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One of the most well-known sights of my town Gorno-Altaysk is the

National Museum named after Andrei Anokhin. I wonder why the museum of the
Altai Republic is named after Andrei Anokhin.
The aim of our research is the studying Andrey Viktorovich Anokhin’s
contribution to the history of the Altai Republic.
The main tasks of our work are:
1. to study Anokhin's activities as a musician, teacher, educator and an
2. to present the results of the research to the students in my class.

The subject of our research is the activity of A.V.Anokhin.

The object of our research is the history of Republic Altai.

I. Anokhin as a musician.
Andrey Anokhin was born in the village Pravye Lamki of the Tambov
province. In the early 1870s the family moved to Biysk. Andrey received his
musical education at the Moscow Synodal School, later - at the regency courses
of the St. Petersburg court chapel. In the early 1900s after graduation
A.V. Anokhin arrived in Tomsk. His natural endowments, painstaking work made
him one of the most famous musicians of the city. His high professionalism is
evidenced by the fact that he was the choir director of the largest cathedral of
Tomsk at that time - Trinity. In addition, Andrei Viktorovich taught singing, music
theory and playing the violin at the church teacher's school, in gymnasiums, at the
music school, at the seminary, and at the teacher's institute. At the same time he
composed a lot, mainly vocal and choral works. The reputation of an excellent
teacher and a talented composer was firmly established behind him.

For the period from 1905 to 1906, Andrei Viktorovich Anokhin was forced
to leave Tomsk: he was sent to settle in the Urenkhai district (now Kyzyl) for
participating in social-democratic circles and composing choral revolutionary
songs and learning them with students.

In 1907 Anokhin moves to Barnaul, here he teaches singing, ethnography,

archeology and local history at schools No. 22 and directs the courses of
choirmasters at the pedagogical college. The Barnaul period is rightfully
considered the most fruitful in terms of music. Anokhin is the author of more than
100 musical works. His famous suite "Khan-Altai" is still being performed with
great success in concert halls of Russia, in Moscow, St. Petersburg and many other
cities of the country. Thus, Anokhin considered as a composer who laid the
foundations of professional music in Gorny Altai.

II. Anokhin as an ethnographer.

Anokhin is one of the greatest Russian ethnographers of the XX century .
In January 1906 the famous traveler and explorer of Central Asia and Siberia
G.N. Potanin suggested A.V. Anokhin to take part in ethnographic expeditions in
the Altai Mountains. In 1907, Andrei Viktorovich became a member of the Tomsk
Society for the Study of Siberia and the Tomsk Branch of the Russian Musical
Society. In 1908-1909s he worked on expeditions in Tuva, Khakassia, Mongolia
and Gorny Altai: he collected materials on folklore and folk music of the Turkic
tribes, studied local languages and dialects, epic tales, songs, and made
reports. Since that time, A.V. Anokhin's close relationship with the Museum of
Anthropology and Ethnography.

The period from 1926 can be defined as Altai: at this time A.V. Anokhin moved
to Ulalu and until 1929 worked at the Ulalinskaya experimental demonstration
school of the II stage, reorganized into a pedagogical college. In 1930-1931s he
worked as a researcher at the Oirot Regional Museum of Local Lore (National
Museum named after A. V. Anokhin). Anokhin's activity as an ethnographer was
widely recognized during his lifetime. In Ulala, he organized a society of local
historians and created a museum of local lore, was its first director.
III. Anokhin as teacher and an educator.

A special place in Anokhin's life was occupied by pedagogical activity. In

Tomsk schools, he taught music-theoretical disciplines and singing, in Altai
schools, courses of local lore, ethnography, and musical archeology were added
to them. In 1920, in the village of Chemal, with the help of teachers and
students, he staged several opera scenes for the first time in the Altai Mountains
(from Dargomyzhsky's "Mermaid"). In the period from 1922 to 1926, Anokhin
organized 5 ethnographic expeditions in Gorny Altai with students of the school
of the III International. Among his students are S. Syrgashev, the first Altai
choirmaster, V. N. Nikiforov, the first Altai conductor, A. P. Novikov, a major
Siberian composer, conductor, musical and public figure.

Anokhin's ethnographic expeditions were not limited to collecting material, they

contained an educational element: exhibitions, talks, lectures, concerts.


    In the musical collections of A. V. Anokhin, kept in the National Museum, there

are songs accompanied by the inscription “p. Chemal ", which allows us to speak
about their belonging to the Altai period of the composer's work. Among them
"Altyn-Kel" (September 26, 1926) - folk words, "Katun" (June 1921), the second
part of the suite "Khan-Altai" - "Sygydy" (November 1, 1920).


Having studied Andrey Viktorovich Anokhin’s contribution to the history of the

Altai Republic, I made conclusion: Andrei Viktorovich Anokhin went down in the
history of Siberian culture as an outstanding collector and researcher of musical
folklore, ethnographer and educator, a choir director and a composer.

     List of sources and literature: 

1. Anokhin Andrey Viktorovich. A collection of songs. - Gorno-Altaysk, 1962


А.В. Анохин собрал более 500 текстов народных песен, записал около 800
напевов алтайцев, телеутов, хакасов, тувинцев. Сам написал около 100
вокальных произведений, сюиту «Хан Алтай» в пяти частях для хора и струнного
квинтета, сценические поэмы «Хан Эрлик», «Талай Хан» и др. Его знаменитый
«Хан-Алтай» и сегодня с большим успехом исполняется в концертных залах
России, в Москве, Санкт-Петербурге и многих других городах страны. Он автор
работ «Материалы по шаманству у алтайцев», «душа и ее свойство по
представлению у телеутов».
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