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Class: ………………………………………………………


1.__________their work, they went home.
A. Finishing B. Having finished C. Had finished D. Finished
2. The girl_____ behind you is naughty.
A. stands B. stood C. is standing D. standing
3. _____ their farm work, the farmers returned home.
A. Finishing B. Finish C. Having finished D. Being finished
4. _____by the visitor, the clavichord could not be used.
A. Broken B. Break C. Breaking D. Broke
5. After_____ dinner, I watches television.
A. eat B. eating C. eaten D. ate
6. When_____ in international trade, letters of credit are convenient.
A. used B. are used C. using D. they used
7. She swam to the shore_____ the night in the water.
A. having pent B. having spending C. when spending D. had spent
8. I believe here is somebody_____ on the door.
A. to knock B. knock C. knocked D. knocking
9. The lady_____ in blue is her aunt.
A. dressed B. dressing C. is dressing D. in dress
10. _____ from what you say, you are innocent.
A. To judge B. Judging C. Judge D. To be judged
11. _____ you to the job, he felt calm
A. Appointed B. Appoint C. Having appointed D. To appoint
12. _____ so much, the doll is still on the shelf.
A. Cost B. Costs C. To cost D. Costing
13. _____ at by everyone, he was disappointed.
A. laughed B. Laugh C. Laughing D. In laugh
14. _____ anxious to please us, they told us all we wanted to know.
A. Be B. To be C. Being D. In being
15. Weather_____, we will start tomorrow.
A. permits B. will permit C. is permitting D. permitting
16. Dinner_____ over, they returned home.
A. being B. be C. is D. was
17. Since_____ his new business, Bob has been working 16 hours a day.
A. open B. opening C. opened D. of opening
18. After _____the fight, the police arrested two men and a woman.
A. stopping B. stop C. to stop D. stopped
19. ____ one hand on the steering wheel, Ann opened a can of soda pop with
her free hand.
A. To keep B. Keep C. In keeping D. Keeping
20. When _____ to explain his mistake, the new employee cleared his throat
A. asking B. asked C. to be asked D. to be asking
21________ that her father was angry, she left the room quietly.
A. Feeling B. Having felt C. To feel D. Felt
22. ________ school, he worked in a restaurant.
A. Having leaved B. Leaving C. Being left D. To leave
23. ________ the report to the manager, she decided to take a rest.
A. Having handed in B. Handed in C. Being handed in D. To hand in
24. ________ from Harvard, she applied for a position in a big company.
A. Graduating B. Being graduated C. Having graduated D. to graduate
25. ________ this movie last week, I don’t want to see it again.
A. Having seen B. Being seen C. Having been seen D. Seeing
26. After ________ the plan, we had a vacation in Hawaii.
A. having completed B. having been completed
C. completed D. completing
27. ________ in this town for a long time, Mary doesn't move to another place.
A. Living B. To live C. Having lived D. Lived
28. ________ all the papers already, Sarah put them back in the file.
A. To have photocopied B. To photocopy C. Photocopying D. Having photocopied
29. ________ his composition, Louie handed it to his teacher.
A. Having written B. Having been written
C. Being written D. Writing
30. ________ down from the tower we saw many people walking in the streets.
A. Having looked B. Looking C. To look D. Looked
31. ________ repairing the car, he took it out for a road test.
A. Finishing B. To finish C. Having finished D. Finished
32. ________ up the phone, Mitchel dialed a number.
A. Picking B. Having picked C. To pick D. Being picked
33. ________ hard all day, Sarah was exhausted.
A. To work B. Working C. Having worked D. worked
34. ________ all his money, Daniel couldn't afford a new jacket.
A. Spending B. Having spent C. Having been spent D. To spend
35. ________ to the hospital, Daisy didn’t see Peter waving at her.
A. Rushing B. To rush C. Having rushed D. Being rushed
36.Tourists.............................from all over the world visit the romantic rivers in Italy.
A. to come B. come C. coming D. came
37.Can you remember the girl…........................you the way?
A. shows B. showed C. showing D. to show
38.Do you know the man in red................................towards your sister?
A. came B. comes C. to come D. coming
39. The man…......................to the policeman is my uncle.
A. talking B. to talk C. talk D. talks
40.The novel.......................by Patrick is a best-seller.
A. writing B. written C. wrote D. write
41The house....................................three years ago actually belonged to us.
A. sells B. was sold C. sold D. selling
42. I ……….. a novel….....................by O.Henry at seven yesterday evening.
A. read / was written B. was reading / was written
C. was reading / written D. read / written
43.Credit cards…...........................in international trade are very convenient.
A. used B. using C. which used D. uses
44…………………….for you is the hardest thing to do. You never show up on time.
A. Wait B. Waiting C. To wait D. Waited
45………………………….books is a good habit to get more knowledge.
A. Read B. To read C. Reading D. B&C
46…………………….tired, I stayed at home.
A. To feel B. Feeling C. Feel D. Felt
47……………………………all the homework, I went to bed.
A. Have finished B. Having finished C. To finish D. Finish
48. The hobby I like most is....................................with my guitar.
A. to play B. playing C. play D. having played
49………………………….at the news of his death, she fainted.
A. Shocking B. Shocks C. To be shocked D. Shocked
50.He fell off the ladder while….................................the roof.
A. repairing B. repaired C. repair D. is repairing

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