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Chapter 1

A prerequisite to the development of an efficient animal health, food safety and traceability management
system in the animal food production chain is the implementation of an integrated veterinary and pet
management system capable for the capture, storage, analysis and retrieval of data and providing the
opportunity for the cumulative gathering of the knowledge and capability for its competent interpretation.
Such a system will enable collecting appropriate data, including quality management and inspection controls,
from all establishments and commodities in the farm to food production chain (farms, holdings,
slaughterhouses, laboratories, traders etc.) in a structured, predefined format, and facilitate competent
analyses and reporting of such data, as well as the improvement of the existing programs and strategies.

The role of information system in animal disease diagnosis, surveillance and notification, control of national
and international trade of commodities, food safety management, investigation of diseases, predictive
microbiology and quantitative risk assessment is of great importance for the quality of veterinary service.

The aim of this contribution is to describe national animal disease notification system. A system for
management of a veterinary clinic. To make easier the administration of clients, employees, consultation
(animal care), services and products.
Providing the following basic features: animals, owners and employees registration, services and products
maintenance also management of the consults.

Table of contents
List of Figures

1.1. Introduction

The goal of the system is to create a tool for managing the workflow of a veterinarian. There was a need for a
light weight application that would keep track of patients, appointments, procedures and medication. All these
vets need a web application to manage their work, clients, patients, medication, timetables, receipts. In the
second chapter we go through the methods, tools and techniques that were used developing the system. The
third chapter lists all the main features of the application and explains their functionality in more detail.
Fourth chapter tells about the planning of the project and includes diagrams, use case scenarios and lists that
help the reader to get a better understanding of how the application works.
1.2. Organisational Background
Zimbabwe National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is the Governing and
Investigative umbrella body of all SPCA’s in Zimbabwe.

ZNSPCA is a registered PVO that works towards the promotion of effective means for the prevention
of cruelty and relief of suffering to animals throughout Zimbabwe. The membership of ZNSPCA
comprises all Zimbabwe SPCA Centers. Inspectors service the vast majority of the country outside of
the urban areas, where there were vast numbers of companion, livestock and wild animals without any
form of protection.

All SPCAs are autonomous and are individually responsible for the running of their own rescue
centres, for raising funds in their respective areas and for providing a service to animals in the areas in
which they operate.

Individual SPCAs are not branches of the ZNSPCA but are autonomous members who must be
registered with the ZNSPCA which administers the SPCA Act 169 of 1993. However, within that
autonomy, statutory rules, which are determined by the SPCAs themselves, must be adhered to by all
SPCAs, whereas SPCAs determine local policies in order to deal with the unique circumstances and
requirements in their area of operation.
1.3. Problem Statement
The unavailability of a digital solution to provide on-demand information on animal/pet welfare,
billing and isurance for the ZNSPCA and stand-alone clinics.

1.4. Project Aim

To develop a web based database driven system for ZNSPCA and Pet owners.

1.5. Objectives
◦ To develop a web based database driven system
◦ the system has to record and provide user information
◦ the system has to integrate a payment portal (PayNow)
◦ the system has to generate reports

1.6. Feasibility and Planning

a) Technical Feasibility The system will be developed using:
 Language: Java Springboot Framework, MySQL Database, Front-end web technologies
Web Browser: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome.

b) Schedule Feasibility The development of the system will be completed within the allowed time
frame, which is 2 semesters.

c) Operational Feasibility After the system has been fully developed and tested, it will be hosted on the
free web server for the testing purposes. If the system meets the requirement and needs of the animal
health clinic, it can be proposed to be used at the animal health clinic.
1.6.1. Justification of the Study
The Online Veterinary and Pet Management Information System is to counter and eliminate
problems encountered in the current manual operation of the business, by using technologies that will
provide information ondemand.

1.6.2. Business value

The Pet and Veterinary Management System has been established with the objective to help animals
with a health problem and giving medical care to the pets.

Businesswise the system will help the clinics to keep a record in realtime of each pet that is registerd
and also be able to maximize on profits by properly managing time and resorces through prebooked

1.6.3. Feasibility Study (Operational, Technical and Economic)

a) Technical Feasibility The system is technically feasible as ithe technology that will be used to
develop it is in use today and widley accepted within the industry. The programming language and
framework that wil be used includes Bootstrap for the front end design, java and springboot
framework for the backend and MySQL for database. The platform will be available on as a web
application. Since the system will be hosted by the developer it elliminates the the need for the end
user to download or look for other solution to hast the system. With the advancement of the
technology the system can be upgraded to run with the current trend and also offer capabilities of other
intergrations to other systems and services eg a payment platform.

b) Operational Feasibility.
With an online deployment from one place the system mode of operation will provide
adequate throughput and response time to the end users in form of intuitive, timely, pertinent,
accurate and useful formatted information. The current current mode of operation provide
cost-effective information services to the business thereby maximizing and generating reports
as per request upon a specific entry. In future there will be a reduction in cost of maintenance
as compared to the increase in the benefits and functionality. Data security of each end user
and or organization is securely kept ans cannot be accessed by any other individual save for
the particular clinic. User information is also protected and will not be shared to third parties.
The system will be a benefit to the organization as it will bring the veterinarian and the
pet-owner together and be able to manage and view their pets medical and welfare

c) Economic feasibility.
Implementing the proposed system is cost effective and affordable for both the provider
and the users. The benefits of the system include the quick turnaround time in
implementation and training of the users as it will allow the veterinary shop to revert
back to normal working as soon as the users are confident in its operation. Time
management is greatly improved as the Vet-Clinic/shop will be working on a scheduled
time constraint hat will encourage the staff to spend adequate time on a client and move
to the next. This will be enforced by the implementation of the scheduled appointments
and bookings. The system will be packaged with a free trial run that will last for 30
days then afterwards the vet-shop will opt to leas the system for a premium on a
monthly basis as it will cove the cost of development and the addition of other
components in future. The package will also offer free training and support to users.

1.6.4. Risk Analysis

The goal of the system is to create a tool for managing the workflow of aveterinarian. The need for a
light weight application will keep track of patients, appointments, procedures and medication. All
these vets need a web application to manage their work, clients, patients, medication, timetables,
receipts. The risk that comes with this implimentation is dependant on the user’s discression to input
the correct information pertaining to the pets health as the veterinarian wil rely on the given
information to make a dignosis and or examination. Other security factors that may be a risk to the
clinic will be the inability to perfomrm proper security on the devices rhat will be connected to the
system as once an unauthorized individual gains access to the computer system, information may be
1.6.5. Stakeholder Analysis

1.6.6. Work Plan

Chapter 2 Systems Analysis

2.1. Data gathering methodologies employed

(b) Documentreview and Interviews: Interview protocols that identify the questions
to ask and the order in which to ask them. Protocols can also include special
instructions to handle expected problems.
(c) Focus groups: a document that outlinins the planned process for leading a
group discussion that explores the opinions, beliefs, values or attitudes of a group
about a stated issue.
(d) Surveys:A questionnaire that uses different types of questions to get answers
directly from stakeholders and people in the industry.
(e) Observation or testing: Interview protocols that identify the questions to ask
and the order in which to ask them. It also also includes special instructions to
handle expected problems.

2.2. Description of existing system

Vetup distinguishes itself from other veterinary softwares by its innovative approach, using the
advantages of the Internet. The integration of multiple external softwares will allow you to optimize
your activity: making appointments online, customer satisfaction survey, Visiocare Consult, Boxvet,
Loginut, eVDS dental scoring, referral case module, analyzers Idexx, connection to the central
drugs ...
Our team is using the latest technologies and agil methods: Docker for the servers virtualization, Gitlab for the
continuous deployment of updates, Github as source code control system, load-balanced RDS database, Devops
methods, unit tests, Cloudwatch monitoring...

“I am very happy with hippo!!!”

Overall: I have been very pleased with Hippo for record keeping. It is so easy to use and I have very rapid access to my
patients' records. I really appreciate that they are constantly working to update and improve Hippo. Also, I met the
Customer Support at the CVC - great to meet the people who have helped me initially, CSR routinely for technical
questions. I also really appreciate that Hippo seems to be actively updated and improved for ease of use and function.
Pros: Overall, myself, my receptionist and assistant/technicians are very pleased with using Hippo. We use it all day
most days and having document storage capacity and accessibility is key!! It just seems very easy to navigate and
access easily from multiple locations. The customer support has been amazing!! There are a few changes that I think
would be helpful and the capability to set up certain types of reminders and service codes that would be really
useable for us, which I will include below.
Cons: I am so happy with it overall, that is hard to say but the things I would like to see change, are the number of
decimal points/zeros on an invoice after each item. See example below. Seen By: Serena Turner Chart Note: Phone
2019-09-11 08:55:00 Patient Item Qty. Total Gypsy Cefpodoxime 200 mg tablets 20.00000 $47.00 Phone Consultation
1.00000 $20.00 Euthanasia Housecall Large Patient 1.00000 $200.00 Paw Print made by Rolling Acres 1.00000 $25.00
Rolling Acres Private Cremation 50-150# 1.00000 $245.00 I just don't think having anything in the hippo system to the
0.0000 is practical, and it looks strange on invoices as well as pharmacy labels. This same system/issue impacts typing
in the quantity on prescriptions for 100 count or more, you have to erase zeros to be able to type the number
prescribed. Another thing I think could be addressed is the number of reminders - the top 5 - that show up on a
vaccine certificate. If a 3 year vaccine schedule is being used, often the vaccines won't be on that top 5 reminder list so
you have to either send multiple certificates or I delete reminders like the Annual Wellness Exam in order to have the
3 year DA2PP date show up, for example.
Reasons for Choosing Hippo Manager: It may have been the initial customer service and response that helped make
my decision - I'm sorry I can't remember exactly all of the reasons, but I am very pleased with my choice of Hippo

2.3. Activity diagram

2.4. DFD (Context and detailed)

2.5. Weakness of existing system

2.6. Justification of alternative taken

2.7. Requirements Analysis (Use Case Diagrams)
Chapter 3 System Design
3.1. Proposed systems DFDs (Context and Detailed)
3.2. Architectural design
3.3. Menu Design
3.4. Input design
3.5. Output design
3.6. Process design (Pseudo code, Flow charts)
3.7. Database design (DD, ER and EER diagrams)
3.8. Program design (Class, sequence, collaboration, package)
3.9. Test data design
3.10. Security and Backup design
3.11. Test data design
3.12. Deployment diagram

Chapter 4 System Implementation

4.1. Testing plan/Evaluation/Verification
4.2. Installation and conversion
4.3. Conversion method used in the system implementation

Chapter 5 Conclusion and Recommendations

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