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Chapter 16

Production of Copper and Copper Alloy Powders

Stanislav S. Naboychenko, Irina B. Murashova, Ural State Technical University (UPI), Yekaterinburg, Russia
Oleg D. Neikov, Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science (IPMS), Kiev, Ukraine

Copper-base powder metallurgy products rank third on a large global scale. Hydrometallurgical copper
after iron and steel and aluminum-based PM prod- powders have not been manufactured in the USA since
ucts in terms of volume. Copper has high electrical the early 1980s, but they are produced in Europe and
and thermal conductivity and corrosion resistance. Japan. A large portion of electrolytic powder manufac-
It can easily be wrought both hot and cold. Copper is ture is in Russia, where the Uralelectromed Company,
exceeded only by silver among the materials used for located in immediate proximity to Yekaterinburg,
electrical applications. annually produces about 6000 tonnes, while its pro-
Copper-based powders are used to make self- duction facility for copper powder is estimated at a
lubricating bearings, the application of which in total of about 12 000 tonnes per annum.
the PM industry dates back to the 1920s and still
accounts for the major portion of PM copper and
copper alloy applications. Other important uses for
copper and copper-base PM materials include friction Atomization
materials, electrical parts, filters, additives to iron as
well as aluminum powder alloying, catalysts, paints In this process, molten metal flows from a tundish
and pigments. through a refractory nozzle and the liquid stream is
The copper-based PM products achieved a record disintegrated into droplets by the impact of water or
54 100 mt globally in 2000 as is shown in Table 16.1 gas jets. The droplets solidify into powder particles.
[1]. The development of copper powder production is Inert gas atomization produces spherical particles,
different from the ferrous powder sector. Whereas the while the shape of water-atomized powders can be
production of ferrous-based components has dou- regulated from irregular to nearly spherical by con-
bled over the past 10 years, copper-based products trolling the interaction conditions between the water
have achieved a global growth of less than 25% over jet and the metal stream, including liquid flow rate,
the same period. One significant reason for this slow- water pressure and atomizer design. Particle shapes
ing down of growth has been the miniaturization of of gas- and water-atomized copper powder are shown
many products such as CD, DVD players, computers, in Figure 16.1.
etc. requiring ever smaller PM bearings. Spherical copper powders have insufficient green
Copper powders above 99% purity are commercially strength for use in conventional PM. To give them
available. The four cardinal techniques of producing compressibility, their particle shape and morphol-
copper powders are: atomization, oxide reduction, elec- ogy may be transformed by means of mechani-
trolysis and hydrometallurgy. Of the above methods, cal processing and/or oxidation and reduction, as
atomization and oxide reduction are presently applied described below in ‘Reduction of copper oxide’.

Table 16.1 Global shipments of copper and copper alloy powders (mt)

Cardinal point 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Europe (including 16 500 16 000 18 500 15 500 14 000 14 000 14 700 12 500 15 500
E Europe)
N & S America 22 800 22 900 23 000 18 800 20 500 19 000 19 500 19 500 18 000
Asia & Oceania 9 150 8 900 12 600 12 150 11 500 13 500 15 900 16 500 19 000
Total 48 450 47 800 54 100 46 450 46 000 46 500 50 100 48 000 52 500
332 Handbook of Non-Ferrous Metal Powders

Figure 16.1 Scanning electron micrographs of gas- and water-atomized copper powders: (a) nitrogen atomized, (b) water-atomized,
apparent density of 3.95 g/cm3, (c) water-atomized, apparent density of 4.5 g/cm3.

Figure 16.2 Influence of impurities in solid

solution on electrical conductivity of oxygen-
free copper (IACS is the abbreviation for
International Annealed Copper Standard, is
the % of conductivity a material has relative
to copper, which is considered to be 100 %
conductivity). (Source: Ref 2®)

Water is the preferred atomizing medium for pro- The conductivity of copper depends very strongly
ducing copper and copper alloy powders. The cop- on the impurities. The effect of impurities in solid
per powder of compacting-grade quality is produced solution on the electrical conductivity of oxygen-free
from high quality copper by water atomization. The copper is illustrated in Figure 16.2. Therefore, it is
obtained dried powder may be then subjected to an very important to control the impurity content dur-
elevated temperature in a reducing atmosphere. ing melt preparation to achieve high conductivity
Details of atomization, including fundamentals and good fluidity.
and atomizer design, are contained in Chapter 5. The need for oxygen control at this stage of the
process depends on the subsequent processing and
end use of the powder. In conventional refining of
Commercial Processes copper, poling and steam-generated hydrogen keep
copper oxidation within the equilibrium curves
shown in Figure 16.3 [2]. Increasing oxygen content
Copper Powders results in the production of a more irregular powder
Generally, the copper is superheated to 100–150°C and subsequent reduction of the atomized powder
above the melting point, providing flow rates of improves compactibility due to agglomeration and
nearly 28 kg/min through one nozzle. Ordinarily, to pore formation.
produce powder with particle size mainly less than If the powder is used in the as-atomized state,
150 m (100 mesh), water pressure must be in the lower oxygen contents are generally necessary,
range from 10 to 14 MPa. because of the deleterious effects of oxygen in many
Production of Copper and Copper Alloy Powders 333

Figure 16.3 Effect of partial pressures of

hydrogen and steam on oxygen content
of liquid copper at 1150°C. Cu  H2 ↔
2Cu  H2O reaction at various water
vapor pressures.

applications. Oxygen is present partly as surface low in oxygen. During atomization, even by means of
oxide of copper particles and partly as copper oxide air, the phosphorus oxidizes and forms protective gas-
within the particles. Removal of oxygen requires eous phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) compound. Such
reduction temperatures of approximately 700°C powders have apparent densities up to approximately
or higher. At this temperature some sintering takes 5.5 g/cm3.
place and it is necessary to mill the sinter cake to Spherical copper powders with controlled par-
reduce it to powder. ticle size are used in applications such as thermal
In the reduction process, hydrogen readily diffuses spray coatings, metal impregnated plastics and heat
through solid copper to react with oxygen and form exchangers. Irregular copper powders are used in
steam. The large steam molecules, unable to dif- compacting applications such as bronze mixes for
fuse through solid copper, break their way through self-lubricating bearings, friction materials, electri-
grain boundaries, a phenomenon known as hydro- cal brushes, electrical parts requiring high strength
gen embrittlement of copper, which reveals itself in and electrical/thermal conductivity, additions to iron
the formation of blisters and cracks. These defects mixes, and diamond cutting wheels. Irregular cop-
improve both compactibility and sintering rate dur- per powders are also used in brazing compounds and
ing liquid phase sintering of copper mixed with tin. various chemical applications such as catalysts and
There are applications of copper powders which in the production of copper compounds.
require apparent densities lower than those reach- Typical properties of commercial grades of water-
able with water atomization. These powders can be and gas-atomized copper powders are given in Table
produced by addition of negligible quantities, up to 16.2.
0.2%, of certain elements, such as magnesium, tita- A flow diagram of the water atomization process
nium, calcium and lithium, to the copper melt prior for copper and copper alloy powders production is
to atomization. These metal additions decrease the shown in Figure 16.4. Such a technological scheme
surface tension of copper and/or form oxide films on with certain modifications is used at Polema metal-
the particle surface during atomization. Magnesium lurgical works, in Tula, Russia, and was also used at
additions are usually used to produce compacting Alaverdsk mining-metallurgical integrated works,
grade copper powder such as design parts, filters and in Armenia, and at the powder metallurgy plant, in
additives for iron powders. Such powders may have Baku, in Azerbaijan.
apparent densities as low as 2 g/cm3. The first stage in the atomization process is the prep-
The addition of small amounts of phosphorus (0.1– aration of charge material for melting. Copper cath-
0.3 wt%) to the molten copper before atomization, odes are cut by shears into pieces suitable for charging
allows the manufacture of a spherical powder very into the furnace. Charge components are weighed,
Table 16.2 Properties of typical commercial grades of copper powders produced by atomization

Chemical and physical properties Source

Copper Acid insoluble Oxygen Apparent Flow rate Sieve analysis (wt%)
(wt%, min) (wt%, max) (wt%, density (s/50 g) Sieve size (m)
max) (g/cm3)
250 140 100 75 45 45

99.0 ... ... 4.5–5.5 ... ... 20–50 30–60 10 trace ... [2]
98.5(a) ... ... 4.5–5.5 ... ... Trace 5 max 2 max bal 60–90 [2]
99.0( ... 0.2 max 4.5–5.5 45 max 3 max nil 3 max 15–35 ... 40–70 MMP
99.95(g) .. ... ... ... Mean size ranges from 22 to 5 m depending on the grades OSPR
99.0(w) ... 0.25 2.7–3.1 35 nil 1.0 ... 20–40 20 35–50 MMP
99.3(w) 0.1 ... 2.5–2.7 ... ... 0.8 max ... 70 max bal 30–45 [2]
99.5(w) ... ... 2.85v3.25 28 ... ... 0.2 13 41 45.8 A-Ch
99.5(w) ... ... 2.77–2.73 45 max ... nil 1 max 8 max 50 max ... Pom
99.5(w) 0.01 ... 2.85 27 ... trace 0.4 12 13 75 PYR
99.3(w.s) ... 0.3 3.3–3.5 35–30 ... less as 160 m amounts 85 wt% [3]
99.5(w.t) ... 0.21 3.0–3.1 38 ... ... 18.4 17.6 28.1 29 [4]
99.8(w) ... 0.1 3.5 ... Mean diameter 5.1 m NIPP
99.0(m) 0.1 ... 2.1–2.5 ... .. .. 1 max 3 max 14 max 85 min [2]

(a) Air atomized;

( gas atomized with phosphorus addition;
(w) water atomized;
(m) water atomized aluminum with magnesium addition;
(w.s) without reduction treatment;
(w.t) after reduction treatment. Companies producing the powders: Pom: Pometon; MMP: Makin Metal Powders Ltd; OSPR: OSPREY Metals Ltd; PYR: PYRON Metal Powders;
A-Ch: American CHEMET Co.; NIPP: Nippon Atomized Metal Powders Co.
Production of Copper and Copper Alloy Powders 335

Figure 16.4 A flow diagram of the water-atomization process for production of copper and copper alloy powders.

heated up to a temperature of 150°C to exclude the is separated in primary and secondary cyclones. The
moisture, and placed into boxes which are transferred former separates powder fractions approximately
to the melting zone. Then melting is carried out. coarser than 50 m, while the latter separates the fine
Induction furnaces are usually used. They also may particle fraction. Subsequent separation of coarser
be used as holding for overheating and finishing of a fractions into given size ranges is done on a sealed
melt prepared in other furnaces, for instance, in an air round vibrating screen. Moisture content in dried
furnace or resistance furnace. Such duplex melting powder is max 0.5 wt%.
processes accomplish improvement of control of melt To avoid moisture condensation in the duct of the
preparation and decrease energy consumption. drying unit, the system is preheated for about 15
The procedure is as follows. The copper is charged minutes before setting in operation. Outside surfaces
into the furnace and heated to 1020–1040°C. After of the drying pipe, cyclones and connecting ducts are
melting, the remaining ingredients are added, the thermally insulated.
melt being covered by a layer of dry charcoal. The Powders from storage bins in the required ratio
melt is then transferred to the holding furnace and (depend on commercial powder size distribution)
the temperature is raised to 1197 10°C and held are blended in double-cone or in a toroidal vibrat-
for 10 minutes. The slag is then removed and the ing mixer. To prevent oxidation, the powder is cov-
melt ‘poled’ with green wood and sampled for chemi- ered by a passivating addition based on polymeric
cal analysis. compounds. The powder is charged into a container
The melt is superheated to approximately 1230– ensuring uniform descent of the powder layers in a
1280°C (147–197°C over melting point) and then container cross-section during powder unloading,
poured into the tundish preheated up to 1100– which prevents its segregation.
1150°C, while the melt surface is covered by char- A container with commercial powder is installed
coal; liquid copper flows out through a calibrated into a unit of proportioning and packing and pow-
pipe in the bottom, forming a melt stream which der is poured into polyethylene bags of capacity up to
is atomized by water jets. Thus, a ‘free fall’ water- 20 kg, vacuum degassed and the bags are sealed.
atomization design is used [5]. Water pressure is 13–
15 MPa and the water consumption 14–17 liters per Copper Alloy Powders
kilogram. The temperature of the copper melt at the
beginning of atomization is 1200 10°C, at the end Commercial copper alloy powders, including brasses,
of atomization it is not less than 1170°C. bronzes and nickel silver, are manufactured in a simi-
The copper powder pulp in weight ratio of solid to lar way. Usually, the same integrated manufacturing
water at approximately 1 to 10 is dewatered in vac- facilities are used to complete the melting process,
uum filters. Powder with water up to 15 wt% is accu- atomization, dewatering, drying, particle size separa-
mulated on the filter surface. Wet powder is dried in a tion and blending of a lot.
convective dryer in an upward flow of gases such as High purity raw materials are used. To ensure con-
combustion products of natural gas. Coarse powder tinuity and homogeneity, the molten batch is trans-
particles above commercial powder size fall to the bot- ferred to a second furnace with a greater holding
tom of the container connected to the drier. Part of capacity than the primary melting furnace. Induction
the commercial powder also falls into this container. heating is preferred for the final melting processing to
This settling powder is then briquetted and in the form ensure continuous induced liquid metal movement
of briquettes is returned for remelting. Dried powder required for alloy homogeneity, including uniform
336 Handbook of Non-Ferrous Metal Powders

heavy alloying element dispersion, such as lead in

lead-bearing alloys.
Atomization is achieved by maintaining a con-
stant flow of molten stream from the secondary fur-
nace and by controlling the pressure of the atomizing
medium. Adjustment of powder properties, including
particle size distribution, apparent density and green
strength of compacts of each alloy is achieved by
controlled variation of the atomizing process condi-
tions comprising atomizing medium flow rate, molten
metal superheating, atomizer design, etc. Subsequent
reduction of oxides is not required for standard PM
copper alloy grades.
Air-cooled, air-atomized powder is collected and
passed over a primary screen to separate oversize
particles. Usually, these are remelted during the
processing of each alloy. In conclusion, the screened
powder may be blended with dry organic lubricants,
such as zinc stearate, for use in the manufacture of
PM structural components.
Powder properties are maintained constant by
periodically recording the atomizing parameters and
evaluating the properties of representative samples
from the in-process atomized product.

Brasses Figure 16.5 Scanning electron micrographs of water- and

gas-atomized brasses: (a) water-atomized brass (80%Cu–
Brasses include the larger portion of copper-base alloy 19%Zn–1%Pb), (b) gas-atomized brass (80%Cu–18%Zn–
powders used for PM parts fabrication. Typical copper– 2%Pb). Courtesy of A. Sameljuk.
zinc brass powders have zinc contents ranging from
10 to 30 wt%. Lead may be added in small amounts,
as brass powder, except that high purity copper and
from 1 to 2 %, to improve the machinability of the sin-
tin are used. As base powders for parts fabrication,
tered compacts. The melting temperature is lowered
the use of prealloyed atomized bronze compositions
as zinc content increases. Thus, the melting tempera-
is hampered because of their nodular particle form
tures range from 1045°C for 90Cu–10Zn to 960°C
and high apparent density, both of which contribute
for 70Cu–30Zn. A superheat in excess of the melting
to poor compacted green strength. Typical properties
point depends on heat losses within the manufactur-
of the bronze alloy compositions are given in Table
ing system and the physical property requirements of
16.3. Prealloyed bronze powders are made commer-
the atomized powders. Typical micrographs of water-
cially by air atomizing as well by water atomizing.
and gas-atomized brasses are shown in Figure 16.5.
The 90/10 bronze powders, which are introduced
Particle morphology of both powders does not appre-
in bronze premixes for bearing manufacture, find
ciably differ. Characteristic properties of commercial
wide application. Low green strength owing to high
brass alloy powders are presented in Table 16.3.
apparent density (3.2–3.6 g/cm3) is overcome by the
For typical commercial brass the compressibility at
introduction of lower apparent density copper pow-
414 MPa is 7.6 g/cm3 and green strength at 414 MPa
ders and choice of lubricants with a lower deleteri-
is 10–12 MPa. Both compressibility and green
ous effect on green strength.
strength data, which play a key role in PM process-
Fine bronze powder 80/20 (SF-BR8020) is pro-
ing, are determined on powders lubricated with 0.5%
duced by ultra-high-pressure water atomization.
lithium stearate.
Such powders, manufactured by Nippon Atomised
Metal Powders Co., have an irregular shape with
Bronzes mean diameter of 5, 10 and 15 m for different pow-
der grades. The tap density is 3.6 and 3.8 g/cm3 for
Ordinary compositions are 90%Cu–10%Sn and 5 and 10 m mean size powders, respectively. Typical
85%Cu–15%Sn, produced by the same technique application of these powders is as metal bond for
Table 16.3 Properties of typical commercial grades of copper alloy powders produced by atomization

Chemical and physical properties Source

Grade chemical Particle Oxygen Apparent Flow rate Sieve analysis (wt%)
composition shape (wt%, density (s/50 g) Sieve size (m)
(wt%) max) (g/cm3)
250 150 100 75 45 45
10–30 Zn, 1–2 Pb(a) Irregular ... 3.0–3.2 24v26 ... 2.0 max ... 17–37 34–72 60 max [6]
16–21 Zn, 1–2 Pb(w) Irregular ... 3.1–3.3 40 160 m amounts 90 wt% min [3]
212. (30 1)Zn(a) Irregular ... 2.9–3.5 45 max 0 ... ... ... 10–25 60–90 Pom
212–63(w) Irregular ... 2.3–3.0 ... 0 10 max ... –53 m amounts 95 wt% min Pom
(30 1)Zn
Grades II(w) Irregular ... 2.8–3.4 ... 0.2 max 2 max ... 13–33 26–46 26–56 NA
14–32 Zn, 1–2 P(b)
85–90 Cu Irregular ... 3.3–3.5 ... ... 2 max ... 17–37 32–72 60 max [6]
10–15 Sn(a)
86–88 Cu Irregular 0.2 3.7–3.9 35 max –160 m amounts 90 wt% min [3]
9–11 Sn(w)
CuSn10(a) Irregular ... 2.45–2.7 40 max 0 10 max 10 ... 75–85 ... Pom
10 1 Sn
89/11 Spherical ... 4.75 min 6 grades in size range: –40 m, 40/80, 80/160, 160/315, 315/630, and 630/1000 m NA
10.2–11.6 Sn
0.25–0.45 P
83.5–85.5 Cu, Irregular 3.2–3.8 23–28 ... 2 max ... 13–33 26–46 26–56 NA
14–16 Sn,
1 max Zn
SBP(w) Spherical ... 16 grades of spherical powders in narrow size range of 45/63 m grade to MMP
87.5–91 Cu, ... 850/1180 m grade
9–12 Sn
0.2–0.45 P
Table 16.3 (Continued)

Chemical and physical properties Source

Grade Particle Oxygen Apparent Flow rate Sieve analysis (wt%)
chemical shape (wt%, density (s/50 g) Sieve size (m)
composition max) (g/cm3)
(wt%) 250 150 100 75 45 45
SFB95 (w) Irregular, highly porous 1.8–2.2 30–45 ... 10 max 25 max 30–50 40–75 20–70 NIPP
4.5–5.5Sn structure
Premix bronze powders
MP-0 ... ... 2.7–2.9 30 max ... 1.1 max 10 max 5–25 20–40 40–60 MMP
9.5–10.5 Sn
0.5–0.75 lubricant
PM-020 ... ... 2.75–2.95 35 max 0.2 max 1 max 2–6 20–35 31–46 25–35 NA
9–11 Sn,
0.2 C max
0.4 lubricant ...
Grades MM ... ... 3.1 30 ... trace 0.5 2.0 4.5 93 PYR
90 Cu, 10 Sn
Nickel silvers
Nickel Silver P. (a)Irregular 2.9–3.3 27–35 ... 2 max ... 13–33 26–46 26–56 NA
60–64 Cu
17–23 Zn
17–19 Ni
NS-2 (w)Irregular ... ... Median diameter 10 m NIPP
64 Cu, 18 Zn,
18 Ni

(a) Air-atomized, (w) water-atomized. Companies producing the powders: Pom: Pometon; MMP: Makin Metal Powders Ltd; NA: Norddeutsche Affinerie [7]; PYR: PYRON Metal
Powders; NIPP: Nippon Atomized Metal Powders Co.
Production of Copper and Copper Alloy Powders 339

diamond tools. The bronze powder 95/5 (SFB95) is Varied commercial bronze powders for diamond
also produced by the ultra-high-pressure water atom- tools are produced by ultra-high-pressure water atomi-
ization. It has an irregular shape and high poros- zation. These powder grades include: CuSnAl, contains
ity. The apparent density is about 2.0 g/cm3, and 27–29 wt% Sn, 4.5–5.5 Al; SF–CuAl(80–20), contains
flow rate is close to 34.9. It may be used for bearings 19–21 wt% Al, max 0.1 wt% Sn; SF–CuAg(80–20),
requiring high precision. contains 20 wt% Ag, max 0.1 wt% Sn; SF–CuNiSn,
Compressibility for typical bronze powder, such contains 9–11 wt% Sn, 19–21 wt% Ni; and others.
as 90/10 composition, is 7.4 g/cm3 at 414 MPa and
green strength 414 MPa is 10–12 MPa. Both com- Nickel Silvers
pressibility and green strength data are for the pow-
ders lubricated with 0.5% lithium stearate. Nickel–silver base alloy compositions, (60–65)Cu–
Spherical 89/11 and 90/10 bronze powders are (17–19)Ni–(17–23)Zn, are ordinarily used in the PM
used to manufacture filters. These powders are usu- industry for sintered parts. These alloys can be modi-
ally made by horizontal air atomizing and dry collec- fied by the addition of lead to improve machinability.
tion and separation. The spherical shape is attained Melting technique is similar to that used for brasses,
due to addition of small amounts of phosphorus in except the melt temperature is 1093°C for super-
the range from 0.2 to 0.45 wt%, which is introduced heat in excess of the melting point. Fine nickel silver
into the molten bronze in the form of a Cu–15%P powder consisting of 64Cu–18Ni–18Zn is produced
alloy prior to atomizing. During air atomization, the by ultra-high-pressure water atomization. Median
oxygen predominantly reacts with phosphorus, form- diameter of this powder is 10 m. Water-atomized
ing phosphorus pentoxide, which is volatile at atom- Cu–Ni alloy powders consisting of 74–76 wt% Cu and
izing temperature. As a result, the surface oxidation 24–26 wt% Ni are also required for the manufacture
of the droplets, which would lead to irregular shape of sintered parts. Table 16.3 shows the characteristic
on solidification, is avoided. properties of water-atomized nickel silver powders.
The spherical powders with particle size usually Compressibility for nickel silver powder at 414 MPa
ranging from 45 to 850 m are screened to produce is 7.6 g/cm3 and green strength at 414 MPa is 9.6–
a number of grades, each with a narrow particle 11 MPa. Both compressibility and green strength
size range. Thus, the commercial spherical bronze data are determined for powders lubricated with
powders produced by Makin Metal Powder Ltd 0.5% lithium stearate.
include 16 grades varying in size from 45/63 m to Nickel silvers along with brasses, next to bronze
850/1180 m. Each grade may contain up to 5% of bearings, are the most widely used materials for struc-
particles above the upper size limit and up to 10% of tural PM parts. Typical applications include hardware
particles below the lower size limit. for latch bolts and cylinders for locks; shutter compo-
Properties of filter materials produced by loose nents for cameras; gears, cams and actuator bars in
powder sintering of spherical powders are strongly timing assemblies and in small generator drive assem-
dependent on the particle size. Characteristically, a blies; and decorative trims and medallions. In many of
sintered filter made from spherical powder with parti- these applications, corrosion resistance, wear resist-
cle size between 180 and 125 m with filter thickness ance and artistic appearance play important roles.
1.6 mm has tensile strength of 33–35 MPa, viscous Currently, a number of companies manufacture
permeability coefficient of 9  106 m2, and the low- premixed bronze powders in a ‘press ready’ condition
est dimensions of particles retained by filter of 2.5– and formulated to customer specific requirements
12 m, while a filter with particle size between 850 (see Table 16.3). Thus, a wide variety of powder
and 600 m with filter thickness 3.2 mm has tensile types can be used for the production of sintered
strength of 20–22 MPa, viscous permeability coeffi- bronze 90/10, e.g. mixed, partially prealloyed or pre-
cient of 2.5  104 m2, and the lowest dimensions of alloyed powders. Each type has certain advantages
particles retained by filter of only 50–250 m [6]. and drawbacks, and every decision as to powder type
and mixing technique is a compromise that can turn
out well or not so well. The use of premixes leads to
Irregular Cu–Pb–Sn Powders improved quality of the parts produced because of
Several compositions, such as 70Cu–30Pb, 84Cu– the constancy of the properties of the mixes pro-
8Pb–8Sn, and 80Cu–10Pb–10Sn, are manufactured duced in standard grades in specialized factories with
by water atomization. The apparent density is in large mixers and reliable quality control systems.
range from 3.3 to 4.0 g/cm3 for powders with frac- Additionally, the parts’ manufacturers’ costs are
tion size below 100 and 160 m. These powders play reduced as it is not required to buy, check, and store
an important role in the manufacture of friction and the separate ingredients and also avoids the cost of
sliding materials. mixing and the associated risks.
340 Handbook of Non-Ferrous Metal Powders

Figure 16.7 Scanning electron micrograph of air atomized

copper powder. (Source: Ref 2®)

this process, particulate copper oxide is transformed

Figure 16.6 Dependence between the green density and to copper at elevated temperature in reducing gases.
the green strength of premixes for sintered bronze 90/10: The sintered porous cake produced is then ground to
PM-020 (88.5–90.5 wt% Cu, 9–11 wt% Sn, max 0.2 wt% C, powder. Originally, the initial charge for reduction was
0.4 wt% lubricant); PMC-020 (87.5–89.5 wt% Cu, 9–11 wt%
Sn, 1.0–1.5 wt% C, 0.25 wt% lubricant). Courtesy of copper mill scale or cement copper. However, as cop-
Norddeutsche Affinerie AG. per powder of higher purity was required, particulate
copper of high purity (chopped scrap or atomized
powder) as starting material was oxidized to cuprous
Figure 16.6 shows the dependence between the or cupric oxide or a mixture of both.
green density and the green strength of premixes Melting is usually carried out in either fuel-fired or
for sintered bronze 90/10 which are produced by induction furnaces. It is important to ensure a very
Norddeutsche Affinerie (NA) in accordance with NA low content of elements that form very stable oxides,
grade 41.1 for optimizing the selection of composition such as Al and Si which reduce the compressibility of
and processing conditions. The elevated green strength the powder and also make it abrasive, while tin and
of NA premixes allows trouble-free manufacture even lead additions cause difficulties in pouring the melt
in the case of extremely thin-walled or highly porous due to incrustation and clogging in the furnaces and
bearings. Partially prealloyed powders (grades speci- nozzles. In the case of applications of copper pow-
fied in 41.2) are added for better control of the sin- der for electrical and friction parts, it is important to
tering properties. The NA standard grades PM-020 remove the impurities with harmful effect on electri-
and PMC-020 for sinter bronze 90/10 are the mixes cal and thermal conductivity (see Figure 16.2).
of electrolytic copper powders, copper alloy powders, Large-scale atomization is usually run as a con-
partially prealloyed powders and tin powders. tinuous process. Molten copper may be discharged
through a tube in the side of the furnace wall and
directly atomized, or through a tundish. Both air and
Production of Copper Powder water may be used as atomized medium, but horizon-
by Solid Phase Reduction of tal air atomization into a rotating drum eliminates
the need for dewatering and drying of the powder.
Copper Oxide Micrographs of air-atomized and water-atomized
powders are shown in Figure 16.7 and Figure
The oxide reduction and electrolytic deposition were 16.1(b), respectively. The water-atomized powder has
the first large-scale production of copper powders. a more irregular particle shape and its oxide content
In the USA, it still remains one of the main commer- is somewhat lower due to higher cooling rate after
cial processes for copper powder manufacturing. In atomization. At this stage in the process, particle
Production of Copper and Copper Alloy Powders 341

where H is heat in calories per gram per mole;

(Cu2O)  ½(O2)  2[CuO] exothermic

G  33,550  0.95 T ln T 
3.75  103 T 2  22.340T
H  33,710  3.28 T  0.40 
103 T 2  0.20  105 T1
Oxidation or roasting of copper powder in com-
mercial conditions is usually carried out in air at
temperatures above 650°C. Oxidation in fluidized
beds or in rotary kilns provides higher oxidation rates
as a result of increasing the contact between powder
and oxidizing gas. However, due to the strongly exo-
thermic nature of the oxidation reaction, these oper-
ations are more difficult to control than roasting in a
belt conveyer furnace.
Both cuprous oxide and cupric oxide powders
are brittle and easy to grind to particle size below
150 m. Furthermore, they are porous.
Figure 16.8 Scanning electron micrographs of air granu-
lated copper. (Source: Ref 2®)
Reduction of Copper Oxide
shape is not particularly important. The coarse shot- Reducing atmospheres include hydrogen, dissociated
type particulate copper produced by low-pressure ammonia, or other exothermic or endothermic gas mix-
air or water atomization (Figure 16.8) is the typical tures. The typical reduction temperature ranges from
starting material for the pure copper oxide process. 425 to 650°C. At temperatures of 700°C and above,
sintering of the product may take place. Reduction of
particulate copper oxide is generally accomplished in
Oxidation of Copper Powder a continuous belt furnace with a stainless steel belt.
The depth of copper oxide bed is approximately 25 mm
There are two copper oxides, the red cuprous oxide,
in which reduction happens gradually from top to bot-
Cu2O, and black cupric oxide, CuO. The oxidation of
tom during motion of the conveyor belt in the coun-
copper is a well known process. At high tempera-
tercurrent of the reducing atmosphere. Exothermic
tures, oxidation follows the parabolic, in which film
reduction processes especially need a careful control
thickness increases with the square root of time. At
of reducing atmosphere content, oxide particle size,
low temperature, linear, logarithmic, and cubic oxi-
reduction temperature and other processing param-
dation rates have been observed, depending on the
eters to optimize the reduction rate and to adjust the
previous history of the oxide. The reaction of the cop-
pore structure. Hydrogen is a more effective reducing
per oxide formation may be represented as follows:
agent than carbon monoxide, especially at low temper-
2(Cu)  ½(O2)  [Cu2O] exothermic ature. However, at higher temperatures all reduction
reactions in the presence of either hydrogen or carbon
G  41,166  1.27  10 3 T ln T  monoxide go to completion. In the simultaneous pres-
3.7  103 T 2  1.80  107 T 3  27.881T ence of cations of alkali metals and 0.03–0.05 wt%
where G is free energy in calories per gram per Se or Te, the reduction is accelerated significantly, the
mole, T is the absolute temperature, degrees Kelvin, process can be carried out at lower temperature, disper-
R is the gas constant, ln is the natural logarithm sivity and plasticity of powder particles increase [3].
The reaction of the copper oxide reduction can be
[Cu]  ½(O2)  [CuO] exothermic written:
G  37,353  0.16 T ln T  [Cu2O]  (H2) ↔ 2[Cu]  (H2O) exothermic
1.69  103 T 2  9  108 T 3  25.082T G  16,260  2.21 T ln T  1.28  103 T 2
H  38,170  1.30T  0.99   3.80  107 T 3  24.768T
103 T 2  0.57  105 T1 H298.1K  17,023
342 Handbook of Non-Ferrous Metal Powders

Temperature (°C) 900 950 1000 1050 detriment to green strength and other side effects.
With increasing oxidation, the color of the pow-
pH2 Pa (a) 1.39 2.0 2.76 3.77 der changes from orange to purple to black. Oxygen
content increases from a typical 0.1–0.2 wt% to sev-
[Cu2O]  (CO) ↔ 2[Cu]  (CO2) exothermic eral tenths of a percent, and may amount to 1 wt%.
Powders with large specific surface area are more sen-
G  27,380  1.47 T ln T  1.4  103 T 2 sitive to discoloration.
 0.5  106T 3  7.01T Complete lots of powder are subjected to a series
of tests designed to ensure performance in various
H  27,380  1.47T  1.4  103 T2 applications.
 1.1  106 T3 When using copper mill scale as starting material
for making oxide-reduced copper powder, additional
Temperature (°C) 900 1050 1083 treatment to remove impurities is required before
pCO Pa (a) 2.8 9.06 11.3 reduction. Typical copper scale contains: 75–87 wt%
Cu, 2–2.5 wt% SiO2, 0.1–0.4 wt% Fe2O3, 1.0–1.2 wt%
2[CuO]  (H2) ↔ [Cu2O]  (H2O) exothermic CaO; 1.0–1.3 wt% Al2O3 and contaminants of 1.0–
1.5 wt% machine oils and 4–4.5% moisture. The
G  24,000  0.01 T ln T  5.4  103 T 2  amount of copper oxide in the scale ranges from 25
3.7  107T 3  22.896T to 30 wt%. The size fractions of copper scale are gen-
erally below 150 m.
H298.1K  23,543 The scale is normally annealed in air at tempera-
tures above 627°C. Then, after accomplishment of
[CuO]  (H2)  (H2O)  [Cu] exothermic the oxidation process, the copper oxide produced
in the form of porous cake is finely ground. Before
H290K  31,766 reduction, it is treated with a 10–15% solution of
sulfuric acid at 177 5°C; at which powder yield is
2[CuO]  (CO) ↔ (Cu2O)  [CO2] exothermic 60–70%, however, etching solutions appear, sulfuric
acid consumption is 0.9 tonne per tonne of finished
H  33,300 powder. During reduction of copper oxide, a copper
scale-to-slag weight ratio is up to 1:1. The apparent
where pH2 is partial pressure of hydrogen, pCO is par- density of reduced copper powder with size frac-
tial pressure of carbon monoxide; values of pH2 and tions below 75 m ground in ball mills is 3.05 g/cm3.
pCO are given in Pascals; other equation symbols are Finished powder yield is 60–65% of the initial copper
the same as in above equations and record the copper scale weight.
oxide formation; (a) total pressure is 1 atm. A copper scale treatment technique is also known
Regulation of the reduction process controls the [3] where, after oxidation, 5–6 wt% soda is added
particle porosity, pore size and particle size distribu- to copper oxide and the mixture is ground for 3–4
tion of the final powder over a wide range. As with hours and then the ground product is reduced at
other metal oxides, low reduction temperatures usu- temperatures ranging from 827 to 877°C by con-
ally lead to the production of particles having fine verted gas. The sponge thus produced is wet ground
porosity and correspondingly high specific surface. using a liquid to solid ratio of 1 to 1 for a period of
High reduction temperatures lead to the production of 3–3.5 hours. It is then treated with 3–5% solution
particles containing large pores and low specific sur- of hydrochloric acid and subsequently washed, dried
face. High reduction temperatures generally result in and finally further reduced. The reduced copper pow-
more complete reduction and interparticle sintering. der is of 98–98.5% purity, specific surface is 0.06
The reduced copper oxide appears from the reduc- m2/g, and particle shape is angular.
tion belt furnace as a porous cake. It is usually disinte- If the feed material includes impurities, they are
grated in two stages. Primarily, the cake is broken into preliminarily eliminated by hydrochemical processes.
smaller pieces in a jaw crusher or similar equipment, Thus, processing of a low-grade scrap by the ammo-
accompanied by fine grinding in hammer mills. Then, nia method – ammonium-carbonate leaching and dis-
the reduced and milled powder is screened and, if nec- tillation of the solution (120–160 g/L Cu, treatment
essary, blended and generally treated by proprietary with steam or at 107–127°C during 2.5–3.0 hours) –
antioxidants to stabilize it against oxidation. Without results in precipitation of alkaline copper carbonate.
this treatment, copper powders, especially when Depending on scrap composition, the precipitate can
exposed to moist air, usually tarnish, with attendant include nickel, cobalt, zinc, arsenic and cadmium,
Production of Copper and Copper Alloy Powders 343

i.e. elements soluble in ammonia. The precipitate is with a maximum to 92% in the range from 23 to 33 g/L
washed, dried and converted to copper by hydrogen copper, as shown in [6]. Above approximately 33 g/L,
reduction. Finished copper powder is 98.5–99.4 wt% current efficiency decreases and, simultaneously,
pure and the contaminants contain: max 0.03 wt% C the deposit becomes adherent instead of powdery.
and 0.05–0.15 wt% total volume of other elements, Apparent density and particle size also grow with
including S, Fe, Pb, Sn, Ca and Mg. a rise in copper ion concentration, while a high acid
Typical properties of a commercial copper powder content promotes the formation of powder. As shown
produced by the solid phase reduction of copper oxide in [8], current efficiency increases to a maximum at a
are shown in Table 16.4. The single most important concentration of 120 g/L of sulfuric acid, then gradu-
application for copper powder is for self-lubricat- ally falls as the acid content increases. Apparent den-
ing bronze bearings. In the USA, these bearings are sity decreases with increasing acid content.
manufactured predominantly from elemental mix- Certain additional agents to the sulfate/sulfuric acid
tures of copper and tin. From about 1960, premixed electrolyte are used to alter powder characteristics. It
and lubricated blends of 90% copper and 10% tin was reported [6] that the addition of surfactants led to
that have controlled dimensional change character- the production of powder with controlled particle size
istics during sintering are increasingly in use. Apart at a current density of 215 A/m2, in contrast with
from bronze bearings, applications of these powders the 700–1100 A/m2 normally used, which results
include copper-base friction materials, electrical in considerable reduction in power cost. The addi-
contacts and brushes, diamond wheels and copper tion of sodium sulfate, as was reported [9], reduces
additions to iron mixes for structural parts [7]. Non- cathode current density and, as the sulfate content
compacting applications include copper fillers in is increased, the powder becomes finer. By contrast,
plastics, catalysts and many chemical applications. replacement of the normal sulfuric acid electrolyte
by a sulfamate electrolyte favors the formation of a
coarse copper powder [10]. Small quantities of copper
Production of Copper and Copper chloride have been added to the electrolyte to increase
the dendritic structure of powder particles and to
Alloy Powders by Electrolysis increase the yield of fine powder due to the polarizing
effect of the chloride ions [11].
In the electrolytic process, copper is electrodeposed to
obtain a spongy powder deposit at the cathode rather
than a smooth, adherent one. In this feature, it differs Results of Processing Conditions
from the process of copper refining where a strongly High current density accelerates the powder forma-
adherent product is desired. Low copper ion concen- tion, but has a minor effect on current efficiency.
tration and high acid content in the electrolyte favor An appreciable decrease in particle size takes place
formation of powder deposits. High cathode current as current density is increased. Thus, in an electro-
density and use of an electrolytically refined copper lyte containing 25 g/L copper and 120 g/L free sul-
anode also facilitate the formation of powder. Along furic acid, increasing the current density from 600
with these conditions, control of additional variables to 1000 A/m2 raised the quantity of particles under
is necessary to produce powders that satisfy commer- 53 m from 20 to 96%.
cial requirements. These variable parameters include Raising the operating temperature of the cell
quantity and type of addition agent, temperature increases the current efficiency and reduces the cell
and circulation rate of the electrolyte, size and type voltage. However, cell operation is hindered at tem-
of anode and cathode, electrode spacing and brush- peratures higher than 60°C and powders produced at
down interval. A technological scheme of the elec- elevated temperatures are coarser than those obtained
trolytic process is shown in Figure 16.9. at lower temperatures. Therefore, electrolytic cells are
operated at temperatures ranging from 25 to 60°C.
The method used to remove the powder deposit
Electrodeposition of Copper from the cathode and the brush-down intervals have
Powders a significant effect on powder properties. Commonly,
the powder is removed mechanically by means of
brushing. The brush-down interval assists in con-
Results of Electrolyte Composition trol of the particle size of the deposit. As shown in
Copper content in the electrolyte must be fairly low to [6], the powder becomes coarser as the interval is
prevent adherent deposits. In the desired range, cur- increased from 15 to 60 min and the apparent den-
rent efficiency rises with increasing ion concentration, sity increases as the brush-down interval is extended.
Table 16.4 Properties of typical commercial grades of copper powders produced by oxide reduction

Property Unit Copper powder purity(wt% min) Source

99.8a [6] 99.8a [6] 99.8a [6] 99.6b [6] 99.5b [6] 99.53 [7] 99.64 [7] 99.62 [7] 99.36 [7]

Chemical composition
Hydrogen loss wt% max 0.13 0.13 0.16 0.28 0.26 0.23 0.24 0.26 0.39
Acid insoluble wt% max 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.10 0.10 0.04 0.03 0.05 0.12
Copper wt% bal bal bal bal bal bal bal bal bal
Sieve analysis:
150 m 0.1 ... ... ... ... 0.3 ... ... 0.1
100 m 0.6 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 11.1 0.6 0.3 1.0
75 m 15.5 9.5 7.3 2.8 0.2 26.7 8.7 5.7 4.9
45 m 42.8 33.4 29.0 10.3 1.4 24.1 34.1 32.2 12.8
45 m 41.1 57.0 63.6 86.7 98.6 37.8 56.6 61.8 81.2
Apparent density g/cm3 3.00 2.83 2.73 1.61 0.94 2.99 2.78 2.71 1.56
Hall flow rate s/50g 22 23 24 ... ... 23 24 27 ...
Compacting properties at 165 MPac:
Green density g/cm3 6.15 6.12 6.03 6.0 5.9 6.04 5.95 5.95 5.76
Green strengthd MPa 8.6 9.7 10.4 20.0 29.0 6.15 7.85 9.3 21.4
for bronze self-lubricating bearings;
for friction materials and electrical brushes;
measured with die wall lubrication only;
transverse electrical brushes.
Production of Copper and Copper Alloy Powders 345

Processes to remove the deposit automatically from In a typical installation, the cathodes are 610 
the cathode have been proposed. For this purpose, 860  9.5 mm in dimension [6]. The electrodes are
an organic extract was used in combination with arranged parallel to one another in rubber-lined or
sodium lauryl sulfate [12]. plastic electrolysis baths with the electrolyte, which
Details of operating conditions including fun- flows from the top to the bottom of the bath. Both
damentals of the electroprocess are contained in anodes and cathodes are short to allow enough space
Chapter 9. at the bottom of the bath for the collection of the
deposited powder. Typically each cell is 3.4 m long by
1.1 m wide by 1.2 m high, and contains 18 cathodes
Powder Production spaced at 160 mm intervals and 19 anodes that are
As has been mentioned, the production of the elec- hung alternately. Copper is deposited on the cathodes
trolytic copper powder, as illustrated in Figure 16.9 in the form of dendritic particles removed periodi-
generally follows the processes used in electrolytic cally by brushing. Regularly, after operating the bath
refining of copper but with different operating con- for several days, the power is turned off. Most of the
ditions which are required to obtain a deposit of electrolyte is drained from the bath and the powder
powder. Typical conditions for the production of elec- slurry is removed. The powder is dewatered in a fil-
trolytic copper powder can be summarized as shown ter, washed several times and again dewatered. A
in Table 16.5. treatment, for example, with an aqueous solution of
Generally, the anodes are electrolytically refined gelatine protects the powder from oxidation during
copper and the cathodes are antimonial lead sheet. subsequent operations.

Cathode copper
Heat exchanger


Spent electrolyte Pulp Stabilizing solution

Electrolyte Electrolyte
Washing, stabilization,
correction regeneration
separation of water in centrifuge

Strong Lean Damp

solution solution powder

to Purification Drying



Burdening, mixing
Figure 16.9 Technological scheme of electrolytic
Packing process of copper powder production.

Table 16.5 Summary of typical conditions for the production of electrolytic copper powder

Parameter Quantity
Process by Ref [2] Process by Ref [3]

Copper content in electrolyte 5–15 g/L 8–23 g/L

Sulfuric acid content in electrolyte 150–175 g/L 120–175 g/L
Chlorine ion ... 0.5–1.5 mg/L
Temperature 25–60°C 47–57°C
Anode current density 430–550 A/m2 390–450 A/m2
Cathode current density 700–1100 A/m2 2500–3100
Bath potential 1.0–1.5 V 1.1–1.9 V
346 Handbook of Non-Ferrous Metal Powders

Then, the damp powder is subjected to a furnace Such a technique is used at the copper-smelt-
treatment. The furnace processing also alters certain ing plant of Uralelectromed Company. The electro-
properties, including particle size and shape, apparent lyte (copper sulfate and sulfuric acid) circulates in a
density and green strength of compacts made from closed loop system, passing through the electrolyz-
the powder. Typically, an electric mesh belt furnace is ers, pressure tanks and heat exchanger. The dendritic
used. To prevent the powder from spilling through the copper powder deposited on the cathodes is removed
belt, a continuous sheet of high wet-strength paper once per 2–3 hours by shaking. On removal from the
is fed to the belt as undercoat for the powder. A roller bath, the powder slurry is transferred to a centrifuge,
compresses the powder to improve heat transfer. As it where the electrolyte is removed and the powder
enters the furnace, water is vaporized and the paper washed. The addition of surface-active agents, such
burns, but not before the powder has been sintered as certain fatty acid salts, during washing protects
enough to prevent it from spilling through the belt. the powder from oxidation [13]. The damp powder is
The furnace atmosphere is produced in units in which dried in a flow drying pipe by furnace gases. The dried
natural gas and air are mixed to yield an atmosphere powder is subjected to grinding in ball mills and to
containing 17% H2, 12% CO, 4% CO2, the balance subsequent particle size classifying in an air classifier.
being nitrogen. By changing the furnace temperature Grinding is another operation in which powder
between 480 and 760°C and altering the exposure properties can be altered. When fine grinding is per-
time, the particle size distribution and apparent den- formed in high-speed hammer mills, feed rate, mill
sity may be varied to suit requirements. Upon comple- speed and discharge screen openings under the mill
tion of the furnace treatment, the cake is subjected to can be varied to obtain the powder characteristics
grinding and classifying. desired. The powder leaving the hammer mills is
In another method [3], the cathodes are of electro- delivered to screens where the oversize is separated
lytically refined copper as are the anodes. In a typical and returned for additional grinding. The undersize
installation of this kind, anodes are manufactured in of 150 m powder is classified in an air classifier and
the form of a sheet 880  900  50 mm and cath- the fines are transferred to the blending operation.
odes in the form of rod (Figure 16.10). Oversize product is returned for regrinding or is used
as melting stock.
The finished powders are stored in the drams to
which a drying agent such as silica gel or camphor is
Cathode bar Anode bar added to prevent further oxidation. In the case of high
Cathode bus volume finished powder that meets customer speci-
Anode bus fications, powder is selected from various batches in
appropriate proportions and mixed in a blender. The
lot is sampled before being removed from the blender
Base isolator and, if required, corrections of the particle size distri-
bution are made before the powder is packed in ship-
ping drums.

Vinyl lining Properties of Electrolytic Copper Powders

Steel body The properties of electrolytic copper powder depends
on various parameters of the operation and, there-
fore, can be adjusted by modification of certain proc-
ess variables. Properties of typical commercial grades
of electrolytic powders are shown in Table 16.7.
A feature of powder produced by the electrolytic
process is high purity, with a copper content usually
exceeding 99.5 wt%. A measure of the oxygen content
is obtained by exposing a sample of powder to hydro-
gen flow at an elevated temperature as specified in ISO
4491-2, ASTM E 159, MPIF 02, and CIS GOST 29006-
91 (For detailed information on this method, see the
description in the section ‘Determination of oxygen
Figure 16.10 Electrolytic cell for copper powder production. content by reduction methods’ in Chapter 1). Usually,
Production of Copper and Copper Alloy Powders 347

Table 16.6 Methods of producing electrolytic copper and copper alloy powders

Mode Electrolyte composition Current Temperature Electrolysis parameters and conditions

density (°C)

WS 7–35 g/L Cu 0.5–0.9 25–57 Current efficiency 80–99%, particle size
50–100 g/L H2SO4 20–100 m, brush-down interval 15–60 minutes.
WS 4–24 g/L Cu 1–2 40 Apparent density 0.8–2.2 g/cm3, particle size
163 g/L H2SO4 5–60 m, current efficiency 75–96%
WS 5–35 Cu 0.5–6.0 42–60 Current efficiency 60–98%, apparent density 0.8–
[15] 120–250 g/L H2SO4 2.5 g/cm3, specific surface 500–1800 cm2/g
0–6 g/m3 Cl
WS 25–30 g/L Cu 1.5–4.0 ... Copper in the form of sulfamate; current efficiency
90 g/L NH2HSO3 90–93%; circulation 1L(A·h), particles size 80 m
WS 6.4 g/L Cu – 14–50 Permanent overvoltage 0.3–0.7 V, particles size
[16] 50 g/L H2SO4 2–200 m
WS 16–30 g/L Cu 0.45–2.0 50 Permanent overvoltage 0.3–0.5 V; apparent density
[17] 160 g/L H2SO4 2.7 g/cm3; current efficiency 100 %
WS 12–15 g/L Cu 0.02–4.7 50 Linear current variation; current. efficiency 100%;
[18] 160 g/L H2SO4 particles size 20–100 m in dependence of the
current increasing rate
WS 6.4 g/L Cu – 25 Pulsing voltage with amplitude 600 mV; frequency
50 g/L H2SO4 1–100 Hz; particles size 50–200 m
WS 10–12 g/L Cu 0.6 30–35 Pulse current; full period: pulse  10:1; particle size
150–200 g/L H2SO4 50 m; current efficiency 98–99%; apparent density
1.5 g/cm3.
EDC 3.2 g/L Cu 2.5 20 Drum rotation 10–40 rpm; dendrite size 0.3–3 m
H2SO4; 0.02–1%
oleic acid
EDC 3.2 g/L Cu 2.5 20 Rotation 10–40 rpm; oleic acid is changed to
[19] Solutions of carbon acids stearine to decrease Cu2O yield; current efficiency
in toluene is 93%
RSP 5.3–10.6 g/L Na2CO3 1.0 70 Raw material – CuO with particles 0.25 mm;
cathode–copper; anode – coal; particle size to
0.5 mm; current efficiency 67–69%
M 0.2–10 wt% CuCl 0.01–20 447–897 At 447–567°C there are formed two-dimensional
KCl–NaCl twin dendrites (112); at 897°C – three-dimensional
C H2SO4 to – 90–95 Drum rotation 3–5 rpm; cementing agent is
pH  3.3–3.6; aluminum
12–15 g/L NaF
C 3–4 g/L Cu – 27–37 Cementing agent is Zn powder; mixing (Re 
H2SO4 103–104)
WS 1 g/L Cu; 4 g/L Ni; 40 g/L Cathode – stainless steel; anode – graphite; average
NaCit, (a); 30 g/L NaCl; particle size is 2 m
20 g/L NH4Cl
WS 13–35.6 g/L 2.5–3.0 40 (0.2–0.3) mole/L CuPb; sulfamine solution; (Cu/
CuPb; (p  H 3) Pb)alloy (Cu/Pb)sol
WS Cu/Sn 1.065 g/L; Na3Cit 1.6 30 Alloy: 92Cu-8 Sn (solid solution) lattice constant
40 g/L; – 0.3665 nm
(pH  2)
348 Handbook of Non-Ferrous Metal Powders

Table 16.6 (Continued)

Mode Electrolyte composition Current Temperature Electrolysis parameters and conditions

density (°C)

EDC 8 g/L Cu; 20 g/L Sn; 1.5 20 Alloy: 90Cu-10 Sn; current efficiency 88%; voltage
20 g/L HCl; 12 V; cathode – graphite; specific surface is 3.76 m2/
50 g/L NH4Cl; (pH  1.5); g; apparent density is 0.97 g/cm3; resistance
SAS 0.2% is 7.5104 Ohm·cm; copper is in the form of
sulphate, tin is in the form of chloride
WS 7 g/L Cu; 41.5 g/L Sn; 1.5–2.5 30–41 Intensive mixing; white crystals
(pH  6–8);
natrium tripolyphosphate
EDC 1.25–11.25 g/L Cu; 0.4–2.8 11–50 Organic lay – toluene
5.5–16.5 g/L Fe; 0.5 %
oleic acid

Production mode: WS: electrolysis of aqueous solution; RSP: reduction of solid phase; EDC: electrolysis from double-layered cell; M:
melt electrolysis; C: cementation; SAS: surfactant. Information on RSP, EDC, M, C and SAS is contained in Chapter 9. (a): NaCit: Sodium

the hydrogen loss ranges from 0.1 to 0.5 wt%, depend- the green strength for heavy powder such as the SSM
ing mainly on the specific surface. Nitric acid insolubles type (see Table 16.7) rises from 5 to 14 MPa as the
are determined according to ISO 4496, ASTM E 194, green density is increased from 5.75 to 6.5 g/cm3.
and MPIF 08 standards (see Appendix 1) and are usu- The particle shape of deposited electrolytic copper
ally less than 0.05 wt%. is generally dendritic, as is shown in Figure 16.13.
Particle size distribution is selected to suit the However, during subsequent processing, including
application and can be varied over a wide range. Only thermomechanical treatment, initial dendrites are
several combinations are shown in Table 16.7. enlarged due to welding together of small particles
Apparent densities of electrolytic powders are which rounds them somewhat (Figure 16.14).
available usually from 0.65 to 3.2 g/cm3. They dif- The compacting pressure is an important variable
fer in the quantity of apparent density of light and to take into account, because the pressing and sin-
heavy. The powders with apparent densities below tering conditions have an appreciable influence on
1.2–1.3 g/cm3 are generally referred to as light. The the properties of sintered compacts. During sinter-
heavy powders are produced, as described above, by ing, the gases from the atmosphere, from the prod-
means of thermomechanical treatment of the former. ucts of reduction, or from the lubricant must escape,
Generally, powders with density of less than about if conducting compacts are to be obtained. So,
1.3 g/cm3 do not flow, powders with apparent densi- when the compacting pressure is too high, the flow
ties ranges from1.3 to 2.3 g/cm3 have poor flow rate through interconnected pores may be hindered and
and powders with higher apparent densities flow gas cannot escape. Compacting pressures not higher
freely. The flow rates of the common blends of elec- than 275 MPa should be used in the production of
trolytic copper powder range from 25 to 40 s/50 g. large, thick parts from electrolytic copper powder,
The green density is a function of the compact- though, higher pressures can be used for thin-walled
ing pressure. Depending on particle distribution of parts [20].
the dendritic powder blends used, the green densi- The tensile strength and elongation of parts
ties amount to 6.0–6.3 g/cm3 at compacting pres- made from a typical powder blend in relationship to
sure 100 MPa, as is shown in Figure 16.11, and rise compacting pressure and sintering time are shown in
to 7.7–8.0 as the compacting pressure is increased to Figure 16.15 [21]. The powder was lubricated with
550 MPa [7]. Green strength increases with the green lithium stearate, pressed at 1000°C in an atmos-
density and therefore with compacting pressure, as phere of dissociated ammonia. It shows that good
shown in Figure 16.12 [7]. In this example, green tensile properties can be achieved with short sinter-
strength for fine light copper powder such as the FS ing times.
type (see Table 16.7) rises from 8 to 22 MPa as the Powder metallurgy techniques have long been suc-
green density is increased from 5.5 to 6.5 g/cm3 and cessful in the production of parts containing highly
Table 16.7 Properties of typical commercial grades of copper powders produced by the electrolytic process

Properties Unit Source. Standard grades


Nominal composition
Hydrogen wt% 0.17 0.12 0.10 0.07 0.15 0.08 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.20 0.40 0.15 0.15 0.20
loss max max max max max max max max max max max max
Acid wt% ... ... ... ... 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.04 ... ... ... ... 0.06 0.06
insoluble max max max max
Copper wt% 99.7 99.75 99.8 99.85 99.7 99.9 99.6 99.7 99.4 99.4 99.5 99.8 99.8 99.7
min min min min min min min min min min min
Sieve analysis:
250 m ... ... 0.2 4 max ... ... ... nil ... ... ... nil ... ...
150 m ... ... 1 max 25–45 ... ... ... 3–9 ... nil ... 5 max 1 max ...
100 m ... ... ... ... ... ... 25–35 nil 20 max nil 15–25 6 max ...
75 m 0.2 0.2 23–29 50–70 ... ... ... ... 3 max 10–25 0.2 38–48 ... trace
max max max
45 m 12 12 29–37 10 ... ... ... 80–90 ... 15–45 12 ... 50–60 10
max max max max max
45 m 90 90 37–43 ... ... 90 10–20 75–85 30–45 ... 37–43 40–50 90
min min min min
Apparent density g/cm3 0.95– 1.75– 2.30– 2.10– 1.0 2.7 0.90– 2.25– 1.50– 2.10– 0.65– 2.35– 2.3– 0.9–
1.10 1.95 2.50 2.70 1.10 2.55 1.70 2.40 0.75 2.55 2.5 1.1
Hall flow rate s/50 g none none 40 36 none 26 none 40 45 45 none 40 37 none
max max max max max max
Compacting properties at 165 MPa
Green density g/cm3 6.3 6.3 6.5 6.5 5.9 6.1 ... ... 6.40 6.40 ... ... 6.4 6.0
Green MPa 25 21 14 12.5 27.5 10.3 ... ... 15 min 5 min ... ... 14 18
strength (d)

NA: Norddeutsche Affinerie Aktiengeselschaft; ECP: ElectroCopper Products Ltd; UEM: Uralelectromed; PoM: Pometon; MMP: Makin Metal Powders Ltd.
350 Handbook of Non-Ferrous Metal Powders

Green density (g/cm3) 8.0




200 400 600 800 1000
Compacting pressure (MPa) Figure 16.14 Structure of heavy electrolytic copper
Figure 16.11 Effect of compacting pressure on green
conductive copper. Even small amounts of impuri-
ties in the copper drastically reduce its conductiv-
ity. As conductivities above 90% IACS are required,
only high-purity copper powder can be considered as
20 starting material. In this connection, the electrolytic
Green strength (MPa)

copper powder provides the best conditions for this.

15 However, high conductivity can be achieved only in
high-density compacts, as is shown in Figure 16.16,
and the latter is generally possible only by means of
re-compacting and re-sintering [21,22].
The test data represent an example of such
5 SSM processing (Figure 16.17). The starting material is
electrolytic heavy copper powder of K grade pro-
duced by Norddeutsche Affinerie Company [22]
0 5.0 6.0 7.0
which differs from powder of SSM grade (see Table
Green density (g/cm3) 16.7) in a lower content of fine particle fractions, less
Figure 16.12 Relationship between green density and green than 40 m. The sintering was done under cracked
strength. ammonia.
Compression should not be too high during the
first compacting since this would hinder the escape
of the lubricant from the specimen to be sintered.
Even small lubricant residues spoil the electrical

Currently, electrolytic copper powder is produced in
England, Germany, Italy, Russia, Japan, India and
Brazil, where it is used in most copper powder appli-
cations. The production of electrolytic copper pow-
der has recommenced in the USA where, in the early
1980s, it was stopped and replaced by oxide reduc-
tion or water atomization.
Electrolytic copper powder is still the powder of
choice in many electrical and electronic applications,
where high electrical and thermal conductivity is
Figure 16.13 Dendritic structure of fine light electrolytic required. Complex parts such as armature bear-
copper powder. Courtesy of Norddeutsche Affinerie AG ing blocks, contacts for circuit breakers, heavy-duty
Production of Copper and Copper Alloy Powders 351

Figure 16.15 Effect of com-

pacting and sintering condi-
tions on tensile properties.

100 Electrolytic copper is still the preferred powder in

the manufacture of electrical brushes due to posses-
Electrical conductivity (%IACS)

sion of a combination of purity, high electrical con-

ductivity, high surface area and particle dendritic
95 shape which allow a large volume of graphite to be
accommodated in a copper matrix with high conduc-
tivity and high green strength.
Electrolytic copper powder is used with various
90 non-metallic materials to produce friction parts, such
as linings for clutches and brakes. Premixes of iron–
8.92 copper or iron–copper–carbon are utilized in various
automotive applications (gears, camps, sprockets,
85 piston rings) and similar components.
7.50 8.00 8.50
Sintered density (g/cm3)
Figure 16.16 Dependence of electrical conductivity on
sintered density.
Production of Copper Powder by
Hydrometallurgical Processing
contacts for circuit breakers, high-duty vacuum con- The basic hydrometallurgical processing steps con-
tact materials for contact tubes and electrode caps sist of leaching the raw material, accompanied by
for welding, shading coils for contactors, switch gear the precipitation of the metal from the solution. The
components for use in switch boxes with capacities most significant precipitation methods are cementa-
up to 600 A, and components for 150 and 250 A fuse tion, reduction generally with hydrogen at normal
blowouts are in regular production. or elevated atmosphere pressure, and electrolysis.
352 Handbook of Non-Ferrous Metal Powders

Figure 16.17 Effect of recompacting and resin-

tering on sintered density and electrical conduc-
tivity. Courtesy of Norddeutsche Affinerie AG

Use of some leaching precipitation steps or the addi- under pressure are provided in Tables 16.8 and 16.9.
tion of solvent extraction, flotation or ion exchange Equilibrium residual concentration of Cu (II) ions
improves the purity of the final product. depending on pH solution and hydrogen pressure pH2
may be represented in accordance with Nernst as:
Leaching o
ECu 2|Cu
lg[Cu2 ]   2pH  lgpH2
The leaching of copper sulfide and copper oxide ores 0.0296
entails partial dissolution to cupric sulfate with sul- o
furic acid and iron sulfate. The presence of pyrites in where ECu 2|Cu is standard potential of the system

many ore deposits, and its reaction with water and Cu ↔ Cu (see abbreviations and symbols in

oxygen to form iron sulfate and sulfuric acid, creates Chapter 9).
an important source of acid. In dump leaching, the Reduction of Cu (II) ions includes the stage of Cu
pH of the solution is maintained between 1.5 and (I) ions formation; their equilibrium concentration
3.0, partly to preserve bacteria that promote and under the conditions, when temperature T ranges
accelerate the oxidation of purity and copper sulfate from 40 to 200°C, liquor contains 0.1–0.8 mole/L of
minerals and also to prevent hydrolysis of iron salts. Cu2; 0.3–2.0 mole/L of H2SO4 can be written:
The copper content of the solution varies from less
⎪⎧⎪ 5350 ⎪⎫
than 1 g/L to several grams per liter. [Cu ]  [Cu2]0.5
0  exp ⎨  10.52⎪⎬
Other leaching methods include ammonia leach- ⎪⎪⎩ (T  273) ⎪⎪⎭
ing, which is used for certain copper oxide ores. The kinetics of copper precipitation from sulfate and
These methods are called leach-precipitation-flota- ammoniacal media have special features as shown in
tion and are applied to mixed sulfide ores. There are the generalized equations given in Table 16.10.
also leaching technique involving the precipitation
of the metal from organic phases [3]
Copper Precipitation from Sulfuric Acid
Reduction Processes
Kinetics of Cu (I) ion formation is described by the
Copper powders can be precipitated from ammonia- equation:
cal, sulfurous and organic media by reduction with
hydrogen, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide. The d[Cu ]
 4.3  109 [Cu2]0 pH2
most effective reducer is hydrogen. Thermodynamic d
data for a number of reactions of copper precipitation  exp(12900/(T  273))
Table 16.8 Equation and equilibrium constant values C of reaction Cu (II) ions reduction with gaseous reagents in acidic and ammonia solutions

Reaction H° (kJ/(g·ion)) Equation of equilibrium C dependence on temperature T C values at temperature

constant (C)
25°C 150°C

Cu2  H2  Cu  2H 66.94 a H2  3497 3.15  1011 1.06  108

C lg C 0.24 
aCu f H

Cu2  CO  H2O  64.09 a H2 fCO

 3348 1.025  1015 4.95  1011
C lg C  3.78 
Cu  CO2  2H

aCu fCO f H O

Cu2  SO2  2H2O  109.28 a H4 a SO

 2 5716 2.78  106 5.6
C lg C 12.74 
Cu  SO42  4H

aCu f SO f H2 O
2 2

Cu(NH3)22  H2  114.46 a 2NH  5984 2.39  1016 3.36  1010

C lg C 3.62 
Cu  2NH4

aCu( NH ) f H 2 T
3 2 2

Cu(NH3)22  CO  H2O  112.60 a 2NH fCO  5882 7.53  1019 1.12  1014
C 2
lg C  0.15 
Cu  CO2  2NH4

aCu( NH ) fCO f H O
2 T
3 2 2

Cu(NH3)22  SO2  2H2O  158.56 a 2NH a SO a H2

 2  8282 4.36  1010 2.69  102
C lg C 17.15 
Cu  SO42 2NH4  2H
4 4

aCu( NH ) f SO f H2 O
3 2 2 2

ai is activity factor of an i-ion; fj is fugitivity of a j-component.

354 Handbook of Non-Ferrous Metal Powders

Table 16.9 Values lgC of the reducing reaction of several copper compounds with gase-
ous reagents depending on temperature

Reaction lgC at temperatures (°C)

327 427 527 627 827

CuO  H2 ↔ Cu  H2O 8.6 7.3 6.3 5.5 4.4

Cu2O  H2 ↔ 2Cu  H2O 6.9 5.8 5.0 4.4 3.4
CuO  CO ↔ Cu  CO2 11.1 9.5 8.3 7.3 5.8
CuCl2  H2 ↔ Cu  2HCl 2.9 3.1 3.4 3.7 4.4
CuSO4  2H2 ↔ Cu  SO2  2H2O 8.2 7.0 6.0 5.2 4.1
CuCO3  Cu(OH)2  2H2 ↔ 2Cu  CO2  3H2O 14.1 11.8 10.0 8.6 6.4

It is correct in ranges: T  117–167°C, Process parameters accelerating copper precipita-

pH2  1.0–3.5 MPa, [Cu2]  (0.21.3)mole/L, tion lead to the production of powder with more fine
[H2SO4]0  0.2mole/L. roundish particles. At T  147°C agglomeration of
Due to Cu (I) ion formation the accompanying ion- dispersed particles is observed resulting in decreasing
impurities have great importance which can lead to: of the flow rate, apparent density and powder surface
area. Variation of technological parameters within
● the oxidation of Cu (I) ions (Fe3, Co3, the limits that do not worsen copper precipitation
CrO24 , SeO24 , etc.) that leads to slowing down rate affects powder properties weakly.
of the process and increase of hydrogen Increase in inert sulfate contents causes formation
consumption of dispersed roundish powder particles that increases
● the formation of not readily soluble com- its flow rate and apparent density. The particle shape
pounds with Cu (I) ions which thus pollute the depends on the sulfate type: roundish with (ammo-
powder (halides, thiocyanates, TeO32 , etc). nia or Fe (II) sulfates), elongated with (zinc sulfate
Accumulated acid during equimolar copper pre- 0.08–0.16 mole/L NH3; 0.015–0.03 mole/L PO3 4 ;
cipitation impairs the kinetics of the process and 0.01–0.05 mole/L Cl).
increases solution activity. One expedient is to add Varying the type and surfactant consumption
ammonium sulfate or sulfates of the first-group met- changes copper powder properties within the fol-
als (Na2SO4, K2SO4) which dilute the concentration lowing limits: specific surface area ranges from
of H ions, but a more effective procedure is to intro- 0.02 to 0.18 m2/g, apparent density from 0.9 to 2.2
duce a slurry of oxides or copper hydroxides, or other g/cm3, particle size from 20 to 42 m. Increase in
soluble neutralizer. surfactant consumption increases the carbon con-
Copper precipitation from sulfurous solutions is tent in powder.
characterized by high selectivity towards the accom- Increase in number of densifications from 1 to
panying impurities. Co-precipitation of ions As (III), 6 results in an increase of powder apparent den-
Bi (III) and Sb (III) occurs after precipitation of 90– sity and flow rate 1.6 times, powder size 1.67 times,
95% Cu. Precious metals are removed quantitatively. powder surface decreases 2 times; conglomerates are
Mechanism of Cu (II) reduction with hydrogen is formed, the sedimentation rate increases and dehy-
heterolytic and includes the following stages: dration becomes easier. Powder particle precipita-
tion rate is 6–9.6 cm/min (particles size is 72–81 m,
1. Solution of gas and saturation of the aqueous apparent density is 0.6–0.84 g/cm3 and specific sur-
phase. face is 1.9–2.3 m2/g). On centrifuging (filtrational
2. Activation of hydrogen with Cu (II) and Cu (I) perchlorynevinyl fabric, separation factor 200–300,
ions temperature 37–47°C), powder residual moisture
content ranges from 10 to 15%, a maximum carry-
Cu2  H2 → (CuHH )n → Cu  Hn1  H over achieves 4.5%. If water consumption for powder
washing exceeds water-to-powder weight ratios of
3. Formation and accumulation of Cu (I) ions up to 3 to 5 at temperature in the range from 27 to
Cu(II)  CuHn1 → 2Cu(I)  (H or H) 37°C, residual content of sulfate sulfur is max 0.03–
0.05%. Oxidation prevention is achieved by means
4. Disproportionation of Cu (I) ions in excess of of treatment of powder with 0.3–0.4% naphthenate
the equilibrium concentration. soap solution.
Table 16.10 Kinetics parameters of copper reduction

Reducer Medium Kinetics equation E Interval of examined parameters

p (MPa) T (°C) [Cu2] Solution
((g-ion)/L) composition

H2 Ammoniac kSp 0.5 67.4 1.0–3.0 167–217 1.0–2.5 6.5 MNH3

1.5 M(NH4)2SO4
Acetate k ⎢⎣⎢ Cu2 ⎥⎦⎥ pH2 86 0.5 0.5–2.0 373–423 0.1–0.2 25–50% HAca

Sulfuric k ⎢⎢⎣ Cu2 ⎥⎥⎦ pH2 107 2.0 1.0–2.5 403–423 0.3–1.3 pH  1.0
k ⎡⎢⎣ Cu2 ⎤⎥⎦ pH2 0.5[ H2SO4 ]
0.5 107 2.5 1.5–4.5 403–423 0.3–1.3 pH  1.0

SO2 Sulfuric 2 0.5 66.2 0.25–1.0 393–453 0.05–0.2 0.1–0.6 M H2SO4

k ⎡⎣⎢ Cu2 ⎤⎦⎥ pSO2 0.5 [ H2SO4 ]
CO Sulfate k ⎡⎣ Cu2 ⎤⎦ pCO 140.0 1.0–4.0 423–463 0.1–0.8 Buffer

Acetate 2 109 1.3 1.5–3.4 378–396 0.048–0.12 0.25 MNaAc

k1 ⎡⎣⎢ Cu ⎤⎦⎥ ⎡⎣⎢ Cu2 ⎤⎦⎥ k2 ⎡⎣⎢ Cu2 ⎤⎦⎥ pCO
 0.5 MHACb
⎡⎢ H ⎤⎥ ⎡⎢ H ⎤
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎥⎦
HAc is acetic acid;
NaAc is sodium acetate; M denote mole/L.
k is the reaction rate constant the magnitudes of which are given in Ref [3].
356 Handbook of Non-Ferrous Metal Powders

On reduction of product in hydrogen, the tem- Copper Precipitation from Ammonia

perature in the range from 247 to 397°C appreciably Media
influences powder properties: the particles become
more round and solid, powder apparent density and Process rate with kienetics constant K does not
flow increase. At temperatures in the range from 597 depend on the original copper concentration; it
to 827°C, the particle fractions less than 74 m are decreases with increase in ammonia and ammonium
sintered. During annealing substitute 40–60% of sulfate concentration and increases with increase of
the sulfur, 60–70% of the carbon, and up to 98% of temperature, the seed surface and hydrogen pressure
the oxygen are removed leaving residual impurities raised 0.5 power:
consisting of 0.005–0.016 wt% S, 0.05–0.1 wt% C
and 0.03–0.05 wt% O2. More complete elimination d[Cu(NH3 )n ]2/d   KS  pH0.5 exp(1860/(T  273))
of impurities requires a primary oxygen content in
the powder in the range from 2 to 3 wt% and anneal- Optimal content of free ammonia should provide
ing temperature in the range from 627 to 927°C. production of copper complexes [Cu (NH3)n]2 where
However, in this case, a cake arises that requires fur- n  2.2–2.5.
ther grinding and particle size classifying. Such pow- Ammonia media stimulate co-reduction of nickel
der is characterized by higher apparent density and together with copper and powder contamination espe-
flow rate, though its yield is smaller due to screening cially where the ratio of Cu2 to Ni2 is between 3.5
out of coarse particles flattened during milling. and 5.0 and there is a deficiency of ammonia. Copper
At compacting pressure p over 12 MPa, the useful residue should be over 10 g/L at [Zn]0  50 g/L.
green compacts are formed; the tensile strength of Zinc is present in the powder as a result of zinc
compacts made by isostatic pressing at p  500 MPa ammoniate hydrolysis (insufficient amount of total
from hydrogen-reduced powder and electrolytic pow- ammonia, elevated temperature); its hydroxide or
der are identical. Powder compactibility is described alkaline carbonates are eliminated from the powder
by the relationship p/pmax  Q0,2 (Q – relative compact by means of weak acid solution at the washing stage.
density). Compressibility of powders obtained from Basic solution includes 150–160 g/L copper; if the
ground cake is 15–20% worse. copper content is higher, it becomes unstable during
By varying the parameters of the powder pre- storage. Leaching of metallized feed yields a part of
cipitation and its subsequent processing, the powder the copper in solution as Cu (I) ammoniate. It is sig-
properties can be altered within the following lim- nificant for oxygen consumption reduction but does
its: apparent density of 0.5–2.5 g/cm3, flow rate of not influence the process rate. Usually, the ratio Cu
0.0–3.5 g/s and specific surface of 0.034–4.2 m2/g. (I) to Cu (II) is approximately 1.6–2.0.
Powder surface composition is similar to electrolytic If the temperature is raised from 163 to 204°C,
powder. Compared with the latter, copper powder treatment for 45 minutes is required to reduce the
precipitated from sulfuric acid media is characterized residual copper to 1 g/L starting with a solution con-
by higher apparent density and flow rate, smaller taining 135 g/L. The recommended temperature is
specific surface area, dispersivity and tendency to gas 237–247°C, hydrogen pressure must be not less than
saturation and oxidation. 2.1–2.5 MPa.
Copper as copper (I) chloride was precipitated from Surfactants as derivatives of polyacrylic acid
chloride solutions (25 g/L Cu; 20 g/L HCl) at 100°C or ammonium polyacrylate added in quantity of
and pH2  1.0 MPa in an hour but even at 174°C 0.005–0.5 g/L reduce the amount of powder depos-
and pH2  2.0 MPa metallic copper is absent. ited. Densification cycles increase the cooper precipi-
Organic reducing agents (sugar, glucose, starch, tation rate, appreciably enlarge size and density of
fructose and sawdust) precipitate copper powder at powder. Powder particle shape is non-equiaxed.
160–170°C, density max 15–20 g/L, for 1.0–3.0 The process includes the following steps:
hours. However, incomplete copper precipitation,
impurity of powder and recycled solution with reducer Cu(NH3 )n2  0.5H2 → (NH3 )
n H

destruction substances indicate inadaptability (low (NH3 )n  0.5H2O → 0.5Cu2O  NH

4 (n  1)NH3
technological effectiveness) of the tested agents. 2Cu2O  H2  2H → 3Cu  Cu2  2H2O
For hydroxide pulp processing (127–177°C,
pH2  2.0–2.5 MPa), medium pH and temperature The copper content usually exceeds 99.5%, pow-
are governing process parameters: at pH  4.5 and der particle size ranges from 5 to 40 m. Up to 90% of
temperature lower than 140°C Cu(I) oxide forms; in copper in powder form is precipitated from ethylene-
a more acidic medium and at higher temperatures diamine copper solutions by hydrogen under pressure
copper powder is obtained. (120–140°C, pH2  1.4–4.2 MPa, for 1–3 hours).
Production of Copper and Copper Alloy Powders 357

The flowsheet of copper powder production by  kerosene  530 g/L Cu) with hydrogen at 230–
hydrometallurgical processing from scrap cop- 310°C and pH2  2.0 MPa. The mixture of heptane
per, cement copper and copper concentrate, matte acid with kerosene saturated with copper was treated
and solutions supplied from adjacent fabrications is at 142°C and pH2  2.4 MPa. This process passes
shown in Figure 16.18. This production flowsheet is through the Cu (I) ion formation stage and has an
similar to the hydrometallurgical methods of cobalt autocatalytic nature; addition of seed enlarges pow-
and nickel powder production. The main features der particle size. Preliminary treatment of organic
are absence of seed preparation stage and limited solution also enlarges powder particle size, especially
number of densification cycles (does not exceed 4). with an increasing ratio of NH3. When the ratio
amounts to 2.0, easy-filtered powder is formed.
Of the copper-impregnated extracting reagents
Copper Precipitation from Organic Phase (LIX-64, LIX-65N, SME-529, Acorgap-5100), the
Processing of lean ores by heap or underground best results were observed on precipitation with
leaching yields weak solutions from which copper is reagent LIX-65N. Treatment of the organic solu-
extracted using organic agents to form a saturated tion including 30% LIX-65N, 20% decanol, 50%
metal-organic solution containing 2–10 g/L Cu. The kerosene and 9.0 g/L Cu in the presence of copper
solution undergoes a re-extract and then copper powder (30–35% of total solution) at 197–227°C,
is precipitated from the obtained aqueous solution pH2  1.7–2.8 MPa for 1.0–1.5 hours yields more
(30–40 g/L Cu) by electrolysis. Reduction of the satu- than 90% of precipitated copper.
rated organic solution with hydrogen under pressure
facilitates the production of copper powder without
Anhydride Process
Promising results are obtained by treatment During processing of ammoniacal solution by sul-
of an organic solution (33% tertiary carbonic acid fur dioxide, the ammonium sulfite copper (I) salt is

Copper bearing raw material



Separation of pulp

Insoluble residues Solution

Extraction Pressure precipitation

of accompanying
elements Copper powder pulp


Copper powder Solution

Treatment Extraction
1. Drying of accompanying
2. Comminuting elements
3. Milling
4. Screening
5. Blending

Packing Manufacturing
of parts Figure 16.18 Flowsheet of copper powder
Marketable products production by hydrometallurgical processing.
358 Handbook of Non-Ferrous Metal Powders

precipitated and being decomposed hydrothermally A process is known, where the copper salt is dis-
(by treatment of aqueous solution at elevated tem- solved in acetonitrile (AN):
perature) or by acidification yields copper powder
(Figure 16.19). 3Cu2SO3CuSO4  2H2O  5CuSO4 ⎯ ⎯⎯ →
Copper scrap and metal-bearing precipitates are 7CuSO4  2H2SO4  2SO2
used rather than other copper-bearing materials. By
leaching of copper scrap and metal precipitate (at (57°C, 50% AN solution, 0.09 M SO2 and 0.4 M
37–47°C and maintaining the weight ratio of NH3 H2SO4) the solution can be reduced in an autoclave
to Cu at approximately 4.2 to 1, with aeration), (at 150°C) or by distillation (steam, 87°C, 0.5 hour)
solutions with enhanced content of Cu (I) ions are to precipitate about 50% of the Cu as powder and
obtained thus requiring less sulfur dioxide to precipi- to regenerate AN. The particle size is below 53 m;
tate the copper. they are as crystals and not inclined to agglomer-
At 27–77°C and pH2  1.6–2.0 MPa about 70% ate. Content of Mg, Zn and Fe in the powder is max
of copper is precipitated selectively from the accom- (5–7)  104, which is 60–70 times lower than by
panying impurities (Zn, Ni, As, etc.): direct hydrolysis of ammonium sulfite salt.
The anhydride method uses simpler equipment,
2Cu(NH3 )4 SO4  3SO2  3H2O → 2Cu(NH3 )SO4 consumes less power, production costs are lower in
 3(NH4 )2SO3 comparison with reduction under pressure. However,
it is necessary to utilize bought-in ammonium sulfate
Copper powder is produced by acidification of the and the yield of copper directly extracted is less, thus
slurry which contains Cu(NH3)SO3, or by elevated increasing the re-circulating costs.
temperature hydrolysis (at 140–170°C and maintain-
ing the weight ratio of liquid to solid at 1 to 1, during
approximately 10–15 min): Cementation
The precipitation of a metal from solution by the
2Cu(NH3 )SO3  H2O → 2Cu  (NH4 )2SO4 addition of another less noble metal is known as
 SO2  0.5O2 cementation. The fundamental equation for copper
recovery from copper-bearing liquors using zinc is:
Powder composition is as follows: 99.3–99.8 wt%
Cu; 0.01–0.03 wt% S; 0.06–0.2 wt% O2; 0.002– Cu2  Zn  Zn2  Cu
0.08 wt% Zn; and max 0.001% total Pb, Co, Ni,
As, Sb, Bi, Fe, Mn and Sn. Particle size ranges from Sulfate solution contains 50 g/L of copper and
12 to 60 m and roundish is the general particle 5–20 g/L of sulfuric acid. The latter hinders the
shape; apparent density is 1.3–3.0 g/cm3, flow rate hydrolysis of impurities present in the solution. An
is 0.8–1.6 g/s. The powder properties depend on acid additional factor providing high purity of copper
consumption, ammonium sulfate amount, pres- powder (97.0–98.5% Cu) is high residual content
ence of seed, treatment parameters and process of copper in the solution (1–2 g/L). Consumption of
hydrodynamics. zinc powder with particle size from 100 to 400 m is

Copper bearing raw material

Ammonia leaching

SO2 Solution Insoluble residue

Ammonium sulfite salt Solution

Acidification or Thermolysis To recycling

Recycling Copper powder Figure 16.19 Flowsheet of copper powder produc-

solution tion by the anhydride method.
Production of Copper and Copper Alloy Powders 359

determined by the stoichiometry of the above equa- ions (III) in the anode space of an electrolyzer (Figure
tion, taking into account residual content of copper 16.20) at room temperature [14]. The flow diagram
in the solution. of this process is shown in Figure 16.21. Metallic
The process is carried out at 50°C in the agitators copper is precipitated from solution by the following
with mechanic stirrers; the final slurry is filtered; the reaction:
powder is washed with water, stabilized with 0.05%
soap solution and dried. Cu2  2Ti(III)  Cu(powder)  2Ti(IV)
The general precipitation reaction of copper recov-
ery from cupric sulfate by the addition of iron is: Copper ions go to the anode space from the solu-
ble anodes. Powder permanently suspended in the
Fe  CuSO4  Cu  FeSO4 electrolyte is recovered by filtration and the filtrate
goes back into the cathode space, where the reducer,
Practically, scrap iron, such as detinned and shred- namely titanium ions (III), is regenerated on the per-
ded cans, is used. Subsequent separation, washing, forated lead cathode.
reduction and pulverizing results in the production of Anode space is separated from the cathode by a
a copper powder that contains considerable amounts diaphragm made of chlorine fiber previously tight-
of iron and acid insolubles, such as alumina and ened by boiling it in distilled water for 20 min. The
silica. For this process, chemical analyses of cement level of the catholyte is higher than the anolyte level
copper from different sources [6] show that total cop- that ensures the electrolyte flows from the cathode
per content ranges from 75 to 85 wt% and impurity space to the anode. The powder separated on the filter
contents, depending on scrap composition, vary in is washed with water to remove electrolyte, stabilized
following ranges: 0.7–10.0 wt% iron, 0.5–1.1 wt% with 0.05% soap solution, then washed again, dried
sulfur, 0.5–1.1 wt% nitric acid insolubles, 0.08 wt% under vacuum at 100–120°C, cooled under vacuum
calcium oxide, 0.5–1.2 wt% alumina, 0.4 wt% silicon to room temperature and classified. Electrolyte circu-
dioxide, 0.2 wt% lead and 9.5 wt% oxygen. lated with a speed of 22 L/h contains 184.2 g/L of Ti2
(SO4)3 and 98 g/L of H2SO4. The cathode current den-
sity at 25°C is 50 A/m2 and anode current density is
400 A/m2. The powder produced consists of particles
Electrowinning of approximately 1.5 m in size and having a distinc-
Electrowinning is used to recover copper from leach tive angular shape.
solutions containing more than approximately 25 g/L Various characteristic methods for electrowinning
of copper (Harlan process). The electrolytic cells are copper and copper alloy powders from leach solu-
equipped with insoluble lead–antimony anodes and tions can be found in Table 16.6.
99% Ni cathodes. The copper powder deposits do not
stick and gravitate to the bottom of the cells. The
Titanium sulfate feed
temperature of the electrolyte is maintained at 60°C;
cathode current varies from 1350 to 2700 A/m2.
When the copper concentration falls below15 g/L, the
electrolyte is drained and used for feed ore leaching.
Particle size of the powder prior to the heat treatment Anodes
Discharge of
processing ranges from 1 to 25 m. Copper content is
Body suspension
excellent, 99.9%. However, the power requirements Ti(SO4)2Cu
for electrowinning of copper are approximately ten Cathode
times as large as those for electrowinning of copper
using soluble anodes.
Copper may be precipitated from low content leach
solutions by solvent extraction, followed by stripping
with dilute sulfuric acid into an aqueous solution and
electrowinning. Carboxylic acid and hydroxylamine-
based compounds have been found to be selective
solvents of low water solubility, to have good stability
and to be compatible with inexpensive diluents. Slurry
Another technique is used for obtaining copper discharge
powder with electrochemical regeneration of the Figure 16.20 Electrolytic cell for production of copper pow-
reducer. Copper is reduced in the solution by titanium der by electrochemical regeneration of reducer.
360 Handbook of Non-Ferrous Metal Powders


Cathode spacing Anode spacing

Ti(IV)  e Ti(III) Cu2e  Cu2
Cu2  2Ti(III)  Cu2Ti(IV)


Solution Powder

Cleaning from electrolyte

Stabilization, washing

Vacuum drying

Vacuum cooling

Figure 16.21 Flowsheet to produce copper pow-

Screening der by electrochemical regeneration of reducer.

Oxide Dispersion Strengthened offers the advantage that powder particles can be
internally rapidly oxidized and then consolidated into
(ODS) Copper Powder Production the required shape.
The internal oxidation process involves the low
Because of its high electrical and thermal conductiv- aluminum addition in copper and atomizing the melt
ity, copper is widely used in industry; however, it has by mean of a high pressure inert gas such as nitro-
relatively low strength, especially at elevated temper- gen. The powder obtained is mixed with an oxidant
atures. It can be strengthened by using stable oxides that consists of fine copper oxide powder. Then, the
such as alumina, zirconia, titania, thoria or yttria. mixture is heated to a high temperature at which the
For this, the PM technique is used, because the above oxide dissociates and the oxygen produced diffuses
oxides are insoluble in molten copper. Dispersion into the particles of copper–aluminum solid solution.
strengthened copper cannot be made by conven- Because aluminum forms oxide more readily than
tional ingot metallurgy. copper, the aluminum in the alloy is preferably oxi-
dized to aluminum oxide. After entire oxidation of the
Manufacture aluminum, surplus oxygen in the powder is reduced
by heating the powder in hydrogen or a dissociated
Oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) copper can be ammonia atmosphere.
produced by several methods [23]: simple mechani- Three grades of ODS copper are commercially avail-
cal mixing of the copper and oxide powders, co- able, where are designated as C15715, C15725, and
precipitation from salt solutions, mechanical alloying C15760 by the Copper Development Association. The
[24] or by selective internal oxidation [25]. The latter nominal compositions of these grades are: 99.7 wt%
produces the finest and most uniform dispersion. Size (99.3 vol%) Cu, 0.3 wt% (0.7 vol%) Al2O3 C15715
distribution and cost vary substantially among these grade; 99.5 wt% (98.8 vol%) Cu, 0.5 wt% (1.2 vol%)
methods. Alumina is a common strengthening phase Al2O3 C157215 grade; and 98.9 wt% (97.3 vol%) Cu,
used in the production of ODS copper. 1.1 wt% (2.7 vol%) Al2O3 C15760 grade.
The internal oxidation method is based on the The powder is consolidated into fully dense shapes
principle that a copper–aluminum solid solution is by various techniques. Semi-products, such as rod
internally oxidized at elevated temperature. For effec- and bar, are made by sealing the powder in a suitable
tive internal oxidation, oxygen must diffuse into the metal container, usually copper, and hot extruding it
matrix (copper) several orders of value rather than to the given size. Strip is manufactured either by roll-
the solute element (aluminum). Powder metallurgy ing rods of extruded rectangular bar or by directly
Production of Copper and Copper Alloy Powders 361

rolling powder with or without a container. Wire electrical and thermal conductivities of ODS coppers
is produced by cold drawing of rod. HIP of powder does not differ from those of pure copper.
sealed in container is used when large pieces cannot ODS copper has high resistance to softening even
be made by hot extrusion. Such shapes can be also after exposure to temperatures close to the melting
made by forging of sealed powder or green compacts. point of copper because the aluminum oxide parti-
Finished parts are made from semi-products by cles are stable at these temperatures and retain their
machining, brazing and soldering. Fusion welding original size and spacing. At typical brazing and
is not applicable because it causes the aluminum glass-to-metal sealing temperatures (above 600°C),
oxide to precipitate from the liquid copper matrix, ODS coppers retain their strength while OF copper
accompanied with the loss of dispersion strengthen- loses its strength. At above 600°C, the ODS coppers
ing. While flash welding, in which the liquid metal have tensile strength comparable to or better than
is squeezed out of the weld joint, and electron beam some stainless steels. ODS copper has high thermal
welding, in which a small heat-affected zone is cre- stability at elevated temperatures because the alumi-
ated, have been used with success. num oxide particles retain their initial particle size
and spacing even after prolonged heating and pre-
vent recrystallization of the matrix.
The properties of ODS copper strongly depend on the Applications
aluminum oxide content. They can be altered to meet
a wide range of design requirements by varying the Oxide dispersion strengthened copper has received
aluminum oxide content and/or cold work. Typical wide market acceptance in series applications [23].
for rod stock in the hot extruded condition, increas- The main applications are enumerated below.
ing aluminum oxide content from 0.45 to 2.7 vol% Lead wires. ODS copper wire is used in leads for
increases the tensile strength from 340 to 670 MPa, incandescent lamps. Its high-temperature strength
while elongation is decreased from 27 to 19%. retention capability allows glass-to-metal seals to be
The free or reducible oxygen content of the above made without abnormal softening of the leads. This
three ODS coppers, usually about 0.02–0.05 wt%, is in turn eliminates the need for expensive molybde-
present in the form of dissolved oxygen and cuprous num support wires. Superior strength of the leads
oxide. Alloys in this state are inclined to hydrogen enables reduction in lead diameter to save material.
embrittlement at high temperatures. In these low- ODS copper wire also can be used in leads for discrete
oxygen compositions, the reducible oxygen can be electronic components such as diodes.
converted to non-reducible oxide by adding up to Relay blades and contact supports. These parts
0.02 wt% boron as an oxygen getter. These grades involve current-carrying arms that connect fixed con-
are then resistant to hydrogen embrittlement. tact points with electrical circuits. Generally, the relay
Physical properties of ODS copper closely resem- blade and contact supports have silver contacts brazed
ble those of pure copper, since the former contains or riveted to them. The strength retention capability
small amounts of aluminum oxide as discrete parti- of ODS copper after exposure to elevated temperature
cles in an essentially pure copper matrix. Table 16.11 allows brazing of contacts to the blade without per-
shows the properties of the commercial ODS coppers ceptible strength loss. Due to higher electrical con-
comparing them with oxygen-free (OF) copper [23]. ductivity of ODS copper; it has replaced conventional
The melting point does not differ from that of copper copper alloys, such as phosphor bronze and beryllium
because the matrix melts and the aluminum oxide copper, in some relays.
separates from the melt. Density, coefficient of ther- Sliding electrical contacts. ODS copper bars
mal expansion, and modulus of elasticity are similar are used in overhead sliding electrical contacts for
to those of pure copper. high-speed electric trains. Their high resistances
Electrical and thermal conductivities range from to abrasive wear provide up to 10 times contact life
78 to 92% of those for pure copper. In combina- and reduce the maintenance costs significantly. The
tion with the high strengths of these materials, they higher the train speed, the greater the advantage
enhance the current-carrying or heat-dissipation ODS copper base materials.
capabilities for a given section size and structural Resistance welding electrodes. ODS copper
strength. Therefore, they enable reduction of section electrodes are widely used for resistance welding in
size for component miniaturization without damage automotive, appliance and other sheet metal process-
to structural strength or current and heat-carrying ing industries. It is well known that sticking of the
capabilities. At elevated temperature, the decrease in electrodes to the workpiece is a major problem when
Table 16.11 Properties of oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) and oxygen-free (OF) copper powders

Properties Unit Material

C15715 C15725 C15760 OF Copper
Melting point °C 1083 1083 1083 1083
Density g/cm3 8.90 8.86 8.81 8.94
Electrical resistivity at 20°C  mm2/m 0.0186 0.0198 0.0221 0.017
Electrical conductivity at 20°C %IACS 92 87 78 101
Thermal conductivity at 20°C W/m · K 365 344 322 391
Linear coefficient of thermal expansion for 20–1000°C ppm/°C 16.6 16.6 16.6 17.7
Modulus of elasticity GPa 130 130 130 115
Thickness or Temper or
diameter (mm) conditiona
Tensile strength
Flat products 10 AC MPa 413 434 517 ...
2.5 CW 75% MPa ... ... 627 ...
2.3 CW 78% MPa ... 586 ... ...
1.3 CW 88% MPa 579 ... ... ...
0.15 CW 98% MPa 661 675 737 ...
Plate Up to 130 AC MPa 365 413 ... ...
25 CW 60% MPa 476 496 ... ...
16 CW 75% MPa 483 524 ... ...
Rod 38–14 AC MPa 393 441 551 ...
19 CW 55% MPa 427 ... ...
13 CW 14% MPa ... ... 572 ...
7 CW 94% MPa 496 ... ... ...
7 CW 74% MPa ... ... 620 390
Wire 1.3 CW 99% MPa 524 ... ... ...
0.4 CW 99.9% MPa 606 ... ... ...
Rounds up to 760 AC MPa 365 413 469 ...
Yield strength
Flat products 10 AC MPa 331 345 413 ...
2.5 CW 75% MPa ... ... 572 ...
2.3 CW 78% MPa ... 544 ... ...
1.3 CW 88% MPa 537 ... ... ...
0.15 CW 98% MPa 613 613 655 ...
Plate Up to 130 AC MPa 255 296 ... ...
25 CW 60% MPa 427 441 ... ...
16 CW 75% MPa 455 467 ... ...
Rod 38–14 AC MPa 324 358 517 ...
Table 16.11 (Continued)

Properties Unit Material

C15715 C15725 C15760 OF Copper
7 CW 94% MPa 469 ... ... ...
7 CW 74% MPa ... ... 599 ...
Wire 1.3 CW 99% MPa 496 ... ... ...
0.4 CW 99.9% MPa 579 ... ... ...
Rounds Up to 760 AC MPa 255 296 331 ...
Flat products 10 AC % 20 21 13 ...
2.5 CW 75% % ... ... 8 ...
2.3 CW 78% % ... 8 ... ...
1.3 CW 88% % 7 ... ... ...
0.15 CW 98% % 6 6 6 ...
Plate Up to 130 AC % 26 19 ... ...
25 CW 60% % 10 9 ... ...
16 CW 75% % 10 9 ... ...
Rod 38–14 AC % 27 24 22 ...
19 CW 55% % 18 ... ... ...
13 CW 14% % ... ... 16 ...
7 CW 94% % 9 ... ... ...
7 CW 74% % ... ... 14 ...
Wire 1.3 CW 99% % 2 ... ...
1.3 HT 650% % 10 ... ... ...
0.4 CW 99.9% % 1 ... ... ...
Rounds Up to 760 AC % 26 19 4 ...
Flat products 10 AC HRB 62 72 81 ...
2.5 CW 75% HRB ... ... 85 ...
2.3 CW 78% HRB ... 83 ... ...
Plate Up to 130 AC HRB 62 68 ...
Rod 38–14 AC HRB 62 73 80 ...
19 CW 55% HRB 68 ... ... ...
13 CW 14% HRB ... ... 83 ...
7 CW 94% HRB 72 ... ... ...
7 CW 74% HRB ... ... 86 ...
Rounds Up to 760 AC HRB ... 68 76 ...

AC, as consolidated; CW: cold work % reduction in area; HT: heat treatment for 1 h.
364 Handbook of Non-Ferrous Metal Powders

welding galvanized and other coated steel. This usu- temperature and providing longer tube life and qui-
ally results in electrodes pulling off their holders and eter tube operation.
necessitates stopping the assembly line to alter the Particle accelerator components. Oxide dis-
electrodes. Such interruptions are very costly. ODS persion strengthened copper plates and bars are used
copper electrodes eliminate sticking to galvanized in mirrors and X-ray absorbers because of their high
and other coated steel. Increasing use of coated steels thermal conductivity, high strength, creep resistance
in the automotive industry has predicted further and vacuum integrity.
wide usage of ODS copper electrodes. Other applications. Other various applications
Metal–inert-gas welding contact tips. of ODS copper include dissimilar circuit package
Resistance of ODS copper to abrasive wear from the components, high field magnet coils, anode stems
steel wire enables the tips to maintain the bore diam- chlorine cells, electrodischarge machining elec-
eter and minimizes the wandering of the arc. This trodes, high-speed motor and generator components,
is important in automated welding lines. The non- commutators and so forth.
sticking property of ODS copper also minimizes the
material build-up.
X-ray and microwave tube components. Applications of Copper and
Another example of ODS copper applications is the
stems for the rotating anodes in X-ray tubes where Copper-base Powders
high strength retention after brazing and glass-
to-metal sealing are important. The high thermal Basic applications for copper and copper-base PM
conductivity of ODS copper also enables more effi- materials are summarized in Table 16.12. These
cient heat removal, thus lowering the operating include bearings, electrical parts, friction materials,

Table 16.12 Applications of copper and copper-base powders

Applications Powder type

Automotive and machinery
Bearings Bronze, copper–lead–tin, copper–lead,
copper–lead–zinc, copper–nickel, ODS copper
Brake bands and linings Copper, brass, copper–lead, copper–lead–tin,
Bushings Bronze
Control panels, instruments Nickel–silver
Counterweights Copper–tungsten
Chemical catalysts Copper
Filters Bronze
Flame arresters Bronze
Fungicide additive Copper
Soil conditioning Copper
Valves and pumps Copper–nickel
Coatings and paints
Conductive paints and plastics Copper and brass
Antifouling paints Copper
Decorative paints Copper, brass, bronze
Lacquers Brass, bronze
Mechanical plating Copper, brass
Spray coating Copper, brass
Vacuum metallizing Copper
Construction hardware
Conductive and non-sparking floors Copper
Decorative plastics Copper, bronze, and brass
Dissimilar circuit package components ODS copper
Domestic water filters Brass
Production of Copper and Copper Alloy Powders 365

Table 16.12 (Continued)

Applications Powder type

Locks and keys Brass, bronze, and ODS copper
Fastening bolt Brass
Pipe joint compounds Copper, brass
Electrical and electronic
Brushes Copper, copper–lead–tin–carbon
Brush holders Nickel–silver
Contacts ODS copper
Heatsinks Copper
Printed circuits Copper
Semiconductor stud bases Copper, ODS copper
Telephone components Brass, bronze
Particle accelerator components ODS copper
Switch and contactor components Copper, brass
Incandescent lamps ODS copper
X-ray, microwave tube parts ODS copper
Antigalling pipe joint compounds Copper
Copper lubricants Copper
Plastic-filled metal Copper, bronze
Self-lubricating (oil-filled) parts Bronze
Manufacturing and machining
Abrasive wheel bonding Copper
Brazing compounds Copper, brass, bronze
Electrodischarge machining Copper
Electrochemical machining Copper
Resistance welding electrodes Copper, copper–chromium, ODS copper
Metal-inert-gas welding contact tips Copper, ODS copper
Armor-piercing cores Copper
Fuse parts Brass
Projectile rotating bands Copper, brass
Other equipment and uses
Business machines Brass
Coins, metals, medallions Copper–nickel
Cordless devices Copper
Fingemail polish Copper
Lawn and garden equipment Bronze
Metal bond for diamond tools Bronze, copper–nickel
Photographic equipment Bronze, brash, nickel–silver

structural materials, brushes, filters, additives to iron Various configuration carbon brushes suitable for
powders (alloying as well as infiltration), catalysts, conducting electrical current in sliding contacts are
pigments and paints. pictured in Figure 16.23. Fine electrolytic copper
An assortment of bearings and parts of sintered powders form a durable matrix in which dispersed
bronze are shown in Figure 16.22. Bearings made graphite serves as dry lubricant and prevents seizing
from sintered bronze have a uniform interconnected of the brushes. The dendritic particle shape ensures
porosity ranging generally from 18 to 30%. The good mixability with graphite and high green
pore volume is impregnated once only with oil, after strength.
which the bearing functions maintenance-free and Friction materials are required as linings for
self-lubricating. Because of these advantages, self- clutches and brakes. Typical arrangements are
lubricated bearings account for a significant part of shown in Figure 16.24. Friction linings have the
PM applications. There are also many applications property of converting mechanical energy of motion
for sintered bronze parts. to heat by means of friction, the heat in turn having
366 Handbook of Non-Ferrous Metal Powders

Figure 16.24 Friction PM parts assortment. Courtesy of

Norddeutsche Affinerie Aktiengesellschaft.
Figure 16.22 Assorted bearings and parts made from PM
bronze. Courtesy of Norddeutsche Affinerie Aktiengesellschaft.

may be reinforced with embedded metal particles,

i.e. so-called semi-metallic linings. High-duty linings,
on the other hand, contain continuous metallic solid
which provides mechanical strength and good heat
dissipation. In this matrix seizure preventing and
friction producing components are embedded.
Formation and functional effectiveness of the sup-
porting of the metallic matrix depend decisively on
metal powder used. Dendritic copper powders ensure
high green strength, intensive bonding between
particles and high sintering activity, especially with
the addition of elementary tin and liquid phase
Filters made of sintered bronze, exhibited in Figure
16.25, have a porosity of between 30 and 50%. A
uniform distribution of interconnected pores hav-
ing almost equal size and shape is characteristic. The
size of the pores, and hence the permeability of the
filter material, can be controlled by choosing suit-
able particle sizes in starting powder. Normally, the
standard fractions used range from below 40 m to
Figure 16.23 Typical carbon bronze brushes. Courtesy
630–1000 m.
of Norddeutsche Affinerie Aktiengesellschaft. Generally, manufacture is by the loose powder sin-
tering process, and sintering is done in graphite or
steel dies, mostly under hydrogen or cracked ammo-
to be continuously dissipated to prevent overheat- nia. Sintering temperatures are about 785°C, sinter-
ing. Various types of friction materials are employed ing times approximately 60 min. Spherical bronze
depending on the amount of heat to be dissipated. In powder contains about 0.35% phosphorus. The latter
the capacity of friction components, silicon dioxide, increases the surface tension of the melt to be atom-
aluminum oxide, silicon nitride, etc are employed. ized and so ensures a good spherical particle shape.
Graphite, lead, molybdenum sulfide, etc. play a part The addition of phosphorus also reduces the solidus
in lubricating components. In the case of smaller temperature of the tin bronze to about 700°C, which
quantities of converted energy, it is sufficient to in turn allows the advantages of liquid phase sinter-
employ linings of the synthetic resin type, which ing to be accomplished.
Production of Copper and Copper Alloy Powders 367

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