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Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 9 (1999) 245–252

Electromyographic patterns of individuals suffering from lateral

tennis elbow
Jeffrey A. Bauer *, Robert D. Murray
Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA

Received 30 January 1998; received in revised form 12 November 1998; accepted 20 November 1998


This study investigated the applicability of using surface electromyography (EMG) as a tool for differentiating between persons
suffering from lateral tennis elbow and the healthy age-matched adults. Temporal muscle activation patterns of the tennis elbow
group were evaluated to determine if they varied between subject groups and if noted variations might be interpreted as arresting
or exacerbating the injury. Sixteen subjects (Healthy Controls, n ⫽ 6; Tennis Elbow, n ⫽ 10) were tested under simulated tennis
playing conditions. All subjects were males (Healthy group (CON) 38.8 ⫾ 13.1, Injured group (INJ) 40.8 ⫾ 10.8 yrs). EMG
response data, temporal and spatial muscle activities, of the forearm extensors (Ext), the forearm flexors (Flex) and the triceps (Tri)
were recorded for each subject during a single test session using all combinations of three different velocities on three different
racket head impact locations. Data were collected at a frequency of 1000 Hz. Statistical analysis was performed using a 2 ⫻ 3 ⫻
3 (Health status ⫻ Impact velocity ⫻ Impact location) ANOVA with repeated measures. Results indicated statistically significant
differences (p ⬍ 0.05) between the CON and INJ subject groups for the response variables associated with forearm extensor muscle
activation. During simulated play, the INJ group employed an earlier, longer, and greater activation of Ext than the CON group,
such changes may be considered detrimental to the healing process. These results support the use of surface EMG to quantify
differences in muscle activation strategies employed by individuals suffering from soft tissue muscle microtrauma injuries and
healthy controls.  1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Tennis elbow; Healthy vs. injured; Biomechanics; Tennis impacts; Forearm extensors

1. Introduction the activity that caused the condition to appear. Nirschl

[12] has proposed using the term tendonosis due to the
Diagnosis and treatment of soft tissue damage are lack of inflammation accompanying common lateral ten-
often complicated by reliance on self-report to determine nis elbow. With an injury such as lateral epicondyle ten-
the extent of injury. Recently, the clinician’s ability to donosis, because the absence of tissue inflammation
more accurately view the damage through quantitative accompanying common tennis elbow (TE), the pain
means, such as MRIs, has been greatly improved. How- associated with the injury may actually encourage coun-
ever, such evaluation is expensive and may be deemed ter productive muscle activation [12]. It is therefore
unnecessary for many non-life-threatening conditions. important to determine if: (1) the patient is, in fact, suf-
This study was conducted to determine if simple surface fering from the condition, i.e. exhibiting signs different
electromyographic analysis of muscles associated with from the normal population, and (2) possible detrimental
lateral tennis elbow could be used to assist in accurately muscle activation patterns have been developed in
diagnosing this common soft tissue injury. response to the injury. Electromyographic (EMG)
While rest is the most frequently prescribed treatment responses showing increases in muscular activation, fre-
for most soft tissue injury, for athletes and industrial quency, duration, and earlier onset related to specific
workers, it may not be possible to cease or severely limit events would contradict Nirschl’s [12] assertion that rest
is the most effective initial form of treatment.
Assuming that a person sought medical attention for
* Corresponding author. Tel.: ⫹ 1-352-392-0584, ext: 263; fax: ⫹ his/her tennis elbow, a simple elbow exam may be per-
1-352-392-0316; e-mail: formed to determine the location of the pain. Self-report

1050-6411/99/$ - see front matter  1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
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246 J.A. Bauer, R.D. Murray / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 9 (1999) 245–252

of pain is usually sufficient for a clinician to make a extensor muscles are activated eccentrically to stabilize
recommendation of treatment, which typically includes the hand–wrist during the momentum transfer that
rest, strengthening and re-evaluation of activities occurs during impact. It is well known that eccentric
believed to have caused the injury [11,21,14,12]. How- muscle actions generate forces much greater than those
ever, absent from these evaluations is the ability to deter- seen during normal concentric muscle actions [3]. These
mine if muscle usage patterns have been altered by the large, eccentric forces put a great deal of stress on the
injury. EMG data from the extensor carpi radialis brevis tendon ligament complex of the extensor muscles and
(ECRB) showing increased activity during tennis spe- usually can be safely absorbed if the tendon insertion is
cific movements would indicate that muscular strain on made over a relatively large area of bone. However, the
the damaged soft tissue, usually the hyaline region of tendon most often identified as the site of tennis elbow
the ECRB [20], would also increase. Such data, as seen pain is the Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis (ECRB), a
in Fig. 3, would support our theory that individuals suf- small muscle of the forearm, which has a distinctly poor
fering from TE employ muscle activation strategies that biomechanical design for withstanding high loads [20].
actually increase their likelihood of further soft tissue The ECRB inserts into the lateral epicondyle of the
damage or at the very least slow the healing process. humerus, an extremely small insertion area that Groppel
[5] hypothesized as the major reason for injury occurring
1.1. History of tennis elbow regularly at this point. None of the other extensor
muscles active during the backhand stroke have such a
Although much has changed since the early days of biomechanical disadvantage.
tennis, unfortunately, one aspect has remained remark- Chop [2] has estimated that only five percent of tennis
ably consistent: those individuals who play the game elbow sufferers are tennis players. The injury may affect
often will be physically injured by their participation in carpenters, dental technicians, or computer operators.
the sport [16]. The most common of the upper body Furthermore, it is believed that between 40 and 50% of
injuries is “tennis elbow” or more correctly, lateral people who play tennis will develop tennis elbow during
epicondyle tendonosis [16]. Morris [10] documented this their playing career [1,6,15,16]. For those who seek
injury just 10 years after Major Wingfield first intro- medical advice about the injury, the most recommended
duced the game. Morris [10] named the condition “lawn treatment is rest. Even if an athlete agrees to stop playing
tennis arm”. While the medical community has known tennis, there is still no assurance this action will prevent
about the injury for over one hundred years, there still further aggravation of the injury. People suffering from
seems to be little that physicians or physical therapists tennis elbow want to continue the activity that is causing
can do to prevent the injury. Recent studies have also the pain because it is part of their occupation or a sport
provided a more sobering evaluation; although pain tem- which they enjoy playing. During a tennis stroke they
porarily disappears the tendon injury is irreversible [18]. attempt pain alleviation by trying different techniques to
When a player strikes a tennis ball with a racket, the limit the amount of wrist flexion during a swing. To
whole arm complex i.e., hand, wrist, forearm, upper arm, decrease pain temporarily and to stabilize the wrist, a
and shoulder is mechanically stressed. Renstrom and player flexes and rotates the wrist to grip the handle
Johnson [19] calculated the magnitude of force stressing tighter. This grip may decrease their pain but increases
the arm for a ball–racket impact at 13.9 m/s, the equival- the tension on the muscle and increases the likelihood
ent of jerking up a 25-kg weight with one arm. The lower of injury at the lateral epicondlye of the humerus.
arm, consisting of the hand, wrist and forearm, sustains Although these techniques may temporarily reduce pain
most of the impact-generated stress. The soft tissue of they lead to greater structural damage.
the lower arm is poorly suited to withstand this repeated While the medical and tennis playing communities
stress of hitting a ball. have known about tennis elbow for many years, a
While the exact frequency and level of mechanical definitive etiology has yet to be determined. Further-
stress necessary to cause tennis elbow have not been more, the criteria used in assessing treatment success are
documented, it is now generally agreed that tennis elbow (1) the patient’s diminished perceived level of pain and
is an overuse injury [13,6,21] whose origin can often be (2) his/her ability to participate in activities previously
traced to the backhand stroke in tennis. Even Morris [10] prohibited by the pain. Currently there are no quantitat-
stated as much over one hundred years ago in his first ive methods used to determine if treatments allow the
reference to the injury when he noted that during the injured tendon to fully heal or to assess if the injury
execution of hitting a backhand the extensor muscles are results from muscle activity modification, possibly
most stressed and most likely to be injured. Since the inhibiting the healing of the damaged tissue.
back of the racket hand is parallel to the racket face and The purpose of this study was to determine under
on the leading side of the racket grip during the impact simulated tennis conditions if (1) surface EMG could be
portion of a typical one-handed backhand stroke, only used to accurately delineate between healthy subjects
the fingers can provide bony support for the racket. The and subjects suffering from tennis elbow and, (2) if acti-
J.A. Bauer, R.D. Murray / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 9 (1999) 245–252 247

vation patterns are different, to assess whether the differ-

ences should be considered helpful or detrimental to the
healing process.

2. Methods

This investigation attempted to determine the ability

of surface EMG to accurately distinguish the health
status of individuals suffering from a soft tissue injury
(tennis elbow) from that of a healthy control group based Fig. 1. Illustration of the physical dimensions, impact locations and
on observed responses to forced wrist flexion similar to sensor placement of the tennis racket used during all trials.
that experienced during tennis play. Analysis was perfor-
med to determine if the INJ group employed muscle acti-
vation patterns that may be counterproductive to speedy 2.2. Apparatus and subject preparation
recovery from tennis elbow. Additional main effects of
ball velocity at impact, as well as impact location, were The racket arm of each subject was instrumented with
investigated. Since impact velocity and location vary surface silver–silver chloride disposable electromyo-
during the course of normal play, these two main factors graphic electrodes. The electrodes were placed over the
were evaluated to determine if statistically significant muscle bellies of the Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis,
differences in the responses could be linked to such Flexor Carpi Ulnaris and the long head of the Tricep
effects. muscle with an interelectrode distance of 2.5 cm. It was
understood that the surface electrodes provide an aggre-
2.1. Selection of subjects gate of the EMG activity in the various locations. The
locations were selected to provide as much input from
Subjects were selected based on their physical con- the specified muscles as possible since they are con-
dition at the time of the study. CON subjects were volun- sidered central to the injury pathology.
teers who had no history of arm injuries and were not Pilot work was performed during which a wide range
suffering from tennis elbow at the time of their partici- of ball velocities and impact locations were tried to
pation in this study. Those assigned to the INJ group determine the ability of the ball machine to deliver a ball
were clinically diagnosed as suffering from tennis elbow at a consistent velocity and to the desired impact
at the time of their participation in this study. None of location. Once ball velocities and impact locations were
the INJ subjects had altered their physical activities sig- determined, data collection began.
nificantly due to their injured state and, at the initiation Nine separate impact conditions were presented in
of the study, were not suffering pain sufficient to alter random order to each subject during the test session. The
activities of daily living. nine conditions were comprised of each combination of
Various researchers [8,13,16] have reported that those three impact velocities and three impact locations of ten-
most likely to suffer from tennis elbow are 35 to 45 years nis balls on the racket face. All participants used the
of age. While the 35–45 age group may be at the highest same racket. Fig. 1 shows information about the dimen-
risk, Priest [16], Priest et al. [17], Goldie [4], Ilfeld and sions of the racket and location of the impacts. Table 2
Field [7], have reported verified cases of tennis elbow summarizes the nine conditions of velocity and impact
in persons ranging in age from the teens to the seventies. location.
The mean age for all subjects in this study was 39.8 Each of the nine experimental trials lasted 30 seconds
years. The injury shows no gender preference [8] but, with an average mean time between impact of 5 seconds.
for reasons of convenience, all individuals tested were The trial duration assured a minimum of five ball
males. Table 1 provides a summary of subject ages, hand impacts, of which at least three had to be in the pre-
and forearm mass information. scribed string face location for the trial to be considered
Table 1
Table 2
Subject summary data Impact and location abbreviations

Health status Age (yrs) Hand mass (g) Forearm mass (g) Impact Centre Long axis Torsional

Healthy (mean) 38.8 107.45 280.61 Location speed

(Std. dev.) 13.1 6.38 17.67 Low (11.94 m/s) CL LL TL
Injured (mean) 40.8 104.49 270.92 Medium (17.13 m/s) CM LM TM
(Std. dev.) 10.8 3.95 12.95 High (22.95 m/s) CH LH TH
248 J.A. Bauer, R.D. Murray / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 9 (1999) 245–252

successful, this was determined after testing completion resolution, 0 to 5-volt range, unipolar. Voltage resolution
using video analysis. To accomplish this both frontal and was accurate to 0.01 volts. The conversion factor calcu-
overview views of each impact were recorded using 30 lated for this experiment was 7.4 N/0.01 volts. Three
Hz video. It was previously estimated through on-court good trial values for each impact velocity, 11.95, 17.16
study that no more than 3 seconds were necessary for and 22.95 m/s were collected and averaged to provide
racket preparation during normal match play. Following the force value per impact. The impact force values were
each impact the subjects reoriented the racket to the determined to be: 236.8, 495.8 and 732.6 N for the low,
required starting position with the help of a free-standing medium and high velocity impacts, respectively.
guide mechanism and remained stationary while waiting Initially, these impact forces appear to be rather high
for the next ball. Subjects were instructed to complete a for a tennis ball hitting a racket at the indicated velo-
“block” volley, which is a shot with no backswing and cities. However, a quick calculation shows that they are
minimal forward follow through. All racket motion was indeed close to what should occur under normal game
forward toward the ball machine. conditions. The mass of a tennis ball is 52 grams. The
It was determined that wait intervals of greater than impact time to peak force for the impacts was calculated
5 seconds proved to be too long a period between shots to be 1 to 2 milliseconds. Using the equation F ⫽ ma
and often resulted in subjects “false starting” the volley. and substituting in the incoming velocity of 22.95 m/s
With rest–wait intervals of longer than 5 seconds, the for the high velocity impact with an assumed time of
subjects became anxious and reported feeling fatigued 1.5 milliseconds for the time to peak force, the force is
by the end of data collection. To avoid fatigue but pre- calculated to be 795.6 N. This is accomplished as fol-
vent boredom, 90-second rests were taken between trials. lows:
This interval period proved adequate to change the velo-
city setting on the ball machine, orient the subject to the F ⫽ ma ⫽ > mv/time
new starting location of the racket for the next trial, and
to remove and replace a memory chip card in the data ⫽ > (0.052 kg)(22.95 m/s)/0.0015 sec ⫽ 795.6 N
logger unit (Paromed DLS-8C-System, Paromed Med-
zintechnik, Germany). Moment calculations for the three impact locations
The data logger unit worn about the subject’s waist follow: For a Central Impact the ball would strike the
was used to collect and store all sensor data at 1000 Hz. racket 51 cm from the butt end of the racket. It was
Wire leads from 3 sets of surface EMG electrodes and assumed that the wrist would act as the axis of rotation
the cable from an accelerometer mounted on the racket for this calculation and that it was located at the butt
were connected to the data logger. The electrodes were end of the racket. If the moment arm was 51 cm then the
site-amplified with a gain of 50 and amplified by a factor flexor moment experienced at the wrist for the impacts
of 8 at the controller unit. A ground electrode was conducted would equal those found in Table 3. Simi-
affixed to the acromion process of the shoulder. A 0.5- larly, the Long Axis impact, which had a moment arm
gram uniaxle accelerometer placed on the test racket pro- of 61 cm, was calculated. The flexor moment generated
vided a signal that was used as an event marker indicat- by the Torsional impact would be the same as that for
ing the instant of ball–racket impact. Fig. 2 illustrates the Central impacts since the moment arm would still
a sample EMG output for a single experimental ball– be 51 cm, however an additional twisting moment would
racket impact. be generated and these values are found in Table 3.

2.3. Calculation of ball impact force and ball velocity

3. Data analysis
To determine the peak impact force exerted on the
string surface resulting from ball impacts having differ- 3.1. Data collection and processing
ent velocities, a ball machine shot balls at a Bertec Cor-
poration model 4060 force plate fixed in a vertical pos- The analog outputs of the EMG and accelerometer
ition 2 meters in front of it. A calibration factor was sensors were collected at a sampling frequency of 1000
calculated after placing known weights on the plate Hz for all test conditions. The data logger system col-
immediately prior to and following the vertical mount- lected and stored the data with 8 bit resolution. All chan-
ing. The instrumented tennis racket was fixed such that nels were polled within 20 micro-seconds during each
the frame of the racket was supported 1.25 cm above 0.001 second sampling interval, providing complete
the force plate on a wooden frame. The force plate was synchronization of the data logger sensor data. Two
connected to a MetraByte Dash-16 data acquisition software packages provided with the data logger system
board housed in a Toshiba 3200SX-laptop computer. (DLM.exe and ADGRAF.exe), assisted in initializing the
Data were collected at 1000 Hz for all impacts. The data chip cards, downloading and quantitatively analyzing the
acquisition board’s configuration was as follows: 16 bit captured data. Custom software (10S-Filt.exe) was used
J.A. Bauer, R.D. Murray / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 9 (1999) 245–252 249

Fig. 2. Sample output showing Extensor, Flexor and Triceps activation relative to an impact. Accelerometer data used to determine the time of
impact is shown in channel 4.

Table 3 aging the values recorded during the most active 100-
Calculated flexion and rotational moments experienced for each impact msec interval during each MVC.
location and impact velocity
Once the impact time point was established the muscle
Impact location Central Long axis Torsional (In activation curves were analyzed to determine start and
addition to end times of muscle activation using the 20% threshold
central moment) values already established. This provided the muscle
activation duration (MAD) response value.
Impact velocity
Low (11.94 m/s) 120.7 Nm 144.4 Nm 11.8 Nm Calculating the area under the rectified EMG curve
Medium (17.13 m/s) 252.9 Nm 302.4 Nm 24.8 Nm for each muscle group during its total time of activation
High (22.95 m/s) 373.6 Nm 446.9 Nm 36.6 Nm for each impact generated an integrated EMG value

to low pass filter EMG channel data as described by 3.2. Electromyographic measurements
Winter [22]. The data were downloaded to a computer
for analysis. There are no reliable methods of directly comparing
Data reduction for selected impacts were conducted the raw EMG readings from one individual to another.
as follows: EMG data channels were full-wave rectified However, since comparison of EMG responses was
and passed through a 6 Hz zero lag, 4th order But- necessary for this study, the condition that provided the
terworth filter generating a linear envelope. “On” thres- least stress on the arm during ball–racket impact was
hold values for each muscle group were calculated as selected and utilized to normalize several EMG vari-
values of 20% of the peak signal, collected prior to the ables. The central medium speed impact condition (CM)
start of each experimental trial block from maximum iso- was selected based on verbal responses provided by sub-
metric voluntary contractions (MVC) of the extensor, jects during pilot testing. They indicated that the impacts
flexor and triceps muscles. 20% was selected based on experienced during CM trials were the least mechan-
pilot work that showed active preparation activity to be ically stressful of the nine experimental test conditions.
greater than 20% of peak signal and passive limb orien- Values of maximum EMG amplitude during MVC, mus-
tation activity below 20% of the peak signal. MVCs cle activation pre-impact (NMAI) and integrated EMG
were performed for each of the three muscle groups at (IEMG) generated during the CM condition for each
the beginning of each experimental block. A mean individual were determined. The CM responses were
maximum activation level was then determined by aver- assigned a normalized value of 1.0. The total muscle
250 J.A. Bauer, R.D. Murray / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 9 (1999) 245–252

activation duration (MAD) was not normalized and the

actual time that the EMG level was above 20% of the
MVC value collected during the CM trial was evaluated.

3.3. Statistical analysis

EMG magnitude values were normalized versus the

calibration values recorded during the maximum volun-
tary contract recordings. All response variable data were
analyzed using analysis of variance designs to determine
factor significance. The following model was used for
the ANOVAs which were performed for each dependent
response variable (i.e. MAD and IEMG). The model
used was as follows: Fig. 3. Mean muscle activation duration (MAD) of all muscle groups
for all subjects and all impact conditions. Only Extensor group data
indicated a significant difference between activation times based on
Yijkl ⫽ ␮... ⫹ ␣i ⫹ ␳j(i) ⫹ ␤k ⫹ ␥l ⫹ (␣␤)ik ⫹ (␣␥)il
health status (p ⬍ 0.05).
⫹ (␤␥)kl ⫹ (␣␤␥)ikl ⫹ ⑀(ijkl)

where ␣ ⫽ health status, ␳ ⫽ subject, ␤ ⫽ velocity, ␥ ditions used during this study. Fig. 1 illustrates the
⫽ impact location, i ⫽ 1, 2; j ⫽ 1, . . ., n; k ⫽ 1, 2, 3; impact locations studied.
l ⫽ 1, 2, 3. Figs. 3–5 illustrate the responses evaluated during this
The statistical calculations were performed using study. Fig. 3 shows the aggregate activation duration of
MINITAB Release 9.2 for Windows (MINITAB Inc., the all impact conditions relative to muscle group. Only
State College, PA.). The statistical treatment was the Extensor group revealed a statistically significant dif-
designed to determine response variable significance ference in activation time (p ⬍ 0.05). Fig. 4 illustrates
versus the test condition matrix for both inter subject the mean activation times of the forearm extensor
and between group pairings. Mean values (n ⫽ 10 for muscles for each impact conditions comparing the CON
INJ and n ⫽ 6 for CON) of the various measured para- vs. INJ responses. Fig. 6 shows the results of the inte-
meters were compared with repeated measures analysis grated EMG for all impact conditions of CON vs. INJ
of variance (ANOVA) designs. A series of 2 ⫻ 3 ⫻ 3 for the extensor muscle group.
ANOVAs were performed to determine the significance Statistical comparisons to evaluate interactions
of the main effects health status, velocity and impact between Health Status (HS), impact Location (LOC) and
location. Table 4 shows the ANOVA design matrix for impact Velocity (VEL) were performed. A significant
the repeated measure dependent response variable of three way (HS-LOC-VEL) interaction (p ⬍ 0.05) was
muscle activation duration (MAD). found for the MAD response variable for the extensor
group activity.
The post hoc analysis of the three-way interaction for
4. Results

The variable health status proved to be statistically

significant for all muscle activity responses for the exten-
sor group (p ⬍ 0.05). Activity levels of the flexors and
triceps were not statistically different between CON and
INJ participants (p > 0.05). Table 2 lists the abbrevi-
ations for the nine impact and ball velocity impact con-

Table 4
Example of the coding for the condition central impact, low velocity,
for healthy subject number one

Health Subject Velocity Location Muscle activation duration

status (MAD)
Fig. 4. Activation duration of Extensor muscle group for each impact
␣ ␳ ␤ ␥ Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 location (Center, Long Axis, Torsional) response data are displayed.
1 1 1 1 xx xx xx In all instances there was a statistical difference relative to health status
(p ⬍ 0.05).
J.A. Bauer, R.D. Murray / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 9 (1999) 245–252 251

between tennis elbow sufferers and players not suffering

from such an injury. Our findings that there is a differ-
ence in muscle activation for the extensor group with
respect to health status, are consistent with those
observed by Kelley, Lombardo, Pink, Perry and Gian-
garra [9] who reported significantly increased muscle
activity in the ECRB of injured tennis players while hit-
ting groundstrokes. It is also apparent that the changes
made by the tennis elbow sufferers are contrary to what
is prescribed by health care professionals to effectively
treat this condition, namely to rest the affected region.
Although, increases in EMG activity do not relate
directly to increases in force production by the muscles,
there is a strong correlation in non-pathologic groups
Fig. 5. Activation duration of Extensor muscle group for each impact
when muscles are not fatigued. It appears that the sub-
velocity (Low, Medium, High) response data are displayed. In all
instances there was a statistical difference relative to health status (p jects with tennis elbow were attempting to limit the
⬍ 0.05). amount of forced flexion during backhand shots
(resulting from the ball impact) by increasing the activity
of the muscle group mainly affected by tennis elbow,
that is, the extensor group. The strategy of earlier exten-
sor activation and longer post impact activity displayed
in Fig. 7, which the INJ group adopted, was ineffective
in reducing pain due to the magnitude of the impact
It is likely that the earlier and longer activation of the
extensors relative to impact would be counter-productive
to minimizing the damaging effect of ball–racket
impacts. The subject’s early muscle activation assures
muscle stiffness at the time of impact, causing currently
damaged tendons to be pre-loaded prior to impact. More-
over, this activation forces forearm muscle–tendon com-
Fig. 6. Integrated EMG signals for each of the nine impact con-
ditions. Response variables indicated significant differences for each
condition relative to health status (p ⬍ 0.05).

MAD revealed that there were thirteen pairwise signifi-

cant differences. Of the differences, twelve occurred
with interactions involving differing HS. It appears that
for MAD the condition of torsional impact location at
high speed (TH) most clearly delineates the subject
group responses. The differences created by TH can be
seen in Figs. 4 and 5. IEMG significance values were
not associated with any interaction terms and simply
diverged on the basis of HS.

5. Discussion

The results of this study indicate that surface EMG

provides useful data in evaluating biomechanical
changes that take place in the case of tennis elbow. This
result is significant since it is often very difficult to quan-
tify the magnitude of changes that result from soft
tissue injury. Fig. 7. Impact duration for each muscle group. Impact occurs at time
The present data show that muscle activation patterns 0 with pre-impact activation indicated as positive time and post-impact
are statistically different under identical conditions activation indicated as negative time.
252 J.A. Bauer, R.D. Murray / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 9 (1999) 245–252

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While this study dealt specifically with tennis-induced [21] Wadsworth TG. Tennis elbow: conservative, surgical and
lateral tennis elbow, regardless of its causes and out- manipulative treatment. British Medical Journal 1987;294:621–4.
comes, the implication of our results are potentially sig- [22] Winter DA. Biomechanics and motor control of human move-
nificant for evaluation and treatment of the 95% of tennis ment. New York: John Wiley and Sons Inc., 1990:139–46.
elbow sufferers who develop the condition from non- Dr Jeffrey A. Bauer has been an Assistant Pro-
tennis related causes. The protocols established in this fessor and Director of the Biomechanics Labora-
study can assist the clinician and sport scientist in tory at the University of Florida since 1994. He
completed his doctoral work in the “water
improving diagnosis and treatment for soft tissue injury tower” at Penn State and was selected to start
sufferers like those who experience the pain of tennis an emphasis of study in biomechanics at the gra-
elbow. Further, the methodology and analysis presented tuate level UF’s department of Exercise and
Sport Sciences. His primary research interests
here may have value in evaluation and treatment of other are in determining effects of both repetitive and
over-use micro-trauma type soft tissue injuries. acurate dynamic loading to the human body. His
teaching responsibilities include an undergrad-
uate Kinesiology course and Graduate courses
in Biomechanics and Biomechanical Instrumentation.
Robert Murray is a graduate of the College of
Health and Human Performance with a major in
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