403 Oblicon (Obligations) Review Case Digests 1-68

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FIRST SEMESTER | A.Y. 2020-2021

just and equitable value of the services rendered by

OBLIGATIONS him was P500, which the defendants refuse to pay.

Law (1158) ISSUE: Whether or not the defendant is obliged to

pay the plaintiff for the service performed. If not, who
1) Bautista vs. F.O. Borromeo, Inc. (30 SCRA is liable.
RULING: The husband is liable by virtue of the
FACTS: On September 15, 1964, Quintin Delgado, a provisions of the Civil Code. Defendant, being only the
helper in Borromeo's delivery panel truck, sustained father and mother in law, is not obligated to pay.
injuries which resulted in his instantaneous death. According to article 1089 of the Civil Code, obligations
Borromeo had to pay Delgado's widow the sum of are created by law, by contracts, by quasi-contracts,
P4,444 representing the compensation (death benefit) and by illicit acts and omissions or by those in which
and funeral expenses due Delgado under the any kind of fault or negligence occurs. Obligations
Workmen's Compensation Act. On June 17, 1965, arising from law are not presumed. Those expressly
upon the averment that the said vehicular accident determined in the code or in special laws, etc., are the
was caused by Bautista's negligence, Borromeo only demandable ones. Obligations arising from
started suit in the Municipal Court of Mandaluyong, contracts have legal force between the contracting
Rizal to recover from petitioners the compensation parties and must be fulfilled in accordance with their
and funeral expenses it paid to the widow of Quintin stipulations. (Arts. 1090 and 1091.) The rendering of
Delgado. medical assistance in case of illness is comprised
among the mutual obligations to which spouses are
bound by way of mutual support. (Arts. 142 and
ISSUE: Whether or not Borromeo is entitled for
reimbursement from Bautista.

If every obligation consists in giving, doing, or not

RULING: Yes. Under the Workmen’s Compensation
doing something (art. 1088), and spouses are
Act, the employer (Borromeo) who chooses to pay the
mutually bound to support each other, there can be
injured employee is subgrogated to the rights of the
no question but that, when either of them by reason
employee to recover from the party liable (Bautista)
what he has paid to the employee. of illness should be in need of medical assistance, the
other is under the unavoidable obligation to furnish
the necessary services of a physician in order that
Borromeo paid the widow of its employee, Quintin
health may be restored, and he or she may be freed
Delgado, compensation (death benefit) and funeral
from the sickness by which life is jeopardized; the
expenses for the latter's death while in the course of
party bound to furnish such support is therefore
employment. This obligation arises from law —
liable for all expenses, including the fees of the
Section 2 of the Workmen's Compensation Act. The
medical expert for his professional services. This
same law in its Section 6 also provides that "[i]n case
liability originates from the above-cited mutual
an employee suffers an injury for which compensation
obligation which the law has expressly established
is due under this Act by any other person besides his
between the married couple. In the face of the above
employer, it shall be optional with such injured
legal precepts it is unquestionable that the person
employee either to claim compensation from his
bound to pay the fees due to the plaintiff for the
employer, under this Act, or sue such other person for
professional services that he rendered to the
damages, in accordance with law; and in case
daughter-in-law of the defendants during her
compensation is claimed and allowed in accordance
childbirth is the husband of the patient and not her
with this Act, the employer who paid such
father and mother- in-law, the defendants herein.
compensation or was found liable to pay the
same, shall succeed the injured employee to the
3) Martinez vs. Martinez (1 Phil. 647)
right of recovering from such person what he paid: .
. ."
FACTS: The titles to the steamer Balayan and the
coasting vessel Ogoño are registered in the name of
It is evident from the foregoing that "if compensation
is claimed and awarded, and the employer pays it, the the defendant. However, the money with which the
vessels were purchased was furnished by the plaintiff,
employer becomes subrogated to and acquires, by
the father of the defendant and the father had
operation of law, the worker's rights against the
exercised acts of ownership over the vessel.

ISSUE: Who is the owner of the property?

No need then there is to establish any contractual
relationship between Quintin Delgado and herein
petitioners. Indeed, there is none. The cause of action RULING: The defendant, since the title belongs to his.
of respondent corporation is one which does not The plaintiff never acquired the title to these vessels
spring from a creditor-debtor relationship. It arises in any one of the ways therein described. He did not
by virtue of its subrogation to the right of Quintin acquire it by donation or succession. He did not
Delgado to sue the guilty party. Such subrogation is acquire it by means of any contract. There is only the
sanctioned by the Workmen's Compensation Law bare fact that the price of property which was
aforesaid. It is as a subrogee to the rights of its conveyed to the defendant by a third person was paid
deceased employee, Quintin Delgado, that Borromeo by the plaintiff. It cannot be said that the law by
filed a suit against petitioners in the Municipal Court reason of this fact transfers any title or interest in the
of Mandaluyong, Rizal. thing itself to the plaintiff.

2) Pelayo vs. Lauron (12 Phil. 453) Article 1090 of the Civil Code provides that
"obligations derived from the law are not to be
presumed. Only those expressly provided for in this
FACTS: The plaintiff was called to the house of the
Code or in special laws are enforceable." It is provided
defendants, and that upon arrival he was requested
in Article 161 of the same Code, relating to minors,
by them to render medical assistance to their
daughter-in-law who was about to give birth to a child that "the ownership or enjoyment of property
acquired by a minor child with funds of his parents,
which operation was performed by the plaintiff. The
FIRST SEMESTER | A.Y. 2020-2021

pertain to the latter." This article does not apply to the at the time of the agreement this consideration was
present case, for the son was of age. This is the only capable of being made certain.
provision which we have found anywhere in the laws
now in force that declares the property to belong to 5) Maritime Company of the Philippines vs.
the person who paid the money. It was found as a Reparations Commission (40 SCRA 170)
fact the father had exercised acts of ownership over
the vessel. That finding is entirely consistent with the FACTS:
legal ownership by the son. The exercise of such acts Petitioner entered into a contract with the defendant
could not transfer such ownership from the son. stipulating that the defendant will be the one liable for
the freight charges as the consignee of reparations
Contracts (1159; 1305) goods. However, under Section 11 of the Reparations
Act, it states that ocean freight and other expenses
4) Perez vs. Palomar (2 Phil. 682) incident to importation shall be paid by the end-user
and not by such agency.
FACTS: The plaintiff, Perez, did on various occasions
render Don Eugenio Pomar services as interpreter of ISSUE:
English; and that he obtained passes and WON the stipulation in the contract is valid when it is
accompanied the defendant upon his journeys to contrary to the Reparations Act.
some of the towns in the Province of Laguna.
However, there is no written contract entered into RULING:
between the parties for the employment of the Invalid.
plaintiff as interpreter, or that any other innominate
contract was entered into. According to the Civil Code, the contracting party may
“establish such stipulations, clauses, terms and
ISSUE: WON Perez is entitled for compensation for conditions as they may deem convenient, provided
interpreting for Pomar. they are not contrary to law, morals, good customs,
public order, or public policy." The law thus sets limits.
RULING: YES. The plaintiff's services were solicited It is a fundamental requirement that the contract
or whether they were offered to the defendant for his entered into must be in accordance with, and not
assistance, inasmuch as these services were accepted repugnant to, an applicable statute. Its terms are
and made use of by the latter, we must consider that embodied therein. The contracting parties need not
there was a tacit and mutual consent as to the repeat them. They do not even have to be referred to.
rendition of the services. This gives rise to the
obligation upon the person benefited by the services 6) NHA vs. Grace Baptist Church and CA (G.R.
to make compensation therefor, since the bilateral No. 156437, March 1, 2004)
obligation to render service as interpreter, on the one
hand, and on the other to pay for the services FACTS:
rendered, is thereby incurred. (Arts. 1088, 1089, and On June 13, 1986, respondent Grace Baptist Church
1262 of the Civil Code). The supreme court of Spain (hereinafter, the Church) wrote a letter to petitioner
in its decision of February 12, 1889, holds, among National Housing Authority (NHA), manifesting its
other things, "that not only is there an express and interest in acquiring Lots 4 and 17 of the General
tacit consent which produces real contracts but there Mariano Alvarez Resettlement Project in Cavite.
is also a presumptive consent which is the basis of
quasi contracts, this giving rise to the multiple Respondent entered into possession of the lots and
juridical relations which result in obligations for the introduced improvements thereon even if there was
delivery of a thing or the rendition of a service." indeed no contract of sale between the parties

Notwithstanding the denial of the defendant, it is On February 22, 1991, the NHA's Board of Directors
unquestionable that it was with his consent that the passed Resolution No. 2126, approving the sale of the
plaintiff rendered him-services as interpreter, thus subject lots to respondent Church at the price of
aiding him at a time when, owing to the existence of P700.00 per square meter, or a total price of
an insurrection in the province, the most disturbed P430,500.00. However, the price quoted to them by
conditions prevailed. It follows, hence, that there was the NHA Field Office is in the amount of P55,350.00.
consent on the part of both in the rendition of such
services as interpreter. Such service not being ISSUE:
contrary to law or to good custom, it was a perfectly Can the NHA be compelled to sell the subject lots to
licit object of contract, and such a contract must Grace Baptist Church at the price of P700.00 per
necessarily have existed between the parties, as square meter in the absence of any perfected contract
alleged by the plaintiff. (Art. 1271, Civil Code.) of sale between the parties?

The consideration for the contract is also evident, it RULING:

being clear that a mutual benefit was derived in No, NHA cannot be compelled. There was no perfected
consequence of the service rendered. It is to be contract of sale with respect to Lots 4 and 17 and
supposed that the defendant accepted these services ordering the plaintiff to return possession of the
and that the plaintiff in turn rendered them with the property to the defendant and to pay the latter
expectation that the benefit would be reciprocal. This reasonable rental for the use of the property at
shows the concurrence of the three elements P200.00 per month computed from the time it took
necessary under article 1261 of the Civil Code to possession thereof until finally vacated.
constitute a contract of lease of service, or other
innominate contract, from which an obligation has The offer of the NHA to sell the subject property, as
arisen and whose fulfilment is now demanded. embodied in Resolution No. 2126, was similarly not
accepted by the respondent. Thus, the alleged
The fact that no fixed or determined consideration contract involved in this case should be more
for the rendition of the services was agreed upon accurately denominated as inexistent. There being no
does not necessarily involve a violation of the concurrence of the offer and acceptance, it did not
provisions of article 1544 of the Civil Code, because pass the stage of generation to the point of perfection.

FIRST SEMESTER | A.Y. 2020-2021

As such, it is without force and effect from the very no stipulation as to the payment of interest for the
beginning or from its incipiency, as if it had never been loan.
entered into, and hence, cannot be validated either by
lapse of time or ratification. Equity cannot give validity On 31 August 1993, respondent issued a check worth
to a void contract, and this rule should apply with P500,000.00 to petitioner as partial payment of the
equal force to inexistent contracts. loan. On 31 October 1993, she issued another check
in the amount of P200,000.00 to petitioner as
payment of the remaining balance of the loan.
Petitioner told her that since she paid a total amount
Quasi-Contracts (1160; 2142; 2144; 2154) of P700,000.00 for the P540,000.00 worth of loan, the
excess amount of P160,000.00 would be applied as
7) Cruz vs. J.M. Tuason & Co., Inc. (76 SCRA interest for the loan. Upon being advised by her
543) lawyer that she made overpayment to petitioner, she
sent a demand letter to petitioner asking for the
FACTS: return of the excess amount of P660,000.00.
By virtue of an agreement between X and Y, X assisted Petitioner, despite receipt of the demand letter,
Y in improving a large tract of land which was later ignored her claim for reimbursement.
declared by the court as belonging to Z.
Petitioner presented a handwritten promissory note
ISSUE: dated 12 September 1994 herein respondent
Does X have the right to be reimbursed by Z for X’s purportedly admitted owing petitioner "capital and
services and expenses on the ground that the interest". However, it was shown that it is evident that
improvements are being used and enjoyed by Z? respondent did not really consent to the payment of
interest for the loan and that she was merely tricked
and coerced by petitioner to pay interest. Hence, it
No. From the language of Article 2142, it is obvious
cannot be gainfully said that such promissory note
that a presumed quasi-contract cannot emerge as
pertains to an express stipulation of interest or written
against one party when the subject matter thereto is
agreement of interest on the loan between petitioner
already covered by an existing contract with another
and respondent.
party. X’s cause of action should be against Y who, in
turn, may seek relief against Z.
8) National Commercial Bank of Saudi Arabia WON the petitioner (creditor) is obliged to return the
vs. Court of Appeals, G. R. No. 124267, Jan. excess amount for interest.
31, 2003)
FACTS: YES. Solutio Indebiti will apply.
National Commercial Bank of Saudi Arabia (NCBSA)
filed a case against respondent Philippine Banking 2 kinds of Interest. Interest is a compensation fixed
Corporation (PBC) to recover the duplicate payment of by the parties for the use or forbearance of money.
the proceeds of a letter of credit issued by NCBSA in This is referred to as monetary interest. Interest may
view of the fact that both the head office and Makati also be imposed by law or by courts as penalty or
branch of PBC collected the proceeds. indemnity for damages. This is called compensatory
ISSUE: WON there is a double payment which arises
obligation through quasi-contracts Article 1956 of the Civil Code, which refers to
monetary interest, specifically mandates that no
RULING: No. interest shall be due unless it has been expressly
Solutio indebiti applies where: stipulated in writing. As can be gleaned from the
foregoing provision, payment of monetary interest is
(1) a payment is made when there exists no binding
allowed only if: (1) there was an express stipulation
relation between the payor, who has no duty to
for the payment of interest; and (2) the agreement
pay, and the person who received the payment,
for the payment of interest was reduced in writing.
The concurrence of the two conditions is required for
(2) the payment is made through mistake, and not the payment of monetary interest. Thus, we have held
through liberality or some other cause that collection of interest without any stipulation
therefor in writing is prohibited by law.
In the case at bar, PBC and NCBSA were bound by their
contract, the letter of credit, under which NCBSA The principle of solutio indebiti applies where
obliged itself to pay PBC, subject to compliance by the (Elements):
latter with certain conditions provided therein. (1) a payment is made when there exists no binding
Therefore, the cause of action is through contract and relation between the payor, who has no duty to
NOT quasi-contracts for there exist a binding relation pay, and the person who received the payment;
between the parties involved. and
(2) the payment is made through mistake, and not
9) Sebastian Siga-an vs. Alicia Villanueva, G.R. through liberality or some other cause.
No. 173227, January 20, 2009
It was duly established that respondent paid interest
FACTS: to petitioner. Respondent was under no duty to make
In 1992, petitioner approached the respondent and such payment because there was no express
offered to loan her the amount of P540,000.00. She stipulation in writing to that effect. There was no
accepted petitioner's proposal however, the loan binding relation between petitioner and respondent as
agreement was not reduced in writing. Also, there was regards the payment of interest. The payment was
clearly a mistake. Since petitioner received something

FIRST SEMESTER | A.Y. 2020-2021

when there was no right to demand it, he has an Petitioner appealed the civil aspect of the case but the
obligation to return it. petitioners failed to implead the People of the
Philippines as party-respondent in the petition.
Delict (1161; 2177; Art. 100, 104 of RPC)
10) DMPI Employees Credit Cooperative, Inc.
WON failure to implead the People of the Philippines
vs. Velez, 371 SCRA 72
precludes the party to file the civil aspect of the case.
On February 18, 1994, the prosecuting attorney filed RULING:
with the Regional Trial Court, an information for NO.
estafa against Carmen Mandawe for alleged failure to
account to respondent Eriberta Villegas the amount Unless the offended party waives the civil action or
of P608,532.46. (CRIMINAL CASE) reserves the right to institute it separately or
institutes the civil action prior to the criminal action,
On March 29, 1994, respondent Eriberta Villegas filed there are two actions involved in a criminal case. The
with the Regional Trial Court, Misamis Oriental, first is the criminal action for the punishment of the
Branch 20, a complaint against Carmen Mandawe and offender. The second is the civil action arising from
petitioner DMPI-ECCI for a sum of money and the delict. The private complainant is the plaintiff and
damages with preliminary attachment arising out of the accused is the defendant. There is a merger of the
the same transaction. (CIVIL CASE) trial of the two cases to avoid multiplicity of suits.

ISSUE: It bears recalling that the MeTC acquitted respondent.

WON the civil case could proceed independently of the As a rule, a judgment of acquittal is immediately final
criminal case for estafa without having reserved the and executory and the prosecution cannot appeal the
filing of the civil action. acquittal because of the constitutional prohibition
against double jeopardy.
Yes. Civil Case No. CV-94-214, an independent civil Either the offended party or the accused may,
action for damages on account of the fraud however, appeal the civil aspect of the judgment
committed against respondent Villegas under Article despite the acquittal of the accused. The public
33 of the Civil Code, may proceed independently even
prosecutor has generally no interest in appealing the
if there was no reservation as to its filing.
civil aspect of a decision acquitting the accused. The
acquittal ends his work. The case is terminated as far
"every person criminally liable for a felony is also
as he is concerned. The real parties in interest in
civilly liable."
the civil aspect of a decision are the offended
Rule 111, Section 1 of the Revised Rules of Criminal
party and the accused.
Procedure, provides that:
"(a) When a criminal action is instituted, the
civil action for the recovery of civil liability 12) Jeffrey Reso Dayap vs. Sendiong, G.R. No.
arising from the offense charged shall be 177960, January 29, 2009
deemed instituted with the criminal action FACTS:
unless the offended party waives the civil Petitioner Jeffrey Reso Dayap with the crime of
action, reserves the right to institute it Reckless Imprudence resulting to Homicide, Less
separately or institutes the civil action prior Serious Physical Injuries, and Damage to Property.
to the criminal action." However, prosecution failed to prove beyond
reasonable doubt that he is criminally liable for
Rule 111, Section 2 further provides that — reckless imprudence, thus, acquitted.
"After the criminal action has been commenced, the
separate civil action arising therefrom cannot be RTC affirmed the acquittal of petitioner but ordered
instituted until final judgment has been entered in the the remand of the case to the MTC for further
criminal action." proceedings on the civil aspect of the case.

In the cases provided in Articles 32, 33, 34 and 2176
WON remand of the case to the MTC for further
of the Civil Code of the Philippines, the independent
proceedings on the civil aspect of the case valid.
civil action may be brought by the offended party. It
shall proceed independently of the criminal action and
shall require only a preponderance of evidence.
Not always. Acquittal of the accused does not always
preclude the filing of the civil aspect of the case. This
In no case, however, may the offended party recover
is because the quantum of proof in the Criminal aspect
damages twice for the same act or omission charged
and the Civil aspect of the same case is different. The
in the criminal action.
offended party may still enforce their cause of action
by ‘preponderance of evidence’ if ‘proof beyond
11) Hun Hyung Park v. Eung Won Choi, G.R. No. reasonable doubt’ is not acquired.
165496, 12 February 2007, 515 SCRA 502
The acquittal of the accused does not automatically
FACTS: preclude a judgment against him on the civil aspect of
Respondent, Eung Won Choi, was charged for the case. The extinction of the penal action does not
violation of Batas Pambansa Blg. 22, otherwise known carry with it the extinction of the civil liability where:
as the Bouncing Checks Law. However, the (a) the acquittal is based on reasonable doubt
prosecution failed to prove that he received the notice as only preponderance of evidence is
of dishonor, hence, the presumption of the element of required (in the civil aspect);
knowledge of insufficiency of funds did not arise. (b) the court declares that the liability of the
Thus, case was dismissed. accused is only civil; and

FIRST SEMESTER | A.Y. 2020-2021

(c) the civil liability of the accused does not criminal liability as well as the civil liability based
arise from or is not based upon the crime solely thereon; (2) the claim for civil liability survives
of which the accused is acquitted. notwithstanding the death of accused, if the same
may also be predicated on a source of obligation other
However, the civil action based on delict may be than delict, such as law, contracts, quasi-contracts or
deemed extinguished if there is a finding on the final quasi-delicts; (3) where the civil liability survives, as
judgment in the criminal action that the act or explained in Number 2 above, an action for recovery
omission from which the civil liability may arise did not therefor may be pursued but only by way of filing a
exist or where the accused did not commit the acts or separate civil action and subject to Section 1, Rule 111
omission imputed to him. of the 1985 Rules on Criminal Procedure; and (4) the
private offended party need not fear a forfeiture of his
Thus, if demurrer is granted and the accused is right to file this separate civil action by prescription,
acquitted by the court, the accused has the right to in cases where during the prosecution of the criminal
adduce evidence on the civil aspect of the case unless action and prior to its extinction, the private-offended
the court also declares that the act or omission from party instituted together therewith the civil action for
which the civil liability may arise did not exist. This is in such case, the statute of limitations on the civil
because when the accused files a demurrer to liability is deemed interrupted during the pendency of
evidence, he has not yet adduced evidence both on the criminal case.
the criminal and civil aspects of the case. The only
evidence on record is the evidence for the Quasi-delict (1162; 2176)
14) Lasam vs. Smith (45 Phil. 657)
What the trial court should do is issue an order or
partial judgment granting the demurrer to evidence FACTS:
and acquitting the accused, and set the case for The defendant is engaged in the business of carrying
continuation of trial for the accused to adduce passengers for hire from one point to another. The
evidence on the civil aspect of the case and for the plaintiffs are husband and wife, customer of the
private complainant to adduce evidence by way of defendant, sustained physical injuries in an
rebuttal. Thereafter, the court shall render judgment automobile accident.
on the civil aspect of the case.
The trial court held, however, that the cause of action
A scrutiny of the MTC's decision supports the rests on the defendant's breach of the contract of
conclusion that the acquittal was based on the findings carriage and that, consequently, articles 1101-1107
that the act or omission from which the civil liability of the Civil Code, and not article 1903, are applicable.
may arise did not exist and that petitioner did not The court further found that the breach of the contract
commit the acts or omission imputed to him; hence, was not due to fortuitous events and that, therefore,
petitioner's civil liability has been extinguished by his the defendant was liable in damages
acquittal. It should be noted that the MTC
categorically stated that it cannot find any evidence ISSUE:
which would prove that a crime had been committed WON the defendant is liable for damages to the
and that accused was the person responsible for it. It plaintiff for the accident through quasi-delict.
added that the prosecution failed to establish that it
was petitioner who committed the crime as charged RULING:
since its witnesses never identified petitioner as the No. Defendant is liable only through contract (of
one who was driving the cargo truck at the time of the carriage) and NOT through quasi-delict
incident. Furthermore, the MTC found that the
proximate cause of the accident is the damage to the The source of the defendant's legal liability is the
rear portion of the truck caused by the swerving of the contract of carriage; the by entering into that contract
Colt Galant into the rear left portion of the cargo truck he bound himself to carry the plaintiffs safely and
and not the reckless driving of the truck by petitioner, securely to their destination; and that having failed to
clearly establishing that petitioner is not guilty of do so he is liable in damages unless he shows that the
reckless imprudence. Consequently, there is no more failure to fulfill his obligation was due to causes
need to remand the case to the trial court for mentioned in article 1174 of the Civil Code, which
proceedings on the civil aspect of the case, since reads as follows:
petitioner's acquittal has extinguished his civil liability. "No one shall be liable for events which could not be
foreseen or which, even if foreseen, were inevitable,
13) PP vs. Bayotas (1994) with the exception of the cases in which the law
expressly provides otherwise and those in which the
FACTS: obligation itself imposes such liability." – fortuitous
Bayotas died on February 4, 1992 at the National events/ caso fortuito.
Bilibid Hospital due to cardio respiratory arrest.
Consequently, the Supreme Court in its Resolution of Caso fortuito presents the following essential
May 20, 1992 dismissed the criminal aspect of the characteristics:
appeal. However, it required the Solicitor General to (1) The cause of the unforeseen and unexpected
file its comment with regard to Bayotas' civil liability occurrence, or of the failure of the debtor to
arising from his commission of the offense charged. comply with his obligation, must be independent
of the human will;
ISSUE: WON the death of the accused Bayotas (2) It must be impossible to foresee the event which
extinguished his criminal liability and civil liability constitutes the caso fortuito, or if it can be
based solely on the act complained. foreseen, it must be impossible to avoid;
(3) The occurrence must be such as to render it
Held: Yes impossible for the debtor to fulfill his obligation
The Supreme Court held that the death of the accused in a normal manner; and
Bayotas extinguished his criminal liability and civil (4) the obligor (debtor) must be free from any
liability based solely on the act complained of, i.e., participation in the aggravation of the injury
rape. The Court ruled that: (1) death of the accused resulting to the creditor.
pending appeal of his conviction extinguishes his
FIRST SEMESTER | A.Y. 2020-2021

It is not suggested that the accident in question was

due to an act of God or to adverse road conditions We do hold, that Article 2176, where it refers to "fault
which could not have been foreseen. As far as the or negligence," covers not only acts "not punishable
record shows, the accident was caused either by by law" but also acts criminal in character, whether
defects in the automobile or else through the intentional and voluntary or negligent. Consequently,
negligence of its driver. That is not a caso fortuito. a separate civil action lies against the offender in a
criminal act, whether or not he is criminally
A CASE HELD THAT CARRIER IS NOT LIABLE FOR prosecuted and found guilty or acquitted, provided
ACCIDENT that the offended party is not allowed, if he is actually
The case of Alba vs. Sociedad Anonima de Tranvias, charged also criminally, to recover damages on both
Jurisprudencia Civil, vol. 102, p. 928, cited by the scores, and would be entitled in such eventuality only
defendant in support of his contentions, affords a good to the bigger award of the two, assuming the awards
illustration of the application of this principle. In that made in the two cases vary.
case Alba, a passenger on a street car, was standing
on the platform of the car while it was in motion. The 16) Virata vs. Ochoa (81 SCRA 472)
car rounded a curve causing Alba to lose his balance
and fall off the platform, sustaining sever injuries. In FACTS:
an action brought by him to recover damages, the Arsenio Virata died as a result of having been bumped
supreme court of Spain held that inasmuch as the car by a passenger jeepney driven by Maximo Borilla, and
at the time of the accident was travelling at a registered in the name of Victorio Ochoa; that Borilla
moderate rate of speed and there was no infraction of is the employee driver of Ochoa. A criminal action for
the regulations, and the plaintiff was exposed to no homicide through reckless imprudence was instituted
greater danger than that against Maximo Borilla. The heirs of Arsenio Virata
reserved their right to institute in separate civil action
inherent in that particular mode of travel, the plaintiff and commenced civil case for damages based on
could not recover, especially so since he should have quasi-delict against the Maximo Borilla and Ochoa.
been on his guard against a contingency as natural as
that of losing his balance to a greater or less extent Private respondents, filed a motion to dismiss on the
when the car rounded the curve. ground that there is another action, Criminal Case No.
3162-P, pending between the same parties for the
But such is not the present case; here the passengers same cause. Court of First Instance rendered in
had no means of avoiding the danger or escaping the decision in Criminal Case No. 3612-P acquitting the
injury. accused, Maximo Borilla, on the ground that he
caused an injury by mere accident; and granted the
NOTE: motion to dismiss Civil Case No. B-134 for damages.
Determining the extent of the liability for losses or
damages resulting from negligence in the fulfillment ISSUE:
of a contractual obligation, the courts have " a Whether or not the petitioners, can prosecute an
discretionary power to moderate the liability according action for damages based on quasi-delict.
to the circumstances" (De Guia vs. Manila Electric
Railroad & light Co., 40 Phil., 706 Phil; art. 1103, Civil RULING:
Code) Yes.

15) Elcano vs. Hill (77 SCRA 98) It is settled that in negligence cases the aggrieved
parties may choose between an action under the
FACTS: Revised Penal Code or for quasi-delict under Article
Plaintiffs filed a case for recovery of damages from 2176 of the Civil Code of the Philippines. What is
defendant Reginald Hill, a minor, married at the time prohibited by Article 2177 of the Civil Code of the
of the occurrence, and his father, the defendant Philippines is to recover twice for the same negligent
Marvin Hill, with whom he was living and getting act.
subsistence, for the killing by Reginald of the son of
the plaintiffs, named Agapito Elcano, of which, when The petitioners are not seeking to recover twice for
criminally prosecuted, the said accused was acquitted the same negligent act. Before Criminal Case No.
on the ground that his act was not criminal, because 3162-P was decided, they manifested in said criminal
of "lack of intent to kill, coupled with mistake. case that they were filing a separate civil action for
damages. The source of the obligation sought to be
ISSUE: enforced in Civil Case No. B-134 is quasi-delict, not an
Is the present civil action for damages barred by the act or omission punishable by law. Under Article 1157
acquittal of Reginald in the criminal case wherein the of the Civil Code of the Philippines, quasi-delict and an
action for civil liability was not reversed? act or omission punishable by law are two different
sources of obligation.
No. Acquittal from an accusation of criminal 17) Neplum, Inc. vs. Orbeso, (G.R. No. 141986,
negligence, whether on reasonable doubt or not, shall July 11, 2002)
not be a bar to a subsequent civil action, which is for
damages due to a quasi-delict or 'culpa aquiliana'. FACTS:
Therefore, that the acquittal of Reginal Hill in the On 29 October 1999, the trial court promulgated its
criminal case has not extinguished his liability for judgment (the 'Judgment') in Criminal Case No. 96-
quasi-delict, hence that acquittal is not a bar to the 246 acquitting the accused of the crime of estafa on
instant action against him. the ground that the prosecution failed to prove the
guilt of the accused beyond reasonable doubt. The
NOTE: accused and her counsel as well as the public and
criminal and civil negligence private prosecutors were present during such
-The former is a violation of the criminal law, while the promulgation.
latter is a 'culpa aquilian' or quasi-delict, of ancient
origin, having always had its own foundation and On 12 November 1999, the petitioner, through the
individuality, separate from criminal negligence. private prosecutor, received its copy of the Judgment.
FIRST SEMESTER | A.Y. 2020-2021

which the civil liability may arise as a result of the

On 29 November 1999, petitioner filed its 25 same act or omission:
November 1999 Motion for Reconsideration (Civil
Aspect) of the Judgment. Considering that 27 a) Law
November 1999 was a Saturday, petitioner filed its b) Contracts
Motion for Reconsideration on 29 November 1999, a c) Quasi-contracts
Monday. d) Delicts
e) Quasi-delicts
Within what period may private offended parties 3. Where the civil liability survives, as explained in
appeal the civil aspect of a judgment acquitting the Number 2 above, an action for recovery therefor
accused based on reasonable doubt? may be pursued but only by way of filing a
separate civil action and subject to Section I, Rule
RULING: 111 of the 1985 Rules on Criminal Procedure as
From the time the offended party had actual or amended. This separate civil action may be
constructive knowledge of the judgment, whether it enforced either against the
be during its promulgation or as a consequence of the executor/administrator or the estate of the
service of the notice of the decision. accused, depending on the source of obligation
upon which the same is based as explained above.
18) PP vs Sayo (G.R. No. 227704, 2019)
Applying these established rules in the instant case,
FACTS: Sayo was charged with recruiting and the death of Sayo extinguished her criminal and civil
transporting AAA and BBB (minors), as well as CCC liability inasmuch as she is no longer a defendant to
(of legal age) for prostitution. In the same stand as the accused; the civil action is also
Information, Roxas was separately accused of extinguished, as it is grounded on the criminal action.
managing and operating a room in his apartment to
be used for prostitution. Both were held guilty of Nature and Effects of Obligations (Arts. 1163-
Qualified Trafficking in Persons by the RTC. On appeal, 1178)
the CA affirmed the RTC Decision with modification,
by adding an award of moral and exemplary damages, 19) Fidelity & Deposit Co. vs. Wilson (8 Phil. 51)
but only to two victims.
In a Certification issued on May 12, 2017, the The defendant Wilson was, on the 1st of October,
Correctional Institution for Women, Bureau of 1902, an employee of the Government of the
Corrections, certified that Sayo had died on November Philippine Islands, as disbursing officer of the Bureau
30, 2011 due to multiple organ failure, secondary to of Coast Guard and Transportation. For the security of
cervical cancer, attaching thereto the Certificate of the Government the plaintiff company and another
Death23 issued by the Office of the Civil Registrar. company,. The American Surety Company of New
York, became sureties on the official bond of Wilson
ISSUE: Did Sayo’s death extinguish her criminal and for the sum of $ 15,000. Wilson defaulted in the sum
civil liability? of $ 8,931.80, and the said two surety companies,
after demand duly made upon them by the
Held: Sayo's death extinguished her criminal and civil Government, were compelled to pay and, as a matter
liability. The Court notes that Sayo had already died of fact, did pay to said Government, in accordance
on November 30, 2011. Thus, the death of Sayo with said bond, the sum of $ 4,465.90 each.
extinguished her criminal liability. Article 89,
paragraph 1 of the Revised Penal Code provides: Wilson, who had left the Philippine Islands, was
captured in the city of Montreal, Canada, for the
ART. 89. How criminal liability is totally extinguished. purpose of being tried before the courts of the
— Criminal liability is totally extinguished: Philippine Islands for the defalcation of said sum.
When apprehended, Wilson had on his person the sum
1. By the death of the convict, as to the personal of $ 785 in gold.
penalties; and as to pecuniary penalties, liability
therefor is ·extinguished only when the death of On October 26, 1904, H.D. Terrell filed a complaint as
the offender occurs before final judgment[.] intervenor in the case, alleging that on September 3,
of the same year, the defendant Wilson had ceded and
Likewise, the civil liability of Sayo arising from her transferred to the said Terrell all of his, the said
criminal liability is extinguished upon her death. The Wilson's rights in and to the said $785 in payment on
rules on the effect of the death of the accused on civil account of a larger sum then owed by said Wilson to
liability pending appeal are summarized in People v. the said H.D. Terrell for professional services already
Bayotas: rendered and to be rendered as attorney for said
Wilson, under agreement with the same; that
1. Death of the accused pending appeal of his Treasurer Branagan was duly notified on the 17th day
conviction extinguishes his criminal liability as well of October, 1904, of this transfer, at which time the
as the civil liability based solely thereon. As Treasurer had said sum in his care, and this before the
opined by Justice Regalado, in this regard, "the notifications of the appointment of said depositary in
death of the accused prior to final judgment the principal case. Basing his claim on these facts,
terminates his criminal liability and only the civil Terrell claims the right of ownership in and to the said
liability directly arising from and based solely on sum and asks that the same be delivered to him as
the offense committed, i.e., civil liability ex delicto the legitimate owner to the exclusion of the other
in senso strictiore." parties in the case.

2. Corollarily, the claim for civil liability survives Judgment was rendered against Wilson and Terrell
notwithstanding the death of accused, if the same was awarded the $785 gold.
may also be predicated on a source of obligation
other than delict Article 1157 of the Civil Code ISSUE:
enumerates these other sources of obligation from

FIRST SEMESTER | A.Y. 2020-2021

Whether or not the lower court erred in awarding and fraudulent but was effected by making a
Terrel the $785 from the hands of the depository. pretended contract which bore the appearance of
Yes. by reason of the non-delivery, Terrell did not Plaintiff Santiago Cruzado, the son, brought an action
acquire the ownership of the property transferred to for recovery of possession, founded on the right
him by Wilson. transmitted to him by his father at his death – a right
arising from the said simulated deed of sale of the land
We are of the opinion that the transfer by itself, and in question
afterwards the notification of the same of Treasurer
Branagan, did not produce nor could it produce the ISSUE:
effect of transfer to Terrell of the ownership of the Whether or not the rights of transmission acquired by
funds so transferred and which were then in the Santiago Cruzado from the death of his father,
possession of the said Treasurer. To have this effect, pertaining to the said land in contest is valid and
it would have been necessary that the delivery of the without defect.
funds had been made directly Terrell, which fact has
not been proved at any time. RULING:
No. The sale is simulated. Even assuming arguendo
Terrel claims the right of ownership from the mere fact that it is not simulated, Cruzado did not acquire real
of having derived the same, not from the fact of any right over the said land since it was not delivered.
delivery, but from the very fact of the transfer and of
his subsequent notification to Treasurer Branagan, it Note: for there to be delivery of a land, the concerned
being, in addition, very clear that such notification party must enter the said land.
does not constitute, in any manner, the fact of
delivery as established by articles 1462, 1463, and This action for recovery is of course improper, not only
1464 of the Civil Code, all of which cover, in full this because the sale was simulated but also because it
subject-matter. was not consummated. The price of the land was not
paid nor did the vendee take possession of the
As established in paragraph 2 of article 609 of said property from the 7th of September, 1875, when the
code, that "the ownership and other property rights said sale was feigned, until the time of his death; nor
are acquired and transmitted by law, by gift, by did any of his successors, nor the plaintiff himself until
testate or intestate succession, and, in consequence the date of his claim, enter into possession of the land.
of certain contracts, by tradition." And as the logical (Entering into the land is a delivery. Therefore, since
application of this disposition article 1095 prescribes he did not enter the said land, he did not acquire real
the following: "A creditor has the rights to the fruits right over it).
of a thing from the time the obligation to deliver it
arises. However, he shall not acquire a real right." It is indeed true that it is not necessary that the thing
(and the ownership is surely such) "until the property sold or its price should have been delivered in order
has been delivered to him." that the contract of purchase and sale be deemed
perfect on account of its being consensual and from it
In accordance with such disposition and provisions the reciprocal obligations arise mutually to compel the
delivery of a thing constitutes a necessary and parties to effect its fulfilment; but there is no
indispensable requisite for the purpose of acquiring transmission of ownership until the thing, as in the
the ownership of the same by virtue for a contract. case at bar, the land, has been delivered, and the
moment such delivery is made the contract of
"The transfer of the ownership in the contract of such purchases and sale is regarded as consummated.
transfer, does not produce the effect by the fact of the Article 1450 of the Civil Code, relied upon in this
mere consent, but is acquired by tradition and in the connection by the appellant, refers solely to the
due observance of general precepts." Therefore, by perfection of the contract and not to its
reason of the non- delivery Terrell did not acquire the consummation.
ownership of the property transferred to him by
Wilson. 21) Pornellosa vs. Land Tenure Administration
(1 SCRA 375)
It is only the jus and rem (right to a thing), and not
the jus in re (real and complete right), that was FACTS:
acquired by Terrell by virtue of the transfer, made by The lot in controversy is a part of the Santa Clara
the consent of the transferor and the transferee but Estate on which many families have settled through
not consummated by the delivery which never came the consent of its owner, each paid a rental. In May
to pass and which delivery was the object of such 1941, through C.A. 539, the said Estate was acquired
transfer. by the Government and was entrusted to the Land
Tenure Agreement. The plaintiff acquired by purchase
20) Cruzado vs. Bustos (34 Phil. 17) the right of occupation of the lot in question from
Vicenta San Jose, predecessor-in-interest. After the
FACTS: purchase of the Santa Clara Estate by the
Agapito Cruzado (plaintiff’s father) was a poor man Government, the plaintiffs were allowed to make
payments on account of the purchase price of the lot,
living in Pampanga, he had a job in court but was still
as fenced, included two hundred (200) sq. m.
not enough to support his family. He aspired to hold
Thereafter, the plaintiffs found out that the lot had
the office of procurador in the CFI in Pamapanga but
been subdivided into two (2) smaller lots, No 44 and
he was unable to give the required bond, an
78. Lot 44 had been sold to Hermino Guzman.
indispensable condition for his appointment.
He asked Estafania Bustos to simulate a mortgage Whether plaintiffs can compel the Director of Lands to
deed of a certain property and have it executed in execute a deed of sale of the residential lot no. 44 in
court in his favor only to pose that he has real their favor.
property to enable him to qualify to such position of
procurador. In truth, the said mortgage was a front RULING:

FIRST SEMESTER | A.Y. 2020-2021

No. The lot on which San Jose’s house stood had not she has violated the provisions of Section 5, Batas
been specified nor had the boundaries thereof been Pambansa Blg. 25 which is a ground for Ejectment.
mentioned. Petitioners have failed to prove that lot 44
is included in the lot formerly occupied by Vicenta San Sec. 5 Grounds for judicial ejectment. Ejectment
Jose. shall be allowed on the following grounds:

Significantly, the plaintiff cannot show a contract a) Subleasing or assignment of lease of

whereby the Rural Progress Admin., has sold or residential units in whole or in part, with the
promised to sell the lot of 200 sq m. A party claiming written consent of the owner/lessor: Provided
a right granted or created by law must prove his claim that in the case of subleases or assignments
by competent evidence. He must rely on the strength executed prior to the approval of this Act, the
of his evidence and not on the weakness of that of his sublessor/assignor shall have sixty days from
opponent. the effectivity of this Act within which to
Moreover, the Deed of Sale allegedly executed by obtain the written approval of the
Vicente San Jose in favor of Pornellosa is a mere owner/lessor or terminate the sublease or
private document and does not conclusively establish assignment.
their right to the parcel of land. Acts and contracts
which have for their subject the creation,
transmission, modification or extinguishment of real
rights over immovable property must appear in a 2) No. The perfected contract is not absolute since
public document. police power is involved. The court ruled that the
constitutional guaranty of non-impairment of
22) Caleon vs. Agus Development Corp. (207 obligations of contract is limited by and subject
SCRA 748) to the exercise of police power of the state in the
FACTS: interest of public health, safety, morals and
general welfare. Batas Pambansa Blg. 25 is
Agus Development Corporation (ADC) is the
derived from P.D. No. 20 which has been
owner of a parcel of land which it leased to Rita
declared by this Court as a police power
Caleon for a monthly rental of P180.00. ADC
legislation, applicable to leases entered into prior
constructed on the lot leased a 4-door apartment
to July 14, 1971 (effectivity date of RA 6539), so
building. Without the consent of ADC, Caleon sub-
that the applicability thereof to existing contracts
leased 2 of the 4 doors of the apartment to Guevarra
cannot be denied.
and Estrada. Upon learning of the sub-lease, ADC
through counsel demanded in writing that Caleon
23) Chavez vs. Gonzales (32 SCRA 547)
vacate the leased premises. For Caleon’s failure to
comply with the demand, ADC filed a complaint for
ejectment with Metropolitan Trial Court (MTC) of
Plaintiff delivered to Defendant, a type writer repairer,
Manila (Branch 12), citing the provisions of Batas
a portable typewriter for routine cleaning and
Pambansa 25, Section 5, as ground, which is the
servicing. Defendant was not able to finish the job
unauthorized sub-leasing of part of the leased
after some time despite repeated reminders made by
premises to third persons without securing the
plaintiff. Finally, defendant returned the typewriter
consent of the lessor within the required 60-day
unrepaired, some of the parts missing. A had the
period from the promulgation of the new law (BP 25).
typewriter repaired by F Business Machines, and the
After trial, the court a quo rendered its decision
repair job cost him P58.75 for labor or service and
ordering Caleon and all persons claiming possession
P31.10 for the missing parts or a total of P89.85.
under her
(a) to vacate the premises alluded to in the
WON is defendant liable also for P58.75, the cost of
the service expended in the repair?
(b) to remove whatever improvement she
introduced on the property;
(c) to pay ADC the amount of P2,000.00 as
Yes. Defendant contrived the tenor of his obligation
attorney’s fees; and
because he not only did not repair the typewriter but
(d) to pay the costs.
returned it “in shambles.” For such contravention, he
is liable under Art 1167 for the cost of executing the
Caleon appealed the decision to the Regional Trial
obligation in a proper manner, which in the case
Court (RTC) and on 24 November 1980, the RTC
should be the cost of the labor or service expended in
affirmed the decision of the MTC. The RTC decision
its repair, because the obligation or contract was to
was appealed to the Court of Appeals for review. The
repair it
appellate court, on 28 January 1987, dismissed the
In addition, he is liable under Art 1170 for the cost of
petition outright for not being prima facie meritorious.
the missing parts for in his obligation to repair the
Caleon filed the petition for review on certiorari with
typewriter he was bound, but failed or neglected to
the Supreme Court. Thus, this case.
return it in the same condition it was when he received
1) Whether or not there is a ground for Ejection "ART. 1167. If a person obliged to do something fails
for violating BP 25? to do it, the same shall be executed at his cost.
2) Whether or not BP 25 does not apply for there
is already a perfected contract making the This same rule shall be observed if he does it in
application of said law (BP 25) to the case at contravention of the tenor of the obligation.
bar as unconstitutional as an impairment of the Furthermore it may be decreed that what has been
obligation of contracts. poorly done he undone."

RULING: 24) Tanguilig vs. CA (266 SCRA 78)

1) Yes. Petitioner in leasing her apartment has also
subleased the lot on which it is constructed which FACTS:
lot belongs to private respondent. Consequently,

FIRST SEMESTER | A.Y. 2020-2021

Jacinto Tanguilig [owner of JMT Engineering and 1) the cause of the breach of the obligation must be
General merchandise] was contracted by Vicente independent of the will of the debtor;
Herce to construct a “windmill” for P 60,000 with a 2) the event must be either unforeseeable or
one-year guaranty from the date of completion. unavoidable;
Herce paid P30,000 down-payment, an installment of 3) the event must be such as to render it impossible
P15,000, and left a balance of P15,000. Petitioner for the debtor to fulfill his obligation in a normal
[Tanguilig] filed a complaint for non-payment of the manner; and,
remaining balance. Respondent answered saying that 4) the debtor must be free from any participation in
the remaining balance is complied with since the or aggravation of the injury to the creditor.
payment was tendered to San Pedro General
Merchandising Inc., who constructed the deep well to
Petitioner failed to show that the collapse of the
which the windmill system was to be connected.
windmill was due solely to a fortuitous event.
According to respondent, since the deep well formed
Interestingly, the evidence does not disclose that
part of the system the payment he tendered to SPGMI there was actually a typhoon on the day the windmill
should be credited to his account by petitioner. collapsed.
Moreover, assuming that he owed petitioner a
balance of P15,000.00, this should be offset by the
3) No. The law is clear that "payment shall be made
defects in the windmill system which caused the
to the person in whose favor the obligation has been
structure to collapse after a strong wind hit their
constituted, or his successor in interest, or any person
authorized to receive it," It does not appear from the
record that Pili and/or SPGMI was so authorized to
Petitioner denied that the construction of a deep well
receive payment on behalf of the petitioners.
was included in the agreement to build the windmill
system, for the contract price of P60,000.00 was
25) Vil-Rey Planners and Builders vs. Lexber,
solely for the windmill assembly and its installation.
Inc., G.R. No. 189401, June 15, 2016
Respondent contends that since petitioner did not
have the capacity to install the pump, he agreed to
Vil-Rey and Lexber entered into a Construction
have a third party do the work the cost of which was
Contract dated 17 April 19963 (first contract) whereby
to be deducted from the contract price. To prove his
the former undertook to work on the compacted
point, Respondent presented Guillermo Pili (third
backfill of the latter's property.
party) of SPGMI who declared that petitioner
Tanguilig approached him with a letter from
Based on the first contract, Vil-Rey shall complete the
respondent Herce Jr. asking him to build a deep-well
project in 60 days for a consideration of P5,100,000.
pump as "part of the price/contract which Engineer
Lexber released to Vil-Rey a mobilization
(Herce) had with Mr. Tanguilig."
downpayment of P500,000 secured by Surety Bond
G(16) No. 066915 (first surety bond) issued by
Stronghold. For its part, Vil-Rey agreed to indemnify
1) W/N deep well was part of the contract. Stronghold for whatever amount the latter might be
2) W/N petitioner should reconstruct the adjudged to pay Lexber under the surety bond.
windmill since there was no fortuitous event
as argued. Vil-Rey and Lexber mutually terminated the first
3) W/N respondent can claim that Pili accepted contract and entered into a Construction Contract
his payment on behalf of petitioner? dated 1 July 1996 (second contract) to cover the
remaining works, but under revised terms and
conditions. The contract amount was P2,988,700.20,
RULING: and the scope of work was required to be completed
in 60 days.
1) Deep well was not part of the contract
On 23 December 1996, Vil-Rey and Lexber executed
The preponderance of evidence supports the finding Work Order No. CAB-96-09 (third contract) for the
of the trial court that the installation of a deep well completion of the remaining works by 15 January
was not included in the proposals of petitioner to 1997. Under the third contract, a consideration of
construct a windmill system for respondent. Notably, P1,168,728.37 shall be paid on the following basis:
nowhere in either proposal is the installation of a deep 50% downpayment to be secured by a surety bond in
well mentioned, even remotely. Neither is there an the same amount issued by Stronghold upon approval
itemization or description of the materials to be used of the work order and 50% balance upon completion
in constructing the deep well. of the works.

Moreover, it is a cardinal rule in the interpretation of Accordingly, Stronghold, issued Surety Bond G(16)
contracts that the intention of the parties shall be No. 077258 (second surety bond) in the amount of
accorded primordial consideration and, in case of P584,364. in favor of Lexber. Vil-Rey again obligated
doubt, their contemporaneous and subsequent acts itself to indemnify Stronghold for whatever amount
shall be principally considered. An examination of the latter might be held to pay under the surety bond.
such contemporaneous and subsequent acts of
respondent as well as the attendant circumstances In a letter dated 21 January 1997 addressed to
does not persuade us to uphold him. Lexber, Vil-Rey requested the extension of the
contract period to 31 January 1997. Lexber granted
2) Petitioner should reconstruct the windmill the request for extension. However, Vil-Rey failed to
complete the works by the end of the extended period,
In order for a party to claim exemption from liability or even after Lexber gave it another five days to finish
by reason of fortuitous event under Art. 1174 of the the works. Lexber then wrote Stronghold seeking to
Civil Code the event should be the sole and proximate collect on the two surety bonds issued in favor of the
cause of the loss or destruction of the object of the former.
contract. In Nakpil vs. Court of Appeals, four (4)
requisites must concur: ISSUES:

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FIRST SEMESTER | A.Y. 2020-2021

Whether Vil-Rey is liable for breach of contract.  The extension of the third contract did not
extinguish stronghold's liability under the second
RULING: surety bond.
Vil-Rey is liable for breach of contract.  Lexber is entitled to reduced attorney's fees.

Breach of contract is the failure of a party, without Breach of Obligations and Grounds for Liability
legal reason, to comply with the terms of a contract (1170)
or perform any promise that forms either a part or the
whole of it. The failure of Vil-Rey to complete the 26) Areola vs. CA (236 SCRA 645)
works under the third contract was never an issue in
this case. In fact, that failure was readily admitted by FACTS:
Moises Villarta, its managing partner, in his testimony On June 29, 1985, seven months after the issuance of
before the trial court: petitioner Santos Areola's Personal Accident
Insurance Policy No. PA-20015, respondent insurance
Q.What happened after you accomplished 95% under the company unilaterally cancelled the same since
[third contract]?
company records revealed that petitioner-insured
A.The only remaining there would be the compaction and fill
density test.
failed to pay his premiums.
Q.Could you please tell us why you did not finish the
compaction and density test under the [third] contract. On August 3, 1985, respondent insurance company
A.Because I lacked funds. 1 was not paid anymore. offered to reinstate same policy it had previously
cancelled and even proposed to extend its lifetime to
To clarify, aside from this testimony, no proof was December 17, 1985, upon a finding that the
presented to show that Vil-Rey was able to accomplish cancellation was erroneous and that the premiums
95% of the works under the third contract. were paid in full by petitioner-insured but were not
Nevertheless, even if we were to assume that this remitted by Teofilo M. Malapit, respondent insurance
claim is true, it still falls short of the obligation to finish company's branch manager.
100% of the works.
These, in brief, are the material facts that gave rise to
In the third contract, Vil-Rey and Lexber agreed on the action for damages due to breach of contract
the following terms of payment: instituted by petitioner-insured before Branch 40 RTC,
Dagupan City against respondent insurance company.
50% downpayment upon approval of this work order against
a surety bond from Stronghold Insurance Corporation ISSUE:
50% balance upon completion of work (1) Did the erroneous act of cancelling subject
insurance policy entitle petitioner-insured to payment
The work will be completed on or before 15 January 1997 x
x x.25
of damages?
(2) Did the subsequent act of reinstating the
It is clear that the next payment for Vil-Rey would wrongfully cancelled insurance policy by respondent
have fallen due upon completion of the works. Thus, insurance company, in an effort to rectify such error,
it cannot put up the defense that its failure to comply obliterate whatever liability for damages it may have
with its obligation was because it was not paid. to bear, thus absolving it therefrom?

Under the above provisions, the parties clearly took RULING:

on reciprocal obligations. These are obligations that 1. Yes, respondent insurance company is liable by
arise from the same cause, such that the obligation of way of damages for the fraudulent acts committed by
one is dependent upon that of the other. Malapit that gave occasion to the erroneous
cancellation of subject insurance policy.
The reciprocal obligation in this case was Lexber's
payment of the 50% balance upon Vil-Rey's We uphold petitioner-insured's submission. Malapit's
completion of the works on or before 15 January fraudulent act of misappropriating the premiums paid
1997. However, despite the grant of extension until by petitioner-insured is beyond doubt directly
31 January 1997, and even after the lapse of another imputable to respondent insurance company. A
five-day grace period, Vil-Rey failed to finish the corporation, such as respondent insurance company,
works under the third contract. acts solely thru its employees. The latters' acts are
considered as its own for which it can be held to
The law provides that the obligation of a person account.
who fails to fulfill it shall be executed at that
person's cost. The CA was correct in ruling that Vil- It is beyond doubt that he represented its interests
Rey should be held liable for the amount paid by and acted in its behalf. His act of receiving the
Lexber to another contractor to complete the works. premiums collected is well within the province of his
Furthermore, Article 2201 of the Civil Code provides: authority. Thus, his receipt of said premiums is receipt
by private respondent insurance company who, by
Article 2201. In contracts and quasi-contracts, the provision of law, particularly under Article 1910 of the
damages for which the obligor who acted in good faith Civil Code, is bound by the acts of its agent.
is liable shall be those that are the natural and
probable consequences of the breach of the Article 1910 thus reads:
obligation, and which the parties have foreseen or "ART. 1910. The principal must comply with all the
could have reasonably foreseen at the time the obligations which the agent may have contracted
obligation was constituted. within the scope of his authority.
As for any obligation wherein the agent has exceeded
In case of fraud, bad faith, malice or wanton attitude, his power, the principal is not bound except when he
the obligor shall be responsible for all damages which ratifies it expressly or tacitly."
may be reasonably attributed to the non-performance
of the obligation. 2. No. Its earlier act of reinstating the insurance
policy cannot obliterate the injury inflicted on
Other Issues: petitioner-insured.

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FIRST SEMESTER | A.Y. 2020-2021

Respondent company should be reminded that a

contract of insurance creates reciprocal obligations for ISSUE:
both insurer and insured. Reciprocal obligations are Whether or not the defendant in maneuvering his car
those which arise from the same cause and in which in the manner above described was guilty of
each party is both a debtor and a creditor of the other, negligence such as gives rise to a civil obligation to
such that the obligation of one is dependent upon the repair the damage done; and we are of the opinion
obligation of the other. that he is so liable.

Under the law governing reciprocal obligations, RULING:

particularly the second paragraph of Article 1191, the Yes, the defendant is guilty.
injured party, petitioner-insured in this case, is given
a choice between fulfillment or rescission of the The test by which to determine the existence of
obligation in case one of the obligors, such as negligence in a particular case may be stated as
respondent insurance company, fails to comply with follows: Did the defendant in doing the alleged
what is incumbent upon him. However, said article negligent act use that reasonable care and caution
entitles the injured party to payment of damages, which an ordinarily prudent person would have used
regardless of whether he demands fulfillment or in the same situation? If not, then he is guilty of
rescission of the obligation. Untenable then is negligence.
respondent insurance company's argument, namely,
that reinstatement being equivalent to fulfillment of It goes without saying that the plaintiff himself was
its obligation, divests petitioner-insured of a rightful not free from fault, for he was guilty of antecedent
claim for payment of damages. Such a claim finds no negligence in planting himself on the wrong side of the
support in our laws on obligations and contracts. road. But as we have already stated, the defendant
was also negligent; and in such case the problem
The nature of damages to be awarded, however, always is to discover which agent is immediately and
would be in the form of nominal damages. Although directly responsible. It will be noted that the negligent
the erroneous cancellation of the insurance policy acts of the two parties were not contemporaneous,
constituted a breach of contract, private respondent since the negligence of the defendant succeeded the
insurance company, within a reasonable time took negligence of the plaintiff by an appreciable interval.
steps to rectify the wrong committed by reinstating Under these circumstances the law is that the person
the insurance policy of petitioner. Moreover, no actual who has the last fair chance to avoid the impending
or substantial damage or injury was inflicted on harm and fails to do so is chargeable with the
petitioner Areola at the time the insurance policy was consequences, without reference to the prior
cancelled. Nominal damages are "recoverable where negligence of the other party.
a legal right is technically violated and must be
vindicated against an invasion that has produced no NOTE: "[t]he principle about the 'last clear chance'
actual present loss of any kind, or where there has would call for application in a suit between the owners
been a breach of contract and no substantial injury or and drivers of the two colliding vehicles. It does not
actual damages whatsoever have been or can be arise where a passenger demands responsibility from
shown." the carrier to enforce its contractual obligations. For it
would be inequitable to exempt the negligent driver of
Negligence (1172; 2201 (2); 1173) the jeepney and its owners on the ground that the
other driver was likewise guilty of negligence."
27) Picart vs. Smith (37 Phil. 809)
The decision in the case of Rakes vs. Atlantic, Gulf and
FACTS: Pacific Co.(7 Phil. Rep., 359) should perhaps be
The plaintiff was riding on his pony over the Carlatan mentioned in this connection. This Court there held
Bridge, at San Fernando, La Union. Before he had that while contributory negligence on the part of the
gotten half way across, the defendant approached person injured did not constitute a bar to recover, it
from the opposite direction in an automobile. As the could be received in evidence to reduce the damages
defendant neared the bridge he saw a horseman on it which would otherwise have been assessed wholly
and blew his horn to give warning of his approach. He against the other party.
continued his course and after he had taken the bridge
he gave two more successive blasts, as it appeared to 28) Layugan vs. IAC (107 SCRA 363)
him that the man on horseback before him was not
observing the rule of the road. The plaintiff, saw the FACTS:
automobile coming and heard the warning signals. The plaintiff was standing beside the truck while his
However, being perturbed by the novelty of the company was repairing the tire of their cargo truck
apparition or the rapidity of the approach, he pulled (was parked, occupying almost half of the light lane,
the pony closely up against the railing on the right side light after the curve; but installed early warning
of the bridge instead of going to the left. The pony had devices 3-4 meters from the truck). The plaintiff was
not as yet exhibited fright, and the rider had made no bumped by the defendant's truck driven recklessly by
sign for the automobile to stop. Seeing that the pony Daniel Serrano; that as a result, plaintiff was injured
was apparently quiet, the defendant, instead of and hospitalized; that he spent TEN THOUSAND
veering to the right while yet some distance away or PESOS (P10,000.00) and will incur more expenses as
slowing down, continued to approach directly toward he recuperates from said injuries; that because of said
the horse without diminution of speed. When he had injuries he would be deprived of a lifetime income in
gotten quite near, there being then no possibility of the sum of SEVENTY THOUSAND PESOS
the horse getting across to the other side, the (P70,000.00); and that he agreed to pay his lawyer
defendant quickly turned his car sufficiently to the the sum of TEN THOUSAND PESOS (P10,000.00).
right to escape hitting the horse alongside of the
railing where it was then standing; but in so doing the ISSUE:
automobile passed in such close proximity to the Who is negligent?
animal that it became frightened and turned its body
across the bridge with its head toward the railing. As RULING:
a result defendant suffered injuries and the horse

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Defendant. Res ipsa loquitur does not apply in this act of the employer but because he did not exercise
case. Defendant failed to prove they exercised due care in selecting his employee.
diligence of a good father of a family.
29) PNB vs. CA (315 SCRA 309)
This doctrine is stated thus: "Where the thing which FACTS: Sometime prior to 23 October 1990 private
causes injury is shown to be under the management respondent Lily S. Pujol opened with petitioner
of the defendant, and the accident is such as in the Philippine National Bank,
ordinary course of things does not happen if those
who have the management used proper care, it Mandaluyong Branch (PNB for brevity), an account
affords reasonable evidence, in the absence of an denominated as "Combo Account," a combination of
explanation by the defendant, that the accident arose Savings Account and Current Account in private
from want of care." respondent's business name "Pujol Trading," under
which checks drawn against private respondent's
The doctrine of Res ipsa loquitur as a rule of evidence checking account could be charged against her
is peculiar to the law of negligence which recognizes Savings Account should the funds in her Current
that prima facie negligence may be established Account be insufficient to cover the value of her
without direct proof and furnishes a substitute for checks. Hence, private respondent was issued by
specific proof of negligence. The doctrine is not a rule petitioner a passbook on the front cover of which was
of substantive law but merely a mode of proof or a typewritten the words "Combo Deposit Plan."
mere procedural convenience. The rule, when
applicable to the facts and circumstances of a On 23 October 1990, private respondent issued a
particular case, is not intended to and does not check in the amount of P30,000.00 in favor of her
dispense with the requirement of proof of culpable daughter-in-law, Dr. Charisse M. Pujol. And on 24
negligence on the part of the party charged. It merely October 1990 private respondent issued another
determines and regulates what shall be prima facie check in the amount of P30,000.00 in favor of her
evidence thereof and facilitates the burden of plaintiff daughter, Ms. Venus P. De Ocampo. Both checks were
of proving a breach of the duty of due care. The dishonored despite private respondent had sufficient
doctrine can be invoked when and only when, under funds in her Savings Account. On 4 November 1990,
the circumstances involved, direct evidence is absent after realizing its mistake, petitioner accepted and
and not readily available. Hence, it has generally been honored the second check for P30,000.00 and re-
held that the presumption of inference arising from credited to private respondent's account the P250.00
the doctrine cannot be availed of, or is overcome, previously debited as penalty.
where plaintiff has knowledge and testifies or presents
evidence as to the specific act of negligence which is
Private respondent Lily S. Pujol filed with the Regional
the cause of the injury complained of or where there
Trial Court of Pasig City a complaint for moral and
is direct evidence as to the precise cause of the
exemplary damages against petitioner for dishonoring
accident and all the facts and circumstances attendant
her checks despite sufficiency of her funds in the
on the occurrence clearly appear. Finally, once the
actual cause of injury is established beyond
controversy, whether by the plaintiff or by the
Petitioner admitted in its answer that private
defendant, no presumptions will be involved and the
respondent Pujol opened a "Combo Account," a
doctrine becomes inapplicable when the
combination of Savings Account and Current Account,
circumstances have been so completely eludicated
with its Mandaluyong branch. It however justified the
that no inference of defendant's liability can
dishonor of the two (2) checks by claiming that at the
reasonably be made, whatever the source of the
time of their issuance private respondent Pujol's
evidence, as in this case.
account was not yet operational due to lack of
documentary requirements.
Art. 2176 in relation to Art. 2180, paragraph 5, of the
Civil Code states, when an injury is caused by the
negligence of a servant or employee there instantly ISSUE:
arises a presumption of law that there was negligence
on the part of the master or employer either in the WON Pujol should be rewarded for moral and
selection of the servant or employee, or in supervision exemplary damages for the negligence of PNB to
over him after selection, or both. Such presumption notify Pujol that her account was not yet operative
isjuris tantum and not juris et de jure and
consequently, may be rebutted. If follows necessarily WON the award by the trial court of moral damages of
that if the employer shows to the satisfaction of the P100,000.00 and attorney's fees of P20,000.00 was
court that in the selection and in the supervision he inordinately disproportionate and unconscionable.
has exercised the care and diligence of a good father
of a family, the presumption is overcome and he is RULING:
relieved from liability. Yes. respondent Pujol had justifiable reason to
believe, based on the description in her passbook, that
we hold that Isidro failed to prove the diligence of a her accounts were effectively covered by the
good father of a family in the supervision of his arrangement during the issuance of the checks.
employees which would exculpate him from solidary
liability with his driver to the petitioner. Accordingly, Although petitioner presented evidence before the
the responsibility of Isidro as employer treated in trial court to prove that the arrangement was not yet
Article 2180, paragraph 5, of the Civil Code has not operational at the time respondent Pujol issued the
ceased. two (2) checks, it failed to prove that she had actual
knowledge that it was not yet operational at the time
UNDER THE RPC, the liability of employer is she issued the checks considering that the passbook
subsidiary. in her Savings Account already indicated the words
"Combo Deposit Plan." Hence, respondent Pujol had
UNDER THE Civil Code, the liability of employer is justifiable reason to believe, based on the description
primary. The employer is negligent not because of the in her passbook, that her accounts were effectively
covered by the arrangement during the issuance of

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the checks. Either by its own deliberate act, or its withdrawal by someone who is not the account holder
negligence in causing the "Combo Deposit Plan" to be so long as the account holder authorizes his
placed in the passbook, petitioner is considered representative to withdraw and receive from his
estopped to deny the existence of and perfection of account by signing on the space provided particularly
the combination deposit agreement with respondent for such transactions, usually found at the back of
Pujol. withdrawal slips

Estoppel in pais or equitable estoppel arises when Having admitted that pre-signed withdrawal slips do
one, by his acts, representations or admissions, or by not constitute the normal procedure with respect to
his silence when he ought to speak out, intentionally withdrawals by representatives should have already
or through culpable negligence, induces another to put petitioner PNB's employees on guard. Rather than
believe certain facts to exist and such other rightfully readily validating and permitting said withdrawals,
relies and acts on such belief so that he will be they should have proceeded more cautiously. Clearly,
prejudiced if the former is permitted to deny the petitioner bank's employee, Lorenzo T. Bal, an
existence of such facts. Assistant Vice President at that, was exceedingly
careless in his treatment of respondent Pike's savings
Damages are not intended to enrich the complainant account. From the foregoing, the evidence clearly
at the expense of the defendant, and there is no hard- showed that the petitioner bank did not exercise the
and-fast rule in the determination of what would be a degree of diligence that it ought to have exercised in
fair amount of moral damages since each case must dealing with their clients.
be governed by its own peculiar facts. The yardstick
should be that it is not palpably and scandalously With banks, the degree of diligence required, contrary
excessive. In this case, the award of P100,000.00 is to the position of petitioner PNB, is more than that of
reasonable considering the reputation and social a good father of a family considering that the business
standing of private respondent Pujol and applying our of banking is imbued with public interest due to the
rulings in similar cases involving banks' negligence nature of their functions. The stability of banks largely
with regard to the accounts of their depositors. The depends on the confidence of the people in the
award of attorney's fees in the amount of P20,000.00 honesty and efficiency of banks.
is proper for respondent Pujol was compelled to
litigate to protect her interest. Likewise, in the case of The Consolidated Bank and
Trust Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 29 we clarified
30) PNB vs. Pike (470 SCRA 328) that said fiduciary relationship means that the bank's
obligation to observe "highest standards of integrity
FACTS: and performance" is deemed written into every
Complainant Pike often traveled to and from Japan as deposit agreement between a bank and its depositor.
a gay entertainer in said country. Sometime in 1991, The fiduciary nature of banking requires banks to
he opened U.S. Dollar Savings Account No. 0265- assume a degree of diligence higher than that of a
704591-0 with herein petitioner PNB Buendia branch good father of a family. Article 1172 of the New Civil
for which he was issued a corresponding passbook. Code states that the degree of diligence required of
The complaint alleged in substance that before an obligor is that prescribed by law or contract, and
complainant Pike left for Japan on 18 March 1993, he absent such stipulation then the diligence of a family.
kept the aforementioned passbook inside a cabinet In every case, the depositor expects the bank to treat
under lock and key, in his home; that on 19 April his account with the utmost fidelity, whether such
1993, a few hours after he arrived from Japan, he accounts consist only of a few hundred pesos or of
discovered that some of his valuables were missing millions of pesos.
including the passbook; that he immediately reported
the incident to the police which led to the arrest and 2. Yes.
prosecution of a certain Mr. Joy Manuel Davasol; that
complainant Pike also discovered that Davasol made The award of moral and exemplary damages is left to
two (2) unauthorized withdrawals from his U.S. Dollar the sound discretion of the court, and if such
Savings Account No. 0265-704591-0, both times at discretion is well exercised, as in this case, it will not
the PNB Buendia branch. be disturbed on appeal. In the case of Philippine
Telegraph & Telephone Corporation
Mr. Pike also informed AVP Val that he is leaving for v. Court of Appeals, we had the occasion to reiterate
abroad (Japan) and made verbal instruction to honor the conditions to be met in order that moral damages
all withdrawals to be transmitted by his Talent may be recovered. In said case we stated:
Manager and Choreographer, Joy Davasol who shall
present pre-signed withdrawal slips bearing his An award of moral damages would require, firstly,
(Pike's) signature. evidence of besmirched reputation, or physical,
mental or psychological suffering sustained by the
ISSUE: claimant; secondly, a culpable act or omission
WON PNB is Negligent in accepting the withdrawal factually established; thirdly, proof that the wrongful
slips without asking for any proof of identification and act or omission of the defendant is the proximate
did not counter check the signature. cause of the damages sustained by the claimant; and
fourthly, that the case is predicated on any of the
WON Pike is entitled for damages. instances expressed or envisioned by Articles 2219 35
and 2220 36 of the Civil Code.
1. Yes. PNB was not able to prove that it exercised Specifically, in culpa contractual or breach of contract,
more than that of a good father of a family. as here, moral damages are recoverable only if the
defendant has acted fraudulently or in bad faith, or is
From the foregoing, petitioner PNB's witness was found guilty of gross negligence amounting to bad
utterly remiss in protecting the bank's client, as well faith, or in wanton disregard of his contractual
as the bank itself, when he allowed an account holder obligations. Verily, the breach must be wanton,
to make it appear as if he was the one actually reckless, malicious, or in bad faith, oppressive or
withdrawing from an account and actually receiving abusive.
the withdrawn amount. Ordinarily, banks allow
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31) Samson vs. CA (238 SCRA 309) respondent was for a period of one year, commencing
on August 1, 1983 until July 31, 1984. Subsequently,
FACTS: however, private respondent's lease was extended
Angel Santos leased the building owned by Susana until December 31, 1984. At this point, it was clear
Realty Corporation and operated a haberdashery that the lessor had no intention to renew the lease
store, Santos & Sons, Inc. Thus, the lease contract in contract of private respondent for another year.
force between the parties in the year 1983 provided However, on February 5, 1985, the lessor, thru its
that the term of the lease shall be one (1) year, Real Estate Accountant, sent petitioner a letter which
starting on August 1, 1983 until July 31, 1984. led private respondent to believe and conclude that
his lease contract was impliedly renewed and that
On June 28, 1984, the lessor Susana Realty formal renewal thereof would be made upon the
Corporation, informed respondents that the lease arrival of Tanya Madrigal. This much was admitted by
contract which was to expire on July 31, 1984 would petitioner himself when he testified during
not be renewed. Nonetheless, private respondent's crossexamination that private respondent initially told
lease contract was extended until December 31, 1984. him of the fact that his lease contract with Susana
Private respondent also continued to occupy the Realty has already expired but he was anticipating its
leased premises beyond the extended term. formal renewal upon the arrival of Madrigal. Thus,
from the start, it was known to both parties that,
On February 5, 1985, private respondent received a insofar as the agreement regarding the transfer of
letter from the lessor, through its Real Estate private respondent's leasehold right to petitioner was
Accountant Jane F. Bartolome, informing him of the concerned, the object thereof relates to a future right.
increase in rentals, retroactive to January 1985,
pending renewal of his contract until the arrival of Ms. The efficacy of the contract between the parties was
Ma. Rosa Madrigal (one of the owners of Susana thus made dependent upon the happening of this
Realty). suspensive condition.

Four days later or on February 9, 1985, petitioner 2. Yes.

Manolo Samson offered to buy the store of Santos &
Sons and his right to lease the subject premises. On Petitioner failed to exercise sufficient diligence in
February 15, 1985, petitioner returned to private verifying first the status of private respondent's lease.
respondent's house to confirm his offer. On said When appellant Angel C. Santos said that the lease
occasion, private respondent presented petitioner contract had expired but that it was impliedly
with a letter containing his counter proposal. renewed, that representation should have put
Petitioner affixed his signature on the letter-proposal appellee on guard. To protect his interest, appellee
signifying his acceptance. They agreed that the should have checked with the lessor whether that was
consideration for the sale of the store and leasehold so, and this he failed to do; or he would have simply
right of Santos & Sons, Inc. shall be P300,000.00. deferred his decision on the proposed sale until Miss
Both also agreed that the “The lease contract between Madrigal's arrival, and this appellee also failed to do.
Santos and Sons, Inc. and Madrigal was impliedly In short, as a buyer of the store and lease right in
renewed. It will be formally renewed this monthly (sic) question — or as a buyer of any object of commerce
when Tanya Madrigal arrives.” for that matter — appellee was charged with the
obligation of caution aptly expressed in the universal
maxim caveat emptor.
On February 20, 1985, petitioner paid P150,000.00 to
private respondent representing the value of existing Rule caveat emptor requires the purchaser to be
improvements in the Santos & Sons store. The parties aware of the supposed title of the vendor and he who
agreed that the balance of P150,000.00 shall be paid buys without checking the vendor's title takes all the
upon the formal renewal of the lease contract between risks and losses consequent to such failure.
private respondent and Susana Realty. It was also a
condition precedent to the transfer of the leasehold appellants Santos & Sons, Inc. and Angel C. Santos
right of private respondent to petitioner. are ordered to pay appellee, by way of
reimbursement, the P150,000.00 which the latter
All went well for a few months. In July 1985, however, gave appellants as advance payment for their store
petitioner received a notice from Susana Realty, and lease right with legal interest to be reckoned from
addressed to Santos & Sons, Inc., directing the latter the promulgation date of this decision
to vacate the leased premises on or before July 15,
1985. Private respondent failed to renew his lease Definitions
over the premises and petitioner was forced to vacate
the same on July 16, 1985 Bad faith is essentially a state of mind affirmatively
operating with furtive design or with some motive of
ISSUE: ill-will. It does not simply connote bad judgment or
1. whether or not private respondent Angel Santos negligence. It imports a dishonest purpose or some
committed fraud or bad faith in representing to moral obliquity and conscious doing of wrong. Bad
petitioner that his contract of lease over the subject faith is thus synonymous with fraud and involves a
premises has been impliedly renewed by Susana design to mislead or deceive another, not prompted
Realty. by an honest mistake as to one's rights or duties, but
2. WON petitioner was negligent in not verifying the by some interested or sinister motive.
title of the vendor before pursuing into a contract as
required by “rule caveat emptor” Dolo causante or causal fraud- the kind of fraud
that will vitiate consent is one where, through
RULING: insidious words or machinations of one of the
1. NO contracting parties, the other is induced to enter into
private respondent was neither guilty of fraud nor bad a contract which, without them, he would not have
faith in claiming that there was implied renewal of his agreed to. Which is basically a deception employed by
contract of lease with Susana Realty. The records will one party prior to or simultaneous to the contract in
bear that the original contract of lease between the order to secure the consent of the other.
lessor Susana Realty and the lessee private

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32) Dioquino vs. Laureano (33 SCRA 65) RULING: Yes. The relation of carrier and passenger
does not cease at the moment the passenger alights
FACTS: from the carrier’s vehicle at a place selected by the
Atty. Dioquino, a practicing lawyer, went to the office carrier at the point of destination, but continues until
of the MVO, Masbate to register his car. He asked the passenger has had a reasonable time or
Laureano to introduce him to one of the clerks in the reasonable opportunity to leave the current premises.
office who could facilitate the registration and the
request was attended to. Laureano rode on the car of 34) PAL vs. CA (106 SCRA 391)
Atty. Dioquino. While about to reach their destination,
the car was stoned by some mischievous boys and the FACTS: Jesus V. Samson averred that he flew as co-
windshield broke. Laureano refused to file any charges pilot on a regular flight from Manila to Legaspi with
against the boy and his parents because he stops at Daet, Camarines Norte with Captain Delfin
thought that stone-throwing was accidental and Bustamante as commanding pilot of a C-47 plane
was due to force majeure. He refused to pay the belonging to defendant Philippine Air Lines, Inc.; that
damage caused and challenged the case for on attempting to land the plane at Daet airport,
adjudication. The plaintiff tried to convince the Captain Delfin Bustamante due to his very slow
defendant and even the latter’s wife to settle amicably reaction and poor judgment overshot the airfield and
by paying the damages but the defendant refused. as a result, notwithstanding the diligent efforts of the
plaintiff co-pilot to avert an accident, the airplane
ISSUE: Whether or not there was fortuitous event crashlanded beyond the runway; that the jolt caused
and Laureano is liable for the damages. the head of the plaintiff to hit and break through the
thick front windshield of the airplane causing him
RULING: severe brain concussion, wounds and abrasions on the
NO and NO. forehead with intense pain and suffering.
Art 1177 of the Civil Code States that "Except in cases
expressly specified by the law, or when it is otherwise He further averred that instead of giving plaintiff
declared by stipulation or when the nature of the expert and proper medical treatment called for by the
obligation requires the assumption of risk, no person nature and severity of his injuries, defendant simply
shall be responsible for those events which could not referred him to a company physician, a general
be foreseen, or which, though foreseen, were medical practitioner, who limited the treatment to the
inevitable." exterior injuries without examining the severe brain
concussion and that he was later discharged from
Authorities of repute are in agreement, more PAL’s employ on December 21, 1953 on grounds of
specifically concerning on obligation arising from physical disability, thereby causing plaintiff not only to
contract “that some extraordinary circumstance lose his job but to become physically unfit to continue
independent of the will of the obligor, or of as aviator due to defendant’s negligence in not giving
his employees, is an essential element of a caso him the proper medical attention.
fortuito”. If it could be shown that such indeed was
the case, liability is ruled out. There is no requirement ISSUE: Whether or not PAL exercised utmost
of “diligence beyond what human care and foresight diligence required of them as a common carriage.
can provide”. The throwing of the stone by
the child was clearly unforeseen or if foreseen,
was inevitable. Hence, the law being what it is, such
a belief on the part of defendant Laureano was
There was gross negligence by PAL for allowing Capt.
justified and he shall not be held liable for the
Bustamante to fly on the that fateful day of the
damages caused to the car.
accident, even if he was sick, having tumor on his
nose. No one will certify the fitness to fly a plane of
For caso fortuito or force majeure (which in law are
one suffering from the disease.
identical in so far as they exempt an obligor from
liability) by definition, are extraordinary events not
The dizziness, headaches and general debility of
foreseeable or avoidable, 'events that could not be
Samson were after-effects of the crash-landing. And
foreseen, or which, though foreseen, were inevitable'
therefore there is causal connection between the
(Art. 1174, Civ. Code of the Philippines). It is,
accident and said after-effects. The negligence of PAL
therefore, not enough that the event should not have
is clearly a quasi-delict and therefore Art. 2219(2) is
been foreseen or anticipated, as is commonly
applicable, justifying the recovery of moral damages.
believed, but it must be one impossible to foresee or
Even from the standpoint of the PAL that there is an
to avoid. The mere difficulty to foresee the happening
employee-employer relationship between it and
is not impossibility to foresee the same
Samson arising from the contract of employment, the
latter is still entitled to moral damages in view of the
The very measures adopted by appellant prove that
finding of bad faith or malice, applying the provisions
the possibility of danger was not only foreseeable, but
of Article 2220.
actual]y foreseen, and was not caso fortuito."
35) Philippine National Construction
33) La Mallorca vs. CA (17 SCRA 739)
Corporation vs. CA (467 SCRA 569)
FACTS: Robert De Alban and his family rode a bus
FACTS: PASUDECO transports sugarcane from
owned by Joeben Bus Company. Upon reaching their
Mabalacat and Magalang, Pampanga. When the Mount
desired destination, they alighted from the bus but
Pinatubo eruption of 1991 heavily damaged the
Robert returned to get their baggage. However, his
national bridges, it had to pass through a temporary
youngest daughter followed him without his
detour. On November 5, 1991, TRB (Toll Regulatory
knowledge. When he stepped into the bus again, the
Board) and PASUDECO entered into a Memorandum
bus accelerated that resulting to Robert’s daughter
of Agreement (MOA), where the latter was allowed to
death. The bus ran over her.
enter and pass through the NLEX (North Luzon
Express Way) on the following terms and conditions:
ISSUE: Is the bus company liable?

1. PASUDECO trucks should move in convoy;

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2. Said trucks will stay on the right lane; PASUDECO and PNCC, should jointly and severally
3. A vehicle with blinking lights should be assigned liable for being negligent
at the rear end of the convoy with a sign
which should read as follows: Caution: PNCC, in charge of the maintenance of the
CONVOY AHEAD!!!; expressway, has been negligent in the performance of
4. Tollway safety measures should be properly its duties. The obligation of PNCC should not be
observed; relegated to, by virtue of a private agreement, to
5. Accidents or damages to the toll facilities arising other parties. It is clear that the petitioner (PNCC)
out of any activity related to this approval failed to exercise the requisite diligence in maintaining
shall be the responsibility of PASUDECO; the NLEX safe for motorists. The lighted cans and lane
6. PASUDECO shall be responsible in towing their dividers on the highway were removed even as
stalled trucks immediately to avoid any flattened sugarcanes lay scattered on the ground.[36]
inconvenience to the other motorists; The highway was still wet from the juice and sap of
7. This request will be in force only while the the flattened sugarcanes.[37] The petitioner should
national bridges along Abacan-Angeles and have foreseen that the wet condition of the highway
Sapang Maragul via Magalang remain would endanger motorists passing by at night or in the
impassable. wee hours of the morning.

PASUDECO furnished the PNCC (Philippine National

Construction Corporation), the franchisee that PASUDECOs negligence in transporting sugarcanes
operates and maintains the toll facilities in the North without proper harness/straps, and that of PNCC in
and South Luzon Toll Expressways, with a copy of the removing the emergency warning devices, were two
MOA. In a Letter dated October 22, 1992, the PNCC SUCCESSIVE NEGLIGENT acts which were the direct
informed PASUDECO that it interposed no objection to and proximate cause of Latagans injuries. Negligence
the MOA. in order to render a person liable need not be the sole
cause of an injury. As such, PASUDECO and PNCC are
At around 2:30 a.m Alex Sendin, the PNCC security jointly and severally liable.
supervisor, and his co-employees were patrolling Km.
72 going north of the NLEX. They saw a pile of As the Court held in the vintage case of Sabido v.
sugarcane in the middle portion of the north and Custodio:
southbound lanes of the road. They placed lit cans According to the great weight of authority, where the
with diesel oil in the north and southbound lanes, concurrent or successive negligent acts or omission of
including lane dividers with reflectorized markings, to two or more persons, although acting independently
warn motorists of the obstruction. Sendin, Ducusin of each other, are, in combination, the direct and
and Pascual proceeded to the PASUDECO office, proximate cause of a single injury to a third person
believing that the pile of sugarcane belonged to it and it is impossible to determine in what proportion
since it was the only milling company in the area. They each contributed to the injury, either is responsible for
requested for a payloader or grader to clear the area. the whole injury, even though his act alone might not
However, Engineer Oscar Mallari, PASUDECOs have caused the entire injury, or the same damage
equipment supervisor and transportation might have resulted from the acts of the other tort-
superintendent, told them that no equipment operator feasor. . . .
was available as it was still very early.[8]
Nonetheless, Mallari told them that he would send The petitioner cannot escape liability under the MOA
someone to clear the affected area. Thereafter, between PASUDECO and TRB, since respondent
Sendin and company went back to Km. 72 and Latagan was not
manned the traffic. At around 4:00 a.m., five (5) a party thereto.
PASUDECO men arrived, and started clearing the
highway of the sugarcane. They stacked the Anent respondent Arnaiz's negligence in driving his
sugarcane at the side of the road. The men left the car, both the trial court and the CA agreed that it was
area at around 5:40 a.m., leaving a few flattened only contributory, and considered the same in
sugarcanes scattered on the road. Sendin thought mitigating the award of damages in his favor as
there was no longer a need to man the traffic. As dawn provided under Article 2179 of the New Civil Code.
was already approaching, Sendin and company Contributory negligence is conduct on the part of the
removed the lighted cans and lane dividers. 9 Sendin injured party, contributing as a legal cause to the
went to his office in Sta. Rita, Guiguinto, Bulacan, and harm he has suffered, which falls below the standard
made the necessary report. to which he is required to conform for his own
At about 6:30 a.m., Rodrigo S. Arnaiz was driving
along the NLEX. He was with his sister Regina 36) Prudential Bank vs. Rapanot, et al., G.R.
Latagan, and his friend Ricardo Generalao; they were No. 191536, January 16, 2017
on their way to Baguio to attend their grandmothers
first death anniversary. As the vehicle ran over the FACTS:
scattered sugarcane, it flew out of control and turned Golden Dragon Real Estate Corporation (Golden
turtle several times. The accident threw the car about Dragon) is the developer of Wack-Wack Twin Towers
fifteen paces away from the scattered sugarcane. Condominium in Mandaluyong City. Ronald Rapanot
(Ronald) bought Unit 2308-B2, on May 9, 1995. On
September 13, 1995, the Bank of the Philippine
ISSUE: Islands, formerly known as Prudential Bank (Bank),
Under the Civil Code, Can the petitioner be considered extended a loan to Golden Dragon in the amount of
negligent in taking the warning devices despite the P50,000,000.00 to be utilized by the latter as
present of few flattened sugarcanes scattered on the additional working capital. To secure the loan, Golden
road when a person incurred accident because of the Dragon executed a mortgage Agreement in favor of
scattered sugarcanes? Furthermore, is the respondent the Bank, which had the effect of constituting a real
barred to claim damages for recklessly driving? estate mortgage over several condominium units
owned and registered under Golden Dragon’s name.
RULING: Unit 2308-B2 is among said units subject of said
mortgage agreement.

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approval requirement imposed by Section 18 of

Ronald made several verbal demands for the delivery PD 957, and (ii) that Rapanot already paid a
of Unit 2308-B2, being its lawful owner, but to no reservation fee and had made several installment
avail. Hence he filed a complaint before the Expanded payments in favor of Golden Dragon, with a view
National Capital Region Field Office of the Housing and of acquiring Unit 2308-B2.66
Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB). No settlement
was arrived at before the said Office. The Arbiter The Bank's failure to exercise the diligence
rendered a decision on July 3, 2002, in favor of required of it constitutes negligence, and negates
Ronald, directing Golden Dragon and the Bank to its assertion that it is a mortgagee in good faith.
deliver to Ronald the title of the condominium unit and
to pay damages and costs. Kinds of Negligence as ground for liability

On January 16, 2003, the Bank filed a Petition for 37) Lasam vs. Smith (45 Phil. 657)
Review with the HLURB Board Commissioner, who, in
turn affirmed the decision of the HLURB. Thereafter FACTS: Smith was the owner of a public garage in the
the Bank went to the Office of the President, which town of San Fernando, La Union, and engaged in the
denied its appeal declaring that the Bank was given business of carrying passengers for hire from one
due process, and adopted the ruling of the HLURB. point to another in the such province and the
Again, the Bank appealed to the Court of Appeals, who surrounding provinces. Defendant undertook to
in turn affirmed the decision of the HLURB and ruled convey the plaintiffs from San Fernando to Currimao,
that petitioner should have ascertained that the Ilocos Norte. On leaving San Fernando, the
required authority to mortgage the condominium automobile was operated by a licensed chauffeur, but
units was obtained from the HLURB before it approved after having reached the town of San Juan, the
Golden Dragon's loan. It cannot feign lack of chauffeur allowed his assistant, Bueno, to drive the
knowledge of the sales activities of Golden Dragon car. Bueno held no driver’s license, but had some
since, as an extender of credit, it is aware of the experience in driving. The car functioned well until
practices, both good or bad, of condominium after the crossing of the Abra River in Tagudin, when,
developers. Since petitioner was negligent in its duty according to the testimony of the witnesses for the
to investigate the status of the properties offered to it plaintiffs, defects developed in the steering gear so as
as collateral, it cannot claim that it was a mortgagee to make accurate steering impossible, and after
in good faith. zigzagging for a distance of about half kilometer, the
car left the road and went down a steep embankment.
ISSUE: The automobile was overturned and the plaintiffs
1. Whether or not the CA erred when it pinned down under it. Mr. Lasam escaped with a few
affirmed the resolution of the OP holding contusions and a dislocated rib, but his wife, Joaquina,
that the Bank cannot be considered a received serious injuries, among which was a
mortgagee in good faith. compound fracture of one of the bones in her left
2. WON the bank exercised due diligence wrist. She also suffered nervous breakdown from
before it entered into the Mortgage which she has not fully recovered at the time of trial.
Agreement with Golden Dragon The complaint was filed about a year and a half after
and alleges that the accident was due to defects in the
RULING: automobile as well as to the incompetence and
negligence of the chauffeur.
1. The bank cannot be considered a mortgagee
in good faith. Petitioner argues that, as a
mortgagee in good faith and for value, it must be ISSUE:
accorded protection and should not be held jointly What is the source of the obligation?
and severally liable with Golden Dragon. The Can the defendant recover damages from the
doctrine of "mortgagee in good faith" is based on plaintiff?
the rule that all persons dealing with property
covered by a certificate of title, as mortgagees,
are not required to go beyond what appears on RULING:
the face of the title. 1) The source of the defendant's legal liability is
the Contract of Carriage, that by entering into that
However, while a mortgagee is not under contract, Smith bound himself to carry the plaintiffs
obligation to look beyond the certificate of title, safely and securely to their destination; and that
the nature of petitioner's business requires it to having failed to do so he is liable in damages unless
take further steps to assure that there are no he shows that the failure to fulfill his obligation was
encumbrances or liens on the mortgaged due to causes mentioned in article 1105 (caso
property, especially since it knew that it was fortuito) of the Civil Code.
dealing with a condominium developer. It should
have inquired deeper into the status of the 2) Yes. The passengers had no means of avoiding
properties offered as collateral and verified if the the danger or escaping the injury.
HLURB's authority to mortgage was in fact
previously obtained. This it failed to do. In Alba vs. Sociedad Anonima de Tranvias,
Alba, a passenger on a street car, was standing on the
2. Bank was negligent. In loan transactions, banks platform of the car while it was in motion. The car
have the particular obligation of ensuring that rounded a curve causing Alba to lose his balance and
clients comply with all the documentary fall off the platform, sustaining severe injuries. In an
requirements pertaining to the approval of their action brought by him to recover damages, the
loan applications and the subsequent release of supreme court of Spain held that inasmuch as the car
their proceeds. at the time of the accident was travelling at a
moderate rate of speed and there was no infraction of
If only the Bank exercised the highest degree of the regulations, and the plaintiff was exposed to no
diligence required by the nature of its business as greater danger than that inherent in that particular
a financial institution, it would have discovered mode of travel, the plaintiff could not recover,
that (i) Golden Dragon did not comply with the especially so since he should have been on his guard
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against a contingency as natural as that of losing his FACTS: On February 16, 1958, seven persons were
balance to a greater or less extent when the car killed and thirteen others were injured in Bangar, La
rounded the curve. Union when a passenger bus on which they were
riding caught fire after hitting a post and crashing
But such is not the case in Lasam vs. Smith; here the against a tree. The bus, owned by Francisca Viluan
passengers had no means of avoiding the danger or and driven by Hermenegildo Aquino, came from San
escaping the injury. Therefore, they can recover Fernando, La Union and was on its way to Candon,
damages. Ilocos Sur.

38) Ramos vs. Pepsi Cola (L-22533, Feb. 9,

1967) It appears that, as the bus neared the gate of the
Gabaldon school building in the municipality of
FACTS: The car driven by Augusto Ramos (son of co- Bangar, another passenger bus owned by Patricio
plaintiff Placido Ramos) collided with the truck of Hufana and driven by Gregorio Hufana tried to
PEPSI, driven by the driver and co-defendant Andres overtake it but that instead of giving way, Aquino
Bonifacio. As a result, the Ramoses sued Bonifacio and increased the speed of his bus and raced with the
Pepsi. Juan T. Anasco, personnel manager of overtaking bus. Aquino lost control of his bus as a
defendant company. result of which it hit a post, crashed against a tree and
then burst into flames.
Defendant company, to relieve of his liabilities,
contested that they exercised due diligence in the Gregorio Sibayan’s heirs sued petitioner and the
selection of their employees. They allege that latter's driver, Hermenegildo Aquino, for damages for
defendant driver (Andres Bonifacio) was first hired as breach of contract of carriage. Carolina Sabado, one
a member of the bottle crop in the production of those injured, also sued petitioner and the driver
department. They testified that when he was hired as for damages. The complaints were filed in the Court
a driver, he was asked to submit clearances, previous of First Instance of La Union.
experience, physical examination and later on, was
sent to the pool house to take the usual driver's ISSUE: Whether or not Patricio Hufana and Gregorio
examination, consisting of: first, theoretical Hufana are liable
examination and second, the practical driving
examination. Moreover, the defendant company was RULING: Yes. Patricio Hufana and Gregorio Hufana
a member of the Safety Council. are jointly and severally liable with Francisca Viluan

ISSUE: Whether or not PEPSI-COLA is liable for the Since the proximate cause of the accident was found
damages caused by their driver to be the concurrent negligence of the drivers of the
two buses, then Francisca Viluan and respondent
Patricio and Gregorio Hufana should have been held
RULING: No, the company is not liable as it exercised equally liable to the plaintiffs in the damage suits. The
due diligence in the selection of its employee. fact that the respondents were not sued as principal
defendants but were brought into the cases as third
From this article two things are apparent: party defendants should not preclude a finding of their
(1) That when an injury is caused by the negligence liability
of a servant or employee there instantly arises
a presumption of law that there was negligence In Gutierrez vs. Gutierrez, it was held that “In case of
on the part of the master or employer either in injury to a passenger due to the negligence of the
the selection of the servant or employee, or in driver of the bus on which he was riding and of the
supervision over him after the selection, or driver of another vehicle, the drivers as well as the
both; and owners of the two vehicles are jointly and severally
(2) that the presumption is juris tantum and not liable for damages.”
juris et de jure, and consequently may be
rebutted. It follows necessarily that if the 40) Elcano vs. Hill (77 SCRA 98)
employer shows to the satisfaction of the court
that in selection and supervision he has FACTS: Reginald Hill, a minor, married at the time of
exercised the care and diligence of a good father the occurrence (NOTE: Will not apply now since the
of a family, the presumption is overcome and he family code requires age of at least 18 to marry.),
is relieved from liability. caused the death of Agapito (son of Elcano). Elcano
filed a criminal case against Reginald but Reginald was
There can be no doubt that PEPSI-COLA exercised the acquitted for “lack of intent coupled with mistake.”
required due diligence in the selection of its driver. As Elcano then filed a civil action against Reginald and his
ruled by this Court in Campo vs. Camarote 53 O.G. dad (Marvin Hill) for damages based on Article 2180
2794, 2797: "In order that the defendant may be of the Civil Code. Hill argued that the civil action is
considered as having exercised all diligence of a good barred by his son’s acquittal in the criminal case; and
father of a family, he should not be satisfied with the that if ever, his civil liability as a parent has been
mere possession of a professional driver's license; he extinguished by the fact that his son is already an
should have carefully examined the applicant for emancipated minor by reason of his marriage.
employment as to his qualifications, his experience
and record of service.“ ISSUE:
Whether or not Marvin Hill may be held civilly liable
Hence, PEPSI-COLA shall be relieved from liability as Whether or not Marvin Hill cannot be liable under
it has taken necessary steps and has exercised the quasi-delict since his son is already emancipated
care and diligence of a good father of a family in the
selection and supervision of its employees. RULING:
1) Yes. The acquittal of Reginald Hill in the criminal
39) Vinluan vs. CA (L-21477-81, April 29, case has not extinguished his liability for quasi-delict,
1966) hence that acquittal is not a bar to the instant action
against him.

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ART. 2177. Responsibility for fault or negligence under should have parked the bus properly and safely. After
the preceding article (Quasi-delicts) is entirely alighting from the bus to tell the gasman to fill the
separate and distinct from the civil liability arising tank, he should have placed a stopper or any hard
from negligence under the Penal Code. But the object against a tire or two of the bus. But without
plaintiff cannot recover damages twice for the same taking the necessary precaution he boarded Bus No.
act or omission of the defendant. 117 causing it to move and roll, pinning down the
deceased which resulted in his serious injuries and
Acquittal from an accusation of criminal negligence, eventual death.
whether on reasonable doubt or not, shall not be a bar
to a subsequent civil action, not for civil liability arising The reckless imprudence of Juanito Fidel makes him
from criminal negligence, but for damages due to a liable to the heirs of offended party for damages
quasi-delict or 'culpa aquiliana'. together with his employer

2) Marvin Hill is still liable for quasi-delicts. On Employer’s liability:

ART. 2180. "The obligation imposed by article 2176 is ART. 2180 “The obligation imposed by article 2176 is
demandable not only for one's own acts or omissions, demandable not only for one's own acts or omissions,
but also for those of persons for whom one is but also for those of persons for whom one is
responsible.” responsible.”

While it is true that parental authority is terminated Moreover, when an injury is caused by the negligence
upon emancipation of the child (Article 327, Civil of an employee there instantly arises a presumption
Code), and under Article 397, emancipation takes of the law that there was negligence on the part of the
place “by the marriage of the minor child”, it is, employer either in the selection of his employee or in
however, also clear that pursuant to Article 399, the supervision over him after such selection. The
emancipation by marriage of the minor is not really presumption however may be rebutted by a clear
full or absolute.” Therefore, Reginald Hill, although showing on the part of the employer that it had
married, is still a responsibility of Marvin Hill. exercised the care and diligence of a good father of a
family in the selection and supervision of his
41) Baliwag Transit vs. CA (262 SCRA 230) employee.

FACTS: On 2 November 1990, petitioner's Bus No. Hence, to escape solidary liability for quasi-delict
117 was driven by Juanito Fidel to its terminal for committed by an employee, the employer must
repair of its brake system. Juanito Fidel told mechanic adduce sufficient proof that it exercised such degree
Mario Dionisio to repair the brakes. Fidel then alighted of care. Petitioner's failure to prove that it exercised
from the bus and told the gasman to fill up the gas the due diligence of a good father of a family in the
tank. selection and supervision of its driver Juanito Fidel will
make it solidarily liable with the latter for damages
Shortly after, Juanito Fidel returned to the bus and sat caused by him.
on the driver's seat. Suddenly the bus moved; he felt
something was hit. When he went down to investigate 42) Metro Manila Transit Corp. vs. CA (223
he saw Mario Dionisio lying on the ground bleeding SCRA 521)
and convulsive, sandwiched between Bus No. 117 and
another bus parked thereat owned by the same FACTS: In the afternoon of December 24, 1986, she,
petitioner. Mario Dionisio died. her daughter Maria Zenia and the victim, Florentina
Sabalburo, were on their way to Baclaran to buy
ISSUE: foodstuffs for their Noche Buena. For some time, they
Whether or not this is a case of quasi-delict or quasi- stood on the island at the intersection waiting for the
aquiliana traffic light to change so they could cross to the other
Whether or not Juanito Fidel and Baliwag Transit are side where they intended to take a ride for Baclaran.
solidarily liable When the traffic light turned red and the vehicles had
stopped, the three of them stepped off the island. Just
RULING: as they started to cross the street, she (Baylon) saw
1) This is a case of quasi-delict or quasi-aquiliana. an MMTC bus coming from their right (Tramo) which
was moving at a fast speed. The next moment, the
ART.2176 “Whoever by act or omission causes left front portion of the bus hit the victim on the right
damage to another, there being fault or negligence, is side of her head. The impact was of such force that
obliged to pay for the damage done. Such fault or the victims right ear was slashed off and she
negligence, if there is no pre-existing contractual thereupon fell on the cement and became
relation between the parties, is called a quasi-delict unconscious. The victim was brought by the bus
and is governed by the provisions of this Chapter.” driver, Apolinario Ajoc and the bus conductress to the
San Juan de Dios Hospital where she was given
2) Juanito Fidel and Baliwag Transit are both medical attention. Florentina Sabalburo never
solidarily liable regained consciousness.

On Juanito Fidel’s liability: MMTC’s argument: The incident happened at around

3:30 in the afternoon of December 24, 1986 or barely
The circumstances clearly show that the proximate eight (8) hours before Christmas Eve. Thus, the
cause of the death of Mario Dionisio was the victims’ thoughts were naturally directed towards the
negligence of driver Juanito Fidel when he failed to Noche Buena. The victim then crossed for the purpose
take the necessary precaution to prevent the accident. of getting a ride to Baclaran to buy food for the
He boarded his bus, sat on the driver's seat and was Christmas Eve celebration. Since her thoughts were
at the steering wheel when the bus moved pinning on the Christmas Eve feast, she crossed where there
down the deceased who was repairing the defective was no pedestrian lane and while the green light for
brake system below. Driver Fidel should have known vehicular traffic was on. Petitioner MMTC submits that
that his brake system was being repaired as he was petitioner Ajoc cannot be charged with negligence
in fact the one who told Dionisio to do the repair. Fidel considering that he cannot see what is in the mind of

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a pedestrian. Considering that the victims’ own assigned tasks, even though the former are not
negligence was the direct and proximate cause of her engaged in any business or industry.
injuries and untimely demise, it was error for the -The State is responsible in like manner when it acts
Court of Appeals not to have applied Article 2179 of through a special agent; but not when the damage
the Civil Code to the instant case has been caused by the official to whom the task done
properly pertains, in which case what is provided in
ISSUE: Article 2176 shall be applicable.
Whether or not Article 2176 or 2179 applies -Teachers or heads of establishments of arts and
Whether or not MMTC (the employer) exercised the trades shall be liable for damages caused by their
diligence of a good father of a family pupils and students or apprentices, so long as they
remain in their custody.
1)Article 2176 applies The responsibility treated of in this article shall cease
when the persons herein mentioned prove that they
ART. 2176 “Whoever by act or omission causes observed all the diligence of a good father of a family
damage to another, there being fault or negligence, is to prevent damage.
obliged to pay for the damage done. Such fault or
negligence, if there is no pre-existing contractual The owners of public utilities fall within the scope of
relation between the parties, is called a quasi-delict this article. As earlier stated, MMTC is a public utility,
and is governed by the provisions of this chapter.” organized and owned by the government for public
transport service. Hence, its liability to private
ART. 2179 “When the plaintiff’s own negligence was respondents, for the negligent and reckless acts of its
the immediate and proximate cause of his injury, he driver, Ajoc, under Article 2180 of the Civil Code is
cannot recover damages...” both manifest and clear.

We have thoroughly perused the records of this case, 43) Calalas vs. CA (332 SCRA 356)
and nowhere do we find evidence to support
petitioners claim that the victim was so engrossed in FACTS:
thinking about Noche Buena while crossing a busy Private respondent Eliza Jujeurche G. Sunga, took a
street. Petitioners stance regarding the victims passenger jeepney owned and operated by petitioner
alleged negligence is non sequitur. It simply does not Vicente Calalas. As the jeepney was filled to capacity
follow that one who is run over by a vehicle on of about 24 passengers, Sunga was given by the
Christmas Eve (or any other holiday for that matter) conductor an "extension seat," a wooden stool at the
is negligent because his thoughts were on the holiday back of the door at the rear end of the vehicle.
festivities. Therefore, the applicable law in this case is
Article 2176 of the Civil Code and not Article 2179. On the way to Poblacion Sibulan, Negros Occidental,
the jeepney stopped to let a passenger off. As she was
2) No. The claim that Ajocs act of bringing the victim seated at the rear of the vehicle, Sunga gave way to
to the nearest medical facility shows adequate the outgoing passenger. Just as she was doing so, an
supervision by MMTC over its employees is without Isuzu truck driven by Iglecerio Verena and owned by
merit. The act was after the fact of negligence on Francisco Salva bumped the left rear portion of the
Ajocs part. For another, the evidence on record shows jeepney. As a result, Sunga was injured.
that Ajocs act was neither voluntary nor spontaneous;
he had to be prevailed upon by the victims’ ISSUE:
companions to render assistance to his victim. whether Calalas is liable on his contract of carriage.

Moreover, the evidence to show that MMTC had RULING:

exercised due diligence in the selection and YES. Calalas failed to prove that he exercised
supervision of its employees consisted merely of the extraordinary diligence as prescribed in Art. 1733 and
pertinent guidelines for the screening and selection of 1755.
its drivers, as well as periodic seminars on road safety.
Petitioner MMTC failed to show that its driver, Ajoc, Art. 1733. Common carriers, from the nature of their
had actually undergone such screening or had business and for reasons of public policy, are bound to
attended said seminars. It is incumbent upon observe extraordinary diligence in the vigilance over the
petitioner to show that in recruiting and employing the goods and for the safety of the passengers transported by
them, according to all the circumstances of each case.
erring driver the recruitment procedures and company
policies on efficiency and safety were followed. Art. 1755. A common carrier is bound to carry the
passengers safely as far as human care and foresight can
ART. 2180. “The obligation imposed by Article 2176 is provide, using the utmost diligence of very cautious persons,
demandable not only for one’s own acts or omissions, with due regard for all the circumstances.
but also for those of persons for whom one is
responsible.” Art. 1756. In case of death of or injuries to passengers,
common carriers are presumed to have been at fault or to
have acted negligently, unless they prove that they observed
-The father and, in case of his death or incapacity, the
extraordinary diligence as prescribed by articles 1733 and
mother, are responsible for the damages caused by 1755.
the minor children who live in their company.
-Guardians are liable for damages caused by the In the case at bar, upon the happening of the
minors or incapacitated persons who are under their accident, the presumption of negligence at once
authority and live in their company. arose, and it became the duty of petitioner to prove
-The owners and managers of an establishment or that he had to observe extraordinary diligence in the
enterprise are likewise responsible for damages care of his passengers.
caused by their employees in the service of the
branches in which the latter are employed or on the Now, did the driver of jeepney carry Sunga "safely as
occasion of their functions. -Employers shall be liable far as human care and foresight could provide, using
for the damages caused by their employees and the utmost diligence of very cautious persons, with
household helpers acting within the scope of their due regard for all the circumstances" as required by

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Art. 1755? We do not think so. For the following

reasons: (1) the jeepney was not properly parked and ISSUE:
(2) driver took in more passengers than the allowed WON Air France is liable in breaching the contract with
seating capacity of the jeepney. Therefore, not only Carrascoso when it failed to furnish first class
was petitioner unable to overcome the presumption of transportation at Bangkok.
negligence imposed on him for the injury sustained by
Sunga, but also, the evidence shows he was actually RULING:
negligent in transporting passengers. YES.

It is however immaterial that the proximate cause of Passengers do not contract merely for transportation.
the collision between the jeepney and the truck was They have a right to be treated by the carrier's
the negligence of the truck driver. The doctrine of employees with kindness, respect, courtesy and due
proximate cause is applicable only in actions for quasi- consideration. They are entitled to be protected
delict, not in actions involving breach of contract. against personal misconduct, injurious language,
indignities and abuses from such employees. So it is,
DAMAGES that any rude or discourteous conduct on the part of
As a general rule, moral damages are not recoverable employees towards a passenger gives the latter an
in actions for damages predicated on a breach of action for damages against the carrier.
contract for it is not one of the items enumerated
under Art. 2219 of the Civil Code. As an exception, BREACH OF CONTRACT MAY BE A TORT. — Although
such damages are recoverable: (1) in cases in which the relation of passenger and carrier is contractual
the mishap results in the death of a passenger, as both in origin and nature, nevertheless, the act that
provided in Art. 1764, in relation to Art. 2206(3) of breaks the contract may also be a tort.
the Civil Code; and (2) in the cases in which the carrier
is guilty of fraud or bad faith, as provided in Art. 2220 Petitioner's contract with Carrascoso is one attended
with public duty. The stress of Carrascoso's action as
3 KINDS OF NEGLIGENCE we have said, is placed upon his wrongful expulsion.
The first, quasi-delict, also known as culpa aquiliana This is a violation of public duty by the petitioner-air
or culpa extra contractual, has as its source the carrier — a case of quasi-delict. Damages are proper.
negligence of the tortfeasor. The second, breach of
contract or culpa contractual, is premised upon the 45) Barredo vs. Garcia (73 Phil. 607)
negligence in the performance of a contractual
obligation. FACTS:
There was a collision between a taxi of the Malate
Consequently, in quasi-delict, the negligence or fault Taxicab driven by Pedro Fontanilla and a carretela
should be clearly established because it is the basis of guided by Pedro Dimapilis. The carretela was
the action, whereas in breach of contract, the action overturned, and one of its passengers, 16-year-old
can be prosecuted merely by proving the existence of boy Faustino Garcia, suffered injuries from which he
the contract and the fact that the obligor, in this case died two days later. Fausto Barredo is the sole
the common carrier, failed to transport his passenger proprietor of the Malate Taxicab and employer of
safely to his destination. Pedro Fontanilla.
A criminal action was filed against Fontanilla in the
44) Air France vs. Carrascoso (18 SCRA 155) Court of First Instance of Rizal, and he was convicted
and sentenced to an indeterminate sentence of one
FACTS: year and one day to two years of prision correccional.
On March 28, 1958, the defendant, Air France, The court in the criminal case granted the petition that
through its authorized agent, Philippine Air Lines, Inc., the right to bring a separate civil action be reserved.
issued to plaintiff a 'first class' round trip airplane The Court of Appeals affirmed the sentence of the
ticket from Manila to Rome. From Manila to Bangkok, lower court in the criminal case. Severino Garcia and
plaintiff traveled in 'first class', but at Bangkok, the Timotea Almario, parents of the deceased, on March
Manager of the defendant airline forced plaintiff to 7, 1939, brought an action in the Court of First
vacate the 'first class' seat that he was occupying Instance of Manila against Fausto Barredo as the sole
because, in the words of the witness Ernesto G. proprietor of the Malate Taxicab and employer of
Cuento, there was a 'white man', who, the Manager Pedro Fontanilla. On July 8, 1939, the Court of First
alleged, had a 'better right to the seat. When asked to Instance of Manila awarded damages in favor of the
vacate his 'first class' seat, the plaintiff, as was to be plaintiffs for P2,000 plus legal interest from the date
expected, refused, and told defendant's Manager that of the complaint. This decision was modified by the
his seat would be taken over his dead body; a Court of Appeals by reducing the damages to P1,000
commotion ensued, and, according to said Ernesto G. with legal interest from the time the action was
Cuento, many of the Filipino passengers got nervous instituted. It is undisputed that Fontanilla's negligence
in the tourist class; when they found out that Mr. was the cause of the mishap, as he was driving on the
wrong side of the road, and at high speed.
Carrascoso was having a hot discussion with the white
man [manager], they came all across to Mr. ISSUE: Who is liable?
Carrascoso and pacified Mr. Carrascoso to give his
seat to the 'white man' (Transcript, p. 12, Hearing of RULING: It is undisputed that Fontanilla's negligence
May 26, 1959); and plaintiff reluctantly gave his 'first was the cause of the mishap, as he was driving on the
class' seat in the plane. wrong side of the road, and at high speed. As to
Barredo's responsibility, there is no proof that he
Defendant seems to capitalize on the argument that exercised the diligence of a good father of a family to
the issuance of a first-class ticket was no guarantee prevent the damage. (See p. 22, appellant's brief.) In
that the passenger to whom the same had been fact it is shown he was careless in employing
issued, would be accommodated in the first-class Fontanilla who had been caught several times for
compartment, for as in the case of plaintiff he had yet violation of the Automobile Law and speeding (Exhibit
to make arrangements upon arrival at every station A) — violations which appeared in the records of the
for the necessary first class reservation. (The SC did Bureau of Public Works available to the public and to
not believe in this argument) himself.

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imprisonment, and to pay costs. Edgardo Hernandez

INTERPRETATION OF ART 2176 & 2180 served out his sentence but failed to pay the
"From this article two things are apparent: (1) That indemnity. Two writs of execution were issued against
when an injury is caused by the negligence of a him to satisfy the amount of the indemnity, but both
servant or employee there instantly arises a writs were returned unsatisfied by the sheriff who
presumption of law that there was negligence on the certified that no property, real or personal, in
part of the master or employer either in the selection Hernandez' name could be found.
of the servant or employee, or in supervision over him
after the selection, or both; and (2) that that On February 17, 1953, plaintiffs Emilio Manalo and his
presumption is juris tantum and not juris et de jure, wife Clara Salvador, father and mother respectively of
and consequently, may be rebutted. It follows Armando, filed the present action against the
necessarily that if the employer shows to the Company to enforce its subsidiary liability, pursuant
satisfaction of the court that in selection and to Articles 102 and 103 of the Revised Penal Code.
supervision he has exercised the care and diligence of
a good father of a family, the presumption is
overcome and he is relieved from liability. ISSUE:

"This theory bases the responsibility of the master WON Robles Transportation is liable to pay the
ultimately on his own negligence and not on that of petitioner by reason of insolvency of Edgardo
his servant." Hernandez, its driver. WON Articles 102 and 103 of
the Revised Penal Code were repealed by the New
Defendant is subsidiarily liable pursuant to Articles
 EMPLOYERS LIA UNDER RPC: subsidiary 102 and 103 of the Revised Penal Code.
and direct responsibility Article 2177 of the New Civil Code expressly
recognizes civil liabilities arising from negligence
"In view of the foregoing considerations, we are of under the Penal Code, only that it provides that
opinion and so hold, (1) that the exemption from civil plaintiff cannot recover damages twice for the same
liability established in article 1903 of the Civil Code for act of omission of the defendant.
all who have acted with the diligence of a good father
of a family, is not applicable to the subsidiary civil
liability provided in article 20 of the Penal Code." 47) Virata vs. Ochoa (81 SCRA 472)

Some of the differences between crimes under the FACTS:

Penal Code and the culpa aquiliana or cuasi-delito Arsenio Virata died as a result of having been bumped
under the Civil Code are:. by a passenger jeepney driven by Maximo Borilla, and
registered in the name of Victorio Ochoa; that Borilla
3. That crimes affect the public interest, while cuasi- is the employee driver of Ochoa. A criminal action for
delitos are only of private concern. homicide through reckless imprudence was instituted
4. That, consequently, the Penal Code punishes or against Maximo Borilla. The heirs of Arsenio Virata
corrects the criminal act, while the Civil Code, by reserved their right to institute in separate civil action
means of indemnification, merely repairs the and commenced civil case for damages based on
damage. quasi-delict against the Maximo Borilla and Ochoa.
5. That delicts are not as broad as quasi-delicts,
because the former are punished only if there is a
penal law clearly covering them, while the latter, Private respondents, filed a motion to dismiss on the
cuasi-delitos, include all acts in which "any kind of ground that there is another action, Criminal Case No.
fault or negligence intervenes." However, it 3162-P, pending between the same parties for the
should be noted that not all violations of the penal same cause. Court of First Instance rendered in
law produce civil responsibility, such as begging in decision in Criminal Case No. 3612-P acquitting the
contravention of ordinances, violation of the game accused, Maximo Borilla, on the ground that he
laws, infraction of the rules of traffic when nobody caused an injury by mere accident; and granted the
is hurt. (See Colin and Capitant, "Curso Elemental motion to dismiss Civil Case No. B-134 for damages.
de Derecho Civil," Vol. 3, p. 728.).
46) Manalo, et al. vs. Robles Trans. Co., Inc. L- Whether or not the petitioners, can prosecute an
8171, August 16,1956) action for damages based on quasi-delict.

On August 9, 1947, a taxicab owned and operated by Yes.
defendant appellant Robles Transportation
(Company) and driven by Edgardo Hernandez its It is settled that in negligence cases the aggrieved
driver, collided with a passenger truck at Parañaque, parties may choose between an action under the
Rizal. In the course of and as a result of the accident, Revised Penal Code or for quasi-delict under Article
the taxicab ran over Armando Manalo, an eleven year 2176 of the Civil Code of the Philippines. What is
old, causing him physical injuries which resulted in his prohibited by Article 2177 of the Civil Code of the
death several days later. Edgardo Hernandez was Philippines is to recover twice for the same negligent
prosecuted for homicide through reckless imprudence act.
and after trial was found guilty of the charge and
sentenced to one year prision correccional, to The petitioners are not seeking to recover twice for
indemnify the heirs of the deceased in the amount of the same negligent act. Before Criminal Case No.
P3,000, in case of insolvency to suffer subsidiary
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3162-P was decided, they manifested in said criminal his (Manalo's) conviction for the crime of Multiple
case that they were filing a separate civil action for Homicide and Multiple Serious Injuries with Damage
damages. The source of the obligation sought to be to Property thru Reckless Imprudence, and the
enforced in Civil Case No. B-134 is quasi-delict, not an application of the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur, supra.
act or omission punishable by law. Under Article 1157
of the Civil Code of the Philippines, quasi-delict and an
act or omission punishable by law are two different The driver cannot be held jointly and severally liable
sources of obligation. with the carrier in case of breach of the contract of
carriage. The rationale behind this is readily
48) Philippine Rabbit Bus Lines, Inc. vs. IAC discernible. Firstly, the contract of carriage is between
(189 SCRA 158) the carrier and the passenger, and in the event of
contractual liability, the carrier is exclusively
FACTS: responsible therefore to the passenger, even if such
Catalina Pascua, Caridad Pascua, Adelaida Estomo, breach be due to the negligence of his driver (see
Erlinda Meriales, Mercedes Lorenzo, Alejandro Morales Viluan v. The Court of Appeals, et al., G.R. Nos. L-
and Zenaida Parejas boarded the jeepney owned by 21477-81, April 29, 1966, 16 SCRA 742).
spouses Isidro Mangune and Guillerma Carreon and
driven by Tranquilino Manalo at Dau, Mabalacat, In other words, the carrier can neither shift his liability
Pampanga bound for Carmen, Rosales, Pangasinan to on the contract to his driver nor share it with him, for
spend Christmas at their respective homes. his driver's negligence is his. Secondly, if We make
the driver jointly and severally liable with the carrier,
Upon reaching barrio Sinayoan, San Manuel, Tarlac, that would make the carrier's liability personal instead
the right rear wheel of the jeepney was detached, so of merely vicarious and consequently, entitled to
it was running in an unbalanced position. Manalo recover only the share which corresponds to the
stepped on the brake, as a result of which, the driver, contradictory to the explicit provision of Article
jeepney which was then running on the eastern lane 2181 of the New Civil Code.
(its right of way) made a U-turn, invading and
eventually stopping on the western lane of the road in 1.
such a manner that the jeepney's front faced the "[t]he principle about the 'last clear chance' would call
south (from where it came) and its rear faced the for application in a suit between the owners and
north (towards where it was going). The jeepney drivers of the two colliding vehicles. It does not arise
practically occupied and blocked the greater portion of where a passenger demands responsibility from the
the western lane, which is the right of way of vehicles carrier to enforce its contractual obligations. For it
coming from the north, among which was Bus No. 753 would be inequitable to exempt the negligent driver of
of petitioner Philippine Rabbit Bus Lines, Inc. (Rabbit) the jeepney and its owners on the ground that the
driven by Tomas delos Reyes. Almost at the time other driver was likewise guilty of negligence."
when the jeepney made a sudden U-turn and
encroached on the western lane of the highway as 2.
claimed by Rabbit and delos Reyes, or after stopping On the presumption that drivers who bump the rear
for a couple of minutes as claimed by Mangune, of another vehicle guilty and the cause of the accident,
Carreon and Manalo, the bus bumped from behind the unless contradicted by other evidence, the respondent
right rear portion of the jeepney. As a result of the court said (p. 49, Rollo):
collision, three passengers of the jeepney (Catalina
Pascua, Erlinda Meriales and Adelaida Estomo) died ". . ., the jeepney had already executed a complete
while the other jeepney passengers sustained physical turnabout and at the time of impact was already facing the
western side of the road. Thus the jeepney assumed a new
frontal position vis a vis, the bus, and the bus assumed a
new role of defensive driving. The spirit behind the
ISSUE: presumption of guilt on one who bumps the rear end of
who is liable for the death and physical injuries another vehicle is for the driver following a vehicle to be at
suffered by the passengers of the jeepney. WON these all times prepared of a pending accident should the driver in
will apply: front suddenly come to a full stop, or change its course either
(1) the doctrine of last clear chance, through change of mind of the front driver, mechanical
(2) the presumption that drivers who bump the rear trouble, or to avoid an accident. The rear vehicle is given the
responsibility of avoiding a collision with the front vehicle for
of another vehicle guilty and the cause of the accident
it is the rear vehicle who has full control of the situation as it
unless contradicted by other evidence, and is in a position to observe the vehicle in front of it."

RULING: The above discussion would have been correct were it

The owners of the jeepney only. not for the undisputed fact that the U-turn made by
the jeepney was abrupt.
We find that the proximate cause of the accident was
the negligence of Manalo and spouses Mangune and 49) Macalinao vs. Ong (477 SCRA 740) -Santos
Carreon. They all failed to exercise the precautions vs. Pizarro (465 SCRA 232)
that are needed precisely pro hac vice.
In culpa contractual, the moment a passenger dies or Macalinao and Ong were employed as utility man and
is injured, the carrier is presumed to have been at driver, respectively, at the Genetron International
fault or to have acted negligently, and this disputable Marketing (Genetron), a single proprietorship owned
presumption may only be overcome by evidence that and operated by Sebastian. On 25 April 1992,
he had observed extraordinary diligence as prescribed Sebastian instructed Macalinao, Ong and two truck
in Articles 1733, 1755 and 1756 of the New Civil Code helpers to deliver a heavy piece of machinery — a
2 or that the death or injury of the passenger was due reactor/motor for mixing chemicals, to Sebastian's
to a fortuitous event 3 (Lasam v. Smith, Jr., 45 Phil. manufacturing plant in Angat, Bulacan. While in the
657). process of complying with the order, the vehicle
driven by Ong, Genetron's Isuzu Elf truck hit and
The negligence of Manalo was proven during the trial bumped the front portion of a private jeepney.
by the unrebutted testimonies of Caridad Pascua,
Police Investigator Tacpal, Police Corporal Cacalda,

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Both vehicles incurred severe damages while the No two motor vehicles traversing opposite lanes will
passengers sustained physical injuries as a collide as a matter of course unless someone is
consequence of the collision. Macalinao incurred the negligent, thus, the first requisite for the application
most serious injuries among the passengers of the of the doctrine is present. Ong was driving the Isuzu
truck. Macalinao's body was paralyzed and truck which, from the evidence adduced, appears to
immobilized from the neck down as a result of the have precipitated the collision with the private
accident and per doctor's advice, his foot was jeepney. Driving the Isuzu truck gave Ong exclusive
amputated. He also suffered from bed sores and management and control over it, a fact which shows
infection. His immedicable condition, coupled with the that the second requisite is also present. No
doctor's recommendation, led his family to bring him contributory negligence could be attributed to
home where he died on 7 November 1992. Macalinao relative to the happening of the accident
since he was merely a passenger in the Isuzu truck.
ISSUE: Respondents' allegation that Macalinao was guilty of
Who is liable for the death of Macalinao? contributory negligence for failing to take the
necessary precautions to ensure his safety while
RULING: onboard the truck 43 is too specious for belief
Ong and Sebastaian are jointly liable to pay actual, particularly as respondents did not even present any
moral, and exemplary damages as well as civil evidence to prove such allegation. The last requisite
indemnity for Macalinao's death. is, therefore, likewise present. Under the 4th
requisite: while respondents claimed that Ong drove
The issue of negligence is factual and, in quasi-delicts, cautiously and prudently during the time in question,
crucial in the award of damages. no evidence was proffered to substantiate the same.
In fact, Ong did not bother to testify to explain his
In this present case, direct evidence is absent and not actuations and to show that he exercised due care
readily available because Macalinao could no longer when the accident happened, so even this requisite is
testify as to the cause of the accident since he is dead. fulfilled.
Petitioners, while substituting their son as plaintiff,
have no actual knowledge about the event since they All the requisites for the application of the rule of res
were not present at the crucial moment. The driver of ipsa loquitur are present, thus a reasonable
the private jeepney who could have shed light on the presumption or inference of Ong's negligence arises.
circumstances is likewise dead. The only ones left with In consonance with the effect of the doctrine, the
knowledge about the cause of the mishap are the two burden of proving due care at the time in question
truck helpers who survived, both employees of shifts to respondents. Unfortunately, Ong and
Sebastian, and Ong, who is not only Sebastian's Sebastian failed to counter the presumption by
previous employee but his co-respondent in this case presenting convincing evidence.
as well. In the circumstances, evidence as to the true
cause of the accident is, for all intents and purposes, SOLIDARY LIABILITY BASIS
accessible to respondents but not to petitioners. The
witnesses left are unlikely to divulge to petitioners Such liability of Ong is solidary with Sebastian
what they knew about the cause of the accident if the pursuant to Art. 2176 in relation to Art. 2180 of the
same militates against the interest of their employer. Civil Code which provide:

This justifies the invocation of the doctrine Res ipsa Art. 2176.Whoever by act or omission causes damage
loquitur. to another, there being fault or negligence is obliged
to pay for the damage done.
Res ipsa loquitur recognizes that parties may establish
prima facie negligence without direct proof, thus, it Art. 2180.The obligation imposed by Art. 2176 is
allows the principle to substitute for specific proof of demandable not only for one's own acts or omissions
negligence. It permits the plaintiff to present along but also for those of persons for whom one is
with proof of the accident, enough of the attending responsible.
circumstances to invoke the doctrine, create an xxx xxx xxx
inference or presumption of negligence and thereby Employers shall be liable for the damage caused by
place on the defendant the burden of proving that their employees and household helpers acting within
there was no negligence on his part. The doctrine can the scope of their assigned tasks even though the
be invoked only when under the circumstances, direct former are not engaged in any business or industry.
evidence is absent and not readily available. xxx xxx xxx
The responsibility treated of in this article shall cease
Under local jurisprudence, the following are the when the persons herein mentioned prove that they
REQUISITES FOR THE APPLICATION OF RES observed all the diligence of a good father of a family
IPSA LOQUITUR: to prevent damage.
1) The accident is of a kind which ordinarily does
not occur in the absence of someone's Ong's gross negligence in driving the Isuzu truck
negligence; precipitated the accident. This is lucidly portrayed in
2) It is caused by an instrumentality within the the photographs on record and it justifies the award
exclusive control of the defendant or of exemplary damages in petitioners' favor.
defendants; and (3)The possibility of
contributing conduct which would make the Delay (1169; 1165; 1170)
plaintiff responsible is eliminated.
3) (ONLY IN AMERICAN JURISPRUDENCE): that 50) Bayala vs. Silang Traffic Co. (73 Phil. 557)
the defendant fails to offer any explanation
tending to show that the injury was caused by FACTS:
his or her want of due care. Petitioner (subscriber) entered into an agreement
with respondent (seller) regarding the purchase of
We are convinced that all the above requisites are fifteen (15) shares of capital stock by the former from
present in the case at bar. the latter for the sum of P1,500.00. Said agreement
has with it certain terms and conditions, among which
are cases where the subscriber shall fail to pay the
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FIRST SEMESTER | A.Y. 2020-2021

installments or to perform the conditions or if said Sultan Kayumanggi to carry the agreed volumes of
shares shall be attached or levied upon by creditors of freight from designated loading areas. But the vessel
the subscriber, said shares are to be automatically was able to withdraw a partial amount of sulfuric acid
reverted to the seller and the payments already made from Basay and Sangi because it tilted. And later, it
are to be forfeited in favor of the seller. sank with a total amount of 227.51 MT of sulfuric acid
on board, leaving 272.49MT of acid left.
On or before July 31, 1937, petitioners failed to pay
the installment due that day resulting for the Petitioner then ordered for the delivery of remaining
automatic forfeiture of the payments they already 272.49 MT of sulfuric acid. Petitioner then filed a
made. On the other hand, on August 1, 1937, the complaint against private respondent for specific
respondent corporation issued a resolution performance and/or damages before the Regional
authorizing the refund of the installments already paid Trial Court of Pasig.
by their subscribers. Said resolution was issued by
respondent for the purpose of terminating the pending The private respondent filed an answer with
civil case involving the validity of the shares in counterclaim and alleged that it was the petitioner
question which was subsequently dismissed. Based on which was remiss in the performance of its obligation
the said resolution, the petitioners instituted an action in arranging the shipping requirements of its
for the recovery of the sum of money which they have purchases and, hence, should pay damages.
paid severally to the corporation. Petitioner prevailed in the trial court. However, on
appeal, the Court of Appeals reversed the decision of
The corporation set up a defense stating that said the trial court and instead found petitioner guilty of
resolution was no longer applicable to the petitioners delay and therefore, liable for damages. Hence, this
since their shares was already reverted in favor of the petition.
seller due to their failure to pay on the due date long
before the resolution was issued. Moreover, another
resolution was issued by the corporation on August ISSUE:
22, 2937 revoking and cancelling the earlier 1. Did the respondent court err in holding that the
resolution. The trial court issued an order against the petitioner committed breach of contract,
petitioners; and on appeal, the CA affirmed the considering that:
decision of the trial court with some modifications as a. the petitioner allegedly paid the full value
to the cancellation of the petitioner’s subscription of its purchases, yet received only a
which was reversed by said appellate court. Hence, portion of said purchases?
an appeal by both parties for certiorari. b. petitioner and private respondent allegedly
had also agreed for the purchase and
ISSUE: supply of an additional 227.519 MT of
WON the failure of the purchaser to pay any sulfuric acid, hence prior delay, if any, had
instalment would give rise to a forfeiture in favor of been waived?
the seller 2. Did the respondent court err in awarding
damages to private respondent?
RULING: 3. Should expenses for the storage and
No. There was no forfeiture for the buyer was not in preservation of the purchased fungible goods,
delay since there was no judicial or extrajudicial namely sulfuric acid, be on seller's account
demand. pursuant to Article 1504 of the Civil Code?

The contract did not expressly provide that the failure

of the purchaser to pay any instalment would give rise RULING:
to forfeiture and cancellation without the necessity of 1. No, CA did not err in absolving the private
any demand from the seller; and respondent from liability.
Under article 1100 of the Civil Code (now Article 1169)
persons obliged to deliver or do something are not in Petitioner, as the buyer, was obligated under the
default until the moment the creditor demands of contract to undertake the shipping requirements of
them judicially or extrajudicially the fulfilment of their the cargo from the private respondent's loadports to
obligation, unless: the petitioner's designated warehouse. It was
1) the obligation or the law expressly provides that petitioner which chartered M/T Sultan Kayumanggi.
demand shall not be necessary in order that The vessel was petitioner's agent. When it failed to
default may arise, or comply with the necessary loading conditions of
2) by reason of the nature and circumstances of sulfuric acid, it was incumbent upon petitioner to
the obligation it shall appear that the immediately replace M/T Sultan Kayumanggi with
designation of the time at which the thing was another sea worthy vessel. Court of Appeals did not
to be delivered or the service rendered was the err in ruling that petitioner was guilty of delay and
principal inducement to the creation of the negligence in the performance of its obligation.
obligation. Where there has been breach of contract by the buyer,
the seller has a right of action for damages. Following
51) Aerospace Chemical Industries, Inc. vs. CA this rule, a cause of action of the seller for damages
(315 SCRA 309) may arise where the buyer refuses to remove the
goods, such that buyer has to remove them. Article
FACTS: 1170 of Civil Code provides: "Those who in the
On June 27, 1986, petitioner Aerospace Industries, performance of their obligations are guilty of fraud,
Inc. purchased five hundred metric tons of sulfuric negligence, or delay and those who in any manner
acid from private respondent Philippine Phosphate contravene the tenor thereof, are liable for damages."
Fertilizer Corporation. Petitioner agreed to secure the
means of transport to pick-up the sulfuric acid from 2. No, respondent court did not err in
private respondents' loadports in Basay, Negros awarding damages to private respondent.
Oriental and Sangi, Cebu. Article 1170 of Civil Code provides: "Those who in the
performance of their obligations are guilty of fraud,
On October 3, 1986, petitioner paid the purchased negligence, or delay and those who in any manner
price of 500 MT of sulfuric acid. Then, it chartered M/T contravene the tenor thereof, are liable for damages."

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FIRST SEMESTER | A.Y. 2020-2021

Delay begins from the time the obligee judicially or alleged Deed of Sale executed in their favor by
extrajudicially demands from the obligor the spouses Jose and Lolita Lopez, thus Puentevella was
performance of the obligation. Art. 1169 states: "Art. constrained to assert physical possession of the
1169. Those obliged to deliver or to do something premises to counteract the fictitious and
incur in delay from the time the obligee judicially or unenforceable claim of herein plaintiffs.
extrajudicially demands from them the fulfillment of
their obligation." In order that the debtor may be in On January 3, 1966, a case for injunction and
default, it is necessary that the following requisites be damages was filed and trial court issued an ex-parte
present: writ of preliminary injunction which was dissolved by
(1) that the obligation be demandable and the CA pending the resolution of the civil case. Thus,
already liquidated; defendant Puentevella was restored to the possession
(2) that the debtor delays performance; and of the lots and buildings subject of this case.
(3) that the creditor requires the performance
judicially or extrajudicially. On May 11, 1967, private respondents, through
Angelina P. Echaus, in her capacity as Judicial
Records reveal that a tanker ship had to pick up Administrator of the intestate estate of Luis B.
sulfuric acid in Basay, then proceed to get the Puentevella, executed a Contract to Sell and a Deed
remaining stocks in Sangi, Cebu. A period of three of Sale of forty-two subdivision lots within the Phib-
days appears to us reasonable for a vessel to travel Khik Subdivision of the Puentebella family, conveying
between Basay and Sangi. Logically, the computation and transferring said lots to petitioner Binalbagan
of damages arising from the shipping delay would Tech., Inc. (hereinafter referred to as Binalbagan). In
then have to be from December 15, 1986, given said turn Binalbagan, through its president, petitioner
reasonable period after the December 12th letter. Hermilio J. Nava (hereinafter referred to as Nava),
More important, private respondent was forced to executed an Acknowledgment of Debt with Mortgage
vacate Basay wharf only on December 15th. Its Basay Agreement, mortgaging said lots in favor of the estate
expenses incurred before December 15, 1986, were of Puentebella. Upon the transfer to Binalbagan of
necessary and regular business expenses for which titles to the 42 subdivision lots, said petitioner took
the petitioner should not be obliged to pay. possession of the lots and the building and
improvements thereon.
3. No, Article 1504 is not applicable.
The general rule that before delivery, the risk of loss Binalbagan started operating a school on the property
is borne by the seller who is still the owner, is not from 1967 when the titles and possession of the lots
applicable in this case because petitioner had incurred were transferred to it. However, plaintiffs filed a
delay in the performance of its obligation. Article 1504 petition for review with the Supreme Court which
of the Civil Code clearly states: "Unless otherwise issued a restraining order against the sale of the
agreed, the goods remain at the seller's risk until the properties claimed by the spouses-plaintiffs. When the
ownership therein is transferred to the buyer, but Supreme Court dissolved the aforesaid petition of
when the ownership therein is transferred to the buyer injunction issued by the Court of Appeals, possession
the goods are at the buyer's risk whether actual of the building and other property was taken from
delivery has made or not except that: . . . (2) Where petitioner Binalbagan and given to the third-party
actual delivery had been delayed through the fault of claimants, the de la Cruz spouses. Petitioner
either the buyer or seller the goods are at the risk of Binalbagan transferred its school to another location.
the party at fault.
On Appeal, petitioner was restored to the possession
As pointed out earlier, petitioner is guilty of delay, of the subdivision lots on May 31, 1982. It will be
after private respondent made the necessary noted that petitioner was not in possession of the lots
extrajudicial demand by requiring petitioner to lift the from 1974 to May 31, 1982. After petitioner
cargo at its designated loadports. When petitioner Binalbagan was again placed in possession of the
failed to comply with its obligations under the contract subdivision lots, private respondent Angelina Echaus
it became liable for its shortcomings. Petitioner is demanded payment from petitioner Binalbagan for the
indubitably liable for proven damages. subdivision lots, enclosing in the letter of demand a
statement of account as of September 1982 showing
52) Binalbagan Tech, Inc. vs. CA (219 SCRA a total amount due of P367,509.93, representing the
777) price of the land and accrued interest as of that date.

FACTS: As petitioner Binalbagan failed to effect payment,

Luis Pontabella is the deceased owner of the lots in private respondent Angelina P. Echaus filed on
this dispute. His judicial administrator, Angelina October 8, 1982 Civil Case No. 1354 of the Regional
Puentevella, sold them to Raul Javellana with the Trial Court of the Sixth Judicial Region stationed in
condition that the vendee-promisee would not Himamaylan, Negros Occidental against petitioners
transfer his rights to said lots without the express for recovery of title and damages. An amended
consent of Puentevella and that in case of the complaint was filed by private respondent Angelina P.
cancellation of the contract by reason of the violation Echaus by including her mother, brothers, and sisters
of any of the terms thereof, all payments therefor as co-plaintiffs, which was admitted by the trial court
made and all improvements introduced on the on March 18, 1983. Hence this petition.
property shall pertain to the promissor and shall be
considered as rentals for the use and occupation ISSUE:
thereof. Whether respondents can demand payment from
petitioner during 1974 to 1982, when petitioner was
Javellana failed to pay the installments for a period of dispossessed of the said lot.
5 years. Puentevella filed case for rescission of
contract and recovery for possession of lots plus RULING:
damages from Javellana and Southern Negros
Colleges who had actual possession of the lots. Lower No. Petitioner was evicted from the subject
court ruled in favour of Puentevella and execution was subdivision lots in 1974 by virtue of a court order and
levied on October 27, 1965. On December 29, 1965, was restored to his possession thereof only in 1982.
the plaintiffs filed their 3rd party claim based on an During 1974 to 1982, private respondent Echaus was

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not in a legal position to demand compliance of the ambiguity; the question of interpretation arising
prestation of petitioner to pay the price of said therefrom should be resolved against it.
subdivision lots. In short, her right to demand
payment was suspended during that period, 1974- Where specific performance according to the literal
1982. terms of a contract would result in inequity by reason
of the circumstances obtaining at the time of
A party to a contract cannot demand performance of judgment being significantly different from those
the other party's obligations unless he is in a position existing at the generation of the rights litigated, the
to comply with his own obligations. Similarly, the right Court may exercise its equity jurisdiction to adjust
to rescind a contract can be demanded only if a party those rights and, in determining the precise relief to
thereto is ready, willing and able to comply with his be given, "balance the equities" or the respective
own obligations thereunder (Art. 1191, Civil Code). In interests of the parties and take account of the
a contract of sale, the vendor is bound to transfer the relative hardship that one form of relief or another
ownership of and deliver, as well as warrant, the thing may occasion to them.
which is the object of the sale (Art. 1495, Civil Code);
he warrants that the buyer shall, from the time 54) Bricktown Development Corp. vs. Amor
ownership is passed, have and enjoy the legal and Tierra Development Corp. (239 SCRA 126)
peaceful possession of the thing.
53) Agcaoili vs. GSIS (165 SCRA 1) Bricktown Development Corporation, executed two
Contracts to Sell in favor of Amor Tierra Development
FACTS: Corporation, covering a total of 96 residential. The
In this case, appellant GSIS approved an application total price of P21,639,875.00 was stipulated to be
of the appellee Agcaoli for the purchase of a house paid by private respondent in such amounts and
and lot in the GSIS Housing Project at Nangka, maturity dates, as follows: P2,200,000.00 on 31
Marikina, subject to the condition that the latter March 1981; P3,209,968.75 on 30 June 1981;
should forthwith occupy the house, a condition that P4,729,906.25 on 31 December 1981; and the
Agcaoli tried to fulfill but could not because the house balance of P11,500,000.00 to be paid by means of an
was absolutely uninhabitable - ceiling, stairs, double assumption by private respondent of petitioner
walling, lighting facilities, water connection, corporation's mortgage liability to the Philippine
bathroom, toilet, kitchen, drainage, were inexistent. Savings Bank or, alternately, to be made payable in
However, Agcaoli ask a homeless friend, a certain cash.
Villanueva, to stay in the premises as some sort of
watchman, pending completion of the construction of Private respondent was only able to pay petitioner
the house. Petitioner paid the 1st installment and the corporation the sum of P1,334,443.21. However, the
other fees but refused to make further payments until parties continued to negotiate for a possible
GSIS makes the house habitable. GSIS refused to do modification of their agreement, but nothing
so and opted to cancel the award and demanded that conclusive happened. And on October 12, 1981,
petitioner vacate the said premised. Petitioner filed petitioner’s counsel sent private respondent a “Notice
action for specific performance with damages against of Cancellation of Contract” because of the latter’s
GSIS. Other awardees of the housing units in the failure to pay the agreed amount.
same subdivision also lodged a written protest against
GSIS. TC ruled in petitioner’s favour. Hence this Several months later, private respondent’s counsel,
petition demanded the refund of private respondent's various
payments to petitioner corporation, allegedly
ISSUE: "amounting to P2,455,497.71," with interest within
Whether or not Agcaoli is entitled for specific fifteen days from receipt of said letter, or, in lieu of a
performance with damages. cash payment, to assign to private respondent an
equivalent number of unencumbered lots at the same
RULING: price fixed in the contracts. When the demand was
Yes, Agcaoilo is entitled to such. Appeal of GSIS must not heeded, Amor Tierra filed an action with the court
fail. a quo which rendered a decision in its favor. The
decision of the lower court was affirmed in toto by the
An agreement for the sale of a house and lot on Court of Appeals.
installments stipulating that the buyer must occupy
the house within a specified period under pain of Hence, this petition.
cancellation if he failed to do so, implies that the seller
has the obligation to deliver a reasonably habitable
dwelling place, one that is in a condition suitable for ISSUE:
its enjoyment by the buyer for the purpose 1. Whether or not the contract was properly
contemplated. rescinded?
2. Whether or not Bricktown properly forfeited the
The seller's delivery of a mere shell of a house payments of Amor Tierra?
consisting of four walls, openings and a roof is a
breach of said obligation which prevents him from
cancelling the sale on the ground of the purchaser's RULING:
suspension of payment of the amortizations that the 1. Yes. A 60-day grace period was provided in the
latter had undertaken to pay, it being axiomatic that stipulation of the Contracts to Sell which makes the
"in reciprocal obligations, neither party incurs in delay rescission valid. Were it not for the grace period, there
if the other does not comply or is not ready to comply must first exist a delay on the part of the other party
in a proper manner with what is incumbent upon him." before rescission may take place.
(Art. 1169, last paragraph, Civil Code)
In this case, Bricktown acted well within its right, in
The party to a contract who is responsible for alleged accordance with the agreement. The contract between
imprecision or ambiguity in its terms will not be Bricktown and Amor Tierra was validly rescinded
permitted to make capital of such imprecision or because of the failure of the latter to pay the agreed
amounts stipulated in the contract on the proper date

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even after the sixty-days grace period. Furthermore, nonpayment of the monthly due, contained in said
the records showed that private respondent deed of sale with mortgage, plaintiffs instituted the
corporation paid less than the amount agreed upon. present foreclosure proceedings.
The Supreme Court also added that such cancellation
must be respected. It may also be noteworthy to add Defendant’s defense in nonpayment was the failure of
that in a contract to sell, the non-payment of the the plaintiff to construct roads in the lands which they
purchase price can prevent the obligation to convey agreed orally. Defendant also set up as affirmative
title from acquiring any obligatory force. defense that the contract mentioned in the complaint
does not express the true agreement of the parties
Paragraph 15 of the Contracts to Sell provided thusly: because a stipulation was omitted from the contract
and that was the promise assumed by plaintiffs that
“Should the PURCHASER fail to pay when due any of they would construct roads in the lands which were to
the installments mentioned in stipulation No. 1 above, be subdivided for sale on or before January, 1959;
the OWNER shall grant the purchaser a sixty (60)-day that said condition was not placed in the contract
grace period within which to pay the amount/s due, because, according to plaintiffs' counsel, it was a
and should the PURCHASER still fail to pay the due superfluity, inasmuch as there is an ordinance in
amount/s within the 60-day grace period, the Quezon City which requires the construction of roads
PURCHASER shall have the right to ex-parte cancel or in a subdivision before lots therein could be sold; and
rescind this contract, provided, however, that the that, upon the suggestion of plaintiffs' counsel, their
actual cancellation or rescission shall take effect only promise to construct the roads was not included in the
after the lapse of thirty (30) days from the date of contract because the ordinance was deemed part of
receipt by the PURCHASER of the notice of the contract. Defendant further claims that the true
cancellation of this contract or the demand for its purchase price of the sale was not P235,056.00 but
rescission by a notarial act, and thereafter, the only P185,000.00, the difference of P50,000.00 being
OWNER shall have the right to resell the lot/s subject the voluntary contribution of defendant to the cost of
hereof to another buyer and all payments made, the construction of the roads which plaintiffs assumed
together with all improvements introduced on the to do as abovementioned.
aforementioned lot/s shall be forfeited in favor of the
OWNER as liquidated damages, and in this ISSUE:
connection, the PURCHASER obligates itself to Was an oral agreement, coetaneous to the execution
peacefully vacate the aforesaid lot/s without necessity of the contract of sale, entered into between the
of notice or demand by the OWNER.” parties to the effect that plaintiffs would undertake the
construction of the roads on the lots sold before
A GRACE PERIOD IS A RIGHT, NOT AN OBLIGATION, defendant could be required to comply with her
DEMAND EITHER CALLING FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE Yes. The Court is of the opinion that the construction
OBLIGATION OR FOR HONORING THE RIGHT. of the roads was a condition precedent to the
enforcement of the terms of the contract based on the
The grace period must not be likened to an obligation, evidence presented by the defendant. Hence, it
the non-payment of which, under Article 1169 of the appearing that plaintiffs have failed to comply with the
Civil Code, would generally still require judicial or condition precedent relative to the construction of the
extrajudicial demand before "default" can be said to roads in the subdivision in question, it follows that
arise. On this score, the provisions of Article 1169 of their action is premature as found by the court a quo.
the Civil Code would find no relevance (in grace The failure of defendant to pay the realty and income
period) whatsoever. taxes as agreed upon, as well as to register the
mortgage with respect to the Bulacan property, aside
from being minor matters, appear sufficiently
2. On the second issue, the Supreme Court ruled that explained in the brief of defendant-appellee.
since the private respondent did not actually
possessed the property under the contract, the 56) Leaño vs. CA (369 SCRA 36)
petitioner is then ordered to return to private
respondent the amount remitted. However, to FACTS:
adjudge any interest payment by petitioners on the On November 13, 1985, Carmelita Leaño bound
amount to be thus refunded, private respondent herself to pay Hermogenes Fernando the sum of one
should not be allowed to totally free itself from its own hundred seven thousand and seven hundred and fifty
breach. pesos (P107,750.00) as the total purchase price of the
lot. The manner of paying the total purchase price was
55) Enriquez vs. Ramos (73 SCRA 116) as follows:


It is alleged that on November 24, 1958 defendant FIVE (P10,775.00) PESOS, shall be paid at the signing of this
purchased from plaintiffs 20 parcels of land located in contract as DOWN PAYMENT, the balance of NINETY SIX
Quezon City and covered by transfer certificates of
(P96,975.00) shall be paid within a period of TEN (10) years
title for the amount of P235,056.00 of which only the at a monthly amortization of P1,747.30 to begin from
amount of P35,056.00 was paid on the date of sale, December 7, 1985 with interest at eighteen per cent (18%)
the balance of P200,000.00 being payable within two per annum based on balances."
years from the date of sale, provided that at least
P100.000.00 should be paid during the first year, The contract also provided for a grace period of one
otherwise the whole unpaid balance would become month within which to make payments, together with
immediately demandable; that to secure the payment the one corresponding to the month of grace. Should
of the balance of P200,000.00 defendant executed a the month of grace expire without the installments for
mortgage in favor of plaintiff upon the 20 parcels of both months having been satisfied, an interest of 18%
land sold and on a half interest over a parcel of land per annum will be charged on the unpaid installments.
in Bulacan which was embodied in the same deed of
sale. And that as defendant broke certain stipulations,

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Should a period of ninety (90) days elapse from the of the contract, she was in delay and liable for
expiration of the grace period without the overdue and damages. However, we agree with the trial court that
unpaid installments having been paid with the the default committed by petitioner Leaño in respect
corresponding interests up to that date, respondent of the obligation could be compensated by the interest
Fernando, as vendor, was authorized to declare the and surcharges imposed upon her under the contract
contract cancelled and to dispose of the parcel of land, in question.
as if the contract had not been entered into. The
payments made, together with all the improvements 3. YES. On the issue of whether petitioner Leaño was
made on the premises, shall be considered as rents in delay in paying the amortizations, we rule that while
paid for the use and occupation of the premises and the contract provided that the total purchase price
as liquidated damages. was payable within a ten-year period, the same
contract specified that the purchase price shall be paid
After the execution of the contract, Carmelita Leaño in monthly installments for which the corresponding
made several payments in lump sum. Thereafter, she penalty shall be imposed in case of default. Petitioner
constructed a house on the lot valued at P800,000.00. Leaño cannot ignore the provision on the payment of
The last payment that she made was on April 1, 1989 monthly installments by claiming that the tenyear
and no payment were made thereafter. period within which to pay has not elapsed.

The respondent then filed an ejectment case against 57) Lee vs. De Guzman, Jr. (187 SCRA 276)
petitioner and on September 16, 1991, the trial court
rendered a decision ordering petitioner Leaño to FACTS:
vacate the premises. On November 8, 1983, a free-lance salesman of
respondent Motorcars, Inc., (then Delta Motors
ISSUE: Corporation) named Arsenio Tumibay signed in behalf
1. Whether or not the transaction was an absolute of Domingo Tupaz its Branch Manager in Makati, a
and not a conditional sale? price quotation (Exhibit "A") and delivered the said
2. Whether or not there was proper cancellation of quotation to petitioner Alex B. Lee for the sale of one
the contract to sell? (1) unit Toyota Corolla Liftback, 1983 model, with the
3. Whether or not there was delay on the quoted price of P149,700.00 plus miscellaneous
petitioner’s part in the payment of the monthly expenses of P10,033.00. On the same date, petitioner
amortization? Lee as customer, signed the vehicle sales order
(Exhibit "C") The delivery of the subject vehicle was
RULING: within the month of November, 1983. However,
indicated in the sales order is the provision: "This
1. ABSOLUTE SALE because the intention of the order is not valid unless signed and accepted by the
parties was to reserve the ownership of the land in the dealer principal, President, Executive Vice President or
seller until the buyer has paid the total purchase price. General Sales Manager of the dealership . . ." (supra).

2. NO. Article 1592 of the Civil Code is inapplicable to In view of such order, petitioner Lee deposited the
the case at bar. However, any attempt to cancel the amount of P1,000.00 on November 10, 1983 as
contract to sell would have to comply with the required in the aforesaid price quotation. Thereupon,
provisions of Republic Act No. 6552, the "Realty on December 15, 1983, petitioner's counsel, Atty.
Installment Buyer Protection Act." Doroteo A. Dadal, wrote Mr. Nicolas O. Carranceja, Jr.,
Executive Vice-President of Motorcars, demanding for
R.A. No. 6552 delivery of the said Toyota car. The respondent car
"If the contract is cancelled, the seller shall refund to the company replied on December 19, 1983, through its
counsel Atty. Benjamin S. Benito, that due to the
THE PROPERTY equivalent to fifty percent of the total
payments made and, after five years of installments, an sudden change of prices by the car manufacturer,
additional five percent every year but not to exceed ninety they had decided to exercise the option contained in
percent of the total payments made: Provided, That the the vehicle sales order, (Exhibits "C") which states:
actual cancellation of the contract shall take place after thirty "Whenever deposits are made by customers for
days from receipt by the buyer of the notice of cancellation vehicles, parts and services ordered, the sales for
or the demand for rescission of the contract by a notarial act such vehicles, parts or services shall be at the option
and upon full payment of the cash surrender value to the of Motorcars, Inc., and refund of the deposits shall be
buyer." [Emphasis supplied]
made upon request and without undue delay should
such option be exercised." (p. 21, Rollo)
The decision in the ejectment case operated as the
notice of cancellation required by Sec. 3(b). As
However, the obligation of the defendant has become
petitioner Leaño was not given the cash surrender
impossible to comply on the ground that the Delta
value of the payments that she made, there was still
Motors Corporation has closed shop and no longer
no actual cancellation of the contract. Consequently,
manufacturing 1983 models of Toyota.
petitioner Leaño may still reinstate the contract by
updating the account during the grace period and
before actual cancellation.
1. WON there was a perfected contract considering
the provision stated in the sales order.
Article 1169 of the Civil Code provides that in
2. WON there is delay and should respondent
reciprocal obligations, neither party incurs in delay if
Motorcars be made liable to fulfill a seemingly
the other does not comply or is not ready to comply
impossible obligation.
in a proper manner with what is incumbent upon him.
From the moment one of the parties fulfills his
obligation, delay by the other begins.
1. Yes, there is a perfected contract.
Unfortunately, it is not possible for Motorcars to
In the case at bar, respondent Fernando performed
comply with the writ of execution since admittedly,
his part of the obligation by allowing petitioner Leaño
the then Delta Motors who manufactured 1983 models
to continue in possession and use of the property.
of Toyota Liftback had already closed shop, but be this
Clearly, when petitioner Leaño did not pay the
as it may, there is no question that indeed there was
monthly amortizations in accordance with the terms
a perfected contract of sale between petitioner Lee

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FIRST SEMESTER | A.Y. 2020-2021

and private respondent Motorcars pursuant to this FACTS:

Court's (through the Third Division) resolution dated Petitioner and Respondent entered into a so-called
August 31, 1987. “Offsetting Agreement”, Under the agreement, private
respondent, Seneca Hardware, shall deliver to
2. The relief left for petitioner Lee is that found petitioner, Vermen Realty, construction materials
under Article 1170 of the Civil Code which provides: worth P552,000.00 under the conditions set forth in
"(T)hose who in the performance of their obligations the Offsetting Agreement. Petitioner's obligation
are guilty of fraud, negligence or delay, and those who under the agreement is three-fold: he shall pay
in any manner contravene the tenor thereof, are liable private respondent P276,000.00 in cash; he shall
for damages." deliver possession of units 601 and 602, Phase I,
Vermen Pines Condominiums (with total value of
The reply letter of private respondent company dated P276,000.00) to private respondent; upon completion
December 19, 1983 which said that "due to the of Vermen Pines Condominiums Phase II, private
sudden change of prices by the car manufacturer, respondent shall be given option to transfer to similar
they have decided to exercise the option . . ." did not units therein.
relieve Motorcars from the contract it had entered into
with petitioner Lee. There was therefore delay in the In 1983, the loan application for the construction of
delivery of the subject vehicle which entitles petitioner the Vermen Pines Condominium Phase II was denied.
to be awarded damages. The records show that the Consequently, construction of the condominium
subject vehicle should have been delivered within the project stopped and has not been resumed since then.
month of November, 1983. (Annex C, Records).
On June 21, 1985, private respondent filed a
Considering the circumstances attendant to this case, complaint with the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City
a total amount of damages worth Fifty Thousand (Branch 92) for rescission of the Offsetting Agreement
Pesos (P50,000.00) would be reasonable, twenty with damages. In said complaint, private respondent
thousand pesos (P20,000.00) of which as temperate alleged that petitioner Vermen Realty Corporation had
damages inclusive of attorney's fees and the stopped issuing purchase orders of construction
remaining thirty thousand pesos (P30,000.00) as materials after April, 1982, without valid reason, thus
exemplary damages. resulting in the stoppage of deliveries of construction
materials on its (Seneca Hardware) part, in violation
58) Tanguilig vs. CA (G.R. No. 117190, January of the Offsetting Agreement.
2, 1997)
FACTS: 1. WON the Offsetting Agreement arise a
Jacinto Tanguilig [owner of JMT Engineering and reciprocal obligation.
General merchandise] was contracted by Vicente 2. WON respondent can rescind the contract in
Herce to construct a “windmill” for P 60,000 with a accordance with Art. 1191 of the Civil Code.
one-year guaranty from the date of completion. Herce
paid P30,000 down-payment, an installment of RULING:
P15,000, and left a balance of P15,000. Petitioner 1. There is no controversy that the provisions of
[Tanguilig] filed a complaint for non-payment of the the Offsetting Agreement are reciprocal in nature.
remaining balance. Respondent answered saying that Reciprocal obligations are those created or established
the remaining balance is complied with since the at the same time, out of the same cause, and which
payment was tendered to San Pedro General results in a mutual relationship of creditor and debtor
Merchandising Inc., who constructed the deep well to between parties. In reciprocal obligations, the
which the windmill system was to be connected. (SC performance of one is conditioned on the
Ruled the deep well is not part in the contract, refer simultaneous fulfillment of the other obligation (Abaya
in case digest no. 24 for the discussion) Moreover, the vs. Standard Vacuum Oil Co., 101 Phil. 1262 [1957]).
windmill system was collapse after a strong wind hit
their place within the warranty period. 2. YES.

Hence, the petitioner argued that private respondent Article 1191 of the Civil Code provides the remedy of
was already in default in the payment of his rescission in (more appropriately, the term is
outstanding balance of P15,000.00 and hence should "resolution") in case of reciprocal obligations, where
bear his own loss. one of the obligors fails to comply with what is
incumbent upon him.
WON respondent incurs delay in nonpayment and The general rule is that rescission of a contract will not
should shoulder her own loss. be permitted for a slight or causal breach, but only for
such substantial and fundamental breach as would
RULING: defeat the very object of the parties in executing the
No. In reciprocal obligations, neither party incurs in agreement. The question of whether a breach of
delay if the other does not comply or is not ready to contract is substantial depends upon the attendant
comply in a proper manner with what is incumbent circumstances (Universal Food Corp. vs. Court of
upon him. When the windmill failed to function Appeals, 33 SCRA 1, [1970]).
properly it became incumbent upon petitioner to
institute the proper repairs in accordance with the Petitioner would never be able to fulfill its obligation
guaranty stated in the contract. Thus, respondent in allowing private respondent to exercise the option
cannot be said to have incurred in delay in paying the to transfer from Phase I to Phase II, as the
remaining balance; instead, it is petitioner who should construction of Phase II has ceased and the subject
bear the expenses for the reconstruction of the condominium units will never be available.
windmill. Article 1167 of the Civil Code is explicit on
this point that if a person obliged to do something fails The impossibility of fulfillment of the obligation on the
to do it, the same shall be executed at his cost. part of petitioner necessitates resolution of the
contract for indeed, the non-fulfillment of the
59) Vermen Realty vs. CA (224 SCRA 549) obligation aforementioned constitutes substantial
breach of the Offsetting Agreement. The possibility of

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exercising the option of whether or not to transfer to of sale were they required to pay. As earlier stated,
condominium units in Phase II was one of the factors the latter was contingent upon the former. In Nietes
which were considered by private respondent when it vs. Court of Appeals, 46 SCRA 654 (1972), we held
entered into the agreement. Since the construction of that notice of the creditor's decision to exercise his
the Vermen Pines Condominium Phase II has stopped, option to buy need not be coupled with actual
petitioner would be in no position to perform its payment of the price, so long as this is delivered to
obligation to give private respondent the option to the owner of the property upon performance of his
transfer to Phase II. It would be the height of injustice part of the agreement. Consequently, since the
to make private respondent wait for something that obligation was not yet due, consignation in court of
may never come. the purchase price was not yet required.

60) Hrs. of Luis Bacus vs. CA (371 SCRA 295) Consignation is the act of depositing the thing due
with the court or judicial authorities whenever the
FACTS: creditor cannot accept or refuses to accept payment
On June 1, 1984, Luis Bacus leased to private and it generally requires a prior tender of payment. In
respondent Faustino Duray a parcel of agricultural instances, where no debt is due and owing,
land in Bulacao, Talisay, Cebu. The lease was for six consignation is not proper. Therefore, petitioners'
years, ending May 31, 1990. The contract contained contention that private respondents failed to comply
an option to buy clause. Under said option, the lessee with their obligation under the option to buy because
had the exclusive and irrevocable right to buy 2,000 they failed to actually deliver the purchase price or
square meters of the property within five years from consign it in court before the contract expired and
a year after the effectivity of the contract, at P200 per before they execute a deed, has no leg to stand on.
square meter.
Corollary, private respondents did not incur in delay
Close to the expiration of the contract, Luis Bacus died when they did not yet deliver payment nor make a
on October 10, 1989. Thereafter, on March 15, 1990, consignation before the expiration of the contract. In
the Duray spouses informed Roque Bacus, one of the reciprocal obligations, neither party incurs in delay if
heirs of Luis Bacus, that they were willing and ready the other does not comply or is not ready to comply
to purchase the property under the option to buy in a proper manner with what is incumbent upon him.
clause. They requested Roque Bacus to prepare the Only from the moment one of the parties fulfills his
necessary documents, such as a Special Power of obligation, does delay by the other begin.
Attorney authorizing him to enter into a contract of
sale, on behalf of his sisters who were then abroad. In this case, private respondents, as early as March
However, Roque Bacus refused to do so. 15, 1990, communicated to petitioners their intention
to buy the property and they were at that time
Subsequently, on April 5, 1990, Duray filed a undertaking to meet their obligation before the
complaint for specific performance against the heirs of expiration of the contract on May 31, 1990. However,
Luis Bacus with the Lupon Tagapamayapa of Barangay petitioners refused to execute the deed of sale and it
Bulacao, asking that he be allowed to purchase the lot was their demand to private respondents to first
specifically referred to in the lease contract with deliver the money before they would execute the
option to buy. At the hearing, Duray presented a same which prompted private respondents to institute
certification from the manager of Standard Chartered a case for specific performance in the Lupong
Bank, Cebu City, addressed to Luis Bacus, stating that Tagapamayapa and then in the RTC. On October 30,
at the request of Mr. Lawrence Glauber, a bank client, 1990, after the case had been submitted for decision
arrangements were being made to allow Faustino but before the trial court rendered its decision, private
Duray to borrow funds of approximately P700,000 to respondents issued a cashier's check in petitioners'
enable him to meet his obligations under the contract favor purportedly to bolster their claim that they were
with Luis Bacus. ready to pay the purchase price. The trial court
considered this in private respondents' favor and we
Petitioners contend that private respondents failed to believe that it rightly did so, because at the time the
comply with their obligation because there was check was issued, petitioners had not yet executed a
neither actual delivery to them nor consignation in deed of sale nor expressed readiness to do so.
court or with the Municipal, City or Provincial Accordingly, as there was no compliance yet with what
Treasurer of the purchase price before the contract was incumbent upon petitioners under the option to
expired. Thus, is considered in delay. buy, private respondents had not incurred in delay
when the cashier's check was issued even after the
ISSUE: contract expired.

WON private respondents incur in delay when they did

not deliver the purchase price or consign it in court on
or before the expiration of the contract.


Obligations under an option to buy are reciprocal

obligations. The performance of one obligation is
conditioned on the simultaneous fulfillment of the
other obligation. In other words, in an option to buy,
the payment of the purchase price by the creditor is
contingent upon the execution and delivery of a deed
of sale by the debtor. In this case, when private
respondents opted to buy the property, their
obligation was to advise petitioners of their decision
and their readiness to pay the price. They were not
yet obliged to make actual payment. Only upon
petitioners' actual execution and delivery of the deed

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BSP Monetary Board Circular No. 799, ruled that the old case of Eastern Shipping Lines vs
Series of 2013 CA is already modified by the promulgation of the
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Monetary Board
Resolution No. 796 which lowered the legal rate of
interest from 12% to 6%. Specifically, the rules on
interest are now as follows:

1. Monetary Obligations ex. Loans:

a. If stipulated in writing:
a.1. shall run from date of judicial demand (filing of
the case)
a.2. rate of interest shall be that amount stipulated

b. If not stipulated in writing

b.1. shall run from date of default (either failure to
pay upon extra-judicial demand or upon judicial
demand whichever is appropriate and subject to the
provisions of Article 1169 of the Civil Code)
b.2. rate of interest shall be 6% per annum

2. Non-Monetary Obligations (such as the case at bar)

a. If already liquidated, rate of interest shall be 6%
per annum, demandable from date of judicial or extra-
judicial demand (Art. 1169, Civil Code)
b. If unliquidated, no interest

Except: When later on established with certainty.

61) Nacar vs. Gallery Frames, GR 189871, Interest shall still be 6% per annum demandable from
August 13, 2013 the date of judgment because such on such date, it is
FACTS: already deemed that the amount of damages is
Dario Nacar filed a labor case against Gallery Frames already ascertained.
and its owner Felipe Bordey, Jr. Nacar alleged that he
was dismissed without cause by Gallery Frames on 3. Compounded Interest– This is applicable to both
January 24, 1997. On October 15, 1998, the Labor monetary and non-monetary obligations– 6% per
Arbiter (LA) found Gallery Frames guilty of illegal annum computed against award of damages (interest)
dismissal hence the Arbiter awarded Nacar granted by the court. To be computed from the date
P158,919.92 in damages consisting of backwages and when the court’s decision becomes final and executory
separation pay. until the award is fully satisfied by the losing party.

Gallery Frames appealed all the way to the Supreme 4. The 6% per annum rate of legal interest shall be
Court (SC). The Supreme Court affirmed the decision applied prospectively:– Final and executory
of the Labor Arbiter and the decision became final on judgments awarding damages prior to July 1, 2013
May 27, 2002. After the finality of the SC decision, shall apply the 12% rate;– Final and executory
Nacar filed a motion before the LA for recomputation judgments awarding damages on or after July 1, 2013
as he alleged that his backwages should be computed shall apply the 12% rate for unpaid obligations until
from the time of his illegal dismissal (January 24, June 30, 2013; unpaid obligations with respect to said
1997) until the finality of the SC decision (May 27, judgments on or after July 1, 2013 shall still incur the
2002) with interest. The LA denied the motion as he 6% rate.
ruled that the reckoning point of the computation
should only be from the time Nacar was illegally 62) University of Pangasinan, Inc. vs.
dismissed (January 24, 1997) until the decision of the Fernandez, GR 211228, November 12,
LA (October 15, 1998). The LA reasoned that the said 2014
date should be the reckoning point because Nacar did
not appeal hence as to him, that decision became final FACTS:
and executory. IN A complaint for illegal dismissal filed by
respondents Florentino Fernandez and Nilda
ISSUE: whether or not a re-computation in the course Fernandez against petitioners University of
of execution of the labor arbiter's original computation Pangasinan, Inc. (UPI), Cesar Duque, Juan Llamas
of the awards made is legally proper. Amor and Dominador Reyes, Labor Arbiter (LA)
Rolando D. Gambito ruled that respondents were
RULING: Yes. illegally dismissed as college instructors. The
petitioners were ordered to pay respondents’
For backwages, it will be computed from the date of backwages, allowances, and other benefits computed
illegal dismissal until the date of the decision of the from the date of their dismissal on May 9, 2000 up to
Labor Arbiter. But if the employer appeals, then the Nov. 6, 2000, date of promulgation of decision.
end date shall be extended until the day when the Instead of reinstatement, the petitioners were
appellate court’s decision shall become final. Hence, ordered to pay separation pay equivalent to one
as a consequence, the liability of the employer, if he month salary for every year of service.
loses on appeal, will increase – this is just but a risk
that the employer cannot avoid when it continued to The National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) first
seek recourses against the Labor Arbiter’s decision. affirmed the LA’s decision in a resolution dated June
This is also in accordance with Article 279 of the Labor 29, 2001. Upon motion for reconsideration filed by the
Code. petitioners, the NLRC in a resolution dated Feb. 21,
2002, set aside its previous resolution and reversed
Anent the issue of award of interest in the form of the LA’s decision. Respondents filed a petition for
actual or compensatory damages, the Supreme Court certiorari with the Court of Appeals (CA) which

33 | P a g e
FIRST SEMESTER | A.Y. 2020-2021

reversed and set aside the NLRC resolution dated Feb. computation of backwages and separation pay
21, 2002 and reinstated the LA’s decision. awarded to the respondents. The CA correctly ruled
that the backwages should be computed from May 9,
UPI appealed the CA’s decision to the Supreme Court 2000, the date of illegal dismissal, up to July 11, 2005,
but was denied in a resolution dated Feb. 21, 2005 on the date of the Entry of Judgment, while separation
the ground that UPI failed to properly verify its pay should be reckoned from the respective first days
petition. A motion for reconsideration was likewise of employment of Florentino and Nilda up to July 11,
denied with finality in a resolution dated June 6, 2005. 2005 as well.
An entry of judgment was issued declaring its
resolution dated Feb. 21, 2005 final and executory as 63) Republic vs. Hon. Mupas, GR 181892,
of July 11, 2005. Subsequently, the respondents September 8, 2015
moved for a recomputation of their award to include
their backwages and other benefits from the date of FACTS: (4 consolidated cases; very long case )
the decision of LA Gambito up to the finality of the
decision on July 11, 2005. Is there merit to On October 5, 1994, Asia’s Emerging Dragon Corp.
respondents’ motion? Verification in the position (AEDC) submitted an unsolicited proposal to the
paper and the manifestation/compliance filed by Government for the construction and development of
respondent Romy Bastol before the labor arbiter was the Ninoy Aquino International Airport Passenger
signed only by his counsel. Terminal III (NAIA-IPT III) under a build-operate-
and-transfer (BOT) arrangement. The DOTC and the
ISSUE: MIAA invited the public to submit competitive and
Petitioner Oriental Ship Management Co., Inc. argued comparative proposals to AEDC’s unsolicited proposal.
that the lack of proper verification has rendered the Both AEDC and Paircargo Consortium offered to build
pleadings without legal effect as unsigned pleadings. the NAIA-IPT III for at least $350 million at no cost to
Was there merit to the argument? the Government and to pay the Government: 5%
share in gross revenues for the first five years of
RULING: Yes. operation, 7.5% share in gross revenues for the next
ten years of operation, and 10% share in gross
In Session Delights aptly quoted by the CA and revenues for the last ten years of operation.
reiterated in several cases including Nacar and
Gonzales v. Solid Cement Corp., G.R. No. 198423, However, Paircargo Consortium offered to pay the
Oct. 23, 2012, 684 SCRA 344, the Court was emphatic Government a total of P17.75 billion as guaranteed
that: payment for 27 years while AEDC offered to pay the
Government a total of P135 million for the same
No essential change is made by a re-computation as period. After the AEDC’s failure to match the
this step is a necessary consequence that flows from competitive bid, the DOTC awarded, the project to the
the nature of the illegality of dismissal declared in that Paircargo Consortium (that later organized itself as
decision. A re-computation (or an original PIATCO).
computation, if no previous computation has been
made) is a part of the law—specifically, Article 279 of On July 12, 1997, the Government executed a
the Labor Code and the established jurisprudence on Concession Agreement with PIATCO. On March 31,
this provision—that is read into the decision. By the 2000, PIATCO engaged the services of Takenaka, a
nature of an illegal dismissal case, the reliefs continue local branch of a foreign corporation duly organized
to add on until full satisfaction, as expressed under under the laws of Japan and doing business in the
Article 279 of the Labor Code. The re-computation of Philippines, for the construction of the NAIA-IPT III.
the consequences of illegal dismissal upon execution
of the decision does not constitute an alteration or On the same date, PIATCO, likewise contracted the
amendment of the final decision being implemented. services of Asahikosan, a foreign corporation duly
The illegal dismissal ruling stands; only the organized under the laws of Japan, for the design,
computation of monetary consequences of this manufacture, purchase, test and delivery of the Plant
dismissal is affected and this is not a violation of the in the NAIA-IPT III. On November 29, 2002, President
principle of immutability of final judgments. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo declared in her speech that
the Government would not honor the PIATCO
xxxx contracts. On the same day, Takenaka and
Asahikosan notified PIATCO that they were
That the amount the petitioner shall now pay has suspending the construction of the NAIA-IPT III for
greatly increased is a consequence that it cannot PIATCO’s failure to provide adequate security.
avoid as it is the risk that it ran when it continued to
seek recourses against the labor arbiter’s decision. On May 5, 200, in the Agan v. PIATCO Case, the Court
Article 279 provides for the consequences of illegal nullified the PIATCO contracts after finding that
dismissal in no uncertain terms, qualified only by Paircargo Consortium (that later incorporated into
jurisprudence in its interpretation of when separation PIATCO) was not a duly pre-qualified bidder for failure
pay in lieu of reinstatement is allowed. When that to meet the minimum equity requirements for the
happens, the finality of the illegal dismissal decision NAIA-IPT III project, as required under the BOT Law
becomes the reckoning point instead of the and the Bid Documents. On December 21, 2004 (The
reinstatement that the law decrees. In allowing Expropriation Case, Civil Case No. 04-0876), the
separation pay, the final decision effectively declares Government filed a complaint for expropriation of the
that the employment relationship ended so that NAIA-IPT III and informed the RTC that it had
separation pay and backwages are to be computed up deposited with the Land Bank the amount of
to that point. P3,002,125,000.00, representing the NAIA-IPT III’s
assessed value. On the same day, the RTC issued a
xxxx writ of possession in favor of the Government.

Prescinding from the above, the Court finds no On January 7, 2005, the RTC appointed three
reversible error committed by the CA when it affirmed Commissioners to determine just compensation
LA Flores’ Order dated August 22, 2006, which without consulting the Government and PIATCO. Due
allowed the updating beyond November 6, 2000 of the to these successive adverse rulings, the Government

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FIRST SEMESTER | A.Y. 2020-2021

sought to inhibit Judge Henrick F. Gingoyon, the RTC’s In cases where the fair market value of the property
presiding judge, from hearing the case. (The judge is difficult to ascertain, the court may use other just
was ambushed and killed on December 31, 2005.) On and equitable market methods of valuation in order to
December 14, 2005, Asahikosan filed a motion for estimate the fair market value of a property.
leave to intervene and Takenaka manifested its
voluntary appearance before the RTC. Pending the In the case at bar, this Court exercises its judicial
RTC’s resolution of Takenaka and Asahikosan’s function to fix just compensation in eminent domain
motions for leave to intervene in the expropriation cases on the basis of the law, the rules, and the
case, the Government went directly to the Court evidence — including the appraisal reports and the
seeking Judge Gingoyon’s inhibition from the case; embedded formula on how the parties arrived at the
the nullification of the order of release of the sum of amounts of just compensation — presented by the
$62.3 million (P3,002,125,000.00) to PIATCO; and parties before the trial court and the entire record of
the nullification as well of the appointment of the the consolidated cases.
On May 5, 2006, the RTC ordered the engagement of The arguments of the Republic and PIATCO on
the services of an internationally accepted the imposition of interest:
independent appraiser who shall conduct the
valuation of the NAIA-IPT III. Thereafter, the Before we separately address the Republic and
Government and PIATCO submitted their list of PIATCO's arguments, we first expound on the reason
nominees for the appointment of an independent for the imposition of interest in case of delay in the
appraiser. On May 3, 2007, the RTC appointed DG payment of just compensation. While we have
Jones and Partners as independent appraiser. exhaustively discussed in our Decision the legal and
jurisprudential bases for the imposition of interest we
The Government directly challenged the order in a find it helpful to review the basic facts of the case and
petition for certiorari with prayer for the issuance of a highlight key legal concepts that can illuminate our
temporary restraining order and/or a writ of ruling.
preliminary injunction , which, the Court thereafter
issued. Subsequently, the parties and the BOC We stress that the Republic chose to expropriate the
conducted a preliminary conference on April 22, 2010, NAIA-IPT III, and was fully cognizant of the legal and
to adopt an alternative course of action to avoid practical effects of filing an expropriation complaint.
further delay in the determination of just After choosing this legal remedy, the Republic cannot
compensation. On August 5, 2010, the RTC ordered now disclaim knowledge or feign ignorance of the
the parties to submit their appraisal reports of NAIA- implications of this choice in an attempt to evade
IPT III with supporting documents and affidavits. The paying interest.
Government appraised the NAIA-IPT III at
$149,448,037.00 while PIATCO concluded that its The Republic owes PIATCO a specific sum of
replacement cost was $905,867,549.47. On the other money.
hand,Takenaka and Asahikosan claimed that the
NAIA-IPT III’s construction cost amounted to We remind the Republic that PIATCO, through its
$360,969,790.82. subcontractors, built the NAIA-IPT III.

RTC: The RTC adopted the Government’s computed The Republic later took over the NAIA-IPT III in the
just compensation of $149,448,037.00. The RTC exercise of its power of eminent domain. By so doing,
rejected PIATCO, Takenaka, Asahikosan, and the the Republic became legally obliged to pay PIATCO the
BOC’s computation for lack of factual and legal basis. value of the property taken. This obligation arises
from the constitutional mandate that private property
CA: the CA modified the RTC rulings and arrived at its shall not be taken for public use without just
own formula of the NAIA-IPT III’s cost. compensation.

ISSUE: Subsequently, the Court determined the monetary

value of the NAIA-IPT III, which sum the Republic now
1. Whether or not the CA erred in computing just owes PIATCO as payment for the NAIA-IPT III. In
compensation in the expropriation of the NAIA-IPT short, it is currently indebted to PIATCO for the
III. monetary value of the NAIA-IPT III less the proffered
2. Is the Republic legally obliged to pay interest? value.

HELD: The Republic has not yet fully paid its debt.
Eminent domain is a fundamental state power that is The Republic took over the NAIA-IPT III on September
inseparable from sovereignty. It is an inherent power 11, 2006 upon payment of the proffered value. The
and is not conferred by the Constitution. The 1987 Republic's possession of the NAIA-IPT III had twin
Constitution embodies two constitutional safeguards effects: (1) PIATCO was effectively deprived of the
against the arbitrary exercise of eminent domain: possession of the property; and (2) PIATCO's right to
first, private property shall not be taken for public use the payment of the just compensation accrued as a
without just compensation; and second, no person matter of right.
shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without
due process of law. Applying Section 10 of Rule 67, we held in our
Decision that the condemnor incurs delay if it does not
Just compensation is defined as “the full and fair pay the property owner the full amount of just
equivalent of the property taken from its owner by the compensation on the date of taking.[120] This rule
expropriator. To achieve this monetary equivalent, we requires the Republic to perform two essential acts in
use the standard value of “fair market value” of the order not to incur delay: (1) pay the full amount of
property at the time of the filing of the complaint for just compensation and (2) pay the full amount of just
expropriation or at the time of the taking of property, compensation on time, i.e., on the date of taking.
whichever is earlier.

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FIRST SEMESTER | A.Y. 2020-2021

Upon its failure to pay, the Republic has been in

continuing delay, which delay carries legal When Roger’s sons would finally take the property
consequences. back for good, they were surprised to find out that
respondents were already claiming ownership over
As a consequence of the Republic's continuing the subject property.
delay in paying the full amount of just
compensation, it is legally obliged to pay Respondents’ claim on the other hand, that their
interest. grandmother mortgaged the lot. When the period to
repurchase the same was about to expire, she
64) Odiamar vs. Valencia, GR 213582, requested her granddaughter to redeem the property.
September 12, 2018 Thereafter, she took possession of the lot and then,
transferred all her rights over the property to Lelia.
Respondent filed a complaint for sum of money and ISSUE:
damages against petitioner, alleging that the latter Who has the better right over the subject property.
owed her P2,100,000.00.
Petitioner sought the dismissal of the complaint on the The Heirs of Roger Jarque have the better right.
ground that it was her deceased parents who owed
respondent money. MCTC Decision that was upheld by the SC:
The MCTC rendered a Decision in favor of petitioners.
Respondent countered that petitioner personally It: (1) declared petitioners as the rightful owners and
borrowed almost half of the P2, 100,000.00 from her, possessors of the property; and (2) directed
as evidenced by the check which she issued after respondents to vacate the property and surrender
agreeing to settle the same in installments. While ownership and possession to petitioners. The MCTC
respondent conceded that petitioner made several concluded that redemption is not a mode of
installment payments from December 29, 2000 until acquisition of property and found no other instrument
May 31, 2003, she pointed out that the latter failed to which shows that Lot No. 2560 was conveyed to
make any succeeding payments. Moreover, Dominga. It further ruled that respondents'
respondent denied participating in the proceedings for possession cannot ripen into ownership because it was
the settlement of the estates of petitioner's parents. not adverse, but was only by petitioners' mere
tolerance. The MCTC also ruled that Dominga and
the RTC ruled in favor of respondent and ordered respondents are possessors in bad faith. Lastly, it
petitioner to pay: (a) ₱1,710,049.00 which represents ruled that prescription does not lie against petitioners
the unpaid portion of the ₱2,100,000.00 debt; (b) because the deed of ratification is void.
twelve percent (12%) interest computed from the
time judicial demand was made on August 20, 2003 Relevant Part:
until fully paid. From the foregoing, we reinstate the MCTC Decision.
We, nevertheless, modify the interest rates in
accordance with our ruling in Nacar v. Gallery
ISSUE: Is the award of interest proper?
Frames.70 Since the obligation of P950.00 is a
forbearance of money, the amount of P950.00 shall
RULING: No. respondent herself admitted that there
earn interest from the time of demand in the
was no written agreement that interest would be due
counterclaim. The awards of moral and exemplary
on the sum loaned, only that there was an implicit
damages and attorney's fees shall earn interest at the
understanding that the same would be subject to
rate of 6% per annum from the time they became
interest. Respondent also testified on cross
determinable, i.e., date of the MCTC Decision, until
examination that the ₱2,100,000.00 corresponds only
finality of this judgment. The total amount shall
to the principal and does not include interest
thereafter earn interest at the rate of 6% per annum
from such finality of judgment until its satisfaction.71
It is fundamental that for monetary interest to be due,
there must be an express written agreement therefor. WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The MCTC
Article 1956 of the Civil Code provides that "[n]o Decision dated March 7, 2007 is REINSTATED subject
interest shall be due unless it has been expressly to the following MODIFICATIONS: (1) The amount of
stipulated in writing." In this relation, case law states P950.00 representing the payment made by Dominga
that the lack of a written stipulation to pay interest on Jarque shall earn interest at the rate of 12% per
the loaned amount bars a creditor from charging annum from the date of judicial demand on August
monetary interest and the collection of interest 26, 200572 until June 30, 2013, and interest at the
without any stipulation therefor in writing is prohibited rate of 6% per annum, computed from July 1, 2013
by law. up to the date of finality of this Decision; and (2) the
awards of moral and exemplary damages and
65) Hrs. of Roger Jarque vs. Marcial Jarque, attorney's fees shall likewise earn interest at the rate
Lelia Jarque-Lagsit, And Teresita Jarque- of 6% per annum from the time of the finality of this
Bailon, GR 196733, November 21, 2018 Decision. The total monetary awards shall thereafter
earn interest at the rate of 6% per annum from the
FACTS: finality of judgment until its satisfaction.
The subject lot was declared under the name of
Laureano Jarque, who was married to Servanda. Contravention of tenor of obligations (1170)

Petitioners claim that Roger inherited the subject lot

66) Pacmac vs. IAC (150 SCRA 555)
from their grandfather Laureano upon his death in
1946. Roger mortgaged the lot twice, and on the
FACTS: PACMAC Incorporated alleged that by virtue
second one, Lupo, his brother, was the one who
of an existing contract and arrangement with VULCAN
redeemed the property. Roger tried to redeem the
Manufacturing Company Incorporated, the former
property back from Lupo and his family thrice but
since 1953 continuously up to August 3, 1965 has
failed to do so as the family needs it as their source of
been the exclusive distributor of the latter's products
income. Roger acceded to their requests.
and that in said arrangement VULCAN was obliged to
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FIRST SEMESTER | A.Y. 2020-2021

periodically deliver and sell, at its own dictated price Assistant Municipal Treasurer. She was advised to
any number or volume of its products exclusively to claim her salary with her mother agency, the
PACMAC. PACMAC would, in turn, exclusively sell and Municipality of Sindangan. In an amicable settlement,
distribute said products to the open market, whether private complainant was paid her salaries but only for
in wholesale or retail, at a price set and commanded January to August 1991. She was able to receive
by VULCAN, and that on August 3, 1965 VULCAN complete payment of her claims only on January 4,
unilaterally terminated the contract of exclusive 1993 in the form of checks. For causing an undue
distributorship causing damages to PACMAC. injury in the discharge of his official functions through
evident bad faith, accused Mayor was charged and
In its answer, VULCAN denied the contract of found guilty with violation of Sec. 3 of R.A. No. 3019,
exclusive distributorship with PACMAC. By way of the AntiGraft and Corrupt Practices Act
counterclaim, VULCAN alleged that PACMAC is
indebted to it as of September 30, 1965 in the sum of ISSUE:
P320,220.25 plus interest representing the unpaid Did the accused contravene the tenor of the
purchase price of VULCAN's products sold and agreement when he did not sign the vouchers?
delivered to PACMAC. Can Fuertes be awarded for actual or compensatory
On December 6, 1962, both parties entered into a damages for the withholding of salaries resulting to
written contract of exclusive distributorship for two breach of contract?
years beginning November 16, 1962 over two
products manufactured by defendant.
On August 3, 1965, defendant wrote plaintiff a letter 1) No. His failure to approve the vouchers was due
advising the latter that as of that date defendant to some legal obstacles and not entirely without
would no longer deliver any of its products to plaintiff reason. Thus, not in bad faith. Given the lack of
except those items for which orders had already been corresponding appropriation ordinance and
booked, unless the same would be cancelled by certification of availability of funds for such persons,
plaintiff. It does not appear, however, that deliveries llorente had the duty not to sign the vouchers
on the pending orders were thereafter made, as it is
admitted that defendant stopped deliveries as of 2) No. Actual damages, if not supported by
August 3, 1965. evidence on record, cannot be considered.

ISSUE: Whether or not VULCAN contravened the Complainant's testimony regarding her family's
tenor of agreement between the two parties. financial stress was inadequate and largely
speculative. Without giving specific details, she made
RULING: only vague references to the fact that her four children
Yes, VULCAN contravened the tenor of agreement. were all going to school and that she was the
The records establish that after the termination of the breadwinner in the family. She, however, did not say
two-year written contract, the parties agreed on that she was unable to pay their tuition fees and the
another term regarding the duration of their specific damage brought by such nonpayment. The
distributorship arrangement. They also agreed that fact that the "injury" to her family was unspecified or
the distributorship arrangement would remain in full unquantified does not satisfy the element of undue
force until one year from and after notice of its injury, as akin to actual damages. As in civil cases,
termination would have been given to PACMAC. The actual damages, if not supported by evidence on
inevitable conclusion, therefore, is that the parties' record, cannot be considered.
contract of exclusive distributorship arrangement was
still in existence on August 3, 1965 when VULCAN Fundamental in the law on damages is that one
decided to stop deliveries of its products to PACMAC. injured by a breach of a contract, or by a wrongful or
VULCAN's unilateral act of terminating the contract negligent act or omission shall have a fair and just
without legal justification makes it liable for damages compensation commensurate to the loss sustained as
suffered by PACMAC pursuant to Article 1170 of the a consequence of the defendant's act. Actual
New Civil Code. pecuniary compensation is awarded as a general rule,
except where the circumstances warrant the
67) Llorente, Jr. vs. Sandiganbayan (287 SCRA allowance of other kinds of damages. Actual damages
382) are primarily intended to simply make good or replace
the loss caused by the wrong.
FACTS: Private complainant Leticia C. Fuertes is the
duly appointed Assistant Municipal Treasurer in the Furthermore, damages must not only be capable of
Municipality of Sindangan, Zamboanga del Norte, proof, but must be actually proven with a reasonable
since October 18, 1985. Starting 1986, she was degree of certainty. They cannot be based on flimsy
detailed to different offices, and returned to her post and non-substantial evidence or upon speculation,
in Sindangan only in July, 1990. conjecture or guesswork. They cannot include
speculative damages which are too remote to be
On March 12, 1991, accused Mayor received a letter included in an accurate estimate of the loss or injury.
from the Sangguniang Bayan of the Municipality of
Pinan, Zamboanga del Norte, demanding from the "Art. 2199. Except as provided by law or by
private complainant return of the amount overpaid to stipulation, one is entitled to an adequate
her as salaries. compensation only for such pecuniary loss suffered by
Private complainant filed a Petition for Mandamus with him as he has duly proved. Such compensation is
Damages against the accused Mayor and the referred to as actual or compensatory damages."
Municipality of Sindangan for the alleged unjustified
refusal of Mayor Llorente to sign and/or approve her 68) FGU Insurance Corp. vs. G.P. Sarmiento
payrolls and/or vouchers representing her salaries Trucking Corp. (G.R. No. 141910, August 6,
and other emoluments. She also alleged that although 2002)
she rendered services at the municipality of Pinan for
the month of June, 1990, she could not collect her FACTS: GPS agreed to transport thirty (30) units of
salary there considering that as of that month, the Condura refrigerators for Conception Industries.
municipality of Pinan had already appointed an While delivering, the truck collided with another

37 | P a g e
FIRST SEMESTER | A.Y. 2020-2021

truck resulting in the damage of said appliances. 81) Cauton vs. CA (G.R. No. 158382, Jan. 27,
FGU, an insurer of the shipment, paid Conception 2004)
Industries the value of the covered cargoes in the 82) Integrated Realty Corp. vs. PNB (174 SCRA
sum of P204,450.00. 295)
83) David vs. CA (316 SCRA 710)
FGU, being the subrogee of the rights and interests 84) PNB vs. CA (236 SCRA 766)
of Conception, sought reimbursement of the amount 85) Eastern Shipping Lines, Inc. vs CA (234
it had paid to the latter from GPS. Since the trucking SCRA 78)
company failed to heed the claim, FGU filed a 86) Almeda vs. Cariño (G.R. No. 152143, Jan.
complaint for damages and breach of contract of 13, 2003)
carriage against GPS and its driver Lambert Erole. 87) Sebastian Siga-an vs. Alicia Villanueva,
G.R. No. 173227, January 20, 2009
Note: In this case, there was subrogation. FGU 88) ASIATRUST Development Bank vs. Tuble,
Insurance Corp, being the subrogee, now has the G.R. No. 183987, July 25, 2012
legal right to sue GPS in lieu of Concection. 89) Sps. Bonrostro vs. Sps. Luna, G.R. No.
172346, July 24, 2013
1. WON the laws on common carriers apply Presumptions (1176)
2. WON GPS, either as common carrier or a
private carrier, may be held liable 90) Manila Trading & Supply Co. vs. Medina (2
SCRA 549)
91) Ledesma vs. Realubin (8 SCRA 608)
1) No. In order for the presumption of negligence Remedies of Creditors for Breach of Obligations
provided for under the law governing common
carrier (Article 1735, Civil Code) to arise, the 92) Siy vs. CA (138 SCRA 536)
appellant must first prove that the appellee is a 93) Molina vs. CA (G.R. No. 125755, Feb. 24,
common carrier. Should the appellant fail to prove 2003)
that the appellee is a common carrier, the 94) Lim vs. CA (263 SCRA 569)
presumption would not arise. 95) Deiparine, Jr. vs. CA (221 SCRA 503)
96) Velarde vs. CA (361 SCRA 56)
Based on the foregoing, the trucking company has 97) Campos Assets Corp. vs. Club X.O.
been 'its exclusive contractor, hauler since 1970. Company (328 SCRA 520)
The inevitable conclusion is that the appellee is a 98) Philippine National Construction
private carrier. Corporation vs. Mars
99) Construction Enterprises, Inc. ( 325 SCRA
2) Yes. GPS cannot escape from liability. 624)
In culpa contractual, the mere proof of the existence 100) DBP vs. CA ( 344 SCRA 492)
of the contract and the failure of its compliance 101) Central Bank of the Philippines vs. Bichara
justify, prima facie, a corresponding right of relief. (328 SCRA 807)
The law, recognizing the obligatory force of 102) Hrs. of the late Justice J.B.L. Reyes vs. CA
contracts, will not permit a party to be set free from (338 SCRA 282)
liability for any kind of misperformance of the 103) Pangilinan vs. CA (279 SCRA 590)
contractual undertaking or a contravention of the 104) Lim vs. CA (182 SCRA 564)
tenor thereof. A breach upon the contract confers 105) Goldenrod, Inc. vs. CA (299 SCRA 141)
upon the injured party a valid cause for recovering
that which may have been lost or suffered.
Kinds of Obligations
Effects of Fortuitous Events in obligations (1174)
106) Pay vs. Vda. De Palanca (57 SCRA 18)
107) Luzon Brokerage Co., Inc. vs. Maritime
69) Lasam vs. Smith (supra.) Bldg Co., Inc. (46 SCRA 381)
70) Republic of the Philippines vs. Luzon 108) Coronel vs. CA (263 SCRA 15)
Stevedoring Corp. (21 SCRA 279) 109) Rillo vs. Court of Appeals (274 SCRA 461)
71) Austria vs. Court of Appeals (39 SCRA 527) 110) Davies, Inc. vs. CA (333 SCRA 684)
72) Tugade vs. Court of Appeals (85 SCRA 226) 111) Rustan Pulp & Paper Mills, Inc. vs. IAC
73) Southwestern College, Inc. vs. CA (292 (214 SCRA 665)
SCRA 422) 112) Baluran vs. Navarro (79 SCRA 309)
74) Mindex Resources Development vs. Morillo 113) Smith, Bell and Co. vs. Sotelo (44 Phil. 875)
(G.R. No. 138123, March 12, 2002) 114) Hermosa vs. Longara (93 Phil. 971)
75) Herbosa vs. CA (374 SCRA 578) 115) Trillana vs. Quezon Colleges (93 Phil. 383)
76) FGU Insurance Corporation vs. CA (454 116) Philippine Long Distance Company vs.
SCRA 337) Jeturian, et al (97 Phil. 981)
77) Schmitz Transport and Brokerage Corp. vs. 117) De la Rama Steamship Co. vs. Tan (99 Phil.
Transport Venture, Inc. (456 SCRA 557) 1034)
78) Sps. Poon vs. Prime Savings Bank, G.R. 118) Sancho vs. Lizarraga (55 Phil. 601)
183794, June 13, 2016. 119) Tayag vs. CA (G.R. No. 103577, Oct. 7,
120) Naga Telephone Company, Inc. vs. CA (230
SCRA 351)
Usurious Transactions; Interests (1175; 1956; 121) Universal Food Corp. vs. Court of Appeals
1957; 1306) (33 SCRA 1)
122) Central Philippine University vs. CA (246
79) Security Bank and Trust Co. vs. RTC of SCRA 511)
Makati (263 SCRA 483) 123) Santos vs. CA (337 SCRA 67)
80) Solangon vs. Salazar (360 SCRA 379) 124) Casano, Jr. vs. CA (470 SCRA 57)

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125) F.F. Cruz & Co., Inc. vs. HR Construction 156) Filinvest Land, Inc. vs. CA (470 SCRA 260)
Corp., G.R. No. 187521, March 14, 2012 157) Lough, Jr., et al. vs. Bank of the Philippine
126) International Hotel Corporation vs. Islands, GR 225562, March 8, 2017
Joaquin, Jr. & Suarez, G.R. No. 158361,
April 10, 2013 Payment or Performance (1232-1251)
127) Wellex Group, Inc. vs. U-Land Airlines Co.,
Ltd., G.R. No. 167519, January 14, 2015 158) Filinvest Credit Corporation vs. Philippine
128) Nolasco vs. Cuerpo, et al., GR No. 210215, Acetylene Co. (197 Phil. 394)
December 9, 2015 -Fong vs. Dueñas, GR 159) Golez vs. Camara (101 Phil. 363)
No. 185592, June 15, 2015. 160) Quiros vs. Tan Guinlay (5 Phil. 675)
129) Sergio Osmeña III, vs. Power Sector 161) New Pacific Timber & Supply Co. vs.
Assets and Liabilities Seneris (101 SCRA 686)
130) Management Corporation, et. al., GR No. 162) Singson vs. Caltex (G.R. No. 137798, Oct.
212686, October 5, 2016 4, 2000)
131) PEZA vs. Pilhino Sales Corporation, GR No. 163) Serra vs. CA (229 SCRA 60)
185765, Sept. 28, 2016 164) CF Sharp and Co., Inc. vs. Northwest
132) Development Bank of the Philippines vs. Airlines, Inc. (G.R. No. 133498, April 12,
Sta. Ines Melale Forest Products 2002)
Corporation, GR 193068 & 193099, 165) Velasco vs. Manila Electric Co. (42 SCRA
February 1, 2017 556)
166) Lantion vs. NLRC (181 SCRA 513)
With a Period (1193-1198) 167) Roman Catholic Bishop of Malolos, Inc. vs.
IAC (191 SCRA 411)
133) Nepomuceno vs. Narciso (84 Phil. 542) 168) Far East Bank and Trust Co. (FEBTC) vs.
134) Berg vs. Magdalena Estate, Inc. (92 Phil. Diaz Realty, Inc. (G.R. No. 138588, Aug.
110) 23, 2001)
135) Victorias Planters vs. Victorias Milling Co. 169) Jespay Realty Corp. vs. CA, et al. (G.R. No.
(97 Phil. 318) 113626, Sept. 27, 2002)
136) Gonzales vs. Jose (66 Phil. 369) 170) Aquintey vs. Tibong (511 SCRA 414)
137) Borromeo vs. Court of Appeals (47 SCRA 171) Telengtan Brothers & Sons, Inc. vs. United
65) States Lines, Inc. (483 SCRA 458)
138) Gaite vs. Fonacier (112 Phil. 728) 172) International Hotel Corporation vs.
139) Radiowealth Finance Company vs. Del Joaquin, Jr. & Suarez, G.R. No. 158361,
Rosario (335 SCRA 288) April 10, 2013
140) Fernandez vs. CA (166 SCRA 577) 173) Sps. Bonrostro vs. Sps. Luna, G.R. No.
172346, July 24, 2013
Alternative and Facultative (1199-1206) 174) National Power Corporation vs. Ibrahim, et
al., GR 175863, February 18, 2015
141) Agoncillo and Mariano vs. Javier (38 Phil. 175) Sinamban vs. China Banking Corporation,
424) GR 193890, March 11, 2015
142) Ong Guan Can vs. Century Insurance Co. 176) Marquez vs. Elisan Credit Corporation GR
(46 Phil. 492) 194642, April 6, 2015
177) Sps. Tan, et al. vs. China Banking
Joint and Solidary (1207-1222) Corporation, GR 200299, August 17, 2016
178) Georgia Osmeña-Jalandoni vs. Carmencita
143) Lafarge Cement Phils. Vs. Continental Encomienda, GR 205578, March 1, 2017
Cement Corp., et al. (G.R. No. 155173,
November 23, 2004) Loss of The Thing Due (1262-1269)
144) Agoncillo vs. Javier (38 Phil. 424)
145) Ynchausti vs. Yulo (34 Phil. 978) 179) Ortigas & Co. vs. Feati Bank and Trust Co.
146) International Finance Corporation vs. (94 SCRA 533)
Imperial Textile Mills, Inc. (475 SCRA 149) 180) Naga Telephone Co., et al. vs. CA (Feb. 24,
147) Sps. Ibañez vs. James, GR No. 194272, 1994)
February 15, 2017 181) Eastern Telecommunications Philippines,
Inc. vs. Eastern Telecoms Employees
Union, (G.R. No. 185665, February 8,
Divisible and Indivisible (1223-1225 182) Tagaytay Realty Co., Inc. vs. Gacutan, GR
160033, July 1, 2015
148) Nazareno vs. CA (G.R. No. 138842, October
18, 2000)

With Penal Clause (1226-1230) Condonation or Remission of Debt (1270-1274)

149) SSS vs. Moonwalk Development and Confusion or Merger of Rights (1275-1277)
Housing Corporation (221 SCRA 119)
150) Rizal Commercial Banking Corp. vs. CA ( 183) Yek Tong Lin Fire and Marine Insurance Co.
289 SCRA 242) vs. Yusingco (46 Phil. 473)
151) Ligutan vs. CA (G. R. No. 138677, Feb. 12, 184) 5. Compensation (1278-1290)
2002) 185) Gullas vs. National Bank (62 Phil. 519)
152) Luneta Motor Co. vs. Moral (73 Phil. 80) 186) Garcia vs. Lim Chiu Sing (59 Phil. 562)
153) Cabarroguis, et al. vs. Vicente (107 Phil. 187) Union Bank of the Philippines vs.
340) Development Bank of the Philippines, GR
154) Palmares vs. Court of Appeals (288 SCRA 191555, January 20, 2014
155) Umali vs. Miclat (105 Phil. 1109)

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Novation (1291-1304)

188) Zapanta vs. De Rostaeche (21 Phil. 54)

189) Uraca, et al. vs. Court of Appeals (G.R. No.
115158, Sept. 5, 1997)
190) Reyes vs. CA, et al. (G.R. No. 120817,
November 4, 1996)
191) Magdalena Estate, Inc. vs. Rodriguez (18
SCRA 967)
192) Pascual vs. Lacsamana (100 Phil. 381)
193) La Tondeña, Inc. vs. Alto Surety &
Insurance Co. (101 Phil. 879)
194) Dungo vs. Lopeña (6 SCRA 1007)
195) Kabankalan Sugar Co. vs. Pacheco (55 Phil.
196) GSIS vs. Court of Appeals (169 SCRA 744)
197) Cochingyan, Jr. vs. R & B Surety and
Insurance Co., Inc. (151 SCRA 339)
198) Chester Babst vs. Court of Appeals (G.R.
Nos. 9939 and 104625, January 26, 2001)
199) Villanueva vs. Girged (110 Phil. 478) -
Hodges vs. Rey (111 Phil. 219)
200) South City Homes, Inc., et al. vs. Court of
Appeals (G. R. No. 135462, December 7,
201) Rodriguez vs. Court of Appeals (207 SCRA
202) Philippine Savings Bank vs. Manalac, Jr.
(457 SCRA 203)
203) Odiamar vs. Valencia, GR 213582, June 28,
204) Ever Electrical Manufacturing, Inc. vs.
Philippine Bank of
205) Communications, GR 187822-23, August 3,
206) Figuera vs. Ang, GR 204264, June 29, 2016
207) Liam vs. United Coconut Planters Bank, GR
194664, June 15, 2016
208) SM Systems Corporation vs. Camerino, et
al., GR 178591, March 29, 2017

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