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Name: Carmela T.

Cadeliña Date: October 28, 2021

Course/Year:BEED 2 Subject:AS4-MATH1



Answer the following questions to verbalize your understanding of game-based


1. What are the benefits of using games in mathematical lessons?

Meaningful situations - for the application of mathematical skills are created by


Motivation - children freely choose to participate and enjoy playing

Positive attitude - Games provide opportunities for building self-concept and

developing positive attitudes towards mathematics, through reducing the fear of
failure and error;

Increased learning - in comparison to more formal activities, greater learning can

occur through games due to the increased interaction between children,
opportunities to test intuitive ideas and problem solving strategies

Different levels - Games can allow children to operate at different levels of thinking
and to learn from each other. In a group of children playing a game, one child might
be encountering a concept for the first time, another may be developing his/her
understanding of the concept,a third consolidating previously learned concepts

Assessment - children's thinking often becomes apparent through the actions and
decisions they make during a game, so the teacher has the opportunity to carry out
diagnosis and assessment of learning in a non-threatening situation

Home and school - Games provide 'hands-on' interactive tasks for both school and

Independence - Children can work independently of the teacher. The rules of the
game and the children's motivation usually keep them on task.

2. What do you think are some disadvantages of game-based learning strategy?

Certain instances may not warrant using game-based learning for your
course. When the course contains too much information, having a game
will make the course longer and may even confuse the learner.

Some content may not be appropriate for game-based learning;

sensitive topics such as sexual harassment may not be appropriate for a
game-based learning course. Games require a context; you should
provide a background to the game. A lack of context to the game will
fail to support the learning objectives.

At times technology cannot support game-based learning; before you

design your course, ensure it can meet the learner’s need to play on
multiple platforms – desktop, laptop or mobile.


Developing a game that has instructional value is challenging so there may be

instances when instead of creating a new one, you would adapt an existing game
but modify it a bit to meet your learning goal. The following activity will challenge
your creativity as you think of ways to modify the game presented in Experience.

1. Modify the game presented in Experience. How will you change the mechanics
to target subtraction of fractions?

The game we call hide and seek in order to safe its spot he/she needs to solve a
mathematical problem. If the player did not get the right answer the first who got
the wrong answer will be the next seeker.

2. A game like the one presented in Experience requires materials. If resources

are limited, how would you modify the game to make it a group activity so that
fewer materials need to be prepared?

There will be a substitution if there only 5 players needed in the game the group
must prepare a substitute member incase if one player wants to replace its part.
The members can still participate.

Develop a mathematical game that has instructional value. This activity will be
part of the learning portfolio which you will compile at the end of this module.

Topic: Drop the soil

Measuring cup
Meter stick

The class must form a group 4 and there should be 5 members to play, they also
must prepare a one person for substitution. In a 2 meter distance a member
should walk and fill a cup that is 5 inches high by holding a spoon filled with soil.
The goal to fill the cup using the spoon and the person who falls its spoon will
repeat the process. The first team to succeed is the winner. Remember to take it
slow and concentrate in the process.


Almonia, Trisha Cristi R.

Candido, Jocel S.
BEED - 2

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