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- [ W I L D A R M S 2 - F A Q A N D W A L K T H R O U G H ] -

Walkthrough Version 2.0

Game - Wild ARMs 2
System - Sony Playstation
Walkthrough Copyright � - Anthony Polizzi

Table Of Contents
1. Basic Information
2. Characters
3. Walkthrough
4. Dungeon Maps
5. FAQs
6. Game Tips and Secrets
7. Credits


This walkthrough is made just for Wild ARMs 2. Do not put this
walkthrough on your site with out my permission. Wild ARMs 2 is the
sequel to Sony's hit RPG Wild ARMs. Although Wild ARMs 2 has much better
graphics it still brings back many features from the original, like the
music for example has the same tune to it, and the menu screen is also
very similar to the original. An added bonus is that you may now have up
to 6 party members instead of just 3. I won't say to much but from where
I am in the game, it looks like there are some returning characters,
even though the game takes place 1000's of years after the original.

Email me at, do not send me any chain letters or

Instant Message me.


Ashley Winchester

Information: This is the main character of the game. Ashley is a

male, although his name suggest different. He resembles Rudy, the main
character of the original Wild Arms game.


Class: Gun Warrior

Age: 19
Height: 5'8''
Birthplace: Town of Meria
Favorite Hero: Anything Crimson

Lilka Eleniak

Information: Lilka is the spell caster of the group. She fills the
place of Cecilia from the first game. She is a very important character
due to her ability to heal the party.


Class: Crest Sorceress

Age: 14
Height: 5'
Birthplace: Sielje Region
Favorite Food: Jelly Rolls

Brad Evans

Information: Brad was a war hero, after the war ended he was called
a murderer and thrown in prison. He is the "Jack" of this game. Very
powerful physical attacks. You must break him out of prison before he
joins your fighting party.


Class: Prisoner No. 666

Age: 32
Height: 6'6''
Birthplace: Slayheim
Favorite Insect: Beetle

Tim Rhymeless

Information: Tim is one of Tony's friends. He gives Ashley his

first medium. He is also a member of the young ARMs, later he joins the
fighting team. He has the special power of communicating with the


Class: Zoa Priest

Age: 12
Height: ??
Birthplace: Baskar

Information: Kanon is a female merc who has mechanical arms, and

other body parts. She is a descendent of the "Sword Magess". She wants
to kill Ashley because of the demon living inside of him.


Class: ??
Age: ??
Height: ??
Birthplace: ??


Information: "Anastasia is the legendary heroine known as the

"Sword Magess." She vanished together with the "Blaze of Disaster" who
had attacked the land of Filgaia."


Class: ??
Age: ??
Height: ??
Birthplace: ??


Information: "Lucied is the Guardian of Desire. He is said to have

cooperated with the "Sword Magess" in the battle against the "Blaze of
Disaster."" Those of you who played the first Wild ARMs game will
remember him next to Boomerang's side.


Class: Guardian of Desire

Age: ??
Height: ??
Birthplace: ??


This walkthrough starts with you turning on your Playstation and

starting a NEW game. You will then get to choose between three different
characters and play through their introduction story. It doesn't matter
which one you pick first because you HAVE to play them all anyway.

If you pick Ashley the game starts with a green army truck driving
down a dirt road. You are inside that truck. You soon find out that you
are part of a military group called the musketeers, and that you are on
a mission to save a kidnapped boy.

You soon find yourself at the "Withered Runes". This is where the
boy is being kept. When you walk into the runes you will see three
doors; one to your left, one to your right, and one straight in front of
you. The doors to your right and left have treasure in them and the door
straight ahead is where you must go.

If you keep going straight you will see a man standing next to a
hole. Talk to him and he will say that a comrade of yours fell down
there. Be a hero and jump down to his rescue. You will find him laying
wounded on the ground, talk to him and he will open a door that leads to
a heal berry and give you your first TOOL the HURL KNIFE!

Now that you got the hurl knife go up the stairs to your right. You
will find yourself back at the place where you jumped. Don't jump again,
instead throw the knife at the switch to open the door to the left. Go
through the door and continue through the runes for awhile. It should be
very easy. Eventually you will find the kidnappers. After a short scene
the boy, Tony, will jump on a switch releasing the first boss. After
another short scene you will fight it.


Level: 5 HP: ???? Weakness: None Resistant: None

This boss is very easy. For you first move just attack him with
your sword. Make sure you attack his CLAWS first! Doing this gives you
extra experience!
Once he attacks you for the first time you should have enough FP to
use your ARM. You should be able to kill one claw every two attacks with
the ARM. *Remember to heal you character when your HP gets lower than
After you have destroyed both of Kalivos's claws go for it's main
body. This shouldn't take too long.


100 exp points and 250 gella

If you picked Lilka you will find your character accidently
teleported to the middle of an important meeting. You find out that the
villagers are having a problem with monsters and are trying to get the
help of "Mercs".
After this scene you find yourself eating downstairs. They have
taken you in for awhile! In the middle of your meal you have a flash
back. You are now in the "Millenium Puzzle". Here you must hit all the
four switches with your fire wand. This part is really easy, just keep
walking towards the crystals and teleporting until you are at another
switch then repeat! Use Freeze against the Golms and Flame against the
Blue books.
At the end you will find four different colored towers. They all
start flat on the ground but rise when you stand on them. Stand on the
BLUE pillar until it gets 3 squares tall. Stand on the ORANGE one until
it is one square tall. Stand on the GREEN one until it is 3 squares
tall, and stand on the YELLOW one until it is 2 squares tall. Now
procede to the last switch.
Now you are back at the village and find out about the monster that
comes at night. You tell them that you will kill the monster for them.
The first thing you want to do is save your game. Then go talk to the
person at the entrance of the village. Now go and talk to everyone you
can. You can't go inside the houses. Once you are done talking to
everyone go back to the guy by a table on a hill and the moster will
come. Go to the northest part of town.


Level: 4 HP: ???? Weakness: Fire Resistant: None

This guy is really easy. Just Attack the legs with Freeze and the
main body with Flame. He will be gone in a few turns. *Remember to heal
when your HP gets low!


100 exp points and 250 gella

If you start your game as Brad you will find your self in a forest.
There are 2 paths, one to the left and one to the right. Take the one to
the right. Keep heading right and you will come to the edge of a cliff,
jump off it making sure you land where the chest is. If you go straight
ahead a little puppy will come up to you, he will follow you through the
rest of the forest.

Now you should be at a split in the road, take the right route and
you will find an abandoned house. Inside the house is Brad's first TOOL
the KICK BOOTS. You can use them to kick down the gate on the right side
of the house which will allow you to get a chest. Now go back the way
you came and take the left path.

At the end of the path you will find an old support column. Kick it
and your character will automatically jump on it and procede on. Keep
going up the path and you will see a short scene. Now it's time for the


Level: 5 HP: ???? Weakness: None Resistant: None

Again this is a very easy boss. Use your Bazooka to blast away his
belly first, then attack his main body. You should have no problem with
this fight.


100 exp points and 250 gella


After you complete all of the main characters stories you will
yourself playing as Ashley in the town of Meria. He is still confined to
quarters from his last adventure. Name his friend Marina and head down
the stairs and outside.

Out side the house is Tony and two of his friends, Tim and Scott.
They will ask you to help them get a treasure of theirs back from a cat
who stole it and ran up on the roof. Go back up to the second floor of
the bakery and up the ladder. This part is kind of tricky so be careful.
Everytime you chase the cat around the roofs in the town it will jump
across a light pole and get away. There is no way to catch it like this,
instead talk to the man fixing the hole in his roof. He will tell you to
chase the cat back around his way. Do as he says and the cat will be
yours in no time!

Walk out side with the treasure and Tony and his friends will be
waiting for you. When you give him the treasure he gives it right back
to you. You got a CREST CAP! After that Tim walks up to you and gives
you a Medium!

After a short scene you will be assigned to the new "special" group
forming. Head to the SWORD CATHEDRAL, it is located east of Meria.


You find yourself in a knight ceromony. Every new knight has to try
to pull the sword out of the stone, when somebody does(which hasn't
happened yet) a new hero is born. There are eight members of the new
ARMs, all of who try to pull the sword(including Ashley). No one pulls
it out.This is where the game really starts. The credits role by.

After the ceromony there is a huge feast, in which you are free to
walk around. Go talk to everyone then go talk to the commander. When you
are done talking to him the room will start shaking and fellow ARMs
members start to turn into monsters! Escape through the only door in the
room. You and the other survivers soon find out that you are traped in
the cathedral, then you too turn into a demon.

*Fight* every battle you possible can! To fight a battle simply

walk up to a demon. They give good exp points. Continue to walk through
the cathedral fighting all the battles you can until you reach the room
with the Guardian Blade. Walk over to it and pull it out of the stone.
There will be a short scene then you will meet IRVING. He says that him
meeting you is fate. There is another short scene in which 2 men are
talking. You find your self back in Meria.


When you walk out of the bakery you will find Lilka. She is very
hungry, so you bring her inside and feed her. You soon learn that she is
going to the Valeria Chateau, the same place you must go to thank
Irving, so you both go together.


The Valeria Chateau is located on the cliff outside of Meria. Once

you walk inside you will automatically be sent to the room where you
will meet Irving. He will tell you that he has choosen both of you to be
in the new ARMs. Your first mission is to get the next member of ARMs,
but before you can do anything Irving frames you and you are sent off to


Once you get to the prison Lilka says that she is going to go and
explain everything to the Warden. Before Lilka can leave there is a
large crash. Lilka is now going to get Ashley's weapons. You take
controll of her. Head to the machine to your right. Activate it and
choose the top choice, kill it. This will open a door even farther to
the right. Go inside that room. There is a Heal Berry and a Cute Ribbon
in the lockers. Note that you can destroy the machine gun with your Fire
Rod TOOL. Exit the room and head down the stairs. Walk across the thin
floor, destroy the machine guns along the wall with your Fire Rod. At
the other end there is a machine. Read the message displayed to learn
that guard creatures have been sent out. Enter the door to your left.
Walk striaght pass the door in the middle and right to the door on the
other side. Enter the door and read the message on the machine. It
mentions the guard creatures and something about inmates. Now you have a
pretty good idea of whats happenning. Continue across the long narrow
walkway destroying machine guns as you go. Walk up the stairs at the
end. You will now be in an area similar to the one you left Ashley in.
Go to the machine and choose the top choice again. This will open the
door by the stairs. Enter it. Destroy the two machine guns and kill the
machine again. The locked door will now open. Enter it. Save at the save
point. Check the second locker for a heal berry and the last one for
Ashley's equipment. Retrace your steps to Ashley. Use the Jail Card on
the door to let Ashley out. Now Ashley is back in your party. Head back
to the room before the second narrow walkway and enter the middle door.
Stand so that you are facing the guard below and throw Ashley's hurl
knife to the wall directly over him. The guard will be knocked out. Now
you can move one. Head down the stairs to where the gaurd is. Enter the
door he was guarding. Head down the pathway and destroy the machine
guns. Enter the door at the end. Destroy the machine gun and walk to the
other side of the room. Destroy the machine gun and enter the door. Read
the message on the machine to learn that two armed men have entered the
prison and are attacking. Walk down the narrow path just as before. Walk
up the stairs.


As you walk over to the machine you see Brad inside a jail cell.
Use the Jail card on the door to let Brad out! Now Brad is part of the

Illsveil Prison Continued

Now that Brad is on your team go to the machine outside his cell.
Use his TOOL the kick boots on it. The machine will babble then open up
the door. Proceed on. Enter the room that just opened and search the
lockers for a mini carrot, a SOR apple and a heal berry. Exit the room
and head back to the door that wouldn't open before. Stand in front of
it and use Brad's TOOL the kick boots to kick it down. Enter the door.
You will now be in a room with the warden. Do not talk to him yet!
Instead enter the door by the lockers. Get the chest in there and then
go talk to the warden. He seems really mad and unleashes the first real


Since NIM is the first boss you fight with 3 party members it is
very easy. Have Ash and Brad attack with their ARMs and have Lilka heal
or attack with Magic. Make sure to attack the right claw first.

NIM's attacks are weak. His hammer swing does very little damage to
one party member and his normal attack is even weaker. Chew up is his
strongest attack, and can injure Lilka pretty bad.


If defeated with right claw

450 exp. points and 900 gella


NOTE: Ashley gets his ARM MULTIBLAST here.

After Illsveil Prison you will be given your first assignment as a

team, go to Under Traffic and investigate a cave in. Under Traffic is
located south of the Valeria Chateau.

Enter Under Traffic. Walk straight until you reach a box that has a
skull and bones on it next to a large boulder. Use Lilka's TOOL fire rod
on the box. It will explode and blow up the boulder. Enter the door.
Walk over to the other explosive box. Use Brad to kick it until it
touches the boulder that is blocking your way. Use Lilka's fire rod on
it. Continue through the door. Use Brad's kick boots to move the crate
so that it touches two of the boulders, then use Lilka's fire rod.
Continue doing this until you can get through. If you mess up then exit
the room and reenter. In the next room you will notice that a boulder is
blocking your way, but there is no way to destroy it. Enter the door
next to the boulder. This room is filled with water. You will see a raft
on the edge of the land on which you are standing. Get on it and use
Brad to kick the wall. This should push you and the raft to the island
in the middle. Now hop on the raft to the north and kick the rock. You
will be pushed over to the land area where Ashley's Multiblast is. After
you get the Multiblast get back on the raft and kick over to the small
island agian. This time get on the other raft that you have'nt been on
before. Kick over to the door and enter it. Use the fire rod to blow up
the boulder. Follow the crystals to the next door. Enter it. As soon as
you enter you should notice a boulder blocking a doorway. It is pretty
well hidden. Kick the crate over to it and use the fire rod on it. Doing
this will unlock a hidden room. Inside is a Moonstone, which nullifies
poisons and a crest graph. Now go back to the crate and kick it in front
of the boulder blocking your way. Use the fire rod to blow it up. In the
next room do the same thing to get a chest containing the MAP SCOPE. Now
exit the room and reenter. Kick the crate that is the closest to the
side over first then kick the other one so that you can walk across them
to the other side. Enter the room with the save point. Save your game.
Continue to the next room. Walk alittle ways and you will see a man who
has collapsed. Your party will start to wonder what to do. You will then
here a beeping sound. It is the communicater that Irving gave you. Go to
the menu and select CALL. Irving will instruct you to take the man to
Damzen City which is located to the Southeast of Under Traffic.


As soon as you enter Damzen City head straight for the back of the
town. Enter the large building that has the words "Damzen City Clinic"
over the door. Go through the door to your right. In that room you will
see a man. Go talk to him. The docter will heal the injured man. The man
will tell you that he is sure that the cave in wasn't an accident. Lilka
will then ask you to use the communicater. Go to the menu and select
CALL. You will now be introduced to Kate and Amy. After talking to
Irving exit the clinic and head to the small house next to it. If you
are in the right house then the people should tell you that they own the
TELEPATH TOWER. After talking to everyone in the house(make sure you
talk to the man downstairs twice) go out side. You will get another call
from the Chateau. Irving will tell you to head for the TELEPATH TOWER.
Save your game and freshen up at the INN, then head out.


NOTE: Ashley gets his second TOOL Booty Call here.

Brad gets ARM pineapple here.
Telepath Tower is located west of Damzen City. In the first room
there are three switches that you must hit with a box. Pick up a box and
stand right infront of one of the switches hanging from the wall. Throw
the box. Repeat for the switch onthe other side. Now pick up a box and
throw it on the switch in the center. If done right all the switches
will be red and the door will open. Continue on. Follow the path until
you reach the door to the next room. Walk across the walkway and enter
the next room. Once again follow the path until you reach the next door.
You will now be in another room with gears. Once again walk right past
everything and into the next room. Follow the path to the next door.
Walk over to the end of the platform. Jump off so that you land on the
platform where the switch is on. Pull the switch and then walk back up
to the platform you just jumped off. Walk across it to the next room.
Follow the walkway to the next door. You will now be in a room with a
save point. Save your game. Enter the only open door in the room. Walk
over to the right and pull the switch. Now walk up the stairs and get
the chest. Now head back down the stairs and go back to the room you
came from. Enter the white door that was locked before. Select the third
floor. Walk over to the chest to get Ashley's TOOL the BOOTY CALL. Now
head back to the elevator and choose the fith floor. As soon as you
enter the room change the camera angle so that it is looking at your
back. Go through the door to your left and grab the three chest. Now go
back to the room and enter the door to the right of the elevator. Walk
up the pathway until you reach the door at the end. Now you are in the
infamous "switch room".


Hit the first switch. Then go hit the second switch. Hit the fith
switch. Hit the third switch, then hit the second switch. Now go hit the
fourth switch. Walk up and hit the sixth switch. Hit the seventh switch.
Then hit the third switch. From here on you hit two many switches for me
to record. It should be pretty easy though, just make it to the end and
then exit and reenter the room to get the PINAPPLE.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| | 9 | 8 |
| * |_ _ _|_ _ _| *= Brad's Pineapple ARM.
| | | |
| | 7 | 6 |
|_ _|_ _ _|_ _ _|
| | | |
| 5 | 3 | 4 |
|_ _|_ _ _|_ _ _|
| | | |
| | 2 | 1 |
|_ _|_ _ _|_ _ _|


Exit the switch room and take the path to the next door. Enter it.
Walk up the series of stairs and enter the door at the top. Your party
will come out and look at the crystals, then they will all group up in
the middle. Then the crystal will start to recieve a transmission from
somewhere. The message is from a terrorist group called Odessa, who plan
on taking over the world. After the long scene you will fight the boss.


Have Ashley attack normally or use an ARM. Have Brad use Smash Hit,
Moor Gualt's Custom command, or use and ARM. Have Lilka Heal or use
attack magic. Make sure to take out the right and left claws.

Vagesta attacks normally witch can inflict 100 damage to one party
member. He also use a move called Distortion witch can make it almost
impossible to hit him for that turn. Sometimes he also uses Desease
cloud which will cause the status deseased. Once you destroy both of his
claws he may use Life Returner witch heals a percentage of his HP.


1200 exp. points and 1200 gella


After defeating Vegesta, Ashley suggest going back to Damzen and

telling the owner of telepath tower what happened. When you get there go
to the INN and then save the game. Now head to the ARMs place and
reload. Now head to the north part of town and enter the house where the
family that owns the telepath tower live. Talk to everyone in the house
and then exit. You will be stopped by a strange women as you exit the
house. She will call Ashley stupid for not knowing her name. Name her.
She will then ask him again if he remembered. He will say "remember
what?" and "how do you know my name?". She says that he doesn't remember
and that she thought he wouldn't. She leaves and you get a call from
Irving. He will tell you to go after Odessa. Don't leave yet though. Use
the Booty call and search the town for treasure.


Mt. Chug-Chung is located east of Damzen city, on the land that is

colored different from the rest. When you first enter Mt. Chug-Chug you
will notice three things. One, that there is a door to your right that
you can not enter. Two there is a weird triangular shaped box floating
in the center of the room. Three, that there is a door to your left that
you can enter. Enter the door to your left.

Follow the path and enter the door at the end. Go to your right and
enter the door. Get the chest located at the oposite side of the room.
Enter the door located towards the center of the room. Use Brad to kick
the mine cart over the side. Jump in after it. Kick it once again to be
hurled off over the gap. Walk over to the part of the computer that is
blinking and hit the search button. You will find a piece of EMPATHITE,
now pull the switch on the other side of the computer. The elevators
will now start up. Jump on the elevator next to you and ride it to the
walkway above you. Go back to the room where you first kicked the mine
cart. Enter the door next to the hole. Walk over to the chest and get
the CREST inside. Now walk over and enter the other door. Now you will
notice that the road splits. You can take the road that leads to the
hole and fall down it to continue or you can take the road that leads to
the elevator and go back down.

After going down the hole and up the elevator you will see a save
point. Save your game. Follow the path and enter the door at the end.
You will find yourself outside and in a fight with the One-Eyed Giant,
now known as...


Use the same tactics as before... these beginning bosses are really
easy. Have Ashley and Brad use their ARMs and Lilka heal or use attack

Ptolomea is easy here, but he won't be forever so have a good time

kicking his hide this time. Ptolomea's normal attacks are weaker then
Vegesta's were. His attack Iron Saber is his strongest single attack, it
can do over 200 damage in this fight. His strongest attack that affects
all of your party members is Ptolomea Dynamite.


750 exp. points


After your first encounter with the cocytus squad you are given a
break by Irving. Exit the Valeria Chateau and head for the Town of
Meria. As soon as you walk into town you will be surrounded by Tony and
his two friends, Tim and Scott. Scott and Tony inform you that Tim is
"head over heals" for some girl. Tim insist that he isn't and the group
starts to argue. Ashley gets in the middle and breaks them up, then
Scott realizes that Ashley is in a hurry to see Marina. Now Ashley gets
in the argueing and says that he and Marina are not lovers. Ashley
leaves mad and goes to see Marina. He gives the Empathite to her. Now
leave Marina's room and head for the entrance of the town. As you are
leaving Brad and Lilka walk into town looking for you. They tell you
that your next mission has been decided. All three head off to the


Your next mission is to deliver a letter to the queen of Sylvaland.

To do so you must use the live reflector. The reflector is located
southwest of the Valeria Chateau.

Enter the Live Reflector. Enter the door on the right wall. In the
next room you will find Tony, Tim and Scott. Ashley will yell at them
for being in such a dangerous place but then has no choice but to take
them with him. Enter the door at the bottom. You will be in a room with
just a single computer. Go up to it and activate it. When you go to
start up the reflector it won't work. Then it lights up and a huge
monster comes out of it.


Do the same old procedure. Have Ashley and Brad use their strongest
ARMs while Lilka heals everyone. Take out all of the claws for full
experience points.

Elebart attacks with lightning elemental attacks. Stun Gun Blow is

an attack towards one party member. Elebart Corrada is a much stronger
attack towards one party member. It is very important that you heal
after each of these attacks.


2800 exp. points and 2800 gella

STR apple x2


Syvaland Castle located in the middle of the forest you see right
as you exit the Live Reflector. You will automatically be with the Queen
as soon as you enter. After talking with the Queen a messenger comes in
and tells you that the town of HALMETZ was attacked by the terrorist.
Exit the Queen's chamber and head to the room directly across form it.
You will notice a book sticking out of one of the bookshelves, if you
push it in the table will go down. Walk on the table and use it as an
elevator. Get all the chest in the room and then push the book in that
is sticking out of the bookshelf. Step back on the table to be brought
back up. Exit the room. Enter the door to the east and then enter the
other door to the east. You will find a sleeping guard. Now go to the
opposite side of the castle and ring the bell. The guard will come
running in the room, now go back to where he was and get the chest. Exit
the castle. Head east to Halmetz.


When you get to Halmetz you discover that everything is fine... or

is it? All the people seem to be missing. After searching the entire
town you regroup to discover that there is no sign of people but there
are signs of life. Then the bell rings. Lilka walks over to the building
with the bell on it. Brad yells that it is a trap but it is too late.
Luckily Ashley saved Lilka. Then Judecca appears on top of one of the
houses. He sends out what he thinks is an unbeatable monster.

Have Ashley and Brad use their ARMs. Have Lilka heal. Take out the
Crystal first. If Lilka doesn't need to Heal then use FREEZE, it does
777 damage.

Trask's normal attack is weak, it only does about 100 damage.

Sometimes he will counter attack. Another one of his attacks is poison
breath, this doesn't do any damage but it may poison all of your party


2250 exp. points


You wake up in a prison cell, Brad is already up but Lilka is still

unconscious. Shortly after you wake up so will Lilka. Now you must
escape from your prison cell. It is impossible to get out the door,
instead kick the rock that Lilka was sitting by, then pull it out. Jump
down the hole. Push out the rock at the end of the path. Walk over the
narrow passage and take a right. Grab the lucky card inside the chest.
Now go back and take the left path. Enter the door at the end. Walk
across the spikes and pull the switch to open the door. Enter it. Run
across the areas with the holes in the wall. Get the heal berry in the
chest. Exit through the door. Follow the path, run as much as you can to
avoid getting hit by the spears. Enter the door at the end. Run to the
end of the walkway, make sure you don't fall off the side. Throw a knife
at the switch. Return to the door at the center, enter it. There is a
save point, save your game. Walk through the door and then walk across
the next room and enter the door. Open the third door from the front to
get a Crest. Enter the second to the last door. Read the rock, it says
"Just because it happened twice doesn't mean there'll be a third". Walk
over to the wood plank and kick it back and forth three times. The door
will open, enter it. Read the stone. It will say "The candlestick light
will open closed roads." Use Lilka's fire rod to shoot through the
spears and hit the torch at the end. Enter the door. Get the tiny
crystals then enter the next door. Talk to the man. Keep pressing the X
button to on the lever to open the door. Enter the room with the
villagers. Ashley volunteers to run ahead and make sure everything is
safe. Enter the door that the man was blocking. Enter the next door. You
cannot walk where spikes come out of the ground, so walk around until
you find the door. Enter the door directly across from where you come
out. You will see Odessa soldiers in a class room. You cannot go through
the other door so head back. Run up the series of stairs and go outside.
Judecca will confront you, he has Lilka and Brad captured. Judecca will
send out Trask.


Trask will start to attack Ashley... then his inner voice starts up
again. It tells Ashley to take hold of his inner self. A strange light
then surrouds Ashley. Jedecca then orders Brad and Lilka to be killed,
but they were released by Marivel. Ashley is transformed into a demon
like creature. He is very strong and beating Trask is a breeze. Use the
lucky card you got from before to get double exp. points.

2250 exp. points

mini carrot


Go to the live reflector outside of the chateau. For your

desination choose the red symbol, Sylvaland Control - Ruins Mine.
Use the reflector to go to that area. Walk around until you find the
town of HOLST.


NOTE: Brad gets TOOL BOMBS here.

Go to the INN and walk up to the second floor. Use Ashley's TOOL
the booty call to pin point the coordinates of the BOMBS. Get Brad's
TOOL BOMBS. Exit the INN. Go to the left side of town and buy new
equipment and get new personal skills. When you are ready head into the
mine in the North side of town.


Once you get of the train you will find yourself in the Emulator
Zone. The Emulator Zone is a "space" in time/space made by Caina's
magical key. This level is really just a big maze, check out the MAP
section of this guide for easy beating.


Level: 28 HP: ???? Weakness: None Resistant: None

This is the first time you fight Caina. She uses her magical key
Randolf to preform space/time attacks. She might be a little hard to
beat since you don't have Brad aanymore, so be careful.

Have Ashley attack with his ARMs until he gets enough FP to use
Access. If you have Tim's skill, First Aid, then use that to heal your
party every turn. It might also be a good idea to use combine with Lilka
once or twice.


3700 exp. points Can steal a War Respite

After you defeat Caina, you will come to a room with hexagon shaped
floors. The point of this place is to knock out the Emulator Zone's
source of power. Walk on a teleporter on a red hexagon that is on the
out side of the rest. If you do this right you should open a door to
where the power source is located(Your characters come out and talk), in
this room you must knock the boxs over the side with Tim's second TOOL.
There is a different door at each corner of the heagon room.


Kanon is tough here so be ready for a hard fight. Let out all of
your must powerful attacks with Ashley. Have Lilka and Tim heal when
needed. If you have to, use a heal berry or a big berry, just win this
fight! Kanon should will eventually loose.


Once the whole mess with the emulator zone is over you will find
yourself at Guild Galad. There you find out that Odessa was after a
nuclear weapon that was on the train, not Noel. Now exit Guild Galad and
call the chateau. They will tell you that Odessa is going after a mine.
There are two mining towns, Holst and Damzen City. Head to Holst.


Talk to people at Holst. One of them will mention a mine that has
been closed for quite a while. Get in your hovercraft and go to the
other side of the island. You will find another beach to the NW of
Holst. Get off at this beach and head as far north as you can. search
around to find the abandoned mine shaft.


You find out from Irving that the Alchemic plant was sending power
to this place. Irving thinks that Odessa is using lost technology and
must be stopped. You shouldn't have any trouble finding it since you now
have Kanon on your team.

This place is pretty straight foward. Just use the Wire Hook to get
across long gaps. Soon you will come to a room where there is a switch
surrounded by those small pillars that the Wire hook catches on to.
Simply throw Ashley's Knife through a gap in them to hit the switch.

When you get to the room with the gaint gears simply throw Ashley's
knife at the switches until they are all red. Very, very simple level.
After this part take the route that goes straight. It will take you to a
room where you can use the Wire hook to get some chest.


Level: 32 HP: ???? Weakness: None Resistant: None

Level: 32 HP: ???? Weakness: None Resistant: None

Once again you will have to fight Liz and Ard. Beware though, they
aren't the wimps they were before. Have Ashley use his ARMs and Kanon
attack with her most powerful skills. Make sure Lilka heals your party
members when needed and these guys shouldn't be much of a problem.


4500 exp. points and 4500 gella

May drop tiny flower x2.


Level: 32 HP: ???? Weakness: Darkness Resistant: Light

After you defeat Liz and Ard they send out this guy. He's mean so
be careful. Have Ashley attack regular until he can use access. Have
Kanon attack until she can use her most powerful skill. Have Lilka heal
every turn.

Once Ashley is turned into Knight Blazer, go all out. He should

fall in no time at all. Also now is a good time to get Phalanx with
Kanon. To get it keep using Drive Cut until it sparks.


5000 exp. points and 5000 gella


Before you can get to Judecca's Diablo Pillar you must first
complete the Lost City Archheim. The city is located in the salt plains
north of Qaurtly. You should have no problem finding it if you use
Kanon's radar at the bottom left hand corner. As soon as you walk into
the city go to the building to the left. Go to the left of that building
and change the camera angle until you can see the wall that can be blown
up. Use Brad's bombs to blow it up. Inside that house you will find a
new guardian GE RAMTOS. Exit the house and enter one of the houses to
the north. Break all the boxes until you find the first CONDUCTER. Now
head for the biggest house, it is at the very north part of the city. Go
inside the house and take the left path. There should be a room with a
chest and some boxes. There is no way for you to walk in there right now
but you can still get the chest using POOKA. The chest holds the second
and last CONDUCTER. Use the conducter on the weird looking thing in the
center of the house. There are two switches down there, hit both of
them. Now go to the house that is east of this house. As soon as you
walk in you should see stairs. Go up the stairs and onto the roof. Use
the Wire Hook until you get to the little house in the middle of the
city. Walk over a dark spot on the roof to fall through. Hit the switch
then use the conducter on the elevater thing. Now you will go down and
fight Jasoul.

Level: 33 HP: ???? Weakness: light Resistant: None

Jasoul can be deadly if you don't do the right things. First of all
don't let your HP fall below 1500. If it does heal right away or his
Caloric Nova could easily finish you. Beside that he isn't to hard.
Hammer away at his right and left claws until they are both destroyed,
then go for the main body. If you attack regular with Brad make sure to
use Smash Hit which is a Custom Command with the guardian MOOR GAULT.
Have Ashley use access and Lilka heal.


10000 exp. points and 10000 gella

SOR apple x2


After Jasoul the path takes you to the live reflecter. Use the live
reflecter to teleport to snake road. Walk on snake road until you can go
no farther, use the search command to uncover Diablo P. Judecca.


This is the easiest Diablo Pillar in my mind so I will list it

first here. Remember once you enter a Diablo Pillar you CAN NOT LEAVE!
It would be a good idea to creat a second save file before you even
think of entering any of the Pillars. The reason I say this is because
if you save at the save point inside the Diablo Pillar then the only way
to progress through the game is to beat the boss at the end, and if your
characters are to weak or you don't have enough recovery items to beat
the boss then you are stuck there! You will most likely have to start
the game all over! So please listen to me and make a spare save file.
You can always delete after the Diablo Pillars.

When you enter the diablo pillars it will always be the same basic
structure, a spiral walkway with a crystal at the end. Walk up the
walkway and touch the crystal to move on. You will then have to walk on
a platform and move side to side as the platform moves forwards to avoid
hitting spikes. Very easy.


Level: 36 HP: ???? Weakness: Water, Wind, Ice Resistant: None

This boss is very easy. He uses fire spells that at most do 700
damage to your party. Do not use Knight Blazer for this battle, his fire
attacks will heal this boss. Instead have Brad and Ashley use their ARMs
and Lilka heal or use Aqua.

5000 exp. points and 5000 gella



Continue through the pillar. It is the same as before very easy,

with just a platform part where you must move from side to side to avoid
getting knocked of the side. The last one is a little tricky.


Level: 36 HP: ???? Weakness: None Resistant: None

Judecca is a very easy boss. Have Ashley use access and then attack
with Hot Fencer. Have Brad empty out his bullets. Lilka should heal all
of your characters.
Judecca attacks with side winder which can take 600+ damage off of
your entire party. Miriam is one of his stonger attacks that can do some
serious damage. Just make sure Lilka doesn't die, she is the only thing
that can heal your other characters. After beating Judecca he spits
blood then kills himself. That's one down three to go!


7000 exp. points and 7000 gella

War Respite


Enter the pillar and walk up to the first crystal. The first puzzle
is a room with squares on the floor. When ever you walk on one it rises.
The object of this is to get all the squares up and end up at the finish
area. Here is a small map:

end | |
| | |
| _| |
|__| ___|

Once you get to the end spot cross over the square there diagnolly
so that it doesn't rise. Then touch the square to the right of it and
when it rises go back to the other square and continue.

Now walk up the spiral to the next crystal. You will be at a new
puzzle where Antenora will test your memory. Here is an other map to
help you, just wait until you know this order comes up, and trust me it
8 2 5
4 7 6
3 9 1

The order is 1 is the first then 2 is the second, and so on. Touch
the crystal and proceed on.

Again walk up the spiral to the next crystal. This time you will be
at the midway boss.


Level: 36 HP: ???? Weakness: Darkness Resistant: None

This is a pretty tough boss. The main thing you have to worry about
is his TIDAL WAVE attack. Go all out and attack his chest. Have Ashley
use access, I think that Prisnum is weak against him in that form. Lilka
will be healing most of the time, try using mystic with Big Berries to
heal your whole party. If there is a time when she doesn't need to heal
use HI-SPARK. He should fall in a short time.


5000 exp. points and 5000 gella

Azure Vest


After beating Prisnum head forward and touch the crystal. Once
again proceed up the spiral walkway until you come to another crystal,
touch it. You will now be at the save point. Continue on after saving
and touch the crystal to proceed, there is another spiral you must walk
up then another crystal, touch it. Now you will be at the trickiest
puzzle of the pillar. You must hit switches without hitting the one that
is wrong. There are eight switches, one is bad. This is not much I can
do to help you because the wrong switch always changes but here is what
I can tell you. Keep hitting all of the switches except for the bottom
one by where the exit will be. Eventually it will be right. Once you
beat the puzzle touch the crystal to continue on. Now walk up the very
last spiral and touch the crystal. You will now face Antenora.


Level: 36 HP: ???? Weakness: None Resistant: None

Have Ashley attack until he brings up his FP to 100, then have him
use access. Brad should use LOCK ON with his rail gun until the bullets
are all out. Lilka should heal and cast attack spells like HI-SPARK.

Antenora will attack with shock wave that can do 800+ damage to the
entire party. She will also use Ephemeron which attacks one party member
and might cause some status abnormalties, like poison.

7000 exp. points and 7000 gella

War Respite


Caina's Diablo Pillar is near Guild Galad. You must use the Valeria
Chateau to get there.

Enter the pillar and walk up the first spiral walkway and touch the
crystal at the end. Walk up the next spiral walkway until you get to the
crystal at the end. Now you will find yourself in a room with a switch
floating with three blockers in front of it. Throw the hurl knife
through the spaces between the blockers until you hit the switch three
times. A walkway will then appear. Walk over and touch the crystal then
walk up the spiral stairway and touch the crystal at the end. You will
now be in a room where three switches and nine blockers surround you.
Throw the hurl knife at the switches. If you miss and hit a blocker you
must jump off the side and start over. Walk over and touch the crystal
to go on. There is yet another spiral stairway for you to walk up. Touch
the crystal at the end and be teleported to the midway boss.


Level: 36 HP: ???? Weakness: Fire and Earth Resistant: Darkness

Drawdo has three heads. You must attack and kill all three of them
for full experience points. If you want you could just attack the center
head(Drawdo). Drawdo attacks by walking up to a party member and hitting
him with one of his heads, it only does 600 damage. Optochemical bomb is
his strongest attack and that is only because it confuses you.

You don't need anything fancy for this half-baked boss. Physical
attacks are just fine. If Ashley gets enough FP you could use access and
finish Drawdo off alittle faster. Have Lilka heal when needed.


For all three heads:

10000 exp. points and 10000 gella

Just the main head:

5000 exp. points and 5000 gella

Item dropped:
Blue Wind


After defeating Drawdo walk forward and touch the crystal. Walk up
the spiral stairs until you reach the crystal. Touch it to be teleported
to a save point. After the save point you will be at another set of
spiral stairs. Walk up them and touch the crystal. You will now be in a
room where the lights turn on and off. Step on a floor panel that is lit
up and the lights will turn on. The key is to find your way to the
crystal at the end and touch it. Now you are at the last spiral stairs.
Get to the top and use the crystal to teleport to the top of the Diablo
Pillar and Caina!


Level: 36 HP: ???? Weakness: None Resistant: None

Caina is fairly easy. She does some physical attacks with her key
most of the time(which doesn't do to much damage), and 4D hypo blast
very rarely.

Use Lock on with the rail gun for Brad and Access with Ashley. Have
Lilka heal. That's about all you need to do, this is too easy!


7000 exp. points and 7000 gella


Ptolomea's Diablo Pillar is in the sea east of the Sielje Region.

You must go there on your hovercraft. Eneter it and walk up the stairs
and around to the crystal. Touch it to proceed. Now walk up the spiral
walkway and touch the crystal at the end. You will now be in a room
filled with large cubes that roll over on to your. Use Brad's TOOL the
bombs to blow them up. Put down more then one bomb at a time. Make sure
you place the bombs a good ways infront of the cubes so that they roll
on to them. Repeat until all of the cubes are gone. Touch the crystal at
the end to teleport to the next part of the stage. Walk up the spiral
walkway and touch the crystal at the end. You are now surrounded by a
few cubes. You are on a square walkway with a platform in the middle.
The platform can't be reached until you have blown up all of the cubes.
Blow them up then walk over to the crystal. Touch it to move on. Walk up
the spiral walkway and touch the crystal at the end, you are now at the
midway boss.


Watch out for this things drill! It can kill Lilka in one hit! Have
Lilka heal and the rest do physical attacks. If you have to, just attack
the main body for a quick kill.

Belleclaire will attack with a nasty drill attack that can do major
damage to your party. That's about it for this boss.


5000 exp. points and 5000 gella

Best Vest


After you beat the crystal walk up to the crystal and touch it.
Walk up the spiral staircase and touch the crystal at the top. Now you
are in a huge rectangular room filled with rows of the huge cubes. Throw
as many of Brad's bombs at those things as you can! I don't care how but
blow a way through those cubes! Keep in mind that only one cube in each
row will blow up. Touch the crystal at the end and continue on. Walk up
the spiral walkway and touch the crystal at the end. You are now at


Have Lilka keep your party at full life. If you have to choose
between who to heal always pick Lilka. Have Ashley use access and Brad
unload all of his ammo.

Ptolomea is a very strong attacker. His Ptolomea Dynamite does

damage to your whole party and his Iron Saber does major damage to one
party member. The High spell really help here!


7000 exp. points and 7000 gella

War Respite


Now you must head to the Heimdal Gazzo. It is located south of the
Sielje Region. Use the Valeria Chateau to get there. Enter the Heimdal
and go through the blue door. Go down the walkway and enter the next
blue door. Now go through the blue door and turn on the computer. Switch
it to green. Enter the red door on the far right. Then enter the red
door in the next room. It will take you to a dark room. Walk around
until you find a big computer. Activate it to turn on the lights. Now
walk over to the teleporter on the ground. Teleport to the other
teleporter which is next to a door. Go through the door and activate the
computer, switch to blue. Now go back to the room with the three doors.
Enter the middle red door. Enter the green door. Now you will be in an
area where you have to teleport around in order to get to the next room.
Go through the red door to the right. Enter the top teleporter. Enter
the teleporter closer to the center of the room. You will be up on a
high platform. Jump off to the side close to the wall. Walk over to the
teleporter next to the switch. Now walk on the teleporter closest to the
wall. Now you should be at the switch. Activate it. Now jump off the
switch platform to the space in the direct opposite direction as the
switch. Keep walking that direction and step on the green teleporter.
Now go on the teleporter diagnol from where you are. Now walk over to
the teleporter, walk through the blue door. There is a room with a save
point and a teleporter that can take you back to the start. Save and
continue on. Hit the red switch. Walk through the green door. Walk
forward and battle Vinsfeld Rhadamanthus.


Vinsfeld's normal attack is weak. Sometimes he attacks with 4D hypo

blast which attacks one party member, it inflicts 800 damage. Incur My
Wrath is his strongest attack, it does 1000 damage to every party

Have Brad use Lock On with the rail gun and attack normally while
he is building up FP. Have Ashley use his most powerful ARM until he
builds up enough FP to use acess. Once he is Knight Blazer have him
attack with Hot Fencer. Have Lilka use Hi-Heal on the party member with
the least HP.


10000 exp. points


After you defeat Vinsfeld the Heimdal will begin to rise into
space. You must excape before it blows! Going back is not an option.
Instead got forward and over to the side door. This will take you to the
excape pod area. Ashley volunteers to stay behind until the rest of the
team gets to the pods. Now you must control each character seperately.
Start with Lilka.


Walk down to the box next to a blue switch. Push the box onto the
switch. No go back up and over to the other path. Walk down to the blue
door. Go through the blue door. Go through the other blue door to get
some gaint crystals. Now head to the blue switch. Activate it. Go
through the red door. Now switch to Tim.


Go through the red door. Step on the blue switch and walk over to
the red door. Go through the red door. Walk over to the green door and
go through it. Now go through the green door to the right. Step on the
blue switch and use your TOOL Air Ballet to it the box on the other blue
switch. Switch back to Lilka.


Now have Lilka walk on the wall that went down. Switch to Tim.


Now have Tim hit the box off the switch with the Air Ballet. This
should raise Lilka up. Switch to Lilka.


Walk straight and turn left. Go through the green door. Step on the
blue switch. Switch to Kanon.


Go through the red door. Step on the blue switch. Switch to Brad.


Go through the red door. Walk over to the blue switch and stand on
it. Switch to Kanon.


Walk over to the red door and go through it. Step on the blue
switch and run across before the wall can rise again. Go through the
green door. Walk to the right and through the red door. Step on the blue
switch. Switch to Tim.


Go back through the green door. Walk to the center and use the TOOL
pooka on the green switch. Switch over. Now go through the blue door.
Walk to the left and go through the blue door at the end. Switch to


Go through the blue door. Move the block back then push it forward.
Now push it onto the switch. Walk through the blue door. Step on the
switch and walk onto the wall. When it rises get off and go through the
blue door. Now push the block to the middle of the wall that falls and
rises. Now go stand on the switch. Switch to Tim.

Use the TOOL Air Ballet to hit the block over and onto the switch.
Now switch to Brad.


Walk over and step on the blue switch. Change to Tim.


Have Tim walk through the red door. Stand right next to the red
switch. Change to Kanon.


Walk through the red door. Go through the blue door. Walk around to
the side of the block. Push and pull it around until it is between the
moving wall and the place you need to get to. Step on the switch and
then step onto the wall. Walk over and stand on the blue switch. Change
to Tim.


Activate the red computer. Go through the green door. Tim is DONE!


Walk through the green door. Brad is DONE!


Go through the green door. Go through the blue door. Lilka is DONE!


Go through the green door. Kanon is DONE!


Ashley is back where you left him. He is ready to leave when

Vinsfeld comes up behind him! It's not over yet!

Ashley VS Vinsfeld

This is a very easy fight. Use normal attacks until your FP is up

to 100, then use acess. Attack with Hot Fencer until Vinsfeld falls. Use
healing items when needed.

Vinsfeld uses all his same attacks from before. This time he heals
him self with a move called Life Returner.


10000 exp. points



You awake to find yourself alive but in a different world, a world

between life and death. This is Anastasia's world. Anastasia will take
you to a huge a temple.


As soon as you enter memory maze Lucied, the guardian of desire,

comes and joins the party. Walk straight and into the next room. Now go
straight until you see a switch, throw your hurl knife at it. A young
girl will appear. She has a familiar voice... Anastasia says that this
meeting is concidered the past... who was it again that said remember me
when you first met her? :) Go through the door. Go around the two
pillars then in between the next two. Enter the next room. Go up to the
crystal and see a short scene. Walk forward weeving in and out of the
pillars. In the next room you can find the mysterious girl behind a
pillar. Talk to her. Hit the switch to remove the barrier blocking your
way. Continue through the door. Hit the two switches to break the
barrier. Walk around the next two pillars. Go through the door and touch
the crystal to see another short scene. Now take the left path. Hit the
switch at the end to continue. In the next room you will see the young
girl on the top of one of the pillars. Wait until she is on the part
that drops then hit the switch. She will fall down, talk to her.
Continue through the door. Walk straight and hit all the switches. Go
back and walk along the side of the wall and go through the door. Walk
up to the crystal and touch it. In the next room hit the switch, then
turn diagnol and hit the other switch. Walk to the next room. Continue
to hit the switches as you go. You will see the girl at the end. Walk to
the next room. Hit the two switches and get the crystals. Touch the huge
crystal at the end.


After the Memory maze you will be playing as Brad, Lilka, Tim and
Kanon. They are looking for Ashley. You will automatically be at the
second Millenium Puzzle. Enter the Crystal to the south and save your
game. Enter the other crystal. You will be at a room similar to the one
in the first Millenium Puzzle when you had to stand on the pillars until
they rose to a certain extent. Stand on the yellow pillar until it is
four blocks high. Stand on the red pillar until it is three blocks high.
Stand on the blue pillar until it is one block high. Stand on the green
pillar until it is two blocks high. The blocks blocking your way will
fall and let you through. Touch the crystal to continue. Follow the
walkway and enter the crystal. Use your fire rod to hit the switch. Now
go and touch the crystal to the left(it is slanted diagnol). Stand on
the block that is in between the other two(it is at a corner) and hit
the block with the fire rod. Touch the crystal. In the next room there
will be two blocks that are moving back and forth. Use your freeze rod
to freeze one of the blocks in order for you to walk across onto the
next one. Touch the crystal at the end. Follow the walkway and touch the
crystal at the end. Walk straight to the next crystal. Walk around the
red pillar and touch the crystal at the end. Use your fire rod to hit
the switch. Now enter the crystal to the north. Walk across the blocks
until you get to the crystal at the end. Touch it. Walk on the path then
jump down onto the floor under you. Touch the crystal. Walk across the
bridge and hit the two switches at the other end with Lilka's fire rod.
Walk back to the middle of the bridge and jump down. Use the fire rod to
hit the block and get to the crystal closest to the one you just came
from. Jump of the side and enter the crystal to the left. Walk around
the blue pillar and touch the crystal at the end. Use Lilka's rod to hit
the block. Enter the crystal directly across from the one you were just
at. Face diagnol and use the fire rod to hit the blocks which will lower
the walls. When the middle wall goes down stand on it and hit the switch
again. Jump off it and enter the crystal on the other side. Use the fire
rod to hit the blocks and ride the other ones until you get the crystal.
Walk to the crystal on the same level as you. Hit the blocks and ride
the other ones until you get completly around to the other side of which
you came and enter the crystal. Walk around the yellow pillar and enter
the crystal. Hit the block with the fire rod. Go to the last crystal.
Step on the blocks when they touch the side. Touch the crystal at the
end. Walk to the left side of the square. Jump of onto the square under
it. Stay to the left and then fall to the square that the crystal is on.
Touch the crystal. Continue on and finish the level.


These are simple maps to help you get through some of the confusing
dungeons in the game. Believe me they help a lot more then you might
think, especially in places like Glaive Le Gable that can get very
tricky. If you want a map of a dungeon you are having trouble with email
me.(see beginning of walkthrough)

Greenhell Forest

start _____ _____ _______

| / \ | ___ |
___ |_____/ \_____| | |_|
|_______ _____ | ____
\ / | |__________________/ \____ cont.
\_____/ |____________________ ____ below

_________ ____________________ cont.

/ \ | __________________ below
___________/ \___________| |
___________ ___________ |
\ / | |
\_________/ | |
| |
_____| |_____
| |
| house |
| here |

___ ___
_______/ \ / \_________
_______| _____ |--------------| ______ |
_/ ________| \___/ \___/ | |______
_/ _/ |_________
_/ _/
_/ _/ end

Glaive Le Gable

| S = statue |
| C = chest |
------------- end
____ ____
C ___ || ___ C
____ |||| ____
C ___ |||||| ___ C
___ |||||||| ___
C __ |_||||||||_| __ C
S |_____ _____|
|| \/
|| ||
_____||________________ ||
| ____ _______________ | ||
|| || || ||
|| || || ||
________||____|| _________||____||________
S ________ _____| | ________ ____ ________ S
|| || || ||
|| || || ||
||___________||________|| ||
|____________ _________| S
S _____________ _____________ S

Emulator Zone

How this map works: from the start A leads to the A directly facing
it. After that all other A's lead back to the start. Follow A to A, B to
B and so on. The letters stand for doorways. * represents a TOOL.

| |_______
____ _A _ _A _ ____ _ _ _| |__ |Finish
| | | | | | | |_ _ ______| |____|to rest
A B B | | G G |_ _ ______ of Zone
|_A _| |_C _| |_E _| |____|_ _ _ |
| |
_A _ _C _ _E _ _E _ |____|
| | | | | | | |
|_ _| A D D A * | |
|| |____| |_F _| |____|
|| _F _
start | |


These FAQs are listed in the order in which they appear in the

Q: Where is Ashley's TOOL the booty call?

A: It is on the third floor of the Telepath Tower, use the
elevator to get there.
Q: What is the password to the door in the Alchemic Plant?

Q: How do I record the voice on the recorder in the Alchemic

A: Find the person who is talking to Anterra and use the recorder
as Lilka.

Q: Where do I get Marivel in disk 2?

A: She is in Crimson Castle which is south of Guild Galad. Use the
flying dragon to get there.

Q: How do I get to the Black Market?

A: First you must find the Odd Headquarters which is around Damzen
city. The black market is in the basement of the Odd Headquarters. You
need Marivels first tool to jolt the robot out of the stairs way to get


No Random Battles
This is a little something I picked up while I was playing through
the game. Simply press the square button when you see a white
explanation mark above your characters head. This will stop the battle
before it begins. In a dungeon this will use a tool and on the world map
it will search for something.

Find Hidden Items
Press the square button on the world map to conduct a search.
Sometimes you will find rare items like lucky cards!

Merivel's Skills

This is a complete table of Merival's skills.

Name of Skill |Enemy learned from |Location of Enemy

------------- ------------------ -----------------
Absolute 0 Gigafrost Raypoint Muse

Air Slash Briareos Raypoint Wing

Anti-Magic Humpty Island east of Prom. Cat.

Aport Bockle Area south of Crimson Castle

Armageddon Dumpty Island east of Prom. Cat.

Booster Agion Around Spiral Tower

Canceller Aamon Area south of Crimson Castle

Cremation Efreet Raypoint Flam

Def Down Elbucky Spiral Tower

Demonangle Black Sabbath Werewolf's Den

Erg Phasor Buckbaird Coffin of 100 Eyes

Esc Down Potatohead Southwest Island

Firebolt Urchin Bug 1st island after rising gatebridge

Frigid Fluerety Outside Sielje Region

GellaCrazy Melchom Outside Fiery Wreckage

Geyser Cuttlefish Inner Sea

Guillotine Hope Diamond Promised Catacombs

Inspire Furfur Diablo P. Caina

Megaton Nybbas Outside Pirate's Warren

Powersealed Earth Figure Plateau near Holst

Rock Gazer Alligatiger Raypoint Geo

Sacrifice Will-o'-Wisp Glaive le Gable

Shadowbolt Twin Tail Desert south of Quartly

Sleep Man Trap Outside Sylvaland region

Status Lok Skid Lancer In the Black part of Ocean

Tera Break Myremecoliothe Island next to raypoint wing

Thunderbolt Thunderdrake Thunder Lion's Cage

Twister Gargoyle Wind Tiger's Den

Wild Card Balloon Outside Meria

???? Bepar ????

Level 2 spell early on
Did you know that you can get level 2 spells as soon as you get to
Seilje Region? Heres how:
1. Enter the biggest building in the town.
2. Go past the first room and into the second.
3. Go to the room to your right, it should be a librairy.
4. Talk to the man there, he will tell you about Dr. Day.
5. Search the bookshelves for the book on teleporting orbs.
6. Read it.
7. Exit the town to the world map and switch to Lilka.
8. Use the teleport orb.
9. It will take you to the island out post!
10. Get the book from Day and take it the the man in the Librairy.

Now you can go back to the island outpost to get level 2 spells!

Get Mega Experience early on

Are you the kind of RPGer that likes gaining levels before a boss
or before you go to a hard part of a game? Well if you are heres how to
gain lots of levels at the beginning of the game!

You must be able to go to Holst in order to do this. And you must

be in Holst, so go there. Go inside the mine and fight battles until you
come across a black fly. Kill it. I'm ussually not a violent person but
right now I am telling you to kill these flys, and kill them fast
because they kill themselves after the first turn.

These little flys give you 2500 exp. points. And I'm telling you
right now that you will never get more then that from any ONE or GROUP
of monsters you fight(besides bosses and those aliens) and this is just
at the start of the game!


I'll like to give credit to Sony for making this great game and
providing character information. They did a great job! I can't wait for
Wild Arms 3!

My brother Vincent

I will like to thank him for playing through the game after me, so
that I could write the walkthrough.

Loopy, Devil and any others
Thanks to all of you who put together information on Marivel's
skills. Loopy has a great web site at


Thanks Game FAQs for posting my walkthrough!



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