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Cyberculture received meaning.

All I did: folded words as

taught. Now other words accrete in the interstices.

DAVID BELL (Gibson 1991: 27)

Other words have indeed accreted in the

A neologism derived from a neologism, cybercul- interstices of Gibson’s cyberspace – including
ture welds together the “cyber-” from cyberspace cyberculture. Moreover, cyberspace came to be
with “culture.” It is important to understand what the preferred term for scholars writing about
happens when cyber- and culture are brought particular configurations of media and com-
together, and in order to work toward that under- munications technologies, most especially the
standing we need to begin by saying a few words Internet (though others prefer an expanded def-
about cyberspace (and some related things). The inition that encompasses other realms of digital
term cyberspace was famously coined by cyber- technology and digital culture; see Bell 2001).
punk novelist William Gibson in his 1984 novel Cyberspace became a hot topic across a range of
Neuromancer, to describe the imaginary “datas- academic disciplines in the 1990s, as more and
cape” which his characters entered by “jacking more researchers turned their attention to the
in” – connecting their consciousness directly many ways that the Internet was transforming
to networked computers. The well-known and ever greater parts of people’s lives. Through the
often-quoted formulation in Neuromancer runs course of the 1990s, research and writing on
like this: cyberspace began to branch and specialize, and
there was something of a publishing boom. Aside
Cyberspace. A consensual hallucination experi-
from computer science research, a large body of
enced daily by millions of legitimate operators.
work emerged which focused on the social and
… A graphic representation of data abstracted
from the banks of every computer in the human cultural aspects of cyberspace. These “cyberspace
system. Unthinkable complexity. Lines of light studies” have morphed over time, particularly as
ranged in the nonspace of the mind, clusters and scholars have brought ideas and theories from
constellations of data. Like city lights, receding. other disciplines – psychology, sociology, cultural
studies, or geography, for instance – into contact
(Gibson 1984: 67)
with the Internet and related technologies.
This vivid description offered a powerful In terms of the subject area we might call
fictional portent for the future, a future of “cyberculture studies,” David Silver (2000) has
unthinkable complexity and constellations of tracked the development of cyberculture as a
data. However, the computing science realities of field of study across the 1990s, identifying three
what was then emerging as cyberspace were little distinct phases. His typology offers a useful way
known to Gibson; nevertheless, the term and the of introducing the trajectory of these diverse
way cyberspace was depicted in Neuromancer studies in this important decade, during which
have had a profound influence upon its devel- the foundations of cyberculture studies were
opment and its representation – an influence solidified. Silver names the first substantive phase
Gibson did not foresee when he cobbled the word “popular cyberculture,” characterized by journal-
together. As he put it: istic writing, personal accounts of being online,
popular history publications about the develop-
Assembled word cyberspace from small and read- ment of the Internet, and large numbers of “how
ily available components of language. Neologic to” books helping people make use of computers
spasm: the primal act of pop poetics. Preceded and networks. Accounts from this phase tend to
any concept whatever. Slick and hollow – awaiting be descriptive, often experiential, but are split in

The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. Edited by George Ritzer.

© 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Published 2007 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9781405165518.wbeosc195

terms of how their authors view the impacts that heavily on psychoanalytic, poststructuralist, and
the Internet is having on people’s lives. At the most postmodern theories of self-identity, which help
extreme ends of this divide are what Silver calls her to understand how online identities are frac-
technofuturist writings, which tend to be over- tured and multiple. Other scholars also began to
whelmingly optimistic, even utopian, about the bring their own favorite theories and theorists
promises of online life. Journalists writing in new into cyberspace, leading to a productive period
US magazines like Wired or Mondo 2000 typify in which cyberculture studies diversified: soci-
technofuturism for Silver, as do writers describing ologists brought social network approaches to
cyberspace as a new frontier ripe for pioneers understanding online communities, for example,
to colonize (see, e.g., Rheingold 1993). Writing while geographers brought theories of space and
from a polar-opposite, profoundly dystopian, place into contact with cyberspace and feminist
perspective are the “Neo-Luddites,” who see in scholars introduced ideas of cyberfeminism (see,
cyberspace multiple threats to human existence e.g., Plant 1997; Crang et al. 1999; Smith & Kol-
(see, e.g., Sale 1995). Of course, most writing lock 1999). At the same time, there was also a
during this phase falls somewhere in between diversification in terms of research methods used
these “dystopian rants or utopian raves” (Silver to study cyberculture, as researchers brought
2000: 20). Nevertheless, this fundamental binary their own methodological traditions and innova-
divide – is cyberspace good or bad? – continues tions into cyberspace: qualitative and quantitative
to structure many scholars’ thinking; indeed, methods, linguistic and textual techniques, and
later periods in the development of cyberculture so on.
studies revisit this in their own terms, and rants Silver notes that studies produced in this phase
and raves continue to appear from both sides. tend to be more positive and optimistic about
However, as the field of study has evolved, it has cyberspace, seeing productive new possibilities
refined both the theoretical and methodological for identity and community online. However,
tools brought to analyze the Internet, as well as many accounts rest on a problematic separation
focusing in on more specific domains and effects of online and offline (sometimes called “real
of cyberspace. life” or “real world”) experiences – another
The second phase of cyberculture scholarship is dualism which continues to haunt many studies
called by Silver simply “cyberculture studies,” in of cyberculture to this day. Nevertheless, this
recognition of a shift away from populist accounts second phase marks a consolidation of academic
(though these continue to be published) toward cyberculture studies marked by diverse theories
a more scholarly approach to understanding and methods, intersections with diverse dis-
the Internet. Crucially, two major focuses were ciplines, and a gathering momentum in terms
brought center-stage in this phase, both of which of both volume and growing sophistication of
are concerned with the relationship between published material. We could say that this phase
online and offline life: studies of community marks the beginning of something of a discipline
and studies of identity. Here we see one way in of cyberculture studies itself, in fact, as degree
which cyber- and culture are brought together: courses, conferences, and networks blossomed in
by exploring how some of the key concerns of academia.
cultural studies (such as identity or community) In the latter part of the 1990s, a third phase is
are transformed in cyberspace. Silver rightly identified by Silver. This he labels “critical cyber-
identifies the ur-texts here as Rheingold’s The culture studies.” Marked by continuing growth
Virtual Community (1993) and Turkle’s Life on and diversification, Silver tracks four themes
the Screen (1995) – these are the “twin pillars” of which rose to dominance in this period (for an
second-phase cyberculture studies (Silver 2000: overview of the breadth of this phase, see Bell &
23), hugely influential books whose impact can Kennedy 2000). The first is in part a counter to the
be felt to this day. Turkle’s book is an important problematic online/offline split of phase two, and
illustration of the second way that cyber- and is concerned with contextualizing cyberspace and
culture are brought together in this phase: the use cyberculture, in terms of how economic, social,
of cultural theory to think about cyberspace. In and cultural interactions occur simultaneously
her exploration of online identity, Turkle draws in cyberspace and in “real life.” Empirical work

bridging online and offline field sites – such as of online and offline life and experience: “cy-
Miller and Slater’s (2000) ethnographic study of berculture is best comprehended as a series of
Internet use in Trinidad – has been particularly negotiations that take place both online and
important in bringing back together the two off. … In the new millennium, it is the task of
worlds split apart in earlier studies. Detailed cyberculture scholars to acknowledge, reveal and
empirical work has also performed a valuable critique these negotiations to better understand
hype-busting function, replacing the rants and what takes place within the wires” (Silver 2000:
raves of earlier phases with more balanced, 30).
empirically grounded studies. Having described Silver’s useful brief history of
The second theme of critical cyberculture stud- cyberculture studies, attention can now be turned
ies picked out by Silver focuses on discursive to an essay which attempts to define a program for
constructions of cyberspace – the stories we tell cultural studies of the Internet, Jonathan Sterne’s
about it. This means unpacking the ways that “Thinking the Internet: Cultural Studies versus
cyberspace is imagined and represented across the Millennium” (1999). This is an important
a wide range of cultural texts, from cyberpunk article in that it attempts to lay out a specifically
novels and movies to Internet service providers’ cultural studies approach to cyberspace, there-
adverts or pop songs (see Bell 2001). It also fore productively exemplifying Silver’s critical
involves exploring the dominant discourses via cyberculture phase. It provides a road map of
which the Internet is talked about, whether what cultural studies as a discipline uniquely
the frontier mythology mentioned earlier or brings to analysis of cyberspace, urging scholars
the “gold rush” discourse that provoked and to “move beyond the commonplaces and clichés
sustained the explosion. Thirdly, Sil- of Internet scholarship and [to] reconceptualize
ver notes an increasing emphasis on questions it in intellectually challenging and politically vital
of access and inequality – another valuable terms” (Sterne 1999: 260). It is, perhaps, in the last
dose of hype-busting, since it replaces the dis- part of that statement – about being politically
course of information freedom and the Internet’s vital – that Sterne’s essay is most insightful; he
democratic “worldwideness” with studies high- reminds scholars of the deep political commit-
lighting patterns of uneven development, issues ment at the heart of the cultural studies project,
of marginalization, and barriers to access to arguing that if it is (or should be) about anything,
technology at all levels, from the global to the then cultural studies is about culture and power.
individual. Access questions bring into focus Any critical study of the Internet should therefore
the extent to which axes of social identity such have at its heart an analysis of culture and power
as race, class, gender, and sexuality are either since, as Poster (2001: 2) suggests, “without a
reproduced or challenged in cyberspace, with concept of culture, the study of new media incor-
studies concluding both that cyberspace rein- porates by default the culture of the dominant
forces existing divides as well as bringing in new institutions in society” – the state and the market.
ones, and that it can provide space for new and To advance his argument, Sterne places empha-
productive kinds of identity work to take place sis on the need to understand and critically
(see, e.g., Nakamura 2002). analyze the politics of knowledge production
Finally, Silver notes an increase in studies (asking what is at stake in studying the Inter-
exploring design and visual culture aspects of net, and how new knowledge of cyberspace
cyberspace, particularly around the idea of the can advance emancipatory politics), the need
interface: how cyberspace is represented to us on to be acutely aware of context (the manifold
the screens of our computers – a neat return to relationships between people, place, practices,
Gibson’s originary formulation. Work on inter- and things), and the need to produce a theory of
faces has also returned to themes introduced in articulation (how things are connected together).
earlier phases, such as the role of web pages in Such a theory would have as its central concerns
expressing self-identity, and the role of partici- “(a) what counts in a cultural study of the Internet
patory design in facilitating online communities. and (b) how to think about and represent the
Crucially for Silver, critical cyberculture studies Internet” (Sterne 1999: 263, emphasis in origi-
finally acknowledges the messy commingling nal). Finally, and echoing points made earlier,

Sterne reinforces the necessity of a commitment console games; but it also requires an awareness
to theory as a way of finding new and more of the cutting edge of new and future technolo-
effective ways to describe and analyze cyberspace gies, such as nanotechnology, artificial life, and
and cyberculture. artificial intelligence. To fully encompass all that
Making a point resonant with Silver’s discussion cyberculture means is no easy task, therefore.
of critical cyberculture studies, Sterne calls for While some scholars have called for junking the
a move beyond the simplistic online/offline (or term cyberculture studies in favor of newer, more
virtual/real) split which has for so long impaired inclusive terms like web studies or new media
analyses of cyberspace, toward a conceptualiza- studies (or even new media cultures; see Marshall
tion that emphasizes understanding the place of 2004), others continue to see valuable mileage
the Internet in everyday life. Equally importantly, in working with and through cyberculture as a
Sterne argues for the need to reconnect the Inter- “contested and evolving discourse [whose] dis-
net to other media, and to techniques of analyzing cussants include activists, politicians, computer
other media. This is particularly crucial in the geeks, social scientists, science fiction writers,
current period, given the increasing convergence digital artists, etc., all of whom are involved in
of new (and old) media. As new digital devices the creation of new concepts and ideas” (Bell
such as MP3 players and palm pilots become et al. 2004: xiii). To that end, the concept is still
more and more ubiquitous, and as existing media very much alive, indeed teeming with life, and
are repurposed for the digital age (mobile phones, we need the open, even promiscuous, approach
for example), so the idea of separating out the to theory and method, as well as the political
Internet as an object of study becomes redundant. commitment, of critical cyberculture studies to
At the same time, the uses to which we may now continue to engage creatively and critically with
put our computers – from listening to the radio the past, present, and future of cyberculture.
to editing home movies to shopping – calls for a
broader rethinking of what it is we are studying SEE ALSO: Consumption and the Internet;
when we are studying cyberculture. Cybercrime; Cybersexualities and Virtual Sexu-
This last point is worth exploring in a bit more ality; Digital; Information Technology; Internet;
detail. Some researchers have suggested that we Simulation and Virtuality
need to track the myriad sites where we encounter
digital culture beyond the narrow emphasis on
the computer screen: cyberspace exists in all REFERENCES AND SUGGESTED
kinds of places, from CGI-heavy movies to imag- READINGS
ing technologies used in biomedicine (see Bell
2001). Moreover, the kinds of contact that we Badmington, N. (Ed.) (2000) Posthumanism. Palgrave,
have with these new technologies is equally var- Basingstoke.
ied: we may be transformed into data and lodged Bell, D. (2001) An Introduction to Cybercultures. Rout-
in databases thanks to the manifold technologies ledge, London.
of data collection that monitor our habits and Bell, D. & Kennedy, B. (Eds.) (2000) The Cybercultures
routines (from our shopping practices to our Reader. Routledge, London.
workplace productivity); equally, we may have Bell, D., Loader, B., Pleace, N., & Schular, D. (2004)
particularly intimate relationships with devices Cyberculture: The Key Concepts. Routledge, London.
that become part of our everyday lives, even part Crang, M., Crang, P., & May, J. (Eds.) (1999) Virtual
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