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Rizal in Dapitan: Dwelling and Living his purpose

(A Reflection Paper on “Rizal sa Dapitan” Movie)

By: Alleikka F. Trambulo


“I shall return, but shall find myself isolated; because those who smiled at me before will
reserve their rejoicings for another happier being. And in the meantime I run after a vain idea,
perhaps a false illusion.” -Jose Rizal

Rizal was a true Filipino. All the alluring beauties of foreign countries and all the
beautiful moments of his sojourn in alien lands could not make him forget of home not
turn his back to his own nationality. True that he studied abroad, acquired the lore and
languages of foreign nations, and enjoyed the life of the Western world but he
remained at heart a true Filipino with an unquenchable love for the Philippines and the
unshakeable determination to die in the land of his birth.

Rizal sa Dapitan (Rizal in Dapitan) is a 1997 Philippine biographical film about

the life of Dr. Jose Rozal starring Albert Martinez and Amanda Page as Josephine
Bracken directed by Tikoy Aguiluz was distributed by Viva Videos. An intriguing and
nationalistic movie written by Pete Lacaba that lasted about an hour and forty minutes
that truly encapsulates my spirit of nationalism.

Two-thirds of the movie’s setting and mood, were indeed light and heartwarming
which makes me pay attention throughout the duration of the movie. We used to see
movies about the struggles of Rizal, manifested the cruelties of the friars and Spanish
government to him and mourned about his painful execution. But “Rizal sa Dapitan”
movie is truly for-keeps as it depicts the simple living of Rizal. Thus, this movie simply
tells and describes the life of Rizal in Dapitan. From the very beginning, the
writer/author of the story wants to highlight that the life of Rizal is not only full of
hardships and writing novels but the writer also wants the viewers to picture out the
peaceful and serene life of Rizal even though he was exiled in Dapitan.

When Rizal was exiled in Dapitan in 1992, and he began adapting to his new
home. This Philippines’ foremost Hero never failed to help his countrymen at his
outmost resources when he helped the local residents by offering free education and
established a school for boys, rendering his services as a doctor including treating his
mother, Dona Teodora Alonza. Also, he promoted community development projects,
engaged himself into farming and commerce; and continued his artistic and literary
Rizal as a Physician and Scientist
I madly idolize Rizal especially when offered medical services especially to the
father of Josephine Bracken. With surgical skills acquired in Europe, many people came
to Dapitan just to consult with Rizal. He was indeed a nationalistic doctor.

Also, in his spare times, Rizal engaged himself to different scientific works.
Together with his students, they explored on jungles and coasts to seek for some
specimens which will be sent to Europe, and in return the European scientist will send
the scientific equipment. In his stay at Dapitan, he collected several shells and species
like beetles, rare frogs, and dragonfly.

Rizal as a Teacher
Resilient. Selfless. That is how I describe Rizal as a teacher. I couldn’t be more
amaze at the actions of Rizal when it comes to education. He established a school in
Dapitan where it began with 3 pupils who increased to 16 and eventually 21. He didn’t
ask the students for payment but instead, ask them to help in his farming and
He taught them Spanish, English, Mathematics and how to work. His class started after
lunch until 4:00 in the afternoon. From the movie, you can see the sincerity and
fulfillment in the eyes of Rizal everytime he sees an improvement from his students.
Rizal becomes more determined to teach those young minds when the parents of his
student came by and personally thank him for letting their children acquire education
amidst poverty.

Rizal as Businessman
Rizal truly manifested that he doesn’t only excel in science and literacy but also
in the world of Commerce. In partnership with Ramon Carreon, a Dapitan Merchant;
Rizal organized a Cooperative Association for Dapitan Farmers to improve farm
products, collect funds from their purchases and established other livelihood programs
for the farmers.

Rizal as a Lover
This part of the story where you can find the softest side of Rizal. Rizal met his
fiancée, Josephine Bracken who brought her blinded stepfather George Taufer but later
on she left him for she loves him so much. One day, they decided to marry, but the
Church refused them due to his novel, Noli Me Tangere featuring the unlawful acts of
church and the Spanish government. Despite of the initial opposition of the sisters of
Rizal, the lovers perseveres and decided to marry themselves before the eyes of God.
Their love with each other sprouted into a baby boy named Francisco (in honor with
Rizal’s father, Don Francisco Mercado) but did not survive after Josephine gave birth to
With the different roles of Rizal presented in the movie, this helps me conclude
why Rizal is our foremost National Hero. If I’ll rate this movie, I’ll give 4 out of 5
stars. The powerful lines, the clarity of the scripts, the settings, cinematography,
sounds and the presentation of scenes and facts in an orderly manner were really out
of the box. However, one thing I’ve noticed is the character in the movies especially the
character of Josephine Bracken. Some of them, didn’t gave me a big impression while
portraying their character.

In addition, since this is a Philippine biographical movie, the author well-

presented the valid argument, factual statements and evidences which is worthy to
watch and an effective tool for educational purposes. And as a student who found of
reading History, it was indeed a “jam-packed” movie suited in all ages and viewers.

Adios Dapitan!
The movie ended when Rizal bid goodbye to Dapitan bringing the good and tale
memories he has for the last four years and 13 days. As he embark to another journey,
people in Dapitan will never forget him.

As Rizal bid goodbye to Dapitan, Satisfaction and fulfillment filled my heart after
watching the movie yet it leaves me a challenge to make an impact and sense of
involvement to continue spreading the information to the younger generations and
impart them the sense of nationalism. “Rizal sa Dapitan” movie taught that a true of
meaning of success is not about recognitions or wealth, but it’s about giving what you
have to others that they don’t have.

 Rizal sa Dapitan Movie. Take from
Rizal in Dapitan:
Dwelling & Living his purpose

A Reflection Paper on “Rizal in Dapitan” Movie

Submitted by:
Alleikka f. trambulo
October 21, 2019

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