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The Big Book

Job Descriptions

Objective (page 3)
Structure Context (page 4)
Membership Experience (page 5)
Department Structure
● Finance & Legal (page 6-10)
● Talent Management (page 11-15)
● External (page 16)
○ ERBD (page 17-20)
○ ER (page 21-24)
○ BD (page 25-28)
○ Brand Marketing (page 29-32)
● Operation | Outgoing
○ oGT & oVPP
○ oGT & oLI
○ oLI
○ oGX
● Operation | Incoming
○ iLI
○ iGT
○ iCX
● Engagement with AIESEC
○ EwA
○ LP
understand local context ideal membership

In other to make your local

Understand the ideal
committee align with the
membership is come from
local problem, we should
the less number you have
see form the previous
but how you can foresee
data & performance so
the ideal job description
that we can calculate the
for each position to fulfill
possible structure we have

their personal &
for the next term to support
professional expectations
the goals

ensure growth path redefine focus

As a youth organization
which almost run more Our organization from the
than 70’s year, we should past year, focus on fulfilling
able to see the flow of the organization goal instead of
growth path by ensuring developing the
the structure is align with membership experience
what we are going to from the membership
achieved for 2025. Growth experience standard we
path can be seen from the must deliver
current experience.
local committee focus local committee capacity

The local committee needs

to have the LC team The local committee needs

structure based on its to consider the minimum
realities connected to its HR needed to be able to run
direction and definition of all the operations (ELD,
sustainable strategies to EwA) based on their goals
reach that. - aligned with and projects

membership experience revenues diversification

The local committee needs

to adjust the structure not
By 2025, the organization
only based on the efficiency
aims to have a more
& cost you spend but how
diverse portfolio and even
many leadership
distribution of revenue
experience you want to
deliver to achieve MoS in
membership experience.


Direction and Strategy

Vision and roadmap 2025 3


1 5 Values and Culture


x x

roles recommended minimums for the role key metrics

x ● x ● x

structure size

competence main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● x ● x ● x

🟢 LCVP Finance

🟡 Manager Administration & Legal

and legal
🟡 Manager Accounting

🟡 Manager Project & Controller

The LCVP Finance role is an essential role. The finance department is
Finance & Legal responsible to foresee the financial sustainability of the LC.

roles recommended minimums for the role key metrics

LCVP Finance (essential role) ● Financial management of the LC Financial Performance

● Fulfilment of finance standards ● %Revenue goal achievement
● Intermediary skills in accounting ● %Product profitability
structure size ● Ability to create profit and loss statements, balance ● %LC profitability
sheet and cash flow statements ● % budget variation
● Ability to read, understand and interpret financial
Minimum one as LCVP statements Financial position
Finance, maximum 4 ● Preparation of the annual budget for the term ● #MoCR
members refers to the amount ● Submit lc financial data for GFB survey ● % Growth in reserves
of transaction

competence main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● Strategic Thinking ● Knowledge of accounting and hard skills in finance ● Profitable term
● Financial Analysis ● Knowledge of Financial Analysis ● Minimum budget execution
● Intermediate Accounting ● Knowledge of Cash management variance
● Common legality knowledge ● JD to include new elements from the new finance ● Reserves accumulated
The key role on maintaining LC administration and ensuring the LC compliance
Administration & towards respected legality rules either internally or externally.

minimums for the role key metrics

LC Administration
● Understand the respective applicable policy
● % of Legal document manage.
internally and externally.
LC Legality
● Responsible for the existence of Local
● % of LC legal status
Compendium, Internal Policy, and SOP.
● % of LC compliance to both
● Responsible for the issuance of LC letter.
internal and external policy
● Responsible to track and controlling letter in and
letter out. ● % of legality standard
● Responsible to track and controlling LoA/MoU. implementation

competences main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● LC has a legal status

● Professional writing ● Knowledge of internal applicable policy
● 100% Legality Standard
● Data management ● Knowledge of external applicable policy
● Policy understanding ● Knowledge of legality standard implementation
● Legality standard
The role is responsible for journaling all the transaction occur in the LC, to
Manager Accounting generate an accountable financial statement.

minimums for the role key metrics

● Release monthly Cash on Bank and Cash on Hand
● % of accounting standard
● Monthly journaling of LC transactions
● # of monthly financial
● Generate monthly financial reports (Balance Sheet
Profit/Loss Statement, and Cash Flow Statement)
● % of AR/AP management
● Responsible for the accountability of Financial
● Responsible for account receivable/account
payable management
● Responsible for the issuance of invoice

competences main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● 100% of accounting
● Intermediate Accounting ● The understanding of updated Chart of Account
standard implementation
● Accounting Standard ● The understanding of accrual basis accounting
● 100% Accountable financial
Understanding ● The understanding of cash basis accounting
● Reporting Standard ● Account Receivable/Account Payable management
● 100% of AR/AP
understanding ● The reporting process of AIESEC
Manager Project & The key role to ensure control the compliance of project implementation at LC
Controller and to ensure a profitable project.

minimums for the role key metrics

Project Management
● Project education
● % of project policy compliance
● Project Visit minimum three times, re, during, post
● % of project data management
the project.
● % of project audited
● Project audit.
Profitable Project
● Responsible for ensuring the project profitability
● % of project in profit

competences main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● 100% of LC project in profit

● Project Management ● Understand the project policy.
● 100% of project policy
● Revenue creation ● Have a good project management skill
● Project Policy Understanding ● Understand the current framework of EwA/LC
● Auditing skills initiative product, especially AFL and LP

🟢 LCVP Talent Management

🟡 TL Talent Intelligence
🟡 TL Talent Capacity & LnD

🟡 TL Talent Experience
The LCVP Talent Management role is an essential role. structure is no longer built based
on TM process (what we need from talent) but built around member experience
talent management journey: transition - transformation - advancement
what is the customer j2bd and what do they think - do - feel

roles recommended minimums for the role key metrics

Align entity membership direction, provide local membership ● %Ideal HR

● LCVP Talent Management | ●
Member Experience Local
direction and manage operation of 4 team of in MXP structure ● #RE of member
● Talent insight, report, tracking data, work with platform, HRIS,...
Product Head ● Conduct sprint design to improve talent experience based on each ● NPS
*note: only recommend to have one lcvp for this stage of the funnel, coach for TL; ● LPS
role to ensure a whole membership experience ● Talent planning, structure, recruitment, JD, selection allocation,
journey. manage the retention;
● % Retention Rate
● Build capacity to be ready during onboarding , synergy to create ● Leadership Pipeline
the learning opportunities, develop the talent based on their
● # SUs per recruitment
● Shaping organizational culture through Membership Experience ● %RoTI
● Delivering talent analytics to formulate people strategy which add
value to contribute for organizational effectiveness from people

structure size main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● Deliver a personalized,
● LCVP TM / MXP | 1 LCVP ● Current structure is built based on 4 stages in TM
relevant and measure
● TM Manager | 3 TL Max process GET - KEEP - DEVELOP - REPORT
member experience
● New structure is built based on MX | Customer
● Deliver a successful internal
*note: you could have more than 2 managers depend centricity
on LC capacity. partnership with EB, TL
○ Think | Talent Intelligence team
If you have 2 manager only as minimum, manager 1
could manage scopes of Talent Intelligence + Talent
○ Do | Talent Capacity & Talent LnD team
Experience. Manager 2 could manage scopes of ○ Feel | Talent Experience Team
Talent Capacity & Talent LnD
TL Talent Talent Intelligence structure built based on membership experience what do they think,
Intelligence basically will do talent insight, report, tracking data, work with platform, HRIS

minimums for the role key metrics

Talent Insight & Report

● Data talent Insight in order to gather the right
● %HR Report monthly &
solution for the members
● Reporting of HR Data, for the HR Sustainability for
● % PDP Analysis & Reviewed
● # of Quarterly & Monthly Talent
● Tracking data related to the member performance
& culture shaping
● EXPA Management, especially membership ● Platform Assignment
assignment & ATS Systems Tracking & Management
● HRIS (Human Resources Information System) ● % Organization Survey
Management /ES

competences main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● Deliver a personalized,
● Data Management ● The structure is built based on what is customer
relevant and measure
● Core Competences feel, do, think.
member experience
● Championing Member ● Previous structure based on TM Process, and now
● Deliver a right & good data
● Insights start to focus on deliver membership experience
insight for develop the
● Long-term Strategic Vision through the MX Funnel
● Process Orientation
● Effective Communication
● Performance Management
Talent Capacity & LnD structure built based on membership experience what do they do,
TL Talent Capacity & basically will recruitment, JD alignment, selection allocation, manage the retention, build
LnD capacity to be ready during onboarding , provide the learning opportunities, develop the
talent based on their persona,...

minimums for the role key metrics

Talent Recruitment
● Handle recruitment process for each duration
● %Attraction Process
(short, medium and long) experience
● %Selection & Allocation
● JD’s alignment management and responsible to
making sure we select & allocate the right people
● %JD’s design & alignment
not only based on the capacity but also their
● % Retention & Ideal
personal expectation.
● Managing the organization retention Membership Management
● Build the capacity to be ready during the Learning & Development
onboarding ● # of Capacity Building & LEC
● Provide the learning opportunities for member Management
● Develop the talent based on their persona ● % Opportunity created
● #Leadership Ratio

competences main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● Deliver a personalized,
● Induction ● The structure is built based on what is customer
relevant and measure
● Member Engagement feel, do, think.
member experience
● Learning & Development ● Previous structure based on TM Process, and now
● Making sure the capacity &
● Organizational Design start to focus on deliver membership experience
recruitment process is right
● Core Competences through the MX Funnel
● Championing Member
● Long-term Strategic Vision
● Process Orientation
● Effective Communication
● Recruitment
Talent Intelligence structure built based on membership experience what do they feel,
TL Talent Experience basically will conduct membership sprint design to improve talent experience based on
each stage of the funnel, coach for TL;

minimums for the role key metrics

Membership Experience Funnel

● Ensure the membership experience funnel
● % Conversion Rate from
implemented well
● Conduct & Maintain the membership experience
● % Conversion Rate from
standards for each month
● Ensure the funnel management for each process
● % Conversion Rate from
● Provide space to each funnel
● % Conversion Rate from APD-RE
● % Conversion Rate from RE-FI
● % Conversion Rate from FI-CO
● % Conversion Rate from CO-ADV
Membership Experience Standards
● % of MX Standard Fulfillment
● % of SOP each MX Standard
● % of Inference of each MX
Standard Implementation

competences main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● Deliver a personalized,
● Membership Experience ● The structure is built based on what is customer
relevant and measure
Context feel, do, think.
member experience
● Analytical Insight ● Previous structure based on TM Process, and now
● Making sure the
● Creative & Strategical start to focus on deliver membership experience
membership experience is
● Sensitive through the MX Funnel
happening & can develop a
● Data Calculation & leadership experience
● Planning & Execution


external 🟡 TL Business Development

relations &
development 🟡 TL Outreach

🟡 Manager Network Maintenance

external relations &
business development

roles recommended minimums for the role key metrics

● Executing MX Standards ● % of MX Standards

● Team Accountability system Implementation
● LCVP ERBD ● Create the LC organizational branding and external ● # of Revenue
| Partnership, Stakeholder representation ● # of purposeful partnership
Management, Business ● Creating LC Sales strategy ● % of partnership process
Development ● Setting External Department goals implementation
● Accountability for national and commission ● # of Weekly Meeting
● # of Monthly Meeting
● # of Education
● # of sales planning

competences main things to consider before implementing BD success definition

in the local structure
● Reputational risk &
● Sales strategy definition and ● If you’re planning to have less than 10 million revenue
communication during crisis
execution then, we recommend not to recruit any BD team ● Create relevant
● Brand members organizational branding
● Managing a sales team ● In some condition, all of the activities in network ● Virtual activity and visibility
● Strategy maintenance will only involves strengthening relations ● Media Strategy
● Partnership Marketing ● Stakeholder Maintenance
with allocated stakeholder, so you might want to consider
● Risk and reputation
management to have only Manager on handling this
TL Business

minimums for the role key metrics

● Executing MX Standards ● % of Partners Standard

● Creating Business Development plans with LCVP Implementation
● LC Cost Reduction strategy ● # of Revenue
● Revenue goals setting ● # of Market Research
● Executing sales flow ● # of Supply and Demand
● BD partner deals for financial, inkind, ABC, venue analysis
● Revenue goals breakdown on Monthly, Quarterly, ● # of Sales Approach
Semesterly ● # of Sales Meeting
● # of Sales Deals
● # of LC Partnership Portfolio
● # of Proposal
● % of CRM Implementation

competences current context success definition

● Sales strategy definition and ● Creating virtual sales strategy ● # of PESTLE analysis
execution ● Maximize the CRM strategy\ ● # of Virtual BD partnership
● Pitching ● Refresh market research strategy include the supply and ● # of revenue
● Negotiation demand ● # of in kind
● Objection Handling ● % of cost reduced
● Closing
● Strategy
● Managing a sales team
TL Outreach

minimums for the role key metrics

● Executing MX Standards ● % of MX Standards

● Create Branding through Strategic Alliances with Implementation
Communities/Government/Institutions ● # of Community Purposeful
● Community Partnership partnership
● Event Creation & Management ● # of strategic alliances event
● Community Gathering ● # of community gathering
● # of partnership process
● # of impact report

competences current context success definition

● Product Knowledge ● Together with LCVP, creating virtual organizational branding of

LC ● # of virtual partnership
● Prospecting
● Make relevant reputational strategy that suits the crisis ● # of partnership process
● Brand
condition implementation
● Understanding the
● Maximize community partnership ● # of virtual strategic alliances
customers need
● # of campaigns
● Strategy
TL Network

minimums for the role key metrics

● Executing MX Standards ● % of MX Standards

● Creating Formal relations with University and Implementation
Government ● % of UR Implementation
● Raise and Maintaining BoA purposeful relations for LC ● % of Alumni Database
● Alumni Relations ● #of Alumni Gathering
● LC legalisation ● # of BoA Meeting
● ● % of Partnership Process

competences current context success definition

● University Maintenance ● # of University maintenance

● Prospecting
● BoA Meeting routines and maintenance activities
● Pitching
● Alumni engagement ● # of BoA maintenance
● Negotiation
● Government engagement for initiatives activities
● Understanding the
● # of alumni engagements
customers need
● # of government initiatives


🟡 TL Network Maintenance
🟡 TL Outreach
external relations

roles recommended minimums for the role key metrics

● Executing MX Standards ● % of MX Standards

● Team Accountability system Implementation
● LCVP ER ● Create the LC organizational branding and external ● # of purposeful partnership
| Partnership, Stakeholder representation ● % of partnership process
Management. ● Setting External Department goals implementation
● Accountability for national and commission ● # of Weekly Meeting
● # of Monthly Meeting
● # of Education

competences context success definition

● Reputational risk &

● Brand communication during crisis
● Strategy ● In some condition, all of the activities in network ● Create relevant
● Partnership Marketing maintenance will only involves strengthening relations organizational branding
● Risk and reputation with allocated stakeholder, so you might want to consider ● Virtual activity and visibility
management to have only Manager on handling this ● Media Strategy
● Stakeholder Maintenance
TL Outreach

minimums for the role key metrics

● Executing MX Standards ● % of MX Standards

● Create Branding through Strategic Alliances with Implementation
Communities/Government/Institutions ● # of Community Purposeful
● Community Partnership partnership
● Event Creation & Management ● # of strategic alliances event
● Community Gathering ● # of community gathering
● # of partnership process
● # of impact report

competences current context success definition

● Product Knowledge ● Together with LCVP, creating virtual organizational branding of

LC ● # of virtual partnership
● Prospecting
● Make relevant reputational strategy that suits the crisis ● # of partnership process
● Brand
condition implementation
● Understanding the
● Maximize community partnership ● # of virtual strategic alliances
customers need
● # of campaigns
● Strategy
TL Network

minimums for the role key metrics

● Executing MX Standards ● % of MX Standards

● Creating Formal relations with University and Implementation
Government ● % of UR Implementation
● Raise and Maintaining BoA purposeful relations for LC ● % of Alumni Database
● Alumni Relations ● #of Alumni Gathering
● LC legalisation ● # of BoA Meeting
● ● % of Partnership Process

competences current context success definition

● University Maintenance ● # of University maintenance

● Prospecting
● BoA Meeting routines and maintenance activities
● Pitching
● Alumni engagement ● # of BoA maintenance
● Negotiation
● Government engagement for initiatives activities
● Understanding the
● # of alumni engagements
customers need
● # of government initiatives


🟡 TL Sales Executive

roles recommended minimums for the role key metrics

● If you would like to downscale ● professionalism & reliability
● % BD Revenue Goal
● diverse stakeholders management skills
BD to your LCs, an LCVP BD is Achievement
● External communication skills
an essential role ● % of LC budget contribution
● Negotiation Skills
● Team Leader Role depending Sales:
● sales/account management knowledge (can be educated
● #Contracts signed
on the amount of HR allocated on)
● $from Contracts signed
in BD ● mc/lc er principles knowledge (can be educated on)
● free time during business hours
Account Management:
● #contracts renewed
● $from Contracts renewed
● #Partner NPS

structure size main things to consider before implementing BD success definition

in the local structure
● Successful Sales Processes that
The amount of HR in this department ● Clear Market Segmentation and Revenue sharing Models defined
lead to Revenues and
depend on the rest of the LC structure if ● ER Principles between MC/LC created
continuous Account
e.g. BD initiatives will be sold and ● Having 2 BD Responsibilities in the MC so one of them can solely
Management to ensure
executed by the same team the focus on doing BD and generating revenues for the entity
minimum is 5 members. ● Clarity on roles of BD on the local level (selling their own initiatives,
selling MC initiatives)
● Education Cycle ready
● Contract Templates
● How to ensure a successful account/sales pipeline transition if
members are changing

BD in local level should be just implemented if we have

enough HR Capacities to execute it in a right way. It is just
suggested to have BD In the local structure when you are
having at least 2 BD Responsibles on the MC Level
(according to MC structure recommendations)
TL Sales Executive

minimums for the role key metrics

● mc/lc er principles knowledge (can be educated on)
● % BD Revenue Goal
● free time during business hours
● professionalism & reliability
● % of LC budget contribution
● Negotiation Skills
● diverse stakeholders management skills
● #Contracts signed
● External communication skills
● $from Contracts signed

competences current context success definition

● Successful Sales Processes that

● Sales strategy definition and ● Creating virtual sales strategy lead to Revenues and
execution ● Maximize the CRM strategy\ continuous Account
● Pitching ● Refresh market research strategy include the supply and Management to ensure
● Negotiation demand
● Objection Handling
● Closing
● Strategy
● Managing a sales team
Manager CRM The definition of the role

minimums for the role key metrics

Account Management:
● professionalism & reliability
● #contracts renewed
● diverse stakeholders management skills
● $from Contracts renewed
● External communication skills
● #Partner NPS
● Negotiation Skills
● sales/account management knowledge (can be educated

competences current context success definition

● Successful Sales Processes that

● Sales strategy definition and ● Creating virtual sales strategy lead to Revenues and
execution ● Maximize the CRM strategy\ continuous Account
● Pitching ● Refresh market research strategy include the supply and Management to ensure
● Negotiation demand
● Objection Handling
● Closing
● Strategy
● Managing a sales team

🟢 LCVP Brand Marketing

🟡 TL Marketing
(*depends on the product of EwA MKT, ELD MKT, Brand Positioning)

roles recommended minimums for the role key metrics

● Local Market Understanding & Strategy Creation ● #SUs or participants

● LCVP MKT (essential) ● %SU-APP
based on market research
● Managers (essential) ● Positioning & promotion plan for ELD, EwA and ● %SU-APD
● TLs & Members membership in the local market ● # Promoters doing
● Marketing & sales funnel alignment synergy with
ELD, EwA, BD responsibles brand advocacy
● Promoter & Brand Advocacy Strategy
● University Relations & Public Relations in the local
● Offline attraction activities (if possible)
● Brand Positioning

structure size main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● Rebuilding local buyer personas based on ● Number of qualified

The number of HR depends on leads attracted in the
the possibility of offline purchasing behaviour during COVID-19
● Relying on digital attraction activities through marketing funnel
attraction in the LC. The ● Brand recognition and
national channels and other platforms
minimum recommendation is: ● Synergy needed with EwA, BD responsibles positioning in the local
● 1 LCVP ● Promoting in-person ELD experiences for later market
● 2 Managers

minimums for the role key metrics

● Positioning & promotion plan for virtual and

physical brand activation event
● # Promoters doing
● Marketing & sales funnel alignment synergy with
ELD, EwA, BD responsibles brand advocacy
● Promoter & Brand Advocacy Strategy ● # of VBA held
● University Relations & Public Relations in the local

competences main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● Digital Integration ● Rebuilding local buyer personas based on ● Number of qualified

● Strategy purchasing behaviour during COVID-19 leads attracted in the
● Data Mining & Intelligence ● Relying on digital attraction activities through marketing funnel
● Brand national channels and other platforms ● Brand recognition and
● Marketing ● Synergy needed with EwA, BD responsibles positioning in the local
● Event management ● Promoting in-person ELD experiences for later market
● Positioning our brand as leadership movement
TL Marketing

minimums for the role key metrics

● Local Market Understanding & Strategy Creation ● #SUs or participants

based on market research
● Marketing & sales funnel alignment synergy with
ELD, EwA, BD responsibles ● %SU-APD
● Promoter & Brand Advocacy Strategy
● University Relations & Public Relations in the local
● Offline attraction activities (if possible)

competences main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● Digital Integration ● Rebuilding local buyer personas based on ● Number of qualified

● Strategy purchasing behaviour during COVID-19 leads attracted in the
● Data Mining & Intelligence ● Relying on digital attraction activities through marketing funnel
● Brand national channels and other platforms ● Brand recognition and
● Marketing ● Synergy needed with EwA, BD responsibles positioning in the local
● Customer Understanding ● Promoting in-person ELD experiences for later market
● Positioning our brand as leadership movement


🟡 TL oGT

outgoing global 🟡 TL oVPP


🟡 TL oLI


outgoing global Ensuring all operations in outgoing global exchanges (oGTa/e, oVPP. oLI) department from
pre-attraction until post-experience and supervising all the functional to receive the
exchanges development of team member.

roles recommended minimums for the role key metrics

● Risk management ● %APD-RE

● LCVP oGX (essential role)
● stakeholders management during the entire ● #sustainable RE
● Team Leader (depending
customer flow. ● LPS
on the volume of EPs/OPs)
*oGX: based on #of pending ● EP/PPs management during the entire customer ● NPS
APDs to get realised flow
● Standards delivery
● IR & LC management
● APIP and program business model knowledge

structure size main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● Risk Management
Depends on the volume of ● Focusing on risk management.
● Experiences delivered
experiences delivered, number ● Communication with the costumer.
that are sustainable and
of teams. the minimum ● Leads conversion focus.
are developing
amount of members needed ● APD to RE strategies
to run is 4+ VP ● Implementing the change management.
● LPS & NPS above 8
● Product sustainability
outgoing global Developing oGTa/e implementation in local committee and providing strategies for its
talent/teacher improvement.

minimums for the role key metrics

● Product development ● # of Approval

● Ensuring all operations in Outgoing Global Talent ● % of ESM Implemented
department from Pre-attraction until ● # of EPs follow up from
post-experience. EXPA
● Responsible for handling selection process of EPs
● Responsible for handling EPs quality development
● Handling EPs administration and tracker
● Developing LEAD nurture strategy

competencies main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● Risk Management
● Data Savvy ● Focusing on risk management.
● Experiences delivered
● Drive Competencies ● Communication with the costumer.
that are sustainable and
● Product Knowledge ● Leads conversion focus.
are developing
● Long-term strategy ● APD to RE strategies
● Customer Experience ● Implementing the change management.
● LPS & NPS above 8
● Product sustainability
outgoing virtual
Developing oVPP implementation in local committee and providing strategies for its
professional improvement.

minimums for the role key metrics

● Product development ● # of Approval

● Ensuring all operations in Outgoing Virtual ● % of ESM Implemented
Professional Program from Pre-attraction until ● # of PPs follow up from
post-experience. sign-up form
● Responsible for handling selection process of PPs ● % CR of each funnel
● Responsible for handling PPs quality development ● # of NPS
● Handling EPs administration and tracker ● # of LPS
fulfillment ● # of Realizations
● Developing LEAD nurture strategy

competencies main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● Risk Management
● Data Savvy ● Focusing on risk management.
● Experiences delivered
● Drive Competencies ● Communication with the costumer.
that are sustainable and
● Product Knowledge ● Leads conversion focus.
are developing
● Long-term strategy ● APD to RE strategies
● Customer Experience ● Implementing the change management.
● LPS & NPS above 8
● Product sustainability
outgoing local Developing oLI implementation in local committee and providing strategies for its improvement.

minimums for the role key metrics

● Product development ● # of Approval

● Ensuring all operations in Outgoing Local ● % of ESM Implemented
Internship product from Pre-attraction until ● # of PPs follow up from
post-experience. sign-up form
● Responsible for handling selection process of PPs ● % CR of each funnel
● Responsible for handling EPs quality development ● # of NPS
● Handling EPs administration and tracker ● # of LPS
fulfillment ● # of Realizations
● Developing LEAD nurture strategy

competencies main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● Risk Management
● Data Savvy ● Focusing on risk management.
● Experiences delivered
● Drive Competencies ● Communication with the costumer.
that are sustainable and
● Product Knowledge ● Leads conversion focus.
are developing
● Long-term strategy ● APD to RE strategies
● Customer Experience ● Implementing the change management.
● LPS & NPS above 8
● Product sustainability
Responsible in building and maintaining IR partnership, manage communication flow with iGT
international relations side, and responsible in the whole approve operation or matching process.

minimums for the role key metrics

● Executing team standards ● % of TM implementation

● IR routines implementation ● # of IR routines
● IR goals tracking ● % SnD goals fulfilled
● IR partner maintenance ● % of Application go to IR
● EP/PP matching partner
● Analyze IR contribution system and ● # of PP/EP realized
implementation practices ● # of Finished
● # of Completed

competencies main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● Risk Management
● Effective ● Focusing on risk management.
● Experiences delivered
communication ● Communication with the costumer.
that are sustainable and
● Relationship building ● Leads conversion focus.
are developing
● Product knowledge ● APD to RE strategies
● Negotiation ● Implementing the change management.
● LPS & NPS above 8
● International relations ● Product sustainability
● Supply and demand
performance To set management of procesess and systems aimed at developing entities by providing
management coaching or consultation and performance review.

minimums for the role key metrics

● Do performance review, analysis, and forecasting of ● % of education plan

upcoming performance due to current condition implemented
● Creating strategic alignment of one’s work to the ● % of tools utilization
function goals ● % of performance review
● Designing team development and RnR system implemented
● Identify, report, and resolve performance issues ● % of goals reached
● % of strategy executed

competencies main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● Risk Management
● Problem forecasting ● Focusing on risk management.
● Experiences delivered
● Data savvy ● Communication with the costumer.
that are sustainable and
● Drive Competencies ● Leads conversion focus.
are developing
● Product Knowledge ● APD to RE strategies
● Quality standards & ● Implementing the change management.
● LPS & NPS above 8
processes ● Product sustainability


🟡 TL oGT
outgoing global
(ovPP & oGT)

🟡 Manager IR
outgoing global Ensuring all operations in outgoing global exchanges (oGTa/e, oVPP) department from
talent pre-attraction until post-experience and supervising all the functional to receive the
development of team member.
(oGT & oVPP)

roles recommended minimums for the role key metrics

● Risk management ● %APD-RE

● LC VP GV (essential role)
● stakeholders management during the entire ● #sustainable RE
● Team Leader (depending
customer flow. ● LPS
on the volume of EPs/OPs)
*oGV: based on #of pending ● EPs management during the entire customer flow ● NPS
APDs to get realised ● Standards delivery
● IR management
● APIP and program business model knowledge

structure size main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● Risk Management
Depends on the volume of ● Focusing on risk management.
● Experiences delivered
experiences delivered, number ● Communication with the costumer.
that are sustainable and
of teams. the minimum ● APD to RE strategies
are developing
amount of members needed ● Implementing the change management.
to run is 4+ VP ● LPS & NPS above 8
● Product sustainability
outgoing global Developing oGTa/e implementation in local committee and providing strategies for its
talent/teacher improvement.

minimums for the role key metrics

● Product development ● # of Approval

● Ensuring all operations in Outgoing Global ● % of ESM Implemented
Talent/Teacher productt from Pre-attraction until ● # of PPs follow up from
post-experience. sign-up form
● Responsible for handling selection process of EPs ● % CR of each funnel
● Responsible for handling EPs quality development ● # of NPS
● Handling EPs administration and tracker ● # of LPS
fulfillment ● # of Realizations
● Developing LEAD nurture strategy

competencies main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● Risk Management
● Data Savvy ● Focusing on risk management.
● Experiences delivered
● Drive Competencies ● Communication with the costumer.
that are sustainable and
● Product Knowledge ● Leads conversion focus.
are developing
● Long-term strategy ● APD to RE strategies
● Customer Experience ● Implementing the change management.
● LPS & NPS above 8
● Product sustainability
outgoing virtual
Developing oVPP implementation in local committee and providing strategies for its
professional improvement.

minimums for the role key metrics

● Product development ● # of Approval

● Ensuring all operations in Outgoing Virtual ● % of ESM Implemented
Professional Program from Pre-attraction until ● # of PPs follow up from
post-experience. sign-up form
● Responsible for handling selection process of PPs ● % CR of each funnel
● Responsible for handling PPs quality development ● # of NPS
● Handling EPs administration and tracker ● # of LPS
fulfillment ● # of Realizations
● Developing LEAD nurture strategy

competencies main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● Risk Management
● Data Savvy ● Focusing on risk management. ● Experiences delivered
● Drive Competencies ● Communication with the costumer. that are sustainable and
● Product Knowledge ● Leads conversion focus. are developing
● Long-term strategy ● APD to RE strategies leadership
● Customer Experience ● Implementing the change management. ● LPS & NPS above 8
● Product sustainability
Responsible in building and maintaining IR partnership, manage communication flow with iGT
international relations side, and responsible in the whole approve operation or matching process.

minimums for the role key metrics

● Executing team standards ● % of TM implementation

● IR routines implementation ● # of IR routines
● IR goals tracking ● % SnD goals fulfilled
● IR partner maintenance ● % of Application go to IR
● EP/PP matching partner
● Analyze IR contribution system and ● # of PP/EP realized
implementation practices ● # of Finished
● # of Completed

competencies main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● Risk Management
● Effective ● Focusing on risk management.
● Experiences delivered
communication ● Communication with the costumer.
that are sustainable and
● Relationship building ● Leads conversion focus.
are developing
● Product knowledge ● APD to RE strategies
● Negotiation ● Implementing the change management.
● LPS & NPS above 8
● International relations ● Product sustainability
● Supply and demand


🟡 TL oGT
outgoing global
talent & oLI
🟡 TL oLI

🟡 Manager Relations Management

outgoing global Ensuring all operations in outgoing global exchanges (oGTa/e, oLI) department from
exchanges pre-attraction until post-experience and supervising all the functional to receive the
development of team member.
(oGTa/e & oLI)

roles recommended minimums for the role key metrics

● Risk management ● %APD-RE

● LC VP GV (essential role)
● stakeholders management during the entire ● #sustainable RE
● Team Leader (depending
customer flow. ● LPS
on the volume of EPs/OPs)
*oGV: based on #of pending ● EPs management during the entire customer flow ● NPS
APDs to get realised ● Standards delivery
● IR management
● APIP and program business model knowledge

structure size main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● Risk Management
Depends on the volume of ● Focusing on risk management.
● Experiences delivered
experiences delivered, number ● Communication with the costumer.
that are sustainable and
of teams. the minimum ● APD to RE strategies
are developing
amount of members needed ● Implementing the change management.
to run is 4+ VP ● LPS & NPS above 8
● Product sustainability
outgoing global Developing oGTa/e implementation in local committee and providing strategies for its
talent/teacher improvement.

minimums for the role key metrics

● Product development ● # of Approval

● Ensuring all operations in Outgoing Global ● % of ESM Implemented
Talent/Teacher productt from Pre-attraction until ● # of PPs follow up from
post-experience. sign-up form
● Responsible for handling selection process of EPs ● % CR of each funnel
● Responsible for handling EPs quality development ● # of NPS
● Handling EPs administration and tracker ● # of LPS
fulfillment ● # of Realizations
● Developing LEAD nurture strategy

competencies main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● Risk Management
● Data Savvy ● Focusing on risk management.
● Experiences delivered
● Drive Competencies ● Communication with the costumer.
that are sustainable and
● Product Knowledge ● Leads conversion focus.
are developing
● Long-term strategy ● APD to RE strategies
● Customer Experience ● Implementing the change management.
● LPS & NPS above 8
● Product sustainability
outgoing local Developing oLI implementation in local committee and providing strategies for its improvement.

minimums for the role key metrics

● Product development ● # of Approval

● Ensuring all operations in Outgoing Local ● % of ESM Implemented
Internship product from Pre-attraction until ● # of PPs follow up from
post-experience. sign-up form
● Responsible for handling selection process of PPs ● % CR of each funnel
● Responsible for handling EPs quality development ● # of NPS
● Handling EPs administration and tracker ● # of LPS
fulfillment ● # of Realizations
● Developing LEAD nurture strategy

competencies main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● Risk Management
● Data Savvy ● Focusing on risk management.
● Experiences delivered
● Drive Competencies ● Communication with the costumer.
that are sustainable and
● Product Knowledge ● Leads conversion focus.
are developing
● Long-term strategy ● APD to RE strategies
● Customer Experience ● Implementing the change management.
● LPS & NPS above 8
● Product sustainability
relations Responsible in building and maintaining IR & LC partnership, manage communication flow with
management iCX side, and responsible in the whole approve operation or matching process.

minimums for the role key metrics

● Executing team standards ● % of TM implementation

● IR & LC routines implementation ● # of IR routines
● IR & LC goals tracking ● % SnD goals fulfilled
● IR & LC partner maintenance ● % of Application go to
● EP/PP matching IR/LC partner
● Analyze IR & LC contribution system and ● # of PP/EP realized
implementation practices ● # of Finished
● # of Completed

competencies main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● Risk Management
● Effective
xxxx ● Focusing on risk management.
● Experiences delivered
communication ● Communication with the costumer.
that are sustainable and
● Relationship building ● Leads conversion focus.
are developing
● Product knowledge ● APD to RE strategies
● Negotiation ● Implementing the change management.
● LPS & NPS above 8
● International relations ● Product sustainability
● Supply and demand


🟡 TL CXP & Quality

outgoing local
🟡 Manager Local Relations
outgoing local Ensuring all operations in outgoing local internship department from pre-attraction until
internship post-experience and supervising all the functional to receive the development of team member.

roles recommended minimums for the role key metrics

● Risk management ● %APD-RE

● LC VP GV (essential role)
● stakeholders management during the entire ● #sustainable RE
● Team Leader (depending
customer flow. ● LPS
on the volume of EPs/OPs)
*oGV: based on #of pending ● EPs management during the entire customer flow ● NPS
APDs to get realised ● Standards delivery
● IR management
● APIP and program business model knowledge

structure size main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● Risk Management
Depends on the volume of ● Focusing on risk management.
● Experiences delivered
experiences delivered, number ● Communication with the costumer.
that are sustainable and
of teams. the minimum ● Leads conversion focus.
are developing
amount of members needed ● APD to RE strategies
to run is 4+ VP ● Implementing the change management.
● LPS & NPS above 8
● Product sustainability
Responsible to ensure the standard delivery for customers in entities to reach customers
cxp & quality satisfaction.

minimums for the role key metrics

● ImplementationESSM tools & tracking ● %CR APL-ACC

● Developing LEAD nurture strategy ● %CR ACC-APD
● Developing LEAD development strategies ● %CR APD-RE
● Implement customer journey ● # of process time every
● Developing EP returnees engagement strategies funnel
● ● % of ESM implementation
● % of LEAD nurture
● % of EP returnees
● % of ECB audit
completion in LCs

competencies main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● Risk Management
● Data Savvy ● Focusing on risk management.
● Experiences delivered
● Drive Competencies ● Communication with the costumer.
that are sustainable and
● Product Knowledge ● Leads conversion focus.
are developing
● Long-term strategy ● APD to RE strategies
● Customer Experience ● Implementing the change management.
● LPS & NPS above 8
● Product sustainability
Responsible in building and maintaining LC partnership, manage communication flow with iCX
local relations side, and responsible in the whole approve operation or matching process.

minimums for the role key metrics

● Executing team standards ● % of TM implementation

● LC routines implementation ● # of IR routines
● LC goals tracking ● % SnD goals fulfilled
● LC partner maintenance ● % of Application go to LC
● PP matching partner
● Analyze LC contribution system and ● # of PP/EP realized
implementation practices ● # of Finished
● # of Completed

competencies main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● Risk Management
● Effective ● Focusing on risk management.
● Experiences delivered
communication ● Communication with the costumer.
that are sustainable and
● Relationship building ● Leads conversion focus.
are developing
● Product knowledge ● APD to RE strategies
● Negotiation ● Implementing the change management.
● LPS & NPS above 8
● International relations ● Product sustainability
● Supply and demand


🟡 TL Sales
incoming local
🟡 Manager Quality & Local Relations
incoming local Ensuring all operations in incoming local internship department from pre-attraction until
post-experience and supervising all the functional to receive the development of team member.

roles recommended minimums for the role key metrics

● Risk management ● %of team standards

● LC VP iLI (essential role)
● Executing team standards implementation
● Team Leader (depending
● SnD analysis and alignment (based on historical ● #of achieve all funnel
on the volume of PP)
● Re <10 ideals structure data, fields focuses, and each LCs capacity and (open-completed)
could be 2 TLs and 2 competency) ● %CR of each stage
members each ● Create product development strategy ● %LR contribution
● Performance management ● #of B2B marketing
● Innovation and evaluation activity
● %LI standards
● #of education delivered
● %Partner standards

structure size main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● %Change and risk

Depends on the volume of ● Focusing on risk management.
management plan
experiences delivered, number ● Communication with the partners and
● #all funnel (from open
of teams. the minimum customers
until completed)
amount of members needed ● Sales strategies
● %cr each funnel (from
to run is 4+VP ● Implementing the change management.
● %sales process
● %team standards
● #of LPS and NPS
sales Ensuring the performance of sales process and maintaining partners

minimums for the role key metrics

● Executing team standards

● SnD analysis (top contributor and sub-product ● %sales process
alignment) implementation
● Market research ● #virtual b2b activity
● Sales activity (organic and b2b marketing activity) ● #virtual selling execution
● Timeline management from app-apd
● Maintaining partners
● Create promotional tools about the opportunities

competencies main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● Risk Management
● Sales strategy definition ● Together with LCVP working on risk
● NPS above 8
and execution management especially related with partners
● Partners Sustainability
● Prospecting
● Objection handling
● Business acumen
● Resilient
● Pitching
● Negotiation
● Customer experience
quality and local Ensuring the quality also maintaining local relations

minimums for the role key metrics

● Executing team standards ● %of team standards

● Value delivery implementation implementation
● Customer standards implementation ● %of li standards
● LR routine maintenance (tracking and evaluation in implementation
pre-post experiences) ● %of survey fulfilled (LPS
● Realization activity development and NPS)
● Customer testimonial ● #of APP, ACC, APD, RE,
● %of CR each funnel
● #of youth testimonial
● %of parner standards

competencies main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● Experiences delivered
● Data savvy ● Together with LCVP working on risk
that are sustainable and
● Product management management especially related with
are developing
● Quality standards and customers
● Customer experience
● Championing partners


🟡 TL Sales
incoming global
🟡 TL Quality

🟡 Manager IR
Ensuring all operations in incoming global talent including ivpp department from pre-attraction
incoming global until post-experience and supervising all the functional to receive the development of team
talent member.

roles recommended minimums for the role key metrics

● Risk management ● %of team standards

● LC VP iGT (essential role)
● Executing team standards implementation
● Team Leader (depending
● SnD analysis and alignment (based on historical ● #of achieve all funnel
on the volume of PP)
● Re <10 ideals structure data, fields focuses, and each LCs capacity and (open-completed)
could be 3 TLs and 2 competency) ● %CR of each stage
members each exclude IR ● Create product development strategy ● %LR contribution
● Performance management ● #of B2B marketing
● Innovation and evaluation activity
● %of VPP standards
● #of education delivered
● %Partner standards

structure size main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● %Change and risk

Depends on the volume of ● Focusing on risk management.
management plan
experiences delivered, number ● Communication with the partners and
● #all funnel (from open
of teams. the minimum customers
until completed)
amount of members needed ● Sales strategies
● %cr each funnel (from
to run is 7+VP ● Implementing the change management.
● %sales process
● %team standards
● #of LPS and NPS
sales Ensuring the performance of sales process and maintaining partners

minimums for the role key metrics

● Executing team standards

● SnD analysis (top contributor and sub-product ● %sales process
alignment) implementation
● Market research ● #virtual b2b activity
● Sales activity (organic and b2b marketing activity) ● #virtual selling execution
● Timeline management from app-apd
● Maintaining partners
● Create promotional tools about the opportunities

competencies main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● Risk Management
● Sales strategy definition ● Together with LCVP working on risk
● NPS above 8
and execution management especially related with partners
● Partners Sustainability
● Prospecting
● Objection handling
● Business acumen
● Resilient
● Pitching
● Negotiation
● Customer experience
quality Ensuring the quality management

minimums for the role key metrics

● Executing team standards ● %of team standards

● Value delivery implementation implementation
● Customer standards implementation ● %of exchange standards
● Realization activity development implementation
● Customer testimonial ● %of survey fulfilled (LPS
and NPS)
● #of APP, ACC, APD, RE,
● %of CR each funnel
● #of youth testimonial

competencies main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● Experiences delivered
● Data savvy ● Together with LCVP working on risk
that are sustainable and
● Product management management especially related with
are developing
● Quality standards and customers
● Customer experience
● Championing partners
international relations Ensure the SnD and maintain communication with IR

minimums for the role key metrics

● Executing team standards ● %of team standards

● IR routines implementation implementation
● IR goals tracking ● #of IR routine
● IR partner maintenance implementation
● #of APP, ACC, APD, RE,
● %of CR each funnel

competencies main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● Experiences delivered
● Effective ● Together with LCVP working on risk
that are sustainable and
communication management especially related with
are developing
● International relations customers
● Supply and demand ● Sustainability
● Negotiation partnership
● Quality standards and


🟡 TL Sales

incoming 🟡 Manager IR

🟡 Manager LR and Quality

🟡 Manager Quality iVPP

Ensuring all operations in incoming exchange (igt, ivpp and ili) department from pre-attraction
until post-experience and supervising all the functional to receive the development of team
incoming exchange member.

roles recommended minimums for the role key metrics

● Risk management ● %of team standards

● LC VP iCX (essential role)
● Executing team standards implementation
● Team Leader (depending
● SnD analysis and alignment (based on historical ● #of achieve all funnel
on the volume of PP)
● Re <10 ideals structure data, fields focuses, and each LCs capacity and (open-completed)
could be 2 TLs and 2 competency) ● %CR of each stage
members each ● Create product development strategy ● %LR and IR contribution
● Performance management ● #of B2B marketing
● Innovation and evaluation activity
● %of exchange standards
● #of education delivered
● %Partner standards

structure size main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● %Change and risk

Depends on the volume of ● Focusing on risk management.
management plan
experiences delivered, number ● Communication with the partners and
● #all funnel (from open
of teams. the minimum customers
until completed)
amount of members needed ● Sales strategies
● %cr each funnel (from
to run is 4+VP ● Implementing the change management.
● %sales process
● %team standards
● #of LPS and NPS
sales Ensuring the performance of sales process and maintaining partners

minimums for the role key metrics

● Executing team standards

● SnD analysis (top contributor and sub-product ● %sales process
alignment) implementation
● Market research ● #virtual b2b activity
● Sales activity (organic and b2b marketing activity) ● #virtual selling execution
● Timeline management from app-apd
● Maintaining partners
● Create promotional tools about the opportunities

competencies main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● Risk Management
● Sales strategy definition ● Together with LCVP working on risk
● NPS above 8
and execution management especially related with partners
● Partners Sustainability
● Prospecting
● Objection handling
● Business acumen
● Resilient
● Pitching
● Negotiation
● Customer experience
international relations Ensure the SnD and maintain communication with IR

minimums for the role key metrics

● Executing team standards ● %of team standards

● IR routines implementation implementation
● IR goals tracking ● #of IR routine
● IR partner maintenance implementation
● #of APP, ACC, APD, RE,
● %of CR each funnel

competencies main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● Experiences delivered
● Effective ● Together with LCVP working on risk
that are sustainable and
communication management especially related with
are developing
● International relations customers
● Supply and demand ● Sustainability
● Negotiation partnership
● Quality standards and
quality and local Ensuring the quality also maintaining local relations

minimums for the role key metrics

● Executing team standards ● %of team standards

● Value delivery implementation implementation
● Customer standards implementation ● %of li standards
● LR routine maintenance (tracking and evaluation in implementation
pre-post experiences) ● %of survey fulfilled (LPS
● Realization activity development and NPS)
● Customer testimonial ● #of APP, ACC, APD, RE,
● %of CR each funnel
● #of youth testimonial
● %of parner standards

competencies main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● Experiences delivered
● Data savvy ● Together with LCVP working on risk
that are sustainable and
● Product management management especially related with
are developing
● Quality standards and customers
● Customer experience
● Championing partners
quality Ensuring the quality management

minimums for the role key metrics

● Executing team standards ● %of team standards

● Value delivery implementation implementation
● Customer standards implementation ● %of exchange standards
● Realization activity development implementation
● Customer testimonial ● %of survey fulfilled (LPS
and NPS)
● #of APP, ACC, APD, RE,
● %of CR each funnel
● #of youth testimonial

competencies main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● Experiences delivered
● Data savvy ● Together with LCVP working on risk
that are sustainable and
● Product management management especially related with
are developing
● Quality standards and customers
● Customer experience
● Championing partners


🟡 TL Local Project Coor/ AFL Coor

with aiesec
(*if only run 1 national
initiatives) 🟡 TL Quality

Local Committee Vice President of Engagement with AIESEC is a role that responsible for
LCVP EwA operations of official initiatives program in LC. The role includes managing initiatives AFL and LP

roles recommended minimums for the role key metrics

● Risk management ● %APD-RE

● LC VP GV (essential role)
● stakeholders management during the entire ● #sustainable RE
● Team Leader (depending
customer flow. ● LPS
on the volume of PPs/OPs)
*oGV/iGV: based on #of ● PPs management during the entire customer flow ● NPS
pending APDs to get realised ● Standards delivery
● APIP, EwA Principles and program business model

structure size main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● % of Change and Risk

Depends on the volume of ● Focusing on change and risk management.
Management plan
experiences delivered, number ● Communication with the costumer.
● % of LPS
of teams. the minimum ● SU to RE strategies
● % of CR SU-CO
amount of members needed ● ELD Leads strategies
● % of Leads to ELD
to run is 4+ VP ● Responsible for GV updates and plan
● # of APD
● Product development strategy
● $ of Revenue Generated
local project Local Project Team Leader is responsible for Local Project operations in EwA Department. The
role includes maintaining the strategy, budget planning, and quality development of Local
coordinator Project initiatives in the LC.

minimums for the role key metrics

● Creating strategy for LP from pre-attraction until ● % Internal Process

post-experience phase quality maintenance
● Manage, control and coordinate timeline and LP ● % of Goals Achieved
program standard implementation ● # of Strategy created
● Prepare/update project status reports, process ● % of Standard fulfilled
invoices, update tracking reports, and maintain
● # of LPS
files for due diligence and financials
● Responsible for supporting, managing,
● # of NPS
coordinating and overseeing activities related to ● # or SU
planning, implementing, marketing and evaluating ● # of APD
projects. ● % of CR SU-CO

competencies main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● % of LPS
- Understand the context of MC ● Program development strategy
● % of CR SU-CO
initiatives specifically Local ● Together with LCVP creating strategy for
● % of Leads to ELD
Project (LP) change management
● # of APD
- Growth strategy ● Understanding EwA Principles
● $ of Revenue Generated
- Analytics skills ● % of Goals Achieved
- Data savvy skills
- Research skills
- Project Management
aiesec future leaders AIESEC Future Leaders Team Leader is responsible for AFL operations in EwA Department. The
role includes maintaining the strategy, budget planning, and quality development of AIESEC
coordinator Future Leaders initiatives in the LC.

minimums for the role key metrics

● Developing the current program and internal

● % of Goals Achieved
process improvement
● # of Program Evaluation
● Manage, control and coordinate LC's AFL timeline
and program standard implementation Report
● Prepare/update project status reports, process ● # of Strategy created
invoices, update tracking reports, and maintain ● % of Standard fulfilled
files for due diligence and financials ● % campaign managed
● Managing stakeholder relationship strategy and ● # of LPS
implementation (customer and coach) in every ● # of NPS
funnel ● % of CR SU-CO
● Creating marketing strategy alignment with ● # or SU
National Marketing teams ● # of APD

competencies main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● % of LPS
- Understand the context of MC ● Program development strategy
● % of CR SU-CO
initiatives specifically AFL ● Together with LCVP creating strategy for
● % of Leads to ELD
- Growth strategy change management
● # of APD
- Analytics skills ● Understanding EwA Principles
● $ of Revenue Generated
- Data savvy skills ● % of Goals Achieved
- Research skills
EwA Quality Team Leader is responsible for either Local Project or AFL quality operations in EwA
Department. The role includes program quality, Program Standard implementation and the
quality team leader collection of all documents and database of AFL or Local Project initiatives in the LC.

minimums for the role key metrics

● Preparing and ensuring implementation Program ● % of RR

Standard in AFL or LP ● % of Program Standard
● Managing Program Standard fulfillment and implemented
developing LC performance ● % of CR APP-ACC
● Analyzing and resolving internal process and ● % of CR ACC-APD
experience delivery issues ● % CR of Session
● Managing Initiatives Database ● % of tracker filled
● # of Program Evaluation

competencies main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● % of LPS
- Understand the context of MC ● Program development strategy
● % of CR SU-CO
initiatives ● Together with LCVP creating strategy for
● % of Leads to ELD
- Have quality and customer quality management
● # of APD
experience capacity ● Understanding EwA Principles
● $ of Revenue Generated
● % of Goals Achieved
customer experience Customer Experience Team Leader is responsible for either Local Project or AFL customer
experience operations in EwA Department. The role includes stakeholder relationship
team leader maintenance, and performance in every funnel of AFL or Local Project initiatives in the LC.

minimums for the role key metrics

● Managing stakeholder relationship strategy and ● # of strategy created

implementation in every funnel ● # of Promotional Tools
● Researching and analyzing consumer behavior, created
market trends and competitor activity for strategy ● # of Lead Nurture
improvement content minimum
● Create Lead nurturing content minimum created
● Ensuring messaging and marketing activities are ● % of content minimum
aligned with brand and initiatives values implemented in LC

competencies main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● Program development
- Understand the context of MC ● Program development strategy
initiatives ● Together with LCVP creating strategy for
● Together with LCVP
- Have quality and customer customer relations management
creating strategy for
experience capacity ● Understanding EwA Principles
customer relations
● Understanding EwA


🟡 TL Quality
aiesec future

🟡 TL Program
Local Committee Vice President of AIESEC Future Leaders is a role that responsible for operations
LCVP AFL of AIESEC Future Leaders program in LC.

roles recommended minimums for the role key metrics

● Risk management ● %APD-RE

● LC VP GV (essential role)
● stakeholders management during the entire ● #sustainable RE
● Team Leader (depending
customer flow. ● LPS
on the volume of EPs/OPs)
*oGV: based on #of pending ● PPs management during the entire customer flow ● NPS
APDs to get realised ● Standards delivery
● APIP, EwA Principles and program business model

structure size main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● % of Change and Risk

Depends on the volume of ● Focusing on change and risk management.
Management plan
experiences delivered, number ● Communication with the costumer.
● % of LPS
of teams. the minimum ● SU to RE strategies
● % of CR SU-CO
amount of members needed ● ELD Leads strategies
● % of Leads to ELD
to run is 4+ VP ● Responsible for GV updates and plan
● # of APD
● Product development strategy
● $ of Revenue Generated
customer experience Customer Experience Team Leader is responsible for AFL customer experience operations in EwA
Department. The role includes stakeholder relationship maintenance, and performance in every
team leader funnel of AFL initiatives in the LC.

minimums for the role key metrics

● Managing stakeholder relationship strategy and ● # of strategy created

implementation in every funnel ● # of Promotional Tools
● Researching and analyzing consumer behavior, created
market trends and competitor activity for strategy ● # of Lead Nurture
improvement content minimum
● Create Lead nurturing content minimum. created
● Ensuring messaging and marketing activities are ● % of content minimum
aligned with brand and initiatives values implemented in LC

competencies main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● % CR of APP-APD
- Understand the context of MC ● Program development strategy
● # of APP
initiatives especially AFL ● Together with LCVP creating strategy for
● #of Leads to ELD
- Have quality and customer customer relations management
● % of every funnel
experience capacity ● Understanding EwA Principles
Quality Team Leader is responsible for AFL quality operations in EwA Department. The role
quality team leader includes program quality, Program Standard implementation and the collection of all documents
and database of AFL initiatives in the LC.

minimums for the role key metrics

● Preparing and ensuring implementation Program ● % of RR

Standard in AFL ● % of Program Standard
● Managing Program Standard fulfillment and implemented
developing LC performance ● % of CR APP-ACC
● Analyzing and resolving internal process and ● % of CR ACC-APD
experience delivery issues ● % CR of Session
● Managing Initiatives Database ● % of tracker filled

competencies main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● % of LPS
- Understand the context of MC ● Program development strategy
● % of CR SU-CO
initiatives especially AFL ● Together with LCVP creating strategy for
● % of Leads to ELD
- Have quality and customer quality management
● # of APD
experience capacity ● Understanding EwA Principles
● $ of Revenue Generated
● % of Goals Achieved
Program Team Leader is responsible for AFL program operations in EwA Department. The role
program team leader includes managing the execution and ideation of program based on Program Standard
implementation and the stakeholder management of AFL initiatives in the LC.

minimums for the role key metrics

● Preparing all session objectives & speaker for the ● % of Program Standard
sessions/spaces implemented
● Agenda arrangement of AFL activities ● % of CR APP-ACC
● AFL Sessions delivery management ● % of CR ACC-APD
● Networking Spaces delivery management ● % CR of Session
● Ensuring program standards implementation ● % of tracker filled
● # of Program Evaluation

competencies main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● % of cash flow compiled

xxxx- Understand the context of ● Program development strategy
● # of financial report
MC initiatives especially AFL ● Together with LCVP creating strategy for
● % of program standard
- Have program quality capacity customer relations management
● Understanding EwA Principles
● % CR of Participant in
each sessions


🟡 TL Quality

local project

🟡 TL Project Manager
Local Committee Vice President of AIESEC Future Leaders is a role that responsible for operations
LCVP Local Project of Local Project initiatives program in LC.

roles recommended minimums for the role key metrics

● Risk management ● %APD-RE

● LC VP GV (essential role)
● stakeholders management during the entire ● #sustainable RE
● Team Leader (depending
customer flow. ● LPS
on the volume of EPs/OPs)
*iGV: based on #of pending ● PPs management during the entire customer flow ● NPS
APDs to get realised ● Standards delivery
● APIP, EwA Principles and program business model

structure size main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● % of Change and Risk

Depends on the volume of ● Focusing on change and risk management.
Management plan
experiences delivered, number ● Communication with the costumer.
● % of LPS
of teams. the minimum ● SU to RE strategies
● % of CR SU-CO
amount of members needed ● ELD Leads strategies
● % of Leads to ELD
to run is 4+ VP ● Responsible for GV updates and plan
● # of APD
● Product development strategy
● $ of Revenue Generated
customer experience Customer Experience Team Leader is responsible for LP customer experience operations in EwA
Department. The role includes stakeholder relationship maintenance, and performance in every
team leader funnel of LP initiatives in the LC.

minimums for the role key metrics

● Managing stakeholder relationship strategy and ● # of strategy created

implementation in every funnel ● # of Promotional Tools
● Researching and analyzing consumer behavior, created
market trends and competitor activity for strategy ● # of Lead Nurture
improvement content minimum
● Create Lead nurturing content minimum. created
● Ensuring messaging and marketing activities are ● % of content minimum
aligned with brand and initiatives values implemented in LC

competencies main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● % CR of APP-APD
- Understand the context of MC ● Program development strategy
● # of APP
initiatives especially LP ● Together with LCVP creating strategy for
● #of Leads to ELD
- Have quality and customer customer relations management
● % of every funnel
experience capacity ● Understanding EwA Principles
quality team leader The role description

minimums for the role key metrics

● Preparing and ensuring implementation Program ● % of RR

Standard in LP ● % of Program Standard
● Managing Program Standard fulfillment and implemented
developing LC performance ● % of CR APP-ACC
● Analyzing and resolving internal process and ● % of CR ACC-APD
experience delivery issues ● % CR of Session
● Managing Initiatives Database ● % of tracker filled

competencies main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● % of LPS
- Understand the context of MC ● Program development strategy
● % of CR SU-CO
initiatives especially LP ● Together with LCVP creating strategy for
● % of Leads to ELD
- Have quality and customer quality management
● # of APD
experience capacity ● Understanding EwA Principles
● $ of Revenue Generated
● % of Goals Achieved
project manager The role description

minimums for the role key metrics

● Preparing all session objectives & speaker for the ● % of RR

sessions/spaces ● % of Program Standard
● Agenda arrangement of LP activities implemented
● LP Sessions delivery management ● % of CR APP-ACC
● Networking Spaces delivery management ● % of CR ACC-APD
● Ensuring program standards implementation ● % CR of Session
● % of tracker filled

competencies main changes needed due to the current context success definition

● % of LPS
- Understand the context of MC ● Program development strategy
● % of CR SU-CO
initiatives especially LP ● Together with LCVP creating strategy for
● % of Leads to ELD
- Have project management quality management
● # of APD
experience capacity ● Understanding EwA Principles
● $ of Revenue Generated
● % of Goals Achieved

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