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Proposal for Market Research for Laundry Business

This study is conducted to know the thoughts of the citizens in the community about the
idea of putting up a laundry shop in the barangay. It also identifies the struggles of every
person doing the laundry by the use of their hands and of course, their expectations
about this project.
A growing economy means becoming more advanced. People in urban areas’
lifestyle is way too far from the rural and remote areas like how laundry shops are
established in there. Laundry shops, where big and lot of washing machines are in
there, are becoming part of a person’s life in the city while it is rarely seen in some rural
and remote places and due to this reason, handwashing type of laundry is the only way
to clean their clothes.
Nowadays, there is an abundant number of people that are using the services of
laundry shops to clean their clothes. As a result, laundry shop is now one of the most
stable business a middle-class person can afford to put up. This business is built to help
us wash our clothes while saving our time and effort.

Statement of the Problem

Barangay Badiangon is a rural place in which there are no tall and big buildings.
The people are always experiencing the same struggle when it comes to doing the
laundry. Time consuming and energy draining are always and most common complains
of the women especially the adults who already have body pains. Yet, they are still
doing the handwash because of no washing machines and especially no laundry shops
that they can afford to buy or put up.

The main purpose of this research is to identify and assess the needs of the
community in terms of laundry.
Specifically, the study was conducted to:
 To find out if the community will accept the proposal
 To identify if this project can help the community to lessen their
work; and
 To find out if this business will run over the years
The benefits of this business which can be availed and experienced by the
people are identified as:
 Affordability.
 Convenience.
 Speed (time-saving)
 Cost
 Professional results
Data collection methods
Interviews and surveys are a big help in conducting this research. Through these,
we can generate their thoughts and opinions about putting up this business and of
course we can put up our assumption and conclusion by considering their life
Random sampling will be the method in collecting the information regardless of
their age, gender, race and profession. Through this, we can have an unbiased
information regarding this study.
The questions that can help us collect the data are the following:
1. What can you say about the idea of us putting up a laundry business?
2. How hard is it to do a lot of laundry using bare hands?
3. What are your experiences of handwashing your clothes?
4. In the scale of 1-10, how much do you like to have a laundry shop in your
5. If a laundry shop was here a long time ago, how much can it lessen your
work? Rate it from 1-10.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study will be conducted to the citizens of Barangay Badiangon where the
study mainly focuses on.
Participants of the Study
The respondents are chosen through a random sample from the different areas
of the community.
Sampling Technique
A total of 10 respondents will be selected to answer the questions through purposive
A laundry shop can change the way of the community and a life of a person
through helping them by making their work much easier. Through the years of struggles,
we can finally be relaxed if this business will exist in our community.

Rashel Keith A. Badol

Grade 11 ABM

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