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Strategic Planning for Libraries

What is a strategic plan?

• Living Document • Management tool for organization

• Blueprint for service enhancements over • Outlines priorities for the library going
the next 3-5 years forward and how they are going to do it
• Answers the question: What is the role
of the library in the community?

Why does a library need a strategic plan?

• Gives the library a direction and • Shows the community and stakeholders
identifies priorities that the library exists for them
• Reveals user needs and wants from the • Assists in funding opportunities and
library budget decisions
• Provides opportunity for evaluation and • Gives a clear sense of purpose
• Strengthens project management and • Allows libraries to let go of what is not
delegation of necessary tasks working
• Tool of transformation and change • Emphasizes collaboration and creates

Parts of the Strategic Plan

• Mission Statement • Vision/Value Statements

• Methodology (what did you do to bring • Assessment of Users Needs and Wants
this plan together) (Library users & non-users)
• Strategic Directions/Goals • Multi-year Objectives
• Actions/Activities with timeframes • Outcomes

Strategic Plans create a future-ready reference to better serve the citizens of the community and guarantee
them free public library services of the highest caliber.

Strategic Plans must be inclusive of all stakeholders – they cannot be done in a bubble.

To see more about planning, go to the MLS Resource Guide on Strategic Planning found at:

K Chadwick, Consultant 2019

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