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11-15 (1993)

The Composition of the Essential Oil from Aristolochia

asclepiadifolia Brandg. Root

h r e n z o Sagrero-Nieves*
Instituro de Ciencias Bhicas, Universidad Veracruzano, Apartado Postal 585, Xalapa 91000, Veracruz, Mexico

George R. Waller
Department of Biochemistry, Oklahoma State Uniuersity, Stillwater, Oklahoma 740784454, U S A

Richard P.Sgaramella
International Flavor and Fragrances, Union Beach, New Jersey 07735, USA

The volatile constituents of the root of Aristolochia asclepiad$olia Brandg. has been investigated by gas chromatogra-
phy-mass spectrometry, by which many compounds were identified during a four-year period. Linalol and its oxides,
borneol and its oxides, guaiol and isomers were the major compounds found, accompanied by a-bisabolol, ledol,
terpineol, limonene and its oxides with vanillin being a minor but important component. The freshly prepared
essential oil has a characteristic pleasant aroma, and smells like many absolutes.

KEY WORDS Aristolochia asclepiadifolia Brandg. Aristolochiaceae Root Essential oil composition

INTRODUCTION which in moderate doses is a gastric stimulant;

however, they were used by the American Indian to
The genus Aristolochia, a member of the Aristolo- check vomiting.6 A. serpentaria has been reported
chiacae, is distributed in tropical and subtropical to be effective in curing cancer when boiled with
xgions of the world. Aristolochia asclepiadifolia rum,' as well as useful for other malfunctions of the
Brandg.' is a perennial endemic plant of Veracruz body.' Crude extracts of the roots of A. indica L. in
State, Mexico. The species is a vine 30-100 m long petroleum ether, chloroform and alcohol showed a
and is locally called 'guaco'. The root is very high contraceptive activity in mature female miceg
aromatic and some people of the region of Veracruz The sesquiterpenes isolated from A. indica showed
use it in alcoholic infusions to combat injuries this high antifertile activity in female mice." This
caused by scorpions and snakes and to treat dysen- work describes the chemical composition of the
tery. essential oil of the root of Aristolochia asclepiadifo-
Previous work on members of the Aristolochia lia, analysed in 1986, 1988, 1989, and 1990.
genus reported the inactivation of some Formosan
snake venoms by aristolochic acid.' This com-
pound was also isolated from A. bracteata Retz. A .
mollisima Hance and A. versicolar S . M. Hwang. It EXPERIMENTAL
is reported to have chemosterilant properties in
insects' and contraceptive activity in female Material
Other such species, A. serpentaria L. (Vir-
ginia snakeroot) and A . reticulata Nutt (Texas Roots were collected from random lianas (vines)
snakeroot), contain a bitter principle in the roots in the final fruiting stage growing near Actopan,
'Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

0882-5734/93/010011-05SO7.50 Received 20 June 1992

Q 1993 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Accepted 10 August 1992

Veracruz, Mexico. A voucher specimen is deposited gram similar to Kovhts indices. The quantitation
at Instituto de Ecologia Herbarium (XAL). was based upon the GC-FID peak integration to
provide area percentage data.
Isolation of Volatile Compounds.
Freshly ground root (100 g) was subjected to RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
steam distillation for 6 h in an all-glass system
containing no stopcock grease. The distillate was The freshly prepared essential oil had a character-
saturated with sodium chloride (Baker, certified istically pleasant aroma, smelling like a composite
reagent grade) and extracted with ethyl ether of many absolutes. The fragrance was evaluated as
(ACS-certified reagent grade). The extract was dry, sweet and woody, it resembled balsam abso-
dried over anhydrous magnesium sulphate, and lute and when fresh, mate absolute and fig leaf
filtered, the ether was allowed to evaporate at room absolute.
temperature (25°C) and ethereal extracts of the Table 1 lists the many compounds that were
essential oil were analysed. identified completely or tentatively during four
years of study. Table 2 lists the major compounds
found to occur during each year. We have found
Gas Chromatography-Mass SpectrometryData compounds reported to have antibacterial roper-
Analysis Systems (GC-MS-DAS) ties: terpene-4-01, a-terpineol and linalol.' P These
Gas chromatography was carried out with a compounds were major constituents of A. asclepia-
Hewlett-Packard Model 5880 instrument equipped difolia. a-Terpineol and linalol were also reported
with a flame ionization detector and an OV-1 in A. triangularis Chamis~o.'~ Borneol, also a ma-
capillary fused-silica column coated with methyl jor component, was reported in A. zenkeri,14 A.
silicone, 50 m x 0.32 mm (id.). The helium flow long^'^ and A. dibilis Sieb et ZUC.'~ Guaiol found
through the column was 1.8 ml/min. The injection
port and detector temperatures were 260°C. The
column temperature was held at 50°C and then
programmed at 2"C/min to 225°C and held there
for 60 min. The essential oil sample (1.5 pl) was
in A. asclepiadifolia as a major component is
known to be present in flavourin and is biogeneti-
cally derivable from farnesol. Germacrene-D,
found in 1989 and 1990 has been reported as the
major compound in leaves of A. triangularis and in
injected in the splitless mode. The capillary gas minor concentrations in the root and stems of this
chromatograph was interfaced to a Kratos MS-50 specie^.'^ The prescence of the aromadendrane in
mass spectrometer operated in the electron ioniza- A. dibilid6 is important because it is chemically
tion mode. Mass spectral scans were taken at related to ledol'" which is also found in this work
0.33 min/scan at 70 eV. Results were acquired and and in A. indica.lg It was the first aromadendrane
analysed with a Kratos DS-55 data system." derivative to be identified and its occurrence could
The identifications were based on comparisons be of significance as a marker for chemotaxonomic
of known with unknown spectra, computer com- studies for the Aristolochia genus. The content of
parison, visual interpretation of the fragmentation vanillin, although quite small, is important from
patterns, and comparison with a proprietary (Inter- the aroma and quality of the essential oil viewpoint.
national Flavor and Fragrances) elution order pro- The A. asctepiadfolia root oil is quite variable in

Table 1. Identification of compounds that occur in the essential oil from the roots of Arirfolochio
asclepiad~oliaBrandg. by GC-MS-DA (listed in order of elution)

Relative concentration VA)

No. Compound 1986 1988 1989 1990

1 Ethyl ether (residual solvent) 0.90 0.00 1.51 11.0

2 Acetaldehyde 0.80 0.23 0.22 0.10
3 Ethanol 1.40 2.25 0.51 0.12
4 Acetic acid 0.90 0.01 0.40 0.10
5 Ethyl acetate 0.90 0.01 1.75 0.20
6 Propylene glycol - - 0.15 0.03

Table 1. (COW.)

Relative concentration (%)

No. Compound 1986 1988 1989 1990

7 cis-Hex-3en-1-01 - 0.10 0.04

8 Acetaldehyde diethyl acetal 0.02 0.14 -
9 Hexanal 0.01 - -
10 Hexan-2-one 0.01 - -
11 Hexa-2.4dienal - - -
12 1.2-Dimethyl-1,3dioxolane4rnethanol 0.08 - -
13 cis-Hept-2-enal - 0.37 -
14 2-Ethoxyethyl acetate 0.05 - -
15 a-Pinene - 0.07 0.07
16 Camphene 0.12 0.74 0.06
17 a-Myrcene (+ isomers) - 0.15 0.70
18 Hexanoic acid 0.10 0.07 0.04
19 Sabinene - 0.26 0.05
20 Limonene 0.03 3.74 0.40
21 2-Methylheptan-1-01 - - -
22 1-Pinene - 0.26 0.30
23 8-Myrcene - 0.15 -
24 a-Fenchene - 0.18 0.04
25 Benzyl alcohol 0.2 1 - -
26 pCymene 0.13 1.84 -
27 2,3,3-Trimethyl-2-norbornanol 0.43 0.09 -
28 pCresoI 0.17 - -
29 1,8-Cineoie - 0.05 0.21
30 Acetophenone - 0.07 0.03
31 y-Terpinene - 0.09 0.04
32 trans-Linalol oxide (furan form) 0.23 0.81 0.53
33 cis-Linalol oxide (furan form) 0.12 0.85 0.51
34 Linaloi 0.21 20.84 14.00
35 Phenethyl alcohol 0.25 0.10 0.03
36 cis-Sabinene hydrate - 0.07 0.03
37 Camphor 0.14 0.34 0.03
38 1.3-Dimethoxybenzene 0.11 - -
39 Linalol oxide (dehydrated) 0.04 - -
40 Borneo1 2.04 1.60 0.05
41 cis-Hex-knyl acetate - 0.15 0.11
42 CIsopropylcyclohex-2-en-I-one 0.12 0.50 0.03
43 Neomenthyl acetate 0.37 - -
44 cis-Hex-3cnyl butyrate 0.02 - -
45 CTerpineol 0.20 1.15 0.3 1
46 Hex-3cnyl butyrate - - 0.31
47 a-Terpineol 1.04 0.28 0.18
48 Limonene oxide 0.4 1 0.10 0.04
49 Fenchene 0.41 0.70 -
50 4-Phenylbutan-2-one 0.79 4.80 2.20
51 Anisyl acetate 0.24 - -
52 Carveol isomer - 0.16 0.05
53 cis-8-Ocimene - 0.20 0.33
54 Carveol - 0.18 0.3 1
55 Bornyl formate 0.21 0.10 0.03
56 Carvone 0.15 0.15 0.03
57 Hex-3cnyl 2-methylvalerate 0.19 - -
58 trans-Dec-2-enal 2.48 - -
59 2,6-Dimethylocta-2,7diene-l,6diol 1.79 - -
60 Undeca-2,4-dienal 0.05 - -
61 CPhenyl-2-butanol acetate - - 0.20
62 Geraniol - 0.12 0.07
63 Phellandral - 0.08 0.12
64 1-Vinylhexyl acetate - 0.07 -

Table 1. (Cont.)

Relative concentration (%)

No. Compound 1986 1988 1989 1990

65 Cuminyl alcohol 0.02 0.35 0.05 0.03

66 Bornyl acetate 1.30 0.85 0.13 0.07
67 Carvacrol 0.70 0.48 0.21 0.04
68 Dodeca-2,edienal - 0.32 - -
69 3,7-Dimethylocta-l,5diene-3,7-diol - 0.49 - -
70 Perillyl acetate 1.70 1.28 0.07 0.30
71 a-Terpinyl acetate (isomer) - - - 0.11
72 a-Terpinyl acetate 0.80 0.39 0.17 0.14
73 irons-8-Terpinylacetate 0.90 0.55 0.12 0.05
74 Vanillin 200 2.10 - -
75 a-Cubebene - 0.59 0.15 0.15
76 a-Copaene 1.00 2.00 0.70 0.52
77 8-Cubebene isomer - - 0.12 0.13
78 a-Santalene - - 0.04 0.04
79 8-Elemene(isomer) - - - 0.04
80 8-Elemene 0.80 0.29 0.05 0.03
81 8-Cary ophyllene - - 1.15 1.10
82 B-Cubebene - - 0.29 0.30
83 Bergamotene - - 0.30 0.20
84 a-Caryophyllene - - 0.50 0.51
85 fi-Selinene 0.70 0.92 1.71 1.10
86 Germacrene-D - - 0.88 1.10
87 Valencene 1.00 0.15 - -
88 Calamenene - 0.12 0.58 0.24
89 Vetiverol 0.80 0.90 1.60 0.21
90 Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons - - 0.69 0.65
91 a-Murolene - - 0.55 0.50
92 4-Bisabolene - - 2.24 1.88
93 Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons - - 1.68 0.4
94 1,5-Di-tert-butyl-3,3dimethyl- 1 .00 0.42 - -
95 p-Elemol(+ isomers) - - 1.10 1 .50
96 y-Cadinene - 0.76 - 0.60
97 Patchouli alcohol (tentative) - 200 - -
98 Spathulenol - 1.22 - 0.82
99 a-Bisabolol 0.90 1.54 6.20 6.60
100 Pogostol - 0.73 2.27 3.05
101 Guaiol 3.40 9.70 10.3 13.00
102 Guaiol isomer - - 0.32 250
103 Cadin4en-1-01 - - 0.39 0.28
104 y-Cadinol - - 2.74 0.18
105 Guaiol isomer - - 0.39 0.20
106 8-Eudesmol - - 1.24 2.00
107 2,6-Di-rert-butyl-4 methylphenol 9.00 8.90 - -
108 Led01 8.30 10.1 1.12 0.50
109 Bubnesol - - 1.67 2.80
110 Seaquitcrpene alcohols - - 4.65 2.60
111 Scsquiterpenehydrocarbons - - 1.68 4.90
112 Sesquiterpenoidsand sesquiterpsne 29.1 29.7 - -
hydrocarbons (unidentified in
1986 and 1988 oil)

Total ncovery (%) 96.69 92.32 94.31 84.46


Table 2. Major compounds and types identified in essential oil of A. asclepiadifolia


Relative concentration (%)

Compound 1986 1988 1989 1990

Linalol and its oxides 10.22 0.60 2240 15.04

Borneol, esters and isomers 17.00 3.95 290 0.15
CPhenylbutan-Zone - 0.79 4.80 2.20
Guaiol and isomers 3.40 9.70 11.01 15.70
Led01 8.30 10.1 1.12 0.50
Vanillin 2.00 2.10 - -
Perillyl acetate 1.70 1.28 0.07 0.30
Terpineol (4 and a-plus other isomers, 4.60 2.20 2.50 0.97
their acetates and hydrocarbons)
Limonene and its oxide 1.40 0.44 4.02 0.58
Caryophyllene isomers (a + 8) - - 1.65 1.61
B-Selinene 0.70 - 0.88 4.10
Germacrene-D - - 0.88 4.10
Vetiverol 0.80 0.90 1.60 0.21
a-Bisabolol 0.90 1.54 6.20 6.60
8-Bisabolene - - 2.24 1.80
Pogostol - 0.73 2.27 3.05
Bu bnesol - - 1.67 280

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