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The molecular mechanisms underlying mussel adhesion

Nanoscale Advances Accepted Manuscript

Yiran Li,a,b and Yi Cao a,b,*
Received 00th January 20xx,
Accepted 00th January 20xx Marine mussels are able to firmly affix on various wet surfaces by the overproduction of special mussel foot proteins
Open Access Article. Published on 10 October 2019. Downloaded on 10/11/2019 1:52:53 PM.

DOI: 10.1039/x0xx00000x (mfp). Abundant fundamental studies have been conducted to understand the molecular basis of mussel adhesion, where
the catecholic amino acid, L-3,4-Dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) has been found to play the major role. These studies are
continuing inspiring the engineering of novel adhesives and coatings with improved underwater performances. Despite
the recent advances of the adhesives and coatings inspired by mussel adhesive proteins have been intensively reviewed in
literature, the fundamental biochemical and biophysical studies on the origin of the strong and versatile wet adhesion
have not been fully covered. In this review, we show that how the force measurements at the molecular level by surface
force apparatus (SFA) and single molecule atomic force microscopy (AFM) can be used to reveal the direct link between
DOPA and the wet adhesion strength of mussel proteins. We highlight a few important technical details that are critical to
the successful experimental design. We also summarize many new insights going beyond DOPA adhesion, such as the
surface environment and protein sequence dependent synergistic and cooperative binding. We also provide a perspective
on a few uncharted but outstanding questions for future studies. A comprehensive understanding on mussel adhesion will
be beneficial to the design of novel synthetic wet adhesives for various biomedical applications.

contents of DOPA.12-14 Moreover, it was discovered that DOPA

Introduction can adaptively bind to different surfaces using different
binding modes.13, 15 The surface chemical properties can
Bioinspired design has enjoyed great success in materials
greatly modulate DOPA adhesion.16 It was also revealed that
science for the production of novel materials with functions
the proximate lysine residues can promote DOPA binding in a
similar or even superior to naturally occurring ones.1-3 At the
sequence dependent manner.17, 18 In this perspective, we will
heart of the bioinspired design is to understand the structure-
first summarize the sequence and biochemical properties of
function relationship of natural biomaterials.4-6 In the past
different mussel foot proteins. Then, we will briefly introduce
decades, considerable efforts have been devoted to the
the SFA studies of mussel foot proteins and the synthetic
fabrication of mussel inspired underwater adhesives and
mimetics. Next, we will mainly focus on the AFM based single
surface coating technologies,7-10 thanks to the great advances
molecule force spectroscopy studies of DOPA adhesion, from
in the understanding of mussel adhesion mechanism. Marine
the basic experimental design, to data interpretation, and to
mussels produce a bundle of byssus to firmly fix themselves on
the major scientific discoveries. Furthermore, we will also
the wet rocky seashore to avoid being taken by fierce sea
introduce the recent applications of SMFS in the study of
waves. Biochemical studies have revealed that mussel secrets
DOPA-Fe3+ coordination bonds and the real-time
special proteins to form the major adhesion apparatus,
polydopamine polymerization. Finally, we will provide our
byssus.11 These mussel foot proteins, especially the ones at
perspective on the potential challenges and opportunities in
the very tip of the byssus, typically contain high percentage of
SMFS studies of DOPA adhesion.
a post-translationally modified amino acid L-3,4-
Dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA).11 Biophysical characterization
by surface force apparatus (SFA) and atomic force microscopy
Biochemical properties of mussel foot proteins
(AFM) based single-molecule force spectroscopy (SMFS) have
uncovered the direct correlation of adhesion strength with the Mussel byssus consists of a bundle of collagenous threads and
flattened adhesive plaque at the end (Figure 1). The threads
can be extended to more than 30% and dissipate considerable
mechanical energy upon stretching through the rupture of
a. Shenzhen
reversible metal chelation bonds (i.e. DOPA-Fe3+ and histidine-
Research Institute of Nanjing University, Shenzhen, China. 518057
b. Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Microstructures, National Zn2+ bonds) and function as shock-absorbers.11, 19 The plaques
Laboratory of Soli State Microstructure, Department of Physics, Nanjing provide strong adhesion strength to various wet substrates. A
University, Nanjing, China.210093. Email:
c. Chemistry and Biomedicine Innovation Center, Nanjing University, Nanjing, set of sticky and highly basic proteins were extracted and
China.210093 purified from phenol gland of mussel byssus.20-22 Further

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analysis showed that this protein contains large amount of area. Thanks to the sensitive elements, the deviceView can resolve
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DOPA, lysine and 3- and 4-hydroxyproline, and was considered to within 0.1 nm in z direction and force DOI:
to 10 -8 N.33 One of the
two surfaces of SFA is held by the cantilevered spring, and it
measures the normal forces. The other is linked to a
piezoelectric positioner to accurately control the separation of
the two surfaces. Usually in SFA measurement, two orthogonal
cylinders coated with atomically smoothed mica are made
approach to each other in a direction normal to the axes. The
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samples are placed between two cylinders. In a typical

experiment, a large compressive load force (~1-10 MPa) is

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applied to make the formation of sample-surface interaction.
Figure 1. Mussel adhesion and schematic structure of mussel byssus. Then the two surfaces are separated and the separation force
is calculated by the spring system based on Hooke’s law
to be responsible for the wet adhesion. Later, at least 15 (Figure 3a). SFA can measure varieties of interactions such as
Open Access Article. Published on 10 October 2019. Downloaded on 10/11/2019 1:52:53 PM.

different proteins have been characterized from mussel Van der Waals forces, electrostatic forces and even hydrogen
byssus. Eight of these proteins are only present in the adhesive bonding.
plaques and the rest are also found in the other part of the
byssus.20, 22, 23 For example, collagens dominate the fibrous Using SFA, Jacob N. Israelachvili and coworkers have greatly
core of each thread and extend to the plaque. Mfp-1, a major advanced our understanding of mussel adhesion in the past
constituent of the protective cuticle, was found covering all decades. They have directly quantified the surface binding
the exposed byssus including the plaque.12, 22 Mfp-2 is a strength of various mfps with diverse DOPA contents and
cysteine-rich structural element of the plaque matrix, which is under different environmental conditions. It was found that
in a shape of structural foam.21, 24 Mfp-3 and mfp-5 are found mfp-3 and mfp-5, the two major adhesive proteins at the
in plaques with the lowest mass and highest DOPA contents plaque, could achieve ~3 × 10-4 and ~1.4 × 10-3 J/m2 adhesion
among all the mussel foot proteins. 12, 23 Mfp-6 is also located energy to mica surfaces, respectively.12, 15 The adhesion
at the plaque but surprisingly contains low levels of DOPA and strengths of mfp-5 is even higher than a highly oriented biotin
high levels of cysteine.25 It forms cysteinyl-DOPA cross-links and streptavidin monolayer.34 Their adhesion energies are
with other proteins to stabilize the structure of the plaque and directly correlated with their DOPA contents. Interestingly,
maintains a reducing environment to prevent oxidation of despite that mfp-1 has similar DOPA content as mfp-3, its
DOPA.26, 27 Mfp-4 is found in the plaque-thread junction and adhesion performance is distinct.12 No adhesion was ever
mediates contact between the fibrous collagen and the foam observed for mfp-1 coated single layers in SFA experiments
protein. It has a mass of 93 kDa and is abundant of histidine, presumably due to the absence of long-range bridging forces.
lysine, arginine and aspartate.25 Given that all these proteins However, subsequent shearing-separation test observed a
contain considerable amount of DOPA, and the DOPA levels finite adhesion between mica and mfp-1. A possible
are the highest in the proteins at the adhesive plaque, it is explanation is that most of the binding sites of the mfp-1 were
natural to attribute the adhesion properties to DOPA. It was initially attached to one surface only and were rearranged to
proposed that DOPA can form bidentate H-bonding,28-30 metal the opposite surface upon shearing.12 This case indicated that
coordination,14, 28 or covalent oxidative cross-linking,31 in SFA measurement, successful adhesion on both surfaces is
hydrophobic, - and cation- interactions with difference the prerequisite of detecting interactions. Therefore, both
surfaces.13, 32 Later on, the hypothesis was confirmed by adhesion between surfaces and cohesion among the proteins
various biophysical studies, including SFA and AFM. are important to strong surface adhesion energies measured in
The mechanical properties of mfp adhesion can be measured
by different techniques, including optical tweezers, bio- The effect of oxidation of DOPA on the adhesion properties of
membrane force probe, AFM based SMFS, and bulk tensile mfps have been studied. Oxidation could abolish many
test. The range of loading rates and forces of these methods important types of interactions between DOPA and the
were summarized in Figure 2. As SFA and AFM based SMFS are surfaces (e.g. hydrogen bonding and metal chelation).
two major methods used to study the binding mechanism of Oxidizing DOPA to dopaquinone by periodate led to abolishing
mfps, the technical details and the major finding by these the adhesion between both asymmetrically and symmetrically
methods are summarized below. deposited mfp-5 films.35 Mussels have evolved an intriguing
mechanism to limit DOPA oxidation by secreting an acidic and
thiol-rich foot protein, mfp-6, which can revert the oxidized
SFA studies dopaquinone to DOPA using the thiol as the reductant.36 On
the other hand, oxidation of DOPA can also promote cohesion.
SFA is a precise and powerful tool to measure interactions If the oxidized surface could bind strongly with unoxidized
between two surfaces. It uses multiple beam interferometry to surface due to the strong hydrogen binding between DOPA
monitor surface separation and the deformation of contact and dopaquinone.37 Moreover, as oxidized DOPA can

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molecular structures of the peptides may alsoView significantly

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enhance cohesion strength. It was noticed that the peptides
DOI: 10.1039/C9NA00582J
being studied contained a diphenylalanine motif, which shows
a strong self-assembling tendency.57, 58

Although SFA has been widely used to measure the adhesion

of mfps with different surfaces, we should be aware that these
measurements are done at the ensemble level. The adhesion
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energy does not necessarily correlate with the surface binding

strength of individual mfps, as the cohesive interactions of

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proteins and the cooperativity of different molecules also play
significant roles. Moreover, it is difficult to prepare single
protein layer for SFA test in real experiments, even though
most SFA measurements declared that single layer adhesives
Open Access Article. Published on 10 October 2019. Downloaded on 10/11/2019 1:52:53 PM.

crosslinked with thiol or amino group via Michael addition,38 were tested. Besides, adhesion strength is not only
Some reports also utilized the periodate treatment to enhance determined by the individual bond strength but also the bond
DOPA adhesion or cohesion.39-41 density, which is difficult to control. Generally, the bond
density can vary dramatically when different proteins or
synthetic adhesives were used. Recent studies showed that
Figure 2. Force and loading rate range of different force measurements the distribution of the proteins on the two surfaces can greatly
approaches. OT represents optical tweezers and its range are estimated from affect SFA observation.35
ref.42-44 Bio-membrane force probe (BFP) is estimated from ref.45 AFM based
SMFS data is from ref.46-48 and estimated by general AFM technical details and
typical cantilever mechanical properties. SFA data is from ref.33, 49, 50 Tensile
stretching data is estimated from ref.47, 51-54
Single molecule force spectroscopy experiments
by AFM
The interactions between adhesive mfp family (mfp-1, mfp-3 AFM based SMFS has been widely used to study the
and mfp-5) and other surfaces with different chemical mechanical strength of chemical bonds, ligand-receptor
properties have also been studied by SFA.15 The results interactions, protein-protein interactions and adhesive
showed that all three mfps could adhere to the four tested molecule-surface interactions.59-74 AFM measurement is
substrates (mica, TiO2, silica and polystyrene), yet the complementary to SFA measurement and can directly quantify
adhesion strength was exquisitely dependent on the mfp the strength of single adhesion bonds with extremely high
species, the substrate surface chemistry and the contact time. resolution of 10-9 N on force and 10-10 m on separation.
It was proposed that several different binding mechanisms are Representative interaction strengths measured by SMFS are
involved in the binding, including electrostatic, hydrogen summarized in Table 1.
bonding, hydrophobic interaction, cation- interaction and -
stacking.15 Using AFM based SMFS, the adhesion of mfps has been widely
studied. In early AFM experiments, mfps were directly placed
The contribution of other residues in mfps to the adhesion between cantilever tip and the substrate, similar to the design
energies has also been explored. Using cyclic model of SFA experiments.75, 76 Therefore, it remained difficult to
compounds as the example, Butler, Israelachvili, and Waite identify single molecule pulling events. Later on, the
groups showed that lysine and DOPA can synergistically experiments were carefully designed to minimize nonspecific
enhance the binding strength.18, 55 The synergy was interactions and used the elastic properties of the polymer as
interpreted as that positively charged amine could help break the fingerprint of single molecule pulling events. To minimize
the hydrated salt layer on the mineral surface and served as the interference from other amino acids, the SMFS studies
vanguards to keep a stable bidentate catechol-surface were major focused on DOPA instead of the whole natural
interaction.18 It remains elusive whether other mechanisms mfps. Generally, there are two ways to unambiguously study
may also contribute to their cooperative surface binding. DOPA adhesion via SMFS (Figure 3b and 3c). The first one is to
Moreover, lysine and DOPA interactions can also enhance covalently connect DOPA to AFM cantilever via a bifunctional
intermolecular cohesion of mfp mimicking peptides. Based on polymer linker and directly measure DOPA-surface
solid state NMR spectroscopy characterization, cation- interaction.77-82 In this strategy, inert polyethylene glycol (PEG)
interaction was clearly observed.32, 56 However, it was quite is usually used as the linker to minimize nonspecific
surprising to discover that the peptides containing lysine- interactions between the cantilever and the substrates. The
phenylalanine showed much stronger adhesion energy than other method is to incorporate DOPA in a polymer. By
that containing lysine-DOPA. It is plausible that lysine- stretching the surface immobilized polymer chain, DOPA-
phenylalanine had stronger cation- interactions. However, it surface interactions are ruptured one by one. Both methods
cannot be fully excluded that the formation of certain are widely used and each has its own advantages and

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disadvantages. The former one allows direct observation of between Fe3+ and DOPA). The latter approach is aView
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DOPA surface interaction without the interference from other method which is akin to the unfolding of polyproteins.
DOI: 81, 83-85
components. However, it is not applicable if the interactions Because it relies on nonspecific
involve more than two ligands (e.g. the tris-complex formed

Table 1. Typical interaction strength measured by SMFS.

Interaction type Bond Carrier Bond strength [pN] (at Dissociation rate [s-1] Distance to Ref.
loading rate [nN/s]) transition state [nm]
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Hydrogen bonding DOPA-Ti [aqueous] 77 (50) 20.02 0.13 13

Nanoscale Advances Accepted Manuscript

UPy tandem [toluene] ~120 (30) 0.88 0.20 86

P(BTA) stacking [mesitylene] ~70 (6.7) 0.30 0.45 87

Hydrophobic DOPA-PS [aqueous] 78 (50) 14.94 0.17 13

interaction Hexadecane-Hexadecane ~75 (5.0) 1.1 0.24 88

Open Access Article. Published on 10 October 2019. Downloaded on 10/11/2019 1:52:53 PM.

Unravel PS [aqueous]* ~70 (-) - - 89

Unravel PS [aqueous]* ~80 (-) 90

Hydrophobin ~110 (20) 0.59 0.35 91

Covalent bond SiOx-amylose-SiOx [aqueous] 2000 (10) - - 92

Cycloreversion of cyclobutene >1700 (100-500) - - 93

Thiol-maleimide adduct 900 (30) 3.5 × 10-4 (open ring) 0.05 94

Thioester [in protein] ~100 (6) - - 95

Au-S 600-1000 (30) - - 112

Charge interaction Histidine-Histidine 115 (16) 0.12 (pH7) 0.23# (simulated 96

Polyanion and positively 120 (60) - - 97

charged surface [aqueous]

Polyvinylamine-SiO2 45-81 (-) - - 98

Coordinate bonding His tag/NTA-CO2+, Cu2+, Ni2+, 22-58 (30) - - 99

Zn2+ [aqueous]
Catechol-Fe3+ [aqueous] 100-200 (50) - 0.14 (Bis) 100

0.27 (Tris)
Fe2+-S bond [aqueous] 146-242 (16) 3 × 10-6-0.7 0.11-0.30# (pulling 101

Au-S interaction 500-2900 (30-50) - - 92, 102-104

Cu-S [in protein] 147 (40) - - 105

Zn-S [in protein] 90-170(-) - - 106, 107

interactions to pick up the polymers, it is important to make cantilever tip is not always high enough to ensure the rupture
sure that the sawtooth-like peaks are indeed from the rupture events in all force regions can be unbiasedly sampled.
of individual DOPA adhesion bonds. A common criterion is that Nevertheless, with the carefully designed experiments and
the persistence length of the force-extension relationship of data analysis procedures, this high-volume method can readily
each rupture event is consistent and matches that of the probe the rupture of single adhesion bonds. Another aspect
polymer backbone. The last peak can be either the rupture of a that should be emphasized is that SMFS experiments are
surface adhesion bond or detaching of the polymer from the typically performed at a non-equilibrium condition. The
cantilever tip, and therefore should be excluded in data rupture forces
analysis. The nonspecific adhesion of the polymer with the

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Figure 3. Illustrative scheme of SFA (a) and two types of SMFS (c) and (e) measurements. (b) is the representative force-distance relations of SFA measurement, (c) is
the representative force-extension curve of single ligand recognition and (f) is the polymer based fishing measurement.

depend largely on the force loading rates (Figure 4). The faster region. This can be attributed to the high rebinding rates of the
the loading rate is, the higher the rupture forces are. As such, system and the binding and rebinding were in equilibrium.111
it is not meaningful to compare the binding forces measured at
different loading rates. The force-loading rate relationship can In 2006, Messersmith et al. used AFM based SMFS to study the
be understood by adding a force-dependent term to the interaction between individual DOPA and titanium surfaces,
Arrhenius model as introduced by Bell and later by Evans.108-110 which shed new light on DOPA adhesion mechanism.14
The force-dependent term is directly determined by the height Without the interference from other components in mfps, the
of the activation barrier and the width of the potential at the contribution of DOPA on wet adhesion was first studied. In this
pulling direction. Therefore, based on force-loading rate test, N- (tert-Butoxycarbonyl)-DOPA (N-Boc-DOPA) was end-
relationships, one can extract the kinetic parameters tethered to a functional PEG linker and the Boc group
underlying the free energy landscape of the bond dissociation. prevented potential interference from the N-terminal positive
The measurement of rupture forces at different loading rates charge. Their results showed that the adhesion force is ~800
is typically named as dynamic force spectroscopy, which pN of DOPA-Ti surface in deionized water at the loading rate of
provides a unique way to understand the molecular 60.0 nN/s, which is a strong noncovalent interaction (Figure 5a
mechanism of the adhesion bonds. In these experiments, the and 5b). They also performed dynamic force spectroscopy and
cantilevers were moved away from the substrates at different found that the rupture forces depended on the logarithm of
separation speeds. The force loading rates depend on both the loading rates. Then, they studied the effect of DOPA oxidation
separation speeds and the spring constants of the cantilevers, to the adhesion strength. At the basic pH of 8.3 or 9.7, they
which can be experimentally determined from the force-time observed a bimodal distribution with a lower value peak
relationships. For some interactions, loading rate-independent located at ~150 pN and a higher value at 800 pN. The lower
rupture forces were also observed at the low loading rate value peak was attributed to the detachment of oxidized DOPA

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carboxyl units, and performed SMFS on nine substrates with

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different chemical properties. They foundDOI:that the HA-DOPA
polymer has versatile adhesion ability to these substrates with
adhesion strength varied from 60-200 pN. Their force-
extension curves are saw-tooth liked and each rupture peak
corresponded to an individual DOPA-surface detachment.
Worm-like chain model was used to fit each rupture peak, and
the obtained persistence length served as the criterion to
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determine whether the rupture events were from single

molecule detachments or not. They also set two important

Nanoscale Advances Accepted Manuscript

from the surface. They also analyzed the relationship between
rupture control experiments to support that the observed force events
Figure 4. Schematic figures of energy landscape (a) and force-loading rate were from DOPA surface detachments. When using
dependency (b). Applied force can tilt energy landscape and lower the energy
unmodified HA, no saw-tooth liked force-extension curves
barrier. By fitting force-loading rate relation, dissociation rate and distance to
were observed, indicating that the sawtooth like peaks were
Open Access Article. Published on 10 October 2019. Downloaded on 10/11/2019 1:52:53 PM.

transition state can be extracted.

from DOPA surface interactions. In the other control
experiment, they used similar experimental design as Lee et al.
forces and experimental duration. The results showed that the 14 Instead of Boc protected DOPA, dopamine was linked to the
events of large rupture force values were occurred mainly in
cantilever via a PEG linker. The rupture forces were similar to
the first 30 minutes and after that most of the rupture events
that measured using the HA-DOPA adsorption method. Based
were at low forces. They further studied the binding of
on these control experiments it was safe to conclude that
oxidized DOPA to amine-functionalized surface (mimicking the
DOPA-surface interactions were indeed measured in this
amino groups of organic surfaces). In this test, they observed
experiment. Their experiments provide a direct evidence that
extremely large rupture forces (~2 nN), which was similar to
DOPA can indeed strongly and versatilely bind to many kinds
the rupture forces of most covalent bonds. After a few pulling
of surfaces with different chemical properties. They also
cycles, no force signal was observed, suggesting that the bond
inferred that DOPA can form many different types of
rupture was irreversible, which was in sharp contrast with
interactions with these surfaces based on the experimentally
DOPA-Ti interactions. The large rupture forces suggested that
determined free energy profiles. Their results indicated that
DOPA may form covalent bonds with the amino groups on the
DOPA forms coordinate bonds with Ti and Si surfaces by the
surface via the Michael addition. Their results greatly enriched
catechol group while mixed hydrogen bonds and coordination
our understandings of DOPA adhesion at the molecular level.
bonds with SiO2. For hydrophilic mica and Al2O3 surfaces, the
hydrogen bonding plays the pivotal roles. For hydrophobic
surfaces, such as gold, polytetrafluoroethene, and high-density
Later in 2008, Wang et al. used single molecule force
polyethylene, hydrophobic interactions are dominant. For the
spectroscopy to study the surface adsorbed poly[(dopamine
polystyrene surface, besides hydrophobic interactions, π−π
methacrylamide)-co-(butylamine methacrylamide)] (p(DMA-
stacking between the catechol group of DOPA and the phenyl
co-BMA)) . They tuned the ratios of amino and catechol groups
group of polystyrene also is involved.
in the polymer to reveal the influence of DOPA density on wet
adhesion. Their experiments were carried out on titanium-
Obviously, there are big discrepancies among the rupture
coated silicon wafers in KNO3 solution and pH 6.8. They relied
forces measured by the three groups (Figure 5). It is natural to
on nonspecific interaction between the cantilever tip and the
ask what could be the possible origin of such differences. First,
polymer to stretch up the polymer and desorb catechol groups
the chemical conditions could affect the SMFS results. In Lee et
from the surface. Because the density of DOPA in the polymer
al.’s experiments, a bulky and hydrophobic Boc group was
was very high, instead of resolving the rupture of each single
placed in proximity to the catechol group, which may provide
DOPA-surface bond, they observed plateau-shaped force-
additional binding to the surfaces. 14 In contrast, in Li et al.’s
extension curves. Their results showed that the interaction
experiments, the catechol groups were close to negatively
strength between catechol and titanium surface is ~60-140 pN
charged carboxyl groups,14 while in Wang et al.’s experiments,
(Figure 5c and 5d). As the force loading rate at the plateau
the polymer backbone also contained positive charges. 112
region was close to zero, they assumed that the dissociation of
Moreover, the ionic strength and pH may also affect DOPA
catechol-titanium interactions was under quasi-equilibrium
adhesion.14 The buffer conditions were different in the three
conditions. This was further corroborated by the observation
papers. It is also worth mentioning that the loading rates in
that the adhesion did not change when the retraction speed
these papers were also different. The experiments by Wang et
was modified.112 They have developed a multiple binding
al. were under equilibrium conditions. Whereas, the
model to understand this behavior (Figure 5c).
experiments by Lee et al. and Li et al. were at higher loading
rates. The forces logarithmically depended on the loading
In 2014, Li et al. used dopamine modified hyaluronan acid (HA)
rates. The experimental condition-dependent rupture forces
to study the interaction between DOPA and different
were further exemplified by Utzig et.,113 Kinugawa et al.,114
surfaces.13 They set catechol content at ~10% of total HA
and Das et al.115

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The effect of surface properties on DOPA

Figure 5. Representative force-extension curve and rupture force histogram from
different DOPA surface interaction studies. (a) and (b) are reproduced from Lee et al.14
Copyright (2006) National Academy of Sciences. (c) and (d) are reprinted from Wang et
al. Copyright (2008) Wiley. Used with permission from ref. 112. and (e) and (f) are
reprinted with permission from ref.13. Copyright (2014) American Chemical Society.

on, periodic Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculation

further revealed the adhesion details of DOPA on mineral
surface.117 These results indicate that the surface structures
Recently, using scanning tunnel microscopy (STM), Li et al.
should be carefully considered when designing new adhesives.
found that DOPA showed different binding status and
movement modes on the crystal rutile <110> surface.116 The
surface hydroxyl group greatly enhanced the diffusion ability Synergy between lysine and DOPA for surface
of absorbed catechols. The capture and release of a proton
caused the individual adsorbed catechol molecule to switch
between mobile and immobile states. Employing density SMFS was also used to study the mechanism of lysine-DOPA
function theory calculations, they revealed the energetics synergistic adhesion.17 In 2017, Li et al. synthesized two
between different status. In most previous SMFS dipeptides composed of lysine and DOPA but with invert
measurements, the experiments were carried out on sequence, and utilized NHS-EDC coupling reaction to connect
amorphous TiO2 and the atoms on the surface were not the dipeptide to cantilever via the natural amine on lysine. A
orderly arranged. Besides, the influence of surface structures dibenzosuberyl (dde) group was introduced to protect the free
was neglected. Inspired by the STM results, the effect of amine on lysine. The SMFS results showed that when the
surface properties on DOPA adhesion was also studied. Li et al. amino group was protected by dde, the rupture forces of the
covalently attached dopamine on cantilever via a bifunctional two peptides were similar with a single peak located at ~100
PEG, and performed SMFS measurements on four TiO2 crystal pN. This value is slightly larger than DOPA only, which indicates
surfaces (rutile <100>, <110>, <111>, and <011>) with well- the hydrophobic dde group could contribute to peptide
defined atomic structures (Figure 6).16 Their results showed adhesion. After the cleavage of dde group, the averaged
that the adhesion forces of DOPA varied markedly on the four rupture force of lysine-DOPA increased by almost two times,
rutile surfaces. The <111> surface only showed a single whereas that for DOPA-lysine remained unchanged (Figure 7).
distribution at ~80 pN, which was consistent with previous After analyzing the structure of the two dipeptides, an
observation on amorphous TiO2. In contrast, the rupture force interpretation based on the lysine and DOPA dipeptide
distributions on other surfaces contained an additional peak chemical structure was given. Their results showed that the
locating at ~300 pN. As the chemical components of the rutile synergy between DOPA and lysine binding is sensitive to the
surfaces are the same, the only difference is their atomic structure of the compounds, and the synergy could be
arrangements. They found that the distance of Ti-O, Ti-Ti and observed only when the external force is evenly distributed to
O-O varies on each surface based on the crystal structures. lysine and DOPA. Therefore, the neighboring positive charge
They proposed that the atom distance on the surfaces should can not only displace the hydration 、
Figure 6. Influence of surface atoms arrangement on DOPA adhesion. Schematic
match the distance between two phenol oxygen atoms of
figures of different rutile surface atom arrangement and proposed binding mode
DOPA in order to form bidentate stable adhesion bonds. Later

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of DOPA-surface interaction (a). Rupture force histograms observed from DOPA
and different rutile surfaces (b). Copyright (2017) Wiley. Used with permission from
Open Access Article. Published on 10 October 2019. Downloaded on 10/11/2019 1:52:53 PM.

layer as well as the surface salt to facilitate DOPA adhesion,

but also directly participate in surface binding by forming ionic
bonds with the surfaces. Apart from DOPA, hydrophobic amino
acid (for example Phe, Leu and Orn) was also found to
contribute to wet adhesion. Recently, Leader et al. used SMFS
to measure the interactions between various amino acids and
TiO2 surface.56 Their results showed that aromatic interactions
dominate over aliphatic interactions. In addition, the affinity of
positively charged amino acids to the titanium dioxide surface and they were picked up by non-specific interactions between
is higher than that of uncharged, and can be further increased the polymer with the cantilever and the surface to rupture
at elevated pH above the pKa of the basic residues.56 catechol-Fe3+ bonds. The force-extension curves showed saw-
tooth like patterns, and each peak corresponded to a rupture
of catechol-Fe3+ interaction. They found tris- and bis- DOPA-
Mechanics of DOPA-Fe3+ coordination bonds Fe3+ complex had different mechanical strength. The averaged
Large amount of DOPA-Fe3+ coordination moieties are found in rupture force of bis- complex was ~200 pN, whereas the
mfp-1. These coordination bonds act as sacrificial bond to rupture force of tris- complex was ~100 pN at a pulling speed
dissipate shock energy and protect the collagen core in the of 1000 nm s-1. By further performing dynamic force
thread from rupture.19 In 2010, Zeng et al. used SFA study the spectroscopy and fitting with Bell-Evans model, they extracted
DOPA-Fe3+ interaction.118 They added Fe3+ solution between kinetic parameters for the rupture of tris- and bis- catechol-
two mfp-1 coated surfaces and test the cohesion strength Fe3+ bonds. Combining with first principle calculation, they
bridged by Fe3+. Their results showed that this Fe3+ mediated found the different mechanical strength of catechol-Fe3+ bond
cohesion is fully reversible in the presence of 10 𝛍M Fe3+. originated from their different mechanical rupture pathways.
However, when the Fe3+ concentration increased to 100 𝛍M, The thermodynamically more stable tris-complexes exhibited
Figure 7. Force distribution of lysine-DOPA and DOPA lysine dipeptides and TiO2 surface lower mechanical stability
(a), and schematic illustration for the unbinding process of Dopa containing dipeptides Figure 8. Schematic figures of SMFS study on catechol-Fe3+ complex (a) and force
(b). Reproduced from Ref.17 with permission from the Royal Society of Chemistry. spectroscopy (b). Reprinted with permission from ref.100. Copyright (2017) American
Chemical Society.
the cohesion abolished. They proposed a stoichiometric
change of catechol-Fe3+ complex from triple complex at a low because of the relatively larger deformation of the complexes
Fe3+: catechol ratio to mono complex at a high Fe3+: catechol at the transition state. They also revealed fast rebinding
ratio. The subsequent SMFS study by Li et al. focused on kinetics of the catechol−Fe3+ complexes. The single-molecule
DOPA-Fe3+ interactions on single molecule level (Figure 8).100 results provided nanoscale mechanical understanding of
They conjugated DOPA to HA to form the HA-DOPA polymer, cohesive interactions in mfps mediated by DOPA-Fe3+
and then mixed the polymer with Fe3+ to form single-polymer coordination.
micelles.100 The experiments were performed in different
solution pH and Fe3+ concentrations to tune the stoichiometry
of catechol-Fe3+ complexes. In some conditions, the bis- From DOPA to poly-dopamine
catechol-Fe3+ complexes were dominant and the others the SMFS has also been applied to study the in situ polymerization
tris-complexes were favored. of poly-dopamine (pDA).119 Dopamine can auto-oxidize giving
rise to o dopamine-quinone, which cyclizes to form a precursor
In this experiment, the single molecule micelles cross-linked by of polydopamine, dihydroxyindole. Although preparing pDA
DOPA-Fe3+ complexes were deposited on the glass substrates coatings is simple and easy, and the pDA coating has been

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widely employed in surface functionalization, some conformations affect surface adhesion is eluded in the
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fundamental facts of pDA remained elusive. This experiment studies. Fifth, it was also found that DOI:
mussel foot proteins
provided the first evidence that pDA is a complex polymer. rapidly self-assemble into complex architectures during the
They performed SMFS experiments on pDA films directly biofabrication of byssus.25 The barnacle adhesive proteins can
deposited on the siliconnitride AFM cantilevers. Plateau preassemble at low pH before being secreting out to enhance
pattern force-extension curves with ~200 nm of contour length their underwater adhesion in basic sea water.46 It will also be
in the traces were constantly observed in their experiments, interesting to study how the special processing and also the
which may result from sequential desorbing of catechol surface induced conformational change affect the adhesion
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containing polymers from the surface. The plateau forces were behaviors. Some strong adhesion behavior was observed in
~ 90 pN. Time-dependent force spectroscopy during the early DOPA and TiO2 or silica surface interaction. A reversible

Nanoscale Advances Accepted Manuscript

stages of pDA formation revealed that pDA chain growth dynamic covalent bond could be formed in such process,
occurred at the solid—liquid interface. The formation of films especially in the presence of large pressure. It would be
likely started with the adsorption of small oligomeric species, interesting to figure out the applied pressure effect on DOPA
which then underwent further polymerization and maturation adhesion. Last but not least, how different mussel foot
Open Access Article. Published on 10 October 2019. Downloaded on 10/11/2019 1:52:53 PM.

to form higher-molecular-weight pDA chains. Their findings proteins synergistically enhance underwater adhesion by
clarified that pDA is indeed a polymer instead of the forming protein complexes also remains uncharted but is
aggregates of oligomers. This study may also inspire the use of definitely critical for the understanding the full picture of
SMFS to resolve complex molecule forms in surface coatings mussel adhesion mechanisms. We anticipate that these
and adhesives. 120 important aspects will be studied in the near future. These
studies are extremely helpful for the design of mussel
mimicking peptides and proteins with similar adhesion
Outlook strength but much simplified sequences. These studies can
Despite great advances have been made towards the also inspire the rational design of chemically synthesized
understanding of molecular mechanism of mussel adhesion underwater adhesives.18, 129, 130
using SFA and single molecule AFM. There are still many
uncharted outstanding questions deserving further efforts.
First, it remains unknown whether other residues in mfps also
contribute significantly to mussel adhesion. It was found that Mussel adhesion is very important yet complicated system.
the foot protein, pvfp-1 from Asian green mussels, Perna Despite numerous studies and applications on mussel inspired
viridis, does not contain DOPA residues but another type of adhesion, some of the fundamental mechanisms still remain
unusual amino acid, C(2)-mannosyl-7-hydroxytryptophan elusive. In this article, we emphasize the importance of the
(Man7OHTrp).121 The halogenated DOPA (2-chloro-DOPA) biophysical studies of mussel adhesion using SFA and AFM
were also found in large quantity in the adhesive proteins from based single molecule force spectroscopy to reveal the
the sandcastle worm Phragmatopoma californica.122 It would molecular mechanism underlying mussel adhesion. We show
be interesting to reveal the roles of these special residues to that these two methods are complementary yet different. We
underwater adhesion. Second, the components of explain why some seemly conflicting results may just originate
hydrophobic and charged residues vary dramatically among from slightly different experimental design. As DOPA mediated
different mussel foot proteins and even the same protein from adhesion is versatile and adaptive, it will be extremely
different species. Despite the effect of redox potential,36 important to precisely control the surface chemistry in these
hydrophobic environment,123 charge-charge interactions,124 measurements. It will be helpful to combine these
and cation- interactions on the adhesion have been measurements with in situ chemical characterization
revealed,55 these effects have not been quantitatively techniques, such as infrared spectroscopy and Raman
evaluated using single molecule AFM. Third, most adhesive spectroscopy, in the future to provide more comprehensive
proteins form coacervates through liquid-liquid phase understanding of mussel adhesion. We believe that with the
separation. Although this phenomenon is now well advances of the characterization techniques, more
appreciated in biological systems,125-127 the mechanism complicated molecular mechanisms about mussel adhesion
underlying the coacervation of mussel proteins is less will be revealed. Such information is invaluable for the design
explored. Obviously, SFA and single molecule AFM provide of the next generation underwater adhesives and surface
unique platforms to study liquid-liquid phase separation at the coating techniques.
molecular level. Fourth, mussel foot proteins are not just
random coiled structures and may exhibit unique secondary
structures. For example, pvfp-1 from Asian green mussels Conflicts of interest
shows a trimeric structure through the formation of coiled-coil There are no conflicts to declare.
structure of the C-terminus collagen sequence.121 Molecular
dynamics simulations revealed that Pvfp-5β adopts a
conformation with the aromatic rings of peripheral tyrosine Acknowledgements
residues facing the solvent.128 How these special

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