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CW- 8.11.21

Write electronic configuration of atoms having no. of electrons -

1. 38- 2, 8, 18, 8, 2
2. 15- 2, 8, 5

There are 3 particles in an atom-

 electrons (negatively charged),

 protons (positively charged) and
 neutrons (0 charge)
(Protons and neutrons reside in the nucleus
Electrons revolve around the nucleus in definite shells)

Gaining/Losing electrons-
 Ca has Z= 20, p+=20 and e-=20
 Ca configuration= 2, 8, 8, 2
 Ca loses 2 electrons to become Ca2+
Ca2+ has Z= 20, p+= 20 and e- = 18
 Ca2+ configuration= 2, 8, 8
 Cl has Z= 17, p+=17 and e-=17
 Cl configuration= 2, 8, 7
 Cl gains 1 electron to become Cl-
Cl- has Z= 17, p+= 17 and e- = 18
 Cl- configuration= 2, 8, 8

No. of p+ = Z

No. of n0 = A-p+ = A-Z

Valency- Combining capacity of a species to be stable.

Valency rules-

 If last shell has electrons = 1, 2 or 3 : Valency would be 1+, 2+ , 3+ resp.

(species lose electrons = 1,2,3 resp.)
 If last shell has electrons = 5, 6 or 7 : Valency would be 3-, 2- , 1- resp.
(species gain electrons = 3,2,1 resp.)
 If last shell has 4 electrons : Valency = 4 (species share 4 electrons).
 If last shell has 8 electrons : Valency = 0 (species is stable, so, it doesn’t combine)

Mg O- C Na+
Z (Atomic 12 8 6 11
A (Mass No.) 24 16 12 23
No. of p+ 12 8 6 11
No. of e- 12 9 6 10
No. of n0 12 8 6 12
e- 2, 8, 2 2, 7 2, 4 2, 8
Valency 2+ 1- 4 0
Charge 0 1- 0 1+

F- Mg2+ Ne Li
Z 9 12 10 3
A 19 24 20 7
p+ 9 12 10 3
e- 10 10 10 3
n0 10 12 10 4
e- conf. 2, 8 2, 8 2, 8 2, 1
Valency 0 0 0 1+
Charge 1- 2+ 0 0

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