History Learning Activity 4

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1. Who is Emilio Jacinto? What is his “significant” role in the Katipunan and the “Kartilya ng
Katipunan”? Do you consider the written documents shared by Jacinto valid and reliable? Why
or why not?

Emilio Jacinto was born in 1875 on the 15th of December at Tondo Manila. He was the only son of a man
named Mariano Jacinto and a woman named Josefa Dizon. Shortly after he was born, his father passed
away. This untimely death forced his mother to send Emilio to live with his uncle, Don Jose’ Dizon. His
mother believed that his uncle could care for the young Emilio better then she could after the death of
Mariano. Emilio Jacinto became the secretary, directly reporting to the leader of the Katipunan. He also
became the chief advisor on fiscal matters concerning this secret society. In addition to these duties,
Emilio also wrote the society’s newspaper, the Kalayaan. Emilio was given a new name when he was
part of this group. To the Katipunan, he was often referred to as Utak ng Katipunan. However, he wrote
under the pseudonym Dimasailaw when writing for the newspaper and he was more commonly referred
to in the group as Pingkian. Jacinto was also placed in charge of writing the guidebook for new members
and current members of the Katipunan, which was called Kartilya ng Katipunan. The Kartilya ng
Katipunan is a set of principles that shows the path on how each and every one of us must live of lives by
living to the fullest through good value. I believe that this kartilya ng katipunan was made to change the
thoughts of every Filipino's unacceptable behavior. Katipunan was not just an organization working
towards the freedom of the Filipinos. They build on the ideological and political foundation constructed
by men and women who sacrificed themselves because of their love for the country and for the people.
Just like Jose Rizal who pushed Filipinos to think critically with full understanding, this code of conduct
was made to inform people of what they deserve to know for making their lives better.

2. What was the socio-political context when the Kartilya was written? How crucial was this
document in the 19 th century Philippines?

The kartilya ng katipunan was the moral and intellectual foundation used to guide the actions of
katipuneros. Upon joining the katipunan, members were required to read the kartilya and must bind to
its code of conduct. Changing the way people thought and acted was important to the early katipuneros,
they understand that was the only way to truly change the Philippines for the better.
3. How would you describe the Kartilya in terms of form/writing style and content? What are its
main teachings and how they presented?

The kartilya was longer, more literary and philosophical. It presented its concept of virtuous living as
lessons for self-reflection, rather than as direct prescriptions. The kartilya embodies thirteen teachings
for the members of the society to follow. This kartilya contains teachings that will help balance. For
example, “Life not spent for great and holy cause is wood without shade, but poisonous grass.” If you
spend your life for something that is not great or holy, it won’t make your life any better. It could be
worse or rather the one thing that cause you death. This principle not only will make the society at
peace but also will make their behavior the way it should be.

4. As a conclusion, why can the Kartilya be considered timeless and relevant to the
industrializing and globalizing present?

To fight the persecution of their period, the kartilya ng katipunan sought universal and eternal values
and truths. It demonstrated a deep concern for the country. Articles and tweets like kartilya are
currently exclusively published on an online platform. Citizens today battle to maintain sense and order
and to uphold justice, which exemplifies the kartilya principle. Inequalities in living standards and
involvement in the global economy are a key political challenge in an era of globalization, as they are
threatened by the onslaught of foreign influences brought about by today's globalization. Finding the
best means to reconcile social and cultural values with the need for economic efficiency, as well as
determining how much economic, political, and environmental autonomy countries should have.


: https://biography.yourdictionary.com/articles/emilio-jacinto-biography.html



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