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Name: ____________________________________

UNIT 7 & 8

I. Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. They all came to the station and waved / pointed goodbye.
2. In some countries, you shouldn’t shake / cross your legs.
3. He nodded / shook his head in agreement.
4. “No way!” she said, and she nodded / shook her head.
5. I asked her to show me the man who had done it by secretly pointing
/ waving at him.
II. Match the words to their definitions.
1. raw a. cooked in the oven with oil
2. fried b. not cooked
3. boiled c. cooked in hot oil
4. roast d. cooked in hot water
5. baked e. cooked in the oven without oil
III. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs
from the box.

regret mind fold scratch shake

1. She didn’t say a word – she just _______________ her arms and
looked at me!
2. I really don’t _______________ where we go to eat.
3. When we meet, we don’t usually _______________ hands.
4. He _______________ his head and looked confused.
5. Please come with me – you won’t _______________ it!
IV. Circle the correct word to complete the sentences.
1. I don’t think I’ll come out. I’m pretty / beautiful tired.
2. Let’s eat out tonight for a difference / change.
3. What time’s dinner? I’m starving / filling!
4. There’s no point / reason in going if nobody’s hungry.
5. I was frightened / disappointed by the bad food and service.
V. Complete the sentences with the words below.

interested confusing amazed tired boring

1. I was _______________ at the number of people who came to your
2. He gave us too many facts in that lesson – it was really
3. I’m not at all _______________ in becoming a farmer – I hate animals.
4. He found the film so _______________ that he walked out.
5. The walk was great, but my legs were _______________ after it.
VI. Write WILL or WON’T in the correct places.
1. When do you think he phone us?
2. You believe what I’ve just seen!
3. You never forget the good times we had together.
4. What you do if it rains tomorrow?
5. On Saturday, three of us go to a concert.
UNIT 9 & 10

I. Complete the hobbies using the words in the box.

collecting going mending making keeping
1. Harry enjoys _______________ things that are broken.
2. _______________ models from a kit is great fun.
3. I don’t think I would enjoy _______________ bird-watching.
4. _____________ a blog is a bit like writing a diary that others can read.
5. Shona loves _______________ stamps.
II. Complete the entertainment words.
1. a __ __ __ m (or cd) 2. s __ __ __ __ e (or song)
3. s __ __ __ __ r (or vocalist) 5. solo f __ __ __ __ e artist (a
4. solo m __ __ e artist (a man) woman)
6. g __ __ __ p (or band)
7. an a __ __ __ __ __ __ d film (or cartoon)
8. p __ __ __ __ __ e (or film or movie)
9. a __ __ __ r (a man) 10. a __ __ __ __ ss (a woman)
III. Write the sentences with USED TO.
1. John / live / France __________________________________________
2. I / have / dog _______________________________________________
3. Mum / like / the Beatles ______________________________________
4. We / visit / Sicily / the summer ________________________________
5. They / be / friends __________________________________________
6. I / not play / toy cars ________________________________________
7. She / not like / curry ________________________________________
8. You / be / a singer? __________________________________________
IV. Match to make sentences.
1. I’m not very keen a. of buying a horse.
2. He’s very good b. in making money.
3. We’re all interested c. at telling jokes.
4. She’s thinking d. on taking me to parties and waiting
5. Dad insists for me!
e. on skiing.
V. Complete using the Present perfect continuous of the verbs
in the box.

phone eat play wait live think try do

1. We ___________________ for you for hours!
2. What _________________ you _________________? You’re so dirty!
3. The vet ___________________ for fix the dog’s broken leg.
4. I ___________________ about changing my MP3 player. Any ideas what
I should buy?
5. I ___________________ on that house since they got married.
6. I ________________ only _______________ football for a few months.
7. She’s lost weight because she ___________________n’t
___________________ much lately.
8. ___________________ you ___________________ me? I was asleep.
UNIT 11 & 12

I. Complete the opposite.

1. scared – br __ __ __
2. negative – p __ __ __ __ __ __ __
3. shy – o __ __ __ __ __ __ g
4. silly – s __ __ __ __ __ __ e
5. considerate – s __ __ __ __ __ h
II. Circle the correct word to complete the sentences.
1. The people are in a bad project / situation with very little food.
2. The trees give shade / shadow from the hot sun.
3. Jan’s a nurse who looks for / after my elderly grandparents.
4. The judge / warden sent him to prison for five years.
5. A(n) office / warehouse worker sits at a desk.
6. An aerobic / aerobics teacher is usually very fit.
7. A porter / miner digs for coal.
8. A farmer / scientist does experiments.
9. They want a fixed / still price for the coffee they grow.
10. A prison is a place where animals / criminals go.
III. Rewrite the sentences using reported speech.
1. “I don’t like coffee.”
She said ____________________________________________________
2. “We are not staying long.”
They said ____________________________________________________
3. “I haven’t been to Florence.”
She said ____________________________________________________
4. “I will see you soon.”
Sue told me _________________________________________________
5. “I live in Prague.”
He told me __________________________________________________
IV. Circle the correct answers.
1. They asked me _____ to go with them.
a. if i wanted b. did i want c. i wanted
2. He asked me _____ the time.
a. do we know b. if we know c. if we knew
3. She asked him _____.
a. did he revise b. was he c. if he was
revising revising
4. The teacher asked me _____.
a. what were b. what’s my c. what my
my problem problem problem was
5. They wanted to know why _____ so scared.
a. i was b. was i c. did i go
V. Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.
1. If I see Mum, I will / would tell her your news.
2. What do you think will happen if they won’t / don’t get food soon?
3. If you try / tried hard, you’ll be OK,
4. If everyone gives money, we will / would be able to save them.
5. If I knew the answer I will / would be able to help.
6. If we had / have more money, we could buy two pizzas.
7. You didn’t / wouldn’t have so many accidents if you were more
8. If I had known you were hungry, I would have fed / feed you.
9. I would have passed the test if the last question hadn’t been /
wasn’t on conditionals.
10. If she had studied harder, she would have / wouldn’t have passed
her exam.
UNIT 7 & 8
1.waved 2. cross 3. nodded 4. shook 5. pointing
1.b 2. c 3. d 4. a 5. e
1.folded 2. mind 3. shake 4. scratched 5. regret
1.pretty 2. change 3. starving 4. point 5. disappointed
1.a 2.b 3.a 4.a 5.b
1.amazed 2. confusing 3. interested 4. boring 5. tired
1. When do you think he will phone us?
2. You won’t believe what I’ve just seen.
3. We will never forget the good times we had together.
4. What will you do if it rains tomorrow?
5. On Saturday, three of us will go to a concert.
UNIT 9 & 10
1.mending 2. making 3. going 4. keeping 5. collecting
1. album 5. female 9. actor
2. single 6. group 10. actress
3. singer 7. animated
4. male 8. picture
1. John used to live in France. 6. I didn’t use to play with toy
2. I used to have a dog. cars.
3. Mum used to like the Beatles. 7. She didn’t use to like curry.
4. We used to visit Sicily in the 8. Did(n’t) you use to be a
summer. singer?
5. They used to be friends.
1. e 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. d
1. We have been waiting… 5. I have been living
2. What have you been doing… 6. I have only been playing
3. The vet has been trying… 7. Hasn’t been eating
4. I have been thinking… 8. Have you been phoning
UNIT 11 & 12
1. brave 2. positive 3. outgoing 4. sensible 5. selfish
1. situation 2. shade 3. after 4. judge 5. office
6. aerobics 7. miner 8. scientist 9. fixed 10. criminals
1. She said (that) she didn’t like coffee.
2. They said (that) they weren’t staying long.
3. She said (that) she hadn’t been to Florence.
4. Sue told me (that) she would see me/us soon.
5. He told me (that) he lived in Prague.
1. a 2. c 3. c 4. c 5. a
1. will 2. don’t 3. try 4. will 5. would 6. had 7. wouldn’t
8. fed 9. hadn’t been 10. would have

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