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The Hurricane

Fannie’s neighbourhood was destroyed by a hurricane. If Fannie had known about the
dangers, she would have left the city. If the government had warned the citizens, then
many people wouldn’t have been trapped in their houses by floodwaters. If the
government had listened to the warnings of environmentalists, the city could have taken
more precautions. If there had been better planning, the damage wouldn’t have been so
severe. If Fannie had been warned she would have gathered emergency supplies of food
and water. If the government had provided buses and transportation then everyone could
have evacuated the area.


1. If Fannie had known about the dangers of the hurricane, what would she
have done?
2. What could have prevented people being trapped in their houses?
3. If the government had listened to environmentalists, what could have
happened differently?
4. What would have lessened the damage of the hurricane?
5. Fannie could have gathered emergency supplies if

6. What would have allowed everyone to evacuate the area?


Answer the questions. Use the verbs in brackets.

What would you do if you had more free time? (travel)

If I______________ more free time, I ________________a lot.
Where would you spend your holiday provided that a sponsor paid for it? (in Provence)
Provided that a sponsor_______________ for my holiday, I________________.
If you had not started this grammar course, what would you have done to improve your
English? (go to Britain)
If I_____________________ this course, I____________________ to improve my English.
Where will you go at the weekend, if you aren't too busy? (go to see my friend)
If I_____________________ too busy next weekend, I_________________.
If you found a stranger in your bedroom, how would you react? (scream)
If I____________________ a stranger in my bedroom, I__________________.
If you finish this test in fifteen minutes, what will you do? (have a drink)
If I____________________ it soon, I____________________.
If you had not decided to study English, what language would you have chosen instead?
If I_________________ to study English, I_____________________ instead.

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