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From “ARE AFRAID IF THE DARK” by S.Sheldon ON LEXINGTON AVENUE, Diane hailed a cab. “Where are we going?” “To La Guardia airport.” Kelly looked at Diane in surprise. “Don’t you know they'll be watching all the airports?” “I hope so.” “What are you?" Kelly groaned. “You have a plan, right?” Diane patted Kelly's hand and smiled “Rig AT LAGUARDIA, Kelly followed Diane inside the terminal to the US Airways ticket counter. The wgent behind the counter said, “Good morning. Can I help you?” Diane smiled. “Yes, we'd like two coach tickets to Los Angeles.” “When would you like to leave?” “On the first available flight. Our names are Diane Stevens and Kelly Harris. "Kelly winced. The ticket agent was consulting a schedule, “The next plane will be boarding at two-fifeen.” “Perfect.” Diane looked at Kelly. Kelly managed a weak smile. Perfect.” “Will that be cash or eredit card?” “Cash.” Diane handed him the money. As they walked away, Kelly said, “Why don’t we just put up a neon sign telling Kingsley where we are?” Diane said, “You worry too much.” They started to pass the American Airlines booth. Diane stopped and walked up to the ticket agent, “We'd like two coach tickets to Miami on the next flight out of here.” “Certainly.” The ticket agent checked the schedule. “That flight will be boarding in three hours.” “Fine, Our names are Diane Stevens and Kelly Harris. “Kelly closed her eyes for an instant. “Credit eard or eash?” “Cash. “Diane paid the clerk and he handed her their tickets. Kelly said, “Is this how we're going to outwit these geniuses? This wouldn't fool a ten-year-old.” Diane started walking toward the airport exit. Kelly hurried alter her. “Where are you going?” “We're going to— “Never mind, I don’t think I want to know.” THERE WAS a row of taxis in front of the airport, When the two women walked out of the terminal, ‘one of the taxis pulled out of line and drove up in front of the entrance. Kelly and Diane got into the cab. “Where to, please?” “Kennedy airport.” Kelly said, “I don’t know if they're going to be confused, but I sure am. The taxi went into gear, Diane leaned forward to examine the driver's photo ID: MARIO SILVA. “Mr. Silva, do you think that you can get us to Kennedy without being followed?” They could see his grin in the mirror. “You came to the right party, lady. "He pressed down on the accelerator and made a sudden Ustum, At the first comer, he drove halfway down the street, then sped into an alley. The women looked through the rear window. There were no cars behind them. Mario Silva's grin widened. “Okay?” “Okay,” Kelly said, For the next thirty minutes, Mario Silva kept making unexpected turns and going down small, side streets, to make sure no one could follow them, Finally, the taxi pulled up in front of the main entrance to Kennedy airport. “We're here,” Mario Silva announced triumphantly. Diane took some bills from her purse. “There's something extra for you. “The driver took the money and smiled. “Thanks.” He sat in his cab, watching his two passengers walk into the Kennedy terminal. When they were out of sight, he picked up his cellphone. “Tanner Kingsley AT THE DELTA Airlines counter, the ticket agent glanced up at the board. “Yes, we do have two lickets available on the flight you want, It leaves at five-fifty P.M. There's a one-hour layover in Madrid, ‘and the plane arrives in Barcelona at nine-twenty A.M.” “That will be fine,” Diane said. “Will that be credit ‘Cash. "Diane handed the ticket agent the money and tured to Kelly. “Let's wait in the card of cash? lounge: ““THIRTY MINUTES LATER, Harry Flint was on his cell phone talking to Tanner. “I got the information you asked for. They're flying Delta to Barcelona, Their plane leaves Kennedy at five-fifty this, evening, with a one-hour layover in Madrid, They'll arrive in Barcelona at nine-twenty in the morning.” ‘Good. You'll take a company jet to Barcelona, Mr. Flint, and meet them there when they arrive. I'm counting on you to give them a warm weleome.” THE TAKEOFF ON the flight to Barcelona was smooth. Kelly looked out the window at New York fading into the distance. “So, we're going to Paris, Berlin, Denver, and back to New York.” “Right. We'll «ross the border into France at San Sebastién.” HARRY FLINT ELBOWED his way through the crowd at El Prat airport in Barcelona and walked Upto the lass window that overlooked the runway. He tured his head to sean the board that listed the arrivals and departures, The plane from New York was on schedule, due to arrive in thirty minutes. Everything was moving according to plan, Flint sat down and waited. Half an hour later the plane landed and the New York flight began to disembark. The passengers all seemed excited ~ a typical planeload of carefree tourists, traveling salesmen, ehildren, and couples on their honeymoons. He frowned. There was no sign of Diane or Kelly. Flint waited another five minutes, then started to go through the boarding gate, “Sir. you can’t go through here. “Flint snapped, “FAA. We have national security information about a Package that is hidden in the lavatory of this plane. I was ordered to inspect it immediately.” Flint was already moving toward the tarmac. As he reached the plane, the crew was beginning to depart. A flight attendant asked, “May I help you?” “FAA inspection,” Flint said. He walked up the steps into the plane. There were no passengers in sight. The flight attendant asked, “Is there a problem?” “Yes. A possible bomb. She watched as Flint strode to the end of the cabin and pulled open the rest-room doors. The rooms were empty. The women had disappeared. Speech Patterns |. Kelly looked at Diane in surprise, His team’s unexpected win left him open-mouthed in astonishment. When he leamed the news he could only shake his head in bewilderment. 2. Is this how we're going to outwit these geniuses? Is this how we are supposed to dress starting next year? Is this how we are going to feel returning back to work after Christmas? 3. For the next thirty minutes, Mario Silva kept making unexpected tums and going through small side streets, 10 make sure no one could follow them, ‘There was something strange about Awen, she kept smiling at me. John and Helen kept travelling for three months and became terribly homesicl Phrases and Word-Combinat to hail a cab arunway a terminal arrivals and departures a ticket counter to scan the board a ticket agent to be on schedule to consult a schedule to disembark (in a city) to board at 2.15 a boarding gate a coach ticket a flight attendant to pull out of the line acabin a one-hour layover in a city to land (about the plane) to wait ina loun; to arrive in a city/country a takeoff on the flight to N. to arrive atthe airport/ raitway station Documents © Passport, visa © Tickets for airline,boat.train.bus Copies of passport, tickets ete © Boarding pass © Drivers licence © Health insurance card ™ List of medications, letter prescriber © Travel insurance © Student card Travel aids Suitcases, backpack Itinerary Maps and directions Language guide © Travel guide © Travel pillow. sleeping mask, earplugs © Travel locks "Luggage tags © Pens and paper © Snacks, drinks ‘Small pocket knife (not in carry-on!) ' Rope. expandable clothesline 1 ast Financial "Foreign currency Emergency money ™ Credit card, debit card Documents xtra wallet Money belt Appliances Cellphone. charger Photo camera, memorycard, charger "Laptop, iPad or Tablet, E-reader, chargers "Travel adapter and converter © ‘Travel iron © Flashlight ™ Headphones, Clothes Underwear Socks Sleepwear Shints, polos Jeans, trousers, shorts, Dresses, skirts Shoes, sneakers Flipflops, slippers Jackets, coats, raincoats Belts, ti Scarves, hats, gloves Toiletries ' Toothbrush, paste, dental floss © Deodorant Tweezers (not in carry- on!) Soap, shampoo, conditioner ' Towels ne hygiene © Makeup. makeup. remover ' Shaving supplies "Skin products © Brush, comb, hairproducts T Glasses, contact lenses, supplies Health © Medications, pain reliever © First aid ki © Insect repellent © Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) © Mosquito net © Birth control, condoms © Vaccines. health/dental checkup © Vitamins Hand sanatizer/desinfectant General activities © Swimsuit and big towel © Walking shoes © Sunglasses © Sunscreen © Umbrella " Daypack T Books. e-books. magazines ‘The GERUND Active Passivi =) Indefinite/Simple (suparKac alto omouacny 3 aicio | writing, being written ropa-nipitcystKa) = ES i [Perfect anpaskae aio, mio wixGyaaen pase 8 ao | having writen | having been writen | aicenowa-npueyaka) i 2 a Se Dancing hasn't begun yet. On seeing Arm he stopped and cheered her. Afier having been informed of the conference Jack rushed to the bus stop. He denied having spoken to them, Kouctpyxuit 3 repyiutiem Maite sapkan neperstaziaiorbes nispaaHuM peveHHaMt, Lo BBOAHTHCH CLLOAYHMTAKOM Tey LO; THM, M05 His being an A-student was his advantage. I began to picture to myself my being a famous singer on a large stage. Tlonepeans ain soxe Gyr pupaxkena Simple Gerund nica aiccaia to remember, excuse, forgive, thank ra nicas npuiiventusis on (upon), after, without: I don't remember hearing the legend before. He passed by without noticing the litle girl. Tlicas aiecais to want, need, deserve, require ra npukMersiKka worth repyHaifi sapxKaH BOKUBACTHCA B AKTHHI This film is worth seeing. Your house wants repairing. It deserves your paying attention to /your attention. Tepynaiit samxnn srxnsactoca micas nactymx aiccaip: to avoid, burst out, deny, enjoy, excuse, faney, finish, forgive, give up, go on, keep on, leave off, mind, postpone, put off, cannot help, risk, consider, imagine: He avoided looking at me. She couldn't help laughing. They went on discussing the issue. Fancy meeting Jane with Peter in the cinema. Do you mind my opening the window? Lepynaiit sasxan mkunactses nicna nacrynHnx aiccais 3 npuiimennuxamn: to accuse of, agree to, approve of, complain of, depend on, feel like, insist on, look like, object to, persist in, prevent from, rely on, speak of, succeed in, suspect of, thank for, think of, give up the idea of, look forward to, not to like the idea of, miss an/the opportunity oft I don't feel like eating out 11 looks like raining, You suspect me of having stolen the ring. Fepynaiit sama mknpactics nicas Hactyniix Bupasis 3 npuiiMennixamn: to be aware of, be busy in, be capable of, be fond of, be guilty of, be (dis)pleased at, be proud of, be sure of, be surprised at, be worth: He was aware of Ann's having married John. I'm fond of swimming. Tliens wacryniinx aiccais ra pupasin Mowyts wacubaruica i repynaili, f indinirus: be afraid, begin, cease, continue, can(not) afford, fear, forget, hate, (dis)like, prefer, remember, start, stop, recollect, try, regret, mean: He stopped smoking. He stopped to smoke.

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