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SOP Summary of Findings Conclusion Recommendation

1. What is the The demographic

demographic profile of the
profile of the respondents consisted
respondents in of 15 Millennials and
terms of: 15 Gen Z. 19 of them
1.1. Gender were female and 11
1.2. Age were male. Out of the
1.3. Occupation 30, only 18 had any
1.4. Income source of income and
majority of them stated
that their monthly
income is only Php
20,000 and below.
2. How effective Majority of the Establishments that For businesses that
are loyalty respondents answered offer loyalty programs doesn’t currently have a
programs as a that loyalty programs has a higher chance of loyalty program, they
means to: are effective when it establishing customer should consider to
2.1. Customer comes to Customer retention than incorporate one into
Retention Retention. And as a businesses that do not their strategies as it is
2.2. Attract New new customer, they are offer them. Customers an effective way of
Customers more attracted to are also more attracted gaining customer
businesses that have to businesses that have retention and can attract
loyalty programs. loyalty programs than new customers.
those that do not have
them. This is due to the For businesses that
fact that customers already have loyalty
perceive that with programs, they should
through loyalty conduct surveys to their
programs, they are able members to measure
to get more value from their satisfaction to the
these kinds of current program in
establishments. place. Based on their
feedback, they could
improve or rework how
their program works for
the betterment of the
3. Do consumers Majority of the In this study, it is Businesses should
still purchase respondents indicated revealed that even constantly reevaluate
from that even if they are though customer their loyalty
competitors signed up for a loyalty retention is high, their programs as well as
even if they are program of a business, loyalty to a specific
rework them if
signed up for a they would still establishment who
necessary. Aside
loyalty purchase from the offers loyalty programs
program? competitors of the said is significantly low. from customer
business. Customers would often retention, they should
still purchase from the incorporate rewards
competitors of the in their loyalty
establishment in
programs that
question. This can be
encourage and evoke
due to the fact that
while loyalty programs customer loyalty.
are capable of
increasing customer
retention, it does not
have enough value to
increase the loyalty of
their customers.

4. Which type of With the use of the Among the different Businesses that are
loyalty Likert Scale and types of loyalty looking into
program Weighted Mean, the programs, most establishing a loyalty
appeals to Points Program ranked customers prefer the program should
customers the first with a weighted Points Program type. consider applying the
most? mean of 3.23 and The reason as to why Points Program as a
4.1. Point Programs earned an “Average” customers prefer this is foundation for it. Once
4.2. Cash Back Loyalty interpretation. because this type of established, they could
Programs Although most of the program enables build on it further and
4.3. Punch Card types earned an customer to accumulate diversify their loyalty
Programs “Average” points and are enabled program. The business
4.4. Tiered Loyalty interpretation, the to unlock certain should also conduct a
Programs Tiered Loyalty rewards if they earn survey with their
4.5. Coalition Loyalty Program was the sole enough. Furthermore, customers for insights
Programs type of program that customers are mostly regarding what type of
4.6. Premium Loyalty earned a “Below attracted to the discount program would be most
Programs Average” interpretation aspect of loyalty effective for their kind
with a mean of 2.47. programs on the of business.
grounds that it gives
more value to the
customer and is readily
available with their
every purchase.

5. Is there a 76.7% of the

significant respondents stated that
difference in they are more inclined
the perception to purchase from
of customers establishments that
towards have loyalty programs.
businesses that 0% actually answered
have loyalty that they would rather
programs and purchase from those
those that do that do not have loyalty
not? programs

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