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IUBAT—International University of Business Agriculture &Technology

Practicum Report


“Having Strong Employee Relations leads to effective job performance

A Study Based on FSIBL’’

Course Name: Bus -490

Prepared For
Professor Dr. Khair JahaniSogra
Professor & Dean,
College of Business Administration(CBA)

Prepared By
Tasmia Marufa
ID: 16102031
Program: BBA
Major: Human Resource Management (HRM)
Date Of Submission: 15-06-21
Practicum Report on
“Having Strong Employee Relations leads to effective job

A Study Based on FSIBL”

Prefatory Part
Letter of Transmittal

Prof. Dr. Khair Jahan Sogra
Professor& Dean
College of Business Administration (CBA)
IUBAT-International University of Business Agriculture and Technology
4 Embankment Drive Road, Sector-10, Uttara Model Town, Dhaka-1230
Subject: Application for submission of my practicum report.

Dear Madam,

I am hereby submitting my Internship Report for three months' lengthy internship program at
first security Islami bank limited Uttara Branch, Dhaka. The title of the report is “Having
Strong Employee Relations leads to effective job performance A Study Based on FSIBL”,
Uttara Branch. This report has been organized to achieve the requirement of my internship. I
have included the most relevant information to make my report as analytical and as well as
reliable. I have gathered a lot of knowledge about the banking system of first security Islami
bank limited while preparing this report. The experience I acquired from this study, I believe
it will help me a lot in my future life.

I sincerely hope that this report will meet your expectations. If you have any queries regarding
this report, I am always ready to explain.

Yours Sincerely,

Tasmia Marufa
ID # 16102031
Program: BBA


Letter of Authorization

Student Declaration
I am Tasmia Marufa, student of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), under the College
of Business Administration (CBA) at IUBAT—International University of Business
Agriculture and Technology declaring that this practicum report on the topic of “Having
Strong Employee Relations leads to effective job performance A Study Based on FSIBL”
have only been prepared for the fulfillment of the course of BUS 490 practicum as the partial
requirement of the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA).
I hereby declare that this report has been prepared solely by me under my supervisor guideline
and to the best of my knowledge. It contains no materials previously published or written by
any other person which have been accepted for the degree or diploma at IUBAT or any other
educational institution, except the quotations and reference which have been duly
acknowledged. It has not been prepared for any other purpose, reward or presentation.


Tasmia Marufa

ID: 16102031
Major: Human Resource Management

Department of CBA

International University of Business Agriculture & Technology

Supervisor Declaration

This is to certify that this practicum report bearing the title topic “Having Strong Employee
Relations leads to effective job performance A Study Based on FSIBL” has been prepared by
Tasmia Marufa, ID: 16102031 a student of Bachelor of business administration of IUBAT
University. This report has been prepared for the fulfillment of the course BUS 490
(Practicum). This report has been prepared under my guidance and supervision. To the best of
my knowledge and as per her declaration, this report, partially or fully, has not been submitted
anywhere before. Here by, I acknowledge the acceptance of the report and permit her to
submit the report.
During the session she was sincere, proactive and attentive to her work and I wish her every
success in life.

Mohammed Kamruzzaman
Assistant Professor
College of Business Administration
International University of Business Agriculture and Technology (IUBAT University)

“At the beginning of preparing the internship report, I would like to convey appreciation
to Almighty Allah for blessings in completing this report’’.
My special gratitude to our Late Prof. Dr. M Ali mullah Miyan, who was the pioneer of non-
government universities in Bangladesh, who had broken the long-standing monopoly in higher
education through facilitating the establishment of a non-government university in the country.
Thus, he tried to concrete way for knowledge generation and dissemination enlargement access
to higher education to more border strata of the society. And I would like to express my
heartiest gratitude to our Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dr. Abdur Rab. Again, I would like to express
my heartiest gratitude to our Coordinator Mozaffar Alam Chowdhury.

Firstly, I would like to thank my Internship Supervisor Mohammad Kamruzzaman. Assistant

Professor, IUBAT, for his counseling and cooperation in the preparation of this report. His
indispensable advice has helped me a lot in writing this report. I am extremely thankful to him
for the supports he has provided me during my Internship period.

Next, I would like to convey my gratitude to First Security Islami Bank, where I have
completed my internship program as required as a course curriculum to prepare this report. I
have acquired experience from the First Security Islami Bank Uttara Branch that truly
amplified my level of competency during my working period. Their valuable contribution has
smoothed the successful completion of this report to a great extent.

Table of Contents

Preparatory Part
Contents: Page No.
Letter of Transmittal i

Letter of Authorization ii
Student Declaration iii

Supervisor Declaration iv
Acknowledgment v
Executive Summary vii

Chapter One
Introduction Part
Sl. No. Content of This Part Page No.

1.1 Introduction 2

1.2 Objective of the Report 3

1.3 Scope of the report 3

1.4 Limitation of the study 4

Chapter two
Organization Part
Sl. No. Content of This Part Page No.
2.1 Background of FSIBL 6
2.2 Corporate Information 6

2.3 The Mission, Vision Statement and Strategy of First 7
Security Islami Bank Limited

2.4 Corporate Structure and Governance 8

2.5 Corporate Profile 10
2.6 Structure of the Organization 11
2.7 Top Management 12
2.8 Organization Hierarchy 13
2.9 Product and Markets of FSIBL 14
2.10 Operational Performances FSIBL 17
2.11 Microenvironment (Internal environment analysis) of 21
2.11 Macro environment (External environment analysis) of

Chapter 3
Sl. No. Content of This Part Page No.
3.1 Introduction to the Chapter 25

3.2 The Department/Unit of Uttara Branch of FSIBL 25

3.3 The department unit’s goal of Uttara Branch of FSIBL 25

3.4 Departmental/Unit’s Achievements 25

3.5 Uttara Branch Structure and Manpower 26

3.6 Departmental activities 27

3.7 Task and Duties Performed 28

3.7.1 Account Opening

3.7.2 Issued Cheque Books
3.7.3 Making a phone call to the Customer
3.7.4 SOD register
3.7.5 Leave register
3.7.6 Voucher and Supply match

3.8 Working Environment 33

3.9 Facilities and constraints 34
3.9.1 Facilities
3.9.2 Constrain Faced

3.10 Lessons learned from the practicum 35

3.11 Practical Work Exposure 36

Chapter Four
Research Part
4.1 Background of the study 38

4.2 Problem Statement 38

4.3 Literature Review 38
4.4 Methodology 39

4.4.1 Research Instrument

4.4.2: Data source

4.5 Budget Information 41

4.6 Project Timeline/Schedule

4.7 Hypothesis Development 42

4.7.1: Likert Scale Development

4.8 Data Analysis 43

4.9 Scale for Hypothesis 44

4.9.1 Statistical Test and Analysis of Hypothesis
Hypothesis H1 44
Hypothesis H2 46
Hypothesis H3 47
Hypothesis H4 48
Hypothesis H5 49

4.10 Findings 51

4.11 Recommendations 52

Chapter Five
Conclusion Part
Sl. No. Content of This Part Page No.

5.1 Conclusion 55

5.2 56

5.3 Appendix 57

Executive Summary

This internship report is a partial requirement for the Bachelor of Business Administration
program. The report is working experience on First Security Islami Bank (FSIBL). I joined the
Uttara Branch on First Security Islami Bank LTD.
The goal of this report is to explore how FSIBL Uttara branch is maintaining strong employee
relation leads to effective job performance among employees. This research tries to identify
that to confirm good employee relation what are the factors of FSIBL Uttara branch working
behind and does it leads better job performance. They are using various effective ways to
maintain good employee relationship with their employees to have a better job performance.
In this study I have tried to discuss about the activities and analyze whether the activities
effects on positive employee relation of FSIBL or not.
The banking sector of Bangladesh is one of the major sectors which makes an important
contribution to the national economy. First Security Islami Bank Ltd is a public limited bank,
registered by the Bangladesh Bank. It follows the rules and regulations determined by
Bangladesh Bank. The functions of the bank cover a wide range of banking and functional
activities of individuals, firms, corporate bodies and other multinational agencies.
The report contents- Introductory part in which I have discussed about the presents the
Background, Report Objectives, Scope of the report, and Limitations of the Study. In the
organizational part, I have described the Background of the Organization Vision & Mission,
Corporate Governance, Top Management Organizational Hierarchy/Organogram Products and
markets, operational performances, Macro-environment (external environment
analysis) Microenvironment (internal environment analysis).
In Department & Work
Assignment part, I have noted some information about what I have learned from the
organization and what I have learned practically from the bank. Research part contents, my
research methodology and approach, data analysis and interpretation. After analysis of the data,
I have some findings and according those I have given some recommendations and finally
conclusion. I ended my report with the reference and appendices part.

Chapter -1
Introduction Part

1.1 Introduction

In the last decade, banking became the most competitive industry in Bangladesh with a huge
amount of growth. A large number of new banks have their place in the industry. In this modern
age of business, banking activities have spread in many fields like merchant banking, share
trading, leasing etc. In these Competitive service industry, the importance of strong employee
relationship cannot be de-emphasized.

The definition of employee relationship refers to an organization’s efforts to create and

maintain positive relationships with its employees. By maintaining a positive, constructive
employee relationship, companies hope to keep their employees loyal and more engaged in
their daily work.

Positive employee relations are about: –

• Good Communications
• Trust
• Conflict Resolution
• HR culture

Usually, an organization’s human resources department manages employee relations efforts;

however, some organizations may have a passionate employee relations manager role. The
responsibilities of an employee relationship manager include acting as a communication or
mediation between employees and managers, and either creating or advising on the creation of
policies around employee issues like fair compensation, useful benefits, proper work-life
balance, reasonable working hours, and others (bamboohr, 2019). when it comes to employee
relationships, the HR department has two primary functions. First, HR helps prevent and
resolve problems between employees and management. Second, they help create and
implement fair and consistent policies for everyone in the workplace.
To maintain positive employee relations, an organization must first view employees as
stakeholders and contributors within the company instead of simply as paid laborers. this angle
encourages those in management and executive roles look up employee feedback, to value their
input more highly, and to contemplate the worker experience when making decisions that affect
the complete company (, 2015).
Positive Employee Relations is managed through effective HR procedures, an integrated HR
strategy and the careful management of the bargaining/ engagement relationship with

employees and/or trade unions (Forde, 2017).

1.2 Objectives:
There are two types of objectives in my research. One is the board objective another one is
specific objectives. Both are given below.

• Broad Objective:
The objective is to explore how FSIBL Uttara branch is maintaining strong employee
relation leads to effective job performance among employees.
• Specific Objectives
Specific objectives are given below:

 To analyze the compensation package available and how it affects employees’ work
 To analyze the manager’s good behavior towards employees and how it leaves a positive
impact on their work performance.
 To identify, is the organization maintaining good employee relation for employee
 To identify how they are communicating with their employees, is there any
communication gap. 

 To analyze whether organization give performance feedback and is it good for job

1.3 Scope of the Report:

This internship program gives me a great scope or opportunity to gather experience and
knowledge in several areas of banking by which I can evaluate or expose myself. For my
internship program, I was recruited by First Security Islami Bank Ltd, Uttara Branch. I worked
in different departments of the bank like General banking, Loan, Bill, Deposit. I also work in
different functions of Human Resource Management especially employee relationship, leave
register, compensation. The topic is “Having Strong Employee Relations leads to effective
job performance”. For this research, I mainly focused on how FSIBL maintain positive
employee relationship with their employees to achieve better job satisfaction. Which includes
Good working environment, compensation, training, of FSIBL. After reading this full report,

anyone can know about the "First Security Islami Bank Limited" employee relation and how it
leads to effective job performance.

1.4 Limitations of the Study

The major limitations faced during the preparation of this report were:

 Collection of relevant information and documents was difficult due to the

confidentiality of the organization.
 For Covid19 lock down sometime it was difficult to go bank.

 Working in a practical banking environment is different from academic knowledge. 

 Due to the pandemic situation in most departments staff presence was constraint and
that made it difficult for them to give me sufficient time.

 Employees were not willing to disclose confidential data 

 Only three months of internship are not enough to know and learn about all the banking
procedures and activities. 

Organization Part

2.1 Background of FSIBL

The First Security is a National Banking sector which was incorporated on the 29th August,
1999 as a Banking Company under the companies Act 1994 to carry on the banking Business.
It obtained permission from Bangladesh Bank on 22nd September, 1999 to commence its
Business. It has started its operation as a commercial bank on the 25th October, 1999 with a
branch at Dilkusha. At present the Bank has 178 branches. It renders all types of commercial
banking service to the customers of the society within the stipulations laid down the banking
company act 1991 and rules and regulation are being compromised by Bangladesh Bank time
to time. Diversification of products and services and innovation of products suited to the needs
of the customers in keeping with relevant rules and laws have made it different from other
commercial banks of the country. Corporate Banking and Personal Banking are the special
strength of First Security Islami Bank Ltd (FSIBL). It maintains a strong relationship with all
the banks of the country and all the customers of the bank. The First Security Islami Bank Ltd
(FSIBL) is a solid, forward looking and modern local bank with a view to ensure sound
performance. The effort that First Security Islami Bank Ltd. trying to portray the bank as a
brand image as very strong and successful. The general image is that it is the ―Symbol of
Security‖. In 1999 the authorized capital of the bank was BDT 1500 billion and paid up capital
was BDT 200 million. Now its paid up capital is Tk.7,840.99 Million.

2.2 Corporate Information

FSIBL is one of the most formal banks with a special company way of life. First Security Islami
Bank Ltd. provides commercial banking services. The firm's services include accepting
deposit, making investment, purchasing bills, conducting domestic and international money
transfer, carrying out foreign exchange transactions in addition to international money
transfers. It also offers other customer services such as safe keeping, collections and issuing
guarantees, acceptances and letters of credit. The firm's core business includes deposit

mobilization and investing activities comprising short-term, long-term, import and export

2.3 The Mission, Vision Statement and Strategy of First Security Islami Bank Limited

Without mission and vision there is no organization. First Security Islami Bank Limited’s
mission and vision are given below:


1. To contribute to the socio-economic development of the country.

2. To attain the highest level of satisfaction through the extension of services by dedicated
and motivated professionals.
3. To maintain continuous growth of market, share by ensuring quality.
4. To ensure ethics and transparency in all levels.
5. To ensure sustainable growth and establish full value of the honorable shareholders and
above all, to contribute effectively to the national economy.


“To be the premier financial institution in the country by providing high quality products and
services backed by latest technology and a team of highly motivated personnel to deliver
excellence in Banking.”


1. To achieve FSIBL customer’s best satisfaction & win their confidence.

2. To manage & operate the bank in the most effective manner.
3. To identify customer’s need & monitor their perception towards meeting those
4. To review & update policies, procedures & practices to enhance the ability to extend
better customer services.
5. To train & develop all employees & provide them adequate resources so that customer’s
need can reasonably have addressed.

6. To promote organizational efficiency by disclosing company plans, policies &
procedures openly to the employees in a timely fashion.
7. To ensure a congenial working environment.
8. To diversify portfolio in both retail & wholesale market.

2.4 Corporate Structure and Governance:

Corporate governance is about how corporation is running its operations to achieve its
corporate objectives. Good Corporate Governance practices raise an entity’s corporate image
and market credibility, which attracts capital and increases its borrowing power. These may
reflect the quality of financial reporting and disclosure; Bringing in the strength of internal
control systems and the internal oversight function of professionally competent, independent
non-executive directors on the corporate board; Formation of audit committee; Representatives
of officers and employees authorities; Security of corporate administration to strengthen
organizational strength. In order to ensure effective participation and keen interest in the
activities of the organization and in the form of BRPD Circular No: 11 the bank has set up the
following 3 committees:

• Executive committee
• Audit Committee
• Risk Management Committee

Executive committee: FSIBL has formed 5-member executive committee of the board as per
Bangladesh Bank guidelines to ensure corporate governance. Mr. Mohammad Saiful Alam,
Chairman of the Board of Directors, is also the Chairman of the current Executive Committee
of the Bank. He is leading the executive committee of the bank to protect the interests of highly
dynamic individuals and stakeholders and to ensure transparency at all levels.

Audit Committee: FSIBL has constituted an audit committee which plays an effective role in
building an efficient and secure banking system. The audit committee consists of three
members of the board of directors. The Chairman of the Audit Committee has in-depth
knowledge and expertise in finance, accounting or auditing standards as per the guidelines of
corporate governance.

Risk Management Committee: FSIBL has also formulated 03 members of Risk Management
Committee as per Bangladesh Bank BRPD Circular No: 11

FSIBL Corporate

Executive committee Audit Committee Risk Management


Mr. Mohammad Saiful

Alam (Chairman) Board of directors (3 03 members

5-member’s executive

Figure 1: FSIBL Corporate Governance

2.5 Corporate Profile

Registered Name First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL)

Legal Status Public Limited Company

C-38464 (422) / 99
Incorporation No.

Date of Incorporation August 29, 1999

Date of Commencement of August 29, 1999

Bangladesh Bank License No BRPD (P) 744973)/99-2931


Date of getting license September 22, 1999

from Bangladesh Bank

Date of commencement of August 29,1999


Date of Opening of First October 25, 1999

Corporate Head Office Rangs RD Center, Block: SE (F), Plot:03, Gulshan Avenue, Gulshan-1,
Registered Office 23, Dilkusha, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Line of Business Banking
Authorized Capital Tk.10,000 Million
Paid up Capital Tk.7,840.99 Million
Date of consent for IPO 04 June 2008

Number of Employee 3565

Number of ATM 40

Phone +88 02 55045700 (Hunting), 8432614-8432625 (ICT Division).

Fax 880-02-55045709
Auditors M/S. Hoda Vasi Chowdhury & Co.
Chartered Accountants

Legal Advisor The Law Counsel, Barrister & Advocates,
Tax Consultant K.M. Hasan FCA, K.M. Hasan & Co. Chartered Accountants,

1. First Security Islami Capital and Investment Ltd.

Name of Subsidiaries
2. First Security Islami Bank Ltd, Asset Management
3. FSIBL Sure Cash Limited

Table 1 : Corporate profile


2.6 Structure of the Organization:

Board of directors:


Vice Chairman


Executive Committee Audit Committee

Figure 2: Board of directors

2.7 Top Management:

Mohammed Saiful Alam


Mohammed Abdul Maleque

Vice Chairman

Mrs. Farzana Parveen


Ahmed Muktadir Arif

(Independent Director)

Khandkar Iftekhar Ahmad

(Nominated Director)

Dr. Momtaz Uddin Ahmed

(Independent Director)

Mrs. Badrun Nessa

(Nominated Director)

Jamal Mostafa Chowdhury

(Nominated Director)

Mohammad Abdullah Hassan

(Nominated Director)

Md. Ruhul Amin

(Independent Director)

Syed Waseque Md Ali


Table 2: of Top management

2.8 Organizational Hierarchy:

Deputy Managing Director

Senior Executive Vice President (SEVP)

Senior Vice President (SVP)

Vice President (VP)

Senior Assistant Vice President (SAVP)

Fast Assistant Vice President (FAVP)

Senior Principle Officer (SPO)

Principle Officer (PO)

Senior Officer (SO)


Probationary Officer

Assistant Officer

Figure 3: Organizational Hierarchy

2.9 Product and Markets of FSIBL:

The FSIBL offers different types of service to its customers and day by day they are expending
the area of services. Form the very beginning they gave more emphasis on satisfaction of
customers. The products and services of the bank as following:

a) Murabaha Monthly Deposit Scheme

b) Arba
c) Triple Benefit
d) Agrashar
e) Swadesh
f) Somman
g) Morjada
h) Obosor
i) Provin
j) Ghoroni
k) Proyash
l) Niramoy
m) Onkur

I) Deposit Products:
➢ Mudaraba Savings Deposit
➢ Al-Wadiah Current Deposit

➢ Mudaraba Short Term Deposit

➢ Non-Resident Foreign Currency Deposit

➢ Resident Foreign Currency Deposit

B) Scheme:

➢ Mudaraba Monthly Saving Deposit

➢ Mudaraba Monthly Benefit Deposit Schemes

➢ Mudaraba Double Benefit Deposit scheme

C) Investment / Utilization of Funds:

➢ Bai-Murabaha Investment

➢ Bai-Murabaha (Hypo)
➢ Bai-Murabaha (General)

➢ Bai-Murabaha (Real Estate Material)

➢ Bai-Murabaha (Pledge/TR/ Local Purchase)

➢ Bai-Murabaha (Hypo) under SME

➢ Bai-Murabaha (EMI) under SME

➢ Bai-Murabaha (Agricultural)
➢ Bai-Murabaha (Hypo) against MTDR and other Deposit Schemes

D) Hire Purchase under Sirkatul Milk (HPSM) Investment

➢ HPSM (House Building-Residential)

➢ HPSM (Real Estate/Commercial)

➢ HPSM (Transport-Bus, Truck, Launch, Cargo vessel etc.)

➢ HPSM (Auto-Car, CNG Three wheeler, Microbus etc.)

➢ HPSM (Machinery)

➢ HPSM (Industry)
➢ HPSM (Consumer Durables Scheme)

➢ HPSM (Lease/ Ijara Investment)

➢ HPSM-Car Lease (Staff)

➢ HPSM (House Building-Staff)

E) Investment against Import

➢ Bai-Murabaha-Import Bill (Cash LC-MIB)

➢ Bai-Murabaha (MIB-EDF Fund)

➢ Bai-Murabaha-Post Import (TR)

➢ Bai-Murabaha-Post Import (Pledge)

F) Investment against Export

➢ Bai- Istisna (Pre Shipment Investment)

➢ Bai-Salam
➢ Bai-Murabaha (Export)

➢ Wajira Bill Okalah against Cash Incentive

G) Documentary Bill Purchase

➢ Foreign Documentary Bills Purchased (FDBP)

➢ Inland Documentary Bills Purchased (IDBP-FC)

H) Other Investment

➢ Musharaka Investment
➢ Mudaraba Investment

➢ Bai-Muajjal Investment
I) Qoard
➢ Quard against MTDR
➢ Quard-E-Hasana

➢ Quard against Car (Staff)

➢ Quard against Provident Fund (Staff)

I) Letter of Guarantee
➢ Tender Guarantee
➢ Performance Guarantee

➢ Guarantee for Sub-Contracts

➢ Shipping guarantee
➢ Advance Payment guarantee

➢ Guarantee in lieu of Security Deposits

➢ Guarantee for exemption of Customs Duties Others

2.10 Operational Performances FSIBL

Operational Analysis is a method of examining the current and historical performance of the
operations and maintenance investments and measuring the performance of an organization. It
tells an investor whether any company is improving its operating efficiency year on year. Now
I am showing here the profit and loss account statement of FSIBL:

Figure 4: Operational Performances FSIBL

Here is the summery where we can see:

Operating Profit Total operating Expense Net Profit after Tax

5950.606 Million Tk. 6366.89 Million Tk. 2080.506 Million Tk.

Total Assets Deposits Net Income

75890.8524 Million Tk. 70051.451 Million Tk. 2080.506 Million Tk.

Net Investment Income Total operating Income

9993.2056 Million Tk. 12317.499 Million Tk.

Figure 5: Operational Performances FSIBL

First Security Islami Bank Limited
As at 31 December 2019

Here is the summery where we can see:

Total Assets Total Liabilities Total Shareholders’ Equity

75890.8524 Million Tk. 421863.771 Million Tk. 15315.0636 Million Tk.


SWOT Analysis of First Security Islami Bank LTD:

To analyze SWOT, we first need to determine the internal and external environment of FSIBL.
After determining and analyzing these two environments, the SWOT analysis can come up
with a possible strategy for FSIBL.

2.11 Microenvironment (Internal environment analysis) of FSIBL: An internal analysis

examines FSIBL’s internal environment in order to assess its resources, competencies, and
competitive advantages. The internal environment consists of two factors, “Strengths” and
“Weaknesses”. They are pointed out below:


 S1 : FSIBL ltd. has enough physical facilities and equipment’s to provide better
services to the customers. The bank has computerized and online banking under
operations a software.
 S2 : FSIBL always follows the Islamic rules. And it always helps the bank to attract
the new and existing clients.
 S3 : The top management officials have all worked in reputed banks and
they are very experienced in the banking sector.
 S4 : FSIBL has an interactive corporate culture and it’s work
environment boosts up the spirit and motivate the employees.


 W1 : Banks advertising and promotional activities are satisfactory

but it SME loan is not advertised well.
 W2 : The reward package for the entry and the mid-level management is
considerably low.

2.12 Macro environment (External environment analysis) of FSIBL

The external analysis looks at the wider business environment that affects your business. The
external environment consists of two factors, “Opportunities” and “Threats”. They are pointed
out below:


 O1 : To keep customers by reducing its current fees and charge.

 O2 : Privet Banks are become more reliable to the local public.
 O3 : In this competitive environment FSIBL must expand its product line to
enhance its sustainable competitive advantage.

 O4 : Technological advancement.


 T1 : There are many competitors in the market.

 T2 : The growth rate of competitors in the market is high.

 T3 : Many of the competitor banks are well equipped & also providing better

 T4 : Changing customers’ needs day by day.




3.1 Introduction to the Chapter

I joined First Security Islami Bank Limited on January 9th, 2021 as an Intern. I was posted in
Uttara Branch, FSIBL which is situated in Goribenayaz Avenue, Uttara Model Town, Dhaka.
The internship continued for 3 months and was ended at April 9th, 2021.

I was so pleased for being as an internship student and work in such an environment, Where I
can apply of my academic knowledge and gather practical work experience. I was fortunate to
have such friendly and cooperative staff and officer of FSIBL, Uttara branch. They were
helpful to me and tried to give right information or practical knowledge every time when I
needed. They always guided me in the right way to fulfill all the tasks in correct way. I enjoyed
much every moment of internship.

3.2 The Department/Unit of Uttara Branch of FSIBL:

a) General Banking
b) Foreign Exchange
c) Loan & Investment

3.3 The department unit’s goal of Uttara Branch of FSIBL:

As I have worked under General banking department as an intern. I conveniently mention the
goal of the general banking unit as below:

General Banking Unit’s Goal

▪ To expand community services

▪ To increase customer base
▪ To enrich employee knowledge 

▪ To provide Quick Service

3.4 Departmental/Unit’s Achievements

▪ Gain reputation and goodwill.

▪ Gain trust from customers.
▪ Numbers of people are using their services and facilities.
▪ Training courses have been conducted during 2020 after lockdown to March 2021.

3.5 Uttara Branch Structure and Manpower

Total 40 people can be considered as manpower. Uttara Branch Structure and Manpower are
given below-

Manager/ Branch in Charge

Manager Operation/2nd Man

Investment Foreign exchange (3) General Banking

Officer (5)

Remittance Account/ A/C. Cash

Clearing & ATM Opening ATM
section (2) Card (1) PIN (3)

In-Charge (1)

Opening desk Assistant Cash
(5) Officer (1)

Support Staff
Trainee Assistant
Cash Officer (7)

Imam (1) Peon (3) Cleaner (3) Gun Man &

Guard (4)

Figure 7: Structure and Manpower of Uttara Branch

Manager/ Branch in Kazi Shahidul Hoq

Manager Operation/2nd Joardar Enamul Kabir


Investment 1. Nusrat Arfin

Officer 2. Tarzina Parvin
3. Jebunnesa Islam
4. Ivy Ahmed
5. Md. Faridduddin

Foreign exchange 1. Sinthia Afroz

2. Ashraf
3. Nabila Nasrin

Remittance Rifat Zara

& ATM Card
Account/ A/C. Opening 1. Ohidul Islam
ATM PIN 2. Afroja
3. Salma Soroni

Opening desk 1. Fabia Amin

2. Roksana
3. Fatema
4. Sharmin Shimu
5. Nazrul Khan (Transfer)
6. Sadia Tasnim

Cash Sadia Mahmud

Assistant Cash Officer Bipan Shill

Trainee Assistant 1. Sakhwat Hossain

Cash Officer 2. Daloar Alam
3. Manjur Alam (transfer)
4. Fahmia Maliha
5. Sreebash Bhoumik
6. Sahnaj Parvin
7. Hridoy Islam
Clearing section 1. Shakwat Hossain
2. Yasmin Tonni

3.6 Departmental activities

• Account opening section: Account opening section works on opening and closing of
accounts of personnel. For example- savings account, current account etc.
• Clearing: Clearing section works on receiving all sorts of inward and outward checks
for payment/collection, issue pay order/pay slips.
• Cash: Cash section involves on receipt and payment of cash.
• Remittance/accounts: The word “Remittance” originated from the word “Remit”
which means to transfer money/fund. In banking term, the word “Remittance” means
transfer of fund one place to another place. FSIBL gives Foreign remittance service.
They have facilities such as pay order, telegraphic transfer, demand draft etc. On the
other hand, accounts section mainly deals with classifying, recording, maintaining
transactions of bank. For example- statement of affairs, voucher register book for
keeping record of debit and credit balance.

3.7 Task and Duties Performed

I was very lucky to get experience of working in different sections of this bank within these
three months. Those are described below:

HR activities:

• Attendance register: During my internship period I have gone through some kind of
HR activities such as by following attendance register, I have updated and registered
employee’s data such as casual leave, earned leave on leave register book.
• Preparing the list of employees for training in different courses: In
my internship
period I got one chance for helping the employee in preparing the list of employees
who are attending the training from Uttara Branch.

As I have mostly worked in General Banking (GB) I had to do the following tasks:

1.Opening an account and helping the customers to open an account.

2.Opening process of personal banking service.

3.Opening a joint account and depositing any amount of money.

4.Opening a fixed deposit account

5.Registered data on check book register.

6.Secured overdraft (SOD) register

7.Clean Cash register.

8.Making a phone call to the Customer

3.7.1: Account Opening:

My First Practice at Bank was Account opening. My duty was to check All the Documents of
the Customer and help the Customer to fill up the Account Opening Form. If the Customer
was not able to fill up the account opening form, I had to fill it on the behalf of them. First
Security Islami Bank Ltd. Offers different types of account for different customers. There are
as follow:

I. Savings Account. 

II. Fixed Deposit. 

III. Current Account

For opening a bank account needs in FSIBL all the customers have to follow some
documentation process, the documentation process is given below.

 Savings Account: For opening Saving Account Different Types of Documents
Need Like,
1) Signature of the introducer. 

2) 2 copy photo of the nominee. 

3) 2 copy photos of Account Holder. 

4) National ID Card of Account Holder. 

5) National ID card of Nominee

Figure 8: Photo Form of SB Account

 School Banking Account Deposit: For School Banking Deposit need,

1) Student’s 2 copy Photo. 

2) Birth certificate 

3) One Legal Guardian. 

4) 1 copy photo of Legal Guardian. 

5) 1 copy Photo of Nominee. 

6) National Id card of Legal Guardian. 

7) National Id card of a nominee. 

Figure 9: Photo Form of School Banking Account

3.7.2: Issued Cheque Books: After the cheque book arrived ten days later, my first task is to
stock all the cheque books in the computer file name, (cheque books issued) and again write
down All Accounts Holder names and Accounts numbers on the Cheque Books issued
registered Book. And take signature of the clients.

Figure 10: Photo of Issued Cheque Books register

Deliver Cheque Book: My Another Duty Was to deliver Cheque Book to the Customer.

Figure 11: Photo of Cheque Book.

3.7.3: Making a phone call to the Customer:

My task was to make a phone call to the customer to provide the necessary information. I had
to call if:

1) Any Documents needed. 

2) To collect their cheque book. 

3) Inform clients for giving the locker charge.

Figure 12: photo Phone call

3.7.4: SOD register: When someone wants to take loan against their DPS that is called
SOD. I registered their name from their documents.

Figure 13: Photo of SOD register

3.7.5 Leave registered: By following attendance register, I have updated and registered
employee’s data such as casual leave, earned leave on leave register book.

Figure 14: Photo of Leave registered

3.7.6 Voucher and Supply match: In my internship period I matched Voucher and supply.

Figure 15: Voucher and Supply

3.8 Working Environment:

I was so pleased for being as an internship student and work in such an environment, where I
could apply my academic knowledge to an extent and gathered practical working experience.
I was fortunate to get such friendly and co-operative employees and officer of FSIBL, Uttara
branch. They were careful to me and tried to give information or practical knowledge every
time when I needed. They always guided me in the right way to fulfill all the tasks in
appropriate way. I enjoyed much every moment of internship.

Friendly working atmosphere Right attitide/manner to work well

Supportive to each other Helpful and motivate to take risk

Figure 16: working environment of FSIBL

3.9 Facilities and constraints

Everything was quite well in First Security Islami Bank Ltd. I have observed something like;
working at First Security Islami Bank Ltd was a great experience for me.

From my temporary job period, I have watched a few things and from my little information I
have made some proposal for the bank:

3.9.1 Facilities:

They strictly follow the rules.

Give me a time for performing my Salat

Smooth work environment

Friendly and supportive officials

3.9.2 Constrain Faced:

1. Accessing information about bank has some sort of limitation. General Information can
be collected but beyond that they did not allow to look for information.
2. In the lockdown I had suffered a lot for going to the bank in time.
3. Had to manage low patient customers who want their task to be done first ignoring the
line and rules.

3.10 Lessons learned from the practicum

During my internship I learned many things.

• Organization Culture 

• How to do multiple works at a time 

• How to behave and communicate with client 

• How to deal several clients at a time. 

• Time management
• Professionalism/expertness: Bank officials always maintain professionalism or work
etiquette to deal with any situation properly. It helps to learn professionalism.

3.11 Practical Work Exposure

I worked for 3 months with some excellent employees of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. I have
enjoyed this new environment and learnt a lot of work. Here are some of my pictures with
employees of First Security Islami Bank Ltd.

Figure 17: Pictures with employees

Figure18: Practical Work on


Figure 19: Organization Picture


Research Part

4.1 Background of the study

Strong Employee Relations is almost universally recognized as a strategic tool for an

organization's continuing growth, productivity and ability to retain valuable employees. During
my internship period, I have observed that some employees were not satisfied with the
employment relationship with their management. I found some issues which can have a
negative impact on employee’s mind about the employment relationship. I observed in FSIBL
Uttara branch in the first lockdown which happened from 5th April, employees did not get roster
time table. And time schedule was also put forward. So they did not get transport in time.
Sometimes they can’t provide salary on time and bonus also. I think these factors has an impact
on employee’s job performance.

4.2 Problem Statement

The problem is that "Bad employment relations can have a negative impact on employee job

4.3 Literature Review

Strong employee relationship is an important component in an organization for effective job

performance. A good employee relationship is necessary for the satisfactory organization and
performance of any firm and for the employees to feel engaged. Autonomy of the staff in their
work domain versus hierarchical control by the management towards the aims of the firm
should in balance this may affect the productivity and loyalty of the workers. For this reason,
the management employee relations are important (Tansel & Gazioglu, 2014). Good employee
relation creates comfortable environment for employees which can increase their motivation.
Increased employee’s moral can lead to increase worker’s performance as well. Organizations
inquiring in employee relation programs may experience an increase in performance which
leads to increase in profit for the business. When the employee finds his job attractive,
rewarding, reliable, and the employee relationship is good, then he is satisfied with his job and
his job performance become effective. Employee's job performance is an important success
factor for all organizations. Employee’s job performance has been recognized to have a major
impact on many economic and social phenomena, e.g. economic growth and higher standard
of living. Companies must ensure that employee job performance in order to stay profitable.

Employee relationship: Employee relation is defined because the relationship between
employees and managers to boost moral, commitment and trust of employees and to
form suitable working environment which enables them to exert their at the most effort for the
achievement of organizational goals (Bajaj, 2013). An effective employee relation can be
creating and cultivating a motivated and productive working place.

The Effects of Employees Relations on Employee Performance:

In the research conducted by (AH Sequeira, 2015)it was identified that employee relations
practices followed in the organization had a direct effect on the performance of workers in the
organization. Employees with higher level of satisfaction with the present organization
practices are more productive and resistive towards changing this organization. The study also
revealed that improving the employee relations practices of a company can improve the
performance of employees and thereby the general productivity of the organization. then. In
similar way the research conducted by ( Ömür Hakan Kuzu & Derya Özilhan, 2014) revealed
that there is strong relationship between employee relations and employee performances.

4.4 Methodology

I. Population: Personnel of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. Uttara Branch.

II. Sampling Frame: Employee of FSIBL Uttara Branch
III. Sample size: To conduct the research I need to select the sample size. The total number of
sample is 37.
IV. Sampling Procedure: For this study I used Judgment Sampling (Where the sampling
depends on the opinion of the researcher) due to the small size of the population. Though
there is a possibility of being biased, as a researcher I tried to be unbiased and not to do any
sort of manipulation in terms of the decision of the result.

4.4.1 Research Instrument:

I used closed ended structured survey questionnaire. I prepared a form with a set of questions
deliberately designed to elicit responses from the selected respondents for data collection. I
have used 5 Liker Scales.

 Microsoft Excel 

 Microsoft Word 


4.4.2: Data source:

Primary sources:

Primary data are collected through two ways. These are:

• Questionnaire: Some primary data are collected by discussion with the officer of
• Observation: Here primary data are collected through spending three months in the
FSIBL during the working hour.
Secondary sources:

Secondary data are collected from the following sources:

➢ Annual reports of FSIBL
➢ Study of various report.
➢ Website of FSIBL

4.5 Budget Information

Particulars Amount

Transportation(3 months) 3700/=

Wi-Fi Bill (3 months) 2580/=

Mobile Bill (3 months) 200/=

Other 1000/=

Printing and binding of Report 1500

Total 8980/=

Table 3: Budget Information

4.6 Project Timeline/Schedule

Activity W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9 W10 W11 W12

Topic Selection



and work
assignment part

Research part

Combining all

Table 4: Gantt Chart

4.7 Hypothesis Development

Serial Hypothesis Development


1. Compensation packages affect employees job performance.

2. Manager’s good behavior towards employees can have a positive impact on

their work performance.

3. Good employee relation leads to employee motivation.

4. Communication gap between employees can lower the target job performance.

5. Performance feedback improves employees’ performance.

Table 5: Hypothesis Development

1. HA: Compensation packages affect employees job performance.

Ho: Compensation packages doesn’t affect employees job performance.
2. HA: Manager’s good behavior towards employees can have a positive impact on
their work performance.
Ho: Manager’s good behavior towards employees can’t have a positive impact on
their work performance.

3. HA: Good employee relation leads to employee motivation.

Ho: Good employee relation doesn’t lead to employee motivation.

4. HA: Communication gap between employees can lower the target job performance.
Ho: Communication gap between employees can’t lower the target job performance.
5. HA: Performance feedback improves employees’ performance.
Ho: Performance feedback doesn’t improve employees’ performance.

4.7.1: Likert Scale Development

Employee Opinion Weighted

Strongly Disagree 1

Disagree 2

Neither agree nor disagree 3

Agree 4

Strongly Agree 5

Table 6: Likert Scale Development

4.8: Data Analysis: For analysis of data Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, different tables and
graphs were used to make the data meaningful. Hypothesis testing derives to a meaningful
conclusion from the experimental data. In addition, basic statistical techniques of different
measures of central tendency have been used for analyzing the data. As my sample size is more
than 30, I have used Z-test for the study.The following formula has been followed:

𝒁𝒄𝒂𝒍 =

μ = mean value
n = sample size
σ = Standard deviation (√[{𝑆𝐷.(1−𝐴𝑣𝑔)2 +{𝐷.(2−𝐴𝑣𝑔)2 +{𝑁.(3−𝐴𝑣𝑔)2 2 2
+{𝐴.(4−𝐴𝑣𝑔) +{𝑆𝐴(5−𝐴𝑣𝑔) }]

𝑋̅ = Average

4.9: Scale for Hypothesis:

H1 H2 H3 H4 H5

1= Strongly Disagree 0 0 0 0 0

2= Disagree 0 0 1 2 0
3= Neither Agree nor Disagree 4 5 7 7 5
4= Agree 16 19 15 16 15
5= Strongly Agree 17 13 14 12 17

Total 161 156 153 149 160

Average 4.35 4.22 4.14 4.03 4.32

Standard deviation 0.67 0.66 0.81 0.85 0.70

Z-cal value 16.79 15.84 12.27 10.94 15.81

Table 7: Scale for Hypothesis

4.9.1: Statistical Test and Analysis of Hypothesis:

Hypothesis H1:

1. HA: Compensation packages affect employees job performance.

Ho: Compensation packages doesn’t affect employees job performance.
Z Cal 𝑆𝐷

μ = mean value
n = sample size
σ = Standard deviation
𝑿= Average
Ho: μ = 2.5
HA: μ>2.5

Average = 4.35
σ = 0.67

Z Cal 𝑆𝐷

= 0.67

= 16.79

At 5% level of significance, follows Z distribution Z0.05. = 1.645
Here Zcal= 16.79
Since Z cal>Ztab, the null hypothesis is not acceptable. So at 5% level of significance, it can be
said that, Compensation packages affect employees job performance.


11% Strongly Disagree
43% Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Agree

Figure 20: Pie Chart of Hypothesis 01

Hypothesis H2:

HA: Manager’s good behavior towards employees can have a positive impact on their work
Ho: Manager’s good behavior towards employees can’t have a positive impact on their
work performance.

Ho: μ = 2.5
HA: μ>2.5
Average = 4.22
σ= 0.66

Z Cal 𝑆𝐷

= 0.66

= 15.84

At 5% level of significance, follows Z distribution Z0.05. = 1.645
Here Zcal= 15.84
Since Z cal>Ztab, the null hypothesis is not acceptable. So at 5% level of significance, it can be
said that, Manager’s good behavior towards employees can have a positive impact on their
work performance.


0%14% Strongly Disagree

35% Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Agree

Figure 21: Pie Chart of Hypothesis 02

Hypothesis H3:

HA: Good employee relation leads to employee motivation.

Ho: Good employee relation doesn’t lead to employee motivation.

Ho: μ = 2.5
HA: μ>2.5
Average = 4.14
σ= 0.81

Z Cal 𝑆𝐷

= 0.81

= 12.31

At 5% level of significance, follows Z distribution Z0.05. = 1.645
Here Zcal= 12.31
Since Z cal>Ztab, the null hypothesis is not acceptable. So at 5% level of significance, it can be
said that, good employee relation leads to employee motivation.

0% Strongly Disagree
38% Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly agree

Figure 22: Pie Chart of Hypothesis 03

Hypothesis H4:

HA: Communication gap between employees can lower the target job performance.
Ho: Communication gap between employees can’t lower the target job performance.

Ho: μ = 2.5
HA: μ>2.5
Average = 4.03
σ= 0.85

Z Cal 𝑆𝐷

= 0.85

= 10.94

At 5% level of significance, follows Z distribution Z0.05. = 1.645
Here Zcal= 10.94
Since Z cal>Ztab, the null hypothesis is not acceptable. So at 5% level of significance, it can be
said that, communication gap between employees can lower the target job performance.


Strongly Disagree
26% 4% Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree

34% Agree

Strongly Agree

Figure 23: Pie Chart of Hypothesis 04

Hypothesis H5
HA: Performance feedback improves employees’ performance.
Ho: Performance feedback don’t improve employees’ performance.

Ho: μ = 2.5
HA: μ>2.5
Average = 4.32
σ= 0.70

Z Cal 𝑆𝐷

= 0.70


= 15.81

At 5% level of significance, follows Z distribution Z0.05. = 1.645
Here Zcal= 15.81
Since Z cal>Ztab, the null hypothesis is not acceptable. So at 5% level of significance, it can be
said that, performance feedback improves employees’ performance.


0%13% Strongly Disagree

46% Disagree

41% Neither Agree nor Disagree

Strongly Agree

Figure 24: Pie Chart of Hypothesis 05

4.10 Findings

After interpretation of the result, it is found that

1. H1: 0% respondents have strongly disagreed, 0% respondents disagreed, 11%

respondents are neither agreed nor disagreed, 43% respondents are agreed, and 46%
respondents are strongly agreed. So it can be said that, Compensation packages affect
employees job performance.
2. H2: 0% respondents have strongly disagreed, 0% respondents disagreed, 14%
respondents are neither agreed nor disagreed, 51% respondents agreed, 35%
respondents strongly agreed, so it can be said that, Manager’s good behavior towards
employees can have a positive impact on their work performance.
3. H3: 0% respondents have strongly disagreed, 3% respondents disagreed, 19%
respondents neither agreed nor disagreed, 40% respondents agreed, 38% respondents
strongly agreed, so it can be said that, good employee relation leads to employee
4. H4: 0% respondents have strongly disagreed, 4% respondents disagree, 36%
respondents neither agreed nor disagreed, 34% respondents agreed, 26% respondents
strongly agreed, so it can be said that, communication gap between employees can
lower the target job performance.
5. H5: 0% respondents have strongly disagreed, 0% respondents disagreed, 13%
respondents neither agreed nor disagreed, 41% respondents agreed, 46% respondents
strongly agreed, so it can be said that, performance feedback improves employees’

4.11: Recommendations

1. First Security Islami Bank Ltd. Every time try to keep their employees happy by their
positive employment relationship. The employees said that the compensation they get
from FSIBL that motivate them to improve their job performance. Some of the
employees said that FSIBL Uttara branch sometimes fail to give compensation on time.
Salary is the entitlement of any employment relationship. Salary is the first things
comes to employee’s mind when they entitled in an employment relationship. If they
don’t get their salary and other benefits on time that may create some problem to their
personal life, that may affect their job the organization should provide
salary and other benefits and bonuses on time. It will help to motive their workers &
helps increase the job performance. 

2. Positive behavior is one of the most important factor of having strong employee
relationship. Good behavior from their superior helps to improve employee’s loyalty,
job performance, job satisfaction etc. Most of the respondent (86%) of FSIBL Uttara
branch said that they got positive behavior from their superior, but there are another
14% of employees said that sometimes they don’t get positive behavior from their
superior. If this 14% employees become dissatisfied that will have an impact on
employee’s job performance. So the organization need to maintain this kind of positive
behavior and should keep trying to make the employees 100% satisfied with the
superior’s behavior.
3. Good employee relation is most important matter in job performance. If the employee’s
relation is good in an organization, then the employee can give concentration in their
work. Most of the respondent (78%) think that, good employee relation can motive
them for doing good job. For that they can achieve their target performance. 

4. Communication is the most important thing in an organization. If there is
communication gap between employee that time conflict can arise. As most of the
respondents (60%) of FSIBL Uttara branch said that Communication gap can lower the
target job performance. 34% are neither agree nor disagree. So if FSIBL employees
wants to get achieve their target job performance, then there can be no communication
gap between employees. So the organization needs to make sure that there is no
communication gap will arise between employees.
5. A performance feedback is a regular review of an employee's job performance.
Feedback can increase the motivation of employee. Feedback enhances performance of

employees. If the employee gets the feedback, then they get motivated in their work
life. It will help workers to increase the job performance. 87% respondent that
performance feedback improves employees’ performance. FSIBL’s employees are
getting feedback for their work. As a result, they get interested in working. If the
feedback is negative, they repeat the task for positive feedback and they improve their
performance. So the organization have to continue giving feedback to the employees
for improving the employee’s performance.



Internship provided me the opportunity to gain work experience that was totally impossible to
do by attending class lectures. I had a great experience while working in a Banking sector. My
internship helped me to develop essential skills and build the confidence by performing
essential tasks in the organization. While working in FSIBL, I have developed good
organizational and communication skill as well. This internship was a job learning experience
that increased my chances for success early in my career. It gave me a preview of realistic work
and provide practical, supervised learning experience. It was a pleasure to work with a
supervisor & others officers. Employees are an important part for a banking sector. To retain
and attract the employees in the organization need to offer not only good amount of salary but
also need to provide a sound environment that creates a good employee relation which helps
the organization to achieved the good performance from the employees. To bring
organization’s success employee’s participation and good relation between employees is very
important to get the good performance.


1. Ömür Hakan Kuzu & Derya Özilhan. (2014). The Effect of Employee Relationships
and Knowledge Sharing on Employees’ Performance: An Empirical Research on
Service Industry. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 109, 1370 – 1374.

2. AH Sequeira, A. D. (2015). Employee relations and its impact on employee

performance. a case study.

3. Bajaj, R. (2013). Crucial Factors of Human Resource Management for Good

Employee Relations: A Case Study. International Journal of Mining, Metallurgy &
Mechanical Engineering, 90-91.

4. Bamboohr. (2019, april 15). what is the defination of employee relation? Retrieved
may 1, 2021, from bamboohr:

5. First Security Islami Bank Limited. (2021, february 26). First Security Islami Bank
Limited . Retrieved from First Security Islami Bank Limited সবার জন্য সবসময়:

6. First security islami bank ltd. (2021, January 29). Our Vision. Retrieved february
2021, from Our Vision – First Security Islami Bank Ltd.:

7. First security islami bank limited. (2021, January 29). Our Strategies. Retrieved
Februay 2021, from Our Strategies – FSIBL:

8. Forde, J. (2017, 7 17). What Are Positive Employee Relations & Why Are They
Important? Retrieved from HR DUO:

9. FSIBL. (2019). annual report. Dhaka: First Security Islami Bank Limited.

10. (2015, may 31). what Is Employee Relations? - Definition & Concept.
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11. Tansel, A., & Gazioglu. (2014). Tansel, A., & Gazîoğlu, Ş. (2014). Management-
employee relations, firm size and job satisfaction. International journal of manpower.

1. Annual report of FSIB Bank Ltd. for the Year 2015-2019
2. FSIB Bank Website.
3. Interview with the employees of FSIBL.


Survey Questionnaires

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am Tasmia Marufa , a BBA student of International University of Business Agriculture and

Technology. I am doing my internship program and preparing a report for the course BUS-490
regarding the name of “Having Strong Employee Relations leads to effective job performance” A Study
Based on FSIBL. And for this research, I need your valuable opinion on it. Let me assure you that all
the information provided by you will be used only for academic purpose and kept under strict secrecy.

Respondents Profile:
Name: Mobile:
Designation: Email:

Gender of the Respondent: a) Male b) Female

1. Compensation packages affect the performance of employees.

a) Strongly Disagree
b) Disagree
c) Neither agree nor disagree
d) Agree
e) Strongly Agree

2. Manager’s good behavior towards employees can have a positive impact on their work
a) Strongly Disagree
b) Disagree
c) Neither agree nor disagree
d) Agree
e) Strongly Agree

3. Good employee relation leads to employee motivation.

a) Strongly Disagree
b) Disagree
c) Neither agree nor disagree
d) Agree
e) Strongly Agree
4. Communication gap between employees can lower the target job performance.
a) Strongly Disagree
b) Disagree
c) Neither agree nor disagree
d) Agree
e) Strongly Agree

5. Performance feedback improves employees’ performance.

a) Strongly Disagree
b) Disagree
c) Neither agree nor disagree
d) Agree
e) Strongly Agree
…Thank you…

Response in survey:


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