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The meaning of justice depends on varying circumtances. It is an enigmatic word that can be
very personal in nature and varies from situation to situations that involve justice. There are
several meanings of justice because of this uncertainty. Justice is sometimes used with the term
equity interchangeably. We want to feel like we are treated equally in any situation in life by
getting equitable and unbiased treatment.

This refers to conditions as common as having our number called in order to earn the same pay
as a coworker who is in the same position as you are at the deli counter. We have different
versions of what is considered equal, but we all want to be treated equally. As a consequence,
individuals also disagree about what they deserve and whether they get it. Nevertheless, to
attempt to provide justice for the masses, society has the duty of setting moral codes, goals, rules,
and penalties. Social justice and criminal justice are two examples of how society accomplishes
this goal.


In note book


Criminal justice is a subset of social justice that refers to the process of criminal justice where,
contrary to criminal law, the concepts of right and wrong and equal and unjust are violated.
Consequently, where social justice is concerned with how we interpret fairness and equity, when
it comes to the law, criminal justice upholds those ideals. For example, we have agreed in
American society that it is unethical to rob and have created rules that the criminal justice system
upholds to support social justice. Therefore, if Paul steals Christmas decorations from his
neighbor to put them up at his home (something we consider socially unjust and unlawful),
Through the use of the criminal justice process, Paul should be found liable. When Paul's
neighbor realizes that his Christmas decorations have been robbed, he will certainly demand
justice to be served against him for this crime. Social justice also carries into the criminal justice
process, even for offenders. As Paul is taken into the criminal justice process, the Constitution
will ensure some protections to guarantee that he is treated fairly and equally by actors of
criminal justice (police, courts, juries, etc.). Americans want a system of criminal justice that
punishes criminals that deserve it, but in a way that is equal and fair.

If we allowed criminal justice actors, including the police, to do whatever they wanted to solve a
case, can you imagine? Without really asking you why or getting a search warrant, they may
reach your home, search through all your belongings, take items they decide to be evidence, and
lock you in jail. Providing social justice to criminals decreases the risk of the innocent being
wrongfully accused and biased actions against any group.

Herbert leslie packer was an American law professor and criminologist, his key work is the book
the limits of the criminal sanctions, which proposed two models for criminal justice system, the
crime control model and the due process model


Justice is an elusive concept that can differ based on the situations under which justice is needed
and can be very personal in nature. It means a sense of equity, honesty, and unbiased care. Social
justice and criminal justice are two areas of justice that help give a context for how we view and
deliver justice.

The overarching societal concern about what is right and wrong and equal and unjust is social
justice. Social justice, with the notion of equity or equal opportunity in society, applies these
ideas of correctness and fairness. It is vast and covers equitable economic, political, and social
rights and resources for everyone.

Criminal justice is a subset of social justice that applies the process of criminal justice where,
according to criminal law, the concepts of right and wrong and equal and unfair are violated. So,
where social justice is concerned with how fairness and equality are defined, whenever they
apply to the law, criminal justice upholds those ideals.

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