Modern Collaborative Tool & Traditional Tools in Teaching

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Angelica Miral




A. Using a Venn Diagram compare the use of Modern Collaborative tool and Traditional
Tools in Teaching. (20 points)


With the Traditional tools in

With the aide of Modern
collaboration of the teaching includes
Collaborative Tool in
textbooks, workbooks,
Teaching, educators SIMILARITIES
two, information
and knowledge visual aids, blackboard
were able to use
were bound to and chalk, and
different platforms and
reach every recitations. With this tool,
sites through technology.
cc students’ dilemma. educators do not use or
Distance is not a
It’s not only has the limitations in
hindrance anymore.
communication that using technology
Video conferencing, and
expanded but whenever teaching. In
other ways are done in
rather knowledge this era, educators are
order to communicate
and wisdom in not technology-literate
with students, in this
everyday lives. and were purely basing
way they will not be left-
the lessons in the given
set of materials.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives

B. ESSAY. (10 points each)

Explain the application of Digital Literacy in:

1. Education

With technology advancement, education seems possible at all. With every development,
it brought changes to the curricula that the school is using. Aside from this, traditional tool in
teaching were altered and the use of modern tools arrived. Requirements in schools were all
technology-based, and becomes paperless, giving us ease in doing such. Also, research has paved
its way and provides us basic and essential information needed in doing home works and tasks
assigned. In a single click, what we’re looking for will be seen, and that’s with the aide of
different search engine. Aside from this, knowledge does not only come with textbooks and
workbooks, with technology, students will be able to get and have access to the different point of
views and stands of the well-known people in diverse career.

2. Society

In todays’ trying times that were currently facing a pandemic, technology plays a vital
role in our society. With the use of it, we can communicate with our loved ones who are staying
and located from other cities or provinces. Aside from this, we will be updated in different news
and up to date information regarding the current hot issues and trends. And since we are staying
in our houses, technology is a way to ease boredom. We’ll get entertained by different things
such as surfing the internet or social media sites, playing mobile and/or online games, watching
some new dramas and all-time favorite series, and the likes.

3. Workplace

Since many employees are not allowed to go outside, technology seems of great way to
ease their jobs. Through work at homes, they can still be in touched with their professions. They
will be safe, and at the same time, they can now have their quality time with their families. They
will go and work, just like before, but with some changes now – they are just inside their houses,
but still they will earn.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives

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