A. How To Make Starfruit Punch

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TP 2020/2021


A. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) A, B, C, or D

1. This problem ...... by your brother yesterday.

A. Was solved C. Is solved

B. Will be solved D. Solves

E. Solving

2. My father wrote this book. It ...... ny my father.

A. Will be wrote D. Is written

B. Was write E. Writing
C. Was written

3. This clock ..... in 1750.

A. Is made D. Will be making

B. Was made E. Making
C. Is making

The following text is for number 4-6

How to Make Starfruit Punch

 250 gr yellow starfruit in slices
 100 ml water 2 spoonful of vanilla
 8 teaspoonful of lemonade extract Procedure
 Put slices of starfruit and water in the blender. Wait until it’s soft. Skim it.
 Add syrup, lemonade extract, and soda water. Stir thoroughly.
 Pour it in the glass and put in the ice cubes.

4. What is the text about?

A. How to make starfruit punch D. How to stir thoroughly

B. The igrendients o starfruit punch E. How to slice starfruit
C. How to use blender

5. Lemonade extract and soda water. Stir thoroughly.

The word printed in bold means

A. To make smooth
B. To boil
C. To cut
D. To make dry
E. To move an object in order to mix it

6. Which of the following procedure is true?

A. Put slices of starfruit in the glass
B. Put ice cubes in the blender
C. Skim two spoonful of vanilla
D. Skim the slices o starfruit and water which have already been softened
E. Wait until the ice cubes are melted

7. Alea : “What ....... when you leave university?”

Azafka :”I want to go back to london.”

A. Do you do D. Will you do

B. Are you going to do E. Are you do
C. Are you doing

8. If the plane gets in late I ...... my train connection.

A. Am missing C. Am going to miss E. Are we miss

B. Will miss D. Will be missing

9. I will have been ..... to Bali next month.

A. Go C. Going E. Was gone

B. Gone D. Went

10. Look at those clouds. It .....

A. Rains C. Is going to rain E. Are rained

B. Is rain D. Will rain

The following text is for number 11 – 15


For many years people believed that the cleverest animals after man were the chimpanzees. Now,
however, there is a proof that dolphins may be even cleverer than these big apes.

Although a dolphin lives in the sea, it is not a fish. It is a mammal. It is in many ways, therefore, like a
human being.

Dolphins have a simple language. They are able to talk to one another. It may be possible for man to learn
how to talk to dolphins. But, this will not be easy because dolphins cannot hear the kind of sounds man can
make. If man wants to talk to dolphins, therefore, he will have to make a third language which both he and
the dolphins can understand.

Dolphins are also very friendly toward man. They often follow ships. There are many stories about dolphins
guiding ships through difficult and dangerous waters.

11. The text above is in the form of………….

A. Spoof C. Recount E. narration
B. Report D. Procedure

12. To tell the factual information, the writer mostly uses……

A. Passive Voice B. Simple past tense
C. Present perfect tense E. Present continuous tense
D. Simple present tense

13. What kind of animal is dolphin?

A. Insect C. Mammal E. shark
B. Fish D. Bird

14. Why talking to dolphin is not easy?

A. Dolphins cannot hear the kind of man’s sounds
B. Dolphins cannot think as human
C. Dolphins like playing with man
D. Dolphins feel annoyed by man
E. Dolphins want to be free

15. What is the characteristic of dolphin according to the text?

A. Fierce D. Shy
B. Friendly E. Not responsible
C. Naughty

The following text is for number 16-20

The Importance of Reading

I personally think that reading is a very important activity in our life. Why do I say so?
Firstly, by reading we can get a lot of knowledge about many things in the world such as science,
technology, sports, arts, culture, etc written in either books, magazine, newspaper, etc.
Secondly, by reading we can get a lot of news and information about something happening in
any parts of the world which can we see directly.
Another reason, reading can give us pleasure too. When we are tired, we read books,
newspaper, or magazine on the entertaiment coloum such as comedy, short story, quiz, etc. To mae us
The last, reading can also take us to other parts of the world. B reading a book about Irian Jaya
we may feel we’re really sitting in the jyngles not at home in our rooms.
From the facts above, it’s obvious that everyone needs to read to get knowledge, information
and also entertaiment. Or in summary we can say reading is truly important in our life.

16. Why is reading very important in our life? Because.........

A. By reading, we can get a lot of friends, relative, experience, etc.
B. By reading, we can get little knowledge but a lot of entertaiment.
C. By reading, we are always relaxed.
D. By reading, we are always happy.
E. By reading, we can get a lot of knowledge, news, information and entertaiment
17. If we want to get knowledge, what should we do?
A. Buy a lot of books
B. Borrow a lot of books
C. Look for newspaper and magazine
D. Sell and buy many expensive books
E. Read a lot of books and other printed materials
18. What does the text tell us about?

A. The description of reading D. The disadvantages of reading

B. The function of reading E. The purpose of reading
C. The importance of reading

19. What is the social function of the text?

A. To tell a story D. To give information

B. To describe the reader E. To persuade the reader
C. To entertain the reader

20. Paragraph...............in the text is thesis.

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5

The following text is for number 21-25

Learning English
Learning English through music and songs can be very enjoyable. You can mix pleasure with
learning when you listen to a song and exploit the song as a means to your English progress. Some
underlying reason can be drawn to support the idea why we use songs in language learning.

Firstly, “the song stuck in my head” Phenomenon (the echoing in our minds of the last song we
heard after leaving a restaurant, shopping malls, etc) can be both enjoyable and sometimes unnerving.
This phenomenon also seems to reinforce the idea that songs work on our short-and-long term memory.

Secondly, songs in general also use simple conversational language, with a lot of repetition, which
is just what many learners look for sample text. The fact that they are effective makes them many times
more motivating than other text. Although usually simple, some songs can be quite complex syntactically,
lexically and poetically, and can be analyzed in the same way as any other literary sample.

Furthermore, song can be appropriated by listener for their own purpose. Most pop songs and
probably many other types don’t have precise people, place or time reference.

In addition, songs are relaxing. They provide variety and fun, and encourage harmony within
oneself and within one group. Little wonder they are important tools in sustaining culture, religion,
patriotism and yeas, even revolution.

Last but not least, there are many learning activities we can do with songs such as studying
grammar, practicing selective listening comprehension, translating songs, learning vocabulary, spelling and
From the elaboration above, it can be concluded that learning through music and songs, learning
English can be enjoyable and fun.
21. The type of the text above is......

A. Analytical exposition D. Discussion

B. Hortatory exposition E. Explanation
C. Narrative

22. What is the communicative purpose of the text?

A. To tell the reader about the song
B. To entertain the reader with the songs
C. To show the reader the use of songs
D. To explain above the songs
E. To persuade the reader to use songs in learning language

23. The generic structures of the text are................

A. Thesis – arguments – recommendation
B. General statement – sequential explanation
C. Newsworthy events – background events – sources
D. Thesis – arguments – reitaration
E. General statement – arguments

24. What is the text about?

A. Learning songs D. Music listeners

B. Very enjoyable musing E. Using songs in language learning
C. The phenomenon

25. Based on the text, there are..............reason for using songs in learning language.

A. 6 B. 4 C. 5 D. 3 E. 2

The following text is for number 26-30

Flooding in Jakarta

Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia. It is a big city that has many buildings, offices tower, real
estates and skyscrapers which make Jakarta as a beautiful city especially in the night.
Flooding is one of natural disasters in Indonesia, especially in Jakarta beside earth quake. And it is one
of serious problems due to flood.

One of the problems is, there are many citizens who like throwing away the garbage in the
street, rivers, or we can say garbage is in every corner of the city. They do not care about cleanliness.
So, it makes looks a dirty city. It is a dark side of Jakarta.

The other problem is illegal house. Many people from central or east java move to Jakarta just
looking for a job and they bring their family but they do not have house for their living. So they make an
illegal house in the side of river in Jakarta and it makes more flooding in Jakarta.

There are many ways to decrease the flood. First of all, we must aware of flood. Do not try to
throw away the garbage. And the last but not least, keep the cleanliness, because the cleanliness is a
part of belief in Islamic religion. 
26. Based in the above, how many reasons cause flood in Jakarta?

A. One C. Three E. Five

B. Two D. Four

27. To whom does the writer give the suggestion? (last paragraph)

A. Reader of the text D. Writer and readers

B. People of Indonesia E. Someone in Jakarta
C. Citizen of Jakarta

28. “Real estates and skyscrapes ....” (fisrt paragraph)

The underlines word means...........

A. The space above earth D. Very high building

B. Where we see sun, stars and moon E. Building of the sky
C. Outline of the earth

29. “one of natural disasters”

the underlined word is a/an

A. Noun C. Adjective E. Compound

B. Verb D. Adverb

30. “One of serious problems due to flood .....”

The italic word means.......

A. Use to C. Have to E. Turn of

B. Used to D. Cause of

31. Tom opens the door. The passive is.....

A. The door was opened by Tom D. The door is being opened by Tom
B. The door opened by Tom E. The door opens by Tom
C. The door is opened by Tom

32. Mary helped the boy. The passive form is......

A. The boy is helped by Mary D. The boy helps by Mary

B. The boy was helped by Mary E. The boy were helped by Mary
C. The boy is being helped by Mary
33. The water is serving the customer. The passive form is......
A. The customer is served by the waiter
B. The customer are served by the waiter
C. The customer is being served by the waiter
D. The customer was being served by the customer
E. The customer was served by the customer

34. We are attending the agenda. The passive form is.......

A. The agenda are attended by us D. The aggenda were attended by us

B. The aggenda is attended by us E. The aggenda is being attended by us
C. The aggenda was attended by us

35. Dr. Ikada develped the theory. The passive form is.......

A. The theory is develped by Dr. Ikada D. The theory being develped by Dr.
B. The theory is being develped by Dr. Ikada
Ikada E. The theory was develped by Dr.
C. The theory develped by Dr. Ikada Ikada

36. Hey Siti, .......... go star gazing tonight.

A. Are you C. Shall them E. Don’t you like

B. How about D. Would you like to

37. What shall we do today? ................ we go to the library.

A. Shall I
B. Let’s
C. Why don’t
D. Would you
E. Go

38. ................... like a cup of coffee?

A. Can I
B. I’ll do
C. Would you
D. Should I
E. Will

39. .......... the washing, if you like.

A. Can I
B. Would you
C. I’ll do
D. Let’s
E. Go
40. “thanks my twin”
A. Kembaran
B. Sahabat
C. Teman sekelas
D. Saudara
E. Kenalan


Put the following sentences into passive forms!

41. They have modernised the theatre.
42. We keep the documents in this drawer.
43. Sanders and company are building that house.
For number 19-20, Change the following sentences into future tense!
44. She (to go) to Japan four times if she goes there again.
45. I (to complete) ten sentences if I am able to complete this one.

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