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Course Code: MKT 101 Course Title: Marketing Management

Academic Session: 2020-21 Instructors: Dr. S. P. Ketkar/Dr. Rajeev Sirohi

Course Overview:
Marketing is of interest to everyone, whether they are marketing goods, services, properties, persons, places, events,
information, ideas, or organizations. Marketing continues to change over the past 50 years. Firms now sell goods
and services through a variety of direct and indirect channels. Mass advertising is not nearly as effective as it was,
so marketers are exploring new forms of communication. Customers are telling companies what types of product or
services they want and when, where, and how they want to buy them.
This course addresses all these shifts by focusing on the following tasks that constitute modern marketing
management in the 21st century: Developing marketing strategies and plans, capturing marketing insights,
connecting with customers, building strong brands, shaping the market offerings, delivering and communicating
value, and creating successful long-term growth.

Course Objectives:

This course focuses on the major decisions that marketing managers face in their efforts to harmonize the
organization’s objectives, capabilities, and resources with marketplace needs and opportunities. This course presents
conceptual tools and frameworks for analyzing recurring problems in marketing management. Cases and examples
illustrate effective marketing principles, strategies, and practices. This course covers topics an informed marketing
manager needs to understand to execute strategic, tactical, and administrative marketing.

Learning Outcomes:
Through this course students should be able to
1. Analyze, evaluate and respond to environmental & competitive changes, their impact on marketing
planning, strategies and practices
2. Apply the conceptual frameworks, theory and techniques to various marketing contexts
3. Design marketing and sales plan appropriate to the needs of customers and contexts
4. Develop skills for presenting and defending own analysis and critically examining the analysis done by
other participants.


Module Sessions Topic & Reading/s

I 1-2 Understanding Marketing Management:

Understanding marketing, marketplace and customer needs; Marketing

management in the 21st Century; Updating the Ps; Designing a customer-driven
marketing strategy; Corporate Division & Strategic Planning, Business Unit and
Strategic Planning, Marketing principles and society; Innovation, Developing a
global vision.

1) Marketing Management 15 e Philip Kotler, Kevin Keller (Pearson)
Ch1, Ch2 & Ch 3
2) MKTG : A South Asian Perspective – Lamb, Hair, Sharma &
McDaniel.(Cengage Learning)Ch 1& Ch 2
(i) Intel: Ref: Marketing- Asian Edition—Baines, Chris Fill, Kelly Page
and Piyush K.Sinha.(Oxford University Press)

II 3-4 Capturing Marketing Insights

Scanning the marketing environment, Forecasting demand and Conducting

marketing research; Creating customer value & customer relationships.

Walmart (Short Case) Ref: Marketing: South Asian perspective 14 e Philip
Kotler, Kevin Keller, Abraham Koshy & Mithileshwar Jha, (Pearson)

(1) Marketing Management 15 e Philip Kotler, Kevin Keller (Pearson) Ch
(2) MKTG : A South Asian Perspective – Lamb, Hair, Sharma &
McDaniel.(Cengage Learning) Ch 4

III 5-6 Analyzing Consumer Markets, Business Markets and tapping into global

What influences consumer behavior? Key psychological processes; Buying

decision process, Rural consumer behaviour

Understand organizational buying process; Stages in buying process; Managing

B2B customer relationships, Institutional and government markets., Global


(1) Marketing Management 15 e Philip Kotler, Kevin Keller (Pearson) Ch

6 & 7, 8
(2) MKTG : A South Asian Perspective – Lamb, Hair, Sharma &
McDaniel.(Cengage Learning) Ch 6-7
IV 7-8 Building Strong Brands

Identifying market segments and targets, Crafting the Brand Positioning;

Devising a Branding Strategy, Addressing Competition and driving growth


(1) Marketing Management 15 e Philip Kotler, Kevin Keller (Pearson) Ch

9,10 11, 12
(2) MKTG : A South Asian Perspective – Lamb, Hair, Sharma &
McDaniel.(Cengage Learning)Ch 2 & Ch 8

V 9 Designing Value

Setting Product strategy; Understanding Product Characteristics &

Classifications, Product & Brand Relationships , Building strong brands, Co-
Branding & Ingredient Branding, Product life-cycle strategies, New Product

(i) Procter & Gamble ; Ref: Marketing Management :South Asian
perspective 14 e Philip Kotler, Kevin Keller, Abraham Koshy &
Mithileshwar Jha (Pearson)

(1) Marketing Management 15 e Philip Kotler, Kevin Keller (Pearson) Ch

(2) Marketing- Asian Edition—Baines, Chris Fill, Kelly Page and Piyush
K.Sinha.(Oxford University Press) Ch 8

(3) MKTG : A South Asian Perspective – Lamb, Hair, Sharma &

McDaniel.(Cengage Learning) Ch 10
VI 10 Designing and Managing Services

The nature of services,(Financial Services) The new service realities, Achieving

excellence in services marketing, Managing product-support services.

(1) Marketing Management 15 e Philip Kotler, Kevin Keller (Pearson) Ch
14, 15
(2) Lamb, Hair, Sharma, McDaniel, (2012), “MKTG”, Ch 12
(3) Baines, Fill, Page, Sinha, (2013), Marketing, Ch 14


VII 12 Developing Pricing Strategies and Programs

Understanding pricing, Setting the price, Adapting the price, Initiating and
responding to price changes


(1) Marketing Management 15 e Philip Kotler, Kevin Keller (Pearson) Ch 16

(2) Lamb, Hair, Sharma, McDaniel, (2012), “MKTG”, Ch 19, 20
(3) Baines, Fill, Page, Sinha, (2013), Marketing, Ch 9
VIII 13-15 Communicating Value

The role of marketing communication, Communication process, Developing

effective communication, Deciding on the marketing communications mix,
Managing the integrated marketing communications process. Developing and
Managing an Advertising Program, Deciding on media and measuring
effectiveness, Sales promotion, Events and experiences, Public relations,
Managing Digital Communications – Online, Social Media and Mobile,
Managing Personal Communications – Direct and Database Marketing and
Personal Selling

Sahoo, Debajani; Vyas, Preeta H, (2007), “Emami's Fair and Handsome
Fairness Cream”, IIMA

(1) Marketing Management 15 e Philip Kotler, Kevin Keller (Pearson) Ch
17, 18, 19, 20
(2) Lamb, Hair, Sharma, McDaniel, (2012), “MKTG”, Ch 16, 17,18
(3) Baines, Fill, Page, Sinha, (2013), Marketing, Ch 10, 11, 12

IX 16-17 Delivering Value

Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Channels - Marketing channels
and value networks, The role of marketing channels, Channel design decisions,
Channel management decisions, Channel integration and systems, Conflict,
cooperation and competition, E commerce marketing practices;

Retailing, Private labels, Wholesaling, Marketing logistics

Swapna Pradhan, (2010), “Fast food retailing in India-Raising the quality and
service bar” , “Retailing Management, Text & Cases”


(1) Marketing Management 15 e Philip Kotler, Kevin Keller (Pearson) Ch

21, 22
(2) Lamb, Hair, Sharma, McDaniel, (2012), “MKTG”, Ch 13, 14, 15
(3) Baines, Fill, Page, Sinha, (2013), Marketing, Ch 13

X 18 Conducting Marketing responsibility for Long Term Success

Managing holistic marketing organization – Trends, Internal marketing, Making
a difference


(1) Kotler, Keller, Koshy, Jha, (2013), ”Marketing Management”, Ch 20

(2) Lamb, Hair, Sharma, McDaniel, (2012), “MKTG”, Ch 5
(3) Baines, Fill, Page, Sinha, (2013), Marketing, Ch 7
19-20 Project Presentations
Specific Assessment Method Weight Learning Objectives to be Assessed
LO-1 LO-2 LO-3 LO-4
Individual Assignment 10% ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Group Project 10% ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Cases Study Analysis 10% ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Class Participation 5% ✓ ✓ ✓
Quiz 5% ✓ ✓ ✓
Mid Term Examination 20 % ✓ ✓ ✓
End Term Examination 40% ✓ ✓ ✓


The teaching methodology used in this course will be a judicious mix of lectures, case analysis & discussions, as
well as presentations by the students. More emphasis will be laid on case analysis, assignments and project study.
Cases are expected to be prepared within groups prior to the class. Class participation is an important of learning
process. Discussions are encouraged to reach conclusions to the critical judgment of situation by individual and the


Text Book:
Marketing Management 15 e Philip Kotler, Kevin Keller (Pearson)

1. V.S. Ramaswamy and Namakumari S, Marketing Management: Global Perspective, Indian Context, 4th
edition 2010, Macmillan India.
2. Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, Prafulla Y Agnihotri, Ehsan ul Haque, Principles of Marketing, 13th edition,
2010, Pearson Education
3. Etzel, Walker, Stanton, Pandit, Marketing, 14th edition, 2010, Tata McGraw Hill
4. Arun Kumar & N Meenakshi, Marketing Management, 2nd edition, 2010, Vikas Publishing

End term examination 40 marks
Internal Assessment 60 marks

Break Up of Internals
Mid Term Exam 20 Marks
Class Participation 05 Marks
Quiz/MCQ 05 Marks
Assignment 10 Marks
Group Project 10 Marks
Case Analysis 10 Marks


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