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Brittney HRM Week 11 Discussion

Please respond to the following:

 Assume you are an HR business partner and leader in a full-size HR department for your
organization. Based on what you have learned about business employment law, what three or
four concepts, tools, methods, or practices would you recommend as important best-practice
approaches to help organizations implement better policies to safeguard against employment law
violations? Be sure to explain why you made these particular choices.

Safeguarding against the threat of employment law is very important for any organization. To
establish ethical cultures and workplace environment, my organization will focus on three
concepts: clearly define what is ethical to determine what acts are ethical or unethical; offer the
tools employees need to act ethically; and demonstrate designed ethical conduct from the top
down. It is easier to stress standards in the culture or work environment after identifying ethics in
the organization. Another idea for a company is to make sure that employees have the tools they
need to be ethical, especially in problem-solving situations. Appropriate and appropriate training,
consulting, modeling, and supervision are among them. These technologies also offer the ability to
bring in both internal and external specialists to engage employees at all levels of training and issue
solving. Finally, the firm will ensure that upper management models the behavior it intends to
impose in order to establish ethical cultures. If they want others' desired actions to mirror the
organization's norms, organizational leaders must practice what they desire.

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