placed here, face up. All the cards in this area are
referred to as Resources in the game. Players may Buy
these cards by paying their cost. For example, the cost of Chapter V. Basic Game Setup \\
the “First Aid Spray” is 50.
Depending on which Scenario you play, different Resources are placed in (1) Decide who goes First!
the Resource Area. (See Pg. 23 for Scenarios) However, there are certain Randomly determine the first Player. If you are playing multiple games in a
cards you need in every game, called [Basic Resources]. The following row, randomly determine the starting Player from all Players that lost the
cards are the [Basic Resources] and are placed in the Resource Area for previous game. Play continues clockwise from the Player who went first.
every game. The Basic Resources are:
(2) Pick a Character!
Basic Resource Piles: Randomly pass out 2 Character cards to each Player. Each Player chooses 1
(1) “Ammo x10” (2) “Ammo x20” (3) “Ammo x30” of these Characters to play as and removes the other Character card from
(4) “First Aid Spray” (5) “Custom Standard Sidearm” (6) “Reliable Blade” the game.

06 07
Chapter VI. Game Modes \\
Players needed: 1 to 4 Players
Estimated Play Time: 45 min to 1 hour

A deadly virus is causing the recently deceased to arise again in a suburb.

Moving under the cover of night, you attempted to infiltrate the epicenter,
an old, decrepit mansion. However, monstrous animals and abominations,
created by the virus infecting living beings, gave chase.
Fleeing to the mansion, you are now trapped, and must find an exit by other
means. Will you bravely step forward into the abyss and find a way out,
or will you fall victim to one of the Infected?

Step 1: Set up the “Neophyte” Scenario!

Story Mode is meant to be played with any combination of cards. You may
Giant Majini
play with as few as 18 Resource Piles, or as many as you want. For the first
time you play, start with the “Neophyte” Scenario:

“Neophyte” Resources:

o [Basic Resources] o Custom o Ibex Standard o Fight or Flight

o Custom Lightning Hawk o Tear Gas o The Mercenaries
Bolt-Action Rifle o Custom o Boundless Battlefield o Anticipation
o Hunting Bow Pump-Action Shotgun o Melee o Battle Hardened

Take all of the Resources and add them to the Resource Area.

08 09
Step 2: Create the Starting Inventory and draw your
starting Hand! Tribal Majini (Shield)

Each Player takes the following cards from the Resource Area. Leave the
remainder in the Resource Area, if there are any:

Hard Mansion: “Majini Rock”

1x Chicken 3x Militia (Bow) 3x Base Majini 1x Red Executioner

3x Town Majini 3x Adjule (Shield) 2x J.J.
1x “Custom 3x Base Majini (Gun) 3x Town Majini 3x Big Man Majini
7x “Ammo x10” Standard Sidearm” 2x “Reliable blade”
3x Town Majini (Shovel) (Motorcycle) 2x Chainsaw Majini

The more bad cards that Players Trash, the more they will find coming back to them.
Each Player shuffles these 10 cards together and places the pile face down
in their Inventory area. These cards are referred to as the “Inventory”.
Then, each Player draws 5 cards from the top of their Inventory as their Take all of the cards for the Mansion you chose and shuffle them together.
starting Hand. Then place the newly created deck in the Mansion Area.

Step 3: Build the Mansion!

“Resident Evil™: Mercenaries” features up to 3 different Mansions for Players (A) Game End and Victory Condition: Earn the most
to use, with each Mansion providing a different experience altogether! After Decorations before “Red Executioner” is defeated!
trying the 3 pre-built Mansions, try to build your own to match your play style.
The game ends as soon as a Character Defeats the most powerful
Each Mansion’s difficulty is a measure of how hard it will be for Players to
Infected in the Mansion. In this expansion, the most powerful Infected is
continuously Defeat the Infected.
“Red Executioner”.
Easy Mansion: “The Cult” Once “Red Executioner” has been Defeated, each Player will total up their
Decorations. The Player with the most Decorations is the winner. If Players
3x Los Ganados 3x Los Ganados 3x Los Illuminados 3x Los Illuminados
(Female) (Handscythe) (Scythe) (Shield) are tied for most Decorations, then the Player with less Damage on their
3x Los Ganados (Male) 3x Los Ganados 3x Los Illuminados 1x Red Executioner Character at the moment the game ended is declared the winner. If they
3x Los Ganados (Pitchfork) (Bow) 1x Chicken are tied, then all of the tying Players are the winners.
The more Infected that appear, the more difficult this Mansion becomes.
Red Executioner If every Player’s
Character is
Normal Mansion: “Tribal Technology” Permanently Defeated,
have all Players total
1x Chicken 3x Tribal Majini 3x Militia (Bow) 1x Red Executioner up their Decorations
3x Venomous Snake (Oil Pot) 3x Base Majini (Shield) to determine
3x Tribal Majini (Bow) 3x Crocodile 3x Base Majini (Gun) the winner as if “Red
3x Tribal Majini (Shield) 2x Giant Majini 2x J.J. Executioner” had been
Defeated. If there is
ever only 1 Player with
Instead of going directly for you, this Mansion aspires to destroy the a Character that isn’t
Resource Area. Permanently Defeated,
then that Player
wins automatically.

10 11
(1) Playing Action(s)
(B) Game Flow: 1 Action, 1 Buy, 1 Explore, discard everything
Each Player begins their turn with 1 Action. Playing an
and draw 5 at the end!
Action card uses 1 Action, but some cards or effects
Each Player begins their turn with the following: allow a Player to get more Actions during their turn,
o 1 Action o 1 Buy o 1 Explore allowing for more Actions to be played in a single turn.
To play an Action, place the card from your Hand face
The Player may do any of the following 5 options in any order they wish. up in your Play Area, then apply the Bonus Icons on the
Players do NOT have to perform any of these options if they do not want to: bottom of the card first, then the written effect(s), if any.
(1) Play an Action(s) (4) Explore the Mansion A Player must finish all effects of the current Action
before another card can be played. If a Player cannot
(2) Play an Item(s) and/or Ammunition(s) (5) Buy a Resource(s) perform all of the listed effects, then the Player does
(3) Activate a Character’s Effect(s) as much as they can. Any Action played remains in the
Player’s Play Area until the end of their turn.

(2) Playing Item(s) & Ammunition

Playing Items or Ammunition does not require any
Actions to play. To play an Item, place the card from your
Hand face up in your Play Area, then do any effects
that are listed on the Item, starting with the Bonus Icons
first (if any). If a Player cannot perform all of the listed
effects, then the Player does as much as they can. When
you play Ammunition, apply the bonus effects first, then
the written effects (if any). Remember that Gold and
Ammo are a total that disappears at the end of the turn,
so using all of your Ammunition is usually a good idea.
Any Items and Ammunition played remains in that
player’s Play Area until the end of the turn.

12 13
(3) Activating a Character’s Effect(s) Then, Reveal the top card of the Mansion. If an Infected is Revealed and it has
To activate a Character’s effect, the timing an effect, apply it when the effect says so. If a non-Infected and an Infected effect
needs to be correct. If it is, you can activate it. share the same timing, the Infected effect must be applied first.
There are some effects that are active as long If the Character’s total Damage meets or exceeds the Infected’s Health, then the
as you are meeting certain conditions. For the Infected is Defeated. The Infected itself is attached to the Player’s Character, and its
timing of the effects, read each effect carefully to Decoration Reward value is added to that Character’s total.
determine when you may activate them.
A Character’s effect with the word “can” in it Ex. James Reveals
may only be activated once during its noted the top card of
timing per turn. the Mansion, which
If, at any time, a non-Infected card effect and an turns out to be a
Infected card effect have the same timing, the Zombie (Female).
Infected effect must be applied first.

All Characters & Infected Characters have a base Damage of 0 if not shown
Ex. James’ 15
otherwise. Some effects in the game increase a Character’s base Damage,
Damage equals
allowing for a Character to deal Damage without using any Weapons.
the 15 Health
(4) Exploring the Mansion on the Zombie
(Female), and
When a Character Explores the Mansion, do the following: he attaches the
1) Announce that you are Exploring. Infected to his Character, adding its Decorations
2) Play any Weapons your Character will be using. Each Weapon can only to his total. The Zombie (Female) also allows
James to select another Player and deny that
be used once, unless stated otherwise.
Player the ability to play Actions during their
3) Pay the Ammo Requirement on the Weapons being used. Add up your next turn!
Ammo from all of the cards in your Play Area and assign any amount of that
Ammo to each Weapon being used.
4) Total up the amount of Damage that your Character is dealing by adding
up your Weapon’s Damage, Character’s Damage, and any effects provided
by other cards. Level up!
5) If any Weapons being used have any effects, they must be used at this moment. When a Character has obtained a certain amount
Other effects that occur when your Character Explores must be used here as well. (or more) of the indicated Decorations, that Character
“levels up”, giving you access to more powerful
effects to aid you in your escape. When a Character
becomes Level 2, that Character has all of the
effects of Level 1 as well as Level 2.
Ex. James declares that he is
going to Explore the Mansion.
He plays a Combat Knife and
a Handgun, and notes the 20
Ammo he received from Ammo
x20, giving James’ Character a
total of 15 Damage.
Custom Bolt-Action Rifle

14 15
Chainsaw Majini

Should a Character fail to Defeat the Revealed Infected, the Infected lashes out
and damages the Character, dealing the indicated Damage amount (plus any
modifiers) to the Character. The Revealed Infected is moved to the bottom of the
Mansion afterwards. Note that some Infected have effects when they are NOT
Defeated. These effects are applied before the Infected deals Damage.

Ex. Instead of a Zombie

(Female), James runs into the
Hunter. James’ 15 Damage is
not enough to beat the Hunter.
He applies the Hunter’s
effect, which forces James
to randomly Trash 2 cards
from his Discard Pile, take 30
Damage, then move the Hunter
to the bottom of the Mansion.

16 17
Penalty for Losing all your Character’s Health
If your Character’s Health is reduced to 0 or less, then that Character has
been fatally injured in their conquest. Turn the Character face down and
shuffle together all the cards in your Hand, Player Area and Discard Pile into
your Inventory. Then, place your Inventory face down in front of you. All cards
currently attached to your Character remain attached to your Character.
1st Explore 2nd Explore
A face down Character is considered to not exist, and neither does their
Player, meaning that neither can be targeted or affected by effects.

Ex: Tylar has 60 Ammo and his Character is using a Riot Shotgun which
deals 45 Damage. He uses 1 Explore and Reveals Mimicry Marcus,
Character Inventory which has 30 Health. He decides to use his 2nd Explore and Reveals
Licker, which has 40 Health. Since their total Health is greater than
Tylar’s Character’s 45 Damage, both Infected deal 50 Damage to Tylar’s
When your turn comes around, flip your Character face up. Reduce the Character (30 from the Licker & 20 from Mimicry Marcus).
maximum Health of your Character by 20, Heal your Character to your
new Maximum Health amount, draw 5 new cards from your Inventory,
and end your turn. If your Character’s Maximum Health is 0 or less at this Players may also choose to Explore 1 at a time. While this way is much safer,
point, your Character is Permanently Defeated and your game is over. you also require more weaponry this way, since Weapons apply their whole
Keep all cards you have Gained throughout the game in front of you until Damage only on the Explore when they are used and can only be used once
the game is over. per turn. When doing this, repeat all steps under EXPLORING THE MANSION
(Pg 14) for each instance of Exploring.
Extra Explore
Some Weapons, like Shotguns, allow a Character to Explore multiple times EXAMPLE
in a turn. If a Player has multiple Explores, they may use 1 Explore at a time,
or all at once. Alex has 40 Ammo and is using a Shotgun which deals 25 Damage. He uses
his first Explore and Reveals a Kipepeo, which has 20 Health. Alex decides to
If multiple Infected are Revealed all at once, the Player’s total Damage stop, and adds the Kipepeo to his Decorations. Later in the turn, Alex decides to
must exceed or equal the Revealed Infected’s combined Health. If it does not, use his 2nd Explore, playing 2 Knives and a Handgun, for a total of 20 Damage.
then the Character receives the total Damage of all the Revealed Infected. Alex Reveals the Zombie (Male), which has 20 Health. Alex defeats the Zombie
Afterwards, all Revealed Infected that were not Defeated are moved to the (Male) and also adds it to his Decorations.
bottom of the Mansion in a random order.

18 19
(5) Buying Resources End of Turn
When Buying, a Player may spend their Gold gained for the turn to Buy At the end of a Player’s turn, that Player Discards all cards in their Play
Resources in order to aid them in upcoming battles. The cost of each card Area that aren’t attached to their Character(s) and all remaining cards
is located in the upper right hand corner. in their Hand. Then they draw 5 new cards from their Inventory.
Once a Player has completed drawing a new Hand of 5, play is passed
to the Player to the left.
Resource area Discard Pile
When a Player Buys
a card, they move
that card from the Inventory Draw 5 new cards Discard pile
Resource Area to
Move all
their Discard Pile.
unattached cards
When a Resource
from Play Area
Pile is empty, Players
to Discard Pile at
cannot Buy any more
the end.
of that Resource.

If the Player has multiple Buys, they combine the total amount of Gold
they have for the turn before Buying. This total amount is used to pay for * Anytime a Player needs to draw
everything they Buy this turn. Buys are done one at a time. Here is an cards but cannot because of an
example of Buying multiple Resources during a turn. insufficient amount of cards in their
Inventory, they draw as many as
they can, then shuffle their Discard
Ex. After playing his Ammunition and Action, Pile, then place it in their Inventory
Andy has a total of 50 Gold to Buy with and Area face down, and draw the rest.
2 Buys to use this turn. Andy chooses to first Current Draw rest
Buy the Handgun: cards in hand from reshuffled
After moving the Handgun to his Discard
Pile, the next card in the Pistol Resource
Pile is revealed to be the powerful Burst-
Fire Handgun.
Seeing that the Burst-Fire Handgun costs
60 Gold to Buy, Andy finds himself too low
on Gold to Buy it. Instead, Andy chooses
to use his 2nd Buy to Buy a Green Herb:
1st Buy
2ND Buy

20 21
Additional Story Mode Scenarios

Additional Scenarios for Resident EvilTM: Mercenaries

Try out the following Scenarios after you have tried the “Neophyte” Scenario (Pg. 08).

“Standard Play” Resources:

o [Basic Resources] o Custom o Custom o Melee

o Hunting Bow Pump-Action Shotgun Bolt-Action Rifle o Tear Gas
o Custom Lightning Hawk o Custom Full-Bore o Resuscitate o Boundless Battlefield
o Ibex Standard Machine Gun o Anticipation o The Mercenaries

Use this Scenario when your looking for something that helps any play style.

“Easy Actions” Resources:

o [Basic Resources] o Custom o Custom o Melee

o Hunting Bow Pump-Action Shotgun Bolt-Action Rifle o Fight or Flight
o Custom Lightning Hawk o Custom Full-Bore o Battle Hardened o Boundless Battlefield
o Ibex Standard Machine Gun o Anticipation o Resuscitate

Cheap Actions are abound in this Scenario, giving players plenty of time to
get their Inventory ready.

Resident Evil™: The Deck Building Game with Mercenaries

Use the following Scenarios if you have the Resident Evil™:
The Deck Building Game along with Resident Evil™: Mercenaries.

“Giveaway” Resources:

o [Basic Resources] o Custom Lightning Hawk o Grenade o Shattered Memories

o Custom o Custom o Tear Gas o Boundless Battlefield
Bolt-Action Rifle Pump-Action Shotgun o The Mercenaries o Item Management
o Hunting Bow o Ibex Standard o Fight or Flight

Steal, Trash, and give your worst cards to your opponents.

“Golden Standard” Resources:

o [Basic Resources] o Six Shooter o Escape From o Ominous Battle

o Custom o Pump-Action Shotgun The Dead City o Shattered Memories
Bolt-Action Rifle & Automatic Shotgun* o Fight or Flight o Boundless Battlefield
o Hunting Bow o Ibex Standard o Reload o Umbrella Corporation
*Combine and shuffle them into a pile.

Play with the best of the best from Sets 1 & 5.

22 23
Additional Story Mode Scenarios

Resident Evil™: Alliance with Mercenaries Advanced Note 3: Custom Starting Inventories
Use the following Scenarios if you have the Resident Evil™: Alliance game Players can also play with the Custom Starting Inventories in order to
along with Resident Evil™: Mercenaries. enhance the flavor of the game even more. You can find these Custom
Starting Inventories under the MERCENARY MODE section. (Pg 28)
“Interaction” Resources:

o [Basic Resources] o Custom o Russian Assault Rifle o Anticipation Advanced Note 4: Resident Evil™ Expanded
o Telescopic Sight Rifle Pump-Action Shotgun & Signature Special* o Boundless Battlefield
o Hunting Bow o Ibex Standard o Uroboros Injection o Fierce Battle Own every expansion of the Resident Evil™: Deck Building Game? Try out
o Custom Lightning Hawk o Fight or Flight o The Mercenaries these Scenarios for a more diverse gaming experience!
*Combine and shuffle them into a pile.
“Control” Resources:
Slowing your opponents down is never a bad thing.
o [Basic Resources] o Single Shot Rifle o Silver Ghost o Anticipation
o HE Grenade w/ Scope & & Punisher* o Uroboros Injection
“Buying Spree” Resources: o Russian Assault Rifle Special Ops Rifle* o Fight or Flight o Master of Unlocking
& Signature Special* o Custom o The Mercenaries
o [Basic Resources] o Riot Shotgun & Triple o Russian Assault Rifle o Anticipation o Six Shooter Pump-Action Shotgun o Mind Control
o Telescopic Sight Rifle Barreled Shotgun* & Signature Special* o Star-Crossed Duo
*Combine and shuffle them into a pile.
o Hunting Bow o Blowback Pistol o Tear Gas o Desperate Escape
o Custom Lightning Hawk o Fight or Flight o Gathering Forces Most cards in this scenario can be used against your opponents while also
*Combine and shuffle them into a pile. giving you a benefit.
Buy multiple cards a turn to ensure the greatest chance of survival!
“Big Inventory Wins” Resources:
Advanced Note 1: Custom Resources
o [Basic Resources] o Russian Assault Rifle o Toe to Toe o Fierce Battle
As Players become more experienced, they may wish to try their own o Six Shooter & Signature Special* o Raccoon City o Parting Ways
combination of Resources. Allow each Player to pick one of the Resource o Flamethrower o Treasure Police Department
Piles one at a time, until you have 18 Resource piles total. It is advised o Hunting Bow o Mine Thrower o Lonewolf

that you always play with the Basic Resources. *Combine and shuffle them into a pile.

The bigger the Inventory, the better the benefits.

Advanced Note 2: Alternate Play Difficulty
Use the below if you feel that the above setups are not suitable enough “Every Way Out” Resources:
to meet your demands:
o [Basic Resources] o Mine Thrower o Tear Gas o Boundless
Easy Difficulty: All Infected get -10 Health, -10 Damage, and their effects o Custom Lightning Hawk o Custom o Silver Ghost Battlefield
are not active. o Custom Pump-Action Shotgun & Punisher* o Parting Ways
Bolt-Action Rifle o Grenade o Toe to Toe
Hard Difficulty: All Infected get +10 Health, +10 Damage, and apply *Combine and shuffle them into a pile.
their effects twice.
With multiple ways to play, choosing the best one is the key to victory.
Professional Difficulty: Hard Difficulty & Player’s must Explore at least
once on their turn.

24 25
Step 1: Pick a Scenario!
[GAME MODE: 2] MERCENARY MODE Any Scenario from STORY MODE can be used for this game mode, or you
Players needed: 2 to 4 Players can choose from one of the below:
Estimated Game Time: 30 min to 45 min
Resident Evil™: The Deck Building Game &
Mercenaries Scenarios:
You and your Team have been dropped into the middle of a huge mob of
Infected. Your mission: destroy everything around you in a quick and timely
“Quick Tactics” Resources:
manner. For every Infected Defeated, you have been promised a greater
reward for your bravery. o [Basic Resources] o Pump-Action Shotgun o Bolt-Action Rifle & o Struggle for Survival
o Ibex Standard & Automatic Shotgun* Semi- Automatic Rifle* o Reload
o Custom Full-Bore o Custom o Melee
Machine Gun Pump-Action Shotgun o Resuscitate
o Grenade o Fight or Flight o Deadly Aim
New Card! *Combine and shuffle them into a pile.
For MERCENARY MODE, a new card type is introduced, exclusive to this mode:
With everything on the cheap, setting up your Inventory could never be easier!
A Bonus Card
Bonus cards are used only in MERCENARY
“Weapon Club” Resources:
MODE. This card can only be found in
the Mansion. o [Basic Resources] o Custom o Custom o Custom
o Ibex Standard Pump-Action Shotgun Bolt-Action Rifle Lightning Hawk
A Card Type o Custom Full-Bore o Pump-Action Shotgun o Bolt-Action Rifle & o Submission
Machine Gun & Automatic Shotgun* Semi- Automatic Rifle* o Shattered
B Card Name o Grenade o Hunting Bow o Six Shooter Memories
C Effect: When this card is Revealed from *Combine and shuffle them into a pile.
the Mansion and the Player decides to
B Ever wanted to play with almost nothing but Weapons? This Scenario is for you!
Gain it, perform this effect.
Resident Evil™: Alliance & Mercenaries Scenarios:

“Draw Power” Resources:

o [Basic Resources] o Custom o Russian Assault Rifle o Melee

o Riot Shotgun & Triple Bolt-Action Rifle & Signature Special* o Boundless Battlefield
Barreled Shotgun* o Nautilus Pump-Action o Fight or Flight o Quirk of Fate
o Blowback Pistol o Ibex Standard o Great Ambition o Fierce Battle
*Combine and shuffle them into a pile.

Every Action in this Scenario will net you more cards.

“Different Methods” Resources:

o [Basic Resources] o Riot Shotgun & Triple o Telescopic Sight Rifle o Melee
o Blowback Pistol Barreled Shotgun* o The Mercenaries o Resuscitate
o Custom Lightning Hawk o Custom Full-Bore o Anticipation o Tear Gas
Chris o Flamethrower Machine Gun o Boundless Battlefield
Redfield *Combine and shuffle them into a pile.

Every Weapon in this Scenario can end the game in its own way.

26 27
Step 2: Build the Mansion! (B) Game Flow [Cont.]
Build one of the Mansions detailed on Pg 10-11. After building a MERCENARY MODE follows all the rules of STORY MODE, except that when
Mansion, add the Bonus cards to it. Shuffle up the entire Mansion, an Infected is Defeated, it begins or continues a Combo that the Team which
and place it in the Mansion Area. Defeated it has started. (See the next section for “Combos”).
Each game starts with 15 turns. Every time each Team has had a turn, 1
Step 3: Prepare the Custom Starting Inventory!
turn is subtracted from the remaining turns. By adding more time, you can
Each Character card has a Custom Starting Inventory that they start increase your score dramatically by extending your combo.
with. Custom Inventories are detailed below:
(C) Other Rules To Remember
Albert Wesker 2x Custom Pump-Action Shotgun, 1x Ammo x20, 7x Ammo x10
Barry Burton 1x Ibex Standard, 1x Custom Bolt-Action Rifle, 1x Ammo x20,
A combo is a string of Defeated Infected that a Team has created as their
7x Ammo x10
Characters Explore the Mansion. When Exploring, follow the Instructions
under “EXPLORING THE MANSION” in the STORY MODE section. (See Pg 14)
Chris Redfield 1x Ibex Standard, 1x Custom Pump-Action Shotgun, In order to keep a Combo going, the Team must Defeat an Infected every
1x Custom Bolt-Action Rifle, 7x Ammo x10 turn in succession. For every Infected the Team Defeats, more Decorations
can be earned.
Claire Redfield 1x Ibex Standard, 2x Melee, 1x Ammo x20, 6x Ammo x10 When an Infected is Defeated, it is moved into the Team’s Combo Pile. If, at
the end of the Team’s turn, they have a Combo Pile and did not Defeat any
Hunk 1x Custom Full-Bore Machine Gun, 1x Ibex Standard, Infected that turn, the Decorations are determined and are written down and
1x Backstab,1x Battle Hardened, 6x Ammo x10 added to their total.
Jack Krauser 1x Hunting Bow, 1x Melee, 4x Reliable Blade, 4x Ammo x10 To determine the total Decorations in the Combo Pile, add up the printed
Decoration amount on each Infected card (“Zombie (Male)”, for instance,
Jill Valentine 1x Custom Full-Bore Machine Gun, 2x Reliable Blade, is worth 1) in the Combo Pile, then multiply that amount by the number of
1x Custom Pump-Action Shotgun, 1x Ammo x20, 5x Ammo x10 cards in the Combo Pile. After determining the total, write down the total
Decorations your Team just earned, and move all of the cards in your Combo
Rebecca 2x Custom Full-Bore Machine Gun, 1x Tear Gas, Pile to the bottom of the Mansion in any order your Team wishes. Note that
Chambers 1x Resuscitate, 1x Ammo x20, 5x Ammo x10 the “Combo Bonus” card is not worth any Decorations on its own.

Here is the Blue Team’s Combo Pile:

Step 4: Have something ready to keep track of turns!
Failing to Defeat an Infected this turn,
Have game counters of some kind or paper and a pen ready to keep track they start to total their Decorations
of the remaining turns of the game. up, with Zombie (Male) being worth 1
Decoration, Kipepeo worth 1, and
(A) Game End & Victory Condition
the Licker β worth 3. This totals up
The game will start with 15 turns, but more time can be added with
to 5, but is then multiplied by the total
the “Time Bonus” cards drawn from the Mansion, or with the “Melee”
number of cards in the Blue Teams
Action card (AC-046). After all turns have been depleted, or only 1 Team
Combo pile, which was 3, giving them a
is not Permanent Defeated, the Team with the most Decorations is
total of 15 Decorations for this Combo.
declared the winner. If Teams are tied in Decorations, then the Team with
the Character who has the most Health at the time the game ended
is the winner.
(B) Game Flow Leveling Up
Mercenary Mode is played in Teams. Every Player can either be on a Unlike the STORY MODE, Character’s Levels are determined by how many
Team by themselves (1 vs. 1 vs. 1 vs. 1, known as free for all), Teams of 2 Decorations the Team currently has. In other words, the Team members
(2 vs. 2 max) or, if one Player is more experienced than the others, 1 vs. 3. share the Decorations they earn.
28 29
Penalty for Losing all your Character’s Health Step 1: Pick a Scenario!
When a Character’s Health is reduced to 0 or lower in MERCENARY Any Scenario from a previous game mode may be used with the Skill System.
MODE, that Player is eliminated from the game. If the Health of all the You may also choose a of the below scenarios, specifically designed to introduce
Character’s in a Team is reduced to 0 or less, that Team loses the game. the Skill System.

Resident Evil™: Mercenaries Scenarios:

[GAME Modification] Skill System
“Additional Benefits” Resources:
Players needed: 2 to 4 Players
Estimated Game Time: 30 min to 45 min o [Basic Resources] o Custom o Custom Lightning Hawk o Anticipation
o Custom Full-Bore Bolt-Action Rifle o Hunting Bow o Backstab
Machine Gun o Custom o Coup De Grâce o Tear Gas
With every step you take, with every enemy you defeat, you begin to realize
o Ibex Standard Pump-Action Shotgun o Battle Hardened o Boundless Battlefield
how to combat a situation accordingly. Soon fighting a score of Infected is
a joke to you, teaching yourself how to remain cool under pressure, and to Your introduction to the Skill System gives additional benefits to new cards.
take the necessary steps to survival. Using the skills you have learned, you
can turn any unfavorable situation into a favorable one.
“Hand to Hand” Resources:

o [Basic Resources] o Custom o Custom Lightning Hawk o Anticipation

The Skill System can be applied to any game mode in any Resident Evil™: o Custom Full-Bore Bolt-Action Rifle o Hunting Bow o Backstab
Deck Building Game set. This system will deepen your gameplay experience Machine Gun o Custom o Coup De Grâce o Melee
o Ibex Standard Pump-Action Shotgun o Tear Gas o The Mercenaries
by introducing an XP system that rewards players the more that they
explore, allowing them to put their experience into a skill that will better Using Actions to win the game may be quicker than going the standard route with
their Character in different ways. this Scenario.

New Card! Resident Evil™: The Deck Building Game & Mercenaries Scenarios:
With the Skill System, a new card type is introduced, exclusive to
this modification: “Law of Thieves” Resources:

A Skill Card o [Basic Resources] o Battle Hardened o Custom Bolt-Action Rifle o Ibex Standard
B Skill cards are only used only with the Skill o Escape From o Reload o Custom Full-Bore o Custom
the Dead City o The Mercenaries Machine Gun Pump-Action Shotgun
System. Players will receive Skill cards at
o Backstab o Shattered Memories o Custom Lightning Hawk o Grenade
the beginning of the game, and will use XP
to activate them. Stealing what you need from your opponents will boost you up and push them down.
A Card Type
B Skill XP Requirement: This is the amount Resident Evil™: Alliance & Mercenaries Scenarios:
of XP that needs to be on the Skill for its
C effect to be used. “Old Meets New” Resources:

C Skill Name o [Basic Resources] o Fight or Flight o Blowback Pistol o Custom
o Great Ambition o Backstab o Riot Shotgun & Triple Pump-Action Shotgun
D Effect: Skill effects follow the same o Uroboros Injection o Tear Gas Barreled Shotgun* o Custom Full-Bore
rules as Character cards: Some require o Quirk of Fate o Telescopic Sight Rifle o Custom Bolt-Action Rifle Machine Gun
A Skill card is not considered activation, others are activated at all
activated or usable until the *Combine and shuffle them into a pile.
indicated amount of XP has times. A Skill effect with the word “can”
been moved onto it. in it may only be used once per turn. This Scenario has an equal amount of old cards with a mix of new cards to
provide players with disruptive opportunities.

30 31
Step 2: Build the Mansion! Additional Rules (Cont.)
Choose one of the Mansions on Pg 10-11, or build one of your own out
of the Infected in the Resident Evil™: Mercenaries expansion. (C): Skill System with Partner Modification
While playing with the Skill System and the Partner Modification* together,
Step 3: Choose your Skill Cards! each Character a Player controls can only have 1 Skill. When Players are
After each Player has a Character, randomly pass out 5 Skill cards to choosing which Skills to keep, then choose 2 Skills instead of 3. If your Partner
each Player, then set the remaining Skills to the side. Each Player will look dies at any time, Remove the Skill and any XP that Partner had from the Game.
at their 5 Skill cards, choose one, place it face down in front of them, then
(D): Penalty For Losing All Of Your Character’s Health
pass the remaining 4 Skill cards to the Player to their left. Repeat this
When a Character’s Health is reduced to 0 or less, that Character keeps
process until there are no more Skill cards to pass.
all XP currently on them, as well as all XP on their Skills, and is turned face down
Afterwards, each Player will choose 3 of the 5 Skill cards they chose previously as normal. From here, follow all rules as detailed in the original section on Pg 18.
to keep and will remove the other 2 Skill cards from the game. Then each
Player will turn their Skill cards face up and place them in the Skill Area *Partner Modification is found in the “Alliance” rulebook, which can be found at
b a n da i . com / r e s i de n te vi l / pl a y. html
(just above your Character, which only exists when using the Skill System).

Additional Rules
(Game Mode 3) Speed Mini-Game
(A): Experience (XP) Players needed: 2 Players
As Characters Explore the Mansion, they will get XP. This XP is used to either Estimated Game Time: 2 min to 5 min
activate additional effects on Weapons or Actions, or to activate Skills. When
a Character Explores, the controlling Player places 1 XP on that Character, Your eye catches the glint of flame in its periphery. You spin your gun around
which can be denoted with coins, slips of paper, or counters of any kind. to face an awkward being. With the majority of its face covered, you suspect
A Player may move any amount of XP from their Character to their Skills at this person to be different from the others.
any time during their turn while their Character is NOT Exploring. However, “Got a challenge for ya, stranger,” he says in his raspy voice. Pulling out a
once XP has been moved to a Skill, it cannot be moved from that Skill to few small bottle caps, you see the cloth covering his face move slightly as he
another Skill or back to the Character, except due to an effect. grins. The man points down the hallway to a few targets, waiting expectantly
to see your skill.
(B): Exploring the Mansion
When Players Explore the Mansion while using the Skill System, a few new
steps are introduced: A Player 2
1) Announce that you are Exploring. Play area
Player 2 This mini-game will
2) Play any Weapons your Character will be using. Each Weapon can only be used Inventory B
require an Inventory
once, unless otherwise stated.
Area (A) and a Play
3) Pay the Ammo Requirement on the Weapons being used. Add up your Ammo Area (B) for each
from all of the cards in your Play Area and assign any amount of that Ammo to Player, as well as a
Mansion Area
each Weapon being used. Mansion Area in the
4) Total up the amount of Damage that your Character is dealing by adding up your middle (C).
Weapon’s Damage, Character’s Damage, and any effects provided by other cards.
5) Skill, Character, and Weapon effects all activate here, in any order the Exploring Player 1 A
Character’s Player wishes. Play area
Player 1
6) The Exploring Character’s Player places 1 XP on their Character B Inventory

Continue to Explore from here as normal, which is detailed on Pg. 14.

32 33
Victory Condition
When a Player plays every card in their Inventory and Hand, the game
is over. Each Infected they Defeated throughout the game is worth 1
Decoration for every 10 Health that Infected has. Every “Reload Counter”
is worth -1 Decoration, and every card in your Hand and Inventory at
the end of the game is worth -1 Decoration. The Player with the most
Decorations at the end of the game wins!

Game Flow
Step 1: Build the Mansion!
Each Player will draw 5 cards from the top of their Inventory. In this mini-
The following cards will form the Mansion for this mini-game: game, Players will perform their turns simultaneously. If at any time, a
Player has a Hand of Ammunition or Weapons only, that Player can reveal
o 3x Venomous Snake o 2x Town Majini o 3x Los Illuminados o 2x Big Man Majini
their hand and take a “mulligan” (shuffle all of their cards in their Hand and
o 3x Town Majini (Shovel) (Bow)
o 3x Los Ganados o 3x Los Ganados o 1x Los Illuminados
Discard Pile into their Inventory, then draw a new Hand of 5 cards).
(Female) (Handscythe) (Shield) When both Players are ready, they will each flip over the top card of each
of the Mansions. Players will ignore all effects for this Game Mode.
Shuffle these 20 cards together, then create two separate Mansions
with 10 cards each, then place them face down in the middle of the table, Defeating the Infected
with space in between them. In order to Defeat the Infected, a Player needs to play the Ammunition cards
required to use the Weapons in their Hand to Defeat 1 of the Revealed
Step 2: Build each Player’s Inventory! Infected (Players can “overpay” and play too much Ammunition if
they wish). As soon as a Player has done this, they can take that Infected
Each Player needs the following cards for their starting Inventory: from the middle of the table and move it to the side of their Play Area.
Afterwards, turn over the next Infected in the same Mansion, then that Player
o 5x Ammo x10 o 4x Ammo x20 o 2x Ammo x30 o 2x Custom Full-Bore
draws cards from their Inventory until they have 5 cards in their Hand.
o 4x Custom o 2x Custom o 1x Custom Machine Gun
Standard Sidearm Pump-Action Shotgun Lightning Hawk When a Player is using 1 Weapon, their Damage may exceed the Health
of the Infected. However, a Player may not play a 2nd Weapon unless it
Each Player will take their 20 cards and shuffle them together, then place is required to Defeat that Infected.
them in their Inventory Area. Players will also require counters of any kind. If at any time, a Player cannot play any Weapons due to insufficient ammo,
These can be any type of coin, token, or a distinguishable card. they Gain 1 “Reload Counter”. A Reload Counter gives a Player +30 Ammo
for their next Weapon. Ammo does not carry over. When you Defeat an
Infected, any extra Ammo you have does not carry over, meaning you will
have to play Ammunition cards to generate new Ammo. 35
Chapter VII. Terminology \\ Chapter VIII. FAQ \\
These are the special terms used throughout the game. Q: For Barry Burton (CH-051), if I instantly Defeat an Infected with his
effect, does his effect activate again?
Gain: Moving a card from Resource Area, Mansion Area, or from
outside the game into a Player’s Discard Pile. A: Yes it does.
Attach: Taking a card and placing it under your Character or Partner.
Q: How does the Chicken’s (MA-077) effect work in Story Mode?
Reveal: Show the indicated card to all Players.
A: The effect doesn’t function at all in Story Mode.
Trash: Moving a card to the bottom of its Resource Pile in the original
Resource Area. You can find the latest information, upcoming events, updated rules,
and erratas at our official website:
Heal: Increasing the Health of the Character card by indicated amount.
However, it cannot exceed its Maximum Health.
Remove from the Game: Move the card out of the game. It is no
longer in the current game.
Explore: Following the procedures designated on pgs 14-15.
Credits \\
Defeat: When your Damage is greater than or equal to the Health of the
Revealed Infected. Game Design: Tylar Allinder
Permanently Defeated: When a Characters Maximum Health is Graphic Design: Cloud 88 Design
reduced to 0 or less.
Game Development: Anh Duc Do, Alex Bykov, Justin Kho, &
+X Card(s): As soon as the Player plays a card stating this, Draw X James Takenaka
cards from your Inventory. If there are not enough cards in the Player’s
Special Thanks to our Game Testers: Austen Galentin, Ashlea Glaser,
Inventory, that Player draws as many as they can, shuffles their Discard
Aaron Taylor, Andrew Vansickle, & Nicholas Glaser
Pile, places the shuffled cards in their Inventory Area, then draws the
rest. If the Player still does not have enough cards, then they draw as
many as they can.
+X Explore: The Player may Explore X times more during this turn.
+X Action(s): The Player gets X additional Actions during this turn.
The instructions on the current Action card must be completed
before the Player can play another Action card or moves on to an
additional step.
+X Buy(s): The Player may Buy an additional X Resources during their
turn. The extra Buy adds to the Players overall Buying amount and
does not require a Player to immediately Buy.
+X Gold: The Player has an additional X Gold for the turn to
Buy Resources with.
+ X Ammo: The Player has an additional X Ammo for the turn to use
Weapons with.
Attack: A Player using 1 Explore to have their Character deal Damage
to another Character.
36 37
Card List & Organization \\
Remove the cards and dividers from their wrappings, then organize them based on the
card names on the dividers.
Card Card Total Card Card Total
no. name amount no. name amount

CH-044 Jack Krauser 1 SK-016 Smart Reload LV. 1 1

CH-045 Hunk 1 SK-017 Smart Reload LV. 2 1
CH-046 Claire Redfield 1 SK-018 Smart Reload LV. 3 1
CH-047 Chris Redfield 1 SK-019 Weapon Master LV. 1 1
CH-048 Jill Valentine 1 SK-020 Weapon Master LV. 2 1
CH-049 Albert Wesker 1 SK-021 Weapon Master LV. 3 1
CH-050 Rebecca Chambers 1 SK-022 Giant Killing LV. 1 1
CH-051 Barry Burton 1 SK-023 Giant Killing LV. 2 1
IT-005 First Aid Spray 5 SK-024 Giant Killing LV. 3 1
SK-025 Maximizer LV. 1 1
WE-043 Ibex Standard 5
SK-026 Maximizer LV. 2 1
WE-044 Custom Pump-Action
SK-027 Maximizer LV. 3 1
Shotgun 5
SK-028 Handgun Technique LV. 1 1
WE-045 Custom Full-Bore 5
SK-029 Handgun Technique LV. 2 1
Machine Gun
SK-030 Handgun Technique LV. 3 1
WE-046 Custom Lightning Hawk 5
WE-047 Custom Bolt-Action Rifle 5 AM-005 Ammo x10 28
WE-048 Hunting Bow 5 AM-006 Ammo x20 15
WE-049 Custom Standard Sidearm 10 AM-007 Ammo x30 15
WE-050 Reliable Blade 10
MA-073 Town Majini 3
AC-042 Fight or Flight 5 MA-074 Town Majini (Shovel) 3
AC-043 The Mercenaries 5 MA-075 Giant Majini 2
AC-044 Boundless Battlefield 8 MA-076 Base Majini (Gun) 3
AC-045 Coup De Grâce 5 MA-077 Chicken 1
AC-046 Melee 5 MA-078 Red Executioner 1
AC-047 Anticipation 5 MA-079 Big Man Majini 3
AC-048 Backstab 5 MA-080 Chainsaw Majini 2
AC-049 Battle Hardened 5 MA-081 Los Illuminados (Shield) 3
AC-050 Resuscitate 5 MA-082 J.J. 2
AC-051 Tear Gas 5 MA-083 Los Ganados (Male) 3
SK-001 Extension LV. 1 1 MA-084 Los Ganados (Female) 3
SK-002 Extension LV. 2 1 MA-085 Adjule 3
SK-003 Extension LV. 3 1 MA-086 Los Illuminados (Scythe) 3
SK-004 Medic LV. 1 1 MA-087 Venomous Snake 3
SK-005 Medic LV. 2 1 MA-088 Tribal Majini (Bow) 3
SK-006 Medic LV. 3 1 MA-089 Tribal Majini (Oil Pot) 3
SK-007 Luck LV. 1 1 MA-090 Tribal Majini (Shield) 3
SK-008 Luck LV. 2 1 MA-091 Crocodile 3
SK-009 Luck LV. 3 1 MA-092 Town Majini (Motorcycle) 3
SK-010 Toughness LV. 1 1 MA-093 Los Ganados (Handscythe) 3
SK-011 Toughness LV. 2 1 MA-094 Los Ganados (Pitchfork) 3
SK-012 Toughness LV. 3 1 MA-095 Los Ganados 3
SK-013 Reversal LV. 1 1 MA-096 Los Illuminados (Bow) 3
SK-014 Reversal LV. 2 1 MA-097 Militia (Bow) 3
SK-015 Reversal LV. 3 1 MA-098 Base Majini (Shield) 3

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