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11/15/2021 MARKETING
Fattening calves

BUS 5112: Marketing Management Dr.

Akash Mathapati




It is great for companies to be part of the livestock industry somewhere in the world and

to achieve a strategy of providing high quality meat to the local consumer and meeting

the demands of the global market.

The fattening process is defined as an intensive system for meat production that relies on

providing feed manually or automatically to the animal within prepared pens to meet all

the animal's needs of shelter, shade, fodder, and water (Macdonald & Mcbride, 2009;

Widi et al., 2021). The study aims to reflecting on the 4P’s of marketing, construct a

value proposition for Fattening calves and fresh beef.


1- Brief about Fattening calves

Nutrition in fattening depends on concentrated feed, and the animal spends a few periods

ranging from 60 to 90 days in cows, this system gives the animal the opportunity to

exploit its genetic capabilities in growth, so the animal growth rate and the efficiency of

food conversion, and fattening improves the quality of meat and qualifies the meat for

competition in domestic and foreign markets(Macdonald & Mcbride, 2009).

The field of calves fattening has recently witnessed a great demand by investors to meet

the needs of the local market and exported of high-quality red meat, and the risks in the

field of livestock fattening are less than what exists in other areas of animal production,

which ensures good profits(Macdonald & Mcbride, 2009).

The economic feasibility of investing in the fattening field increases when choosing large

numbers of bulls with low weights and a complete skeletal structure coming from the

natural pasture and gaining them with high weights within a short period of time.

2- Marketing
According to the American Marketing Association, marketing is the activity, collection of

institutions, and procedures for generating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging value-

added solutions for consumers, clients, partners, and society as a whole. (University of

Minnesota, 2010). The four Ps are a typical method of looking at marketing components. We

mentioned them according to “Marketing Principles of Marketing” book (University of

Minnesota, 2010).

1. Product. Services and products (creating offerings).

2. Promotion. Communication.

3. Place. Getting the product to a stage where it can be purchased by the consumer (delivering).

4. Price. The cost of the goods in terms of money (exchanging).

I. Product.
High-quality meat is the company's product, wrapped in the company's brand with the meat

source's prologue and the feeding practices that are practiced at the company's farms.

II. Promotion.

In addition to giving access to all social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and

others, the company connects directly with consumers. The firm also aims to engage with its

clients by developing an application displaying the company's brand, which includes all means of

sales and direct communication, as well as the option for direct product delivery.

III. Place.

The company distributes shops with the opening of various sites for direct sales to potential

customers, in addition to expanding the company's branches in all states and working as

distribution agents in other countries if necessary.

IV. Price.

The company sells its products at extremely low costs owing to the products' added value,

which begins with the raising of young calves and ends with the packed product, in addition

to distribution operations and seasonal discounts that assist in decreasing the cost of


3- Conclusion
High-quality meat is the company's product. The company sells its products at extremely low

costs owing to the products' added value, which begins with the raising of young calves and

ends with the packed product, in addition to distribution operations and seasonal discounts. In

addition to giving access to all social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and

others, the company connects directly with consumers. The company sells its products at

extremely low costs owing to the products' added value, which begins with the raising of

young calves and ends with the packed product, in addition to distribution operations and

seasonal discounts that assist in decreasing the cost of manufacturing.


Macdonald, J. M., & Mcbride, W. D. (2009). The Transformation of U . S . Livestock Agriculture

Scale , Efficiency , and Risks Cataloging Record : Transformation, 43.
University of Minnesota. (2010). Marketing Principles of Marketing.
Widi, T. S. M., Udo, H., Oldenbroek, K., Budisatria, I. G. S., Baliarti, E., & der Zijpp, A. van. (2021).
"Designing genetic impact assessment for crossbreeding with exotic beef breeds in mixed
farming systems". Outlook on Agriculture, 50(1), 34–45.

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