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In my opinion, stereotypes still exist because it is a culture that

has ideas, prejudices, values, interpretations, norms, duties,
obligations and prohibitions on the lives of women and men.
Beliefs are acquired through the learning process that society
gives us
We depend on what society will say and we cannot be as we
are, dress as we want to dress with pants, skirts or dresses, the
colors that women or men have to use, society will always say
that you are lesbian or gay
Society and culture determine female or male identity with
the idea of the existence of only two sexes.
In the family, culture is important, history, traditions that
cannot be broken
like marriage, motherhood, fatherhood, but also has a
connection to school, TV, radio, and social media
People reinforce this idea from before birth
1. Customs - Costumbres
las costumbres y tradiciones ayudan a crear su propia identidad y
a identificarse en esta sociedad, Los seres humanos creamos
cultura. Nuestras formas de pensar, de sentir y de actuar, la
lengua que hablamos, nuestras creencias, la comida y el arte, son
algunas expresiones de nuestra cultura.
customs and traditions help to create their own identity and to
identify themselves in this society
We human beings create culture. Our ways of thinking, feeling
and acting, the language we speak, our beliefs, food and art are
some expressions of our culture.

2. Religión
La religión afecta fuertemente las relaciones interpersonales e
intergrupales. La religión brinda una interesante oportunidad
para considerar la forma en que las fuerzas culturales moldean la
psicología de las personas en formas complejas, La religión ha
sido a través de los tiempos una directa influencia para los seres
humanos, de modo que las personas que la comparten, adoptan
cierta posición frente a situaciones o ideas de acuerdo a lo que
consideran “Correcto” o “Incorrecto”.
Religion strongly affects interpersonal and intergroup
relationships. Religion provides an interesting opportunity to
consider how cultural forces shape people's psychology
Religion has been through the ages a direct influence for human
beings, so that the people who share it, adopt a certain position
in situations or ideas according to what they consider "Right" or

la función de la historia es la de dotar de identidad a la
diversidad de seres humanos que formaban la tribu, el pueblo, la
patria o la nación. La historia es una ciencia que nos permite
conocer ese pasado para entender el presente que vivimos y
construir nuestro futuro.
the function of history is to give identity to the diversity of
human beings that made up the tribe, the people, the
homeland or the nation. History is a science that allows us to
know that past to understand the present that we live and
build our future.

Hacer ejercicio con regularidad es parte importante de un estilo
de vida saludable. Las personas que llevan una vida activa tienen
menos probabilidad de enfermarse y mayor probabilidad de vivir
una vida más duradera.
Exercising regularly is an important part of a healthy lifestyle.
People who lead an active life are less likely to get sick and
more likely to live a longer life

Una alimentación saludable significa que aporta todos los
nutrientes importantes y la energía que cada persona necesita
para mantenerse sana
Healthy eating means it provides all the important nutrients
and energy that every person needs to stay healthy.

Las personas adictas a menudo tienen uno o más problemas de
salud relacionados con las drogas, que pueden incluir
enfermedades pulmonares o cardíacas,
Addicted people often have one or more drug-related health
problems, which may include lung or heart disease,
Se adoptará un tipo de comportamiento de acuerdo al grupo de
amigos, Juntarse con gente que tenga decisiones pobres en la
vida, eventualmente nos afectará, pero elegir amigos que nos
inspiren y nos reten a ser mejores, incrementa nuestra
oportunidad de alcanzar nuestras metas.
A type of behavior will be adopted according to the group of
friends we have, Hanging out with people who have poor
choices in life will eventually affect us, but choosing friends
who inspire and challenge us to be better increases our chance
of reaching our goals.

La música permite canalizar esos sentimientos y hacer que la
persona aliviane sus penas o haga crecer su alegría dependiendo
del caso.
Music allows you to channel these feelings and make the
person alleviate their sorrows or make their joy grow
depending on the case.

La familia influye de manera importante en nuestra
personalidad, ya que las relaciones entre los miembros
determinan valores, afectos, actitudes y modos de ser que se van
asimilando desde el nacimiento. Son patrones que influyen en la
conducta y que muchas veces se transmiten de una generación a
The family has an important influence on our personality, since
the relationships between the members determine values,
affections, attitudes and ways of being that are assimilated
from birth. They are patterns that influence behavior and are
often transmitted from one generation to another.

LA autoestima nos ayuda a sentirnos mucho mejor con nosotros
mismos, lo que influye en nuestro comportamiento. Por ELLO,
una buena autoestima puede ayudarnos a Conseguir querernos
tal y como somos.
Self-esteem helps us feel much better about ourselves, which
influences our behavior. Therefore, a good self-esteem can help
us to get to love ourselves as we are.

Before, leadership has been identified as a men issue, because
men, it is thought, tend to be more determined, dominant,
independent, competitive
The reason why today more women have access to leadership
positions with similar or better results than men is because
they have had the opportunity to prepare More and more
doors are opening, but women have to worry about being
prepared to take advantage of them, develop leadership
qualities, something that has nothing to do with gender
In my opinion, I am convinced that it comes from preparation
and from the desire to be better in all aspects of life, from an
aspiration to work for a large company or in another country.
The desire to improve the dream of having a recognized social

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